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TBEXEurope2023–PeloponneseFoodStories”,oneoftheworld's largesteventsinthetourismindustry,openeditsdoorsandtook placefrom8to11May2023inKalamata.
TBEX is a conference and networking event for travel bloggers, travel journalists, social media content creators, travel companiesandindustryprofessionals
On May 9th at Othonos Square, in the historical center of Kalamata, the Peloponnese region and the municipality of Kalamata invite the public to a culinary festival open to the public with many surprises, live music, culinary experiences for everyoneandactivitiesforyoungchildren.

The event was attended by famous chefs, 30 producers of local products, 10 cultural associations and travel bloggers from around the world. All guests of the event enjoyed local tastes, recipes, as well as the uniqueness and warmth of Greek cuisine and culture, feeling that famousGreekhospitality.

This event was both commercial and cultural. We, as guests of the event, were able to taste probably the most popular olives in Greece, straight from localorchards,ahugeamountoffresh vegetables and a large selection of oliveoilforanytasteandcolor.

Kalamata also boasted of local wine and self-made traditional alcohol. The highlight of the program was a concertthatplayedbothforeignand national music. By the end of the evening, the guests rose from the tables and intertwined in beautiful andatmosphericnationaldances
If you ever have the opportunity to visit this or a similar event - be sure to use this chance! This is fraught with the acquisition of unforgettable impressions!