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Sapere aude! Kant Institute

Kant’s and Königsberg’s Friends Society

Department of Philosophy IKBFU


KANTIAN PROJECT OF ENLIGHTENMENT TODAY Program of International Conference 21—23 April

Kaliningrad 2014



The conference is organized with the support of Russian Foundation for Humanities, grant № 14-03-14026г and Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, development program Г-2014-53211 «Organization and Implementation of International Conference "XI International Kant Readings"». The conference is to take place in the main building and in the building № 2 of IKBFU, A. Nevskogo Str. 14. Time limit Plenary papers — 40 min., discussion — 20 min. Session papers — 20 min., discussion — 10 min. SECTIONS 1. Theoretical Foundations of the Philosophy of Enlightenment. 2. Enlightenment, Human Nature, and Religious and Moral Issues. 3. Enlightenment and Social and Political Issues. 4. Criticism and Reception of the Ideas of Enlightenment. 5. Enlightenment and its Relevance Today. 6. Enlightenment in Education and Art.



April 21 09:00—10:00 IKBFU main building lobby 10:00—10.30 Conference hall «Aquarium»

Registration Of Participants Opening. Welcoming Speech By: Governor of Kaliningrad Oblast Nikolay N. Tsukanov Rector of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Prof. Andrey P. Klemeshev, Presentation

First Plenary Meeting Chair Nelly V. Motroshilova, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) 10.30—11.30 Monique Castillo, Paris 12 Val de Marne University (Paris, France) Conference hall «Aquarium» Self-Criticism as Final Destiny of European Enlightenment? 11.30—12.30 Robert Howell, University at Albany, State University of New Conference hall York (Albany, USA) «Aquarium» Things in Themselves: An Interim Report 12.30—14.00  Lunch 14.00—15.30



 Coffee Break






Sections 3


April 22 Second plenary meeting Chair Vadim Chaly, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia) 10.00—11.00 Conference hall «Aquarium»

Heiner Klemme, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Mainz, Germany) Self-possession. On the Relation of the Faculties in Kant’s Conception of the Categorical Imperative

11.00—12.00 Conference hall «Aquarium»

Alexey N. Kruglov, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia) Youth and the Task of Genuine Transformation of the Way of Thinking Chair Gerfried Horst, Friends of Kant and Königsberg Society (Berlin, Germany)


10.00—11.00 Auditorium 202

Nelly V. Motroshilova, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) Immanuel Kant: Everydayness, Tischgesellschaft in Unity with Philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment

11.00—12.00 Auditorium 202

Dirk Loyal, Friends of Kant and Königsberg Society (Schwalbach, Germany) Immanuel Kant in Judtschen


 Lunch



Visit to the City Museum and Kant Museum in the Cathedral, opening of the exhibition dedicated to Hagen family.


Ceremonial meeting in the Cathedral Welcoming speech: Gerfried Horst, Friends of Kant and Königsberg Society (Berlin, Germany) Leonard A. Kalinnikov, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia) Organ Short Concert by Artyom Khachaturov (Leading Organist of Kaliningrad Kathedral)


Floral tribute at the Kant's tomb April 23

Third plenary meeting Chair Vladimir N. Belov, Saratov State University (Saratov, Russia) 10.00—11.00 Conference hall Paola Rumore, University of Turin (Turin, Italy) «Aquarium» Kant's understanding of Enlightenment with reference to his refutation of materialism 11.00—12.00 Conference hall «Aquarium»

Werner Stark, Philipp University of Marburg (Marburg, Germany) Moral Theology and the Cosmological Argument. Comments to Kant’s One Unheeded Note 5


Chair Maya E. Soboleva, Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt (Klagenfurt, Austria) 10.00—11.00 Auditorium 202

11.00—12.00 Auditorium 202


Mirosław Żelazny Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Toruń, Poland) The Problem of Polish Freedom in Kant’s Philosophy of Enlightenment Leonard A. Kalinnikov, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia) Immanuel Kant: Leap from the World of Enlightenment


 Lunch




 Coffee break






Final plenary meeting Speaker — Jürgen Stolzenberg, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) Kant and Medicine Closing Ceremony



Theoretical Foundations of the Philosophy of Enlightenment April 21, Monday 14.00—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (conference hall “Aquarium”, main building) Chair — Alexey N. Kruglov 14.00—14.30 Franz Hespe (Philipp University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany) «Nature’s Unity According to its General and Special Laws» (in German) 14.30—15.00 Alexey Kislov (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia) «Autonomy of Negative Truths: Early Kant and Deviant Inferences» (in Russian) 15.00—15.30 Giuseppe Motta (University of Graz, Graz, Austria) «Kant´s "I think". Form, Structure and Contents of the § 16 of the Transcendental» (in German) 15.30—16.00  Coffee break 16.00—16.30 Saša Hrnjez (University of Turin, Turin, Italy) «Sensus communis and the Sublime: Legitimization of Enlightenment in Kant’s third Critique» (in English) 16.30—17.00 Marina Savelyeva (Center of Education in the Humanities, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine) «The Antienlightenment Nature of the Faculty of Judgment» (in Russian)



April 23, Wednesday 13.30—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (conference hall “Aquarium”, main building) Chair — Nelly V. Motroshilova 13.30—14.00 Sergey Katrechko (National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, Russia) «Transcendentalism as a new paradigm of philosophizing» (in Russian) 14.00—14.30 Stefan Klingner (Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany) «Intellectual Contemplation and Philosophical Reveries. Kant and the Enlightenment of the Philosophizing Subject» (in German) 14.30—15.00 Valeriy Pavlov (National University of Food Technologies, Kiev, Ukraine) «On the Specific Nature of Kant's Understanding of Enlightenment» (in Russian) 15.00—15.30  Coffee break 15.30—16.00 Ivan Koptsev (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant's Treatise on Enlightenment from the Viewpoint of his Subject Speech Structure» (in Russian) 16.00—16.30 Eduard Parkhomenko (University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia) «Kant and Madis Koiv’s Philosophic Theater. How do we Stage a Thing-in-itself?» (in German) 16.30—17.00 Vladimir Gilmanov (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant and "Schroedinger's cat"» (in Russian)




Enlightenment and Religious and Moral Issues April 21, Monday 14.00—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 118, building № 2) Chair — Maya E. Soboleva 14.00—14.30 Alexander Shevchenko (Institute for Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia) «On the Limits of the Due» (in Russian) 14.30—15.00 Rocco Porcheddu (University of Wuppertal, Germany) «Cicero, Duncan’s “Ethical Interlude” and Kant’s goal in itself. Considerations on “Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals” (in German) 15.00—15.30 Sergey Lugovoy (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant on the Meaning of the Bible for Moral Enlightenment» (in Russian) 15.30—16.00  Coffee break 16.00—16.30 Tatyana Pavlova (Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia) «Kant's Engineering Activity and Ethics» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Maria Roshchepkina (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant's Ethics as Ideological Basis to Understanding of the Phenomenon of Pornography» (in Russian)



April 23, Wednesday 13.30—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 118, building № 2) Chair — Irina N. Griftsova 13.30—14.00 Margit Ruffing (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany) «Ethical Community According to Kant — On the Embodiment of the Idea» (in German) 14.00—14.30 Valeriy Meskov (Moscow Institute of Open Education, Moscow, Russia) «Homo Enlightened: from the Answer to the Question!?» (in Russian) 14.30—15.00 Alyona Kharitonova (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia) «“Lectures on Anthropology” as the Embodiment of Enlightenment Program Ideas. Kant's Version of Anthropology» (in Russian) 15.00—15.30  Coffee break 15.30—16.00 Andrey Gorin (St. Petersburg Institute of Jewish Studies, Saint Petersburg, Russia) «Kant-Related Context of Modern Theological Programs» (in Russian) 16.00—16.30 Lyudmila Kryshtop (The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia) «The Voice of Conscience as a Criterion of Genuineness of Religious Confession» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Anna Kholkina (Moscow Institute of Open Education, Moscow, Russia) «I. Kant and J. Komensky: Theological Bases of Education and Nurturing Conception of J. Komensky» (in Russian)




Enlightenment and Social and Political Issues April 21, Monday 14.00—18.45 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 209, building № 2) Chair — Vladimir N. Belov 14.00—14.30 Dieter Hüning (University of Trier, Trier, Germany) «Kant’s Notion of Obligation and the Natural Right of the New Age» (in German) 14.30—15.00 Domenica Dreyer (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) «Kant's concept of enlightened multi-level public law and the European Union» (in English) 15.00—15.30 Helmut Wagner (Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany) «Kant as the Forerunner of the European Union” (in English) 15.30—16.00  Coffee break 16.00—16.30 Larisa Dyomina (Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia) «Kant's Philosophy and Law Studies: the Conflict of two Faculties» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Juriy Yarmak (Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia) «Political Enlightenment: New Realities (Communicative Characteristics)» (in Russian) 17.00—17.30 Alexey Zhavoronkov (Humbolodt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany) « Kant, Nietzsche and the Great French Revolution» (in Russian) 17.30—17.45 Break 17.45—18.15 Alexey Salikov (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant and the idea of federalism» (in Russian) 18.15—18.45 Vadim Chaly (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant: Between Liberalism and Conservatism» (in Russian)



April 23, Wednesday 13.30—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (conference hall “Skvorechnik”, main building) Chair — Vadim A. Chaly 13.30—14.00 Vladimir Belov (Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia) «Kant and the Constitution of the Russian Federation» (in Russian) 14.00—14.30 Maya Soboleva (Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria) «The Antinomy of Political Reason» (in Russian) 14.30—15.00 Maria Oliveira (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) «Contemporary Philosophy of Law, Kantian Theory of Judgment and the Project of Enlightment» (in English) 15.00—15.30  Coffee break 15.30—16.00 Andrey Zilber (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «“Negative wisdom” of Political Enlightenment » (in Russian) 16.00—16.30 Andrey Dudchik (Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus) «The Ideas of Human Rights and State Sovereignty in Modern World: Mutual Exclusion and Complementarity» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Yulia Mazur (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «The Enlightenment Principles and the Problem of Ethnocultural Identity» (in Russian)




Criticism and Reception of the Ideas of Enlightenment April 21, Monday 14.00—18.15 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (auditorium № 215, building № 2) Chair — Tatyana G. Rumyantseva 14.00—14.30



15.30—16.00 16.00—16.30



17.30—17.45 17.45—18.15

Nina Dmitrieva (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia) «Neo-Kantianism and Pacifism During World War I» (in Russian) Elena Lepekhova (Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) «Neo-Kantianism in Japan: Nishida Kitaro's Philosophy» (in Russian) Natalia Danilkina (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «Neo-kantian legal investigations in Russia: between theory and practice?» (in English)  Coffee break Sergey Lepekhov (Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Ulan-Ude, Russia) «On Some Parallels in Kantian and Eastern Philosophies» (in Russian) Natalia Bukovskaya (National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia) «Private and Public Use of Reason (Kant-Foucault)» (in Russian) Carola Häntsch (University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany) «From Enlightenment to Criticism and Back. Kant and Foucault» (in Russian) Break Mikhail Zagirnyak (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «F. Stepun's Views of Liberalism and Totalitarianism» (in Russian)



April 23, Wednesday 13.30—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (auditorium 202, main building) Chair — Nina A. Dmitrieva 13.30—14.00 Tatyana Rumyantseva (Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus) «What is the Weakness of the Enlightened Reason? (Hegel's Interpretation of the Enlightenment)» (in Russian) 14.00—14.30 Tomasz Kupś (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Toruń, Poland) «Between Enlightenment and Scholasticism. Selected Issues of the Reception of Kant’s Philosophy in Polish Philosophy of the Early XIX Century» (in German) 14.30—15.00 Bolesław Andrzejewski (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań, Poland) «Immanuel Kant and the Questions of Communicative Constructivism» (in German) 15.00—15.30  Coffee break 15.30—16.00 Oleg Mukhutdinov (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia) «Towards Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Principles of Practical Philosophy» (in Russian) 16.00—16.30 Dmitry Polyanskiy (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «Criticism of Kant's Philosophy from the Standpoint of Feministic Epistemology» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Valentin Balanovskiy (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «Transcendental Idealism and Analytical Psychology: was Carl Jung a Kantian?» (in Russian)




Enlightenment and its Relevance Today April 21, Monday 14.00—18.45 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 208, building № 2) Chair — Daniil N. Razeyev 14.00—14.30 Vladimir Konev (Samara State University, Samara, Russia) «"Sapere aude!" — Now and Then» (in Russian) 14.30—15.00 Hiroo Nakamura (Nagano National College of Technology, Nagano, Japan) «Technology and the future of the humankind. The meaning of Enlightenment of the XXI century» (in German) 15.00—15.30 Yasutaka Akimoto (University of Trier, Trier, Germany) «Towards the Timeliness of the Notion of Enlightenment» (in German) 15.30—16.00  Coffee break 16.00—16.30 Sergey Borisov (Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia) «Has the "Enlightened Century" Followed the “Enlightenment Century”?» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Mikhail Ivanov, Nina Volkova (Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia) «Free Thinking and Kant's Answer to the Question "What is Enlightenment?"» (in Russian) 17.00—17.30 Olga Poznyakova (Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus) «Kant's Idea of Enlightenment and its Relevance to the Modern Time?» (in Russian) 17.30—17.45 Break 17.45—18.15 Galina Sorina (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) «Kant's Enlightenment Project in the Context of Modern Problems of Decision Making Theory» (in Russian) 18.15—18.45 Natalia Zaytseva (Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Moscow, Russia) «Kant's Certain Ideas and the Modern Philosophy of Mind» (in Russian) 15


April 23, Wednesday 13.30—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 233, building № 2) Chair — Vladimir A. Konev 13.30—14.00 Valeriy Semyonov (Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia) «Power of the Enlightened Reason» (in Russian) 14.00—14.30 Irina Ivanova (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) «Enlightenment as Freethinking» (in Russian) 14.30—15.00 Daniil Razeyev (Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia) «Kant's Transcendental Project in the Age of Neuroscience» (in Russian) 15.00—15.30  Coffee break 15.30—16.00 Emiliya Perevalova (Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy, Ulyanovsk, Russia) «In the Twilight of Enlightenment» (in Russian) 16.00—16.30 Alexey Trotsak (Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant's “Kingdom of Ends” and Coase Theorem — Common Features» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Valentin Cherednikov (Kaliningrad, Russia) «Tonight I Dreamt of Kant. On the Influence of Kant's Ideas on Y. Mamleyev's Creative Work» (in Russian)




Enlightenment in Education and Art April 21, Monday 14.00—18.15 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 218, building № 2) Chair — Valeriy S. Meskov 14.00—14.30



15.30—16.00 16.00—16.30



17.30—17.45 17.45—18.15

Irina Griftsova (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia) «Kantian Ideas of Enlightenment in the Context of Contemporary Philosophy of Education» (in Russian) Yuriy Chernoskutov (Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia) «Comprehension of Logic and its Functions in the Educational Reforms of XIX—XX» (in Russian) Vyacheslav Kudashov (Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) «The Role of Enlightenment in Contemporary Education» (in Russian)  Coffee break Veronika Bogdanova (Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia) «Education as Adaptation: Personal and Psychological Plan of the Enlightenment Project» (in Russian) Natalia Perunova (Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russia) «Pedagogic Models of Russian Higher School in the light of Kant’s Enlightenment Project» (in Russian) Igor Gorkov (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «The Ideals of Enlightenment and Philosophical Education Today» (in Russian) Break Antonina Nesterova (Moscow Institute of Open Education, Moscow, Russia) «Enlightenment Ideas in Modern Education Conceptions: Psychological Aspect» (in Russian) 17


April 23, Wednsday 13.30—17.00 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (room № 218, building № 2) Chair — Yuriy Y. Chernoskutov 13.30—14.00 Larisa Gavrilina (Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow, Russia) «"Aesthetic Turn" in the Culture of XX Century: the Reception of Kantian Ideas» (in Russian) 14.00—14.30 Irina Nikitina (Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimov, Moscow, Russia) «I. Kant’s Aesthetic Ideas in the Context of Enlightenment Culture» (in Russian) 14.30—15.00 Mikhailina Shibaeva (Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow, Russia) «Artistic Form of Homo Sapiens Self-Expression in Kant’s Aesthetical Views Perspective» (in Russian) 15.00—15.30  Coffee break 15.30—16.00 Artur Karimov (Kazan [Volga region] Federal University, Kazan, Russia) «The Differentiation Criteria of Analytic and Synthetic Propositions» (in Russian) 16.00—16.30 Anatoliy Pushkarskiy (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «From the Logic of Enlightenment to Contemporary Logic: the Problem of Psychologism in I. Kant’s and G. Boole’s Philosophy of Logic» (in Russian) 16.30—17.00 Artyom Savchenko (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) «Kant’s Transcendental Idealism and Cognitive Approach to Argumentation» (in Russian)



Ответственный за выпуск Саликов Алексей Николаевич

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