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02 Housing

02 Housing

Everytime I get sick my mum always tells me " you really need the sea air" because in the south people think that the sea air is good for health and breathing.

The saltiness and salt water contain a series of natural substances of various types, organic and mineral, which help prevent and combat many pathologies and disorders


It's called thalassotherapy. Through the absorption of the substances contained in sea water, the body derives its benefits.

Let's see together somebenefitsofseawater:


Doctors advise people with respiratory diseases to stay in seasideplacestobreathegood air, especially the asthmatic people.


Allergic conditions caused by skin hypersensitivity or inflammation such as dermatitis or acne find relief thanks to the minerals present inseawater.


Sea water contains a high concentration of mineral salts. Through a process of absorption of the skin, called osmosis, excess liquids are eliminated and the legs benefit, which appear significantly deflated.


With the pressure and movement of the water on the body and also thanks to the temperature, blood circulation benefits and the reactivation of the so-called microcirculation isfavored


No less important than the physiological benefits aretheeffectsthattheseahasonourmood. The summer months, the festive and relaxed climate of the seaside resorts during the summer allowustorecovertheenergylostduringtheyear. The sight of the sea with its air, it’s colors and its soundsmakeeveryonehappierandmorerelaxed

Hello people! I’m Lorina, a 23 years old, coming from the North-EastpartofRomania,from themountainside. Being used to cold weather I want to experience how it is to live under the hot sun of the Mediterraneans, so now I’ll be livinginKalamatafor5months.

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