Χρημα & Τουρισμός - English Edition - Money & Tourism 2023

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GIORGOS HATZIMARKOS Governor of South Aegean Region

ALEXANDROS VASSILIKOS President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

GRIGORIS TASIOS President of the Hellenic Hoteliers Federation

OLGA KEFALOGIANNI Minister of Tourism



T H E D O L L I ’ S O N E - O F -A- K I N D VI EW O F T H E C L A S S I CA L WO R L D



Athens, Greece


Olga Kefalogianni ◆ Minister of Tourism


reek tourism is currently in a process of cre-

and diversifying as well as strengthening its image and

ative evolution. It introduces new elements,

identity of the Greek tourist product.

adopts global developments, adapts to the

In this context, our priority for the next decade is strong,

selective demands of global visitors and re-

competitive, and sustainable tourism, multifaceted with

sponds to international trends that actually

all its alternative forms developed, thus providing income,

shape tourism flows and promote destinations.

jobs, supporting social cohesion and being part of a robust

The goal for all participants in the field is for tourism to

and competitive economy.

further advance in the global ranking as we consider it cer-

Every single objective at the Ministry of Tourism is part of

tain that Greece meets all the criteria of an attractive desti-

a bigger plan, which is directly related to the wider strate-

nation to be able to acquire a long tourist season and host

gic aspirations of the government while being structured,

visitors throughout the year as it has an inexhaustible we-

realistic and implementable, answering all the big or small

alth of experiences to offer.

challenges that tourism has to face now and in the future.

We are constantly guided by balance and moderation, which

For all of us, the bet of the next day is that of a sustainab-

are critical elements for continuity and rational develop-

le and long-term development of Greek tourism, which will

ment, and we pursue strategically sustainable tourism pro-

give the maximum to the Greek economy and of course to

gress upon completion of the interconnection of destina-

Greek society. It will benefit people, the environment, the

tions, spreading visitors throughout the country, enriching

progress of the economy and the prosperity of society.

4 Money & Tourism

Best Secrets_PNAI_Travel_Book.pdf





Angela Gerekou ◆ President of the Greek National Tourism Organization


y my capacity as President of the Greek National

of new, less displayed destinations. Greece is so much more

Tourism Organization, I greet this special edi-

than just its star-islands. Each region of the country has its

tion of the MONEY&TOURISM magazine, issued

own palette of unique, authentic experiences.

especially for the iconic WTM exhibition.

In 2023, our strategy has been centered around sustainability.

First and foremost, I would like to deeply thank

„SUSTAINABLE GREECE“. That’s the name of the new G.N.T.O.

ΜΟΝΕΥ& TOURISM for the constant and effective support of

microsite that highlights the best practices and certified sus-

the Greek Tourism.

tainable destinations in the country.

In 2023, in the midst of repeated, unprecedented, internatio-

At the same time, we make efforts to showcase the country as

nal crises, Greek Tourism recorded a spectacular course. All

a ‘’green’’ destination, with a strong ethical label.

official evidence shows that the field will touch and marginal-

Respect the Environment, Respect the Culture, Respect the

ly exceed the 2019 revenue.

authentic character of local communities. This is our strategy,

According to the national strategy for Greek Tourism, as

this is our message.

planned by the Ministry of Tourism and implemented by the G.N.T.O, Greece is a top-quality destination, with a sustainable

With the belief that it will continue to strongly support Greek

sign, ideal for holidays 365 days a year.

Entrepreneurship and Greek Tourism, I wish this special edi-

In this context, the G.N.T.O. presents and proposes a series

tion of MONEY & TOURISM every success.

6 Money & Tourism


Giorgos Hatzimarkos ◆ Governor of South Aegean Region


elcome to the South Aegean Region, the

indicators and numbers; it‘s the sun and the sea; it is hos-

Polynesian Greek region, where the heart

pitality at its best; it is history and culture; it’s the local,

of Greek Tourism beats: in the Cyclades,

authentic products: the Gastronomy of the islands which,

the crown of the Aegean with its dazzling

with the title of the European Region of Gastronomy (Euro-

white villages, golden beaches and deep

pean Region of Gastronomy 2019), we systematically cultiva-

blue waters, and the Dodecanese, at the edge of the Aegean

te, both deeply-rooted in tradition and with an innovative

with endless beaches offering you the luxury of innumerable


choices, castles and ancient cultures, with its islands, some

In the South Aegean, we are today building the next day of

unexplored, some cosmopolitan while at the same time

sustainable tourism: in collaboration with the TUI Group, Rho-

unspoiled, yet all charming and welcoming.

des is transforming into the world‘s first sustainable destina-

Their charm is these contrasts are their charm and their

tion and a beacon of sustainable tourism development. Ast-

identity is their uniqueness.

ypalaia operates the first e-mobility application, „ASTYBUS“.

Rhodes, Kos, Mykonos, Santorini, Paros, Naxos and 40 more

Tilos achieved the highest recycling rate worldwide (86%) and

islands, the most popular Greek destinations and interna-

zero waste. Halki is the first zero carbon footprint island in

tional destination brands, have been breaking one record

the country, the first GR-eco island. Syros boasts the dynamic

after another in recent years in tourism, taking first place in

modern ecosystem „Aegean Neorion Innovation Center“.

the Greek tourism industry.

One by one, all the islands of the South Aegean are taking

But the islands of the South Aegean are much more than

leaps towards a sustainable future.

10 Money & Tourism

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Alexandros Vassilikos ◆ President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels


espite the great challenges of the recent years,

also by discovering new ones, all over Greece, all year round.

Greek tourism has proven the durability of our

In addition, it is a strategic goal for Greek tourism to win

product: unique natural beauty, history, culture,

for the bet for sustainability. It is our moral obligation to

unique culinary experiences and diverse enter-

the future generations but also a condition for maintaining

tainment as well as something else very import-

the attractiveness of the Greek tourist product at the top

ant: secure and reliable hosting under all circumstances.

of global preferences. Sustainability is not a luxury. It is a

These characteristics make Greece one of the leading global

necessity and that is why we, as a country, are investing in

destinations for the UK market. This was also proven this

accelerating the green transition.

season with the British market playing a leading role in this

The World Travel Market in London marks the start of prepa-

success, which once again confirms the strong relationship

rations for Greek tourism in view of the new season. It has

of trust and good cooperation.

always been the ideal opportunity to invite our friends from

We can build the future on this solid foundation by further

the United Kingdom to meet with the unique experiences

strengthening our collaborative relationship with the UK

that only Greece can promise as proven already to offer.

market and multiplying opportunities and possibilities in

Warm congratulations to the special annual English edition

order to reap mutual benefits.

of MONEY & TOURISM, which has now become an institution

Greek tourism still has a lot to offer by upgrading the tou-

and journalistically highlights the strength of the Greek pre-

rist experience in well-established popular destinations but

sence in the World Travel Market.

14 Money & Tourism


Grigoris Tasios ◆ President of the Hellenic Hoteliers Federation


reece is a global destination boasting unpar-

UK friends 365 days a year, either in the popular and be-

alleled natural beauty, inexhaustible historical

loved Greek destinations, or in what we call „other Greece“

wealth, monuments of unsurpassed aesthetics,

that the British visitor is worth discovering in all seasons,

unique experiences of entertainment and fun.

all over the country. These are destinations that constantly

It is a safe European destination, with state-of-

enrich their product and the thematic options offered to

the-art hotel infrastructure, which is constantly being upgra-

visitors, ranging from luxury tourism to rare tours in the

ded in order to provide high-quality services together with

Greek nature and from culinary delights to cycling or diving

the human warmth of traditional Greek hospitality.


These characteristics have led the UK market to steadily

Greece is unique and every British visitor can, even in just

remain one of the leading markets for Greek tourism. The

one day, experience such different and unique thrills of un-

well-established relationship of trust that has been built

forgettable moments.

over the years withstands even large-scale shocks, such

Towards this direction, we are certain that this year‘s WTM

as the crises we have experienced and overcome over the

will decisively contribute in order to conquer new peaks in

recent years.

the years to come.

This ongoing trust in Greek tourism is for us both an honor

Warm congratulations to the special edition of „MONEY -

and a responsibility to continue in order to achieve much

TOURISM“ which, like every year, leaves its journalistic mark

more in the years to come. It is a goal for which we need to

for the Greek representation in the biggest tourist exhibition

work closely with our UK market partners to welcome our

in the world.

16 Money & Tourism


Michalis Vlatakis ◆ President of the Association of Tourist and Travel Agents of Crete


ear Visitors of the World Travel Market,

I could talk and write endlessly about Crete, a paradise for

The Association of Cretan Tourism and Travel

everyone, with plenty of flights from most UK airports and

Agencies (ACTTA) which I have the honour to

accommodation for all tastes, as well as budget packages for

represent is looking forward to welcoming you

each one of you, but the most important thing of all is that in


these difficult times we live in, of pandemics and wars, Crete

The destination of wonders

has proved to everyone that it is a SAFE destination.

Of history

Of hospitality

Wonderful villages and wonderful people are waiting to wel-

Of diverse natural beauty

come you.

Of gastronomy

Choose to visit us better off high season so that we can treat


you the way we want, and you deserve...

The Sun Of, of..... 20 Money & Tourism

Yours sincerely

A family of hotels in love with the Ionian Sea. Elix lives in the pine forest over the beach on Greece’s mainland. Nido and MarBella live on Corfu’s south-eastern shores. Between them lives the blue beauty and shimmering stillness of the Ionian Sea. Visit marbella.gr @marbellacollectiongreece


Constantinos Deriziotis ◆ Publisher


or a second consecutive year, the highest number

of Greece, but also the delicacies of Greek cuisine, the genu-

of tourists to have chosen Greece for their preci-

ine hospitality of the people, the unique aura of the country!

ous holidays were our British friends.

All this in combination with the professionalism of the peo-

2023 is the first normal year, after the Covid pan-

ple working in the tourism sector, so much glibally admired

demic, which cost us all so much, changed our

in the difficult period of Covid, with the absolute observance

daily life so much, deprived us of our favorite holidays so

of all safety measures to protect the both the health of the

much. And that‘s why we all traveled, enjoying unique mo-

tourists and employees in the tourism industry.

ments, so precious for the long winter lying ahead, until the

Greece is an exceptionally popular holiday destination for

next - longed for - summer!

Europeans as well as for visitors from other continents.

2024 is going to be another record year for Greece and Greek

2024 is right ahead of us, and the demand for Greece is at an


all-time high. Plan your vacation and book it now, through a

Obviously our British friends will play a key role, choosing the

professional tour operator.

unique destinations of our country for their holidays once

We are waiting for you to spend another unforgettable sum-

again, in order to enjoy not only the unique natural beauties

mer in beautiful Greece.

22 Money & Tourism







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GIORGOS HATZIMARKOS Governor of South Aegean Region

ALEXANDROS VASSILIKOS President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

GRIGORIS TASIOS President of the Hellenic Hoteliers Federation

OLGA KEFALOGIANNI Minister of Tourism

Money & Tourism Annual Edition W.T.M. 2023 Owner: KAPA SIGMA DELTA S.A. Publisher: Constantinos Deriziotis Marketing: Nicolaos Deriziotis Dimitris Zagoraios Marianna Panagiotou Art Director: Eva Manoli Cover Photo: Ajul Luxury Hotel & Spa Resort, Zeus International Hotels & Resorts

Headquarters Athens: 2 Messologiou Str., 144 51 Metamorfosi, Tel: +30 210 211 76 76, http://www.money-tourism.gr, e-mail: sec@ksd.gr

Olga Kefalogianni Ministry of Tourism

Angela Gerekou President of the Greek National Tourism

Business Attica



Giorgos Hatzimarkos

Ionian Islands

Governor of South Aegean Region

South Aegean

Alexandros Vassilikos President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

Grigoris Tasios President of the Hellenic Hoteliers Federation

Michalis Vlatakis President of the Association of Tourist and Travel Agents of Crete

24 Money & Tourism


Northern Greece Peloponnese











For the third year in a row, CapsuleT accelerator collaborates with GNTO at WTM London 2023!

The Greek awarded accelerator joins the GNTO pavilion together with 6 Greek travel tech startups. ◆

CapsuleT is the only Greek accelerator that focuses exclusively on the development and growth of travel tech startups - a proud initiative of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels - that has been recognized in a European level. In 2022, the accelerator was honoured by winning the 1st place at the South Europe Startup Awards (SESA) 2022 as the Best Accelerator in the region and in

ensure that our winners join international events & delegations.

2023 CapsuleT was a Finalist at the Global Startup Awards in the

Participating as co-exhibitors at the GNTO pavilion at the WTM

same category.

London 2023 as well as other expos such as ITB Berlin 2024 and

Meet the CapsuleT winners joining this year’s WTM London

Fitur Madrid 2024, Greek travel tech startups have the opportunity

As Capsule continuously supports Greek travel tech startups to

to meet with prospective clients and collaborators from all over

expand beyond our country’s borders, part of our mandate is to

the world.


26 Money & Tourism



Meet the 3 winners of the 2023 acceleration program!

the operations of any hotel since it’s very easy to use and simple to integrate. We work just as much with resort hotels as we do with city and business hotels. In Greece, where we launched our service first, we have become the industry standard for lost & found management. Most large hotels in Greece use our service including the Athens Hilton,

Who is Deliverback and what problem do you solve?

Marriott, Intercontinental, Grand Bretagne and all major hotel

Deliverback is a free online tool that solves the problem of ship-

management chains.

ping lost & found items for the hospitality industry. Our system is

In the last year we have started working with hotels in the Nether-

fully automated, easy to use, and streamlines operations between

lands, Belgium, UK & Spain. We also signed an agreement with

the Hotel, the guest, and the courier service.

Fraport, expanded our service in airports and currently manage

Our mission is to empower hotels by providing a free online tool,

the lost & found items in 14 airports.

that can handle the delivery of a lost item anywhere in the world, effortlessly, safely, and efficiently while creating a positive guest experience. Deliverback helps hotels save time, reduce costs, remain GDPR compliant while significantly improving their guest experience,

What does Orbito travel offer and what problem do you solve?

post checkout.

More than 150M mobility disabled Europeans and North Americans spend up to six months planning their trip, paying more than

Tell us more about your clientele and what you have achieved in

other travelers for the same services and feeling worried about

the last year.

what they will experience when they will reach their destination.

Deliverback works with hotels of any size and type and can fit in

orbito travel is the first end-to-end online travel platform (B2X Edition 2023




and B2B2C), addressed to mobility-impaired travelers, covering

cant growth and transformation due to changing consumer pre-

all the components of the accessibility chain, into six categories

ferences, increased interest in wine culture, and the efforts of

including air-tickets, accommodation, transfers, experiences, re-

wineries and regions to attract visitors.

staurants and value added services, to be paid in a single online

Originating from Greece, an emerging wine country with a rich

transaction. Each venue is visually justified in terms of its acces-

wine tradition, indigenous varieties, undiscovered destinations

sibility via in-house produced Virtual Tours.

with high quality gastronomy products, we blended our team’s experience in tourism, wine industry and technology in order to

Tell us more about your future goals and what you see as new

create a marketplace where all tourism professionals would be

trends in your market.

able to find the best wine & gastro experiences for their clients

The mission of orbito travel is to enable an accessible and acti-

and offer alternative options for discovering a destination’s gas-

vely inclusive travel community, in which travelers with mobility

tronomic culture.

disabilities or impairments have equal opportunities to participate in a socially sustainable tourism sector. By continuously

Tell us more about what you offer to your clientele and what is

adding more accessible destinations and experiences, it aims to

your vision for the future.

become the leading inclusive OTA for accessible travel in Europe.

Cellarhopping is a B2B marketplace gathering wine&gastro tou-

Giving back also to local communities, orbito travel targets to

rism experiences and is designed to facilitate transactions and

significantly reduce the disability perception gap by training the

collaborations between businesses involved in the wine & gastro

onboarded travel vendors about the disability etiquette, enabling

tourism industry. Cellarhopping connects stakeholders such as

vendors to adapt and donate wheelchairs to people in need, fol-

wineries, tour operators, hotels, DMCs, transportation providers,

lowing the market trends of travel niche markets.

distribution channels, by creating a seamless experience for bookings and operations of gastronomy related experiences. Having reached almost the maximum of wine&gastro tourism experiences offered in Greece, we aim to replicate our model in more countries of the Mediterranean as well as in undiscovered desti-

What was the inspiration behind creating Cellarhopping?

nations, and also expand our capacity by connecting with globally

Wine tourism and gastronomy tourism market has seen signifi-

established distribution channels.

28 Money & Tourism



platform streamlines booking operations, automates communications, and connects businesses with a vast network of distribution channels. With Kleesto, you can easily digitize your operations, sync live availability, and effortlessly collaborate with partners, all while reducing time-consuming administrative tasks.

Need more tech in your business; Meet these 3 startups that will also join us this year!

We offer flexible subscription plans and a commission-based pricing model, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. Whether you‘re a local tour operator or a global travel agency, Kleesto empowers you to scale your operations, increase revenue, and provide unforgettable experiences to travelers. Join us in shaping the future of the travel industry.

Unlimited Adrenaline is a travel tech and Destination ManageVivestia is a booking platform for luxury vacation rentals, 5-star

ment Company (DMC), specializing in Outdoor Activities and Ad-

hotels, and yachts, showcased exclusively with Virtual Reality Tours.

venture Trips in Greece with an extensive network of over 500 pro-

Our mission is to seamlessly connect travelers with their ideal

viders and 2500+ experiences that cover 100 different categories!

stays using interactive, transparent content. Property owners can

As your trusted local partner, we offer:

create their VR Tours and benefit by gaining trust and engage-

A holistic Greek experience: From activities to accommodations and transportation, we‘ve got it all covered.

ment through informative representation. With Virtual Reality Tours, hotel owners can showcase facilities

Immense knowledge of Greece‘s rich outdoors.

and room types with unparalleled realism, boosting direct sales,

Tailored - Customized multiday trips, catering to diverse

revenue, and facilitating communication with travel agents. This sets you apart from competitors and keeps you ahead of the

groups with exclusive experiences.

curve. Furthermore, VR offers remote personnel training, streamlines event planning, and enhances sustainability by reducing

Expertise in organizing niche activities and team-building events.

A streamlined platform for travel agencies to join our B2B

unnecessary travel for agent inspections.

affiliate programs, ensuring their clients enjoy added value

Join us as we empower hoteliers with VR solutions.

with minimal effort. We‘re the quintessential hub for travel agencies targeting Greece! Don’t miss the chance to book your meetings with our startups through the WTM London platform, learn first-hand about their

At Kleesto, we‘re revolutionizing the way tour operators and ex-

tech solutions and start discussions during the exhibition at the

perience providers manage their businesses. Our cloud-based

GNTO pavilion - Ν3 -515, booth 3 -4! Edition 2023

















Spacious and grand, all 3 resorts face beautiful sandy bea-

surroundings. Favored for the relaxed and intimate atmo-

The place to Celebrate Life

ches and harmonically blend in with their amazing natural sphere, the resorts offer great locations, personalized services, elegant dining and a wide range of options and possibilities.

With over 35 years of rich and proud history, Aldemar Re-

In addition, the Group’s hospitality services include not only

sorts remains a leader in luxury hospitality in Greece. By

memorable summer vacations, but also social events, wed-

combining Greek authenticity and international standards,

dings, spa retreats, conferences and business meetings.

Aldemar’s bespoke collection of luxury resorts and private

Nestled in the Western Peloponnese, the land of the Olympic

villas provides hospitality excellence and promise a unique

Games, Aldemar Olympian Village is a destination in its-

holiday experience.

elf. Set on an exclusive, sandy beachfront property of 350

The Group operates in Greece’s most stunning and strategic

acres, with sweeping panoramic views over the Ionian Sea,

destinations: Crete, one of the top destinations globally, and

the awarded five-star resort is an impressive seafront geta-

West Peloponnese, with the rich history, heritage and natural

way, ideal for families and couples. With 682 rooms, bunga-

beauty of the Olympian Land. Aldemar Resorts has a total

lows and suites scattered around lush gardens and 42 pools

capacity of 2,214 beds and its portfolio consists of 3 luxurious

flowing around, Aldemar Olympian Village offers a genui-

beachfront resorts, 1 Thalassotherapy & Spa Center, and 2

ne holiday experience and a feeling of belonging. In 2024,

Conference Centers.

the resort further develops its conferences facilities with a

32 Money & Tourism


brand new conference Center, the largest in the area. The Ilis

Sea and pristine private or shared pools, is renowned for its

Congress Center with a total area of 9,000 and international

grandeur and heartfelt hospitality. Each villa is an exquisi-

standards will be suitable to host any kind of event.

te collection of high-style amenities and comforts inviting

Aldemar Knossos Royal is blessed with a splendid location

guests to find their paradise. The luxurious and spacious

at the tip of a magnificent cape on the northern coast of

gem-like villas, situated steps away from a sublime beach,

Crete. Framed by the crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea,

bring together tradition and modern splendor and promise

it offers stunning sunrise and sunset views over gorgeous

harmony and privacy.

sandy beaches. This five-star seafront resort is the modern

With strong presence in the local societies in which the com-

interpretation of an ancient Minoan palace, with 386 suites

pany operates, Aldemar Resorts has successfully embodied

and rooms scattered over 110 hectares and 15 pristine pools

the pillars of sustainability, community well-being and evo-

flowing between architectural gem structures that follow

lution over the years. The company has received numerous

sustainable principles and local design and architecture.

prestigious awards and distinctions, for its commitment to

Aldemar Knossos Villas, framed by the crystal-clear Cretan

quality and excellence and its dedication to sustainability. Edition 2023



Atlantica Hotels & Resorts Atlantica Hotels & Resorts is a leading company in the hospitality industry, offering vacation landmarks across Greece, Cyprus and Egypt. With 44 years of experience and expertise, a customer-centric approach and an enviable reputation for the quality of service, Atlantica Hotels & Resorts is the ultimate choice for today’s business and leisure travelers. By combining contemporary design, modern amenities, extensive dining options and a variety of concepts/ products aiming to satisfy the needs of every customer, guests are guaranteed an award-winning experience. Since established in 1979 with the first hotel opening in Limassol, the Atlantica Hospitality Group has evolved into a major hotel chain currently operating more than 45 hotels

34 Money & Tourism


in 10 exceptional seaside destinations.

is at the fundamental base of operations. The Group is com-

Product differentiation is the Group’s strength. By under-

mitted to continually improving its service, satisfying current

standing the experience that the modern travelers desire,

legal requirements, always striving for maximum quality, ad-

our tailored and segmented products allow them to expe-

ding value to its brands and contributing to the communities

rience unique and memorable moments in prime locations,

through sustainable development. Energy efficiency, was-

whether this is an adults-only getaway, a family vacation or

te management and control of water pollution, employees

a business trip.

training on sustainability and environmental best practices,

In the 44 years of experience, customer trust remains one of

are only a few examples of how we maintain the highest

Atlantica’s most valuable business asset and the foundation

customer satisfaction at the lowest environmental and social

for its future growth. The Group’s core values are inspired


by attracting, retaining and strengthening customer relati-

The Group’s growth, goals, recognition and awards on a glo-


bal scale could not be achieved without the exceptional

At Atlantica Hotels & Resorts, caring ethos towards the Earth

team, which is at the heart of the Atlantica brand. Edition 2023



Divani Collection Hotels Divani Collection Hotels has been leading the tourism industry

VERY, the largest loyalty program in the world for independent

in Greece since 1958, owning 7 luxury hotels in Athens, Meteo-

premium hotel brands, offering unique privileges and experi-

ra, Larissa and Corfu, and competing with international brands

ences to its members, in over 100 countries.

in Greece and Europe. With 65 years of experience and driven

As the first and most historic hotel group in Greece, the name

by constant renewal and innovation, it is famous for its 5* ser-

„Divanis“ is synonymous with premium hospitality in the

vice as well as its welcoming and „family“ atmosphere, while it


has dozens of international and national awards and distinctions. Apart from premium accommodation, the Divanis Group excels in more fields such as dining (with restaurants and bars that offer spectacular views together with top-class gastronomy), wellness (the Divani Athens SPA & Thalasso Center is a world-class and multi-awarded retreat, one of the largest and most contemporary ones in Europe, featuring the sole thalassotherapy facility in Athens), summer outlets (private beaches, swimming pools, water sports and yacht cruises) and, of course, corporate and business events of all scales. Finally, with Divani DISCOVERY, Divani Collection Hotels participates with all its hotels in Global Hotel Alliance’s GHA DISCO-

36 Money & Tourism


Domes Resorts & Reserves Beyond the expected Nestled on carefully chosen shores graced by the Mediterrane-

marked a significant milestone by opening three new hotels in

an Sea, Domes has swiftly ascended as the fastest-growing lifes-

the picturesque Kassandra peninsula of Chalkidiki, the lunar

tyle hospitality group in Greece, a brand that seamlessly marries

Cycladic haven of Milos Island, and the vibrant heart of Myko-

luxury with sustainability. Crowned as the World‘s Leading Luxu-

nos. In a recent collaboration with Grivalia Hospitality, Domes

ry Resort Brand for 2022 by the prestigious World Travel Awards

provides its signature charm to 91 Athens Riviera: Members

and Europe‘s Leading Resort Brand for 2023, Domes is the em-

Club Glamping experience—a harmonious blend of luxury and

bodiment of elegance, sophistication, and refined hospitality.

nature that will feature Barbarossa, the renowned restaurant

With eleven family-friendly and adults-only exquisite properties

from Paros, bringing the flare of Cyclades to the Athens Riviera.

scattered across the Greek Islands and Portugal‘s Algarve region,

Additionally, Domes‘ signature Makris Degustation Restaurant

Domes ranscends the mere concept of hotels.

has graced the heart of historic ancient Athens, beckoning

And the story doesn‘t end here. As Domes continually expands

guests to savor exquisite culinary creations in a timeless set-

its horizons, there‘s always more to anticipate. In 2023, Domes

ting with views of the Acropolis.

38 Money & Tourism


The Domes Originals

Spinalonga Island at the legendary Domes of Elounda,

A Refined Selection of Exquisite Hotels

Autograph Collection. Strengthen your tribe and practice


the art of living well at Domes Zeen, a Luxury Collection

The Domes Originals is a curated selection of iconic,


award-winning lifestyle hotels, located on defining beachfront locations that boast panoramic vistas of the

The Domes Reserves

Mediterranean Sea and a storied past.

Uncommon Escapes in Historic Locations

Each hotel in the collection is a remarkable diamond,


meticulously crafted to embody the very essence of its

The Domes Reserves offer an exclusive experience that

destination, seamlessly fusing local culture, gastronomy,

is far removed from the clamor of modern society. Each

historic landmarks, and ancient wellness rituals with

handpicked location boasts unspoiled architecture and

emblematic architecture to create an unforgettable ex-

ambiance, steeped in cultural heritage, and hidden sto-


ries that will captivate your imagination.

Live in sync with nature in palatial accommodation with

As a crown jewel within the Domes Resorts portfolio, the

a private lake, and world-class golf near cosmopolitan

Domes Reserves embody the brand ethos of passion for

Vilamoura at Domes Lake Algarve, Autograph Collection.

detail and focus on introspection, which redefines the

Stay steps away from Corfu’s most famous beach and get

relationship between esteemed guests and the hotel.

privileged access to Sora Lifestyle Beach Club on Corfu’s

Embrace the sophistication of a bygone era, and immer-

most famous beach, which combines summer fun, di-

se yourself in an experience that enriches the cosmo-

ning, wellness, and childcare with space for the children

politan drive to preserve rarity and authenticity. Domes

to roam free at Domes of Corfu Autograph Collection or

White Coast is on the stunning, whitewashed, and blue

enjoy aristocratic luxury while discovering cosmopolitan

stucco roof Aegean Cyclades Island of Milos and we an-

Corfu by speedboat at Domes Miramare, a Luxury Col-

ticipate Domes Maison for 2024, an authentic preserved

lection Resort. Captain your family boat to the castle on

1903 mansion in old town Corfu. Edition 2023



The Domes Aulus Cool-Inclusive Beachfront Retreats

The Domes Noruz


Legendary Nightlife Destinations

The Domes Aulus offers a revolution in the 5-star tra-


vel experience, where the Cool-Inclusive concept allows

The Domes Noruz are sexy, design-led, adults-only seasi-

guests the carefree and effortless lifestyle of enjoying

de hotels in legendary nightlife destinations that combi-

the booming culinary scene, soulful service, and feel-

ne gourmet, mixology, lounge sessions, art, and fashion

free-to-try-it-all philosophy. Experience the booming cu-

to create a 24/7 celebratory aesthetic.

linary scene at handpicked, beachfront locations, indul-

These cutting-edge retreats embody a philosophy that

ge in sophisticated fare, relax in stylish, colorful spaces,

indulges the senses with a mix of innovative cuisine, be-

and embrace a carefree lifestyle that awakens your inner

spoke cocktails, and sophisticated design. With an exclu-

balance, allowing you to truly unwind. The signature Do-

sive adults-only policy, Domes Noruz creates a playg-

mes culture of soulful service allows you to focus on en-

round for grown-ups where guests can connect, unwind,

joying living at ease. For a five-star all-inclusive stay, with

and embrace the spirit of the Mediterranean, the per-

a booming culinary scene, choose Domes Aulūs Zante

fect choice for those who want to experience the pulsing

Autograph Collection for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to

energy of the nightlife scene while enjoying the highest

swim with the Caretta sea turtle, or live the glamorous,

levels of luxury and sophistication. Discover the nightlife

Greek Island romance of a lifetime at Adults only Do-

of evocative Chania at Domes Noruz Autograph Collecti-

mes Aulūs Elounda with altitude tranquility and stunning

on, Europe’s Leading Honeymoon Resort, or experience

views of The Venetian castle on Spinalonga island, the

the legendary nightlife of Mykonos and Kassandra on the

setting for Victoria’s best-selling novel “The Island”

Chalkidiki peninsula.

40 Money & Tourism


LUXME White Palace, Crete

Grecotel – the leading Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Greece The name of Grecotel is synonymous with quality hotels, per-

contribution to tourism, hospitality service, organic cuisine,

sonalised service, traditional Greek hospitality and a caring

environmental protection and sustainability, improving local

concern for the environment and culture of Greece.

communities and much more.

Almost four decades since its formation in 1981, Grecotel S.A.

The Group features four distinctive collections – Boutique,

is the largest hotel chain in Greece with 40 resort hotels and

Beach Luxury, LUXME, and Lifestyle All In Hotels & Resorts.

a total bed capacity of over 17,000 beds.

Each of the 40 luxury hotels and resorts has a distinct cha-

The Grecotel Hotels & Resorts (4*and 5* hotels) are located

racter, with a strong focus on design, inspired by its stunning

in Crete, Corfu, Peloponnese, Rhodes, Mykonos, Kos, Athens

surroundings many being close to notable Greek archaeo-

Riviera, Athens, Larissa, Alexandroupolis.

logical sites. The accommodation caters for every taste and

According to Greek market statistics Grecotel S.A. ranks as No.

whim: sea view rooms, family suites and bungalows with the

1 Greek hotel group with 4% of total 5-star, 4-star and 3-star

option of a private pool and gym, and exclusive villas.

hotel turnover [source ICAP 2019].

The Group excels when it comes to its service culture, always

The Grecotel Group has been awarded with thousands of

striving to surprise and delight. The warmth of the Grecian

national and international distinctions for its excellence and

hospitality is one of many reasons guests return to a Greco-

42 Money & Tourism


THE DOLLI at Acropolis, Athens

Mykonos Blu, Psarou Mykonos

Corfu Imperial, Corfu

Cape Sounio, Athens Riviera tel resort year after year. Over 6,700 personnel are employed in the Grecotel offices and hotels, making it the most significant employer in the Greek hospitality sector. The Privilege Club loyalty scheme was founded in 1996 as the first hotel loyalty scheme in Greece, while it has recently undergone a total relaunch with a world of unique new benefits for its members. Grecotel has won thousands of awards for high-quality services, warm hospitality, a substantial contribution to the upgrading of Greek tourism, social work, conservation initiatives and highlighting the environmental and cultural heritage of Greece.

Mandola Rosa, Peloponnese grecotel.com Edition 2023



Hotelbrain Group The largest hotelier in Greece ◆

Over 95 leased hotel establishments, 39+ destinations

HotelBrain Group is the largest hotelier in Greece in number

ted investments while being dedicated to leaving a positive

of properties and destinations.

mark on the Greek hotel sector.

HotelBrain Group has expanded to over 200 hotels in Gre-

HotelBrain Group is the dominant hub that all hospitality re-

ece - now established its presence as the largest hospitality

presentatives can trust. As the largest hotelier in Greece, the

group by hotel units in Greece. Dynamic, diverse and results

HotelBrain Group aims to enhance travelers’ lives by offering

-focused, HotelBrain Group –recognized as the leading hotel

vacation experiences of a highly diversified hotel portfolio

management company in Southeastern Europe– also provides

all over Greece.

comprehensive services for the hospitality industry; from ho-

From start to finish, from budding brands to established

tel development and management advisory services to selec-

names, HotelBrain Group provides comprehensive solutions

44 Money & Tourism


for the lease, management, advisory and development of hotels.

THE VALUES • Constant Development • Embracing Innovation • Acting with Integrity • Guaranteeing Trust • Community Care Edition 2023



Santorini | Cyclades

Platys Yalos


• Petradi Beach Hotel

• Mr & Mrs White Santorini,

• Livin Mykonos, Chora

• Polos Hotel Paros, Parikia

• Olympic Palladium


• My Mykonos, Chora

Naxos | Cyclades

• Aqua Marina Rethymno

• Sun & Moon Villas & Suites,



Chania, Kolymvari | Crete

Syros | Cyclades

• Aphea Village

• Sunrise Beach Suites,

• Mrs Chryssana


Chania, Daratsos | Crete

• Anamar Kea Boutique Hotel,

Lasithi, Ierapetra | Crete

• Anais Suites, Kato Daratso

• Thera Mare, Perivolos


• Villea Village, Ierapetra

• Anais Holiday, Kato Daratso

• Notos There & Spa,

Tinos | Cyclades

Lasithi, Elounda | Crete

• Anais Summer, Kato Daratso


• Favie Suzanne, Chora

• Elounda Orama, Elounda

• Flamingos Hotel, Kato

• Anamar Santorini,

• Favie Oxygen, Chora

• Elounda Krini, Elounda



• Mr & Mrs White Tinos, Agios

• Elounda Living Residences,

Chania, Maleme | Crete


• Carisa Maleme

Heraklion | Crete

Piraeus | Attica

• Anastasia Hotel, Stalida

• Gallery Suites & Residences

• Magia Village Resort,

Poros | Attica


• Xenia Poros Image Hotel

• Old Castle Oia, Oia • Thermes Luxury Villas & Spa, Megalochori • Aeon Suites Hotel, Pyrgos • Mill Houses Elegant Suites, Firostefani

Mykonos | Cyclades • Radisson Blu Euphoria Resort, Kalo Livadi • Myconian Crown Suites,

• Anamar Blu, Ornos Andros | Cyclades • Mare Vista, Batsi • Andros Holiday, Gavrio • Paradise Art Hotel, Chora Kea | Cyclades

Ioannis Paros | Cyclades • High Mill Paros, Parikia • Mr & Mrs White Paros, Naoussa


• Mrs Armelina, Naoussa

• Penelope Village, Kalo

• San Antonio Summer

Rethymno | Crete

Kalamos | Attica


House, Piso Livadi

• Rimondi Estate

• Calamos Beach Family Club

• Mr & Mrs White Mykonos,

• Sunrise Accommodation,

• Palazzo Rimondi

Hotel, Agioi Apostoloi

46 Money & Tourism


North Evia | Evia

• Torri e Merli, Lakka

• Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel

Pieria | North Greece

• Miradouro Seafront

• Anassa Mare Villas &

• Kipriotis Panorama Hotel &

• Olympian Bay Grand Resort,

Residences, Ilia

Residences, Lakka

Central/South Evia | Evia

Patmos | Dodecanese


• Evia Riviera Resort,

• Anamar Patmos, Skala


Rhodes | Dodecanese

• Palmariva Beach Hotel, Eretria

• All Senses Nautica Blue,

• Hotel Stefania, Amarynthos


Palairos | Aetolia-Acarnania

• All Senses Ocean Blue,

• Thalassa Hotel & Spa

Gytheio | Peloponnese • 100 Rizes Seaside Resort

Leptokarya • Olympios Zeus Hotel & Bungalows, Plaka Litochoros

• Belle Helene Hotel

Thessaloniki | North Greece

Mani | Peloponnese

• Antigon Urban Chic Hotel,

• Lalloudes Seaside




Chalkidiki | North Greece

Corfu | Ionian Islands

• Anavadia Hotel, Kolympia

Monemvasia | Peloponnese

• Bianco Olympico Beach

• Ariti Grand Hotel Corfu,

• Cathrin Hotel, Faliraki

• Akra Morea Hotel &


• Oasis Hotel, Afantou


• Rebecca’s Village, Sidari,

• Asterias Bay Hotel,

• Douka Seafront Residence



• Mr & Mrs White Corfu,

• Summer Dream, Theologos

Skiathos | Sporades Islands



• Margaret Hotel, Kremasti

• Radisson Resort Plaza

• Atrium Hotel, Thassos

Kefalonia | Ionian Islands

Kos | Dodecanese

Skiathos, Kanapitsa

• Kamari Beach Hotel,

• Kefalonia Bay Palace, Agia

• Aegean Blu Hotel, Lampi


• Aegean View Aqua Resort

Zante | Ionian Islands

• Kipriotis Maris Suites


• Anamar Zante Hotel, Argassi

• Kipriotis Hippocrates Hotel

Alonnisos | Sporades Islands

• Roxani Country House

Paxoi | Ionian Islands

• Kipriotis Village Resort

• Milia Bay Hotel, Alonnisos

Resort, Maroneia

• Skiathos Living, Skiathos • Anamar Skiathos, Aghios

Resort, Vatopedi, Sithonia Thassos | North Greece • Ilio Mare Resort, Thassos • Maranton Beach Hotel,

Thassos Komotini | North Greece • King Maron Hotel & Spa, Maroneia

Edition 2023



Ajul Luxury Hotel & Spa Resort ◆

When luxury meets nature

A hidden gem in a perfect location for relaxation seekers.

Greek sweet and savoury recipes with views overlooking the

The brand-new Ajul Luxury Hotel & Spa Resort, owned and

Aegean Sea.

managed by ZEUS International Hotels and Resorts, the Wyn-

Guests feel totally revitalized as they experience the ancient

dham’s first Registry Collection hotel in Europe, is situated

healing traditions and therapeutic benefits of the natural

amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Chalkidiki region,

ingredients at the Aurora Spa. Moments of calmness while

renowned for its crystalline waters, pine tree forests and na-

watching the waves crash elevates the ultimate rejuvenating

tural springs of Agia Paraskevi. The 5* property is poised to re-


define the concept of luxury local hospitality, with its original

Through a plethora of unique outdoor experiences for nature

leisure and wellness experiences. Nestled along the pebble

and fitness lovers, guests can immerse themselves in Chal-

beach and verdant forests, the resort is in complete harmony

kidiki’s greenery and wildlife.

with the tranquillity of its surroundings.

Whether they seek a romantic getaway, family vacation, mix

Across its guestrooms the hotel is designed for business and

of business and leisure or a rejuvenating retreat, Ajul Luxury

leisure seeking travellers offering a blend of opulence with

Hotel & Spa Resort promises an unforgettable stay in a pic-

serenity for an exceptional stay in an idyllic setting with an

ture-perfect setting!

all-inclusive offering. The exclusive suites and villas with private pool that harmoniously blend into the sublime garden

About Zeus

oasis is the perfect setting to create lasting memories.

Zeus International Hotels and Resorts is dedicated in creating

The serenity of the lush green scenery as guests breathe in

exceptional destinations and unique experiences promoting

fresh air, they are invited to enjoy signature cocktails and

authentic Greek hospitality since 2014.

54 Money & Tourism



AEGEAN AEGEAN is the leading Greek airline, member of STAR ALLIAN-

with a fleet of 76 aircrafts including the brand-new Airbus A320

CE, and one of the most eminent companies in Greece. With

and A321 neo. AEGEAN was awarded, for the 12th consecutive

a strong international presence, AEGEAN established in 1999

year and 13th time in the last 14 years, as the best regional

and at that time operated exclusively in the Greek area. Within

airline in Europe by the Skytrax World Airline Awards.

nearly 25 years AEGEAN managed to become the favorite of all Greeks, grew its network internationally and won its position in

AEGEAN recently announced the new „Winter Flight Schedule

the aviation sector as one of the most successful and awarded

2023/24“ by which it offers increased passenger options, with

regional airlines. AEGEAN is listed on the ATHENS Stock Exchan-

18 new routes to 14 countries (compared to last year‘s win-

ge since 2007 and recent turnover exceeded 1.3 billion.

ter schedule), while expanding operations in the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans and Europe. The enhanced new winter

AEGEAN and its subsidiary Olympic Air carried 12.5 million pas-

schedule is a continuation of the very strong 9 months of 2023,

sengers in 2022 and will offer a total of 18 million seats in 2023.

as recorded by the latest passenger traffic data where AEGEAN

The domestic and international network for the year 2023 co-

carried more than 11.9 million passengers between January and

vers 165 destinations (30 domestic and 135 international) in 46

September 2023, an increase of 30% compared to the same

countries from the company‘s 10 bases in Greece and abroad,

period last year.

56 Money & Tourism

In Love with our Guests



Athens International Airport S.A. Since March 2001, Athens International Airport keeps offering

Key contributors to this positive outlook remain AIA’s

high-level services, having earned the trust of airlines, pas-

renowned Route development and airline marketing strategy,

sengers, partners, and stakeholders. Having welcomed throug-

with one of the most comprehensive and innovative airline

hout this period more than 360 million passengers and over

incentive schemes internationally and a strategic focus on

4 million flights, the airport keeps creating significant value

the promotion of “Destination Athens” through initiatives and

for the national, regional & local economy, its shareholders,


all stakeholders, and the wider public, continuously seeking

AIA is the 1st Carbon Neutral Airport in Greece and, as of 2019,

to enhance the connectivity of Athens, as a city-break, ye-

through its initiative “Route 2025”, the Airport Company has

ar-round sustainable destination.

announced its official commitment to achieve Net Zero Car-

In terms of traffic, the year 2022 ended with Athens Interna-

bon Emissions by 2025, 25 years ahead of the target of 2050

tional Airport’s traffic amounting to 22.73 million passengers,

set by ACI Europe.

exceeding the respective 2021 levels by 84.1% and behind the

Thanks to its top-notch services, AIA has earned more than

2019 levels by 11.1%. Overall, during the first eight months of

100 significant international distinctions and awards. The air-

2023, the airport’s passenger traffic totalled 18.67 million, abo-

port community, with more than 300 companies and 16,000

ve the 2022 levels by 27.3% and higher than the respective 2019

employees, constitutes one of the biggest “employment engi-

levels by 8%.

nes” in Greece, generating growth, jobs and value.

58 Money & Tourism



Autohellas Hertz Autohellas Hertz is one of the largest official Hertz Internati-

ach, Autohellas Hertz offers a wide range of car rental services,

onal franchisees in Europe, with a presence of more than 55

aiming to meet the continuously evolving needs of customers.

years in the Greek market. It operates in Greece and 8 other

Hertz is the best choice in car renting, offering the youngest

countries - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro,

fleet in the market, including everything from city cars to vans

Croatia, Ukraine and Portugal - through subsidiaries repre-

and electric vehicles, as well as the most extended network of

senting Hertz, Thrifty, Dollar and Firefly car rental.

locations in Greece and exclusive collaborations with major

Autohellas Hertz offers Car Rental, Operating Leasing, Fleet

national airlines.

Management, as well as integrated Maintenance & Repair services. Owning the largest and most diverse fleet with more

Operating Leasing

than 55,000 cars, and a network of more than 164 locations

Autohellas was the first to introduce Operating Leasing in Gre-

including 50 airports, Autohellas Hertz delivers integrated, in-

ece in 1989, under the Hertz brand. Since then, it has been

novative solutions that satisfy every customer’s need. Further-

dedicated to offering the best leasing services to customers,

more, Autohellas Hertz presents unique benefits, by being the

while optimizing handling and operational costs. For the ef-

exclusive partner of AEGEAN, Greece’s largest airline.

fective servicing of customers, Autohellas Hertz maintains 7

Rent a Car Committed to excellence and with a customer-centric appro-

60 Money & Tourism

integrated state-of-the art facilities (body & tire shop and garage) and more than 70 service points in Greece. Autohellas Hertz is an expert in this field, with Leasing services



for individuals and professionals; now everyone can benefit from leasing, enjoying care-free mobility.

Flex Drive Autohellas Hertz introduced a submission-based car rental program, which offers an unprecedented level of flexibility. With zero deposit, a fixed monthly rate, 24-hr delivery, for as long as customers want, Flex Drive is the most flexible and rewarding program in the market, meeting the needs of today’s customers who shy away from long-term commitments. All you have to do is to pick the car model that you like and leave the rest to Autohellas Hertz.

“Green” Mobility

Chauffeur Service

Autohellas Hertz is a committed pioneer in car rental. In 2019,

Autohellas Hertz provides exclusive chauffeur services for tho-

the company introduced “Green” mobility solutions for both

se who want to move around with comfort, safety and style.

the short-term (Rent) and the long-term (Lease). Presently, it drives the future of electric mobility with the biggest and most

Prestige Collection

diverse electric car fleet in the market. Electric cars combine

Autohellas Hertz offers a wide range of luxury cars, ranging

a sustainable and eco-friendly attitude, with innovative de-

from convertible to luxury mini buses, that will meet the

sign, advanced technology and a unique driving experience.

needs of the most demanding customer.

Renting an electric car from Autohellas Hertz can be your first step for a ‘greener’, more fascinating lifestyle.

The solution for any mobility need is at Hertz.gr. Edition 2023





Moving Mobility Forward

Avis is a leading global provider of mobility solutions with more

subscription packages, make Avis stand as your foremost and

than 7 decades of invaluable experience, and an extensive net-

finest choice.

work of 11,000 stations spanning approximately in 180 countries. Avis Greece has maintained a prominent position in the

Avis Car Rental

Greek market for the past 60 years. Throughout our history,

With an extensive network of 80 rental stations spanning across

we have remained steadfast in our dedication to transforming

Greece, a fleet exceeding 50,000 vehicles, coupled with a diver-

mobility into a seamless, integrated, and on-demand service,

se array of exclusive offers and packages designed to cater both

catering to the needs of both our individual customers and

leisure and business travelers, craft a seamlessly connected

businesses alike.

journey, enabling customers to access a multitude of mobility

The unwavering passion, commitment, substantial investments


in modern mobility, and relentless pursuit of cutting-edge ser-

Avis Car Rental offers a variety of customized solutions:

vices make Avis the first and optimal choice for all your mo-

• Leisure & Business rentals

bility needs. Innovation and wide range of mobility services,

• Brand new Prestige & Electric Fleet

for short- term car rental, leasing, or even flexible mobility

• Monthly Rental Programs

62 Money & Tourism



• Avis Chauffeur • Avis Preferred, global loyalty program

Avis Easy Leasing Whether you‘re seeking smart and cost-effective leasing solutions for your individual or business needs, Avis Easy Leasing presents a unique and 100% online Leasing program, that allows you to precisely customize your offer based on your needs and requirements. Just in few clicks, you can effortlessly craft the ideal offer based on what fits you better. Through the user-friendly interface of myavis.gr, you can either choose from the top deals or customize the perfect vehicle. Adjust the offer’s terms to align with your personal needs and preferences and seamlessly complete all the procedures online, all from the convenience of your office or home.

Mobility & Innovation Avis Greece is dedicated to transform the mobility experience for both business and leisure travelers. Our commitment lies in introducing innovative offerings that empower our customers with more choices and control over their commuting experien-

The future is electric

ce, with no concerns.

In the years ahead, Avis is committed to taking on a leaders-

„Switch by Avis“ is the first subscription mobility service, offe-

hip role in green mobility and making a substantial impact

ring a more streamlined and flexible car-rental process. It’s a

on decreasing traffic-related air pollution. We underline this

testament to our innovative spirit and commitment to expan-

commitment by investing in the renewal and upgrade of our

ding our services portfolio by continuously offering revolutio-

fleet with electric and hybrid vehicles, paving the way towards

nary mobility solutions in car leasing, car rental, as well as in

a more sustainable future for everyone.

the used-car sales market.

This is Avis. Your „WOW“ in every journey! Edition 2023




The Goldair Handling Lounge at Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”, Extra Schengen area

Sense of Luxury at Goldair Handling Lounges

Eirini Georgantopoulou, Marketing & Communications / Lounge Operations Manager at Goldair Handling

Goldair Handling is committed to investing in high-quality

within Greece to offer Shower Facilities, allowing passengers to

services, constantly elevating, and enhancing the passenger

relax and refresh before their flight departure.


The Goldair Handling Lounges are designed to create a relaxed atmosphere, as the company’s mission is to welcome passen-

Goldair Handling has redefined the airport waiting experience

gers in elegant spaces with a distinct aesthetic, where a wide

by bringing a fresh and luxurious dimension through its recent

variety of hot and cold dishes, tasty snacks, and delightful des-

investments. These investments include the newly constructed

serts are available, all inspired by Greek cuisine, honoring the

Lounge at Athens International Airport „Eleftherios Venizelos“

traditional roots with an authentic taste and aroma of Greece.

in the Extra Schengen area, the expansion of the Lounge in the

The options continue with an extensive menu of hot and cold

Intra Schengen area, the renovation of the Lounge at Mykonos

beverages, and the updated list of premium spirits and wines

Airport, and the construction of an entirely new Lounge at Corfu

from selected Greek producers that transform the waiting time


into pleasurable moments.

Ms. Eirini Georgantopoulou, Marketing & Communications /

Goldair Handling currently operates 5 Lounges in total, inclu-

Lounge Operations Manager at Goldair Handling, states regar-

ding 2 at Athens International Airport „Eleftherios Venizelos“

ding the new investments in the Lounges: „Through our recent

in both Intra-Schengen and Extra-Schengen areas, as well

investments in our Lounges, we consistently demonstrate our

as Lounges at Mykonos, Heraklion, Crete, and Corfu airports.

commitment to providing high-quality services that meet the

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the construction of a brand-

demands of the airlines for which we provide our services. Our

new Lounge at Rhodes Airport is anticipated to be finalized

goal is to enhance the passenger travel experience by excee-

by 2024, underscoring the company‘s steadfast commitment to

ding their expectations.“ It is worth noting that the Goldair

investing in premium, exceptional services.

Handling Lounge in the Extra Schengen Area is the first Lounge

More Information at: www.goldair-handling.com

64 Money & Tourism



Maroulis Travel Since its establishment in 1977, Maroulis Travel is the top choice

its clients. Applying an innovative integrated safety and high

in the Greek touristic passenger transportation industry. It has

quality services policy, the company successfully meets even

been established as the strongest and most recognizable brand

the most complex of demands as it manages every passenger

in Greece for business and leisure passenger transportation,

transportation request with consistency, punctuality, credibility,

being synonymous with high quality service and safety.

efficiency and above all with the utmost respect to customers.

Serving more than 950.000 passengers on an annual basis and

Maroulis Travel manages the youngest and safest fleet of coa-

successfully attending highly demanding business partnerships

ches in Southeast Europe, consisting of 120 state-of-the-art

with leading names in the Greek and international tourism in-

Mercedes-Benz and Setra buses. These coaches are the leading

dustry, the company’s mission is to create and provide high

high standard choice, offering comfortable, enjoyable and safe

quality, and above all, safe travelling experiences.


Following and implementing the latest practices of the inter-

A first-class choice for the most demanding are the 30 Exclusive

national touristic passenger transportation industry for 45 ye-

Mercedes-Benz Limo Mini Buses, which are the most techno-

ars, Maroulis Travel ensures exceptionally reliable services to

logically advanced and luxurious offered in the Greek market.

66 Money & Tourism




24, Stratigou Lekka Str. | 151 22 Marousi | Athens - Greece | T: +30 210 6147840-4 | Fax: +30 210 6147845 e-mail: coaches@maroulistravel.com | www.maroulistravel.com



Mozaik A Visionary Company Revolutionizing the Hotel Industry ◆

In the era of digital transformation, Mozaik, an international

interactive „shop your holidays“ experience, eliminating re-

marketing and technology company is enabling hotels to re-

directions and fundamentally altering the online reservation

juvenate their online presence by blending Branding, Digital

landscape. This transformation is of paramount significance,

Marketing and innovative technologies.

considering established online shopping habits. Today, tra-

Not too long ago, Mozaik’s pioneering e-commerce reservation

velers expect a consistent environment and experience when

system was adopted by the world renowned MRH Group, home

„shopping“ for vacations.

to iconic properties in Switzerland, France, and England like La

Recognizing this demand, Mozaik took the initiative to develop

Réserve Paris, La Réserve Ramatuelle, La Maison d’Estournel,

the first e-commerce environment exclusively tailored for

La Réserve Genève, and the Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel and

hotels. By expertly blending outstanding website aesthetics

Spa. During the pandemic this collaboration flourished as the

with cutting-edge e-commerce technology, it has managed to

MRH Group entrusted Mozaik with the total digital management

redefine the conventional „book a room“ concept, shaping it

of the group‘s operations, leaving behind partnerships with in-

into a dynamic all-encompassing marketplace for lodging and

ternational giants in the reservation sector. This alliance yiel-

vacation experiences. With a strong focus on innovation and

ded immediate benefits, with direct bookings showing a clear

user-friendliness, it enables users to explore hotel websites

upward trend. With nearly two decades of experience, a strong

effortlessly. They can check room availability and pricing wi-

global footprint, and partnerships with esteemed brands, Mo-

thout leaving their environment and complete reservations in

zaik places digital business at its core, crafting comprehensive

just three steps. This process mimics the experience of online

marketing strategies, aesthetically appealing websites, effective

shopping, providing guests with extensive information to make

online/offline campaigns, and innovative platforms enhancing

informed choices regarding room types and services. Guests

reservations with intelligence, that benefits both users and ho-

can easily upgrade their reservations, opening opportunities

tels. Mozaik’s ingenious technological solution has transformed

for enhanced upselling and increased spending.

the hotel industry by seamlessly merging the branded experi-

Mozaik created a new breed of user experience by fusing emo-

ence with adaptable e-commerce capabilities.

tions with technology and crafting narratives that engage users,

It substitutes the traditional „book a room“ approach with an

pioneering the „phygital“ revolution.

68 Money & Tourism



Noisis Development Consultants S.A. NOISIS S.A. was established in 1998 with the purpose of provi-

ation, as well as providing services to the Public Sector.

ding specialized consulting services to companies and organi-

Financing and management of development and investment

zations in the Private and Public Sector.

programs is our field of expertise. Our services include:

Today, Noisis has a network of offices situated in Athens, Thessaloniki and Western Macedonia and holds a leading position in the Consulting Services sector, based on its clientele and approved investment project.

• • • •

With the knowledge, expertise and executives experience being a few of our valuable assets, we fully meet our customers’ ex-

Submission of applications for subsidy programs Investment Projects Evaluation Utilization of best financing sources Preparation of Feasibility – Sustainability Studies (fast track)

Investment projects management & administration

pectations, in utter respect of their demands. We assess and

NOISIS S.A. has extensive experience in the implementation of

measure our performance through the fulfillment of our custo-

investments in Development Law. Having successfully managed

mers’ objectives.

a remarkable number of proposals in the fields of hotel busi-

We illuminate the path of development, by evaluating on your

ness, manufacturing, Logistics, renewable energy, production

behalf, the appropriate financial tools, while selecting those

software, broadband infrastructure, etc Noisis has significantly

that consistently serve your investment projects.

contributed to the rise of business in Greek territory.

The services provided by Noisis Development Consultants S.A.

The reliance of leading companies is the culmination of our

cover the entire range of business solutions, with a particular

efforts and at the same time a challenge for the full utilization

emphasis in the sectors of Financing and Investment Project

of the NSRF 2021-2027, the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF)

Management, Strategic and Business Plans, Business Organiz-

and the “Just Transition Development Plan”.

70 Money & Tourism



Piraeus Bank ◆

We support the driving force of Greek Tourism

Piraeus Bank represents the leading Bank in Greece both in

In this context, Piraeus Bank, leveraging its experience as the

terms of customer loans and deposits, with a market share of

most active underwriter, is dynamically participates in shaping

26% and 28% respectively, holding the most extensive foot-

the next day of the hospitality sector.

print in Greece and offering a full range of financial products

Firmly aligned with the above objective, Piraeus Bank’s Cor-

and services to 6.1mn customers.

porate and Investment Banking (CIB) is a key partner of Greek

Taking into consideration Piraeus’ Bank performance and

tourism businesses in their efforts to realize their investments

its leading role in the Greek Market, as well as, in matters

plans in areas critical to the sustainable development, as un-

of climate change, environmental protection and sustainable

derlined by Mr. Thanos Vlachopoulos, General Manager, Head

development, it was announced Best Bank in Greece for 2023

of Large Corporate & Wholesale Products, CIB: “Piraeus Bank

according to Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence 2023.

actively supports the next day of Greek Hospitality industry not only by facilitating its stakeholders to elevate country‘s

This award demonstrates Bank‘s strategic priority to be the

product proposition but also to safeguard sector’s competi-

leading contributor of stability for the Greek economy. To this


end, we are committed to using our products and services

In the light of this, we will further expand our loan book which

to support business sectors with strong development pros-

already stands at almost €2.5 billion and we remain commit-

pects and significant added value for the economy and to

ted to support sound investment projects that have the sus-

local communities.

tainability element.”

72 Money & Tourism

Tucked away on a radiant stretch of coastline in the north east of Crete, Daios Cove is the ultimate private hideaway of serenity for the discerning traveler. The 5* resort boasts stunning views to the Aegean from a selection of luxury rooms, suites and villas. The wellness experience at KĒPOS by Goco, a mouthwatering gastronomy collaboration with Ducasse Conseil and the exclusive Residents’ Club, are just a few of the resort’s outstanding offerings in holiday paradise. CRETE - GREECE | DAIOSCOVE.COM



built on innovative, flexible, and fresh ideas. Over the years, we have successfully represented both small and large tour operators from all corners of Europe and the world, providing them with equal attention and care, while offering a wide array of services, including tour operating, hotel contracting, group management, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences,

Travel Exchange

Exhibitions), congresses, activities, and transfers. Our luxury division, Ebiria by Travel Exchange, specializes in crafting unforgettable experiences for executive travelers. Our

To this day, Travel Exchange stands as the largest indepen-

trusted professional advisors serve clients worldwide, curating

dent destination management company in Greece, proudly

exceptional well-being journeys with each customized trip we

representing over 25 renowned tour operators from across

design. Count on us for VIP services, concierge assistance, and

the globe. We oversee a remarkable 10% of total charter flight

tailor-made luxury travel. We strive for perfection in every as-

arrivals in Greece, welcoming more than 500,000 „satisfied

pect of B2B luxury incoming destination management.

guests“ each year, across 45+ destinations. This has firmly es-

Meanwhile, through the 3Full Steps online platform, our pri-

tablished our company as a leader in the domestic inbound

mary goal is to provide our partners with the finest B2B boo-

tourism sector.

king service, API/XML connectivity, and direct contracts. We

Our services are encompassed within three primary areas:

offer a user-friendly platform that is continuously updated,

Travel Exchange, Ebiria by Travel Exchange, and 3Full Steps,

featuring new products and investments in sustainable tech-

all dedicated to supporting our trusted partners in delivering


top-quality products to their customers.

Our aim is to simplify the process of online bookings and en-

Travel Travel Exchange, Exchange, the the cornerstone cornerstone of of our our business business model, is

sure our partners receive the best possible service.


98 74 Money & Tourism


+30 22410 60330

Athens | Chalkidiki | Corfu | Crete | Karpathos | Kos | Rhodes







The Professional Experience Established in 1986, Travel Exchange Group of Companies is one of the largest independent Destination Management Companies in Greece. With almost 40 years of experience in the travel industry, we exert to deliver a high-touch, personal level of expertise to leisure, luxury and corporate clientele, through our extended network of owned and affiliate offices, all around Greece.


Direct Contracts





TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has been active in Greece since 1994 and

footprint at every stage of its operation as well as on Society

is a 100% subsidiary company of the Austrian organization

and the Environment.

TÜV AUSTRIA, which has been active for over 150 years and has

The company has its headquarters in Athens and Branches

a presence in more than 34 countries in Europe, Asia & Africa.

in Northern Greece, Northern Aegean and Crete. At the same

The company provides Certifications of Management Systems

time, it has a presence abroad in Cyprus (Nicosia), Egypt

and Products, Technical and Industrial Audits, Certifications

(Cairo), Jordan (Amman), Albania (Tirana). It also has a par-

of Professional Qualifications, Services for Legal Compliance

ticularly important clientele and partnerships in Italy, Spain,

of Organizations, Laboratory Analysis & Testing as well as mo-

Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, In-

dern technological solutions for digital trainings. In addition,

dia, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates.

it has training services through the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy,

Recognizing Tourism as a fundamental pillar of the Greek eco-

which is recognized as a Level II Lifelong Learning Center

nomy the company has developed numerous services that

(LLLC). The company’s portfolio of numerous services, for all

respond to new needs and trends, while enhancing compe-

sectors of the Economy, responds tangibly to the needs of its

titiveness. Today, more than 4.000 companies that operate in

customers, ensuring the quality, safety and competitiveness

the sector choose TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas as a reliable partner in

of their products, services, and people.

their continuous improvement process. Applying more than 30

At the same time, they work through multiplication for every

specialized certification schemes and standards, TÜV AUSTRIA

Organization, regardless of size, ensuring an enlarged positive

creates value for the Greek Tourism.

76 Money & Tourism

Your Your splendid splendid is a о is a о inin Greece Greece An Anexclusive exclusiveresort resortset setinin72 72acres acresofofaalush lushgreen greenprivate privatepeninsula peninsulawith withnumerous numerousidyllically idyllicallyspread spreadmagical magicalsandy sandy coves covesand andencircled encircledby bythe theblue bluewaters watersofofthe theAegean Aegeansea. sea.The Theaward-winning award-winningresort, resort,extends extendsits itsnatural naturalbeauty beautyininits its design designand andoffers offersaahigh highlevel levelofofservice, service,aawealth wealthofoffacilities facilitiesand andan anexquisite exquisitechoice choiceofof77awarded awardedrestaurants. restaurants.AA perfectly perfectlydesigned designedsanctuary sanctuaryfor forthose thoselooking lookingfor foraaluxury luxuryholiday holidayand andprivate privateaccommodation. accommodation.

40th 40thkm kmAthens Athens- -Sounion SounionAve, Ave,19010, 19010,Lagonissi, Lagonissi,Attica, Attica,Grrece Grrece Tel: Tel:+30 +3022910 2291076000, 76000,Fax: Fax:+30 +3022910 2291024514 24514 E-mail: E-mail:grandresort@grandresort.gr grandresort@grandresort.gr www.lagonissiresort.gr, www.lagonissiresort.gr,www.helioshotels.gr www.helioshotels.gr



The Greek Riviera

Athens is the birthplace of civilisation and it gives each visitor the opportunity to travel into time. The magic travel with destination past begins from the holy rock of Acropolis, one of the most glorious

Frayed coasts, clean, beautiful beaches, natural harbors and bays, forests and plains, sacred rocks with a long history.

monuments of the world and Parthenon, with its marvelous Caryatides. It continues to the archaeological site of Pnika, where Ecclesia convened, one of the first democratic corps in the world, to the Agora (Athens’s Ancient Market), with the impressive Temple of Hephaestus and the Stoa of Attalos, to the


Theatre of Herodes Atticus, which is now used as a spectacular acy shores, seas clean as a whistle, scenic beaches, na-

venue and finally to the Cemetery Keramikos.

tural coves and voes, forests and plains, holy rocks with

The city of Athens is a hypaethral museum, given that in every

a great historical past. These and a lot more compose

place of the city the archaeological excavations have discover-

the image of the Attica land.

ed finds from every period. Finds from the Byzantine period

The landscape alternations, the modern substructures and the

were found in the city, as well as in the wider area.

potential of alternative activities are the advantages of Attica

More specifically, in Plaka there are some of the most ancient By-

as a tourist destination. These important advantages have sty-

zantine monuments of Athens. The museums of the city are full

led fairly Attica as the “Greek Riviera”. Athens, capital of Attica

of the archaeological treasure of Athens, such as the museum of

and since 1834 capital of Greece, is a city with thousands of

Acropolis, one of the best museums in the world, in the National


Archaeological Museum, in the Museum of Byzantine Art etc.

78 Money & Tourism


The Parliament is also impressive at the Syntagma Square, but

coast, the seaside areas of Vravrona and Porto Rafti attract

all visitors are attracted by the change of guard in the Tomb of

hundreds of visitors during the summer time, as well as Rafina,

the Unknown Soldier, beneath the Parliament. Downtown, the

the second important port of Attica. Also, Oropos is a famous

historical triangle with the old neighbors of Plaka, Thisio, Psiri,

resort area.

the open-air market of Monastiraki and the archaeological si-

West Attica, which extends from the shores of Saronic Bay to

tes, attracts hundreds of visitors each day.

the Corinthian Gulf, it has beautiful villages with clean bea-

At the Syntagma Square, where the main station of metro is

ches. Agioi Theodori, Kineta, Alepohori, Porto Germeno are

situated, one can find the “heart” of the trade in life of the city,

some of these villages. North Attica extends to the roots of the

which extends to Kolonaki, one of the most famous areas Of

mountains Parnitha and Penteli, which are remarkable “lungs”

Athens filled with trade life, nightlife and culture.

of oxygen. The areas of Kifisia, Ekali, Nea Erithrea and Drosia,

Piraeus is half an hour away from the centre of Athens, the first

are green and some of the most benefited areas of Attica, as

port of Greece. Piraeus is a city that has nothing to be jealous of

Penteli and Parnitha.

Athens. It is famous for its ouzeri restaurants and its fish taverns

South Attica, with the beautiful beaches is one of the most ex-

next to the sea, in the areas of Mikrolimano, Freatida and Piraiki.

pensive areas of the region Especially, Varkiza, Voula, Vouliag-

The archaeological treasure of the city is inexhaustible. One of

meni, Kavouri and Glyfada are considered as the top suburban

the most remarkable monuments is the mark of the ancient

areas. Sounio, with the Temple of Poseidon, which is one of the

circumvallation at the marina of Zeas, one of the biggest mari-

most beautiful temples of antiquity, the amazing sunset and

nes of the Mediterranean today and along the shores of Piraiki.

the clean sea, is a famous resort area.

Furthermore, the finds of an ancient theatre of the 2nd century

The islands of Argosaronic Bay are included in the region of

in Pasalimani and the Public Theatre is also impressive. It’s a

Attica, very close from Athens. In the cosmopolitan Spetses,

neo-classical building in the centre of the town. The region of

Hydra, Poros, Salamina, Aigina, Agistri, Methana one can enjoy

Attica is divided in the East, West, North and South. In the East

weekend journeys and sallies with boats. Edition 2023




Photo Credits: Iosif Alexiadis

Photo Credits: Kosmas Koumianos

Athens Capital Hotel MGallery Collection ◆

An artful urban break to feel the city vibes

Experience the vibrant urban essence of Athens with a stay

lines, inviting furnishings, bespoke art, and urban vistas invite

at Athens Capital Hotel , the first MGallery Collection Hotel in

guests to embark on their own journey of discovery.

Greece. Nestled in the heart of the city at Syntagma square, just

Art is an integral part of the Athens Capital Hotel - MGallery

across from the Parliament House, this hotel seamlessly com-

Collection, led by the iconic work „Mappemonde“ created by

bines art and business. Its refined elegance, bespoke artwork,

renowned Greek sculptor Georgios Lappas. This remarkable in-

and meticulously designed accommodations form a unique

stallation, consisting of approximately 3,000 parts, begins on

connection between guests and this timeless city.

the hotel‘s tenth floor and runs through its atrium, showcasing

Serving as an ideal starting point for exploring Athens, a Eu-

the hotel‘s commitment to artistic expression.

ropean metropolis that seamlessly blends ancient charm with

Indulge in a culinary adventure with a signature dining expe-

modern living through sightseeing, high-end shopping, and

rience that tantalizes your taste buds with Mediterranean-in-

various art forms, this hotel promises to create unforgettable

spired flavor combinations. The hotel offers a diverse array of

memories for its guests by unveiling the city‘s hidden treasures.

dining options that promise unexpected and intriguing gastro-

Athens Capital Hotel boasts an impressive 177 rooms, inclu-

nomic journeys. A captivating atmosphere and a team of skilled

ding 18 Suites and an incomparable Presidential Suite. With

chefs set the stage for unforgettable dining experiences.

its Grecian marble, soothing color palette, signature artworks,

Elevate your senses at the Mappemonde rooftop restaurant, bar

breathtaking views, and personalized touches, guests will carry

and lounge, offering sweeping vistas of Athens, including the

the essence of this unforgettable urban retreat with them long

majestic Acropolis and Lycabettus Hill. Sip on signature cock-

after they leave. Each room provides a luxurious cocoon, cate-

tails, such as „The Spirit of Athens,“ meticulously crafted by our

ring to the needs and desires of modern travelers, whether they

seasoned mixologists, and savor an array of dishes artfully de-

are visiting for business or leisure. Cycladic-inspired colors and

signed to tantalize your discerning palate

80 Money & Tourism



Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Athens Located opposite Syntagma Square as well as within walking

cigars, cognacs and liquors with friendly and discreet service.

distance of exclusive shopping areas and museums, Hotel

Hotel Grande Bretagne is the ultimate choice for refined bu-

Grande Bretagne enjoys the ideal location in the city centre.

siness meetings and lavish social events. Featuring over 1,100

This eight story 19th-century building exudes wealth and refi-

square meters of exquisite function space, the hotel offers the

nement from the first impression, while it has been repeatedly

Grand Ballroom, Golden Room, Royal Room, Athenian Hall and

awarded by significant international communities.

its smaller meeting rooms: Boardroom, Churchill’s, Chairman’s,

With meticulous attention to detail, the 320 rooms and suites

Diplomat’s, and the Executive Room.

marry charming old-world elegance with state-of-the-art facilities whereas the 61 suites enjoy additional benefits including

Concierge Exclusive:

personalised Butler Service.

The Acropolis and the milestone of Parthenon are located

Guests can indulge themselves within the multi-awarded GB

within walking distance of 1.0 km from the Hotel Grande Bre-

Spa as well as experience the utmost dining service within the

tagne. Plaka is the old historical neighborhood of Athens

following available restaurants: The GB Roof Garden Restaurant

clustered around the northern and eastern slopes of the

& Bar is ideal for a romantic rooftop meal, while the Winter

Acropolis. The “Monastiraki Flea Market” is the place where

Garden is renowned for its weekend brunch, the afternoon tea

unique antiques and indigenous gifts can be bought as well

and live music nights. Guests can also enjoy wine tasting in

as the place where the utmost hand-made selection of sou-

the Wine Library. The GB Pool Bar offers healthy snack options

venirs can be observed.

whilst the Alexander’s Bar makes guests want to linger over a

It would be a miss not to mention that within easy walking

classic cocktail or exquisite cognac. Finally, the Alexander’s Cigar

distance are also the Ancient Agora, the Lycabettus Hill, and

Lounge, offers a relaxed setting to enjoy fine wines, premium

the Original Olympic Stadium.

82 Money & Tourism

ETERNAL ELEGANCE Visit the landmark Hotel Grande Bretagne and receive the unique chance of a lifetime experience through a collection of utmost accommodation services and indulging moments. The mythical views and the history of Europe’s oldest capital, Athens, promise to compose an unsurpassed cultural journey through its indigenous sights and unique flavors. EXPLORE THE DESTINATION AT GRANDEBRETAGNE.GR

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COMMODATION 13 Villas & Residences




Grand Resort Lagonissi ◆

The Grand Peninsula of the Athenian Riviera

Nuzzled in a 72-acre private peninsula in the Athenian Riviera

takes summer holidays to a whole new level of indulgence.

with stunning views to the Saronic Gulf, the 5 star Grand Resort

Against the magical backdrop of the sea and the dreamy en-

Lagonissi exceeds all expectations of a luxury sea front sum-

virons of the athenian riviera, guests are welcome to embark on

mer resort.

a culinary journey of ¬avours and aromas from the depths of the

20 minutes from Athens International Airport, 50 minutes from

mediterranean to the lands of the far east at the hotel’s exquisi-

the vibrant and historical city center and 30 minutes from shop-

te restaurants and bars (CAPTAIN’S HOUSE - Fuse Mediterranean

ping Malls the resorts is the perfect place from which to “ex-

Cuisine, GALAZIA AKTI -Cretan Cuisine, OUZERI AEGEON - Fresh

plore” the wonders of the Athenian Riviera and Greece capital.

Fish & Seafood with Live Music, KOHYLIA Polynesian - Japanese

Grand Resort Lagonissi is a dreamy island like resort in the

Cuisine & Sushi Bar, MEDITERRANEO - Mediterranean Cuisine,

south suburbs of Athens with exceptional sea view rooms

APHRODITE - Breakfast Buffet Restaurant & LA PISCINA – Snacks,

and sea front bungalows, private pools and private beaches,

LA VERANDA - Lounge Bar & Finger Food & VEGHERA- Night club).

upscale hotel facilities, scrumptious dining choices, holistic

The resort has some of the most exceptional meeting venues

spa and wellness treatments. Renowned as one of the best

in the south suburbs of athens [Cosmos Ballroom, Uranus Ter-

luxury beach resorts near Athens, the Grand Resort Lagonissi

race, Zeus, Ballroom Foyer, Conference Rooms (Hector, Achilles,

84 Money & Tourism

the Athenia

to the Saro

Lagonissi e

[ATTICA] luxury sea f


ACCOMMODATION 112 Bungalows & Suites with Garden or Terrace ACCOMMODATION 13 Villas & Residences

MEDITERRANEAN SUITE Aris, Athina, Neptune, Galileo, Galaxy 1, Galaxy 2)]. Sprinkled RESIDENCE VILLAwith stardust, weddings, events and celebrations are engraved in the heart of all. Τhe newlyweds choose the resortbfor εxchange eternal vows on the dazzling shores of the athenian riviera and celebrate the most important day of their life against the backdrop of the azure sea and a dreamy ambiance of romance. Aiming to meet the challenges of modern life, the stressful way of living, the unhealthy lifestyle choices and lack of physical activities, Thalaspa Chenot offers a holistic wellness program through an amazing range of spa therapies, hydrobiontology sessions, aesthetic and beauty treatments as well as bio-light meals that will bring the mind, body and spirit into full alignment.



Edition 2023




Herodion Hotel

Acropolis View Residence


Philippos Hotel

HP Hotels & Restaurants ◆

Enjoy the finest of Greek Hospitality

Two hotels, two apartments, a restaurant with an amazing

perience at the top.

view and a bistrot are the apotheosis of hospitality right next

Atrium: is a wonderful greenhouse full of light that operates

to the Acropolis. Experience a warm hospitality in one of the

all year long. A remarkably inviting space with sofas, a fire-pla-

most privileged locations in the Center of Athens.

ce, a classic 360o bar made from walnut wood and tables.

Herodion Hotel is more than accommodation and doesn’t

Gargaretta: The name of one of the oldest neighborhoods of

provide only a room to stay. It’s a place where timeless elegan-

Athens, which tends to be forgotten with the passage of time.

ce and contemporary design meet the rich historical heritage

If you are looking for an inspiring and entertaining bistrot, you

of Athens. The hotel has been hosting guests from all over the

are in the right place.

world for the last 47 years.

Apartments: Residential hospitality the new step: The Acro-

Philippos Hotel: The guests of our hotel live a remarkable

polis View Residence and the Herodion Family Apartment are

experience in a city that celebrates its rich past in every way.

the new additions under this Hospitality Group’s umbrella

The cosy and chic ambiance of the interiors is enhanced with

that underline the Group‘s forward-looking philosophy and

contemporary elements while our premium services give to

embrace the needs of modern travelers. Large, independent

accommodation a new meaning.

spaces where one can enjoy privacy but also the exclusive ser-

Point-a: At the 5th floor of Herodion hotel, you can find an

vices of the Herodion Hotel: from breakfast and Jacuzzi, laund-

urban paradise of unique allure and live the gastronomy ex-

ry and room service to priority for reservations at Point-A.

86 Money & Tourism

Arium Greek Bistrot

YOUR HOME UNDER THE ACROPOLIS T: +30 214 4025700 | herodion@herodion.gr | www.herodion.gr

Herodion Suite



Titania Hotel Athens Titania Hotel in the heart of Athens, inspires travelers to connect with the historical & commercial center of Athens. With splendid views to the Acropolis & Lycabettus hills, as well as the port of Piraeus. Its privileged location allows you to explore the famous city of Athens, within walking distance. Easily connected with all ancient sites, such as the Acropolis, old town “Plaka”, Museums, theaters, fashion districts, Athenian Riviera and more, through public transportation, as the Metro stations Panepistimio and Omonia are just 300 meters. 385 comfort rooms & suites designed to meet the needs of our guests, offering urban and panoramic views over the city. Underground parking facilities for 250 cars. Conference & Event venues, featuring in total over 1.000 square meters space, Eu-

a nice place to visit and hang out. Olive Garden bar & restau-

ropa Hall with natural daylight and Ouranos Hall on the 10th

rant on the roof top offers a welcome respite from the driven,

floor with balcony and stunning views to the Acropolis. Lobby

fast-paced energy of the capital. Stunning views, overlooking

Café, located on the lobby level offers a barista freshly brewed

the Acropolis and an exciting menu of Greek comfort cuisine,

coffee, and a nice selection of drinks and snacks. The perfect

signature cocktails and truly genuine hospitality. An ideal pla-

place to use as a meeting point, a workplace, an office or just

ce to socialize, talk business, celebrate and indulge

88 Money & Tourism

A TIMELESS HOTEL IN THE HEART OF ATHENS SET IN THE HEART OF ATHENS, is the perfect home base for both business and leisure travellers. Welcoming guests to the capital since 1976, we are located between Syntagma & Omonia squares and surrounded by the best Athens has to offer. With our very own bar & restaurant Olive Garden on the roof top and the splendid views over the Acropolis, Titania Hotel is the perfect choice for an outstanding stay right in the heart of Athens www.titania.gr


Crete, Sense the Authentic Crossway of the age-long seaways of Mediterranean, birthplace of Zeus (father of the Gods of Olympus) and of Minoan civilisation, one of the oldest ones in Europe, with palace-cities in Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Zakros. The trip to the island is unforgettable and full of surprises.


tion of people of different nationality, culture and religion (Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Jews and Mussulmans) has left deep “scars” and made remarkable creations. It is worth noticing that in the borders of the city with Acrotiri, there are found the graves of Eleftherios and Sofocles Venizelos. In the under populated mainland of Hania, there are villages, such as Vamos, Kastelli, Milia and Keramia that evidence the simplicity and the distinctiveness of Cretan life and nature, by providing an unforgettable stay, whi-

tarting from the region of Hania, which is the most

le at the same time in South the area of Fragokastello, one

western part of the island, the visitor is surprised

of the most astonishing beaches of Mediterranean ama-

from the following pictures: endless sandy bea-

zes with the Venetian castle and the legend of the magical

ches, rough canyons, caves, native animals and in-

shadows (Drosoulites).

digenous plants, long olive and orange groves, villages forgot-

Protected areas from hunting, parks and biotopes (the lake

ten from time, dispersed churches and monasteries, towers

of Agias, Kourna, Gavdos and Gavdopoula islands, Elafonisi),

and castles.

the most magnificent canyon of Europe, the Canyon of Sama-

The old city in Hania attracts the interest of the visitors,

ria and more than 1.500 sea caves or not attract visitors, who

which is situated over and around the hill of Kastelli, built

discover hidden natural beauties, enjoy nature as they have

in the ruins of the Minoan Kidonia and surrounded by the

never before and they experience folkways next to real people.

Venetian Wall and the sea. As a cultural centre, it attracted

The municipality of Rethimno follows. It is the most alp area

important scientists, philosophers, poets and artists, whereas

of Crete. It is an area with contradictions, with great history

during the Venetian and Turkish occupation, the cohabita-

and legacy, natural beauty and living traditions. In the centre

90 Money & Tourism


part of the island and between the mountain of Psiloriti and

cal characters. Every spring, in the holy mountain of Idis, the

the White Mountains, there were found archaeological finds,

father of Gods, Zeus, is reborned. Also, the ecosystems that

specimens of ancient and recent civilizations, in a land whe-

are growing in the alp parts of Heraklio are of great interest,

re the past changes into present and inspires tomorrow. The

because they are rich in flora and fauna.

tourist can be guided in the nearest places from the capital

Lasithi, the east side of Crete and the most southwestern part

of Rethymnon (Rethymnon city) with the Fortezza fortress, the

of Europe, has a 5.000 years tradition. It extends near endless

Catholic monastery of Agios Fragiskos and the five mosques

variform shores and it is situated near desert islands with

(Impraim Han mosque, Neratzes, Kara Mousa Pasa, Megali

cedars (Chrisi) and historical monuments (Koufonisi). It has

Porta, Veli Pasa mosque).

olive groves and vineyards and is lost in canyons, caves and

The Arkadios monastery stands out. It is the most revoluti-

crests. It provides table-lands (Lasithi, Katharo) and natural

onary centre during the Turkish occupation and the Prevelis

creeks (Elounta) for relaxation. One can pray in picturesque

monastery that apart from the monastery it also has a para-

little churches, monasteries and in peaks of the mountains.

dise sea. In Anogia, built in Psiloritis, one can visit the cave,

Climbers and ramblers worship it. One can smell the orange

where Olympian Zeus was born, according to the Mythology

trees, the thyme, the sage and the wild flowers. One can also

and everyone can enjoy the cool sea in Bali and Agia Galini.

visit the cave Dikeon Andron, where Zeus was born, according

Heraklio is a place where surprises succeed one another and

to mythology and later he carried beautiful Europe from the

the land has unique beauty and contrasts. It is rough and

shores of Asia. Small and beautiful towns filled with age-old

“naked” in some parts, but filled with forests in other ones,

flavors and scents, traditional elements, absolute peace and

with plenty of villages, monasteries, castles, churches on the

savage unadulterated scenery with lots of interspersions in

mountains, ancient stuff and drywalls. Unadulterated from

vegetation and a large variety of rare species. However, the-

the modern life, it combines uniquely the Cretan hospitality

re is a cosmopolitan air and a vivid nightlife.

and confirms that the most original descendants of Xenias

Lasithi with the endless beaches and the picturesque cities is

Zeus are still residents of this place.

situated next to the blue and crystal waters of the Northern

Heraklio is the biggest urban unit and the biggest economic

and Southern Cretan (Libyan) sea. Its seashores vary. Some

centre and the capital of Crete’s region. It is the birthplace

are sandy, some have white pebbles, some are deserted or

of Dominikos Theotokatos, but also birthplace of an import-

filled with phoenixes (Vai) and others are organised or cos-

ant man of letters concerning literary Cretan tradition, Nikos

mopolitan. One can live in the cities, such as Agios Nikolaos,

Kazantzakis. In the streets, the squares of the city, the market,

the capital, with scenic open view to Elounta and Spinalo-

the Venetian port, the museums and in the churches, the visi-

ga, Sitia with a unique rhythm of life and new experiences

tor will discover a city that through the valuable experience

and Hierapetra, the southern city of Crete that preserves the

of the past is searching for something new, by offering magic

atmosphere and the “old-age neighborhood”, combining at

and vitality. In Heraklio, the powers and the expressions of

the same time new challenges for every visitor.

nature gain human characteristics and change into mythi-

«Crete Everywhere» Edition 2023





CORISSIA Hotels & Resort The Village Of Georgioupolis – West Crete

is an idyllic fishing village on the north-western coast of Crete. Located in a heavenly bay in a lush river plain with a rugged mountain landscape in the background, the popular seaside resort is well known for its long, fine sandy beach and shallow, crystal-clear waters.

Corissia Harmony 5*

ences, at Crete‘s esteemed Corissia Harmony Hotel. Unwind

Luxurius Privacy Resort

in one of the hotel‘s 86 generously sized rooms, with select

Discover the pinnacle of indulgence at the 5-star Corissia

accommodations featuring private pools on the balcony.

Harmony Resort, nestled in the tranquil heart of Georgi-

Spread across two floors, each room is appointed with top-

oupolis on Crete‘s picturesque island. Our sophisticated,

tier amenities for your utmost comfort.

adults-only retreat showcases refined design and is situated a mere stone‘s throw from both the sun-kissed beach

Corissia Princess 4*

and the enchanting village center, making it an ideal base

Scenic Cretan Beauty

for uncovering the island‘s treasures. Indulge in a sump-

Immerse yourself in the quintessential beach getaway at

tuous beach getaway, featuring exceptional dining experi-

the elegant Corissia Princess Hotel, situated right on Crete‘s

92 Money & Tourism



a touch of Venice. The historic centre is a real jewel of Venetian architecture and exudes plenty of historical flair. In the western part of the town of Chania you will find several small bays with golden, gently sloping sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters.

Chania Flair Deluxe Boutique Hotel 5* Romance Redefined Indulge in a lavish getaway on the enchanting island of Crete, where the 5-star Chania Flair Deluxe Boutique Hotel awaits to spoil you. This contemporary and sophisticated boutique hotel masterfully combines a sun-soaked beach retreat with the allure of a city escape, nestled between the fine, gentle sloping sandy beach and the captivating most extensive stretch of sandy shore. This freshly reno-

old town of Chania. Unwind in our generously sized rooms,

vated, 4+ star hotel caters to families and couples alike,

adorned with premium furnishings, or immerse yourself in

providing a serene yet central setting within the enchan-

the opulence of our stunning suites boasting awe-inspiring

ting village of Georgioupolis. Escape to the stunning island

sea views.

of Crete for a rejuvenating beach vacation, complete with

Each accommodation is appointed with state-of-the-art

exceptional dining experiences, at the esteemed Corissia

amenities, ensuring an unforgettable stay. Savor the epito-

Princess Hotel.

me of relaxation amidst Crete‘s idyllic scenery, and let the

Corissia Beach 4* Inherent Cretan Hospitality Embark on a fabulous journey to the idyllic fishing village of Georgioupolis in Crete, where the captivating allure of the Mediterranean awaits. Experience the recently renovated 4-star Corissia Beach Hotel, a family-friendly, multi-building, lifestyle hotel situated in the village‘s picturesque heart. Our hotel presents an array of accommodation choices tailored to meet diverse needs, encompassing double and triple rooms, family rooms, and spacious two-bedroom apartments. Anticipate a serene beach vacation with friends or family amidst the enchanting beauty of Crete.

The Town Of Chania – West Crete

Chania is a romantic harbour town in western Crete, with

94 Money & Tourism

Chania Flair Deluxe Boutique Hotel create an unforgettable experience just for you.




Heraklion Hotels Association TEL: +30 2810 288108 E-mail:info@heraklion-hotels.gr Website:www.heraklion-hotels.gr



Creta Maris Resort ◆

A pioneer in sustainability, a dedication to hospitality

“Creta Maris is synonymous with five-star holidays on Crete.

riety of rooms, suites, and a pool villa, and a wealth of facili-

Family-owned and locally staffed, Creta Maris is a celebration

ties, activities and entertainment, Creta Maris is more than an

of this vast and magnificent island’s architecture, cuisine, cul-

award-winning, five-star resort.

ture and nature.

It is a destination in itself offering extraordinary experiences

A seaside landmark with a rich heritage and a big heart, Creta

for couples, families, single travelers, and multi-generational

Maris has been the gold standard for five-star holidays on

holidays, delivered with intuitive Cretan generosity and since-

Crete for generations. Located just 25km from Heraklion air-

rity. All rooted in a regenerative travel philosophy, thoughtfully

port, in the lively town of Hersonissos, Creta Maris is perfectly

designed for travelers who value sustainability without com-

placed for sandy beaches, towering mountains, astounding

promising high-end quality.

antiquities, and a vibrant urban scene. With a blue flag beach, 16 swimming pools, a waterpark and

Creta Maris makes memories, but people make places. Loyal

kids’ club, 7 outstanding restaurants, 5 snack points and 10

staff and trusted partners are treated with the same care and

bars, a new wine cellar for 2024, one of the largest open-air

respect as guests, nurturing relationships that last a lifetime,

cinemas in Europe, a spa, an organic farm, an exceptional va-

growing and evolving together.”

96 Money & Tourism

DAIOS LUXURY LIVING A premium boutique hotel in the centre of Thessaloniki

Welcome to Daios Luxury Living, a stylish designer boutique hotel in the heart of Thessaloniki. As soon as you step through its doors the journey begins. With an eye for impeccable aesthetic and unparalleled hospitality, Daios Luxury Living invites guests to relax and indulge in a unique hotel experience. Located directly on the seafront of Thessaloniki, Daios Luxury Living reinvents the concept of exceptional accommodation with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The suites and rooms exude elegance and exclusivity featuring meticulous attention to detail with earthy palettes of colour and stylish furniture. Bathed in the dazzling light of the Aegean, guests

are invited to enjoy a sense of harmony with the environment, while comforts of the modern day are featured throughout the hotel facilities, rooms and suites. Daios Bar Restaurant is the hotel’s contemporary dining venue and ultimate gastronomy destination for lunch, brunch and dinner offering breathtaking sea views to the Thermaic Gulf. The restaurant’s modern design delivers timeless elegance and style whilst mouthwatering Mediterranean and Greek flavours with a fresh twist are created by chef Sotiris Arabidis and his exceptional team for an inimitable culinary journey in Thessaloniki.



CreteVillas4U • Reliable villa-booking services in Crete

When it comes to our guests, we know that holidays mean

• Over 400 hand-picked luxury villas

memory-building. They can browse our villas using several

• Comfortable, elegant, exclusive accommodation

criteria to discover the perfect villa for their needs, from

• Award-winning customer service

accommodation for wedding parties to secluded villas and villas with heated pools.

Visitors looking for comfort and elegance while they explore

For those looking for something extra, we have a dedicated

the prized island of Crete need look no further.

section with experiences from yachting along the shores of

Villa owners wishing to promote their luxury accommodation

Crete to stargazing with an astronomer.

now have a trusted partner to promote and manage their

Tourists in the 21st century want tailor-made holidays, so


Cretevillas4u.com delivers the most customizable experien-

And travel agents have a credible partner who offers great


customer service and support, competitive prices, and highly attractive commissions.

A team effort for the best tourism services in Crete

Our successful 13-year experience in the field is testimony to

It takes a village to make Cretevillas4u.com the outstanding

our passion and dedication to our work.

luxury holiday rental it is. T he people behind our booking agency include experienced

A villa for every need

tourism consultants, advertisers, SEO specialists, accommo-

To include a villa in our selective collection, we make sure it

dation managers, and content writers. All these people work

qualifies in terms of comfort, elegance, and privacy. Our team

together to help tourists in Greece explore an amazing island

suggests upgrades, if necessary, emphasizing quality over

while enjoying the comforts of the most astonishing villas

quantity. Our goal is to keep Crete firmly on the exclusive

Crete has to offer.

tourism map. Our company has earned the Silver Medal in the category

Readers of this magazine who book their 2024 holidays can

‘’Villa Management’’ at the 2023 Greek Tourism Awards —the

use the code WTM24MT at the checkout page of our website

latest of many we have received so far.

to get a discount!

98 Money & Tourism

Luxury you can touch

H O L I D AY R E N TA L S & V I L L A S I N C R E T E cretevillas4u.com



Daios Cove The iconic wellbeing destination on Crete Nestled on the hillside of a secluded bay near Agios Niko-

delivers inventive signature cocktails inspired by the Cretan

laos, Daios Cove combines timeless design with effortless


style. Elegant in its simplicity, the architecture of the Cove

KĒPOS by Goco, the pioneering hub of wellbeing at the Cove,

discreetly blends in with the unspoilt Cretan landscape of-

offers a bespoke approach to healing, incorporating advan-

fering a selection of luxury rooms, suites and villas.

ced breakthrough treatments through a layered combination of therapies, movement and nourishment.

The stunning beach resort delights with a succulent journey

Culture at the Cove, a series of events in music, gastronomy,

into the gastronomy sphere boasting seven dining venues

mixology and wellness welcomes distinguished virtuosos

and bars as well as an innovative upscale in-room dining

of their craft throughout the season to entertain, enlighten

service. The Ocean restaurant menu is meticulously cura-

and thrill. From the new Taverna and RHO restaurants to the

ted by award-winning Ducasse Conseil while a collaboration

world-class KĒPOS offering and the contemporary Culinary

with Athens-based mixologists, The Clumsies (consistently

School - each element is tailored to perfection for an un-

awarded in the top 20 spots of The World’s 50 Best Bars)

paralleled wellbeing experience.

100 Money & Tourism









MH.T.E. 1040Κ015Α0079700

Indulge in the Enchanting Blue

Elounda Bay Palace In north-eastern Crete, the magnicent Elounda Bay Palace overlooks the clear azure waters of the bay of Elounda, offering guests fun and relaxation in one of Greece’s most breathtaking locations with sun-swept beaches and glorious seaviews.

and outdoor pools, and creative activities for kids. Families will enjoy exceptional accommodation and experience Cretan hospitality in a seafront paradise. The modern Wellt Studio is the perfect place to rejuvenate, stretch and strengthen your body.

Lavishly refurbished rooms and suites with idyllic sea views feature exceptional interior design, sleek furnishing, and modern accessories. The new rooms and suites have been designed to offer guests the incredible feeling of serenity and relish in supreme comfort during their stay.

At the adjacent Elounda Beach, the unique penthouse spa is a serene sanctuary where you can unwind and experience total relaxation.

All honoured guests enjoy extraordinary services and exceptional privileges. Our Honoured Guests Team offers the very best of Greek generosity and the perfect natural backdrop for guests to experience unforgettable holidays. Elounda Bay Palace is a unique Mediterranean destination with a comprehensive water sports & tness centre, heated indoor

Deluxe room sewiew

Guests will savour ne dining at Elounda Beach and Elounda Bay Palace restaurants. Global cuisines include distinguished and traditional Cretan and Mediterranean Greek, contemporary Italian, and authentic Japanese/Peruvian food. The night continues with a celebratory cocktail at the sublime seafront Veghera Club, accompanied by the latest club anthems or chilled sounds for endless balmy summer nights.

Mediterranean villa

F restaurant

bay@eloundabay.gr www.eloundabay.gr

MH.T.E. 1040Κ015Α0079800

The most breathtaking waterfront location in Europe

Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas Spread over forty acres of colourful Mediterranean landscape, with two Blue Flag sandy beaches, Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas is the perfect summer hideaway for the international jet set from couples and families to A-list celebrities and royalty.

All guests experience extraordinary privileges and exceptional 24-hour personalised services offered by our dedicated Loyal Guests Team to meet individual requirements, including private chefs, personal trainers and masseurs.

From the lavish waterfront Dreamline Villas to the extravagant Royal Yachting Villas and premium quality residential apartments, Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas boasts an exceptional setting in the most tranquil Mediterranean environment. Every villa and suite redenes luxury with splendid architectural design, spacious and elegantly decorated living areas, modern amenities, private pools, and decks with direct access to the sea.

Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas is a supreme destination to savour contemporary gastronomic trends with organic and locally sourced ingredients for the nest avours. Relish the tantalising tastes of Mediterranean cuisine, Japanese, Peruvian & Sushi, creative Italian, traditional Greek, fresh sh, and seafood while awe-inspiring views enhance the unique ne-dining experience. Accompanying this exciting dining experience is a wine collection of 8,500 bottles encompassing 700 labels from local and international producers.

Waterfront dreamline suite

Waterfront dreamline suite


info@eloundabeach.gr www.eloundabeach.gr



GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts The Group

SULA ALBA Resort & Spa, AKASHA Beach Hotel & Spa, Golden

Our passion for hospitality is our driving force, but also the

Beach Hotel as well as KING MINOS RETREAT Resort & Spa.

philosophy of GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts, a group that began

Today, 30 years later, GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts, a constantly

its operation as a family business in 1988, with the first hotel,

growing Group characterized by love for luxury, reliability,

Golden Beach Hotel in Hersonisos, Crete. The vision of the

excellence, style and social sensitivity, decides to reposition

owners was - and still is - to offer their guests high quality

itself on the map of Greek hospitality as a strong player, with

holidays, luxurious and comfortable accommodation and an

a renewed profile.

overall experience of what „Cretan Hospitality“ means in its modern version. Thanks to the consistent quality services,

The idea behind the Brand

the values that govern the business, but above all, its peop-

Gold is precious. Anything made of gold has a high value.

le who are its soul, the expansion to other accommodations

The jewelry is made of gold. Treasures contain gold items.

was not long in coming. The Group today includes 5 privately

The word „gold“ also describes the sun. Its reflection in the

owned hotels, SENSEANA Sea Side Resort & Aquadventure, IN-

water in the summer, its light but also its precious entity.

106 Money & Tourism

Analipsis 70014 Crete, Greece, T. +30 28975 01501 - 07 i nfo @go l d enhotel s . g r w w w.goldenhotels.g r



Beauty and high value are characterized as precious. GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts have value because they embrace Cretan Hospitality in a landscape bathed in light, in a pristine nature, with a temperate climate. Crete itself is a manifesto of the great Minoan culture, healthy cuisine and good quality of life, prosperity, abundance and authentic lifestyle. All these values have been adopted by GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts and their entire philosophy is based on the authentic and the precious. The promise GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts pamper their customers with incomparable Cretan Ηospitality, so they can create memories that will be precious to them throughout their life. some of the most beautiful and unforgettable moments of The slogan

his life, to experience precious moments for him and his

Precious moments


The value of moments is defined by how memorable they are, how important they are to the person who experiences

The origin

them, how often he returns to them and what position they

The source of inspiration for the Group‘s logo was the double

take in the set of important moments of his life. But what

pelekis or - in Lydian - lavrys. It summarizes the law of action

defines which moment is important for everyone and why

and reaction that exists in nature. The word Lavrys is related

are the moments at GOLDEN Hotels & Resorts precious? The

to „ploughing“ and from there comes the word labyrinth =

name of the hotels includes luxury as a concept. The archi-

house of the Lavryos, a characteristic symbol in Crete from

tecture and decoration of the hotels has many elements of

the mythology and history of the Minotaur. The double pele-

luxury and high aesthetics. It is about the globally recogni-

kis as a symbol is found in frescoes and also as a tool during

zed Cretan hospitality that always leaves the visitor with the

the Minoan period.

best impressions and memories. The care, the treatment, the food... everything is consistent with the visitor experiencing

108 Money & Tourism




Nana Princess Suites, Villas & Spa The Nana Princess resort brings a truly outstanding new hos-

venues, with delectable à la carte dinner menus.

pitality experience to Greece and the magnificent island of

The ultra-modern Spa & Wellness Centre occupies its own

Crete with its plethora of lavish 5* amenities and seamless

space next to the beach and is a unique innovation in well-

tailor-made services, in which every guest receives VIP treat-

ness hospitality. The Royal Wellness Club and Royal Fitness

ment. Guests can choose from amongst a sumptuous collec-

Club, plus the calming indoor pool, invite guests to indulge

tion of 102 suites and villas, each one uniquely designed in

themselves in a very discreet environment where holistic

perfect harmony with the natural environment, while meeting

therapies go hand in hand with ultra-modern technology.

the high expectations of today’s modern traveller. Almost all

Beauty treatments and hairdressing services by our skilled

accommodations boast an inviting private pool and spacious

team ensure that each visitor is left feeling perfectly pampe-

outdoor sun area where guests can sit back and take in the

red and genuinely rejuvenated.

breathtaking sea views in uninterrupted privacy.

Guests can enjoy some sensational shopping therapy in the

Some suites and villas also come with revitalizing saunas,

“Good Life” mini-mall situated in the main building of Nana

detoxifying steam rooms or restorative spas designed by the

Princess, where a wide collection of luxury goods and items

award winning Italian company, StarPool. In addition, the la-

can be purchased. Whether you are looking for exclusive de-

test cutting edge equipment in the private gyms of some of

signer brands or simply want to pick up some snacks or a

the select suites and villas encourages guests to experience

book, the shopping arcade provides for all of your needs and

the ultimate workout in sheer privacy, with views of the spec-

fancies. Why not purchase some mementos of your stay or a

tacular Cretan sea to motivate them.

special gift for your loved ones?

Elegant design meets contemporary style in the three con-

Guests will also find an art gallery in the main building which

cept restaurants of the resort located in the main building,

exhibits a stimulating display of original works which change

the pool area and the private beach. Guests can choose from

on a monthly basis. Guests are very welcome to browse the

a variety of fine dining options inspired by local influences,

intriguing exhibits and are free to simply admire them or

Mediterranean flavours and International trends in all three

purchase what takes their fancy.

110 Money & Tourism



Paralos Hospitality Discover the Paralos Lifestyle. A lifestyle inspired by the time-

• Social and Environmental responsibility

less spirit of Greece. With a passion for hospitality, constant

• Authentic service

training, innovative thinking and respect for our culture and environment, our people and a half-century of experience in

We strive to orientate the hotels of our portfolio to highligh-

our field are our power. Together, we move forward to a new

ting the culture, history, gastronomy, and natural attractions

era, creating guest experiences that awaken all senses.

of each region, in a contemporary, modernly designed and

Influenced by the ethics and customs of Greece and Crete,

excellently organized hotel environment. Each Paralos Hotel

PARALOS HOSPITALITY has developed a complete proposal

connects the traveler to the destination for an unparalleled

for the management of hotel units, promoting the renowned

and authentic guest experience.

Greek Hospitality. The 5 pillars of PARALOS HOSPITALITY

Paralos Irini Mare Paralos Irini Mare provides a tranquil experience of laid-back

• Ethics – Customs – Local Culture

luxury in southern Crete, boasting stunning Libyan Sea vistas

• Gastronomical Journey of Experiences based on Greek pro-

while highlighting nature, genuine hospitality, farm-to-table

ducts and recipes

dining, and eco-conscious design and practices, all deeply

• Wellbeing

rooted in the essence of the island.

112 Money & Tourism


Phone: 281 302 2230 Email: contact@paraloshospitality.com Website: www.paraloshospitality.com



Paralos Venus Suites Paralos Venus Suites seamlessly blends contemporary luxury design with personalized hospitality, featuring regional flavors crafted from fresh, locally sourced ingredients, along with eco-conscious stylish suites, fine-dine cuisine, and a warm, inviting atmosphere for an exquisite getaway.

Paralos Lifestyle Beach

Paralos Kosta Alímia Paralos Kosta Alímia offers beachside luxury living inspired by

Paralos Lifestyle Beach is an adults-only retreat right on the

the Cretan coastline, combining meticulous attention to detail

Cretan Sea, providing attentive services, exceptional cuisine,

with innovative design for a unique hospitality experience,

and a peaceful ambiance within elegant surroundings, where

featuring stately rooms, elevated dining, signature drinks, be-

the blue of the numerous pools harmonizes with the sea.

spoke services, and breathtaking Aegean Sea sunsets.

114 Money & Tourism


CONSCIOUS, INNOVATIVE, COMMITTED TO PEOPLE Amidst the storied backdrop of Greece, a new view is emerging. Defined by a strong unity of heritage and family values, a collection of hotels by Phāea presents a glimpse into the soul of a nation. Privately run and supported by a decades-long history, the group’s vision manifests meaningful travel experiences that reflect a genuine version of Greece, and bring likeminded people together. In juxtaposing the old with the new — what was and what will be — these properties are a celebration of both past and present. Here, Phāea’s overarching narrative of a truer, timeless Greece comes to life; a palpable energy that is felt at every level. Each hotel at Phāea offers a place to live fully and freely. At the heart of the brand’s distinct hideaways is a dedication to quality; that which is elegant, timeless and intrinsically tied to place, explored from a fresh and innovative perspective.

Greek tradition, spirit and locality are reframed in fresh and unexpected ways, favouring subtlety and simplicity, bringing the classic and contemporary together as one. Across all hotels, the virtues of care and authenticity are celebrated and anchored by an understated sense of luxury. It’s something that comes naturally to us. Connecting visitors to the ‘real’ Greece through original Phāea experiences that mirror the brand’s values, with kindness, generosity and a dedication to people and place.






Pnoé Breathing Life


Pnoé Breathing Life introduces a new hospitality concept, having warmly received its first guests in the summer of 2023 on the beautiful island of Crete. At its core, Pnoé is dedicated to enhancing well-being, providing a rejuvenating experience that charms modern travellers through a thought-after fusion of luxury and a wholesome lifestyle. As a tranquil sanctuary, the hotel offers a comprehensive encounter that invites enriching journeys of recollection and connection. Pnoé is distinguished by its simple yet elegant design and spacious lodging, inviting guests to relax in its stunning suites that emanate both peace and vigor. A stay at Pnoé transforms into a delightful culinary experience through Creatan and Mediterranean cuisine with the exceptional Thymises by Peskesi and Anasa restaurants, complemented by Aeri Pool Bar and Uranos Rooftop Bar. The Pnoé Spa & Wellness Centre, featuring state-of-the art facilities and curated therapies, allows guests to unwind and indulge in lavish treatments, while fitness enthusiasts can find solace in the cutting-edge gym facilities.

118 Money & Tourism



S Resorts Sapounakis Group Boasting sophisticated design, modern amenities and impeccable service, S Resorts in Crete are the ideal beach escape.

S Resorts is a leading forward-thinking hospitality group

modern facilities, culinary excellence, curated activities and

in Crete at the forefront of the tourism industry in Greece

detailed attention services to our guests.

since 1994, rapidly growing with continuous development and strategic acquisitions. Our team in all five beachfront resorts share the same commitment to providing an unfor-


gettable all-inclusive beach holiday and premium bespoke

An all-inclusive beach haven experience

services to our guests, embracing sustainable practices and

Nestled alongside an awe-inspiring golden coast in Annis-

supporting the local community.

saras, Northern Crete, Lyttos Beach spans 150 acres, offering

All properties boast breathtaking coastal settings and

visitors breathtaking views of the Cretan Sea and luxurious

exceptional design while providing authentic hospitality,

amenities amidst lush gardens and pools.

120 Money & Tourism



Guests have an array of accommodations, from sea or gar-


den-view rooms to spacious suites, all with modern conve-

A new luxury 5-star beach resort offering a one-of-a-kind

niences to ensure a memorable stay. This five-star resort is


ideal for families, featuring multiple dining options, bars,

Set along the captivating Northern Cretan Coast in Anissa-

pools, sports facilities, a spa, a waterpark, and a special

ras, Lyttos Mare, a five-star resort, offers guests a combina-

kids‘ park, Lyttopia.

tion of gourmet dining, and top-tier amenities right on the

The resort also hosts ITF tennis tournaments twice a year,

beachfront, allowing for spectacular sea views and sunsets.

offering a perfect mix of relaxation and activity, with expert-

The resort provides various luxurious accommodations,

ly curated services and activities ensuring a unique all-in-

each with options for private pools and outdoor spaces,

clusive experience in Crete.

ensuring a tailored experience of comfort and indulgence. Edition 2023




Guests are welcomed to enjoy the true essence of Cretan

Arina Beach Resort offers stunning sea views and distincti-

hospitality and bespoke luxury, making Lyttos Mare a true

ve hospitality, making it a the perfect stay for enjoying the

home away from home in Crete.

beach and exploring Crete‘s diverse attractions. Guests can choose between sea or garden-view double


rooms, family apartments, maisonettes, penthouses and seafront bungalows with private pools, all excellently refur-

A dream sea escape

bished with modern facilities and amenities for a unique

Perfectly positioned on a beautiful peninsula on the


northern coast of Crete, Ikaros Beach Resort exclusively

This four-star resort features diverse dining options, bars,

designed for adults, combines attentive service, modern

pools, a spa, a waterpark, and a tennis court, ensuring a

amenities, and traditional Cretan charm, making it an ideal

unique and enjoyable stay.

escape. The accommodations, decorated with elegance and modernity, offer private balconies or terraces, with some providing


private pools and breathtaking sea views.

Join the Fun on the Beach

Whether you want to have a romantic sunset stroll or indul-

Set on a dazzling sandy beach near lively Hersonissos, Star

ge in a Mediterranean feast made from the finest products

Beach Village Hotel offers breathtaking sea views and four-

at one of our restaurants, sip on a signature cocktail, simply

star, all-inclusive accommodations, providing a unique

relax or get pampered in The Aura Spa, Ikaros Beach can

holiday experience for families. Guests can enjoy modern

make dreams come true.

hospitality, curated activities, comfort, and our unique Star Beach Water Park in a safe, exciting environment.


The hotel offers modern rooms with private balconies or terraces and diverse dining options, including thematic

Relax on the Beach

culinary nights and an Asian restaurant, making it a prime

Located on a pristine Blue Flag beach near Heraklion city,

destination for leisure, fun, and gastronomy under the sun.

122 Money & Tourism

Corfu Hotel Association | cfhotels@otenet.gr | +302661047735


124 Money & Tourism









25 5 0








25 5 0


Ionian Islands The unparallel natural beauty, the unique culture, the tradition and of course the special musical culture are the particular characteristics that make Ionian Sea islands to stand out from any other part of Greece.


Ithaka Prefecture is Argostoli, an aphitheatrically built city with a spendit view to Koutavos lake sea. The city is island’s commercial and administrational center, whereas at the same time, it is a modern city with nice old style mansions and a significant historic and cultural tradition. The most pictoresque village of Kefalonia it may be Fiscardo, as it’s a little fishing village with narrow streets and old, traditionally built and therefore preserved houses. On the other hand, Lixouri is among these cities of the island that carry a great significance. In this city, one can find Iakovatios and Petritsios Libraries, in which worth mentioning collections of vestments and rare books are kept, as well as The Philarmonic School. Sami is a

efalonia is the bigest island of Ionian complex, as

beautiful town and Poros is one of the island’s main ports.

far as the strech of land is concerned. The interch-

As for the beaches of Kefalonia, those are certainly numerous

ange among different types of landscape is really

and outstanding. To mention just a few among the prettiest

unique, since the alpine scenery of Ainos, where the

and globally reputed, we could name the beaches of Mirtos,

only type of black spruce grows and breeds of wild horses live

Makris and Platis Gialos, Spartia, Lourdas, Skala, Poros, Anti-

, is harmoniously combined with warm, crystal clear seas. In

samos, Xi and Petanoi.

the broader area of Ainos, one can find the «Drogarati» ca-

The island of Corfu is the administrational basis of the

ge with its stalactites, as well as Melissani lake. Of course,

whole Ionian Islands Territory. Being also known as «the

the island of Kefalonia is surrounded by endless bays and

island of Faiaks» according to Homer’s Odyssey, Corfu

«lace alike» shores. Since 1757, the capital of Kefalonia and

stands out, mostly because of its cultural identity. The is-

126 Money & Tourism

[TRAVEL] there are also visual variations with short pine-clad mountains and fertile valleys. However, Zante is globallly known mostly from its emerald and crystal clear seas, as well as its unique ecosystem. It is widely known that in the south coast of Zante there is one of the most important natural habitat of Caretta - Caretta turtle. Furthermore, in the same island we can also find the habitat of Monachus - Monachus turtle, a species which can be found mostly in the southwest coasts of the island. The aristocratic city of Zante is the capital of the island, a city built on the southeastern side with really impressive mansions, well reputed churches and pretty squares like the famous «Rouga», or the tiled central square of St Mark, which attracts the lion part of activity. The Mpoxali area, under the castle, can easily charm everyone with its little, quiet streets and its old houses with the characteristic «bougarinia». Of course, apart from the city, Zante’s visitors are also attracted by the island’s pictoresque villages with their tiled streets and the little tavernas, where one can taste original Zante cuisine. Of cousrse, one of the most well known touristic attractions of Zante is the land is situated in the «mouth» of Adriatic Sea, opposite to

famous «shipwreck» in the west part of Zante, abandoned

north west Greek coasts, from which the island’s northern

in the middle of the sandy beach and surrounded by steep

part is separated by a 2,5 Klms width channel. In Corfu’s

rocks. It is also known that on Zante’s sandy beaches there

shores one can find pictoresque little bays and beaches

are many other touristic resorts, such as Laganas, Argasi,

with sand or pebbles. The capital of the island is the beau-

Gerakas, Porto Zoro, Vassilikos, Tsilivis, Alikes and Alikanas.

tiful city of Corfu, unanimously aknowledged as one of the

When we talk about Lefkada, we can not help pondering

prettiest cities in Greece, a city built on a narrow strip of

about quiet or cosmopolitan beaches with «golden» sand,

land. In this city one can spot disparate elements, as well

seashores under the impressive shadow of high and steep

as the remnants of different cultures that have influen-

rocks, serene bays, hospitable ports to every boat, crystal

ced the island. There are vast squares, such as the famous

clear waters and other, equally beautiful images. Lefkada

«Spianada» square, as well as narrow, cobbled little roads,

is surrounded by unique sandy beaches with their cha-

the well known «kantounia», where the italian influence is

racteristic «dove egg» shaped grains of sand, as Lefkada’s

more than obvious. To the west of Corfu city is Palaikastrit-

famous poet Aggelos Sikelianos had put it. The island is

sa, a little «heaven on earth» and Aggelokastro, a Byzintine

connected to the rest part of the country through a floating

fortress of 13th century, whereas to the north of the city

bridge of continuous circulation, a fact that ensures the

there is «Kanoni», one of the most famous spots on the

benefit of an easy access. In the city of Lefkada, there is

island. A narrow strip of land leads to Vlaxerna convent,

one of the larger and most modern sea marinas in Europe,

from where one can catch a boat and visit Pontikonissi.

whereas the island is also known for its lake sea, which is

Opposite to that, on the side of Gastourion hill, there is the

an aquatic habitat for rare breeds of birds. Apart from the

unique Achillion, which used to be the summer residence

city of Lefkada, also reputed parts of the island are Ligia, a

of Austrian Empress Elisabeth, more known as «Sissy».

really busy village, Agios Nikitas, a traditional fishing villa-

Being called through the centuries, even from the period

ge, Nikiana, an ideal place for surfing fans, Perigiali, a villa-

of the Venetian rule, as «The Levante’s Flower», Zante is

ge crowded with tourists with astonishing beaches, as well

one characteristic case of island where rare natural beauty

as Vassiliki, the center of the southern part of the island,

meets the unique ecological significance, along with the

with its sandy beaches. It is also worth mentioning that

history and the rich cultural and artistic tradition. Obvi-

around Lefkada there are little and big islands develop-

ously, the island of Zante presents a landscape full of con-

ping continuously, whereas the most famous of them is the

trasts. While the most part of the island is mountainous,

island of Skorpios, also known as «the island of Onassis». Edition 2023



100 Money & Tourism




Edition 2023




Elevate Your Summer Getaway: Discover the Luxurious World of Voulgaris Hospitality Group Indulge in Unforgettable Luxury at Voulgaris Hospitality Group‘s Exquisite Hotels

rary suites, 100 of which featuring private pools, every moment here is one of unparalleled indulgence. Savor locally inspired cuisine at Flya All-Day Resto, rejuvenate at The Oli-

Welcome to a realm of refined hospitality and exceptional

var Suites Spa amidst blooming flowers, and relish exclusive

experiences – welcome to Voulgaris Hospitality Group. Esta-

beachside dining. The Olivar Suites is your ultimate sanctu-

blished in 1971, we have redefined the art of hotel manage-

ary of tranquility and luxury.

ment in Corfu, and our legacy of excellence, innovation, and sustainability is at the heart of every stay.

The Olivar Suites: A Serene Oasis by the Sea

Kontokali Bay Resort & Spa: Where Filoxenia Meets 5* Hospitality Kontokali Bay Resort & Spa is a 5* resort renowned for its warm filoxenia, embodying the essence of Greek hospitality.

Nestled within a sprawling 27,000 square meter olive grove

Our dedicated and welcoming staff create an environment

on the stunning Corfiot southeast coast, The Olivar Suites

where guests feel like family. While you‘re here, savor culi-

offers a luxurious escape like no other. With 120 contempo-

nary delights by the sea, relax on sandy beaches, and enjoy

130 Money & Tourism



evening entertainment under the stars. Located just 10 minutes from Corfu Town, it‘s the perfect base to explore the island‘s culinary treasures and more.

Aeolos Beach Resort: The Branded All-Inclusive Experience Aeolos Beach Resort offers an exceptional branded all-inclusive experience. Set against stunning natural landscapes, it boasts comfortable accommodations, fine dining, and a wealth of sports and leisure activities. Whether you‘re a family, a couple, or a solo traveler, our warm and welcoming atmosphere ensures an unforgettable holiday. Dive into the sea, stay active in our fitness room, and relish diverse dining options.

Join Us in Creating Timeless Memories At Voulgaris Hospitality Group, we invite you to experience the epitome of hospitality. Discover our hotels, each with its unique charm, and embark on a journey of relaxation, tranquility, and pure luxury. Your story begins here, with us. Welcome to Voulgaris Hospitality Group – where our story becomes your experience. Edition 2023




Aneli Luxury Villas ◆

Explore our four Aneli Luxury Villas in Zakynthos island

Villa Anastasia (340 sqm), Villa Elissavet (120 sqm), Villa Semeli (228 sqm) and Villa Alexandra (228 sqm) are luxurious villaς,

• Alexandra has 7 bedrooms with 6 bathrooms and can host up to 15 guests.

built in the middle of an overgrown property of 50.000 sqm,

• The tennis court has professional lighting pillars and awaits

with vineyards, olive groves, fruit trees and flowers. In the pro-

you to enjoy endless hours of carefree play. Tennis equip-

perty there is also a tennis court available to guests.

ment is provided for free.

The villas are recently built, furnished with new furniture and air-conditioned with the most modern equipment for cooling or heating.

• A bicycle and jogging path 800m long leads you through the whole vineyard. Free bicycles are provided.

The architecture of the villas follows the traditional, manor

• Children can play on the lawn among the olives, try fruit

houses of noblemen of the past centuries, enriched with all

from our orchard and explore our vegetable garden with our

the modern comforts. The decoration offers „food for the spirit and pleasure to the eye“ as there are wall paintings, traditional, hand-crafted, embroidery frames, sculptures and artistic objects all over.

organic vegetables.

• We offer wine tasting from our vineyard and olive oil tasting from our own olive grove.

• All villas are wheelchair accessible.

All villas have their own private, infinity-end pool (100-120sqm), with open-air hydro-massage. The pools have a gradually in-

The estate is situated at a 10-20 minutes distance by car from

creasing depth suitable for more or less keen swimmers. Right

some of the most popular beaches of the island. At a smaller

next to the main pool of Alexandra and Semeli there is also a

than 10km distance from the villa, the island has to offer a

shallow one - of 30cm depth - where young children can play.

variety of fantastic recreational activities, such as water sports,

• Anastasia has 6 bedrooms with 4 bathrooms and can host

boat trips to neighboring small islands, scuba diving, fishing,

up to 14 guests. The pool is curve shaped.

• Elissavet has 3 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and can host up to 8 guests.

• Semeli has 7 bedrooms with 6 bathrooms and can host up to 15 guests.

132 Money & Tourism

horse riding, mountain bike, hiking, music concerts and openair theater shows. At a distance of 10 minutes is also the town and the international airport of the island. Aneli Villas are a perfect choice for absolute peace, tranquility and privacy.

Let’s take you away to your own private garden of Eden!

Site: https://anelivillas.gr e-mail: anelivillas@gmail.com

tel.: +30 6972264134 Address: Agios Kirikos, 291 00, Zakynthos island, Greece



Zante Hospitality Group Zante Park Resort & Spa

Galaxy Beach Resort

Nestled amidst beautiful surroundings, our resort, a proud

Celebrate the joys of summer with your loved ones at Galaxy

member of Best Western “Premier Collection” offers an array of

Beach Resort, where golden sand, sun and sea await. With di-

5* facilities and services at your fingertips. Here you will find an

rect access to the sandy beach of Laganas, our resort is a haven

elegant and intimate oasis, where you can relax and escape eit-

for all generations seeking to enjoy the great summer feeling.

her from everyday life or from a busy day exploring the island.

From building sandcastles and collecting seashells, to swim-

From a vivid piazza with 2 swimming pools and a pool bar for

ming and searching for a glimpse of the famous and protected

the perfect Mediterranean sunbathing, to rejuvenating spa

Caretta Caretta turtles, we offer a magical blend of relaxation

treatments, we have everything you need for a relaxed sum-

and fun. In the evening you can either relax in our serene roof-

mer holiday.

top bar or have an evening exploring the nearby area. Come

Here you will regain your vitality after a day in the beach or

together, reconnect and embark on a summer journey, that will

a night out.

bond you and your loved ones for year to come.

Surrender to a pampering retreat at Zante Park Resort & Spa

Join us at Galaxy Beach Resort – where relaxed summer fun

where stylish summer escape awaits you.

meets the seaside.

An elegant and intimate oasis

134 Money & Tourism

Where summer fun meets the seaside

Preserving Memories, Embracing Excellence Zante Hospitality Group, boasting a long-standing reputation in the hospitality industry, owns and manages Zante Park Resort & Spa and Galaxy Beach Resort, two of the most prestigious hotels, operating on the Ionian Island of Zakynthos. Along with the luxury premises, it matters to us all, that our facilities and services are environmentally friendly, since our primary objective is to protect and enhance the natural wealth of the area, as evidenced by our “Green Key” international Ecolabel award.

www.zhg.gr ZANTE PARK RESORT & SPA: Laganas – Zakynthos, Greece | www.zanteparkhotels.gr | E. zantepark@zhg.gr | T. +30 26950 52310 GALAXY BEACH RESORT: Laganas – Zakynthos, Greece | www.galaxybeachresort.gr | E. galaxyhotel@zhg.gr | T. +30 26950 51171


South Aegean The South Aegean region is one of the thirteen administrative regions of Greece. Administration includes the prefectures of Cyclades and Dodecanese.

unique experience of vacations for all tastes. Santorini is one of the most popular islands not only in national level, but also in European one. In 2001, the readers of the magazine: “Travel and Leisure”, which is circulated worldwide, asset of American Express, elected Santorini as the most popular island in Europe. As the ship closes, the visitor is amazed from the white houses and the sheer rocks, as they look like they come out from the frothy waves. The history of the island is connected with the history of the volcano, whereas its name was given from the church of Agia Irini (Saint Irene), which is located in Thirasia, a


neighbor island. Capital of Santorini, built with unique way in the rocks is Thira,

Some dots in the Greek map, other small and other big, but very

where it is worth visiting the archaeological museum, the muse-

important for the civilisation and history, but also for the tourist

um of the pre-historic Thira, with plant fossils, the Belonio cultu-

development of the country, Cyclades, are located for many deca-

ral Centre, with important scripts and historical books. The view

des in the centre of interest and they are a vacation destination

of the volcano from Kaldera is cut breathing and the view of the

for many Greek and foreign tourists.

island from Imerovigli is also spectacular, while seeing the tradi-

The Cycladic cultural treasure, one of the most ancient Mediterrane-

tional dorps with the distinguishable houses.

an civilisation, the rare geomorphologic site, that consists of rocky

One of the islands, a symbol of the international jet set is Myco-

hills, the ”naked” mountains, the golden beaches and the amazing

nos, which attracts hundreds of visitors every year. It is known for

seashores of the 56 islands (Cyclades), the gastronomy. The traditi-

its nightlife and entertainment that provides. However, Myconos is

on in combination with the developed, in some of the islands, hotel

not only that. There, it is worth visiting the church of Paraportiani

and tourist substructure, have discriminated Cyclades as one of the

and of course, the ”Little Venice”. Famous beaches are Paradise

top Greek tourist destinations. Santorini, Myconos, Syros, Andros,

and Super Paradise, where crazy parties take place and they last

Tinos, Dilos, Paros, Antiparos, Naxos, Iraklia, Sxinousa, Koufonisia,

even for 24 hours. For more quiet places, the beaches of Agios

Keros, Antikeros, Daskalio, Donousa, Amorgos, Folegandros, Sikinos,

Stefanos and Agios Giannis of Elia are proposed.

Ios, Anafi, Kea (or Jia), Kithnos, Kimolos, Milos, Serifos, Sifnos and

Syros is the capital and the administrative centre of Cyclades. It

lots of other small islands, in the centre of Aegean Pelagos offer a

met growth, especially at the end of 18th and ion the beginning

136 Money & Tourism


of the 19th century. The “Lady of Cyclades” as it named with the

The Dodecanese offer visitors non-stop experiences and it is cer-

well-preserved mansion-houses, roads paved with slabs, picturesque

tain that they will not be bored, not even for a moment. The scenery

villages and crystal waters impress the visitors at once.

is rough and steep in some places, but peaceful in others. Sandy

Capital of the island and the first trade port of the country during

beaches follow the rocky beaches with the deserted coves and the

the last century is Hermoupoli. The European essence of the city is

steep mountains are the most appropriate places for hiking.

spared everywhere, with the neo-classical buildings and the reno-

The most famous island of the Dodecanese is Rhodes.

vated mansion- buildings, which however, come to a harmony with

One of the most popular islands is Kos, or in other words the is-

the white houses with the blue doors and windows. In Hermoupoli,

land of Ipokratis. It is the third largest island of the Dodecanese

one should visit the public theatre Apollo, miniature of the opera

complex, featuring long beaches, crystal seawaters and luxuriant

house in Milan and the church of Agios Nikolaos the rich with the


two church towers. Hermoupoli provides a lot of entertainment and

The capital and the main port is the city of Kos, which was re-

leisure facilities. Apart from the casino and the nightclubs, during

build after the catastrophic earthquake of 1933 from the Italian

the year theatrical and cinema shows, cultural events etc. take place



The entire archaeological sites, which are spread in the city fill with awe every visitor. As the ship moves closer to the port, the

Quite islands, far away from tourism reality, they still preserve tra-

Venetian castle and the ruins of the market along the port can

ditions and folkways, while at the same time they are cosmopoli-

amaze the visitors. Also, the platan of Ipokratis and the Turkish

tan with a European air. The Dodecanese. Rhodes, Kos, Astipalea,

mosques are some of the sites of the island.

Karpathos, Kalimnos, Kasos, Kastelorizo, Lipsi, Leros, Nisiros, Pat-

The city of Kos is a modern city, with vivid nightlife, which is at

mos, Simi, Tilos, Halki. They are simply dots in the Greek map. An

a peak during summer time. There are a lot of magnificent bea-

island complex, so same and at the same time so different, which

ches. For example, in Kardamena the bathers will enjoy the sun

looks like it is between two worlds, the world of primeval nature

and the sea, as well as in Mastihari, Tigaki, Marmari and some-

and the other one of nightlife.

where else. Edition 2023




Amada Colossos Resort ◆ Reimagine All-Flexible Luxury Amada Colossos Resort treats guests to a new philosophy of

tastes, and free-flowing fun throughout the day. All offered

luxury holidays on the cosmopolitan island of Rhodes. Ins-

with the boundless generosity and warmth of the legendary

pired by beautiful sunrises over the Kallithea Bay, the resort

Greek hospitality.

offers unbroken views of the Aegean Sea and an exclusive

From the thrills and spills of the activity-packed family

430m Blue-Flagged beach.

zones and 5-slide waterpark (with sections for toddlers,

Landscaped to blend in with its Mediterranean environ-

children, teens, and adults) to the intimacy of adult-only

ment, a dreamy selection of 699 rooms and 17 room types

quarters, every need is being taken care of.

has been designed. From the subtle elegance of fully refur-

The beach is beautifully laid out with sunbeds and gaze-

bished guestrooms, decorated with natural materials and

bos, while an unforgettable culinary experience awaits in

modern comforts to spacious suites and villas with a private

the 16 restaurants and bars dotted throughout the resort.

pool with jacuzzi, a wonderful stay is ensured.

For mealtimes, there’s a choice of sumptuous buffet, with

Families and couples can look forward to a world of abso-

a Greek breakfast and kid’s section, and three à-la-carte

lute comfort, the finest locally inspired and international

restaurants – Greek, Italian and Asian. And for those seeking absolute relaxation, the Amada Wellness Spa offers expert wellness services through a wide choice of body and facial treatments, as well as a sauna, Hammam and Jacuzzi. Two collections, each offering an exquisite level of Ultra All-Inclusive luxury, have been designed to fulfil holiday dreams - Gold and Diamond Ultra All-Inclusive - while an exclusive set of suites is available on Elite Collection bed and breakfast. From a carefree experience in every detail, to a premium level of personalized comfort, Amada Colossos invites guests to explore a golden world of generosity offered with the friendly rapport of staff ready to make you feel completely at home.

138 Money & Tourism



Apollo Blue Hotel ***** The 5* Apollo Blue Hotel is an exclusive beach hotel with

and experience the soft touch of our unique treatments at

stylish design.

our Apivita Spa.

Reminiscent of ancient Greek architecture, the hotel complex

TASTE a rich palette of flavors with a distinct local character, at

fits naturally into the landscape. Not only the impressive ar-

the restaurant where our chefs experiment with new approa-

chitecture and the breathtaking sea views but also the excel-

ches to traditional recipes, creating superb dishes, using only

lent cuisine and the warm Greek hospitality count in favour of

but the finest ingredients.

a holiday in the Apollo Blue hotel.

LOOK the breathtaking sea views and enjoy the sunset with the magnificent Temple of Apollo at the background, elegantly stan-

Experience Apollo Blue by 5 senses

ding in our courtyard and fitting naturally in the landscape.

SMELL the delicate Jasmine blossoms blending with the dis-

LISTEN to the sound of the sea and the laughter of children

tinctive fragrant of thyme and other local herbs, in the al-

laying the finishing touches to a sandcastle, wake up in the

leys of our peaceful garden. TOUCH the smooth as silk golden

morning with the peaceful sound of the wind gently blowing

sand, slipping through your fingers on our enchanting beach

among the tree leaves.

140 Money & Tourism


DISCOVER DISCOVER THETHE JOY JOY OF TRAVEL OF TRAVEL AT APOLLO AT APOLLO HOTELS HOTELS At APOLLO HOTELS, At APOLLO HOTELS, we live everywe day live with every a passion day with for aquality passion andfor service quality to and caterservice to the needs to cater of to allthe ourneeds guests.of all our guests. A truly memorable A trulyholiday memorable is whatholiday we offer. is what we offer.

APOLLO BLUEAPOLLO BLUE Faliraki, 85105Faliraki, Rhodes,85105 Greece Rhodes, APOLLO BLUE Greece Tel: +30 22410 Tel: 85000 +30 22410 85000 Faliraki, 85105 Rhodes, Greece Email: info@apolloblue.gr Email: info@apolloblue.gr Tel: +30 22410 85000 Email: info@apolloblue.gr

APOLLO BEACH APOLLO BEACH BEACH Faliraki, 85105Faliraki, Rhodes,85105 Greece Rhodes, Greece Tel: +30 22410Tel: 85513, 08553585513, 085535 +30 22410 Email: apollorh@otenet.gr Email:info@apollobeach.gr apollorh@otenet.gr Email:


Apollo Beach Hotel **** The 4* Apollo Beach Hotel is a spacious, modern hotel located in Faliraki on the northeast side of the Rhodes. It is only 14km from the main town of the island and 5km from the Afandou Golf course. Situation on a sandy beach with lush surrounding greenery and flowering plants, this four star accommodation is bound to make your holiday an unforgettable experience.

142 Money & Tourism


KOS island Greece

Kos Hotelier Association

In Kos hotels’ you can have it all...


Α wide range of accommodation units Exquisite boutique hotels, all-inclusive resorts, convenient city hotels, cozy family hotels including spa facilities and sports centers, with water parks and water slides. You name it, Kos has it. With such a wide range of accommodation options across the Island, Kos is ideal for all, whether travelling as a couple, a family, a single backpacker or a group of friends.

• Gastronomy: an oasis of local products • Wellness: a strong and long-lasting connection to wellness • History: the island where Hippokrates, the father of medical science was born • Conferences: infrastructure and ideal conditions

• Outdoor activities: cycling, hiking, surf and kitesurf, diving, horse-riding • Yachting: Kos is located in the heart of the Aegean, one of the most significant sailing destinations in Europe.

www.koshotels.gr - e-mail: info@koshotels.gr - T: +30 22420 24955 Cosmopolitan, vivid, diverseful and colorful, Kos is undoubtedly a fascinating destination, offering a unique and broad travel experience.



Atrium Hotels & Resorts Three luxurious hotel complexes, each possessing its own style,

suites and luxurious villas by the sea. Its exclusive services, the

harmoniously positioned in the natural environment, make up

impressively designed exterior areas, the gardens, the swimming

Atrium Hotels, which is a top choice for hundreds of travelers

pools, the luxurious restaurants, bars, conference halls as well

every year. Atrium Palace is an oasis of luxury. Atrium Plati-

as the state- of- the- art Spa of this unique resort will impress

num is a city hotel with the charm of a resort while Atrium Pres-

visitors from the fist moment they arrive.

tige is the absolute resort to luxury.

This luxurious resort, in the traditional village of Kalathos, has

Atrium Platinum

double rooms, suites and private villas. They all make up a beautiful complex together with the swimming pools, the paths

Atrium Platinum Luxury Resort Hotel & Spa possesses the es-

and the gardens that connect them, whereas the view to the

sence of premium accommodation by the sea with its specially

Mediterranean from everywhere is really imposing.

equipped interior and exterior spaces, inviting travelers to meet a paradise of recreation, well- being and perfect hospitality.

Atrium Prestige

Based on the exceptional location on the beach of Ixia, the spec-

Atrium Prestige is a luxurious five- star hotel of impressive ar-

tacular decoration and the plentiful choices for food, entertain-

chitecture in Rhodes. Its amazing aesthetics, the emerald waters,

ment and event planning, Atrium Platinum, in Rhodes, is rea-

the luxurious atmosphere and the state-of-the-art AnaNeosis

sonably considered a world- class hotel, offering a wide range

Thalasso Spa will make up the magical “recipe” of summer holi-

of exclusive, unique experiences to share with one’s family, the

days in Rhodes, the island of the Knights.

beloved ones, friends or mate.

The wonderful, relaxing atmosphere, the elegant decoration, the

Atrium Palace

spacious sunlit rooms and the exclusive services are only some of the advantages of Atrium Prestige Thalasso Spa Resort & Vil-

Atrium Palace Thalasso Spa Resort & Villas is like a fairy tale

las. In combination with the unexplored beach of Lachania, they

five-star hotel promising an unforgettable stay in the rooms,

will constitute the frame of the most beautiful holidays ever.

144 Money & Tourism



Lindos Hotels Lindos Hotels is a luxury brand of first-class accommodation resorts

volley, amphitheater (500 seats), conference room (max. 100

located in the southern part of Rhodes island that has been offe-

pers.), 7 water slides, mini market.

ring top quality outstanding holiday experiences to thousands of travelers for many decades. Family owned and operated, staffed with the best professionals on their field, the hotels of Minettos family are

Lindos Village Resort & Spa

a study on luxury, comfort and excellent services.

The stunning Lindos Village Resort & Spa, an adults only-All inclusive hotel, is located a short distance from Lindos and approximately

Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa

45 kms from the main airport of Rhodes (Diagoras). The Village is built alongside a small cove of shallow waters overlooking the

The beautiful Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa is located a short distan-

picturesque bay of Vlycha.

ce from the old fishing village of Kiotari, next to the beautiful beach

The Lindos Village Resort & Spa is an extravagant portrait of a tradi-

of Kiotari and approximately 55 kms from the main airport of Rhodes

tional Greek village, bright white buildings that harmoniously soak

(Diagoras). Generous outdoor spaces to lounge and relax, epitomize

up the glorious Greek sun and radiate a warm Mediterranean glow.

open yet private restfulness, with mesmerizing views of the Aegean

From every angle the Village boasts unsurpassed awe inspiring views

Sea. Landscaped gardens and alluring pools alltogether in a resort

of the deep blue waters of the Aegean sea and the small picturesque

that emanates elegance and comfort with all the modern first class

bay of Vlicha. The resort offers plenty of facilities including 1 outdoor

amenities you could need at your fingertips.

pool, tennis court, 24 hour reception, 5 restaurants, 2 bars, fitness

The complex offers luxurious facilities and first class accom-

room, 1 indoor pool, yoga sessions, aqua yoga and more

modation.The resort offers 527 rooms and suites. In rooms facilities include air conditioning, direct dial phone, safe, mini fridge, hair dryer, balcony or terrace and more. There are also 4 outdoor and 1 indoor fresh water swimming pools, 2 Children’s

Lindos Royal Resort Lindos Royal Resort, an all inclusive hotel, is a fascinating picture

pools, 7 restaurants, 6 bars, night club/disco, spa-fitness center,

of classic Rhodes colonial style architecture, a host of columns and

sauna, hydro massage, 2 tennis courts, mini football, beach

spectacular arches make up the extravagant exterior. The property

146 Money & Tourism



is built overlooking the small bay of Vlicha and enjoys cascading views stretching as far as the eye can see over the emerald waters. Luxury 5 star accommodation centered around style and indulgence. The inviting rooms at the Lindos Royal Resort accommodate your every need, preference and budget. Each room, from deluxe rooms to sumptuous suites are spacious, quiet and superbly appointed. The complex offers luxurious facilities: aqua slides, 1 children’s pool, 3 outdoor pools, tennis court, souvenir shop, mini club (6 to 12 years), 24 hour reception, 1 main restaurant, 3 bars, 3 theme a la carte restaurants, ampitheatre, beach volley, etc.


Lindos Grand Resort & Spa Lindos Grand Resort & Spa is a brand new adult-only destination, located in the quiet bay of Vlycha, close to the traditional village of Lindos. The resort‘s premises were designed in harmony with the environs, and its environmentally friendly character, together with a generous array of outstanding personalized services make Lindos Grand Resort & Spa a unique, one-of-a-kind experience that transcends everything you knew so far of luxurious island holidays. Lindos Grand Resort & Spa was designed to offers flawless services and exquisite facilities. The majority of the Lindos Grand Resort

Gennadi Grand Resort

Gennadi Grand Resort is a modern and eco-friendly summer retreat that offers a tranquil holiday experience. Gennadi beach was chosen as the perfect spot for Gennadi Grand Resort, a destination that will change the way you view your summer holidays. A peaceful hideaway by the sea surrounded by beautiful gardens with palm trees in total harmony with its surroundings, Gennadi Grand Resort is as beautiful as it is graceful. This eco-friendly resort combines superb rooms and suites with fine dining proposals, entertainment, sports and wellness facilities in an environment of natural seaside beauty. At the same time, great attention was given to the hotel being eco-friendly, making sure that it conserves energy and water without compromising the guests’ experience. The hotel is located

& Spa rooms and suites feature private pools, with spectacular views to the Aegean and an idyllic ambiance that truly highlights a one-of-a-kind summer holiday experience. An experience made for bon vivants, the gastronomic proposals of Lindos Grand Resort & Spa promise a journey into the tastes and flavours of Greece of the mediteranean and the Far East. Powerful recipes, carefully selected ingredients at the top with demanding standards, modern techniques and unmatched inspiration form the basis behind the culinary wonders of Lindos Grand Resort & Spa. Also, in the resort you can maintain your fitness routine. Starting from our fully equipped, air-conditioned gym at the Spa center, to our engaging selection of exercise sessions such as Yoga, Aqua Pilates or Aqua Aerobics, enjoy your holiday workout at the most welcoming en-

on Gennadi beach, perfect for swimming and water sports, near the

vironment of our exquisite premises. In addition, during your stay,

homonymous picturesque village, on the southeast coast of Rhodes,

you can participate in exciting watersports that will get your ad-

halfway between the famous traditional village of Lindos and the

renaline pumping, as well as other appealing sea-related activities,

south end of the island, Prasonisi.

such as fishing and scuba diving.

148 Money & Tourism

Rhodes Hotel Association 3, Plotarchou Blessa Street 85100 RHODES DODEKANISSOS, GREECE Tel.: +30 22410 74555 - 7 info@exr.gr | www.exr.gr



Discover Ixia‘s Gems Rhodes Bay Hotel & Elite Suites Nestled on the enchanting west coast of Rhodes, just a stone‘s

Elite Suites: A World of Luxury and Privacy

throw away from the bustling Rhodes town, lies the charming

For those seeking an exclusive escape, the Elite Suites beckon

resort of Ixia. Here, amidst the backdrop of mesmerizing sea

with their boutique charm, featuring suites adorned with pri-

vistas and captivating sunsets, you‘ll find the exquisite Rhodes

vate pools. Expect nothing less than exceptional service, gour-

Bay & Elite Suites Hotel complex, comprising the lavish Rhodes

met cuisine, and breathtaking vistas.

Bay Hotel & Spa, a distinguished 5-star resort, and the Elite

Indulge in a world-class spa experience at the hotel‘s Spa and

Suites, an intimate and opulent boutique hotel.

Wellness center—an oasis of relaxation boasting 14 treatment rooms, an authentic Hammam, a rejuvenating sauna, and a

Rhodes Bay Hotel & Spa: Where Luxury Meets Modernity Experience the epitome of elegance and sophistication at the Rhodes Bay Hotel & Spa, where every detail is meticulously crafted to offer you a memorable stay. Recently renovated, the hotel boasts a modern design that seamlessly integrates with the stunning sea and forest views. With its spacious communal areas graced by three inviting swimming pools, this hotel is a sanctuary of relaxation. Savor delectable cuisine in contemporary restaurants, all while being treated to majestic panoramic views. The warm and welcoming staff ensure that your stay is not just comfortable, but truly exceptional. For those with business on their agenda, the Rhodes Bay Hotel & Spa features 14 meeting rooms, the largest of which can accommodate up to 300 people, making it the perfect choice for combining business with pleasure.

150 Money & Tourism

tranquil Jacuzzi.

Every Summer Has A Story

Rhodes Bay Hotel & Elite Suites A Luxurious Oasis on the Enchanting West Coast of Rhodes





100 Iraklidon Avenue, Ixia, 85101 | Rhodes, Greece | ΤEL: +30 22410 89900



Rodos Palace Luxury Convention Resort Majestic Rodos Palace, on the historical island of Rhodes, quite

poulos • Chancellor Kohl • Francois Mitterand • Jacques Santer

simply represents the ultimate in deluxe resort and convention

• Lady Margaret Thatcher • Felipe Gonzalez • Rod Lubbers • Kurt

facilities in Greece. Ideally located on a privileged site, extending

Waldheim • Constantinos Caramanlis • Andreas Papandreou •

from a cool green hill down to an idyllic beach. The venue offers

Rod Lubbers • Anthony Kennedy • Christian Bamard • Theodore

a cornucopia of outstanding facilities and services, leisure time

Fyodorov • Javier X. Solana • Jose Cutilleiro • Wilfred Martens •

activities and comforts. The Rodos Palace Resort and Conven-

Catherine Lalumiere • Prince Sultan El Saoud • lacovos • Dimitris

tion Center, one of the largest of its kind in the Mediterranean,


has celebrated a quarter-century of its inception and development into a uniquely combined holiday and business complex. Having within its premises the International Convention, large recognised as one of the most complete in the Mediterranean region, Rodos Palace emerges as a meeting and incentive destination par-excellence.

The world of International Entertainment & Business • Roger Moore • Claudia Cardinale • Neil Sedaka • Simple Minds •

Omar Sharif • Telly Savalas • Robert Wagner & Stephanie Powers • Albano & Romina Power • Demis Roussos • Liv Ullmann • Adan

The VIP World

Politicians, actors, singers, artists and top sportsmen have selected the Rodos Palace for their business meetings or holiday escapes.

Kasogi • Anatoly Karpov • Robert Maxwell • Milva

The world of Entertainment (National)

• Mikis Theodorakis • Aliki Vougiouklaki • Maria Farantouri • Le-

The decisive features guiding their choice have been: the presti-

onidas Kavakos • Petros Gaitanos • Alkistis Protopsalti • Yiannis

ge of the location, the high standardsΖΤ of accommodation, the

Parios • Lakis Lazopoulos • Antonis Vardis • Eleftheria Arvanitaki

personalized service, the effective security, the tranquility and the discretion - wherever and whenever needed.


• Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos II • Constantine Stefano-

152 Money & Tourism


From the heart of the complex rises an elegant 20-storey tower with luxurious rooms and suites, offering spectacular views of the gardens or the blue Aegean Sea. Adjacent to the Tower



stands the 7 storey Executive VIP Wing, fully dedicated to the special needs of business travelers and conference delegates. On the slope of the hill, within well-kept gardens are 14 units with studios, apartments and bungalows. The radical renovation of the 20th Storey Tower and reception areas, completed by the beginning of the year 2001, has been planned and undertaken by renowned Demou & Associates Interior Designers.

Convention Center With over 500 conferences and numerous exhibitions held in its premises and attended by Heads of State, Nobel laureates, innovative businessmen, renowned artists and scientists. With a total combined capacity of 4.000 delegates in 20 ergonomically designed multi-use halls ranging in size from 20-1300 persons the Center can support events of varying size and complexity. Having been selected as the official venue for the European union Summit and Western European Union Council of minis-

Interior Design

Initially decorated by the famous American hotel designer Maurice Bailey, who during his career created 50 top hotels and private homes of famous personalities such as Conrad Hilton, Kirk Douglas and Loretta Young as well as Palaces including that of the Emperor Shah of Iran. His colossal work is greatly appreciated and much admired around the world.

ters, the Rodos Palace is identified as a prominent choice for rewarding conferences and incentives. • Jupiter Ballroom: Area: 850sq.m. - Capacity: 1,300 • Athena Hall: Area: 350sq.m. - Capacity: 350 • Salon des Roses: Area: 480sq.m. - Capacity: 650 • Delphi Amphitheater: Area: 445sq.m. - Theatre Capacity: 600 • Nafsika Hall: Area: 220sq.m. - Capacity:320 • Nefeli Hall: Area: 155sq.m. - Capacity:220 • Apollo Room: Area: 250sq.m. - Capacity: 320 • Executive Syndiacate Rooms: Area: 60sq.m. - Capacity: 60 • Lobbies & Exhibition Areas: Area: 1,400sq.m. (total) - Capacity:


3,000 (total)

Guest rooms: 785 Luxurious guest rooms including: 20th Storey Tower (last year of renovation: 2001), 357 Standard rooms, 24 Junior suites, 5 Presidential suites. Executive VIP Wing: 172 Executive rooms, 7 Corner Executive suites, 1 Royal suite. Apartments, Bungalows complex: 16 Studios, 181 Apartments, 20 Bungalows, 2 Presidential villas

Support facilities & services All meeting areas have their own controls for air-conditioning, lighting and sound, sufficient outlets for 220V/3-phase electricity and standby generator. Advanced technological equipment

Dining and Entertainment choices on the hotel form an eclectic

throughout the center includes: Three independent infrared

mix of 6 speciality restaurants including the Gourmet Restau-

simultaneous interpretation systems (Brahler for 8,7 and 3 lan-

rant “La Rotisserie”, cafes, a delightful Piano Lounge Bar and

guages) with cordless translation receivers, ISDN network for

Disco Club with daily shows, which makes our guest often spo-

teleconferencing, on line Internet connection with autonomous

iled for choice

web server, in-house conference channel and PA system. Edition 2023




Blue Lagoon Group Greece Blue Lagoon Group is an evolving top of the line Hospitality

pool and executive suites with private pools.

Group, which operates 8 luxury hotels. Five are located on the

Our hotels are as varied as the wishes of our guests. We offer

beautiful island of Kos and three are in breathtaking Halkidiki.

our hospitality to families, couples, for leisure or business,

Our latest addition is the new luxury family hotel Blue Lagoon

for weddings or renewal of your vows. If you are a couple that

Queen, in Halkidiki.

dreams of hosting your wedding in a venue that stands out

At the Blue Lagoon Group you can expect high quality Hotels

from the rest, then one of

& Resorts in some of the most exquisite locations in Greece.

our hotels would be an excellent choice. Elegant restaurants

We offer luxury accommodation with a broad range of facili-

will surprise you with sophisticated mouth-watering creations

ties from waterparks and outdoor sports to relaxing spa treat-

and specialty restaurants will entice you with international

ments and professional children’s and adults entertainment.


We provide different room types of high standard for every

The Blue Lagoon Group follows high quality standards while

taste; stunning sea view rooms, spacious family rooms with a

also promoting environmental friendly procedures. We offer

separate bedroom for the children, swim up rooms and adults

first class hospitality and we are here to make your holidays

only rooms, junior suites with or without Jacuzzi or private


154 Money & Tourism



Blue Lagoon Resort

Blue Lagoon Ocean

This beautiful 5 star all inclusive resort is located just outside

Blue Lagoon Ocean is located in Psalidi area on Kos island and

Kos town, in Lambi area. The waterpark with lazy river, splash

was opened in 2019. This new adults only all inclusive hotel with

pools and water slides fascinates both children and adults. The

a pleasant atmosphere and magnificent sea views is located only

4500m2 pool invites for a relaxing swim and for water games and

150 meters from the shingle beach. The hotel offers accommoda-

the sandy beach is only 75 meters away.

tion in comfortable standard rooms with nice views and in rooms

Blue Lagoon Village

with whirlpool, sharing pool or private pool.

Blue Lagoon Village is a luxurious 5 star all inclusive resort built

Blue Lagoon Princess

in village-style on a beautiful, 800 meter long, private bay in Ke-

Blue Lagoon Princess is a hotel with luxury and comfort. This 5

falos. You can choose from 8 different restaurants and 8 bars, as

star all inclusive hotel is located in Kalives Beach in Halkidiki,

well as a massive waterpark. There are also watersports available

only a short 45 min drive from Macedonia airport. The hotel has

at the sandy beach.

beautiful pools with sun terraces and plenty of activities and

Blue Lagoon Palazzo del Mare This modern 5 star adults only hotel is only 50 meters away from

entertainment for children and adults, plus a waterpark and watersports at the sandy beach.

the sandy beach of Marmari. The beautiful 4000 square meter

Blue Lagoon Palace

pool scene invites the guests for a relaxing time at the pool or

The charming Blue Lagoon Palace impresses with its peaceful

to aqua gym lessons during the day. All ground floor rooms have

location and luxurious scene. This adults only hotel is a new 5

direct access to the pool or you can enjoy some privacy in our

star all inclusive hotel located on the beach of Kalives in Hal-

executive suites with private pools.

kidiki. All facilities are designed for couples offering romantic

Blue Lagoon City Hotel

settings for two, surrounded by the captivating beauty of nature.

The Blue Lagoon City Hotel is located in the heart of Kos Town. It

Blue Lagoon Queen

opened in 2018 and is a modern city hotel with comfortable and

Blue Lagoon Queen with its unique and modern presence com-

luxury rooms. If you visit Kos for business or want to be close to

pletes the family of Blue Lagoon Group of Hotels in Halkidiki. This

the shops and the night life, or see the archeological sites, this is

hotel is a new 5 star all inclusive hotel. Its brand new Waterpark

the right place for you.

offers slides and water games for adults and for children. Edition 2023




Blue Pearls Luxury Suites ◆

Aegean splendour and peacefulness


Being a brand new sister property of White Pearls Luxury

Blue Pearls Adults-Only Luxury Suites. The hotel serves as

Suites, found only 950 metres away in Lambi beach, Blue

an excellent viewpoint to admire the awe-inspiring sunset

Pearls Adults-Only Luxury Suites provides the very same

over the Aegean. Naturally bathed in golden light, the dre-

impeccable service, stunning architecture and genuine hos-

amlike pool and well-kept gardens are part of an incredible

pitality we take so much pride in. Our open-air area features

natural backdrop whereas the illuminating archipelago and

a sea view pool and snack bar - restaurant, a private parking

near-by island silhouettes complete the frame, offering in-

space, an outdoor gym and an orthodox chapel.

comparable sunset views and promising moments of abso-

At dusk, the setting is nothing less than breathtaking in

lute relaxation.

156 Money & Tourism

Surrender to the sunshine, the soothing sounds of the sea and feel the true essence of the Greek summer

BLUE PEARLS Aegean splendour and peacefulness Blue Pearls Luxury Suites

E-Mail: info@kosbluepearls.gr | Site: https://www.kosbluepearls.gr/ Phone: +30 22424 40310 +30 697 3009029



Kos Aktis Art Hotel Operating all year round, built in a superb location in the center of the city, right on the seafront and with all its rooms facing the magnificent view of the sea, «Kos Aktis» is a unique destination for every traveler. For a couple looking for a twoday getaway during winter, for someone traveling due to work and needs a place to rest, for a cyclist exploring new place on two wheels, for all those who wish to experience authentic, ancient Greek hospitality, at least for once. Since 2005, when it was founded, the hotel has become one of the top destinations for those seeking for a daily contact with the sea. Its thirty six rooms and six suites, equally divided into three floors, are overlooking the city of Halicarnassus which is located right next to the Greek borders. When relaxing on his spacious balcony during the day, the traveler may enjoy the lively colors of the sun in the beautiful sky and during the evening, he may enjoy the silence of the night while staring at the bright stars. If there is a full moon, he is able to admire the reflection of the moon to the undisturbed, dark blue color of the sea.

colors each time. If you look at them from a distance, they

The imposant Knights Castle stands on the left side of «Kos

look like pendulous paintings. Lastly, on the ground floor, the

Aktis» . On the right side, there is a cycling path which leads

sliding glass doors at the bar-restaurant «H20» offer the im-

to the marina of the island and opposite of the hotel‘s main

pression that tables are floating on the sea. In other words, no

entrance, the enormous fig tree dominates the park of Va-

matter where the traveler stands into the hotel, he can either

sileos Georgiou street. With no doubt, glass is the element

admire the water or observe the various stimulus occuring

which characterizes the general construction of the hotel.

outside the building.

The windows on the corridors and rooms make it perfectly

Besides, this was the original goal. All dynamic images crea-

bright and allow an unconfined communication between the

ted continuously from the combination of water motion and

hotel with the surrounding environment. The thick glass on

light intensity should be able to circulate freely. This way, the

the balconies transforms the outer room dividers into perfec-

traveler senses that his environment is constantly changing

tly aligned canvases, where the sky is reflected with different

even though it actually remains the same.

158 Money & Tourism

www.koshotel.gr, sales@koshotel.gr, tel: +302242047200, Charmylou 2 street, Kos Greece

www.kosaktis.gr, reservations@kosaktis.gr, tel: +302242047200, Vassileos Georgiou 7 street, Kos Greece



Kos Divine Hotel & Suites Kos Divine Hotel & Suites is located in the center of Kos

• Spa with beauty services, manicure, pedicure, massage,

town, on a privately owned plot of 4.500 sq.m., opposite the

sauna and Jacuzzi.

marina and just 50 meters from the town‘s beach.

• Gym of 230 square meters equipped with professional

After the radical renovation of the hotel‘s facilities, that will


take place from November 2022 to April 2023, Kos Divine

• Meeting Room

Hotel & Suites will be upgraded to the 4+ star category.

• Roof Garden with snack bar and Jacuzzi

After the renovation, the hotel will offer a total of 82 rooms,

• Private Lounge for VIP guests

including 49 luxury suites and 33 luxury double rooms.

• Commercial Shop

The hotel will also offer facilities such as:

• ATM bank

• Restaurant on the ground floor

• Bicycle/motorbike and car rental service

• Swimming pool

• Laundry service

160 Money & Tourism

Suite Living Between Sea & Sky PaLace, Sea & Sky Suite Living RodoS Between QUITe SIMPLY, coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXe ReSoRT RodoS PaLace, oN THeBetween ISLaNd oF RHodeS. Suite Living Sea & Sky QUITe SIMPLY, coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXe ReSoRT oN a SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3 KM FRoM Sea RHodeS & ToWN Suite Living Between Sky RodoS PaLace, oN THe ISLaNd oF RHodeS. aNd THe MedIeVaL cITY, JUST 50 MeTReS FRoM THe BeacH, Suite Living Between Sky QUITe coNSTITUTeS THe FINeSTSea deLUXe & ReSoRT RodoS oN aSIMPLY, SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3PaLace, KM FRoM RHodeS ToWN RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoU To oN THe RHodeS. QUITe coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXeTHe ReSoRT aNd THe SIMPLY, MedIeVaL cITY,ISLaNd JUSTPaLace, 50oFMeTReS FRoM BeacH, eXPeRIeNce THeRodoS TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe. oN a SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3 KM FRoM RHodeS ToWN oN THe ISLaNd oF FINeST RHodeS. RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoUdeLUXe To QUITe SIMPLY, coNSTITUTeS THe ReSoRT aNdoN THe cITY, JUST 50 MeTReS FRoM THe BeacH, a MedIeVaL SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3 KM FRoM RHodeS ToWN eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe. oN THe ISLaNd oF RHodeS. RodoS PaLace YoU To THe aNdoN THea MedIeVaL cITY, JUST3 INVITeS 50 FRoM BeacH, SUPeRB LocaTIoN KM MeTReS FRoM RHodeS ToWN eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe. RodoS PaLace YoUFRoM To THe BeacH, aNd THe MedIeVaL cITY, JUST INVITeS 50 MeTReS eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe. RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoU To eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe.

Rodos Palace Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: info@rodos-palace.gr Rodos Palace Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: info@rodos-palace.gr Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace Rodos Palacewww.rodos-palace.gr Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes T: +30 Rodos 22410 97222, +30 22410 25350, E: info@rodos-palace.gr Palace F: Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes www.rodos-palace.gr Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: info@rodos-palace.gr Rodos Palace Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: info@rodos-palace.gr www.rodos-palace.gr Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace

www.rodos-palace.gr www.rodos-palace.gr


Neptune Luxury Resort Discover the essence of Greece at Neptune Luxury Resort, a beachfront oasis set on a secluded sandy beach. This exquisite resort offers an immersive experience for all, whether you seek tranquil days by the pool, adrenaline-pumping sports and watersports, or a gastronomic voyage filled with delectable culinary delights. The resort’s pools offer a variety of options for all ages, while the watersports centre offers a wide range of activities. The full-service spa is the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate. Neptune Luxury Resort is also a great place for families. Parents and children will discover a treasure trove of delights including a dedicated kids club, playground and mini water land. The spacious rooms and suites, many with stunning sea views, offer a cocoon of comfort. Whether you are looking for a romantic getaway or a fun-filled holiday with friends and family, Neptune Luxury Resort is the perfect place to create unforgettable memories. #YourTrueFavoriteResort

162 Money & Tourism


Escape to paradise, embrace luxury

www.neptune.gr | Kos Island, Greece Unforgettable moments await at Neptune Luxury Resort



White Pearls ◆

Sea side Luxury Suites

White Pearls Luxury Suites is comprised of ten «pearls»,

The suites are meticulously decorated with colonial ele-

ultimate in privacy, luxury and romantic suites with a breath

ments, harmoniously combined with Greek decoration tou-

taking view to the Aegean Sea.

ches which will fascinate you.

Inspired by the islands of Dodecanese, they will mesmerize

We make sure to successfully fulfill every need you have

you at first sight due to their unique style. White Pearls Lu-

prior or during your stay.

xury Suites is located by the amazing beach of Lambi, only

We do not provide just accommodation needs but unprece-

4 kms from the city Center of Kos Island.

dented experiences.

164 Money & Tourism

Calm and Peacefulness We welcome you in a hospitable atmosphere which stimulates fantasy and senses and provides unforgettable moments of relaxation and serenity E-Mail: info@koswhitepearls.gr Site: https://www.koswhitepearls.gr/el Telephone: +30 22420 27000 +30 697 3009029



Santorini Luxury Hotel Ambassador ◆

the absolute retreat

Perched on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the imposing cal-

the most discerning palate. Using only the finest ingredients of

dera and the emblematic volcano of Santorini, Ambassador

the land and sea, our team of professionals makes the most out

Aegean Luxury Hotel & Suites welcomes you to Akrotiri. One of

of every dingle dish.

the finest, most privileged spots on the island with spectacular

Food lovers, wine enthusiasts and Greek cuisine aficionados,

vistas that take your breath away and compose the idyllic back-

those seeking to experience a truly romantic dinner in the most

drop for an unforgettable stay.

sensational ambiance and those who wish to tempt their palate

The Ambassador Aegean Luxury Hotel & Suites experience is

and explore traditional dishes with a special twist that makes

enhanced through exclusive signature details that transcend

a difference, everyone finds the ultimate retreat at Cabo Rosso

the expectations of even the most discerning guests, such as


the private helipad or the golf cars available for guests who wish to move around the property effortlessly. 40 private pools

Weddings & Honeymoons

waiting for your relaxing stay.

Ambassador Aegean Luxury Hotel & Suites composes the per-

A blend of couleur local and modern design, Ambassador´s in-

fect setting for those who seek to pop the question and tie the

dividually designed suites, rooms and villas boast private swim-

knot. Shaping memories of a lifetime, you will be able to live

ming pools, spa and, above all, amazing sea views!

the magic of a genuine experience of love and passion, made

Indulge in unpretentious luxury, experiencing the true meaning

of dream material!

of impeccable services and refined, elegant accommodation.

With over 700 square meters of outdoor space accommodating up to 100 guests, a luxurious swimming pool ideal for sunset


wedding photographs and a dedicated team ready to create

Taste the freshness of the Aegean with stunning views that will

the ambiance of your dreams, Ambassador Santorini is indeed

take your breath away! A wide array of culinary delicacies is

the ultimate backdrop for honeymoons, anniversaries, wedding

unfolded before your eyes, carefully prepared to satisfy even

proposals, engagement receptions and wedding ceremonies.

166 Money & Tourism



Anema Boutique Hotel & Villas Anema Boutique Hotel & Villas is a luxurious collection of villas

children, wedding parties, yoga groups, or a group of friends

set in a 6000 square-meter property in the stunning countryside

looking for spacious areas, large gardens with fruit and olive

of Santorini. Discover a place, where luxury meets nature, local

trees, comfort and privacy. The property consists of 9 private

flair and freedom.

villas, with one, two, and three bedrooms and one restaurant.

Our inspiration is drawn from the distinct history and tradition of

Each villa has a separate entrance, private pool (except Sorokos

the island. Every architectural detail. Each of the 9 unique private

villa), and large outdoor spaces with BBQ facilities. Parking is

villas. Our selection of furnishings. The beautiful gardens. The

available on the premises.

serene atmosphere. Our style and aesthetics. The way we have redefined well-being. Our generous sense of hospitality. Ever-


ything reflects the breezy lightness of the Aegean. After all, this

World renowned local products are fused wonderfully in the

is the sea that encompasses our very existence, our homeland.

making of exceptional recipes from Mediterranean cuisine at its

Our vision is to share our love for our roots and culture with our

finest. Accompanied by the most sumptuous local wine from the

guests. To create for you an experience that exudes the essence

island’s wineries, each meal reaches the top of gastronomy and

of Greek hospitality; This genuine feeling that our home could

constitutes the epitome of fine dining.

be yours as well. A crossroads of nature and chic island-life. A destination for families, couples and any traveler who wishes to discover genuine Greek hospitality. A place of the heart, where guests come back every year. An elegant retreat that feels just like home. This Santorini Hotel is situated in the stunning countryside of the island overlooking the Aegean Sea and stunning views of the islands of Anafi and Amorgos. Surrounded by vineyards and farms, and only 400 meters from the black pebble beach of Vourvoulos. The Hotel‘s panoramic position offers views of the surrounding farms, fields and the sea. Our Santorini hotel is perfect for couples, family holidays with

168 Money & Tourism

Vourvoulos, Santorini, Greece | +30 2286021470 | info@anemasantorini.com www.anemasantorini.com | www.aegeanluxuryhotels.com



on, telephone, laptop size safe box, mini-bar, ironing facilities,

Private candlelight dinner options are available on request for

hairdryers, scales, beauty mirrors, fine Guy Laroche linens, to-

special occasions. Just ask for our special menus.

wels and bathrobes for every guest, slippers, luxury Hermes or

The Aphrodite SPA in the hotel offers relaxation massages,

Guerlain or Ferragamo cosmetics, pool towels and much more.

treatments, body and face therapies, with a cave aesthetics

The large infinity heated swimming pool on the cliff offers a

and relaxed atmosphere.

unique experience swimming and enjoying all the view from

Athina Luxury Suites is the ideal location to have your dream

Oia to Akrotiri, a pool to infinity with a bar in the water open

wedding ceremony and venue facing an amazingly romantic

all day until the sunset hours. The place to meet and gather!

scenery or just to enjoy your honeymoon in our special Ho-

The room service offers an extended menu with a wide list of

neymoon Suites with outdoor jacuzzis.

drinks and food. Drinks are available 24 hours and our kitchen

Our joy is to offer leisure and delight and to make the accom-

is open from 11:30 am ‘till midnight.

modation of every guest personalised, exclusive and unforget-

The Esperisma Bar-Restaurant which is located on the hotel’s

table, emphasising individuality and privacy.

upper balcony is open all day offering the most refreshing

Our concierge and front desks are 24-hours open, to every

signature cocktails, serving some carefully selected dishes

demand and request, arranging VIP excursions, transfers, car

combined with a list of fine wines and champagnes especially

rentals, yacht rentals, helicopter rides, private dinners and

during the sunset ‚till the late hours.

every other need or request for our loyal guests.

172 Money & Tourism



Eteoro Suites Welcome to Eteoro Suites - a new and exclusive complex of elegant and luxurious suites, complete with private jacuzzis, and a superb villa with a private pool, all located on the edge of the cliffs of the caldera at Imerovigli. Revived from an old traditional house, our accommodations offer unparalleled views of the volcano, the famous sunset and the entire caldera of Santorini. Enjoy breathtaking sunsets, complete privacy, and tranquil surroundings, our authentic Greek hospitality and superior service will make your stay truly unforgettable. Our stylish and luxurious suites, combining traditional materials with modern facilities, all with private and spacious balconies overlooking the volcano, are designed to indulge your senses. Located in the small, atmospheric, and picturesque village of Imerovigli, Eteoro Suites sits right across from Skaros rock

Eteoro Suites consists of one Junior Suite with outdoor jacuzzi

- one of the five fortified settlements in the area and an im-

pool on the edge, ideal for couples, one Cave Suite with large

portant one. In medieval times, the rock was inhabited due to

outdoor jacuzzi pool for up to 3 people with a king bed and

the fortress‘s protection against pirates. At the top of the rock,

a single sofa bed and a unique architecture carved in the

a large bell was used to warn inhabitants of imminent pirate

rock, two Honeymoon Suites with outdoor jacuzzi pools ideal

raids. Skaros was the capital of Santorini until the 18th cen-

for couples, capable to accommodate up to 3 people and the

tury, and after the eruptions of 1707 to 1711, the Venetian noble

highlight of our hotel, the Grand Suite with private infinity

families decided to settle here. It is one of the best places on

pool on the edge with 2 master bedrooms with bathrooms,

the island of Santorini to visit and enjoy the magnificent views

large living room and a huge outdoor balcony with the heated

of the Aegean archipelago.

infinity pool with jets.”

174 Money & Tourism



Discovering the essence of NOŪS Santorini ◆

A unique concept in hospitality

Santorini, an island known for its breathtaking landscapes

of Santorini is reflected in decorative details featuring black

and rich history, welcomes you to its largest resort, NOŪS.

„burnt“ wood, while τhe three famous beaches – the Red,

This newest addition to the DONKEY Hotels Group, operated

Black, and White – define the earthy color palette that dresses

and managed by YES! Hotels, introduces a fresh perspective

all areas of the resort. Modern design icons, crafted by some

on hospitality.

of the most influential designers of our time, grace the 119 rooms, bungalows, suites as well as the public spaces of NOŪS.

At NOŪS, the philosophy of „Young Enthusiastic Seductive“ that

What truly sets NOŪS apart is its extensive collection of cont-

defines YES! Hotels‘ hospitality concept comes to life, offering

emporary artwork by young Greek artists.

art, authentic design, and premium, personalized services for

Drawing inspiration from Santorini‘s extraordinary history

every guest.

and volcanic landscape, they have created exclusive pieces

NOŪS encapsulates everything that makes Santorini excepti-

for NOŪS. The island‘s energy, shaped by its volcanic past,

onal on a global scale. The island‘s unique history and herita-

serves as a subtle, invisible thread connecting the resort to

ge find expression in the resort‘s design. The volcanic nature

this mythical land.

176 Money & Tourism



Indulge in ultimate relaxation at NOŪS Spa NOŪS Spa is an invitation to an enchanting journey of revitalization. Discover a veritable temple of well-being, a private world of exclusive treatments. NOŪS Spa is a cut above, with 5 opulent treatment rooms, as well as both indoor and outdoor pools, a rejuvenating sauna and Turkish bath, an invigorating cold tank, and a special outdoor yoga area.

Gastronomy and more at NOŪS NOŪS takes pride in its gastronomic offerings, rooted in the culinary traditions of Santorini and locally sourced ingredients. The menus of its all-day restaurant are built on the pillars of quality ingredients and simple cooking techniques, presenting tastes and flavors deeply embedded in the Greek collective DNA in a modern, creative way. One of the highlights of NOŪS is its newest restaurant, Elio‘s. Elio‘s brings the vibrant Italian-American „ristorante“ culture to Santorini. In every aspect, from architecture to interior design and gastronomy, NOŪS offers a completely modern concept of hospitality that allows guests to experience Santorini‘s uniqueness in an entirely new way. www.yeshotels.gr/nous-santorini/ Insta: nous_santorini Edition 2023




Santo Collection Resorts & Villas The epitome of effortless allure with a passionate Greek soul,

onate living concept enhanced by nature, promising its guests

Santo Collection Resorts & Villas is a constellation of contem-

to embark on genuine, boundary expanding explorations, and

porary resorts and villas built on a fifty-year legacy of hospi-

The Villas by Santo Collection with two exclusive villas intro-

tality. With a strong sense of place, our personalized services

ducing a concept of cherishing togetherness, enhanced by de-

and immersive activities inspire guests to appreciate the true

sign, offering heartfelt connections for experienced wanderers

essence of one of the world’s most iconic destinations — San-

pursuing sublime beauty and bespoke services.


Our two all-suites hotels, Santo Pure and Santo Mine, and The

The Santo Collection introduces a hospitality family of three:

Villas, are sitting peacefully in privileged locations between

its 85-suites & villas award-wining Santo Pure Oia Suites &

the azure blue of the Aegean archipelagos and the pictures-

Villas operating since 2016 with α concept of slow-living, en-

que town of Oia. Designed with their own unique spirit, they

hanced by nature, offering wellbeing experiences dedicated

take inspiration from the natural harmony, the iconic rocky

to body and mind, for discerning travelers seeking balance

landscape, and the breath-taking views of the sea and the

and rejuvenation with style, and two brand-new properties for

sunsets of Santorini.

2024, the 37-suites Santo Mine Oia Suites, introducing a passi-

The Santo Collection is an ode to sustainable-minded, luxu-

178 Money & Tourism



ry hospitality with a passionate Greek soul. A collection of

unique all-suite hotels and private villas representing the true and authentic part of Santorini.

With carved into the cliffs of Oia on the site of an old stone mine right above the enchanting Ammoudi Bay

tainability are not incompatible - rather, Santo Collection has

Highlights of The Villas by Santo Collection:

created places where our eco-conscious guests can feel good

Everything we do is rooted in the belief that style and sus-

about their choices. As the first sustainably minded collection of hotels on Santorini, Santo Collection continues to operate

2 villas, opening in April 2024, each accommodating up to 8 guests

Jacuzzi Outdoor

on the principles of sustainable development that our mother company Metaxa Hospitality Group has been embracing since 1975. Come and discover the true Santorini at Santo Collection: Santo Pure, Santo Mine, and The Villas by Santo Collection.”

Highlights of Santo Pure: •

83 suites & 2 villas, all with heated Jacuzzi and/or private outdoor pool

Highlights of Santo Mine: •

37 suites - opening in April 2024 Edition 2023



Sun Rocks Luxury Suites

Dreamy holidays under the unsurpassed and romantic sunset ◆

Our suites, fully renovated in 2021, have been designed to meet the needs of each couple and offer unique moments of relaxation combined with luxurious amenities. Merging the minimalistic aesthetics with elegant luxury, the fully renovated Sun Rocks suites have been specially designed for couples who yearn to experience the romantic holidays of their dreams with the most magnificent sea views, which they will be able to relish straight from their room. The earthy colors and white that dominate in the interior design, give a Cycladic air to the place and exude a sense of relaxation to the guests. All our suites offer a variety of luxury amenities that will make your stay even more pleasant and relaxing. They have a maximum capacity of two persons and are not able to host children. Aquaz Restaurant with the irreplaceable sea view looks like a hanging balcony in the Aegean Sea, on which you can experience the most romantic dinner with your loved one. The excellent menu includes seafood, a delicious variety of meats and desserts. All dishes are an amalgam of traditional and modern gastronomy that will undoubtedly create a burst of delight on your palate.

180 Money & Tourism


Sun & rocks. Two sides of beauty.

Firostefani, Santorini, Greece | +30 22860 23991, +30 22860 23941 | info@sunrockssantorini.com www.sunrockssantorini.com | www.aegeanluxuryhotels.com



Venus Sunrise Suites & Villas Welcome to the newest addition to the picturesque Vourvoulos

rooms, bluetooth speakers, weigh scales, ironing equipment,

area in Santorini - a luxurious hotel that offers breathtaking sea

fine linens and towels, and of course comfortable beds that will

views of the Aegean Sea and the magnificent sunrise. This ne-

ensure you have a restful sleep.

wly built hotel boasts 1 Two-Bedroom Apartment on the ground

The hotel offers a wide variety of services, including a front

floor, 4 Junior Suites with outdoor jacuzzis, 1 Superior Suite with

desk operating from early in the morning ‘till midnight, concier-

outdoor jacuzzi, 3 Honeymoon Suites with outdoor jacuzzis and

ge services, and daily housekeeping. You can also enjoy a deli-

1 Venus Villa with private pool, that are tastefully designed and

cious breakfast served daily, either in the privacy of your room

furnished to offer you a comfortable and memorable stay.

or balcony, or in the hotel‘s “piazza”, which offers a wide range

As soon as you step into the hotel, you‘ll be greeted by warm

of Mediterranean and Greek options, always made to order.

and welcoming staff who will take care of your every need. The

Other amenities include an outdoor heated swimming pool

hotel‘s facilities and amenities are designed to cater to all your

with jets for the Venus Villa where you can soak up the sun and

desires and ensure that you have a truly unforgettable experi-

enjoy the beautiful view, outdoor heated jacuzzis for all other

ence and a relaxing stay at Santorini island.

rooms, a fitness center for all the guests, and the “piazza”, our

The apartment, suites, and villa are all spacious and elegantly

common seating area, the place where you can relax with a

designed, all newly built in 2023 combining traditional aesthetic

drink or snack.

with modern materials, all with large windows that offer stun-

Whether you‘re traveling for pleasure or relaxation or to explore

ning views of the Aegean Sea and the sunrise on the east side

the island, this hotel is the perfect choice for your stay in San-

of the island.

torini. Ideal for couples or families or parties of friends. With

Each room is equipped with modern and luxurious ameni-

its stunning sea views on the east side, luxurious amenities,

ties like air-conditioning for cool and heat, free fast Wi-Fi in

and exceptional service, you‘re sure to have an unforgettable

all areas, flat-screen TVs with satellite channels, tablets in all


182 Money & Tourism

It’s all about the authentic experience



ZOE Bio Regenerative Wellness Clinic ZOE is the first Bio Regenerative Wellness Clinic in Greece, si-

hormonal equilibrium, stimulated antioxidant defenses, and an

tuated in the healing nature of Santorini. Through cutting-edge

overall sense of euphoria and well-being.

technology, innovative therapies, and personalized wellness programs, ZOE provides a restorative and therapeutic environment

We offer a variety of programs tailored to your specific needs.

where individuals can begin their journey towards optimal health.

DETOX Programs:

ZOE Bioregenerative Wellness Clinic is dedicated to the long-

Remove toxins and other harmful substances to achieve a he-

term goal and mission of offering a holistic approach to well-

althier body and youthful complexion.

ness and longevity. The ZOE Method embraces a comprehensive


four pillar approach, incorporating Diagnose, Detox, Repair and

Achieve advanced health restoration and enjoy an invigorated

Rejuvenation principles.

sense of overall wellness.

Our holistic approach demonstrates our deep understanding


of wellness and aims to rejuvenate both the body and mind,

Reverse Aging signs & unlock your full beauty potential.

fostering restoration and vitality. The ZOE philosophy centers around a personalized approach,

Our clinic provides a unique range of therapies aiming to deto-

with you as our primary focus. We recognize that everyone has

xify the body, replenish essential multivitamins, combat jet lag,

unique health needs, and as such, we develop personalized

and enhance beauty. Some of our advanced therapies inclu-

plans to address individual health requirements.

de Hyperbaric therapy, Cryotherapy, Bio hormonal Stimulator,

Our wellness programs are based on the principles of Bio-re-

Ozone therapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Sleep Wave),

generative medicine and designed by our team of distinguis-

Morphogenic Scalar Energy, Sound Therapy (RASHA), Antigravity

hed scientists and medical experts to unlock your full health

Treadmill, and IV Therapies.

potential. By participating in these programs, you can experience a range of benefits, including enhanced cell oxygenation,

Your journey of rejuvenation starts in Santorini.

improved blood circulation, reduced oxidative stress, restored

Indulge yourself with a transformative therapeutic experience.

184 Money & Tourism



The Baobab Effect

Accommodation Management We recognize that the hospitality industry encompasses far

pansive event spaces to intimate, inviting hotels and villas.

more than mere touristic offerings; it demands an all-encom-

Our carefully curated selection ensures that each venue pro-

passing approach.

vides an idyllic backdrop for your event or stay, promising a

With this in mind, we passionately strive to spearhead the

truly unforgettable experience. Whether you’re seeking the

ongoing reimagining of Naxian hospitality services, making

perfect ambiance for your dream wedding, a serene escape,

a monumental impact in elevating the Cycladic experience

or an inspiring locale for a dynamic business conference, our

on a global scale. Our unwavering dedication to excellence

collection of properties promises the finest in hospitality.

ensures that we not only meet expectations, but exceed them

In the era of sustainable and alternative travelling, our

in every way, crafting unforgettable memories for all who

highly diversified portfolio consists of properties that adapt

embark on this captivating journey.

the values of sustainability and alternation in their every

Explore our stunning array of properties, ranging from ex-

day practices.

186 Money & Tourism



Our team of experts, armed with state-of-the-art techno-

in a private boat tour around the Cyclades and embrace

logy and profound insight into business operations, crafts

the sea life. Enjoy exclusive itineraries including island

bespoke solutions tailored to your distinct requirements.

hopping, snorkelling, fishing trips, and delectable buffet

Discover a diverse range of cultural activities, gastronomic

meals on board. It‘s the perfect way to indulge in a luxuri-

delights, and high-end services, along with transfer packa-

ous getaway.

ges, sightseeing tours, attractions, and excursions. Immerse

Delight in an exceptional experience, tailored to exceed

yourself in the unique experiences offered at our hotels

your expectations and envelop you in the pinnacle of com-

and villas and elevate your stay.

fort and luxury, while on the Cyclades.

Embark on a yacht and invite only your closest companions for an exhilarating adventure on the open waters. Indulge

Welcome to the epitome of hospitality excellence. Edition 2023




Kenshō Boutique Hotels & Villas ◆

A secluded haven of luxury

The Uniqueness

make Kenshō Boutique Hotels & Villas stand out. All beachfront

Kenshō Boutique Hotels & Villas are home to every luxury a

properties, they boast majestic views of the Aegean Sea. On the

guest could need. With their individually styled rooms & suites

sun-drenched landscape of Mykonos Kenshō Boutique Hotels

and the only cave spa on Mykonos, Kenshō Boutique Hotels &

& Villas redefine the term “Bohemian Luxury” based on the true

Villas are always the favorite choice of celebrities, as they have

values of Greek hospitality: personalization, craftsmanship and

welcomed many elite guests over the years including Paris Hil-


ton, Nicole Scherzinger and Alessandra Ambrosio.

The Experience

The Philosophy Ken means “seeing” and Shō means “nature, essence”. Kenshō is

Kenshō Boutique Hotels & Villas offer guests a unique, 100%

often interpreted as “seeing one’s (true) nature”. Kenshō offers

Mykonian experience of stay, where only the highest standards

its guests a unique journey, creating memorable experiences of

apply. True havens of contemporary design and traditional ar-

stay, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Inspired by the endless blue

chitecture, they combine state-of-the-art technology and iconic

colours of the sky and the sea, Kenshō combines high-quality

design pieces by well-known brands, such as Dedon, Mogg, Ges-

services and goes beyond the standards, to provide a truly lu-

si and Kenneth Cobonpue. All guest rooms and suites are airy

xurious experience for each and every visitor.

and full of light, designed with seclusion and privacy in mind.

The Values Rejuvenation, relaxation and a bespoke set of services are what

188 Money & Tourism

Enjoy the finest hospitality experience on Mykonos! kenshomykonos.com



W W W . K E N S H O M Y K O N O S . C O M


Northern Greece Being a «melting - pot» of disparate cultures as early as the ancient years, appearing as a realy «endowed» land in every way and possessing a really deeprooted history and a unique natural wealth, Northern Greece charms every visitor, as it provides them generously with plenty of opportunities to wonder in the real depths of history and tradition.


and the well known Vergina Archeological Site lure each visitor. Veria is the capital of Imathia Perfecture, a city spread out in the foot of Vermion mountain. Among other worth visiting cities, one could point out Naoussa, an overwhelmingly green city. One of the most well known Perfectures of Greece is Thessaloniki Perfecture. The city of Thessaloniki, also known as «The bride of Thermaikos Gulf», is Perfecture’s Capital, it is considered as «The Co-Capital» of Greece and, at the same time, it is aknowledged as one of most important ports in Greece. The famous «White Tower» is considered as the city’s «trademark». While in Thessaloniki, one can visit St. Dimitrios church, lots of interesting museums

he journey to Northern Greece begins in Macedonia

and of course «Rotonda», a monument dated around 300

and it is completed in the bordering Thrace. From an

p.d., as well as Galerios Arch. Really close to Thessaloniki,

administrational point of view, Macedonia is divided to

one could find Chalkidiki, one of the most beautiful places

three parts, Central, Western and Eastern Macedonia.

in the whole greek territory, an «endowed» land in any way.

In Central Macedonia, the first area in every visitor’s itine-

Chalkidiki area is formed by three thin, pine-clad peninsu-

rary is Imathia Perfecture, in which «Seli» and «Pigadia of

las with 550.000 metres of sea shores. In this area, one can

Naoussa» Ski Centers can be found. Apart from these two

visit ancient cities, prehistoric cages, Byzintine convents,

Centers, Aliakmona’s Valley, some bushy green mountains

modern seaside towns, elements of the greater «puzzle pic-

190 Money & Tourism

[TRAVEL] unique nutural ensemble. The city of Grevena is the capital of the Perfecture, a city situated at tha same spot with the ancient city of Elimaia. The city of Kastoria, a city spread out along the banks of the homonym lake, is the capital of the homonym Perfecture. Kozani Perfecture is also considered as one of the most «endowed» lands of Macedonia. The whole «picture» is composed by a complex of mountains and lake shore areas. The city of Kozani is the capital of this Perfecture, a city with old styled mansions. In Florina Perfecture, the landscape is often said «magic». Little and Big Prespa, the twin lake area wich is considered one of the most important aquatic habitat in Greece, the traditional village of Nymphaion, as well as the picturesque island St Achillios, create a unique «scenary». The city of Florina is the capital of the Perfecture. Going far east, we reach Drama Perfecture. The high mountains is Perfecture’s main characteristic, with «Falakro» mount being the leading one, considering that it’s the mount where the homonym Ski Center is situated. Kavala Perfecture combines brillianlty mountain with sea related delights. The city of Kavala is the capital of this Perfecture and is a moture» of Chalkidiki land. The city of Poligyros is the capital of

dern city with interesting night life. The cities of Philippoi, a

Chalkidiki Perfecture, a city spread out in an amphitheatrical

very important city from an archeological point of view and

shape, on the foot of Cholomontas mountain. Nearby, one

Chrysoupolis, attract hundreds of visitors every year.

could find Arnaia, an area characterized as «historic land» by

The Perfecture of Serres is really famous for its aquatic ha-

Ministry of Culture. Also known tourism resorts in the same

bitat in Kerkini lake, the Lailia forest, the hot springs in Nig-

area cities such as Kassandra, Kallithea, Nea Moudania, Nea

rita, as well as the ancient city of Amphipolis. The city of

Kallikratia, Ouranoupolis and Ammouliani.

Serres is the capital of the Perfecture.

Of course, well known at a global basis is «Mount Athos» or

The mosques in the turkish neighbourhood add a very

the «Garden of Virgin Mary» as it is often called in Greece, a

special characteristic to the city. Worth visiting places are,

well respected monastic state, in which entrance is denied

among others, Alistrati with its famous gorge of Aggitis, Am-

to women.

phipolis, Nigrita with its thermal sources and Sidirokastro,

Doirani lake, Axios river and the whole bushy green landsca-

next to the fertile valley of Strymonas river.

pe are some of the advantages of Kilkis Perfecture. Capital

Thrace have always been considered as a crossing point bet-

of this Perfecture is the city of Kilkis, a beautiful city built on

ween East and West, as well as a «bridge» of communication

the foot of St George’s hill. As for the neighbouring Perfecture

between Europe and the Balkan area. The first Perfecture

of Pella, the whole area is characterized by its inexhaustible

to meet during one’s course to Thrace is Xanthi. The city of

natural and cultural wealth. Edessa is the capital of this Per-

Xanthi is the capital of this Perfecture, a city with a clock to-

fecture, a city which overlooks the whole macedonian valley.

wer as a «trademark». Passing on Rodopi Perfecture, every

Passing to Pierias Perfecture, the «scenary» is formed by Ki-

visitor is amazed by this peaceful co-existance of Orthodox

lometres of sandy coastlines, Olympus Mount which is the

Christians, Pomaks and Muslims of turkish origin.

higher mountain of Grecce and, according to Greek mytho-

Komotini is the capital of Perfecture, a city that is conside-

logy, it was also the formal residence of 12 Gods. The capital

red as the «heart» of Greek Thrace.

of this Perfecture is Katerini, a city built between Olympus

The capital of the homonym Perfecture is Alexandroupolis,

Mount and Pieria Mountains. When it comes to Western Ma-

a city with an astonishing lighthouse as a «trademark». In

cedonia part, the first Perfecture to came across is that of

Soufli, one can learn everything about the different stages

Grevena. The rich flora, the unspoiled forests, the National

of silk processing. In Evros Perfecture we can also find the

Preserve of Pindos Mountains with its well known «Valia

«proud» island of Samothraki, standing in the northeastern

Kalnta», as well as the water sources and waterfalls create a

corner of Aegian Sea. Edition 2023









1. PVK

Mast Hotels & Resorts 1.


DIONIBOUTIQUE HOTEL (www.dioniboutiquehotel.gr)

4* Boutique neoclassical hotel at the historical center of Preveza. 34 rooms and 1 pool.

PREVEZA CITY COMFORT HOTEL (www.prevezacity.gr)

3* Renovated City Hotel at the commercial center of Preveza. 54 rooms. 2.


PARGA BEACH RESORT (www.pargabeachresort.gr)

5* Beach front resort in Parga. 201 rooms & suites with 6 pools, 3restaurants, 1 bar, conference area, kids club, playground, playroom, gym spa, yoga platform and other.

SAPPHO HOTEL (www.sapphohotel.gr)

4* Summer adults only hotel in Parga. 10rooms & suites, 1 pool 3.


COSTA SMERALDA (www.costasmeralda.gr)

4* Beachfront boutique hotel in Sivota. 24 rooms & suites, private beach, 1 pool, 1 restaurant & bar. 4.


SUN BEACH HOTEL (www.sun-beach.gr)

4* Beach front hotel 15 min from Makedonia airport and 30 min from Thessaloniki. 124 rooms, 1 pool, 2 restaurants, 1 bar, 1 beach bar, Conference center.

192 Money & Tourism

Mast Hotels & Resorts| www.masthotels.gr | I. Kalou | 48 100 Preveza | Greece



Philoxenia 2023 ◆

Looking forward to a new challenge!

PHILOXENIA is the annual tourism exhibition that since 1985,

selected invited buyers - hosted buyers - from the target

its first organization, till today, outlines the profile of the tou-

countries for the industry. Enriched with interesting thematic

rism business in the country maintaining its strong brand

presentations, workshops, and targeted conference events,

name through the years. It is organized every November at

Philoxenia is a dynamic „tool“ that contributes substantially

the International Exhibition & Conference Center of Thessa-

to the development of Greek tourism.

loniki and constitutes a very strong meeting point of the tou-

As it happens every year, PHILOXENIA 2023 will host about

rism in Greece. Based on the new conditions in the tourism

120 renowned tourism professionals from abroad in the most

market, PHILOXENIA adapts to the new data, coordinated with

well-organized b2b tourism exhibition program in the wider

the needs of the professionals as well as of the travelers, and

region of Southeastern Europe. Through the scheduled mee-

contributes to the promotion of destinations and their high

tings, exhibitors have the chance to promote their products

level services.

to international markets, which would be very difficult and

The three-day tourism event is attended by companies and

expensive in different circumstances. This program is the re-

organizations from all over the tourism spectrum (Greek and

sult of the international connections and collaborations of

international tourist destinations, hotels, travel agencies,

HELEXPO, and it is running under the supervision of the Exhi-

travel agents, specialized press and media), as well as by

bition Research Institute and under the auspices of GNTO.

194 Money & Tourism



The Skiathos Palace Ηotel ◆

Welcome to... the five star view!

The Skiathos Palace Hotel is built on a hillside, overlooking

The main restaurant serves American breakfast and the best

“Maratha” beach and one of the most widely known beaches in

of European and Greek cuisine. At the roof top grill restaurant

Europe, the famous “Koukounaries” beach (both beaches are

“The White View” you can enjoy the magnificent panoramic

awarded with the “Blue Flag”).

view and taste the famous greek “taverna style”, with delicious

Situated only 10kms from Skiathos Town and set in a pine

barbecue, other local dishes and exceptional sea food.

forest at the north-west corner of the island, the hotel‘s pool

For relaxation and sunbathing, guests may choose between

and restaurant areas are offering views so spectacular that

the large outdoor fresh-water pool and the famous “Kou-

they will take your breath away!

kounaries” beach or the peaceful “Maratha” beach, which

The hotel has 249 rooms and 9 suites, all equipped with

is organized by the hotel.

air-condition, private bathroom, satellite TV, telephone, in-

The hotel‘s conference and banqueting facilities are ideal for

ternet access, 3-channel music, safe deposit box, hairdryer,

those who want to combine fun and relaxation of a resort

mini-bar and balcony. The Executive Plus Floor is a concept

with creative, organized conferences.

for luxury, offering high-end facilities that can satisfy the

The five conference rooms are located on the premises of the

most discerned traveller.

Skiathos Palace Hotel and can be equipped with all technical

Skiathos Palace Hotel offers many facilities such as 24-hours


reception, safe deposit boxes, currency exchange, swimming

The hotel is constantly renewing its services and it was awar-

pool, indoor-lounge bar, poolside snack-bar, room service, mini

ded the international certificates ISO 9001 (hotel services), ISO

market, car/motorbike rental office, Wi-Fi access & internet hot

14001 (System of Environmental Management), ISO 22000

spot, children‘s playground, baby sitting, massage & courtesy

(System of Food Safety Management) and the eco-labels

room, laundry service, electric vehicle charging station &

“Green Key” and “Travelife”. You are invited to enjoy the


exceptional standards of hospitality and service for which

At the beautiful beach of Koukounaries under the hotel, all

Skiathos Palace Hotel is noted: Management and team of

water sports are available.

highly trained professionals will be delighted to satisfy your

The hotel offers indoors and outdoors dining.

every wish.

196 Money & Tourism


Peloponnese In the place where nature and the blue of the sea meet, the visitor has come to Peloponnese, the “island of Pelopas” with the unique beauty.


Ermioni. Argolida, which is inhabited since the 8th millennium A.D., is known as the centre of Mycenaean civilisation. Mycenae attracts the interest of the visitors with the amazing Pili of Lions and Nauplia, the first Greek capital from 1828 to 1834. In the centre of Peloponnese, it is located Arkadia, the best choice for those who want to visit picturesque sceneries and traditional villages, large landscapes and clean shores. The capital of this region is Tripoli, located in the centre of the fertile land of Arkadia and Parnonas around it, with the rich monasteries, the scenic Dimitsana, the industrialized Megalopoli and the historic Astros, lying

eloponnese is cited in the southeast of the Balkan

next to the sea. For those who like ancient civilizations, the ancient

Peninsula and it is connected with main Greece th-

areas of Tegea, Mantinia and Orchomenos will attract their interest,

rough a lane of land, Isthmos of Corinth, of 5 km. width.

as well as Karitaina with the famous Venetician castle, the nautical

Geographically and administratively Peloponnese is se-

city of Leonidio, but also the tourist resorts of Vitina and Stemnitsa.

parated to the subregions of Corinth, Argolida, Arkadia, Lakonia,

In the subregion of Lakonia, it is situated Sparti, where Doriis were

Mesinis, Ilia and Achaia.

located since 11th century A.D., by creating there their centre which

Especially Corinth, which is next to the Corinthian and the Saronic

was developed in a most powerful centre that dominated in Greece

Gulf, it is differentiated for its archaeological places and its unique

after the Peloponnesian war. One can also watch carefully the signs

combination of nature and sea. Next to the downtown of Corinth,

from the Byzantine period and the French occupation. The “dead city”

it is situated Loutraki, the city with the international fame and the

of Mistra looks powerful through the years and her fame is beyond

Casino. Moreover, the visitor has the chance to taste the wines of

the local borders. The same things happen with Monemvasia and the

Nemea, to visit the Loutra of Oraia Eleni, the famous from antiquity

legendary Mani, with its traditional rock towers. The cave of Diros and

Stymfalia Lake, the north Trikala and the nearest snow centre, as

the mountain of Taigetos are the gifts of nature for the land of Lako-

well as the National Drimo in Sarantapicho.

nia, while polls of attraction are Neapoli and Elafonisos.

Continuing its tour to Argolida, the tourist stays speechless from

Continuing to the historic Mesinia, the tourist will meet a region with

the ancient theatre of Epidaurus, where the known worldwide fes-

strong presence through the years, not only from the ancient ones,

tival takes place, as well as from the cosmopolitan summer resorts

but also from the recent years, especially in the Revolution of ‘21,

that are extended from Tolo and Drepano to Porto Heli, Costa and

where it was the centre of the Greek fighters. Kalamata is the glori-

198 Money & Tourism


ous capital, famous for its long shores and luxuriant vegetation, while

sights of the region.

Methoni and Koroni located in the two sides of Mesinia are discrimi-

Finally, Achaia with Patras as a capital city is regarded as an import-

nated thanks to their Cycladic characteristics. Pilos has also an island

ant travel connection, as it is connects our country with Italy and

figure, and one of the most seaside and tourist cities is Kiparisia.

Peloponnese with Ionian Islands. The clean and filled with green

Westside of Peloponnese, it is located the subregion of Ilia, with

seashores of Peloponnese steal tourist’s heart at first sight.

Olympia the birthplace of the Olympic games. The tourist will be

The beautiful and traditional village of Akrata, the verdant Diakof-

dazzled from the strong archaeological air of the region, as well

to, where the train that begins for Kalavrita, but also Aigio with the

as from the temple of the Epicurus Apollo in the sheer Vasses and

great platan that Pausanias reported in his travels, are main fea-

from Andritsaina, situated in a green hill.

tures of the region.

The river Neda stands out with its impressive waterfalls and Za-

Another advantage of the area is Rio, the connection with Pelo-

charo the seaside city filled with pines and olive trees is found.

ponnese and Sterea Greece and Ipirus, the glorious Kalavrita, the

The spa of Kaiafa, the river Alfios known from antiquity, the me-

Grand Cave and the legendary Agia Lavra, as well as the famous

diaeval Katakolo and the Loutra of Kilini are the most spectacular

snow centre of Helmos.

200 Money & Tourism

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