The task: Write a short script for a video tutorial describing @ and # features in Twitter. <1st screen> Hello! Today you will learn how to use “at” and hashtag features in Twitter. <2nd screen> You can use “at” to mention or reply to any user in your tweet. Here is an example how to use an “at” sign to mention Kantur Inc. in your Twitter. Put an “at” sign first, and follow it with the username “Kantur”. A quick link to the user’s account will appear. Choose “kantur” from the list, and that’s it! Just don’t forget to put a whitespace after the username to make a correct mention. <3rd screen> Hashtags help you to group together all tweets on one topic. To make any word in your tweet a hashtag, put a number sign before this word. Let’s take a hashtag #kantur for example. You can put it in any part of your sentence. <4th screen> If you click on the hashtag #kantur, or put it into the Twitter search box and make a search, you will see all the tweets relevant to Kantur Inc. All these tweets will contain the same hashtag #kantur. So, hashtags are some kind of key words in Twitter. If some hashtag is used many times, it appears in the Trends section of Twitter. So, in the Trends section you can see what’s going on in Twitter, and what Twitter users are up to. <5th screen> If you have any question about Twitter features, you can email us at You can also find out more in our blog at, or you can make friends with us on Facebook and Twitter.