KANSAS! Magazine | Harvest to Table | Issue No. 5 2022

Page 22



“When you live in rural Kansas, more often than not, you will end up driving behind a tractor or some kind of farming equipment. Farmers are without a doubt very important for the culture in the Midwest. Without them, we wouldn’t have the food we have on our tables. As a photographer, I aim to capture the world around me and bring everything to life for other people’s enjoyment. I wanted to capture this photo as admiration for those farmers as they spend so much time out in the field growing, harvesting and providing their crops for the community. Being a farmer isn’t just a job but a livelihood for most in the rural areas.” –AMANDA OVERTON, PHOTOGRAPHER

Instagram: @amanda.o.photography

Overton is from Franklin County and has been photographing for more than seven years. She finds that photography allows her to access her creativity and perspectives she wouldn’t have without a camera in her hand.



PHOTOGRAPH Amanda Overton

Location: Franklin County

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