2 minute read
Problem Solving
We all ponder. What's for dinner, what to wear, where to go, why am I here. It is time to ponder an impossible, to spend time casting our brain into a realm beyond our capacity, stretching our ability to communicate. We have heard of horse whisperers, cat whisperers and Ann Sullivans. It is time expand. This is not a test, this is a thought to ponder, to jump beyond and above while staying on the ground.
Could you describe the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees to someone who does not know sound. Would you describe color to someone who does not see. Is there a texture, a weight, a lightness, a sensation to capture the freedom of the wind with the flexibility of the leaf as it dances on the branch to the music of the air. Can it be painted with a finger on the on a palm with a gentleness of flight to convey the freedom of a weightlessness that does not exist, or a strength that moves a leaf without destroying it. Can an unhearing person hear the sound of the crackle as two leaves meet in a dance that no one sees.
Is red a hot color as it is often described, can someone feel a red different than the yellow of a warm sun, or the cool of the blue ocean, can touch communicate a color, as it flows into a fabric, does a red shirt feel hotter than a yellow or white shirt, is a red shirt heavier than a blue
ribbon. Let us describe the color of a hand, cool or warm with arthritis, wrinkled with age, or soft with youth. Does experience change the beige or produce a gentleness of the softest silk. Can one feel emotion in a hand, has emotion a color one can feel. Is a laborers hand the color
of time and the density of intent. If we close our eyes can we feel the colors of the emotions of a lifetime in a hand.
A not hearing person can see the breeze blow the leaves can they sense a vibration of the air rocking imperceptibly the branch with the dancing leaves. As can a not seeing person judge the weight of a color as it is brushed across the skin.
Each can enjoy the sensation of the action of a smile as well as the weight of a tear, both having color and sound a communication we can share with those who
neither see nor hear.