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a. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

E quity, D iversit y, and In clusion : E quity, D iversit y, and In clusion : E quity, D iversit y, and In clusion : E quity, D iversit y, and In clusion : All librar y operations will be responsive to the needs of a diverse community.


Objective 1: Professional EDI an d Americans wit h Di Objective 1: Professional EDI an d Americans wit h Di Objective 1: Professional EDI an d Americans wit h Di Objective 1: Professional EDI an d Americans wit h Disabilities Act sabilities Act sabilities Act sabilities Act audits audits audits audits of the librar y system of the librar y system of the librar y system of the librar y system

Objective 2: A more diverse, bilingual staff that r Objective 2: A more diverse, bilingual staff that r Objective 2: A more diverse, bilingual staff that r Objective 2: A more diverse, bilingual staff that reflects the community eflects the community eflects the community eflects the community

Objective 3: Training in divers ity and equity issue Objective 3: Training in divers ity and equity issue Objective 3: Training in divers ity and equity issue Objective 3: Training in divers ity and equity issues for all staff s for all staff s for all staff s for all staff

Objective 4: A plan an d action s for community feedb Objective 4: A plan an d action s for community feedb Objective 4: A plan an d action s for community feedb Objective 4: A plan an d action s for community feedback ack ack ack

Objective 5: Continuation of the staff EDI Committe Objective 5: Continuation of the staff EDI Committe Objective 5: Continuation of the staff EDI Committe Objective 5: Continuation of the staff EDI Committee to evaluate internal e to evaluate internal e to evaluate internal e to evaluate internal processes processes processes processes

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