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Chapman FFA

Where’s the Energy?

Premier Chapter: Growing Leaders Finalist

Beloit FFA

Murder Mystery Night

Premier Chapter: Growing Leaders Finalist

The chapter wanted to provide the whole school with a leadership opportunity by hosting a breakout room activity based on the board game, Clue. This event was opened to the entire school, giving the student body a chance to grow leadership skills. The FFA members on the committee created breakout rooms with leadership challenges.

This event served the members and the student body by giving students a break from school, and a chance to participate in an activity that developed their overall leadership skills. This event let the forty students grow their ability to work together, and work with people they don’t normally see. The eight leadership challenges provided competition and promoted integrity and leadership.

“Where’s The Energy” was designed to raise awareness in the chapter about the effects of energy drinks. Members designated one week a month when energy drinks weren’t allowed in class, and healthier options, such as fruit water, were available. Additionally, members learned effects from a dentist and physician and learned how to make protein balls.

Energy drinks can affect heart rhythms, anxiety levels, tooth decay, and more. Members made advancements by trying new, more health-conscious drink decisions, like tea. Additionally, members learned how to make monster cookie protein balls, an easy recipe for anyone to make.

This activity provided 1,275 healthy drink options throughout the year. Collectively, 76.5% of members passed health quizes, showing the knowledge gained.

Udall FFA

Bully No More

Premier Chapter: Growing Leaders Finalist

Bully No More focused on teaching elementary school students the effects of bullying. Members worked with the Udall elementary school and school counselor to create an engaging presentation for the 3rd and 4th graders.

The activity was designed to enhance the lives of students of Udall Elementary through education sessions. Throughout the lesson, students gained knowledge of the four types of bullying; physical, verbal, social, and cyber. Committee members then showed the social, emotional, and physical side effects of bullying. Lastly came the knowledge of how to stop bullying. This information was reinforced in the positive imprints activity, where students write what they can do, to “Bully No More”

Kansas FFA has a record number of chapters nominated for the Premier Chapter award program, where 10 chapters with innovative activities in each of the three divisions (growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture) are recognized at the National FFA Convention, with one winner being named. Learn more about each of our nominees.

Oxford FFA FFAmily of the Year

Premier Chapter: Strengthening Agriculture Finalist

To strengthen relationships with families and community members, Oxford FFA hosted an evening dedicated to family bonding and education about FFA. Members and their families participated in samples of various CDEs. The family with the best score was recognized as the Oxford FFAmily of the Year.

This activity presented a unique opportunity for young agriculturalists of the chapter to teach their families about their passions in FFA. Parents gained valuable insight on the agriculture-based events in which their students are competing. In addition to serving as a great recruitment tool for younger siblings that will be the future of the chapter, agriculture is very valued in the Oxford community and bringing multiple generations together to establish understanding is important for the industry.

Sedan FFA Suicide Awareness Luminary Event

Premier Chapter: Building Communities Finalist

To raise awareness for the growing amount of teen suicides in Kansas, the Sedan FFA Chapter lined the sidewalks of Sedan’s Mainstreet with 82 luminaries. The luminaries, comprised of paper bags, sand, and candles, were constructed by chapter members. The 82 luminaries represent the Kansas teens that lost their lives to suicide in 2021

This activity advanced the community by bringing to their attention that there are many teen lives taken by suicide each year. For years, suicide prevention has been a hot topic in the agricultural industry. Awareness is one of the most important steps in lowering suicide rates. Teenagers are the most tolerable group for mental health issues.

Tips For Creating Innovative Chapter Activities

1. Think about what current issues your chapter/community are facing. How could your chapter solve them?

2. Get feedback about your idea from other members and leaders in your area.

3. Create a committee or task force to accomplish your activity. Specific roles = specific results.

4. Keep track of how many people participate and the impact of your activity. Quantify your impact!

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