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Kansas Swine Improvement Association Newsletter "VV
Affiliated with the National Park Producers Council- -I
July 20, 1970
Vie have a nev; Kansas Pork Queen! Kathy Eilert of Valley Center was creamed at the contest at Great Bend on Saturday, July 18. •
Vlith some 75 or 80 persons looking on the eleven queen candidates did an excellent job of presenting facts about pork. The judges gave the crown to Kathy. Your reporter forgot to collect the pertinent facts like backfat, rate of gain and such. Mrs. Terry Nagel and the Porkettes did a real fine job and presented an interesting program. Thelma Boe, National Porkette president was a guest. You should have been there!
Dr. nines returned from the National Duroc Congress and reported that the new
National Duroc Queen is Nora Lee Nagel of Valley Center.
How about that!
Your board of directors met at the Holiday Inn at Manhattan on July 15.
covered a lot of ground in a short time.
Some of the matters discussed are briefly
outlined in the paragraphs that follow. Mr. Moorman summarized proceedings of the test station committee meeting.
Final test weight of the boars has been raised to 220 pounds. The index has been modified slightly also. The test station sale will be'at Ci-Co Park on Monday evening (August 31) at 7:00 p.m. There v;ill be a pork chop
dinner preceding the sale.
K.S.I.A. will sponsor an all-breed show and sale
at Abilene on October 2 and 3.
The sale will be on Saturday, October 3.
better put the date on your calendar. K.S.I.A. will furnish a plaque to the winner of the F.F.A. show at the State Fair in September.
VJillard Olson reported that he is in the field with the new Scanogram.
He has had a few problems but he is very happy with the machine.
He is also
very busy.
Willard also reported he is making many contacts in his effort to promote
the deduction program. St.
He plans to attend a short course for fieldmen in
Louis next month.
Mr. Frisbie, President of the Kansas Farm Bureau, presented some ideas to the directors. He suggested that K.S.I.A. could affiliate with Farm
Bureau if every member belonged to Kansas Farm Bureau.
Then all Farm Bureau
services become available at cost. He said Farm Bureau v70uld also contract one or all services to K.S.I.A. Costs would be higher.
Your president appointed the committee listed below to study the situation and make recommendations at the 1971 annual meeting. •Jim Henry, Chairman Jasper DeVore Fred Germann
Jack Baird
Roy Stroup
Let them know your feelings on the matter.
The same committee will consider a possible name change for K.S.I.A. and make recommendations at the annual meeting. Would "Kansas Pork Producers Council" be more descriptive of our Activities than Kansas Swine Improvement Association? Better express yourself on this one, too!
Pat Boyer, Kansas Department of Ag. Marketing Board, reported that Kansas is cooperating in export of breeding stock. He is the man to see if you are interested^
--Ji' •
*• Jim Dobbins, State Board, reported that he has lots of material you could iise in publicizing pork'at your county fair. You better see that some of it is secured for" your shoxir. Don^ t leave all the work and the planning to someone else.
Pork is your business!
Your directors have selected-Thursday, February 4, as the dAte for yout 1971 annual meeting. First choice as a place for the meeting is Salina. Second'choice is Hutchirisbh. Willard Olson is making arrangements. You ' better get it on yoiif calendar. ^ =' i • District 8 is sponsoring a sxTine tour on Sunday, July 26. Everyone is invited. The irivitation is on' the last page of this nevxsletter.,
KSIA has given a helping hand to the Department of Animal Science once
again. Tlie Association has added $130 to a fund being used to air condition the student living quarters and the laboratory rooms at the sx^ine bam. District 3 (North Central Ks.) added $100 to the fund. Individual breeders
have helped out too.
On behalf of the Department, we say "Thank you" to all
of you.
The possibility of a full-time secretary for K.S.I.A. is looking more
President Stroup is in contact with N.P.P.C. officials concerning
possible fi'h:a'nciar''help from them.
The next meeting of your directors is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on August 31 in Room 209 at VIeber Hall here in Manhattan. That is just before the pork chop barbecue ahd the boar sale. You better plan to be in Manhattan that day.
\^here do the nickels go?
See the abbreviated financial statement attached
to this riex^/sletter.
"Happiness is a Better Breakfast." Did you know Mrs* A. B. Cain, Jr. of Bentbn is directing the National Porkettes September better breakfast campaign? I bet she could use some help! Why don't you call her and volunteer your services. They are promoting your product - pork! Kansas Porkettes are selling a real nice cookbook for $2. ; Txijelve plus
214 pork recipes I believe it is called. Mrs. Koch is taking a copy to Nigeria. You better buy your x/ife a ccpy. It x^ould make a nice gift too. There are certainly a lot of cooks who need to knoxi7 more about cooking pork. It is your product - here is another way to promote it. Porkettes are selling "Hogs are Beautiful" stationery too - another effort to promote your product.
Don't forget - Swine Day at K.S.U. on Thursday, October 1, 1970.[ Dr. Hines is
putting together a real good program. Dr.. J. i^.-Hoefer from tlichigan State will be one of the speakers that day.
^ .uT
' "
' ""
Respectfully submi.^tjefi, •.Vil-VA.!•
Berl A, Koch
f'i:." i*
SWINI5 FACILITI^S^^'y^UJ. .;i sponsored,
Bear Swine Producer, .
::r . '
On SUNDAY,. JULY 26, a sx\rine facilities .to.ur^wi^^
held which,.will show ^^pyeral
different farrowing.i&Jid fihlshing structures. This'mii'"^''edd^^ tour' and a chance for you to get an idea how some other fellows ^re handling..their hogs....The stops and time SfchJ^iKiie are listed as follows: •
• '•=
1:15-1:45 brL-iphn Jay - 2 miles S, 3/4t'mile ^T'o^i 'ibla-oft'1^9
(Thirk irest
of overpass on north side)
Chicken House conversion into Farrowing Faiiiii'i:^^' '
.''jo^nneth Ling - 1st road west of the'and*'l/4 mi. S. i r\'" Feeding Facility..with, use of Lagoon for waste disposal. .'-rvt-/..!- > .s.. ! f-ri vi;:fonoi-: A.I
Charles Lewis -2..miles East apd 1 3/4 miles South of 54-75 Highway U(V;5l\&ction in Yat^'-CerSet. V Kn.:!,nnvTilt-up concrete structure for farrowing.
Pat Collins - 9 miles "^'ast'dnd
mileSouth of il'etes Center (Leo
Collins farm).
Finishing Structure using pit type waste disposal and aluminum slats. An A-type house will also be on display at this stop.
Refreshments will be served at the Collins farm following completion of the tour. Everybody come and pick up some nex^ ideas. Sincerely,
--y.X yyvJ^ Alfred Link
President, Dist. 8 K.S.I.A.
Plastic Boots will be provided for your protection and for the protection of those farms x^e tour.
K.S.I.A. Fln^cial Statement
June 4, 1970 - July 15, 1970 Balance
June 4, 1970 - $4,052.70
Checks written
NPPC tape service
Nat. Lvst. & Meat Board
Nat. Lvst. & Meat Board - Porkecue Booklets
KSU Ext. Division - postage
Ag iPress - 5,000 newsheads
Mailing permit
The Minneapolis Messenger - Pork Cookbooks
Ithaooi'^ inc. - Scahogram
KSU Ext. Division - postage
KSIA Sbnoray Account - balance for Scanogram
Farmland Indxistries —balance for Scanogram
poster kits
Balance July 15, 1970 - $780.98
45.00 35.00 4.00
4^^ Vl