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ART DIRECTOR Kimia Dayvary Ida Bjerch-A

COVER Ida Bjerch-A







EDITORIAL Kimia Dayvary Hilde Ottesen Kanja Husby Juell Ida Bjerch-A



CONT ENT 06 edible colors • editorial find out how to use the colors of the nature to fresh up your life

10 healthy blueberry wine wine is good for the heart, but also for those with diabetes

14 healthy paradise did you know that the tropical fruits could save your life?

18 forgotten & delicious root vegetables that are forgotten in todays taco-culture.

22 do it yourself this months edition, how to make your own her pots and how to tend them

26 cure from nature turmeric has proven to be a helpful hand in the battle against cancer




Get inspired by the fresh and clean colors of the fruits and vegetables. There is no color more red than pomegranate-red.

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E L ED IB There are few colors that are so pure and clean like the colors you find in nature. If you ever wondered if you could mix two completely different colors without it looking weird, look at mother natures beautiful work. If you find your colors together, such as green, the mighty outside of the watermelon, and red, the sweet flesh. Nature teaches us that with a little bit of yellow tinted white, the transition from green to red works perfectly, and very eye pleasing. In addition to being pure eye candy, fruity colors also makes us think of warm summer days in the grass, doing absolutely nothing at all, except eating a strawberry or drinking some lemon juice. Fruit reminds you of summer, vacation, smiling, the sun, warm summer breeze, the smell of the ocean and the smell of blueberries. The world is inching towards more ‘natural’ appearance. Black and blue colors within makeup are no longer wanted. Dark and artificial color makes the skin look tired and the eyes heavy. They’re telling people to use a light peach on the

made from lettuce, necklaces made from shells, helmets from watermelon and earrings from the stones of avocado. Being inspired by nature goes beyond just using the hues on your face and hair. With the increasing trends in nail polish, people everywhere have been decorating their nails with fruit, vegetable and berry motives. Some are even taking the fruit-on-your-eyes a bit further, such as 16-year-old Spanish photographer Cristina Otero. She uses nothing but a Canon 1000D, natural sunlight fruit and makeup to take her self portraits. The series are called Tutti Frutti and are inspired by natures wonderful candy. The images show water melon, grapes, pomegranade, starfruit, oranges, cherries, kiwi, pineapple and banana. There are no limits to her imagination, and no limits to the inspiration she has gotten from mother nature. We wish to encurage this to our readers, get inspired! For a long time now, world-loved Martha Stuart has been telling people that “food is the new fashion”, and that we can see through the way the world is changing. Food is no longer only about taste, but also about how it looks and feels. This

cheeks instead of a hot pink. Let the lips be in a deep pomegranate or maybe eggplant purple. Stay away from signal red and artificial purples. Fashion has also taken an inspiration from the natures beautiful shapes. DIY projects have taken off and people are trying to be creative with making accessories and clothes with what they found between the four walls of their home. This results in dresses

started out in Japan, where food has always been a way to show your wealth, since there were no big difference between the size of the houses or the brand of the car. Food was the way to show your wealth, food was a part of fashion. A box of strawberries cost around 50USD. This means that strawberries are for wealthy people, such as celebrities, and who makes fashion. Food is becoming such a big part of the fashion

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S R O L O C E life. A lot of photographers are taking ‘inspired by food’ a step furher, actually all the way to actually wearing vegetables and fruit. Karla Powell is one of them, a makeup artist who with photographer Rich Hinton made a food series of pictures, everything from a cabbage covered woman, to a woman’s hair covered with maki sushi. Together they create ‘fashion food’, which is both eyecandy for your eyes and soul., “With help from Rich Hinton who is the photographer for this project, who created this amazing shot, Model Jemma Saare who is just stunning and

“THEY’RE TELLING PEOPLE TO USE A LIGHT PEACH ON THE CHEEKS INSTEAD OF A HOT PINK.” wears the carrots like it’s a designer necklace! And last but not least Adrieene Ford who styled this shoot! She is so creative! I am looking forward to having her on board for more creative shoots.” Karla Powell said about her ‘cabbage and carrot’ photo. When we asked how she colored the har green she said, “To create a green effect the models hair I simple mixed Kryolan airstream make-up in ‘green’ & ‘sahara’ and airbrushed on to the hair. This gave a textured look to match the cabbage.” We encourage our wonderful readers to submit their best makeup or fashion pictures inspired by vegetables, fruits and berries. Dévorant ~7


Berries DRINK

If you don’t know what to do with the berries, drink them! Studies have indicated that anthocyanin, as you can find in blueberrywine may have a positive effect on the cognitive and overall health of the brain.

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H ea

lty blu

n i w e y r r ebe


Have more healing properties than red wine Many drinks hide calories, sugar and other ingredients that can be dangerous for your body and teeth. One of the biggest culprits is alcohol. Even more so if you have difficulties to stay within a reasonable amount. There are several alternatives to alcohol that can be considered healthy. For example, studies have shown that red wine can be slimming and healthy for the bones. Now a new study have show that there might be a good reason to make your own wine – preferably from blueberries or blackberries, Dailymail. com says. Beneficial for diabetics A new study at the University in Illinois show that a substance that is found in wine made from blueberries or blackberries prevents two enzymes that are involved in the body’s absorption of carbohydrates. This makes the wine especially beneficial for people with diabetes type two. A diabetic’s body can’t produce enough insulin, which then causes a rise in the blood sugar, and to prevent this from happening they have to be watchful with carbohydrates. A glass of wine made from blue berries can help a

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diabetic control their disease, says the researchers. They saw that the enzyme in the wine had an affect that was similar to medicines against diabetes. They hope to create a soda without alcohol that can help holding the blood sugar low, but also contain antiinflammatory substances that were originally found in wine.Vestibulum ante neque, vehicula in sollicitudin vitae, convallis quis sapien.Vivamus ac blandit mauris. Nullam lobortis egestas leo, tempor scelerisque elit venenatis quis. Can reduce the risk of chronic diseases I another study the researches focused on the content of antioxidants, polyphenols and anthocyanin in wine made from blueberries and blackberries. The results showed that there was an abundance of these substances. They increase the healings properties of the drink. The researches are particularly interested in the properties of anthocyanin – a substance that is known to reduce inflammation, which also can contribute to. Beneficial for the food industry At this moment studies have indicated that anthocyanin may have a positive effect on the cognitive and overall health of the brain. It can also help minimizing the effect of aging like Alzheimer’s and memory loss, professor Elvira de Mejia explains. She says the substances with the positive effects can be used in different varities of drinks to give color, taste and a nutritional kick, and that makes it very useful in the food industry.

“A glass of wine made from blue berries can help a diabetic control their disease”

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Paradise fruit, the next best to actually being in paradise. But what are in these fruit? Are they healthy? Are they good for you? Or are they just full sugar? Find out

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Healthy paradise


Life is full of worries, time is stressting by, the cold is setting inn and paradise seems to be further away than ever, but don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to get a little taste of bliss. In many parts of the country, snow and ice still have a deathgrip on the local climate. In my neck of the woods, we still have massive piles of ice and snow on every street corner and at the end of every driveway. So it’s only natural that many of us are looking for a way to bust through the winter blues. One thing that often works is to enjoy more tropical fruits, But beyond these warm feelings, many tropical fruits have far more powerful abilities. Did you know that one tropical fruit can be used as a substitute for IV fluid in an emergency? Or that another tropical treat has been shown in studies to kill cancer cells? Aside from their health benefits, there are plenty of other reasons to love the following tropical fruits. 14 ~ Dévorant

Horned melon’s is made up of good levels of vitamin C, iron and potassium. It also has smaller amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper and sodium. The seeds contain linoleic and oleic acid. Linoleic is an omega fatty acid which is required for human health while oleic acid is thought to help with the lowering of blood pressure. Rambutan has a high level of vitamin C and is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are useful to the body in helping to fight free radicals which can cause health problems. The fruit also has good levels of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin A and a small level of copper. Durian is claimed by many researchers that the infection fighting health benefits of durian fruit can treat yeast infections and that simply eating durian fruit can cure thrush.

Starfruit contains a lot of different vitamins, but abesides the known benefits of its vitamin and mineral composition such as skin health, nerve functions, healthy bones, digestion, blood oxygenation, cancer prevention, star fruits are also known to effective in hormone regulation, specifically in the thyroid gland as well as helping to regulate appetite and sleeping

And the story doesn’t even end here. There are tons of other tropical and exotic fruits that are super-fruits. Mangosteen is a small fruit with white flesh, popular throughout Asia. One group of scientists has proposed that alpha-mangostin, an antioxidant found only in mangosteen, can cause cell death in leukemia cells, effectively treating the disease.

Dragon fruit is known to be a natural appetite stimulant, making it a good choice for anyone recovering from a loss of appetite after illness.

Overall, tropical fruits have been known to reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. On top of these benefits, a diet rich in tropical fruits ensures that you

It is an excellent antioxidant, which helps prevent the spread of free radicals within the body. It is able to lower cholesterol levels.

will have improved digestion and GI function. Best of all, these fruits can neutralize free radicals, protecting you from asthma, joint pain, and the above-mentioned heart and cancer risks. You are what you eat. If you want to be smart, eat smart, and reach for these tropical fruits the next time you are craving a snack.

Physalis are very good as this tropical fruit provides Vitamin C and traces of the Vitamin B range. Physalis provides a good source of potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.

DĂŠvorant ~15




They’re known in culinary circles as “forgotten vegetables” and, ironically, they’ve probably never been more popular.

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A good source of vitamin C, radishes have a crunchy texture and slightly sweet taste.

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They’re known in culinary circles as “forgotten vegetables” and, ironically, they’ve probably never been more popular. A quick surf through the online menus of top dining establishments like Hof Van Cleve in Kruishoutem,Volt in Ghent and De Karmeliet in Bruges reveals that the current trend for the use of vegetables like turnip, parsley root, salsify, parsnip, purslane, Jerusalem artichoke, celeriac and beetroot shows no sign of abating. Planting and watering accumsan vel laoreet nec, imperdiet et libero. Sed nisl magna, aliquam vel tincidunt eu, sollicitudin in eros.Vivamus molestie quam eget justo venenatis ultricies vel sit amet neque. Aliquam porta euismod quam at vestibulum. Mauris vitae velit quis elit rhoncus adipiscing. Donec vestibulum ullamcorper.

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Now these forgotten vegetables are on their way to your kitchen, and your work’s canteen as well, after the students of Bruges hotel school Ter Groene Poorte (alumni: Dominique Persoone, Wout Bru, Roger Van Damme) got together with two West Flanders frozen foods manufacturers to produce recipes that include the forgotten veggies, so they can be marketed to caterers. The vegetables in question are earthy, rustic varieties that fell out of favour when French cuisine was in its heyday, probably because they lacked the finesse required by fine-dining chefs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget gravida orci. Quisque quam lacus, commodo vel vehicula at, aliquam sit amet massa. Curabitur mattis odio non ipsum pulvinar ac tempor massa viverra.

Morbi sem ante, accumsan vel laoreet nec, imperdiet et libero. Sed nisl magna, aliquam vel tincidunt eu, sollicitudin in eros.Vivamus molestie quam eget justo venenatis ultricies vel sit amet neque. Aliquam porta euismod. These veggis quis elit rhoncus adipiscing. Donec vestibulum ullamcorper ante sit amet cursus. Proin facilwisis mi eu odio tincidunt quis vulputate tellus porttitor. Sed et placerat diam. Phasellus at ipsum est, et tincidunt massa. Father of modern French cuisine Auguste Escoffier makes no mention of kale or Jerusalem artichokes, while Elizabeth David reckoned the latter were little used because they are “tedious to peel”. Her book of French provincial cookery mentions parsnips, beloved of the English, only as an addition to soup or bouillon. The French, it is said, considered them fit only for animals.

However, the trend towards more authentic, local and seasonal foods has seen a resurgence of forgotten vegetables by chefs like Peter Goossens and his younger acolytes, like Kobe Desramaults of In De Wulf in Dranouter whose menu this week includes pompoen (pumpkin), rode biet (beetroot), knolselder (celeriac), schorseneren (salsify), pastinaak (parsnip) and aardpeer (Jerusalem artichoke).

own, usually mashed, or in casseroles, gratins and baked dishes. Chefs popularized celeriac over the past decade, Raymond says, as the local foods movement broadened the availability of lesser-known, forgotten root vegetables. Unlike other root vegetables, which store a large amount of starch, celeriac is only about 5% to 6% starch by weight.

Celery root Also known as celeriac, this root arrives mid-October at restaurants and farmers markets. It tastes like celery. It’s an excellent source of soluble fiber to help lower blood cholesterol. It’s also rich in iron, manganese, potassium, vitamin K and phosphorus and is a good source of vitamin C, folate and magnesium. Celeriac’s tough, furrowed, outer surface is usually sliced

Usually people are too blinded by butternut squash and sweet potatoes to pay attention to the variety of produce that hits stands once the temperatures drop. Try these uncommon yet delicious veggies when you plan a dinner for two next time.

off because it is too rough to peel. It’s often used as a flavoring in soups and stews; it can also be used on its

Dévorant ~19


Clothespins HERBS &

Are you interested in herbs and have to many clothespins? Create your own herbs and herbs pots with just a few simple things. It`s very easy and it looks incredibly cool.

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Step 1 Start by getting the most tedious part out of the way first: staining the clothespins. You can find stained clothespins on the Internet, but staining them individually don’t

Step 2 Color away with the stain marker! There is almost no mess with these markers. There are lots of variations in the wood, so some clothespins will be lighter/darker than others. But that’s okay! After lying out for a few hours, you cab put them all back together. They will now have a cool, reclaimed wood look. When it came to prepping the tuna cans, start by running them through the dishwasher to make sure the tuna smell is completely gone. Herbs aren’t supposed to smell fishy! If you tone down the silver on the tuna cans by applying a light coat of oil-rubbed bronze spray paint, it will look

take a lot of time, and its cheaper. Plus, DIY is so much more satisfying. First, take each clothespin apart. Make sure you don’t stretch the springs too much when you’re taking them off.

a bit finer since the clothespins now have a darker look. Nam quis ipsum quis lacus aliquam consectetur id ut arcu. Praesent in nisl lorem, non cursus odio. Nullam eget elit a velit tincidunt feugiat.


Create your own herbs pots with just a few simple things. Effortless and looks amazing. To make a spiffy herb planter, you only need four things… – One Tuna Can – 21 Clothespins – Dark Walnut Stain Marker – Oil-Rubbed Bronze Spray Paint

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Step 3 Once the cans is completely dry, it is time to assemble the planters! The assembly process isn’t rocket science – just clip the pins onto the cans and rock ‘n roll. Just make sure the edges of the pins are touching each other on the inside of the can. That will make them nice and evenly spaced on the outside. Put some herbs into your new planters. Nunc fermentum fringilla enim, sed luctus turpis consequat. Morbi fermentum gravida nibh dapibus dictum.

Step 4 - Growing your own herbs If you are starting from seeds, just about any small container will do. Many stores that carry garden supplies will have specific containers or even kits you can buy complete with seeds and soil. These kits are good in that they are designed as a mini greenhouse. They are to be kept in a sunny area, covered with a clear, plastic lid that retains moisture. Overall I have had success when using these kits but you do have to be careful when transplanting into larger containers or the ground. I have had some seedlings die after they leave the kit. Otherwise, purchase individual containers, fill with a soil, preferably one with fertilizer, and plant your seeds that way. Your other option would be purchasing seedlings that have already grown and are starting to develop. These can be purchased, successfully transplanted and

Step 5 - Caring for Your Herbs The most important thing during your seed or seedlings development is to keep the soil moist at all times, especially when grown indoors in containers. You should also add fertilizer to these indoor herbs as when they are watered, nutrients leak out of the soil. Herbs needs lots of sunshine too. Vestibulum ante neque, vehicula in sollicitudin vitae, convallis quis sapien. Vivamus ac blandit mauris. Nullam lobortis egestas leo, tempor scelerisque elit venenatis quis. The perfect place for herbs in the kitchen is on a windowsill that gets plenty of sunlight. The same rule applies for outdoor herbs. If you don’t have a place in your yard specifically set aside for herbs, they can be grown alongside other vegetables or flowers, but they must have full sunlight. These herbs will also need regular watering as well as fertilizer.

Step 6 - Rosemary Rosemary is one of those wonderful herbs that makes a beautiful ornamental plant as well as a welcome culinary seasoning. Its Latin name, Rosmarinus officinalis, means “dew of the sea” and rosemary is most closely associated with the cooking of the Mediterranean area. However you don’t need perfect a lacus id arcu. Etiam id nulla massa, sed tempor metus sunshine, sea mist or even a never ending summer to successfully grow rosemary. In fact, more rosemary plants suffer from too much attention than from too little. The three fundamentals for successfully growing rosemary are: Sun, Good Drainage and Good Air Circulation. If you live in a frost free area, you can grow rosemary in the ground year round. Provide a sandy, well draining soil and 6-8 hours of full sunlight.

Dévorant ~23



Turmeric and citrus are some of the fruit og and spices that have the ability to work against cancer. A lot of people are not aware of its healthbringing effects. Canser cant be cured by it, but it´ll help you preventing and keep control.

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DĂŠvorant ~25



Turmeric and citrus are some of the fruit og and vegetables that have the ability to work against cancer. A lot of people are not aware of its healthbringing effects.

treatment in people. Several types of cancer cells are inhibited by curcumin in the laboratory, and curcumin slows the growth and spread of some cancers in some animal studies.

irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and illnesses caused by toxins from parasites and bacteria. Because lab studies suggest that curcumin can help slow the growth of cancer cells, some people say that it can do the same in humans.

Turmeric is a spice grown in India and other tropical regions of Asia. It has a long history of use in herbal remedies, particularly in China, India, and Indonesia. The root and rootstock, or rhizome, of the plant contain curcumin, which is considered to be the active ingredient. Curcumin is not related to cumin, which is a spice made from the seeds of a different plant.

How is it promoted for use? Some proponents believe turmeric may prevent and slow the growth of a number of types of cancer, particularly tumors of the esophagus, mouth, intestines, stomach, breast, and skin.Turmeric is promoted mainly as an anti-inflammatory herbal remedy and is said to produce fewer side effects than commonly used pain relievers. Some practitioners prescribe turmeric to relieve inflammation caused by arthritis,

What does it involve? Turmeric root is on the Commission E list of approved herbs, used for dyspepsia and loss of appetite. It is available in powdered form as a spice in most grocery stores. It can also be made into a tea or purchased as a tincture, capsule, or tablet, and is sometimes sold in combination formulas with other herbs. Ointments or pastes made from turmeric can be applied to the skin.

Overview. Turmeric is a common food flavoring and coloring in Asian cooking. Animal and laboratory studies have found that curcumin, an antioxidant that is an active ingredient in turmeric, demonstrated some anti-cancer effects in the lab. But human research is needed to determine curcumin’s role in cancer prevention and

muscle sprains, swelling, and pain caused by injuries or surgical incisions. It is also promoted as a treatment for rheumatism and as an antiseptic for cleaning wounds. Some proponents claim turmeric interferes with the actions of some viruses, including hepatitis and HIV. It is also used as a remedy for digestive problems such as

Citrus Citrus fruit The dried root of turmeric normally contains from 3% to 5% curcumin. Because curcumin is thought to be the most active component of turmeric, many buyers seek out purer formulas of curcumin rather than whole turmeric. Some sellers market supplements that claim to be onto.

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facts: Turmeric is a perennial

Orange has its cradle

herb in the ginger family

in China. The name is just

Turmeric is grown in large

from an apple from China.

scale in many tropical and

The first large orange

subtropical areas.

plantations were built in

Turmeric has been used

Spain in the 1790s.

medicinally for a long time,

Large Family Oranges, like

especially in India, China

other citrus fruits in the

and Indonesia.

family, are harvested ripe

Turmeric has been

and should be kept cool.

traditionally used to treat

They are an important

many different ailments.

source of vitamin C.

Because turmeric is

Grapefruit was

thought antiinflammatory

discovered in Puerto Rico

effect herb often referred

in the mid 1700’s. Florida

to as “natural steroid”.

was an early center for the

The active ingredient in

production and processing

turmeric, called curcumin.

of grapefruit, and from

The spice, derived from

there came the first

plant roots, is a main

plants to Europe as late as

ingredient in curry.

the beginning of the last century.

Herb strong yellow color

Grapefruit are both yellow

has given rise to the

fruit flesh grapefruit with

nickname “Indian saffron”.

more or less of red pulp.

Used to provide color in

Other varieties are pink.

both food and textiles.

Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits.You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer.

It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders. The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ... The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: llemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells, not healthy cells. Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street, Baltimore, MD1201

Dévorant ~27

Gill sans Regular

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28 ~ Dévorant

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