OFFICIAL GUIDEBOOK June 1-3, 2022 Manhattan, Kansas
nite. This year we have had the unique opportunity to Unite back together once again! We are all certainly excited to be back together and better than ever for the 94th Kansas FFA Convention. Our convention will celebrate members, advisors, chapters, and more who have explored and accomplished great feats related to agriculture and leadership. The 94th Kansas FFA Convention will be the perfect event to celebrate and represent more than 11,600 members from 225 chapters! These members have worked together to sharpen their leadership skills, excel in experience-based learning, and create the future of agriculture. The future of agriculture starts with us! When we Unite all the districts, chapters, members, and unique stories within Kansas FFA, we will create a convention that is elevated to the next level. Let’s get ready to Unite for the 94th Kansas FFA Convention! — 2021-2022 Kansas FFA State Officer Team From left: Rachel Sebesta, Ellsworth – Vice President; Jocelyn Dvorak, Hiawatha – Treasurer; Lydia Watanabe, Arkansas City – Reporter; Ashley Chandler, Neodesha – President; Eric Peterson, Clifton-Clyde – Secretary; Josey Schmidt, Greeley County – Sentinel.
On the Cover Top: Chapman FFA Chapter members exhibited sheep, goats, piglets, chickens, horses, and a dog to students at the Farm Bureau Ag Day. Bottom left: Clay Center FFA Chapter members served meals to truck drivers bringing in grain to the local elevators during fall harvest. Bottom right: Arkansas City FFA Chapter members participated in a ropes course challenge to build teamwork as part of their three-day retreat. 2
June 1 – 3, 2022 Kansas State University Campus Manhattan, Kansas
CONTENTS General Information.......................................................................5 Convention Schedule....................................................................6 Opportunity Fair Exhibitors....................................................17 State Career Development Events in Agriculture Winners...............................................................18 State Proficiency Award Finalists........................................19 State FFA Degrees......................................................................... 21 National Chapter Awards........................................................24 Triple Crown Finalists.................................................................24 Past Triple Crown Recipients................................................ 25 State Officer Candidates.......................................................... 25 Past Kansas FFA Presidents................................................... 25 Past National FFA Officers...................................................... 27 State Star Finalists........................................................................28 Past State Stars...............................................................................29 American FFA Degrees.............................................................. 31 Past American Stars.................................................................... 32 State Band Participants........................................................... 32 State Chorus Participants....................................................... 32 Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors ...................................39 Maps...................................................................................................... 60 Medical and Emergency Care............................................. 64 3
elcome to the state’s largest annual agricultural student convention. As one of more than 2,250 attendees, you have a key role in creating history in Manhattan. As you can see by the pages of this guidebook, many things are going on throughout our host city this week. Challenge yourself to make the most of this state convention! It showcases how the Kansas FFA Association is developing its members’ potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The following groups are taking an active role in the convention. Special thanks to those of you who make a positive difference in the lives of today’s youth by offering your time and skills to the Kansas FFA Convention!
• FFA members, more than 1,600 strong, are in Manhattan this week to observe and participate in the activities. • FFA delegates, 300 elected chapter representatives of 11,600 agriculture students will vote on issues that affect the direction and operation of the Kansas FFA Association. • FFA advisors, representing 283 chapter advisors—the core of influence, strength and progress in agricultural education and FFA. • Teacher educators, who prepare agriculture instructors. • State FFA Degree recipients, representing the highest achievement in the state association, are being recognized for their success, personal development and establishment in agriculture and agribusiness careers. • Award and Career Development Event winners have set high goals and worked diligently to achieve recognition provided by the State and National FFA Foundations. • Band and Chorus, more than 50 members from across the state, will provide musical entertainment for convention participants and fulfill an important program role. • Parents have demonstrated their support of the FFA and recognized its value by encouraging their sons and daughters to participate fully in FFA activities. • Sponsors invest in the future of today’s youth and agriculture by providing personal support and funds for FFA activities and incentive awards. • Judges and assistants aid in conducting state judging contests and selecting state winners in FFA award programs and contests. • Press, radio and TV representatives tell the story of active youth involvement in the agriculture industry through the media. • FFA Alumni represent former FFA members and friends of the FFA who demonstrate continued support to the organization that contributed much to their personal success.
GENERAL INFORMATION Dress and Conduct . . . All FFA members are to be in complete official dress for the State FFA Convention. Please refer to the FFA Code of Ethics for complete official dress requirements. Courtesy Corps will be watching for proper official dress as you enter the convention auditorium. People form their first impression of you and your chapter based on your conduct and appearance. Proper conduct and a neat appearance will continue to build the positive image of the FFA. Here are some guidelines to follow for proper conduct and official dress at our convention. • Respect the rights and property of others. • Show pride in being a member of the FFA. • Your FFA jacket should be kept clean and neat at all times. The FFA jacket must be worn with the zipper fastened to the top, collar turned down and the cuffs should be in place and buttoned. Keep scarves and ties tied at all times. Official Dress for an FFA member includes: • An official FFA jacket zipped to the top. • Black slacks and black socks/nylons or black skirt and black nylons. • White collared blouse or white collared shirt. • Official FFA tie or official FFA scarf. • Black dress shoes with closed heel and toe.
Courtesy Corps . . . Throughout Convention, FFA members serve on the Courtesy Corps. A yellow Courtesy Corps badge identifies these individuals. If you have questions during convention, please feel free to ask these FFA members.
FFA Hall of Achievement . . . The Supervised Agricultural Experience programs of the National Proficiency winners and finalists will be highlighted at State Convention. Displays featuring their programs will be featured throughout convention in the McCain Auditorium lobby. We will also be highlighting the achievements of chapters that were named Premier Chapter and Model of Excellence finalist at the National FFA Convention this past fall.
Connect . . .
Get updates throughout convention at, on Twitter @KansasFFA, Facebook, Snapchat ksffa, and Instagram @ksffa. Include the hashtag #KSFFA in your tweets, Instagram photos and Facebook posts to share your convention experience.
Watch Live and Later . . .
Watch every session of the Kansas FFA Convention live on the Kansas FFA Convention website at Convention videos will also be archived on the Kansas YouTube page, Official photos will be available for download at
*Events with an asterisk require a ticket or pre-registration for admission.
TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2022 8:30 am
State Band & Chorus Check-In McCain Auditorium, Rooms 201 & 204
9:00 am 5:00 pm
State Band & Chorus Rehearsal McCain Auditorium, Rooms 201 & 204
12:00 noon
Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Development Event Report to Justin Hall, Room 109
2:00 pm
Ritual Demonstration Leadership Development Event Business Building, Room 1070
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2022 8:00 am
Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event – Preliminary Round Business Building, Rooms 1070, 1078, 2100 and 2101
8:00 am
Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Development Event Finals Justin Hall, Room 163
8:30 am
Extemporaneous Public Speaking Leadership Development Event – Preliminary Round Business Building, Rooms 3043, 3044, 3096 and 3097
9:00 am5:00 pm
Convention Band & Chorus Rehearsal McCain Auditorium, Rooms 201 & 204
10:00 am
Leadership Development Workshop Cortney Zimmerman, Central Region National FFA Vice President K-State Student Union, Bluemont Room
10:00 am
*K-State College of Agriculture Interactive Workshop Savor the Flavor in Food Science Call Hall, Room 156
10:30 am
Ag Issues Forum Leadership Development Event K-State Union, Wildcat Chamber
10:30 am
“Growing the Base” Advisor Meeting K-State Union, Big 12 Room Presented by the Kansas FFA Foundation
10:45 am
Opportunity Fair Grand Opening K-State Student Union, Grand Ballroom Foyer
11:00 am4:00 pm
21st Annual Kansas FFA Opportunity Fair K-State Student Union, Grand Ballroom Sponsored by the Kansas Ag Bankers Association See list of exhibitors, page 17
11:00 am
Convention Registration Opens McCain Auditorium Lobby
11:00 am
Extemporaneous Public Speaking Leadership Development Event – Semi-Finals Business Building, Rooms 3096 and 3097
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 11:00 am
Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event – Semi-Finals Business Building, Rooms 2100 and 2101
11:00 am
Novice Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Development Event Justin Hall, Room 164
11:00 am
Employment Skills Leadership Development Event Report to Business Building, Room 4061
11:30 am
Workshop: The Global Farmer Experience Kaylyn Morse, Growing Hope Globally K-State Union, Cottonwood Room
10:00 am
*K-State College of Agriculture Interactive Workshop The Wicked Problem of Global Food Security Leadership Studies, Room 123
10:30 am
“Growing the Base” Advisor Meeting K-State Student Union, Big 12 Room Presented by the Kansas FFA Foundation
12:00 noon
Convention Delegate Process Begins K-State Student Union, Forum Hall Dress code for all delegate activities is official dress. 12:00
Training and Technology Checks
State Officer Candidate Facilitations with Delegates
Meet the Candidates Ice Cream Social
Committee Meetings
Delegates Dismissed
12:30 pm
*Service Event K-State Alumni Center, Banquet Room Session 1 Report at 12:20 to start packing at 12:30 Session 2 Report at 1:35 to start packing at 1:45 Made possible by MKC and CoBank Sharing Success Grant
12:30 pm
Leadership Development Workshop Becky Sullivan Fouard, On the Rise Consulting, Past National FFA Officer K-State Alumni Center, Purple Pride Room (3rd Fl.)
1:00 pm
Creed Speaking Leadership Development Event Report to Business Building, Room 2100
1:00 pm
Leadership Quiz Bowl Event K-State Student Union, Wildcat Chamber
1:30 pm
Career Development Workshop: Get the Skills to Rock the Interview K-State Student Union, Room 207
2:00 pm
Leadership Development Workshops Becky Sullivan Fouard, On the Rise Consulting, Past National FFA Officer K-State Alumni Center, Purple Pride Room (3rd Fl.) Cortney Zimmerman, Central Region National FFA Vice President K-State Alumni Center, Tadtman Board Room (2nd Fl.)
2:00 pm
*K-State College of Agriculture Interactive Workshop Make a Difference … Teach Ag! K-State Student Union, Room 206
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:00 pm
*K-State College of Agriculture Interactive Workshop Knot Your Grandma’s Kitchen Shellenberger Hall, Room 109
2:00 pm
Deadline to submit scrapbooks for evaluation McCain Auditorium, Convention Registration Desk
2:00 pm
Kansas FFA Foundation Annual Meeting Kansas Farm Bureau, 2627 KFB Plaza
2:30 pm
*K-State College of Agriculture Interactive Workshop Crops & Weeds in Agronomy Agronomy Education Center, 2200 Kimball Ave.
3:00 pm
Leadership Development Workshop Cortney Zimmerman, Central Region National FFA Vice President K-State Alumni Center, Tadtman Board Room (2nd Fl.)
3:00 pm
Creed Speaking Career Development Event Finals Business Building, Room 2101
3:00 pm
Courtesy Corps Meeting McCain Auditorium Lobby
3:30 pm
Career Development Workshop Ag Careers for Those Who are Driven by Numbers K-State Alumni Center, Purple Pride Room (3rd Fl.)
4:30 pm6:30 pm
Food Trucks – The DoughBro, Vista Bosco Plaza (North Side of Student Union)
5:45 pm
District Officer McCain Preview McCain Auditorium, Loft
We ask all session attendees to please stay seated throughout the entire session and award winners return to their seats after being recognized on stage. Member attire in McCain Auditorium will be Official Dress. It will be strictly followed for all stage appearances and award or prize recognitions.
McCain Auditorium 7:00 pm
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Posting of Colors National Anthem Opening Ceremony
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2022 Welcome to Kansas State University Dr. Richard H. Linton, 15th President Presentation of Chapter Charters Creed Public Speaking LDE Recognition Creed presented by State Creed Speaking Finalists In Honor of Robert and Melva Armbruster by their Family State Reporter’s Retiring Address
Lydia Watanabe
“The Sun Will Rise”
Parliamentary Procedure LDE Recognition Sponsored by CHS Foundation Ritual Demonstration LDE Recognition Presentation of State Officer Candidates Speeches Closing Ceremony 9:00 pm11:00 pm
*FFA Night at LEAP Trampoline Park 3011 Anderson Ave
9:30 pm
*Convention Kick-Off Concert The Hat, 1315 Laramie St (Aggieville) Sponsored in part by Yoder Meats
Corey Kent
Dress code for the concert is as follows: • Jeans of a solid color with no logos, designs, rips, or holes with either unaltered (1) Kansas FFA issued or purchased t-shirt; (2) Chapter FFA issued or purchased shirt; (3) a FFA event issued or purchased t-shirt or (4) button-down/ collared shirt. • No midriffs exposed. • No shorts allowed. Members arriving at the concert in clothing that does not meet the above listed code will not be allowed to enter until dressed appropriately.
THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022 7:00 am
Convention Registration Reopens McCain Auditorium, Lobby
7:00 am
State Officer Candidate Breakfast McCain Auditorium, Loft Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture
McCain Auditorium 8:30 am
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Opening Ceremony Presented by the winning Chapter in Ritual Demonstration LDE Innovative Ideas in Building Communities State Sentinel’s Retiring Address
Josey Schmidt
“Ad Astra per Aspera”
Presentation of Kansas FFA Foundation Board of Trustees Leadership Information Recognition Recognition of SAE Grant Recipients Sponsored by National FFA Foundation, Central Valley Ag, Harris Crop Insurance, Kansas Corn, Kansas Soybean Commission, Allen & Deanna Sents, and MFA Oil KAAE Essay Awards Recognition of the Owls Special Remarks Sponsored by Harris Crop Insurance, Kevin & Rosemary Harris
Becky Sullivan Fouard On the Rise Consulting
Thursday, June 2, 2022 State Proficiency Award Recognition Equine Science ‐ Entrepreneurship through Wildlife Production and Management See finalists and sponsors, page 18 Closing Ceremony 9:00 am
Marketing Plan Career Development Event K-State Student Union, Big 12 Room
10:00 am
Career Development Workshop Ag Careers: For Those Who Don’t Want to Sit at a Desk K-State Student Union, Cottonwood Room
10:00 am
Leadership Development Event Finals Stage K-State Student Union, Wildcat Chamber Open to the Public 10:00 am Discussion Meet 11:00 am Extemporaneous Public Speaking 1:00 pm Prepared Public Speaking
11:00 am1:30 pm
Food Trucks – The DoughBro, Vista, Smokin’ Wille’s Bosco Plaza & McCain Circle Drive
12:00 noon
*Proficiency Award Luncheon K-State Alumni Center, Banquet Room Presenting sponsor CHS Foundation
McCain Auditorium 2:00 pm
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Opening Ceremony State Proficiency Award Recognition Agricultural Communications through Environmental Science and Natural Resources See finalists and sponsors, page 18 State Secretary’s Retiring Address
Eric Peterson
“Against the Grain”
Recognition of Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors Recognition of Chapter Seed Program Scrapbook Awards Employment Skills LDE Recognition Sponsored by Ag 1 Source
Thursday, June 2, 2022 Agriscience Student Recognition Sponsored by Pioneer and Merck Animal Health Innovative Ideas in Growing Leaders Recognition of Presidential CTE Scholars Special Remarks
Cortney Zimmerman
National FFA Central Region Vice President
Scholarship Presentations Kansas FFA Alumni Washington Leadership Conference
John Deere Gator Finalist Drawing Closing Ceremony 2:30 pm
Career Development Workshop – Experience Matters: Building Your Resume for Your Dream Job K-State Student Union, Cottonwood Room
4:30 pm
*Delegate Business Session K-State Alumni Center, Banquet Room
4:30 pm6:30 pm
Food Trucks – The DoughBro, Vista, Smokin’ Wille’s Bosco Plaza & McCain Circle Drive
5:30 pm
State Convention Band & Chorus Concert McCain Auditorium Sponsored by Blue & Gold Sausage State Convention Band Directed by Yvonne Colle-Burden, Medicine Lodge High School and Alex McMahon, Andover Central High School State Convention Chorus Directed by Dr. Anne Gassmann, Kansas Wesleyan University, accompanied by Dr. Gustavo do Carmo
McCain Auditorium 7:00 pm
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Opening Ceremony State Vice President’s Retiring Address
Rachel Sebesta “Limitless”
Honorary State FFA Degree Ceremony VIP Presentation Recognition of Discussion Meet Winners Sponsored by Kansas Farm Bureau Recognition of Ag Issues Forum LDE Winners Sponsored by Kansas Department of Agriculture Extemporaneous Speaking LDE Recognition Sponsored by Landoll Prepared Public Speaking LDE Recognition Sponsored by Kansas FFA Alumni Innovative Ideas in Strengthening Agriculture Keynote Speaker Sponsored by Mastek-Sparkman Family Foundation
Dr. Rick Rigsby
Closing Ceremony 9:00 pm
*FFA Alumni Dodgeball Tournament Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex
9:00 pm11:00 pm
*FFA Night at LEAP Trampoline Park 3011 Anderson Ave 13
FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2022 7:15 am
Convention Registration Reopens McCain Auditorium, Lobby
McCain Auditorium 8:00 am
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Opening Ceremony State Treasurer’s Retiring Address
Jocelyn Dvorak
“Ignite Potential”
National Chapter Award Recognition State of the State Remarks Mr. Guy Shoulders, State FFA Advisor Leadership Quiz Bowl Award Marketing Plan CDE Recognition Sponsored by Fink Beef Genetics Recognition of Kansas Chapters Participating in National Career Development Events and High Individuals Recognition of Career Development Events Sweepstakes Winners Scholarship Presentations June Beaver Trust Orscheln Farm & Home Ford Trucks/Built Ford Tough National FFA
Delegate Committee Reports (If needed) New Business (If needed) Closing Ceremony 9:00 am11:00 am
Past State Officer Reunion K-State Alumni Center, Banquet Rooms A & D
9:30 am
Career Development Workshop Ag Careers: For those Who Love People, Talking & Strategy K-State Student Union, Wildcat Chamber
Friday, June 3, 2022 10:30 am
*K-State College of Agriculture Interactive Workshop Savor the Flavor in Food Science Call Hall, Room 156
10:30 am
*Service Event Agronomy Education Center, 2200 Kimball Ave. Session 1 Report at 10:20 to start packing at 10:30 Session 2 Report at 11:35 to start packing at 11:45
McCain Auditorium 10:30 am
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Opening Ceremony Special Remarks
Hannah Reynolds Limestone Floral, Wichita
State FFA Degree Ceremony Sponsored by Kansas Electric Cooperatives Presentation will begin with the North Central District. See degree recipients, page 25 Drawing for Gator Giveaway Sponsored by John Deere Agriculture and Turf Division, American Implement Inc., BTI, Carrico Implement Co. Inc., Heritage Tractor, Inc., Hiawatha Implement Co., Landmark Implement Inc., and Prairieland Partners LLC Closing Ceremony Immediately following Sixth Session: State FFA Degree Picture McCain Auditorium 11:00 am
Career Development Workshop How to Impress Your Boss and Keep Your Job K-State Student Union, Wildcat Chamber
11:00 am1:30 pm
Food Trucks – Tasty Traveler, Vista, Smokin’ Wille’s Bosco Plaza & McCain Circle Drive
11:45 am
*Band & Chorus Recognition K-State Alumni Center, Banquet Rooms B & C Sponsored by Blue & Gold Sausage
12:15 pm
*Stars Over Kansas Luncheon K-State Alumni Center, Banquet Rooms A & D Sponsored by Farm Credit Associations of Kansas
Friday, June 3, 2022
McCain Auditorium 2:00 pm
Laser Light Show Sponsored by K-State College of Agriculture Opening Ceremony State Convention Band Directed by Yvonne Colle-Burden, Medicine Lodge High School and Alex McMahon, Andover Central High School Sponsored by Blue & Gold Sausage State President’s Retiring Address
Ashley Chandler “I Will”
Special Announcement – Kansas FFA Foundation Presentation of Triple Crown Awards Presentation of Garlow Memorial Trophy Sponsored by the Bill Garlow Family in memory of Bob Garlow State Convention Chorus Directed by Dr. Anne Gassmann, Kansas Wesleyan University, accompanied by Dr. Gustavo do Carmo Sponsored by Blue & Gold Sausage “Stars over Kansas” Pageant Sponsored by Farm Credit Associations of Kansas Announcement of State Stars Sponsored by Farm Credit Associations of Kansas, United Bank & Trust, and Kansas Farm Bureau Recognition of 2021-2022 State FFA Officers Sponsored by Kansas FFA Alumni Election of 2022-2023 State FFA Officers Recognition of Past State Officers Installation of 2022-2023 State FFA Officers Greetings – New State President Closing Ceremony 20 Minutes following Seventh Session: Blue and Gold Celebration K-State Berney Family Welcome Center
OPPORTUNITY FAIR EXHIBITORS 4 Seasons Fundraising Abilene Machine Ag Partners Cooperative, Inc. Ag Processing Inc (AGP) Allen Community College Alma Creamery LLC American Implement American Implement American Society of Baking Berry Companies Blueville Nursery, Inc Cargill Protein Central Valley Ag CERT Machines Chick-fil-A Colby Community College Collegiate Farm Bureau Concordia University, NE Corteva Agriscience and Pioneer Cowley College Diocese of Salina Rural Life Commission Emprise Bank Farm Credit Associations of Kansas Fellowship of Christian Farmers Flint Hills Technical College Foley Equipment Fort Hays State University Harris Crop Insurance Heritage Tractor Hummert International Hutchinson Community College Agriculture Department/Livestock Judging Team John Deere K-State Grain Science & Industry KanEquip Inc. Kansas Bankers Association Kansas Corn
Kansas Department of Agriculture Kansas State University Agricultural Economics Kansas State University College of Agriculture Kansas State University Communications and Agricultural Education Kansas State University, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering Kansas Teach Ag Key Apparel Loma Vista Nursery MFA Incorporated Missouri Welding Institute MKC Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture NEO A&M College - Ag Department North Central Kansas Technical College Northwest Kansas Technical College Nutrients for Life Foundation Pittsburg State University Pratt Community College Agriculture Department RoadBuilders Salina Area Technical College Seitz Fundraising Seward County Community College Shop Kansas Farms Skyland Grain, LLC Southeast Community College State Technical College of Missouri SurePoint Ag Systems The Outreach Program Woofter Construction and Irrigation
Agricultural Sales
Team—Ellsworth Top Individual—Sydney Maurer, Inman Sponsored by High Plains Journal
Team—Labette County Top Individual—Natalia Onelio, Arkansas City Sponsored by KFRM and Lewis Hybrids
Agricultural Technology & Mechanical Systems Team—Louisburg Top Individual—Trey Lockwood, Horton Sponsored by Berry Companies Agronomy
Team—Labette County Top Individual—Lakin Giager, Labette County Sponsored by Kansas Grain and Feed Association and Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association
Dairy Cattle Evaluation
Team—Burlington Top Individual—Kyanna Lankton, Burlington Sponsored by Royal Farms Dairy and McCarty Family Farms
Team—Labette County Top Individual—Alex Lehmann, Shawnee Heights Sponsored by Pioneer
Environmental Science Team—Clay Center Sponsored by Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission Farm & Agribusiness Management Team—Labette County Top Individual—Charli Alloway, Labette County Sponsored by AgMark, LLC Floriculture
Team—Eudora Top Individual—Reed Richards, Eudora Sponsored by CHS Foundation
Food Science & Technology
Team—Louisburg Top Individual—Zoe Rhodes, Girard Sponsored by Alma Creamery
Forestry Horse Evaluation Livestock Evaluation
Team—Holton Team—Eudora Top Individual—Jenna Milford, Eudora Team—Fort Scott Top Individual—Reegan McDaniel, Fort Scott
Meats Evaluation & Technology Team—Minneapolis Top Individual—Hayden Lott, Minneapolis Sponsored by Cargill Milk Quality & Products Team—Anderson County Top Individual—Sayleen Partida, Anderson County Sponsored by Kansas Dairy Ingredients Nursery / Landscape
Team—Louisburg Top Individual—Sami Leikam, Louisburg
Poultry Evaluation
Team—Anderson County Top Individual—Janie Pond, Caney Sponsored by Amos Kahr Trust
Veterinary Science
Team—Louisburg Top Individual—Aidan Yoho, Yates Center Sponsored by Zoetis/Animal Health International
Teams Participating in National Land, Homesite & Range Evaluation CDE: Holton, Hugoton, Ingalls, Ottawa, South Haven, Stockton, Tonganoxie Sponsored by John Deere Ag & Turf Divison 18
STATE PROFICIENCY AWARD FINALISTS The agricultural proficiency award program recognizes excellence in supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs. The program rewards FFA members at the local, district, state and national levels for exceptional accomplishments in progressing toward specific career objectives in agriculture. Entrepreneurship program (E): For FFA members whose SAE involves owning an agricultural production operation or agribusiness enterprise. Placement program (P): For FFA members whose SAE involves working for others for wages or experience. We would like to honor all the district proficiency applications that were considered for state evaluation. Please note that in some cases members won two areas on the district level and were able to select their first proficiency area to be reviewed for state evaluation. If they won that area their second application was removed from consideration. If they were not selected as a winner in their first area of consideration their second application was then reviewed. Agricultural Communications (E/P) Hayden Endicott, Riverton
Agricultural Sales (E) Canyon Tull, Atchison County
Agricultural Education (E/P) Grace Young, Osawatomie Cali Newdigger, Skyline
Agricultural Sales (P) Nick Kuntz, Mission Valley Kendon Wege, Royal Valley Anna Hendricks, West Elk
Sponsored by Kansas Farmer Magazine (State) and Bader Rutter and Associates, Inc. and Red Brand (National)
Sponsored by Harris Crop Insurance (State) and Nutrien Ag Solutions and Valent USA Corporation (National)
Sponsored by Kurt Dillon Family and Harmon Bliss Family (State) and CHS and Harris Products Group- A Lincoln Electric Company (National)
Sponsored by Stewart Seed (State) and Cargill, Fastenal and Wilbur-Ellis Company (National)
Agricultural Services (E/P) Megan Paddock, Jayhawk‐Linn Lily Lefferd, Royal Valley Allison Deines, Scott City
Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication (E/P) Colbey Hinck, Mission Valley Kyle Peterson, Centre Charlie Wettstein, Hugoton
Sponsored by Farm Credit Associations of Kansas (State) and Helena Agri-Enterprises (National)
Sponsored by Abilene Machine (State) and Carry-On Trailer Corporation and Lincoln Electric and Harris Products Group (National)
Agriscience Research – Integrated Systems Rachel Sebesta, Ellsworth Kaden Weltmer, Smith Center
Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance (P) Cole Nolte, Marysville Wyatt Fechter, West Elk Allison Goode, Hugoton
Sponsored by Pioneer Coreteva Agriscience (State)
Beef Production (E) Lauren Aust, Prairie View Nissa Olsen, Manhattan Kristy Beene, Uniontown
Sponsored by KanEquip (State) and John Deere (National)
Agricultural Processing Will Sherman, Prairie View Josie Buck, Jackson Heights
Sponsored by Sam & Janet Hands (State) and Merck Animal Health and Rabo AgriFinance (National)
Sponsored by City BBQ (State)
State Proficiency Award Finalists Beef Production (P) Kaden Stroup, Prairie View Weston Schrader, Minneapolis Andrew Endicott, Ashland
Fiber and/or Oil Crop Production (E/P) Alyssa Kern, Washington County Kari Perkins, Labette County
Sponsored by Tiffany Cattle Co. (State) and Zoetis (National)
Sponsored by Kansas Soybean Commission (State) and Bunge and CHS (National)
Dairy Production (P) Lane Barrett, Rural Vista Madelyn Janssen, Canton‐Galva
Forage Production (E/P) Ella Pachta, Republic County Isaac Utz, Holton Jay McClure, Hugoton
Sponsored by Kansas Dairy Commission (State)
Sponsored by Kansas Forage and Grassland Council, Inc. (State) and Claas of America (National)
Diversified Agricultural Production (E/P) Karlie Albright, Royal Valley Tanner Stuchlik, Centre Cody Wille, Iola
Forest Management & Products (E/P) Garrett Collins, Holton
Sponsored by Triangle H Farms – In Memory of Greg Hands (State)
Sponsored by Kansas Forest Service (State) and John Deere (National)
Diversified Crop Production (E) Megan Paddock, Jayhawk‐Linn Isaac Utz, Holton Ben Russell, South Haven
Goat Production (E/P) Baylee Newberry, Wellington Aidan Bartholomew, Erie Shea Robertson, Hugoton
Sponsored by Vulgamore Family Farms (State) and Valent USA Corporation (National)
Sponsored by Kevin Davis Family (State) and Tractor Supply Company (National)
Diversified Crop Production (P) Coy Stamm, Washington County Colton Miller, Renwick Noah Wiley, Labette County
Grain Production (E/P) Luke Elkinton, Paola Emma Albers, Doniphan West Justin Nickel, Goessel
Sponsored by Kansas Corn (State) and AgReliantGenetics (National)
Sponsored by Kansas Wheat Commission (State) and Topcon, Valent USA Corporation and Wilbur-Ellis Company (National)
Diversified Horticulture (E/P) Rebekah Vague, Ellsworth Cassidy Chase, Oxford
Sponsored by Hummert International (State)
Landscape Management (E/P) Rebekah Vague, Ellsworth Matthew Pryce, Wellington Chloe Sell, Iola
Diversified Livestock Production (E/P) Tucker Huseman, Ellsworth Delaney New, Holton Jacob Bell, Hugoton
Sponsored by Lawrence Landscape (State) and Tractor Supply Company (National)
Sponsored by Harms Plainview Ranch (State) and CHS and Tractor Supply Company (National)
Nursery Operations (E/P) Riley Graber, Goessel
Sponsored by Kansas FFA Foundation (State)
Equine Science (E) Jenna Milford, Eudora Emmilie McNeely‐Losey, Doniphan West Corbin Wilkinson, Scott City
Outdoor Recreation (E/P) Mickelly Soyez Marion
Sponsored by Caleb and Lindsey Snider (State) and Yamaha Motor Corporation USA (National)
Sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition(State) and Zoetis and Red Brand (National)
Poultry Production (E/P) Christopher Cain, Mission Valley Mikayla Dibben, Junction City Ember Kinsch, Riverton
Equine Science (P) Maxwell Douglass, Paola Reese Byers, Renwick
Sponsored by Amos Khar Trust (State) and Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation, Tractor Supply Company and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (National)
Sponsored by United Mosquito and Fly Control (State) and Tractor Supply Company (National)
STATE PROFICIENCY AWARD FINALISTS Service Learning (E/P) Olivia Rickel, Royal Valley Brecken Pearson, Canton‐Galva
Swine Production (P) Mason Springer, Neodesha
Sponsored by Kansas Pork Association (State) and Phibro Animal Health Corporation (National)
Sponsored by Seitz Fundraising (State) and CHS (National)
Sheep Production (E/P) Hailey Gillespie, Anderson County Kacey Butler, Chapman Maci Behrnes, Atchison County
Turf Grass Management (E/P) Jenna Curry, Iola
Sponsored by Sod Shop Inc. (State) and John Deere and Tractor Supply Company (National)
Sponsored by Hobbs Show Lambs (State)
Vegetable Production (E/P) Abigail Robinson, Royal Valley Noah Wiley, Labette County
Small Animal Production & Care (E/P) Kori Miller, Washington County Madeline Murnahan, Jackson Heights Gracie Gatton, Labette County
Sponsored by From the Land of Kansas Program (State) and Tractor Supply Company and Wilbur-Ellis Company (National)
Sponsored by Animal Health Center of Marion County (State) and Tractor Supply Company and Elanco Animal Health (National)
Veterinary Science (E/P) Abigail Porter, Beloit Emma Albers, Doniphan West Cecillia Newby, Labette County
Specialty Animal Production (E/P) Benjamin Timpe, Paola Grady Fox, Frankfort Belladonna Toy, Marion
Sponsored by Kansas Veterinary Medical Association (State)
Wildlife Production and Management (E/P) Augustus Wright, Paola Trey Melton, Republic County Payton Walk, Greeley County
Sponsored by Prairie School Farms (State)
Swine Production (E) Kyler Stephenson, Mission Valley James DeRouchey, Wamego ShyAnne Wiley, Labette County
Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited (State) and Tractor Supply Company (National)
Sponsored by Kansas Pork Association (State) and Indiana Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Insurance (National)
STATE FFA DEGREES The State FFA Degree is the highest degree that any state association may bestow on its members. The golden charm of the State FFA Degree is the symbol of growth and development in the member’s chosen occupation.
East Central
Jason Alexander Allison.........Anderson County Amelia Jayne Cubit Tyler Gillespie Riley Lane Young Grant Hegg........................................... Burlington Toby Lynn Reavis Halle Finnerty Cody Robert Long Tanner Anthony Noonan Tori Rossillon Carissa Dalquest........................Council Grove Taylor Hadl...................................................... Eudora Cody Loganbill Jenna Lyn Milford
Taylor Burns..................................Jayhawk-Linn Brynn Collier Hunter Allen Herschel Holt Jeret Ray Nichols Cole Lacey...........................Marais des Cygnes Wyatt R Lingenfelter AKaylee Prunty Braden Reed Christopher Cain.......................Mission Valley Colbey Lee Hinck Nicolas Kuntz Ashton Lee Lowe Caylie Ann VanMeter Haylee Diane Claar.................................. Ottawa Logan Scott Confer
State FFA Degrees
East Central, continued
Todd James Crosley............................... Ottawa Austin Wayne Curtis Cody Lane Ferguson Jacelyn Elizabeth Hedges Raelee Nicole Morrow Seth Aistrup.......................................................Paola Kody Hendrickson Vanessa Lynn Berrey Lauren Aust........................................ Prairie View Addison Bloodgood Emma Chambers Jade Chambers Sophia Fleer Jessica Petric Hallie Snyder Braxton Stainbrook Kaden Stroup Kyra Uphoff Brady VanVlack
Max Alan Claassen.........Shawnee Heights Brooklyn Drew Correll Rachel Rene Donaldson Landon Stadler Lucas Kale Younger Josie Weers.......... Southern Coffey County Andrew Campbell.............................Spring Hill Kameron Crotchett Aidan Smith Emma Aufdemberge................ Tonganoxie Mary Caenen Garrett Edwards Cooper Jones Rachael Kesinger Dalton Regehr Garrett Walden
North Central
Ethan J Anderson........................................Beloit Wyatt Patrick Broeckelman Karody Lynn Kadel Sierra Anne Kopsa Samantha K Zimmerman Tate Michael Kadel Kacey Butler........................................... Chapman Keegan Craig Brayden Lexow Shelby Siebold..................................Clay Center Hannah Andringa............................... Ellsworth Kirsten Meier Jasmine RaeLee Lynn Bruce.......Junction City Juliauna Throckmorton Kayla Marie Young Jacob Brown.....................................Minneapolis Jaren Harrison Ngunjiri Aurand.......Pike Valley Tate David Callaway
Khloe Langston..................................Pike Valley Joshua Rhay Martin Brylee Judy............................ Republic County Nicole Popelka Jacob Barry.............................................. Rock Hills Jada Beach Caitlynn Scarrow Rachel Hubele....................................Rural Vista Ajay Brown Aidan Hower Leah B Riedy Hadley Elkins.................. Southeast of Saline Hannah Trimble Michaela Lynn Jueneman ......................................Washington County Kori Jean Miller Mandy B Simmons Coy Stamm
Addison Schletzbaum....Atchison County Maci Behrnes Ashtyn Jolly Jenna Pitts Emmilie McNeely-Losey....Doniphan West Carlie Windmeyer Grady Fox................................................... Frankfort Julia Studer Allison Arment.......................................Hiawatha Amariah Allen................................................Holton Katina Bartel Dakota Abel............................Jackson Heights Jodee Borgerding..............................Marysville
Kennedy Coffin......................................McLouth Ella Gantz Kyndall Sextro.......................Nemaha Central Karlie Albright.................................. Royal Valley Cooper Daugherty Lily Lefferd Kendon Wege Megan Brockhoff....................................Sabetha Kendrick Edelman Kaylee Lukert............................................ St Marys Hallie Borgerding....................Valley Heights Conner House James Micheal DeRouchey........ Wamego
Amelia Kathleen Jaeger............................Hays Karli Shae Neher Cyrus Walter Vajnar
Julie Anne Schindler...........................Lakeside Reilly Stremel-Smith Carter Machelle Walsh Kirsten Kyger................................................. Russell Kaley Wagner...............................Smith Center
State FFA Degrees
South Central
CKarmen Palmer.......................Arkansas City Kristin Watchous........................Arkansas City Connor Andujo.............................................Buhler Jackson Childs Thomas Compton......................................Buhler Hunter Durham Jaylee Giles Maren Lackey Kacey Lehl Mace McCabe Brock McCurdy Jared McQuilliam Carson Moler Bradley Neill Marissa Orem Wyatt Ratzlaff Tanner Tustian Bonner Van Bruggen Caroline Wagner Kaden Warner Abigail Yutzy Garrett Maltbie........................... Canton-Galva Sage Toews Quinten Bina..................................................Centre Tanner Stuchlik Kadence Smith....................................Chaparral
Brady Fowler..............................................Fairfield Paisley Smyth Zack Zongker Keaton Loop.....................................................Haven Jhet Spradlin Mabel Nichole Black................................Inman Kyle Bruce...............................................Little River Ty Herzog Mickelly Soyez...............................................Marion Eli Ladd............................................................Newton Kerstin Tommer Cristian Bain....................................................Oxford Cassidy Jean Chase Colby Hammond Lily Kopfer Mackenzie J Anderson......................Renwick Emily Bonilla Lindsay Mies Colton Miller Lily Reichenberger Will Tice Bianca Binning...........................South Barber Ruston Erikson Avery Grieve Dylan DeWitt..................................South Haven Ben Russell Ethan Theurer Baylee Jae Newberry...................Wellington Matthew Rayley Pryce
Emma Nicole Hockett............................Caney Maggie Elizabeth McVey Nichole Kelly Adams...........................Chetopa Bailey Dixon........................................... Coffeyville Trinity Kuehn Deziree Lee Emily Raelynn Long Miranda Maulsby John Moyer............................................ Columbus Ally Wells Aidan Bartholomew....................................... Erie Grant Taylor Jessee Cox.................................................Fort Scott Kaitlyn Leavell Alexis Marchiano Brooklynn Meech Ryan Jarboe..................................................... Girard Faith Poland Zoe Rhodes Kaleb Scales Carlie Vail Ainsley Viets Carly Dreher............................................................Iola Cecillia LeaAnn Newby....Labette County Emma Michelle George Lakin E Giager Madisyn Grace Helwig Katie Belle Zwahlen
Colton Ballard...........................................Madison Marlea Harlan Casey John Helm Gavin Lee Isch Haley Nikole Isch Jo Leann Samuels Garin Gilmore........................................... Riverton Tyler Haywood Tony Hodge Emma Kepley Ember Kinsch Ashley Kunath................................................Sedan Rory Walker Jakeob Stewart................................. Uniontown Katy D Beeman.......................................West Elk Wyatt Henry Fechter Macy Marie Haag Anna Maria Hendricks Rachel Elizabeth Hendricks Karly Taryn Kill Molly Autumn McClendon Dustin Richard Montgomery Tate W Stewart Jarrett Lynn Wilson Harlee Jo Town Hannah Whetstone Sadye Coltrane...............................Yates Center Aidan Yoho
Andrew Endicott.....................................Ashland Karson Harrington Raylee Johnson Sage Waggoner Rileigh Holcomb.......................................Bucklin Kyra Nolan..................................Greeley County
Grace Dillinger........................................Hugoton Taylor Grubbs Charlie Wettstein Tyran Zeiset Bodhi Smith....................................................... Lakin Samantha Kleweno............................Ness City Conner Rey Armendariz................Scott City Zachery John Rohrbough
NATIONAL CHAPTER AWARDS The National Chapter Award Program is designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. These chapters improve chapter operations using the National Quality Chapter Standards and a Program of Activities that emphasize growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. Chapters are rewarded for providing educational experiences for the entire membership.
Arkansas City Beloit Buhler Canton-Galva Chapman Cherryvale Clay Center Coffeyville Dexter Ell-Saline Ellsworth Fairfield Girard Hays Holton Hugoton Iola
Jayhawk-Linn McLouth Minneapolis Mission Valley Oxford Pratt Renwick Republic County Riverton Royal Valley Sedan Smith Center Southeast of Saline Tonganoxie Udall Valley Heights West Elk
TRIPLE CROWN FINALISTS Arkansas City Buhler Canton-Galva Chapman Clay Center Dexter Ell-Saline Ellsworth Hays Holton Hugoton
Jayhawk-Linn Minneapolis Mission Valley Oxford Republic County Riverton Royal Valley Sedan Southeast of Saline Tonganoxie Udall 24
PAST TRIPLE CROWN RECIPIENTS 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Ellsworth Udall Ellsworth Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Wilson Wilson Riverton Riverton Holton Arkansas City Arkansas City Holton Holton Holton Holton Arkansas City
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975
Arkansas City Chapman Chapman Clay Center Hill City Plainville Marysville Clay Center Clay Center Hill City Concordia Clay Center
Mankato Plainville Marion Mankato Marion Hill City Marion-Florence Hill City Plainville Arkansas City Hill City Arkansas City Norton
STATE OFFICER CANDIDATES Karlie Albright, Royal Valley Mackenzie Anderson, Renwick Emma Kepley, Riverton
Kirsten Kyger, Russell Cali Newdigger, Skyline Aidan Yoho, Yates Center
PAST KANSAS FFA PRESIDENTS 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Ashley Chandler Neodesha Elizabeth Sturgis Riverton Logan Elliott Riverton Max Harman Inman Eli Ohlde Clifton-Clyde Elizabeth Meyer Marion-Florence
2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 25
Karl Wilhelm Holton Taylor Green Southeast of Saline Lindy Bilberry Garden City Emily Beneda Wilson Jordan Pieschl Ell-Saline Andrew Strasburg Fredonia Garrett Lister Marysville
Past Kansas FFA Presidents 2008-09
Emily Surdez Sabetha 2007-08 Bethany Bohnenblust Labette County 2006-07 Dalton Henry Blue Valley 2005-06 Shawn Turner Ottawa 2004-05 Dan Atkisson Stockton 2003-04 Justine Sterling South Barber 2002-03 Jacob Lauer Holcomb 2001-02 Lindsey George Uniontown 2000-01 J.J. Jones Atwood 1999-2000 Beth Ludlum Uniontown 1998-99 Leslie Small Arkansas City 1997-98 Emily Belton Centre 1996-97 Andy Armbruster South Barber 1995-96 Ryan Hiesterman Washington 1994-95 Ross Hellwig Labette County 1993-94 Emily Harsch Marais des Cygnes 1992-93 Paul Friedrichs Marysville 1991-92 Matt Schweer Holcomb 1990-91 Larry Whipple Jetmore 1989-90 John Niemann Atchison County 1988-89 Dennis Fry Uniontown 1987-88 Justin McKee Labette County 1986-87 Mary Wilson Oberlin 1985-86 Tom Hemmer Salina 1984-85 Daryl Yarrow Clay Center 1983-84 Rick Malir Wilson
1982-83 1981-82 1980-81 1979-80 1978-79 1977-78 1976-77 1975-76 1974-75 1973-74 1972-73 1971-72 1970-71 1969-70 1968-69 1967-68 1966-67 1965-66 1964-65 1963-64 1962-63 1961-62 1960-61 1959-60 1958-59 1957-58 26
Mike Torrey Wamego Ron Wineinger Marion Tim Ohlde Linn Randy Reinhardt Erie Jeff Yarrow Clay Center Dee James Clay Center Jay Selanders Garnett Jay Mayfield Caney Sam Brownback Prairie View Ron Wilson Manhattan Brad Trexler Hill City Mark Mayfield Caney Doug Deets Arkansas City Lauren Libby Smith Center Gregory Hands Garden City Dale Raymond Garnett Dennis Shurtz Arkansas City Roger Barr Manhattan Terry Odle Stockton Joe Detrixhe Concordia Glenn Gottlob Arkansas City Lawrence Erpelding Effingham Melvin Hunt Tribune Steve Robb Lawrence Ralph Young Tribune Bob Kreibiel McPherson
PAST KANSAS FFA PRESIDENTS 1956-57 1955-56 1954-55 1953-54 1952-53 1951-52 1950-51 1949-50 1948-49 1947-48 1946-47 1945-46 1944-45 1943-44
William Wachs, Jr. Ellsworth Larry Figgs Effingham Harry Dean Peter Edson Nelson D. Galle Moundridge Bill Ray James Clay Center Marvin Decker Holton Robert Ball Garden City Paul Mugler Clay Center John Gigstad Effingham Harland Priddle Haven Richard Chase El Dorado Rollin J. Casement Sedan Jack Hall Highland Park Irwin Alefs Great Bend
1942-43 1941-42 1940-41 1939-40 1938-39 1937-38 1936-37 1935-36 1934-35 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32 1930-31 1929-30
Wayne Brent Chanute George Stelter Abilene Raymond Kaup Smith Center Paul Kelley Solomon Walter Porter Council Grove Albert S. Coates Merriam John Dean Ottawa J. W. England III Merriam Paul Lock Washington Wayne D. Trail Colby Waldo Cox Mound City Leo Paulsen Concordia Lewis Evans Washington Boyd Waite Winfield
Bethany Bohnenblust, Labette County............... Secretary
Becky Sullivan, Spring Hill............................................... Secretary
Justine Sterling, South Barber......................... Vice President
J.J. Jones, Atwood...................................................... Vice President
1999-2000 Leslie Small, Arkansas City.................................. Vice President 1998-99
Andy Armbruster, South Barber.................... Vice President
Brad Montgomery, Cheylin................................ Vice President
Jennafer Neufeld, Inman..................................... Vice President
Rick Malir, Wilson...................................................................President
Ron Wineinger, Marion.....................................................President
Dee James, Clay Center........................................ Vice President
Sam Brownback, Prairie View.......................... Vice President
Ron Wilson, Manhattan........................................ Vice President
Mark Mayfield, Caney.........................................................President
Joe Detrixhe, Concordia...............................Student Secretary
George Stelter, Abilene.................................3rd Vice President 27
Albert Caotes, Jr., Shawnee Mission...3rd Vice President
Leo Paulsen, Concordia................................Student Secretary
Boyd Waite, Winfield..................................... 4th Vice President
STATE STAR FINALISTS The State Star Awards represent the best of the best among hundreds of State FFA Degree recipients.
Star in Agribusiness The FFA member with the best non-production entrepreneurial agribusiness SAE and proven leadership skills is selected to be the State Star in Agribusiness, the highest achievement for a person pursuing a career in agribusiness.
Karlie Albright
Royal Valley
Star in Ag Placement The FFA member with the best placement SAE program and proven leadership skills is selected to be the State Star in Agricultural Placement. The member’s placement experience can include paid labor hours or directed unpaid labor hours.
Colbey Hinck Keegan Craig Katina Bartel Kirsten Kyger Brady Fowler Ainsley Viets Andrew Endicott
Mission Valley Chapman Holton Russell Fairfield Girard Ashland
East Central North Central Northeast Northwest South Central Southeast Southwest
Star Farmer The FFA member with the top production agriculture SAE program each year is recognized as the State Star Farmer. Considered the highest recognition in the state for an aspiring young farmer, the award recognizes achievement in both career and leadership development.
Lauren Aust Kori Miller Maci Behrnes Kaley Wagner Tanner Stuchlik Aidan Yoho Grace Dillinger
Prairie View Washington County Atchison County Smith Center Centre Yates Center Hugoton
East Central North Central Northeast Northwest South Central Southeast Southwest
PAST STATE STARS 2022 Star in Agribusiness 2022 Star Farmer 2022 Star in Ag Placement 2021 Star in Agribusiness 2021 Star Farmer 2021 Star in Ag Placement 2020 Star in Agribusiness 2020 Star Farmer 2020 Star in Ag Placement 2019 Star in Agribusiness 2019 Star Farmer 2019 Star in Ag Placement 2018 Star in Agribusiness 2018 Star Farmer 2018 Star in Ag Placement 2017 Star in Agribusiness 2017 Star Farmer 2017 Star in Ag Placement 2016 Star in Agribusiness 2016 Star Farmer 2016 Star in Ag Placement 2015 Star in Agribusiness 2015 Star Farmer 2015 Star in Ag Placement 2014 Star in Agribusiness 2014 Star Farmer 2014 Star in Ag Placement 2013 Star in Agribusiness 2013 Star Farmer 2013 Star in Ag Placement 2012 Star in Agribusiness 2012 Star Farmer 2012 Star in Ag Placement 2011 Star in Agribusiness 2011 Star Farmer 2011 Star in Ag Placement 2010 Star in Agribusiness 2010 Star Farmer 2010 Star in Ag Placement 2009 Star in Agribusiness 2009 Star Farmer 2009 Star in Ag Placement 2008 Star in Agribusiness 2008 Star Farmer 2008 Star in Ag Placement 2007 Star in Agribusiness 2007 Star Farmer 2007 Star in Ag Placement 2006 Star in Agribusiness 2006 Star Farmer 2006 Star in Ag Placement 2005 Star in Agribusiness 2005 Star Farmer 2005 Star in Ag Placement 2004 Star in Agribusiness 2004 Star Farmer
Jay McClure, Hugoton Wesley Denton, Valley Heights Nicole Haase, Ellsworth Austin Simon, Renwick Levi Meiwes, Iola Tyler Nelson, Washington County Kylar Lee, Burlington Ethan Dickerson, Natoma Emily Swiger, Coffeyville Emily Glenn, Scott City Natalie Hawkins, Atwood Ryan Stewart, Washington County Cordell Waggoner, Haven Tyler Phillips, Mission Valley Deven Foster, Labette County Austin Nordyke, Hugoton Samantha Beauchamp, Holton Cole Riggin, Riverton Tate Tremblay, Hill City Wyatt Harting, Norton Kord Curran, Girard Stone Hayden, Chapman Caleb Obermeyer, Marysville Tristan Davis, Central Heights Bryan Otott, Washington County Zachary Foster, Labette County Rich Ryckert, Paola Ethan Schwarz, Oakley Greg Harris, Chapman Nathan Doss, Washington County Nicholas Peckman, Paola Kaden Rousch, Smith Center Dalton Black, Buhler Kayla Schmitz, Doniphan West Tyler Rose, Washington County Alex Goeckel, Washington County Garrett Lister, Marysville Ben Meyer, Linn Tucker Stewart, Washington County Ben Hutto, Riverton Miles Theurer, South Haven Jesse Muller, Labette County Ryan Windholz, Hays Eric Bekemeyer, Washington County Kally Hood, Rock Creek Jay Stamm, Washington Clarke Nelson, Northern Valley D. Austin Winter, Holton Alex Gottlob, Winfield Kyler Ohlde, Linn Kyle Smith, Arkansas City Caleb Alexander, Garden City Chris Bamberger, Jetmore 29
Past State Stars 2004 Star in Ag Placement 2003 Star in Agribusiness 2003 Star Farmer 2003 Star in Ag Placement 2002 Star in Agribusiness 2002 Star Farmer 2002 Star in Ag Placement 2001 Star in Agribusiness 2001 Star Farmer 2000 Star in Agribusiness 2000 Star Farmer 1999 Star in Agribusiness 1999 Star Farmer 1998 Star in Agribusiness 1998 Star Farmer 1997 Star in Agribusiness 1997 Star Farmer 1996 Star in Agribusiness 1996 Star Farmer 1995 Star in Agribusiness 1995 Star Farmer 1994 Star in Agribusiness 1994 Star Farmer 1993 Star in Agribusiness 1993 Star Farmer 1992 Star in Agribusiness 1992 Star Farmer 1991 Star in Agribusiness 1991 Star Farmer 1990 Star Agribusinessman 1990 Star Farmer 1989 Star Agribusinessman 1989 Star Farmer 1988 Star Agribusinessman 1988 Star Farmer 1987 Star Agribusinessman 1987 Star Farmer 1986 Star Agribusinessman 1986 Star Farmer 1985 Star Agribusinessman 1985 Star Farmer 1984 Star Agribusinessman 1984 Star Farmer 1983 Star Agribusinessman 1983 Star Farmer 1982 Star Agribusinessman 1982 Star Farmer 1981 Star Agribusinessman 1981 Star Farmer 1980 Star Agribusinessman 1980 Star Farmer 1979 Star Agribusinessman 1979 Star Farmer 1978 Star Agribusinessman 1978 Star Farmer
Clint Wahrman, Atwood Brock Peters, Linn Chase Bontrager, Holton Damian Helms, Linn Edwin Cooper, Altoona-Midway Brent Overmiller, Smith Center Tyler Diepenbrock, Centre Joey McNaul, Buhler Caleb McNally, South Barber Angela Bramlage, Troy Orrin Holle, Atwood Michael Cosseman, Jetmore Anthony Heigert, Wabaunsee Clint Church, Iola Steven Friess, Labette County Dale Brown, Girard Ervin Underwood, Mankato Nathan Shaffer, Smith Center Michael Springer, Neodesha Ryan Reiff, Chapman Elizabeth Neufeld, Inman Trevor Lieb, Pike Valley Ryan Higbie, Williamsburg Chris Cairns, Concordia Jerrod Westfahl, Haven Kim Whitney, Norton Brian Sinn, North Central Brian Biddle, Winfield Robert Duey, North Central Steven J. Elstrom, Salina Leland Porter, Clay Center Jackie Coltrane, Southeast John Stika, Centre Mark Stenho, Belleville Brad Grabs, Chaparral Troy Rudman, Palco Bruce Livingston, North Central Devan Sarver, Iola Tim Turek, South Haven Kevin Pool, Coffeyville Brad Swearingen, Hiawatha Todd Stritzke, Caney Matt Wineinger, Marion/Florence David Pachta, Belleville Jeff Ochampaugh, Plainville Mike Torrey, Wamego Loren Pachta, Belleville Daryl Cress, Fredonia Darrin Jesse, Southeast Larry Wiezorek, Washburn Rural David Crosson, Minneapolis Mike Disberger, Haven Kevin Robinson, Mission Valley R. Joe Harris, Erie Michael Smith, Norton 30
1977 Star Agribusinessman 1977 Star Farmer 1976 Star Agribusinessman 1976 Star Farmer 1975 Star Agribusinessman 1975 Star Farmer 1974 Star Agribusinessman 1974 Star Farmer 1973 Star Farmer 1972 Star Farmer 1971 Star Farmer 1970 Star Farmer 1969 Star Farmer 1968 Star Farmer 1967 Star Farmer 1966 Star Farmer 1965 Star Farmer 1964 Star Farmer 1963 Star Farmer 1962 Star Farmer 1961 Star Farmer 1960 Star Farmer 1959 Star Farmer 1958 Star Farmer 1957 Star Farmer
C. J. Riemann, Hill City Lorena Croucher, Garnett Charles Hatch, Salina Monte Jessup, Phillipsburg John Bennett, Erie Jeff Stroup, Prairie View Vaughn Kirland, Dodge City Kenneth Lankard, Garnett Alan Ochs, Jetmore Don Garlow, Concordia Dennis Bradford, Jetmore Ron Roth, Clay Center W. Benson Keil, Concordia Kenneth Conway, Plainville Michael T. Samples, Erie Robert E. Wiles, Leoti Myron D. Schmidt, Goessel Donald McLaughlin, Stockton Vernon Mathes, Harper Dennie Dechert, Colby Ronald Mercer, Columbus Terry Hager, Norton Clint Birkenbaugh, Kingman Eldon Eastman, Arkansas City Leo Schwartz, Hanover
AMERICAN FFA DEGREES The American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs).The American FFA Degree is awarded at the National FFA Convention & Expo each year to less than 1 percent of FFA members making it one of the organization’s highest honors. In addition to their degree, each recipient receives a gold American FFA Degree key. These members received their American FFA Degree at the 94th National FFA Convention on October 30, 2021. Simon Schmitz ............................................... Axtell Cale McCabe .................................................Buhler Francisco Hernandez ................. Burlington Kylar Lee Dallanie Schrader Brailey Lynn Koehler ......................Chaparral Brieley Anne Koehler Nautica May Lynn Smith Reagan Joseph Alsbaugh ............Chetopa Brooke Germann ..........................Clay Center Emily Danielle Swiger .................. Coffeyville Alex Bole ................................................. Columbus Karsyn Youngblood Kim Achilles ....................................................Haven Scott Allan Schmidt
Gene Hanson .......................................Herington Cordell Kickhaefer Joel Kennedy .......................Jackson Heights Jerilyn Nelson Johnathan William Hensley .....Junction City Alexus Marie Messer Frank J. Throckmorton Hannah Rose Graybill ......Labette County Jackson Wolfe Russell Yesenia Arias ...................................................... Leoti Carson Orpin ..................................Moundridge Ashley Chandler ................................Neodesha Jaden Smith ........................... Northern Valley Alexis Hansen ..................... Republic County Cassidy Parks ................................... Royal Valley
AMERICAN FFA DEGREES James Osburn ..............................................Sedan Rebekah Thompson ...Southeast of Saline Bailey Sipes .............................Stanton County Rylie Borgerding .....................Valley Heights
Will Glotzbach ................................ Wabaunsee Nathan Holz ............................................ Wamego Taylor Jacobs ..................................Yates Center Tytan Royce Smoot
PAST AMERICAN STARS 2017 2011 2007 2003 2002 2001 1999 1982 1975 1957 1935
Austin Nordyke, Hugoton Alex Goeckel, Washington County Caleb Alexander, Garden City Orrin Holle, Atwood Kyle Cott, Clay Center Steven Friess, Labette County Michael Springer, Neodesha Kevin Robinson, Mission Valley Dan Worcester, Hill City Jim Jarnigan, Jetmore Paul Leck, Washington
Star in Agribusiness Star in Ag Placement Star in Agribusiness Star Farmer Star in Ag Placement Star Farmer Star Farmer Star Farmer Star Farmer Star Farmer Star Farmer
STATE BAND PARTICIPANTS Directors – Yvonne Colle-Burden, Medicine Lodge High School & Alex McMahon, Andover Central High School Parker Koch............................................... Centralia Bricen Benyshek................................Concordia Kayla Julian.............................................................Ellis Greta Klein................................................. Ellsworth Katina Bartel...................................................Holton Noah Bartel Jacob Huyett Andrew Duever....................................Marysville Mable Caldwell.......................................McLouth Grace Forsberg Allison Cole.............................. Osborne County Qwinton Morris
Alexander Young................. Peabody‐Burns Reese Byers................................................Renwick Megan Brockhoff....................................Sabetha Emily Christiansen............Southern Coffey Brayton Lind Claire Foster............................................... St Marys Zachary Fox Emma Jones Rebecca Schleif Elena Toenjes Kaycee Singh Dhillon Kiera Thomas
STATE CHORUS PARTICIPANTS Director – Dr. Anne Gassmann, Kansas Wesleyan University Accompanist – Dr. Gustavo do Carmo Trinity Albers.............................Greeley County Isabella Burden....................Medicine Lodge Faith Henke Vonda Landwehr Jacob Brown.....................................Minneapolis Braxton Grimes Jaren Aurand........................................Pike Valley Kiersten Morgan
Bianca Binning...........................South Barber Jazzmin Binning Tyten Courson Karson Hall....................... Southeast of Saline Bronc Noll.................................Southern Coffey Dergan True Kaytlynn Winn Ava Hawkins..................................West Franklin Katelynn Shepherd Allyson Williams
WE BELIEVE IN THE FUTURE OF AGRICULTURE And we're proud to back Kansas FFA members & alumni by: Supporting college students with scholarships and leadership programs Investing in young farmers through professional development tailored to meet farming's unique business challenges and dynamics Bringing new and engaging lessons, labs and resources into Kansas ag education & science classrooms
TODAY’S LEARNERS ARE TOMORROW’S LEADERS. Each generation of agricultural leaders must be prepared for lifelong success. That’s why the CHS Foundation proudly supports high-impact youth leadership programs like FFA. And why we help cultivate learning and career opportunities through university initiatives across the country. We believe in the power of tomorrow, and it all starts with advancing innovation today. Visit to learn about our ongoing commitment to leadership.
© 2022 CHS Inc.
Dear Kansas FFA Family and Friends,
elcome to State Convention! We are excited that you have joined with us this week to celebrate the achievements of the past year and to recognize excellence achieved by members and the 225 chapters as they have worked to fullfil the mission of the FFA by making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. We know that thousands of hours have been invested, culminating with their recognition during these days. As you read through the program, take special note of those companies, organizations and individuals who have been willing to invest in the Kansas FFA Foundation. Given the opportunity, please thank them personally for supporting the Kansas FFA and our quest to prepare students for success. We are blessed to have such amazing support for our young people! This week, as you reminisce about your personal experiences during the FFA, consider how you can make a difference for future members of the organization. Your financial gift, or the establishment of an estate gift or multi-year pledge can make a significant difference for FFA members for generations to come. The Kansas FFA Foundation is a registered 501(c) 3 organization and gifts are fully tax deductible. Thank you for being here this week and celebrating alongside our members, agriculture education professionals, industry leaders and supporters. Together the future of agriculture in Kansas and beyond looks bright. Forever Blue,
Beth Gaines, Executive Director On behalf of the Kansas FFA Foundation Board of Trustees
Kansas FFA Foundation
110 Umberger Hall • Manhattan, KS 66506 (785) 410-2576 • 38
KANSAS FFA FOUNDATION SPONSORS Donations received July 1, 2021 – May 10, 2022
Corporate Partners
Premier – $50,000 & above
5 Star – $20,000 to $49,999
4 Star – $10,000 to $19,999
Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors
3 Star – $5,000 to $9,999
Berry Companies, Inc. Corteva Agriscience Kansas Association of Agricultural Educators Kansas Ag Bankers Division Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission Orschlen Farm & Home Yoder Meats
2 Star – $2,000 to $4,999 Ag Mark, LLC Alma Creamery America’s Team CDC-BME Crader Distributing Kansas Ag Retailers Association Kansas Dairy Ingredients Kansas Feed & Grain Association McCarty Family Farms MFA Oil Reck Agri-Realty Riverstar Fundraising Seitz Fundraising United Bank & Trust 40
Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors
1 Star – $1 to $1,999 181 Ag Supply 4 Seasons Fundraising Ag 1 Source Amazon Smile American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation Inc. American Implement Animal Health Center of Marion Co. Beckman Ford Beer Goggles Carrico Implement Inc. Casten Farm, LLC Crow-Moddie Ford Diamond D LLC Ellis Farms Beef Genetics LLC Farm Country Ford Farm Credit Services of America First Bank Kansas From the Land of Kansas Frontier Farm Credit Glaven Ford Harms Plainview Ranch Heinen Brothers Heritage Tractor, Inc. Hiawatha Implement Hummert International HyVee iCEV KanEquip Kansas Dairy Commission Kansas Electric Cooperative
Kansas Forage & Grassland Council Kansas Forest Service Kansas Pork Association Kansas Veterinary Medical Association Kansas Wheat Commission Knights of Columbus Kroger Landmark Implement, Inc Lawrence Landscape Lewis Hybrids Louisburg Ford Mel Hambelton Ford Montgomery County Fair Association Peppy Progressive 4-H Club PrairieLand Partners Precision Ag & Seed Services Purina Animal Nutrition Kenneth Robson’s Card & Gift Shop Royal Farms Dairy Sod Shop Inc. Stewart Seed LLC Taylor Communications/KCLY The Shed LLC Tiffany Cattle Co. Trinity Lutheran Church Tubbs & Sons Ford Sales UMB United Mosquito & Fly Control Valor Auto Group
Individual Donors
Premier – $10,000 & above June Beaver Kevin & Rosemary Harris Rick & Bonnie Coley Malir Mike & Mary Smith
5 Star – $5,000 to $9,999 Andy & Ben Armbruster Jay Armstrong Tom & Maggie Hemmer Casey & Tammy Neimann Keith & Sheri Westervelt Matthew & Donelle Wolters 41
Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors
4 Star – $2,500 to $4,999 Larry & Donna Erpelding Michael Burns Robert Kohman Emily & Jeremy Lehning Annette Larson Schu-Lar Herefords
3 Star $1,000 to $2,499 Danette & Todd Amstein Chad & Mandy Bontrager Family Rita Boydston Dr. Bill Brown Kevin & Brenda Davis Jerry & Anita DeWeese Bo Downing Bill & Laurel Garlow Jami & Jarrod Gillig Sam & Janet Hands Dean Krug Jackie McClaskey & Mike Matson John & Jennifer Niemann Christopher & Amy Payne Justin & Erica Schrag Michael & Christy Springer Michael Torrey Colleen & Allen Trater Jonathan & Ann Ulmer Ken Wagner
2 Star $500 to $999 Clint Blaes Robert Broeckelman Ashley Chandler Jackie & Eric Chandler Kurt & Pam Dillon Chad Epler Rich & Shirley Felts Randall & Terrie Galle Brooks Hetle Joe & Megan Hobbs Tresa Jones Mary Kane
Beth Ludlum Susan Marshall Casey Mattke Mark Mayfield Halley & Mark Nett Gabriel Scheidt Ashley Shaneyfelt Dale & Judy Springer Todd Sturgis Elizabeth & William Thomas Pat & Janel Wiederholt Mary Williams
Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors
1 Star – $250 to $449 Kasie Bogart Alva & Nancy Burch Michael & Amy Burch Cory Epler Emily French Kevin L. & Brenda Gleason Jason & Wendee Grady Todd & Janell Harman Brian & Cecilia Harris Gordon V Hibbard Gaea & Matthew Hock Lindsey & Mark Huseman Dana & Jimmy Ladner Bob & Kay Lee
Garrett & Alyson Lister Janae McNally Mark & Marsha Meyer Jennifer & David Mongeau Jackie Mundt Darrell Phillips Allen Shive Shawn Turner John & Marlene Wells Jerrod Westfahl Dennis Will Edwin & Emma Woolson Yancy & Christina Wright Jill Zimmerman
Rising Sun – $1 to $249 Lorri Adams Donald Altenhofen Johanna & Jim Anderes Mindy Andres Matthew Anguiano Jill & Mike Arensdorf Eric & Rhonda Atkinson Scott Ausherman Susie & Everett Babcock Jim Beason Neil & Beckie Bekemeyer Carrie Blaes Mike & Peggy Blaes Kent Blakeslee Don & Rosemary Boggs Jay & Brenda Bohnenblust Jeff & Delyna Bohnenblust Stanley & Doris Bracken Rundell Brown Wyatt Brummer Glenn Brunkow Steve Buss Vicky Carinder Rex & Diane Carswell Rebecca & Kody Chase Kayla Clapp Marilyn Colgan Lori Craig Sydney Cullison Jayson & Elizabeth Cyr Danny & Debbie Daniels Staci DeGeer James & DeAnn Delbert Joseph & Sandra Detrixhe Gary D’Harmon Bill & Brandie Disberger Susan Duncan Doug Edge Jason & Caroline Ellis Vickie Entz Adam & Kristi Ewing Joe & Elen Farrell Amy Feigley Bruce Fouts Beth Gaines
Kim Gaines Nelson & Marilyn Galle Chad & Lora Gieber Jeff & Karen Gillespie Mary Ann & Fred Gillig Scott & Lane Gorden Jim & Ruby Graber Randy & Alice Gruber Dave & Karen Gustafson Merle & Debra Hadachek Mark & Kim Harms Amy Harris Dalton & Sarah Henry Aaron & Angelle Higbie Wes Higgs John Hildebrand Shandy Hill Kelly & Mark Hoelting Anthony Hopkins Nathan Hrnicek Jerry Hubener Jason Hughes Ari Hunniford Loy or Sandra James Abby Johnson Dale & Lila Keesecker John & Lisa Kern Dean & Jacqueline Klahr Ashley Klozenbucher Emily & Reed Koop Rick & Peggy Kooser Lacey Kramer Dean Krug Lisa & Keith Kuehn David & Nancy Lahm Dale Lanham Nathan Laudan Kelsey Lee Kassie Long John & Barbara Lynch Lisa & David Markley Dan Marrs Michelle Martin Krista Mauck Erin Mckain
Kansas FFA Foundation Sponsors Justin & Jeanie McKee Matt & Lindy McMillen Josie Messenger Dwight Meyer Billy & Connie Miller Jennifer Milliken Stacey & Everett Moddie Meghan Mueseler Trevor Mullanix Thomas Murray Clement & Allison Neely David & Marti Nellans Andrew Nelson Anisssa Nelson Drew Obermeyer Mark & Shawna O’Halloran Tracie Partridge Laura Peek Dana Pentz Kelly & Mark Perrier Ashley & Levin Pippin Hattie Polson Lillan & Francis Reichart L. Dru Richard Jennifer Rock Charles Sargent Larry & Janet Schaake Devin & Jessica Schierling LaReina & Jeffrey Schmitt Elmer Schmitz
Lukas Sebesta Del & Reva Shepard Jay Sherrod Guy & Leslie Shoulders Bailey Sipes Riley Sleichter Trenton & Maci Smedley Christina Stevenson Karl Dawn & Jeremy Stover Sharon Strickland Jed Strnad Paulette Strong Beth Stuewe Elizabeth Sturgis Sharon & Kevin Thielen Elizabeth Thoe Justin & Cynthia Todd Kim Viets LaReina Waldorf Doug Wareham Rob & Heldi Wareham Stan Watt Alan Weiser Carly Whorton Clara Wicoff Martha Williams Marsha Wilmoth Patricia Wiltfong Nikole Winter
Chapter Seed Participants Arkansas City $ Ashland π Atwood % ^ +§ Blue Valley $¢ Buhler # $ % ^ +§ ★ ✓¢∑ ¶©π~ Centre # $ % ^ +§∆ ★«✓¢∑ ¶©π~ Chaparral # $ % ✓¢ Chapman %∆ ★«¢ ¶ Cherryvale # $ % ^ Clay Center π~ Concordia # % ^ Ell-Saline %~ Ellis $ % +§ Ellsworth + ★¢ ¶π~ Erie ¢ ¶ Fairfield © Fredonia +¢ Girard # $ % Goessel ^¢ Great Bend ^
Hiawatha ~ Hill City $ % ^ +∆ ★ Holcomb $ % Holton $ % Hugoton ^ +§∆¢©~ Inman§ Iola π~ Jefferson West # $ % + ¶~ Jetmore $ Kingman % Leoti ~ Logan © Louisburg % Marais des Cygnes π~ Marion-Florence ★ ✓∑©~ McClouth ¶©~ Minneapolis $ % ^ +§∆★✓¢∑ ¶©~ Mission Valley ∆©~ Neodesha © Norton ^∑ Onaga ✓¢©
Osborne ~ Paola $ % Pike Valley % Prairie View ^ +§∆ ¶©π Republic County % ¶©π~ Rock Creek + Rossville ∆ Scott City ^ + Sedan ∑ ¶©π~ South Barber $ %©~ Southeast $ % St. Francis ¢ Stafford $ % ^ +§ Uniontown $ % ^ +∆ WaKeeney ^ +∆ Washington County %+§ ✓¢ Wichita County π~ Wilson ¢ Yates Center ¢
# 2007 $ 2008 % 2009
∆ 2013 ★ 2014 « 2015
¶ 2019 © 2020 π 2021
^ 2010 + 2011 § 2012
✓ 2016 ¢ 2017 ∑ 2018
~ 2022
Find your PURPOSE. Find Your PASSION. Find your PEOPLE.
College of Agriculture 45
Giving never tasted so good! Since 1970, Blue & Gold Sausage Company has been helping school organizations with their fundraising needs. We are proud to be associated with the various school organizations that promote leadership, citizenship and innovation... which is why we are a proud supporter of the Kansas FFA Association.
Ag Partners Cooperative, Inc.
At Merck Animal Health, we know the future of our industry depends on the students of today. That’s why our commitment to developing our future leaders is unconditional.
Search #BeUnconditional on our social channels to see our mission in action. Copyright © 2022 Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
John Deere proudly supports the Kansas FFA Foundation and all the members that make the future of agriculture bright.
Gator Giveaway Participating Dealers American Implement BTI Carrico Implement Inc. Heritage Tractor, Inc. Hiawatha Implement Landmark Implement, Inc PrairieLand Partners 50
Logan Elliott 2019-20 Kansas FFA President
After hanging up my blue jacket, Kansas Farm Bureau has given me the opportunity to continue to invest in myself as a young leader and young professional, while also investing in the future of agriculture. Be part of the next generation’s ag leaders with Collegiate Farm Bureau. Learn more at 51
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WE EQUIP PEOPLE. Berry Companies may be in the construction equipment industry, but we don't just equip people physically. We are a company that is passionate about leadership development, training and empowering employees, and providing learning opportunities for the next generation.
Proud Sponsor of the Kansas FFA
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2021-2022 Fundraising Chapters Anderson County Atchison County Axtell Blue Valley Burlington Centre Central Heights Chapman Chase Clay Center Council Grove Crest Dexter Doniphan West Ellinwood Ellis Emporia Ell-Saline Eudora Flinthills Frankfort Fredonia Goessel Greeley County Hanover
Hiawatha Hill City Hillsboro Hodgeman County Holcomb Holton Horton Hoxie Independence Iola Junction City Jackson Heights Jayhawk Linn Jefferson West Leoti Lincoln Linn Lyndon Marais Des Cygnes Marion Mission Valley Natoma Nemaha Central Ness City Neodesha
Northern Heights Onaga Osawatomie Ottawa Paola Perry-Lecompton Plainville Pleasant Ridge Pleasanton Phillipsburg Prairie View Pretty Prairie Quinter Republic County Riley County Rock Creek Rossville Royal Valley Rural Vista Russell Sabetha Scott City Shawnee Heights Silver Lake Smith Center
Solomon Southeast Southern Coffey County Southeast of Saline Southwestern Heights St. Francis St. Mary’s Stockton Thunder Ridge Tonganoxie Troy Udall Valley Heights Washington County Wabaunsee WaKeeney Wamego West Franklin Wilson Yates Center
The choice is clear … Seitz for all of your fundraising needs. Proud Sponsor of the Kansas FFA and Kansas FFA Foundation, Inc. 57
ALUMNI AND SUPPORTERS You didn’t have to wear the “blue jacket” to join the Kansas FFA Alumni Association! Contact your local Alumni Affiliate or Jackie Chandler, Kansas FFA Alumni Executive Director at 59
Call Hall
Leadership Studies Waters Hall
Justin Hall Bluemont Hall
Business Building
Student Union
Welcome Center
McCain Auditorium
Parking Garage
Alumni Center
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
ore than 200 alumni, industry representatives, and other individuals united to provide countless hours of their time to plan, organize, and execute all of the events of the Kansas FFA Convention. Kansas is blessed to give members, guests, and supporters an amazing experience of celebration and growth, all with a 100% volunteer-run convention. When seeing any of these volunteers, be sure to thank them for all their work in making the 94th Kansas FFA Convention possible! Taylor Apley • Corley Becker • Clint Blaes • Robin Blume Chad Bontrager • Colton Branch • Logan Britton Christian Calliham • Tyler Cates • Kinzey Cott Allyson Deaver • Wyatt DeJong • Zana DeJong Kurt Dillon • Justine Dlabal • Edie Doane • Michael Dowd Kiran Elam • Logan Elliott • Reagan Evans • MiK Fox Drew Goering • Abby Goins • Hannah Graybill Hannah Hahn • Jancey Hall • Katie Harbert Bill Harlan • Lori Harlan • Max Harman • Phil Harner Dalton Henry • Sarah Henry • Jody Herchenbach Alan Hinds • Lynne Hinrichsen • Gaea Hock Lindsey Huseman • Briana Jacobus • Abby Johnson Denver Johnston • Kristin Kennedy • Emily Koop Kyler Langvardt • Heather Lansdowne • Nathan Laudan Brooke Lewis • Alyson Lister • Garrett Lister Marilyn Long • Mary Marsh • Jackie McClaskey Janae McKinney • Cailin Parks • Bailey Peterson-Wilhelm Morgan Phillips • Victoria Pickens • Katelyn Pinkston Bethany Plake • Russell Plaschka • Kara Riffel Jade Robben • Grace Roth • Sarah Sergeant Lucas Shivers • Mary Soukup • Kassody Still Beth Stuewe • Elizabeth Sturgis • Karl Wilhelm Lexi Wright
MEDICAL AND EMERGENCY CARE IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY DIAL 911 Ascension Via Christi Hospital 1823 College Avenue 785-776-3322
MMG Walk-In Clinic 2900 Amhearst Ave. 785-320-6770
K+Stat Urgent Care 711 Commons Pl. 785-537-6264
930 Hayes Dr., Ste. B 785-565-0016
K-State Campus Police 108 Edwards Hall Non-Emergency: 785-532-6412
Relive the Memories After the final gavel, relive the memories by downloading official convention photos at Convention videos will be available on the Kansas FFA YouTube channel at
Working in partnership with Kansas FFA to grow, build and strengthen Kansas agriculture.
The Kansas Department of Agriculture is committed to providing opportunities for the next generation of agriculture leaders.
Grow smarter. Grow stronger. Grow Kansas. 65
THE FFA CREED I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds – achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years. I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny. I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil. I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so – for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me. I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task. — The creed was written by E.M. Tiffany of Lyndon, Kansas, and adopted at the Third National FFA Convention. It was revised at the 38th and 63rd National FFA Conventions.
Proud to Support Kansas FFA and the 94th Kansas FFA Convention
Official Sponsor of the Kansas FFA truck
Mark your calendars for the
95 th KANSAS FFA CONVENTION May 31 – June 2, 2023
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