Money & Tourism - Annual edition for WTM 2019 & CONFEX 2020

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MANOS KONSOLAS Deputy Minister of Tourism

GIORGOS ΗATZIMARKOS Governor of the South Aegean Region

ANGELA ALEXANDROS VASSILIKOS GEREKOU President President of Greek of the Hellenic National Tourism Chamber of Hotels Organization

GRIGORIS TASIOS President of Hellenic Hotel Federation

YIANNIS A. RETSOS President of the Greek Tourism Confederation



A welcoming hotel and bungalow complex overlooking the spectacular Cretan Sea. The perfect destination for those seeking the benefits of an all inclusive resort, Nana Golden Beach offers an abundance of pleasure, entertainment, gastronomy and unforgettable moments to its guests.

Nana Golden Beach Hotel, 70014 Hersonissos, Crete, Greece Tel. 0030 28970 30100,,


Harry Theoharis Minister of Tourism


he competitive advantages of Greece, such as rich cul-

experiences in the fields of wellbeing, gastronomy, sports and

tural heritage, natural beauty and geographical variety,

adventure, culture and history and modern lifestyle. Greece as a

have been attracting significant tourism investments

brand will also evolve to depict our repositioning as a top global

and tourists in recent years, thus further strengthening


Greece’s image as an ideal destination both for holidays and tourism-related investments.

We basically need to, and indeed will put in place a new 10-year plan, to ensure that everyone, investors as well as wider stake-

Our ambition is to shape a wider footprint for Greek tourism in

holders has a clear view of our strategic framework and direction

terms of product, place and time diversity. Apart from our tra-

for the twenty twenties. This will be a new, much needed “Deal for

ditional mix of sun, sea and sand - we invite guests to explore

Tourism”, allowing us to exploit the new opportunities that have

Greece during the autumn, winter and spring, with new amazing

appeared in the international touristic markets.

6  Money & Tourism


Manos Konsolas Deputy Minister of Tourism


he World Travel Market (WTM) 2019 is one of the most

our priorities.

important tourism fairs of the world.

The extroversion of Greek tourism is confirmed by the dynamics it

It is a reference point for all people of tourism every year.

presents. It is no coincidence that the only sector of the economy

Greece participates in this exhibition with the most po-

that withstood the crisis and managed to grow was tourism.

sitive and optimistic message.

The Greek government believes that tourism represents creative

It is the message of a dynamically growing tourist destination,

Greece. We want to further enhance the idea of creative Greece

which has the ability to diversify its tourist product and constantly

and for that we are creating a favorable and friendly framework

upgrade its services to its visitors.

for attracting investment in tourism.

The unique natural environment, the vast coastline of our country

By reducing taxes and removing bureaucratic hurdles, we serve

and the unparalleled beauty of the Greek islands, are combined

the purpose of developing and enhancing the competitiveness

with high quality tourist facilities.

of our tourism.

The safety of our visitors, the upgrading of our infrastructure and

Greece is waiting for its guests with the most beautiful smile to

the improvement of services to those who visit our country are

give them unique moments.

8  Money & Tourism



6th klm Kallithea Avenue, GR 85100 Rhodes - Greece Tel: +30 22410 03650, Fax: +30 22410 03651 Email:

6th klm Kallithea Avenue, GR 85100 Rhodes - Greece Τel.: +30 22410 62714, Fax: +30 22410 65976 Email:


Giorgos Ηatzimarkos


Governor of the South Aegean Region

he heart of Greek tourism beats in the Region of South Aegean, the Cyclades and the Dodecanese. This is the Region, which is acclaimed national champion in tourism, a pillar and supplier of Greek economy.

The Region of the most popular Greek destinations and inter-

national brands had to be the real star of the country in the sector of tourism. Championship was for us our primary strategic goal and political choice. From the early beginning, our main concern was to give the term “flagship” the real dimension it is worth in history, the present and the future of our islands, our one and only Aegean. We worked towards this direction, in cooperation with the best strategic partners. Within the same spectrum of impressive results of the years 2016 and 2017, the islands in our Region broke the records of all times for the year 2018. We are proud to be responsible for 40% of the GDP resulting from our Region as revenue brought to the country by our Region from the sector of tourism, leaving behind other Regions, which held leading positions until a few

rism, with 48 inhabited islands and some of the most powerful tourist brands in the international tourist map, being a compilation of islands serving as tourist destinations of insurmountable beauty and uniqueness, covering a wide range of interests for the visitor and offering top quality services. The islands of the Cyclades and the Dodecanese are so close but so different, offering a feast of experiences, feelings and emotions. The islands are filled with light, diving into the blue, where legend, history and reality all exist together in an impressive mosaic. Contrast is what makes then fascinating. Their uniqueness is their identity. We promote as much as possible aspects of our versatile tourist product. The acknowledgement of South Aegean as “Gastronomic Region of Europe 2019” is yet another proof of its uniqueness, a powerful challenge for the visitor to get to know our islands through their cuisine. Gastronomy in our islands is an authentic travel experience! We constantly enrich our identity with all these details which accurately depict our real picture. Our aim is to promote the

years ago, with a great difference. These records are “transla-

real image of South Aegean and serve it consistently and with

ted” into unforgettable experiences for our visitors!

devotion. We are moving forward, aiming at the best and res-

The Region of South Aegean is a leading power of Greek tou-

pecting the millions of visitors who honor us!

10  Money & Tourism

Atrium Prestige

Atrium Palace

Atrium Platinum


Angela Gerekou

President of Greek National Tourism Organization


Thematic diversity towards sustainable tourism growth

oving on to the new decade, Greece can be the

tourism and shall be the big asset for many decades, but now

main choice of visitors from all around the world,

it’s the time to promote diversity, due to the great potentials

and become more resilient to any kind of crises.

that the Greek landscape offers together with the variety of

Our new strategy consists of a single promotion

activities that are offered all year round.

strategy with territorial and thematic specialization, unlocking

We want our tourism product to be sustainable, respecting

the potentials of each area of the country. In this direction

the environment not just as an obligation but as a means of

synergies with the local authorities, business and professi-

promoting the comparative advantages of natural beauty that

onal institutions of the tourism sector, are at the upfront of

the Greek landscape provides.

our work, and together with targeted agreements with inter-

Moreover promoting thematic/alternative tourism agenda,

national media and institutions we build a new storytelling

and also improving the quality of the mass tourism status, is

of Greece.

a guarantee that we are synchronizing with the modern travel

The “sea ‘n sun” motive has been the main content in Greek

trends and we will succeed.

12  Money & Tourism

Money & Tourism WTM 2019.indd 1

17/10/2019 14:47


Dimitris Fragakis

General Secretary of Greek National Tourism Organization


he great Afro-American poet and award-winning author

as well as in emerging markets. We focus on establishing close

Dr. Maya Angelou once wrote: “I‘ve learned that people

partnerships with private local and international tourism provi-

will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

ders. Our target is achieving a common vision and active partici-

but people will never forget how you made them feel”. In

Greece we excel in making our guests feel welcomed as members of our family. The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of visitors is in our DNA from ancient times. We even had a God, XENIOS ZEUS, dedicated to hospitality. This is a much respected virtue throughout our history that makes it important for us to greet every traveler as an old friend and honoured guest.

pation of the private sector in the development of the domestic tourism product. At the same time, efforts are being made to promote Greece as a destination for tourism investment. GNTO aims constantly at expanding the alternative, quality, sustainable tourism product to the level that will be considered part of our national identity. Our strong effort is to work effectively, strategically

The Greek National Tourist Organization (GNTO) has the responsi-

and in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders to achieve this

bility to promote Greece‘s tourism product dynamically. We must

goal. We promise you that the stories and the experiences of our

be present at all major events and exhibitions around the globe,

visitors will be memorable acts of Greek PHILOXENIA (Hospitality).

14  Money & Tourism


Alexandros Vassilikos

President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels


nique natural beauty. Long history leaving its

of Greek tourism with the UK market is not only resilient but

cultural imprint in all corners of the country.

can also become even stronger!

Ancient monuments and modern cultural cre-

“If you can dream it, you can do it.� The famous saying goes.

ations. Incomparable gastronomic experiences

It is true that we can actually achieve much more if we have

and versatile entertainment. Ongoing thematic enrichment

a vision and a strategy, and by creating many more possibi-

of its product and constant investments to upgrade the

lities of tourist collaboration as well as by offering our Bri-

combination of experiences, infrastructure and services

tish friends more opportunities to experience their dreams

required by modern visitors of a leading international des-

in Greece. This is the place where the visitor is not just

tination. And above all, people who cherish their tradition

another customer; visitors are friends who honor us with

of genuine hospitality.

their visits and Greece is the best place to welcome them.

Meet Greece! No wonder it steadily remains among top des-

World Travel Market London highlights the beginning of the

tinations in the UK market. On the basis of this timeless

preparation of Greek tourism in view of the new tourist sea-

relationship, established on principles of trust and good

son every year. We expect the same for the year 2020. This

collaboration, we can look forward to even better results in

expectation urges us to constant activity so that as many

the coming years. Despite all adversities or insecurity deri-

friends as possible coming from the United Kingdom meet

ving from hard developments in business, the relationship

the bright, smiling and optimistic face of Greece!

16  Money & Tourism


Yiannis A. Retsos

President of the Greek Tourism Confederation


apid developments and ever-changing conditions

authentic and sustainable life experiences. The global

in the international tourism market are an addi-

tourist distribution channels are affected by the new trends.

tional reason for our presence in the upcoming

In this new environment, Greece has all the advantages

World Travel Market.

to further enhance its tourist image on the international

For the Greek tourism industry, Britain is traditionally in


the top two of the most important markets. In 2018, about

Hospitality is an indisputable advantage for Greece in the

3 million British tourists traveled to our country, spending

battle against competition with other popular destinations

over â‚Ź 1.9 billion. British interest in the Greek destination

and our British visitors acknowledge this. Moving on to

was recorded this summer as well, with high increases in

the new decade, we hope to further strengthen the British

arrivals and travel revenues.

tourist flow to our country, while doing our best to provide a

In the ever-changing conditions, travelers seek new, unique,

high level of service.

18  Money & Tourism

MH.T.E.: 1039K014A2512000

W W W . C R E TA N M A L I A PA R K . G R



Grigoris Tasios

President of Hellenic Hotel Federation


reat Britain steadily remains throughout these past

as the warmth of the traditional Greek hospitality.

few years, one of the top markets as regards Greek

Our achievements so far prove that we can overcome all types of

tourism. And there are several good reasons to ac-

difficulties and reach even higher goals. There is fertile ground

count for this.

for this, and Greece is turning over a new leaf after the period

To begin with, there is a deep- rooted relationship of mutual

of financial crisis. Tourism plays a significant role in the life of

trust established throughout the years, which can withstand

the country and there is an ongoing invitation to our British

even large- scale unpleasant incidents such the collapse of

friends: we are expecting you here 365 days a year. Whether

Thomas Cook. However, in economy, just as in nature, there is

you like to visit your favorite Greek destinations or new ones,

no vacuum. We not only can but it is also worth trying to create

these are worth exploring all year round, throughout Greece, in

new opportunities and potential. As regards the relationship

a wide spectrum of choices, ranging from luxury tourism to rare

between the Greek tourist product and the British market, “sky is

hiking experiences, and from gastronomy pleasures to cycling

the limit”. This is because the advantages deriving from further

or diving tourism.

empowerment of this mutually beneficial collaboration are in-

Throughout the year, even on one single day, all British visitors

finitely more than any short- term difficulties.

to Greece can have so many different, special and unique expe-

Greece is an international tourist destination, of incomparab-

riences. Greece is a modern, European, technology- friendly and

le natural beauty, innumerable historical monuments of high

safe country for its visitors.

aesthetics and unique entertainment experiences. In addition,

We are certain that this year’s WTM will be yet another success-

it has ultra- modern hotel infrastructure which is constantly

ful year of cooperation, regardless of the challenges involved.

upgraded so that these hotel units can offer high- quality ser-

Via mutual investment, organised and well thought out work, it

vices on the basis of a “value for money” pricing policy as well

is up to us to make 2020 a landmark year!

20  Money & Tourism


Meropi Ydraiou

Mayor of Central Corfu and the Diapontia Islands


ear Friends,

This multinational influence is prominently reflected on the Old

It is an honor for me to be the Mayor of Central Corfu

Town’s appearance, in relation with the fortresses and the forti-

and the Diapontia Islands, a place of exceptional light

fications, which have contributed to the town being inscribed as

and a unique identity!

UNESCO’S World Heritage Site.

Due to its geographical position, the island became a powerful

Its natural beauty, the numerous archaeological and historical si-

fortress and transit port during the ancient years, adapting itself to

tes, its strongly cosmopolitan character, the mild climate and the

the predominant conditions each time. This adaptation constitutes

top-quality tourist facilities, and at the same time its easy access,

a continuous dialogue between the East and the West, promoting

make Corfu one of the most popular destinations.

a timeless cultural value at the same time while keeping relations

Therefore, I warmly invite you in Corfu for an unforgettable ex-

with Venetian, French, Russian, and especially British cultures alive.


22  Money & Tourism

Cactus Royal Spa & Resort

Offering a wide variety of accommodation types, Cactus Hotels have a right option for even the most demanding of travelers. Cactus Hotels consist the ideal choice for you to spend your holidays with your partner, family or friends. Choose the ideal resort, beachfront, mountain view or sea view, enjoy the personalised services, entertain yourself at our waterpark or choose another activity and experience the tranquility by undertaking unique Spa & Fitness services.

Cactus Bay

Cactus Beach, Cactus Village

Whatever you choose, experience the unique hospitality!!!!

Cactus Mare

Cactus Hotels Resorts & Spas GR 70007 Stalis, Crete island – Greece t.: +30 28970 31319 f.: +30 28970 31589


Markos Kovaios Mayor of Paros Island


his year’s exhibition WORLD TRAVEL MARKET is of great

ation, which signaled an abrupt transition from mass tourist

importance for Paros island and the Cyclades, in gene-

demand to demand of a more selective nature.

ral. We have come here, not only to participate in an

Paros island has been well-established in the international

important international exhibition but to also explore

travel maps thanks to the coordinated efforts of the Munici-

new tendencies dominating the British market.

pality and the professionals of the island. Therefore, taking

The British market used to be and still is significant for the

into consideration all relevant parameters, our aim is to take

Cyclades. Consequently, it is clear that our interest in tourism

calculated action on the basis of the strategy we update every

from this specific market is huge. Actually, these days more

year so as to adjust ourselves to the new requirements of in-

than ever, after the recent collapse of a big tourist organiz-

ternational demand.

24  Money & Tourism

Timeless value of enjoyment


Konstantinos Deriziotis Publisher


hat is it about Greece that makes it so hard to

It is the cosmopolitan residents of the cities, as well as the

decide what to say first?

shepherds of the mainland, who will treat you with fresh mild and cheese.

Greece is a real beauty which accumulates

everything a traveler dreams of on his holidays. It is the incomparable seas, ​the unique landscapes, the

Our great poet, Odysseus Elytis wrote: “If you decompose Greece, in the end, what you will see left will be an olive tree, a vineyard and a ship. this means that you can remake

delicate flavors, the fresh products, the magnificent combi-

it with as many as those”.

nations of the mountains with the seas, the high quality and

Millions of English people choose Greece for their valuable

top aesthetics hotels, and above all, its people.

holidays based on these reasons.

​People ranging from the residents of the famous cosmopo-

And Greeks welcome them as their honorable guests.

litan islands to those who guard our frontiers, on distant islands with 50 to 100 residents during the winter.

26  Money & Tourism

Welcome to Greece in 2020 again.


Money & Tourism Annual Edition W.T.M. 2019 Owner: KAPA SIGMA DELTA S.A. Editor: Konstantinos Deriziotis Marketing: Nicolaos Deriziotis Art Director: Sartorou Vasiliki Headquarters Athens: 8, Sitias Str. & Messologiou Str., 144 51 Metamorfosi, Tel: +30 210 211 76 76, Fax: +30 210 211 76 77,, e-mail:

Harry Theoharis Minister of Tourism

Manos Konsolas

Deputy Minister of Tourism

Business Attica

Giorgos Ηatzimarkos


Governor of the South Aegean Region

Ionian Islands

Angela Gerekou


President of Greek National Tourism Organization

Dimitris Fragakis

General Secretary of Greek National Tourism Organization

Alexandros Vassilikos President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

Yiannis A. Retsos President of the Greek Tourism Confederation

Grigoris Tasios

President of Hellenic Hotel Federation

Meropi Ydraiou

Mayor of Central Corfu and the Diapontia Islands

Markos Kovaios Mayor of Paros Island 28  Money & Tourism


Northern Greece South Aegean

Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa Amoudara - Heraklion, Crete Greece

Sitia Beach City Resort & Spa Sitia, Crete Greece

Santa Marina Beach Resort Amoudara - Heraklion, Crete Greece

E-mail: Tel.: +30 2814 266000

E-mail: Tel.: +30 28434 40300

E-mail: Tel.: +30 2814 261300


Celestyal Cruises has fast built an award-winning reputation and recognition as the number one choice for travellers to the Greek Islands and East Mediterranean thanks to its regional expertise and exceptional hospitality. The foundation of the company’s philosophy is built on a unique Greek heritage which combines outstanding hospitality with genuine cultural destination immersion and provides authentic, lifetime experiences both onboard and onshore. Celestyal Cruises recently announced new and extended itineraries, as the once seasonal-only operator looks towards sailing year-round. In 2019, the company will extend its season into December and return to Istanbul for the first time since 2016 with its new 7-Day Eclectic Aegean itinerary. This cruise includes an overnight stay in Istanbul and calls at Volos, Greece, for excursions to the stunning mountains of Meteora, and to Canakkale, Turkey, for excursions to Troy and Gallipoli. The cruise will also visit Heraklion and Santorini and, during its call at Mykonos, will depart at 2:00 a.m. so passengers can fully enjoy the nightlife of this cosmopolitan island. Celestyal Cruises also launched its 7-day “3 Continents” cruises in 2019 which call at Alexandria and Port Said, Egypt, at Ashdod, Israel, at Kusadasi (Ephesus), Turkey, at Limassol, Cyprus, and at Rhodes. Shore excursions at each of these ports will give passengers an authentic deep dive into the incredible history and culture of these storied destinations. In 2020 Celestyal Cruises sets sail in the Adriatic for the first time with its new seven-night “Romantic Adriatic” itinerary which visits Venice, Corfu, Patras, Kotor, Dubrovnik and Split at a time when these popular destinations are far less crowded than during the summer months. Highlights of this voyage include visits to UNESCO World Heritage sites, stops to experience the Christmas markets in Venice and Dubrovnik and an excursion to medieval Kotor. All 2019 and 2020 cruises feature the award winning Celestyal Inclusive experience with all-inclusive drink packages, all meals on-board, entertainment, selected shore excursions, port and service charges and gratuities included in the fare.

32  Money & Tourism




Aegean Airlines AEGEAN, a member of Star Alliance, is Greece’s largest airline

In June 2018 AEGEAN signed a Purchase Agreement with Airbus,

providing ever since its inception in 1999 until today, full service,

for the order of up to 42 new generation aircraft of the A320neo

premium quality short and medium haul services. In 2013 AEGEAN

family. The investment is valued at 5 billion USD at list prices, and

acquired Olympic Air; as a result passengers now have increased

it is the largest private investment in Greece.

flight frequencies and connections as well as improved accessibil-

The new aircraft facilitate the offer of new services to passengers,

ity to Greece’s islands, including some of the most remote ones.

as well as increased range capabilities for expansion to new des-

Total traffic of both companies reached 14m passengers in 2018.

tinations and markets.

AEGEAN invests on strengthening its international presence and

The Company has been honored with the Skytrax World Airline

on supporting the Greek tourism both in Athens and in regional

award, as the Best European Regional Airline in 2019. This was


the 10th time AEGEAN received the relevant award. Among oth-

The company´s summer 2019 timetable includes a network of 151

er distinctions, TripAdvisor users have awarded AEGEAN at “Tri-

destinations, in 44 countries in total. The flights are being per-

pAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards 2019” as: “Best Regional Air-

formed with one of the youngest fleets in Europe, comprising of

line Europe”, “Best Regional Business Class Europe” and “Best

61 aircraft.

Airline in Greece”.

32  Money & Tourism



Autohellas S.A. AUTOHELLAS S.A. is the largest Rent a Car company in Greece, according to its financial capacity and the size of the fleet of vehicles it manages. Furthermore, it is the biggest national franchisee of Hertz International in Europe. AUTOHELLAS S.A (HERTZ) operates in Greece for more than 44 years. Since 1978 until today, it constantly holds first place in the car hire field. Hertz - AutoHellas was awarded for two consecutive years, 1998 and 1999, by the travel industry as the best rent a car company in Greece for high standard services rendered (TTG Award). Currently, Hertz fleet has more than 40,000 cars, operating in 8 countries 150 locations of which 40 airports. Short History The following dates are important landmarks in the history of AUTOHELLAS: 1962 The Company Hertz Hellas was established by Hertz American Express Ltd. 1966 Mr. Th. Vassilakis signs an associated contract with Hertz International, to operate in Crete. The initial fleet of cars consists of 6 Volkswagen Beetle. The company TH. VASSILAKIS SA is established. 1972 The Company expands its presence also in Rhodes. The fleet of the company sums up to 300 cars. 1974 Mr. Th. Vassilakis takes over Hertz Hellas, a subsidiary of Hertz International, renames it AUTOHELLAS S.A and assumes representation of Hertz all over Greece. 1983 AUTOHELLAS is awarded the European Highest Overall Standards Cup by Hertz Europe. 1986 AUTOHELLAS is awarded for the second time the European Highest Overall Standards Cup by Hertz Europe. 1989 Hertz introduces the concept of Fleet Management (long term hire and fleet management) in Greece to better meet corporate needs. 1998 Renewal of the franchise agreement with Hertz Corporation for a period of 26 years until 31/12/2023. 1999 AUTOHELLAS becomes a public company and its shares are listed on the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange.

34  Money & Tourism

2001 Hertz receives for fifth consecutive time the award for the world’s best car rental company. 2003 AUTOHELLAS acquires BEMAL AUTO LTD in Bulgaria, the local Hertz franchisee and importers/distributor of SEAT and AUDI in Bulgaria. 2005 AUTOHELLAS takes over the Hertz franchise in Cyprus. 2007 AUTOHELLAS establishes Autotechnica Fleet Services SRL in Romania. The new company will use the Hertz brand for Operating Leasing. 2010 AUTOHELLAS establishes Autotechnica Serbia D.O.O., a Hertz franchisee for the country of Serbia. The company is operating in both Rent a Car and Operating Leasing sectors. 2011 AUTOHELLAS establishes Autotechnica Montenegro D.O.O., a Hertz franchisee for the country of Montenegro. The company is operating in both Rent a Car and Operating Leasing sectors. 2015 AUTOHELLAS establishes Autotechnica Fleet Services LLC., a Hertz franchisee for the country of Ukraine. The company is operating in both Rent a Car and Operating Leasing sectors. 2016 Autohellas begins operations in Croatia, after the acquisition of ANTERRA DOO, the former national licensee. The company is active in the car rental sector. In 2016, Autohellas completed the acquisition of Technocar and Velmar, expanding its activities to importing and selling cars. It is now licensed to distribute and repair FORD, OPEL, SEAT, SAAB, HONDA, ALFA ROMEΟ, FIAT, ABARTH, MITSUBISHI and VOLVO cars and is the exclusive importer of SEAT cars in Greece. 2017 In 2017, Autohellas became the licensed distributor and repairer of BMW, BMW MOTO and MINI, Hyundai and KIA cars and exclusive importer of HYUNDAI and KIA vehicles in Greece.

Electra Metropolis Athens

Electra Palace Athens

Electra Athens

Electra Palace Thessaloniki

Electra Palace Rhodes

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Electra Palace Athens 18 - 20, N. Nikodimou Str. 105 57 Athens, Greece T: (+30) 210 3370 000

Electra Athens 5, Ermou Str. 105 63 Athens, Greece T: (+30) 210 3378 000

Electra Palace Thessaloniki 9, Aristotelous Sq. 546 24 Thessaloniki, Greece T: (+30) 2310 294 040

Electra Palace Rhodes Trianta Beach 851 01 Rhodes, Greece T: (+30) 22410 92521



Hotelbrain Group Hotelbrain Group HotelBrain Group is a leading hospitality group with regional presence in Greece and Southeastern Europe. A widely recognized hotel asset solution provider, HotelBrain Group provides a wide range of services to hotel owners, both institutional and private investors, with an aim to assist them achieve use optimization and value appreciation of their hotel assets. The Group provides the full array of services, from hands-on development and hotel management advisory, to full third-party management and short or long-term lease solutions, while selected investments in hotel acquisitions can also be considered.

pansion of its portfolio reaching a total of 100 properties (more than 10.000 beds) within the next three years. Having adopted the “white-flag” hotel management model, HotelKeys can enter into short- or long lease of hotel assets turning the hotel into a stable yield producing asset, providing a clear-cut income solution to all potential stakeholders i.e. owner, investor, lender etc. With an intense geographical dispersion and a highly diversified asset type of leased properties in terms of size or positioning, the aim of the firm is the achievement of maximum performance for each asset separately, maximizing the owners’ rent income. To achieve performance maximization HotelKeys may

With almost 20 years of proven track record in the hospitality

invest own capital to refurbish leased hotels, depending on the

sector, the Group is organized in independent companies, each

needs and repositioning potential of each property.

one of them focusing on different needs, covering practically the entire spectrum of the hotel real estate.

Hotelkeys S.A.

Hotelbox S.A. HotelBox S.A. is the investment arm of the Group, investing in selective acquisitions of hotel properties, which are then re-de-

HotelKeys S.A., previously known as HotelBrain Capital, is the fas-

veloped and successfully re-positioned in the hotel market and

test growing hotelier in Greece, currently operating over 46 leased

eventually sold to institutional investors, e.g. R.E.I.C.s, Funds, etc,

hotel establishments (4.700 beds) throughout Greece and, based

as stabilized yield producing assets. Since 2015, the firm has ac-

on the current pipeline of projects, aiming short term to the ex-

quired and re-positioned four hotels located in the islands of

36  Money & Tourism



Paros, Tinos, Crete and Corfu. Since then, two among these pro-

company that can provide a holistic management model catering

perties have been sold to an institutional investor, as redeveloped

to the hotel owners’ needs.

and operationally stabilized long-leased assets by HotelKeys S.A.

Throughout the years, HotelBrain Management has built vast

Hotelbrain International LTD HotelBrain International Ltd, the international arm of HotelBrain, is acting as second tier operator for hotel assets with a franchise

experience in achieving successful operation of any hotel asset, from summer and winter resorts to city hotels across Greece.

Hotelplus S.A.

or an international brand and undertakes management and de-

HotelPlus S.A. is a multi-awarded independent company providing

velopment advisory contracts globally. Being both operator and

management consulting services to hoteliers and hotel owners

owner, hence having a pragmatic and holistic knowledge of all parameters of the hotel real estate, the firm acts as an owner-side advisory partner during the Planning and Pre-Opening phases of the development, ensuring a lean process and complete alignment of actions from inception to execution. The firm has completed turn-around management contracts, preopening and advisory projects in more than 11 countries: Greece, Cyprus, Austria, Italy, Morocco, Belgium, UK, Serbia, Montenegro, Lebanon, Turkey.

who choose to maintain full involvement in day to day operations of their hotels and seek professional support and management know-how to optimize operating results. The firm focuses on small-to-medium sized family-owned and family-run hotels and has an extensive geographical presence ensuring deep knowledge of each and every destination. The firm applies a “collaborative” advisory model, ensuring alignment with the vision of the owner through the appropriate training of the hotel’s personnel.

HB Management S.A. The multi-awarded HotelBrain Management specializes in hotel management advisory services for the last 20 years, applying a “non-branded” management model to build value for the hotel

Multi awarded by World Travel Awards: • Europe’s Leading Hotel Management Company 2019


• World’s Leading Hotel Management Company 2018

The firm offers a wide range of advisory services, catering to the

• Europe’s Leading Hotel Management Company 2018

needs of each hotel owner in order to achieve optimum perfor-

• Europe’s Leading Hotel Management Company 2017

mance. HotelBrain Management is the only hotel management

• Europe’s Leading Hotel Management Company 2015 Edition 2019





Ionian Islands Corfu | Paxoi | Lefkas | Meganisi | Ithaca | Kefalonia | Zakynthos

A lifetime experience





Exotic beaches with turquoise waters, awarded and famous all over the world. Fairytale castles, which stand proudly for centuries, imposing medieval buildings and Byzantine monasteries. Picturesque settlements, mountainous villages, cosmopolitan ports, caves, lakes and wetlands make up the mosaic of Ionian Islands, an earthly paradise that invites and challenges the traveler. Kefalonia, Corfu, Zakynthos, Lefkada, Ithaca, Paxos, Meganisi, a dot of land on the map, so unique, so magic.


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Beleon Group Experience tailor-made Greece & Cyprus with Beleon Group A multifaceted group of companies, operating in travel industry

Beleon Group’s collection • Beleon Tours Travel Company organizes individual and group holidays in Greece;

for 15 years now, Beleon Group is one of the current flagships of

• Luxury Travel DMC runs both in Greece and Cyprus creating truly

Greek tourism sector. Our holding started its activity in 2003 fo-

tailor-made vacations and planning MICE events of any type and

cusing during the initial period of its activity on mass tourism to

level of complexity; moreover Luxury Travel DMC supervises all

match those times tendencies of the local market. However the

operations of Beleon Group;

rapid development of Greek travel industry and its transition to individual tourism model affected also our approach to the busi-

• T he passion of Wedding in Greece are the organization of all kind of bridal ceremonies and festivities.

ness, and these days Beleon Group offers exclusively tailor-made

Among the primary activities of Beleon Group are creation of fully

services both in leisure and MICE spheres.

customized nonstandard tours and luxury vacations in style, plan-

40  Money & Tourism



ning and holding business and incentive events, organization of

• In 2017 Beleon Tours honored as “Greece’s Leading Travel Agency”

weddings and celebrations as well as transfer services on exclusi-

at World Travel Awards, while this year we kept our position in

ve means of transport. Sustainability and continues development

frames of this prestigious award and got the gold in “Greece’s

is what really make us different, because from year to year we

Leading DMC” nomination;

manage to surprise our partners with novelties without loss of quality. Here are our main achievements over the past year: •E ntering Cypriot travel market in 2017, in 2018 we succeed to increase our 5* Deluxe Hotel collection at this Mediterranean destination by 50%;

• Beleon Group also honored at Diamonds of the Greek Economy Awards 2018 for its significant input to the growth of Greek economy; • And the last but not the least, in 2018 Beleon Group celebrates its jubilee – 15-years of successful operation in travel industry.

•F or the third consecutive year we attain high growth rates of

Our story of success is quite simple: hard work, ongoing develop-

room nights sales in 5* Luxury Hotel brands situated in Greece:

ment and the most important factor which is by the way our credo

14% growth in 2017-2018 (as of 12th of October 2018), 33% growth

– reliability! You are welcome to experience it personally choosing

in 2016-2017, 92% growth in 2015-2016;

Beleon Group as your reliable partner in Greece & Cyprus.

• Concierge service, a new luxurious travel option in our collection introduced in 2017, has been enriched with a big number of offers in 2018;


Edition 2019



Immerse in Greece’s rugged beauty and unspoiled charms at Costa Navarino

When it comes to finding a holiday that will ignite your imagination, look no further than the ancient wonders and unforgettable new experiences of Costa Navarino

104  Money & Tourism

Located in the Greek region of Messinia in southwest Peloponnese, one of the Mediterranean’s most unspoiled seaside landscapes, Costa Navarino introduces a whole new concept to contemporary travel. A prime, sustainable destination, its philosophy is driven by a genuine desire to protect and preserve Messina’s natural beauty and heritage. Home to two luxury five-star hotels, The Romanos, a Luxury Collection Resort and The Westin Resort Costa Navarino, the destination also features two signature golf courses, a 4,000sqm thalassotherapy spa, specially designed facilities for children and a wide array of sports and cultural activities.

EXPERIENCES CONNECTING YOU TO HISTORY, NATURE AND LOCAL LIFE Costa Navarino is the perfect base from which to explore the treasures of the Peloponnese, where nature and history meet. Guests can discover crumbling Mycenaean palaces, UNESCO World Heritage sites and nature reserves home to protected bird and marine life. Or get under the skin of the culture by cooking with locals, enjoying farm-to-fork dining, wine tasting and olive oil sampling. WORLD CLASS GOLF DESTINATION Awarded with the prestigious title of “European Golf Resort of the Year 2017” by the global golf tourism association IAGTO, Costa Navarino is known in golfing circles as one of the finest destinations in the world to tee-off. It currently features two 18-hole courses, The Dunes Course designed by former US Masters Champion and Ryder Cup Captain, Bernhard Langer, and The Bay Course designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr. and will soon be home to another two 18-hole golf courses at Navarino Hills, designed by two-time Masters champion and Ryder Cup legend, José María Olazábal, SPA TREATMENTS BASED ON ANCIENT GREEK REMEDIES For spa lovers, the sprawling 4,000 m2 Anazoe Spa is the perfect sanctuary to lie back and enjoy, while olive-oil signature treatments work their magic on sore muscles. Based on therapies that were inscribed on clay tablets discovered at the nearby Palace of Nestor, treatments range from thalassotherapy, kinesiotherapy, mist showers and herbal saunas. The spa also offers treatments especially designed for young ones. More than just a gateway to a destination, Costa Navarino immerses the guest deeper into it, connecting visitors to local cultures, communities and thriving ecosystems. A singular, transformational, bespoke travel experience that combines adventure, fun, history, nature, wellness and golf in understated luxury of a 130 hectares five-star beach front resort.

Edition 2018  105



The Greek Riviera Frayed coasts, clean, beautiful beaches, natural harbors and bays, forests and plains, sacred rocks with a long history.


acy shores, seas clean as a whistle, scenic beaches, natural coves and voes, forests and plains, holy rocks with a great historical past. These and a lot more compose the image of the Attica land.

The landscape alternations, the modern substructures and the potential of alternative activities are the advantages of Attica as a tourist destination. These important advantages have styled fairly Attica as the “Greek Riviera”. Athens, capital of Attica and since 1834 capital of Greece, is a city with thousands of aspects. Athens is the birthplace of civilisation and it gives each visitor the opportunity to travel into time. The magic travel with destination past begins from the holy rock of Acropolis, one of the most glorious monuments of the world and Parthenon, with its marvelous Caryatides. It continues to the archaeological site of Pnika, where Ecclesia convened, one of the first democratic corps in the world, to the Agora (Athens’s Ancient Market), with the impressive Temple of Hephaestus and the Stoa of Attalos, to the Theatre of Herodes Atticus, which is now used as a spectacular venue and finally to the Cemetery Keramikos. The city of Athens is a hypaethral museum, given that in every place of the city the archaeological excavations have discovered finds from every period. Finds from the Byzantine period were found in the city, as well as in the wider area.

At the Syntagma Square, where the main station of metro is

More specifically, in Plaka there are some of the most ancient

situated, one can find the “heart” of the trade in life of the

Byzantine monuments of Athens. The museums of the city

city, which extends to Kolonaki, one of the most famous areas

are full of the archaeological treasure of Athens, such as the

Of Athens filled with trade life, nightlife and culture.

museum of Acropolis, one of the best museums in the wor-

Piraeus is half an hour away from the centre of Athens, the

ld, in the National Archaeological Museum, in the Museum of

first port of Greece. Piraeus is a city that has nothing to be

Byzantine Art etc.

jealous of Athens. It is famous for its ouzeri restaurants and

The Parliament is also impressive at the Syntagma Square, but

its fish taverns next to the sea, in the areas of Mikrolimano,

all visitors are attracted by the change of guard in the Tomb of

Freatida and Piraiki.

the Unknown Soldier, beneath the Parliament. Downtown, the

The archaeological treasure of the city is inexhaustible. One

historical triangle with the old neighbors of Plaka, Thisio, Psi-

of the most remarkable monuments is the mark of the an-

ri, the open-air market of Monastiraki and the archaeological

cient circumvallation at the marina of Zeas, one of the biggest

sites, attracts hundreds of visitors each day.

marines of the Mediterranean today and along the shores of

44  Money & Tourism 2019


Piraiki. Furthermore, the finds of an ancient theatre of the 2nd

“lungs” of oxygen. The areas of Kifisia, Ekali, Nea Erithrea and

century in Pasalimani and the Public Theatre is also impressi-

Drosia, are green and some of the most benefited areas of

ve. It’s a neo-classical building in the centre of the town. The

Attica, as Penteli and Parnitha.

region of Attica is divided in the East, West, North and South.

South Attica, with the beautiful beaches is one of the most

In the East coast, the seaside areas of Vravrona and Porto Raf-

expensive areas of the region Especially, Varkiza, Voula, Vou-

ti attract hundreds of visitors during the summer time, as well

liagmeni, Kavouri and Glyfada are considered as the top sub-

as Rafina, the second important port of Attica. Also, Oropos is

urban areas. Sounio, with the Temple of Poseidon, which is

a famous resort area.

one of the most beautiful temples of antiquity, the amazing

West Attica, which extends from the shores of Saronic Bay to

sunset and the clean sea, is a famous resort area.

the Corinthian Gulf, it has beautiful villages with clean be-

The islands of Argosaronic Bay are included in the region of

aches. Agioi Theodori, Kineta, Alepohori, Porto Germeno are

Attica, very close from Athens. In the cosmopolitan Spetses,

some of these villages. North Attica extends to the roots of

Hydra, Poros, Salamina, Aigina, Agistri, Methana one can enjoy

the mountains Parnitha and Penteli, which are remarkable

weekend journeys and sallies with boats.

Edition 2019




Hotel Grande Bretagne, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Athens Located opposite Syntagma Square as well as within walking di-

fine wines, premium cigars, cognacs and liquors with friendly

stance of exclusive shopping areas and museums, Hotel Grande

and discreet service.

Bretagne enjoys the ideal location in the city centre. This eight

Hotel Grande Bretagne is the ultimate choice for refined bu-

story 19th-century building exudes wealth and refinement from

siness meetings and lavish social events. Featuring over 1,100

the first impression, while it has been repeatedly awarded by

square meters of exquisite function space, the hotel offers the

significant international communities.

Grand Ballroom, Golden Room, Royal Room, Athenian Hall and

With meticulous attention to detail, the 320 rooms and suites

its smaller meeting rooms: Boardroom, Churchill’s, Chairman’s,

marry charming old-world elegance with state-of-the-art faci-

Diplomat’s, and the Executive Room.

lities whereas the 58 suites enjoy additional benefits including

Concierge Exclusive:

personalised Butler Service. Guests can indulge themselves within the multi-awarded GB Spa as well as experience the utmost dining service within the fol-

The Acropolis and the milestone of Parthenon are located within walking distance of 1.0 km from the Hotel Grande Bretagne. Plaka is the old historical neighborhood of Athens clustered

lowing available restaurants: The GB Roof Garden is ideal for a

around the northern and eastern slopes of the Acropolis. The

romantic rooftop meal, while the Winter Garden is renowned for

“Monastiraki Flea Market” is the place where unique antiques

its afternoon high tea and live entertainment. Guests can also

and indigenous gifts can be bought as well as the place where

enjoy wine tasting in the Wine Library. The GB Pool Bar offers

the utmost hand-made selection of souvenirs can be observed.

healthy snack options whilst the Alexander’s Bar makes guests

It would be a miss not to mention that within easy walking di-

want to linger over a classic cocktail or exquisite cognac. Finally,

stance are also the Ancient Agora, the Lycabettus Hill, and the

the Alexander’s Cigar Lounge, offers a relaxed setting to enjoy

Original Olympic Stadium.

46  Money & Tourism

ETERNAL ELEGANCE Visit the landmark Hotel Grande Bretagne and receive the unique chance of a lifetime experience through a collection of utmost accommodation services and indulging moments. The mythical views and the history of Europe’s oldest capital, Athens, promise to compose an unsurpassed cultural journey through its indigenous sights and unique flavors. EXPLORE THE DESTINATION AT GRANDEBRETAGNE.GR

MH.T.E.: 0206K015A0021500

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NEW Hotel


Yes! Hotels Contemporary Hospitality YES! Hotels is a first-rate hospitality company dedicated to pro-

handmade fixtures making guests feel that they live and breathe

viding to the discerning guests with “Y”oung “E”nthusiastic “S”e-

in a major art installation.

ductive experiences.

New Hotel is located on 16, Filellinon Str., 200 meters from Cons-

Created in Athens’s prime locations, YES!Hotels are architectural

titution Square and within walking distance from the city’s main

interventions, in constructive dialogue with their surroundings.


internationally acclaimed modern art on display.


New Hotel, Semiramis, Twentyone, Kefalari Suites and Periscope Hotel make up the YES! Hotels Group.

New Hotel

Semiramis was the first YES! Hotel to say YES to bold design, superior luxury and exceptional service. Semiramis is also the visionary brainchild of art patron Dakis Joannou and famed industrial

NEW Hotel in Athens city is the first ever hotel project of the

designer Karim Rashid. In this exclusive 51 room hotel, where art

award-winning designer duo, Fernando and Humberto Campana.

blends with modern hotel technology, and functionality exudes

The result is an intriguing 79-room establishment, where every

style, the educated business or leisure traveler will feel “at home”.

public space and every floor has been creatively re-NEW-ed to in-

Located in the affluent and leafy suburb of Kifissia, Semiramis is

clude remnants of the former Olympic Palace Hotel. The interiors

at the heart of the finest shopping and entertainment venues,

are simply outstanding, the unusual custom-made furniture and

also enjoying quick and easy access to the city’s business districts.

48  Money & Tourism




Kefalari Suites



Twentyone plays with the number 21. Its address is 21 Kolokotro-

Periscope is a modern, minimalist and award-winning for its ar-

ni Street, in Kifissia, an aristocratic Athens suburb, it has 21 gue-

chitectural, design, hotel, right at the heart of Kolonaki, the ol-

strooms and hosts an inviting bar-restaurant named “21”. Housed

dest and most exclusive neighborhood in Athens city. The original

in a renovated watermill, the Hotel retains, in its magnificent grey

mundane building, dating from the 1950s, is now a tribute to clean

exterior, the mill’s original form and structure set off by the mo-

lines and uncluttered spaces, balancing ergonomic solutions with

dernist glass façade of the elevator. Minimalism dominates the

urban aesthetics. Form, color, and texture create a feeling of order

interior, producing a fluid, authentic and tranquil result. Simplicity

and tranquility. Periscope’s 22 guestrooms and public spaces boast

balances ideally with luxury and comfort in every detail, meeting

specially commissioned art on the theme of a periscope observing

the high expectations of both business and leisure travelers. A

and recording the buzzing metropolis.

Twentyone must-see is the specially commissioned, seventy squa-

Situated in the coveted Haritos Street, number 22, Periscope is just

re meters painting by Georgia Sagri, segmented off to the 21 rooms.

a 10 minutes’ walk from Syntagma square.

Each room features a magnified segment of the painting which can be seen in its entirety in the reception- as a miniature.

Kefalari Suites Kefalari Suites, housed in an elegant 19th century mansion, are all about exclusivity. Eleven suites and two superior rooms provide ample space for business and leisure travelers and their families to experience a new type of hospitality and relaxation. A fantastic rooftop terrace with Jacuzzi, an enchanting garden for breakfast and lounging around, and views of lush Kefalari Park ensure that, in Kefalari Suites, all guests have the best seat in the house. Kefalari Suites are, also, conveniently located in Kifissia.

50  Money & Tourism




Electra Hotels & Resorts Since the first Electra hotel opened back in 1965, Electra Hotels

that: creating a sumptuous hospitality experience fit for the

and Resorts’ history has been one of warm, luxurious hospi-

21st century traveler that is still warm and familial – just as

tality services.

you know us to be.

Operating under the philosophy of traditional Greek hospitality,

In September 2016, the Electra family has welcomed a brand

we aim at creating a comfortable environment full of luxurious

new property in Athens!

details, from which our honored guests can explore Greece’s

Inviting and brand new, “Electra Metropolis”, located in the heart

main cities or the island of Rhodes, one of the country’s most

of Athens is the place to stay whether you are here for business

celebrated islands.

or pleasure. Modern with a classical twist with 216 modernly

For half a century, we have hosted more than 7 million discer-

equipped rooms and suites and a unique sky-light Atrium at the

ning travelers in our properties in Athens, Thessaloniki and

center of the hotel and an exquisite Roof Garden, “Electra Metro-

Rhodes, treating each and every one of them as family. As we

polis” offers you a personalized stay with a modern Greek hos-

embark towards our centennial, we plan to keep on doing just

pitality approach, based on Electra Hotels & Resorts core values.

52  Money & Tourism



Grand Resort Lagonissi Escape in a haven of relaxation and grandeur by the azure of the

the resort is the perfect base from which to explore the wonders of

sea, delve in the pleasures of luxury and experience the epitome

the Athenian Riviera. Esteemed guests are welcome to surrender

of indulgence in the dreamiest island-like resort of the athenian

to the pleasures of luxury at the most glorious hotel grounds,


embark on the most mouth-watering culinary journeys at the ho-

Nuzzled in a 72-acre private peninsula in the Athenian Riviera with

tel’s 7 exquisite restaurants and 3 bars, experience the epitome or

stunning views to the Saronic Gulf, the 5 star Grand Resort Lago-

recreation, leisure and entertainment with the series of sports ac-

nissi exceeds all expectations of a luxury sea front summer resort.

tivities and entertainment choices offered by the hotel, revitalize

Grand Resort Lagonissi is a dreamy island like resort in the south

their senses at the ThalaSpa Chenot and organize the most suc-

suburbs of Athens with exceptional sea view rooms and sea front

cessful events at the stunning venues of the city south suburbs.

bungalows, private pools and private beaches, upscale hotel faci-

The hotel’s private grounds stretching along a picturesque 5.2 km

lities, scrumptious dining choices, holistic spa and wellness tre-

coastline of the peninsula with private beaches, unsurpassed fa-

atments. Renowned as one of the best luxury beach resorts near

cilities and services allow visitors to enjoy a one of a kind holiday

Athens, the Grand Resort Lagonissi takes summer holidays to a

experience tailored to their needs and desires. From lear jet to

whole new level of indulgence.

yacht rental services, incentive programs and a stunning collec-

Conveniently situated approximately 45 minutes away from the

tion of private residencies, the Grand Resort Lagonissi intends to

centre of Athens, 22 km from Athens International Airport Elefthe-

spoil its guests with more than a holiday at what is known as the

rios Venizelos and 27 km from the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio,

best hotel in Athens.

54  Money & Tourism

Your splendid isolation in Greece An exclusive luxury resort set in 72 acres of a lush green private peninsula with numerous idyllically spread magical sandy coves and encircled by the blue waters of the Aegean Sea. The award-winning resort, extends its natural beauty in its design and offers a high level of service, a wealth of facilities and an exquisite choice of 7 award winning restaurants. A perfectly designed sanctuary for those looking for a luxury holiday and private accomodation.

40th km Athens – Sounion Ave, 19010 Lagonissi, Attica, Greece, Tel: +30 22910 76000, Fax: +30 22910 24514 E-mail:, ,


A taste of luxury From freshly caught fish and seafood, to authentic Greek recipes, Mediterranean dishes, Polynesian cuisine, Italian specialties and mouth-watering sushi rolls, the Grand Resort Lagonissi will sure tantalize the palates of all of its guests. With a great range of restaurants to choose from, set along the shore, within the stylish environs of the resort or right at the waterfront, guests are invited to


tacular wedding venues in Athens, while nuzzled in a haven of 5 star luxury. The magical views offer the perfect backdrop for celebrations, weddings, receptions, christenings, galas, birthdays and private events for up to 1200 guests that will exceed all expectations.

Seaside Sensual Awakening Aiming to meet the challenges of modern life, the stressful way of

enjoy an amazing dining experience throughout the day with their

living, the unhealthy lifestyle choices and lack of physical activi-

family and friends or a romantic candle light dinner under the veil

ties, Thalaspa Chenot offers a holistic wellness program through

of stars in the most idyllic of settings. Add to that the amazing list

an amazing range of spa therapies, hydrobiontology sessions, ae-

of carefully selected wines and treat yourself to a meal that will

sthetic and beauty treatments as well as bio-light meals that will

tickle your taste buds.

bring the mind, body and spirit into full alignment.

A Day to Remember

Your Story of Success

Sprinkled with stardust, weddings, events and celebrations will

Rightfully recognized and rewarded as one of the best Athens

be engraved in the heart of all esteemed guests for the years

usiness hotels, the resort invites executive travellers to plan the

to come. The resort enamours newlyweds with its spectacular

most successful business meetings, corporate events and confe-

setting, the dreamy ambiance of romance and special wedding

rence sessions at state-of-the-art venues with upscale amenities

packages, inviting them to say “I do” at some of the most spec-

and facilities.

56  Money & Tourism

Since 2006, it stands by the Greek as well as Cypriot Hoteliers, always pioneering and offering 4 different packages of Since Since 2006, Since2006, it2006, Since stands itit2006, stands stands by theit bystands byGreek the theGreek byGreek as the wellasasGreek aswell well Cypriot asaswell Cypriot Cypriot Hoteliers, as Cypriot Hoteliers, Hoteliers, always Hoteliers, always always pioneering pioneering always pioneering andpioneering offering and andoffering offering 4anddifferent offering 44different different packages 4 different packages packages of packages ofof of services: services: services: services:services: 1. Hotel Rental 1. Hotel 1.1.Hotel Rental Hotel1.Rental Rental Hotel Rental

2. Full2. Full Hotel Management, H.M.D.C. fully undertakes Hotelier's property. isItItresponsible the full 2.2.Hotel Full Full Hotel Management, Hotel 2. FullManagement, Management, Hotel Chnaris Management, ChnarisChnaris Chnaris H.M.D.C. Chnaris H.M.D.C. H.M.D.C. fullyH.M.D.C. undertakes fully fullyundertakes undertakes fullythethe undertakes Hotelier's the theHotelier's Hotelier's theproperty. Hotelier's property. property. 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However, However, HotelHowever, Hotel Consulting HotelConsulting Consulting Hotelservices Consulting services services arearealso services are areprovided. also also areprovided. provided. also provided. provision of high-quality However, Hotel Consulting services also provided. 4. The 4.4.Corporate The TheCorporate 4.Corporate TheFranchise Corporate Franchise Franchise of“CHC “CHC Franchise ofofHotels” “CHC Hotels” “CHCofHotels” Hotels” “CHC Hotels Hotels” AllAllHotels Hotels may Allbenefit may Hotels maybenefit benefit from may benefit the from from company's the thefrom company's company's thebrand company's brand brand namename name and name brandthey and and name operate they theyandoperate operate operate they in operate ininin in 4. 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At thea sole same time, Chnaris H.M.D.C. proceeded tothus establishment tourist agencies Greece, having aagoal sole sole the goal goal a sole increase the thegoal increase increase ofthe theincrease ofofbookings the thehas bookings bookings of already the volume, bookings volume, volume, thusvolume, helping thus thushelping helping thethepartners-hotels helping the thepartners-hotels partners-hotels the partners-hotels toofmaximize totomaximize maximize their to maximize occupancies, their theirinoccupancies, occupancies, their occupancies, mostly mostly mostlyasmostly a soleduring goalduring theseason increase the bookings volume, partners-hotels tolow. maximize during low low during lowseason season butlowofalso season but butduring also alsobutduring during anyalsoother any during anyother period other anythus period period other of helping timeofperiod ofwhen time timetheofwhen the when timeoccupancies the the when occupancies occupancies the are occupancies arearelow. low.aretheir low. occupancies, mostly during low season but also during any other period of time when the occupancies are low.

The most The Themost important most Theimportant important mostfeature important feature feature of Chnaris feature ofofChnaris Chnaris H.M.D.C. of Chnaris H.M.D.C. H.M.D.C. Is that H.M.D.C. IsIsthat that thatitthat Isthat pledges thatititpledges that pledges andit pledges guarantees and andguarantees guarantees andhigh guarantees quality, high highquality, quality, high complete quality, complete complete customer complete customer customer customer

satisfaction, satisfaction, increased increased increased revenue increased revenue andrevenue maximized and and maximized maximized andprofitability maximized profitability profitability forforhoteliers. the thefor hoteliers. hoteliers. theguarantees hoteliers. high quality, complete customer The satisfaction, mostsatisfaction, important feature ofrevenue Chnaris H.M.D.C. Is that thatforprofitability itthe pledges and satisfaction, increased revenue and maximized profitability for the hoteliers.

It is also ItItisisworth also alsoItworth isworth mentioning alsomentioning mentioning worththat mentioning under that thatunder under thethatobservation the the under observation observation the ofobservation Chnaris ofofChnaris Chnaris H.M.D.C., of Chnaris H.M.D.C., H.M.D.C., Specialized H.M.D.C., Specialized Specialized Executive Specialized Executive Executive ChefExecutive asChef Chef wellasasasChef well wellasaswell as Executive Executive Executive Hotel Executive Hotel Operation's Hotel Operation's Operation's Hotel Manager Operation's Manager Manager Services Manager Services Services are provided, Services are are provided, provided, are for provided, which for for which which the for company's the the which company's company's the best company's partners best best partners partners best control partners control control each hotel, each each hotel, each hotel, It is regarding also worth mentioning that under theservices observation ofproducts, Chnaris H.M.D.C., Specialized Executive ChefQuality as wellcontrol as hotel, regarding regarding the regarding provision the the provision provision the of high provision of of quality high high of quality quality high quality services services and services products, and and products, and thus products, creating thus thus creating creating thus all the creating all all necessary the the necessary all necessary the Quality necessary Quality Quality Management Management Management Management Executive Hotelwhile Operation's Manager are provided, for which company's best control each hotel, standards, standards, standards, standards, while allwhile these these demanding these alldemanding demanding theseServices procedures demanding procedures procedures ensured areareensured ensured through are through through thetheMystery through the the Mystery the Guest Mystery Guest Guest policy. policy. Guest policy. regarding the provision ofallallwhile high quality services andareprocedures products, thusensured creating all Mystery the necessary Quality Management

standards, these ensured theare Mystery The innovation The Thewhile innovation innovation Theallofinnovation Chnaris ofofdemanding Chnaris Chnaris H.M.D.C. of Chnaris H.M.D.C. H.M.D.C. isprocedures that H.M.D.C. isisallthat that these allisallarethat these services these allservices services these arethrough provided services areareprovided provided separately provided separately separately orGuest separately in combination, ororinpolicy. incombination, combination, or in combination, so thatsosothethat thatsothe thethat the hoteliers hoteliers hoteliers canhoteliers fully can canbenefit fully fullycanbenefit benefit from fully benefit them, from fromthem, them, always fromalways always them, according according always according to according thetotodemands the thedemands demands to theanddemands needs and andneeds needs ofand eachofofneeds hotel. each eachofhotel. hotel. each hotel.

The innovation of Chnaris H.M.D.C. is that all these services are provided separately or in combination, so that the hoteliers can fully benefit from them, always according to the demands and needs of each hotel.

“We are“We “Wewhat areare“We we what what repeatedly arewewewhat repeatedly repeatedly wedo.repeatedly Excellence,, Excellence, do.then, Excellence, isthen, then, not isanisthen, not not act,ananbut isact, act, nota habit. but anbutact, aa”habit. habit. –butAristotle ”a”–habit. –Aristotle Aristotle (Greek ” – Aristotle (Greek (Greek Philosopher, Philosopher, (Greek Philosopher, 384 Philosopher, BC384 384 – 322 BCBC–BC) 384 –322 322BCBC) BC)– 322 BC)

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle (Greek Philosopher, 384 BC – 322 BC)



Heraklion, Heraklion, Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete Crete CreteCrete 5* CHC 5* 5*CHC CHC Athina 5* CHC Athina Athina Palace Athina Palace Palace Resort Palace Resort Resort & Resort Spa & &Spa Spa & Spa 5* Elysium 5* 5*Elysium Elysium 5*Boutique Elysium Boutique Boutique Boutique Hotel Hotel HotelHotel Heraklion, Crete 4* Dionyssos 4* 4*Dionyssos Dionyssos 4* Dionyssos Hotel Hotel HotelHotel Lavris 4* 4*Athina Lavris Lavris 4* Hotels Lavris Hotels Hotels & Hotels Spa & & Spa Spa & Spa 5* 4* CHC Palace Resort & Spa Elysian 4* 4*Elysian Elysian 4* Suites Elysian Suites Suites Suites 5* 4* Elysium Boutique Hotel Mourtzanakis 3* 3*Mourtzanakis Mourtzanakis 3*Hotel Mourtzanakis Residence Residence Residence Residence by CHC by byCHC CHC Hotels by CHC Hotels Hotels Hotels 4* 3* Dionyssos Scala 3* 3*Scala Scala Hotel 3* Scala Hotel Hotel & Hotel & &Apartments Apartments & Apartments 4* 3* Lavris Hotels &Apartments Spa Niriedes 3* 3*Niriedes Niriedes 3*-Niriedes Dionyssos --Dionyssos Dionyssos - Dionyssos Village Village Village Village 4* 3* Elysian Suites Club 3* 3*Club Club Lyda 3* Lyda Club Lyda Hotel Lyda Hotel HotelHotel 3* 3* Mourtzanakis Residence by CHC Hotels 3* Marirena 3* 3*Marirena Marirena 3* Marirena Hotel Hotel HotelHotel 3* 3* Scala Hotel & Apartments Kaissa 3* 3*Kaissa Kaissa 3* Beach Kaissa Beach Beach Beach 3* 3* Niriedes - Dionyssos Irini 3* 3*Irini Irini Hotel 3* Hotel Hotel Irini Hotel Village 3* 3* Club Perla 3* 3*Lyda Perla Perla Apartmants 3* Hotel Perla Apartmants Apartmants Apartmants 3* CHC Marirena Hotel CHC CHC Amazones CHC Amazones Amazones Amazones Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment - Hotel --Hotel Hotel - Hotel 3* Ioanna's Kaissa Beach Ioanna's Ioanna's Residence Ioanna's Residence Residence Residence Ioanna's Home Ioanna's Home HomeHome 3* Ioanna's IriniIoanna's Hotel Maria Maria Apartments Maria Apartments Apartments Apartments 3* Maria Perla Apartmants Manili Manili Manili Villas Manili Villas Villas Villas CHC Amazones Apartment - Hotel

Rethymno, Rethymno, Rethymno, Rethymno, Crete Crete CreteCrete 4* CHC 4* 4* CHC CHC Imperial 4* CHC Imperial Imperial Palace Imperial Palace Palace Palace 5* Okeanides 5* 5* Okeanides Okeanides 5* Okeanides Villas Villas VillasVillas Crete 4*Rethymno, Niriides 4* 4* Niriides Niriides 4*Beach Niriides Beach Beach Hotel Beach Hotel HotelHotel CHC Imperial Palace 4*4*Manos 4* 4* Manos Manos 4* Palace Manos Palace Palace Palace Okeanides Villas 3*5*Marina 3* 3* Marina Marina 3*Hotel Marina Hotel Hotel Hotel Pantheon Pantheon Pantheon Villas Villas Villas & Suites Villas & &Hotel Suites Suites & Suites 4*Pantheon Niriides Beach

4* Manos Palace 3* Marina Hotel Chania, Chania, Chania, Crete Chania, Crete CreteCrete Pantheon Villas & Suites

5* CHC 5* 5* CHC CHC Galini 5* CHC Galini Galini SeaGalini Sea View SeaView View Sea View 5* CHC 5* 5* CHC CHC Galini 5* CHC Galini Galini Palace Galini Palace Palace Palace 5* Mr 5* 5*& Mr Mr Mrs 5*& &Mr Mrs Mrs White &White White Mrs Crete White Crete CreteCrete Chania, Crete Lounge Lounge Lounge Resort Lounge Resort Resort & Resort Spa & & Spa Spa & Spa

5* CHC Galini Sea View 5*Karpenisi, CHCKarpenisi, Galini Palace Karpenisi, Karpenisi, Mainland Mainland Mainland Mainland 5* Mr & Mrs White Crete 4* Dryas 4* 4* Dryas Dryas 4* Resort Dryas Resort Resort Resort Lounge Resort & Spa

Ioanna's Residence CHNARIS CHNARIS CHNARIS CHNARIS HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MANAGEMENT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTING &&CONSULTING CONSULTING & CONSULTING S.A. S.A. S.A. S.A. Ioanna's Home Karpenisi, Tel. +30 Tel. Tel. +30 2810 +30 Tel.2810 2810 +30 263664, 2810 263664, 263664, e-mail: 263664, e-mail: e-mail: chnarisz@hotelconsul e-mail: chnarisz@hotelconsul chnarisz@hotelconsul chnarisz@hotelconsul Mainland Maria Apartments 4* Dryas Resort Manili Villas

CHNARIS HOTEL MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTING S.A. Tel. +30 2810 263664, e-mail: chnarisz@hotelconsul

Lassithi, Lassithi, Lassithi, Lassithi, Crete Crete CreteCrete 5* Villa 5* 5*Villa Villa Panorama 5* Panorama Villa Panorama Panorama 4* CHC 4* 4*CHC CHC Kounali 4* CHC Kounali Kounali Resort Kounali Resort Resort Resort Lassithi, Crete 3* Coriva 3* 3* Coriva Coriva 3* Beach Coriva Beach Beach Beach 5*Avra Villa Panorama 3* Avra 3* 3* Avra Palm 3* Palm Avra Palm Palm

4* CHC Kounali Resort

Xylokastro, Xylokastro, Xylokastro, Xylokastro, Peloponnese Peloponnese Peloponnese Peloponnese 3* Coriva Beach 3* Aqua 3* 3* Aqua Mare 3* Aqua Mare Mare Resort Mare Resort Resort Resort 3*Aqua Avra Palm Kalamata, Kalamata, Kalamata, Kalamata, Peloponnese Peloponnese Peloponnese Peloponnese Xylokastro, Peloponnese 4* Elite 4* 4* Elite Elite City 4* City Elite City Resort Resort Resort City Resort 3* Aqua Mare Resort 4* Elite 4* 4*Elite Elite Villas 4* Villas Elite VillasVillas

Kalamata, Peloponnese Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia 4* Elite City Resort 4* CHC 4* 4*CHC CHC Sun 4* CHC Sun Beach SunBeach Beach Sun Hotel Beach Hotel HotelHotel 4* Elite Villas

Paros, Paros, Paros, Cyclades Paros, Cyclades Cyclades Cyclades Thessaloniki, Macedonia 4* CHC 4* 4* CHC CHC Porto 4* CHC Porto Porto Paros Porto Paros Paros Paros

4* CHC Sun Beach Hotel

Paros, Cyclades

4* CHC Porto Paros



Novotel Athènes At Novotel Athènes everyone is free to live as they want. Stay where it’s happening, in Athens ancient cultural epicenter. Be close to all the arts, entertainment and dining in Plaka-Monastiraki and Keramikos area – while just a few minutes’ walk from Omonia Square and Metro Line (Larissis station). Entertain your palate in your cozy room, at the Bar or at the restaurant. Dive into the comfort of our unique bedding or connect with the world in our welcoming lobby. From the gym to the pool, the meeting rooms to the Kidult’s lounge, our expert teams known for their attention to detail, are always on hand with simplicity and elegance. At Novotel Athenes time is on your side! Novotel Athènes Room Enjoy sleek comfort and spaciousness in a stylish room designed with King bed, en suite bath/shower, sofa double bed, large ergonomic work area, LCD TV, internet access, broadband connection, hair dryer, safe, minibar, tea/coffee facilities. The exclusive Live N Dream bedding concept means unparalleled comfort, and special touches make all the difference for a relaxing stay. Up to 2 adults and 2 children. NOV‘agora Restaurant and Bar Discover the thrilling simplicity of Mediterranean, healthy and balanced cuisine. Open show Kitchen within a spacious and comfortable environment beside a ‘Green Oasis’. Also balanced menu

58  Money & Tourism

for children. Enjoy as well coffee, drinks and snacks in a modern open space Bar area. Clair De Lune Restaurant and Pool Bar Under the starts share unforgettable moments on the roof-top around the pool, enjoying International cuisine and overlooking the breathtaking view to Acropolis and Lycabetous Hill. Novotel Athènes Pool Bar is an ideal scenario for summer vacations. Swimming, sunbeds, snacks, coffee, drinks all day and at night relax and lay back to cozy sofas and enjoy soft lights, music and cocktails with a panoramic view 360° of Athens. Open only during summer period. Meeting @ Novotel Allow Novotel Athènes meeting specialists to provide expert guidance for your conferences, meetings, and seminars. Choose from 8 spacious meeting rooms with or without natural light, for 10 to 800 persons. Novotel Athènes team will organize your events according to your requirements: format, conference room, high-tech equipment, advice, etc. Find your balance Relax and reenergize through Novotel Athènes many healthful options: balanced menus, fitness Gym, swimming pool, and tranquil garden and terrace.



Wyndham Grand Athens Wyndham Grand Athens hotel welcomes you, fully renovated, to a

outdoor waterfall swimming pool.

new haven of affordable luxury in the center of Athens. Conveni-

The hotel’s spacious interior features 2.500 sq. meters of mul-

ently located right next to Metaxourgeio metro station Wyndham

ti-functional conference and event spaces with a capacity of up

Grand Athens hotel is the ideal starting point to explore every

to 2000 pax. Combined with state of the art equipment and a

major attraction and significant landmarks within minutes. With

well-trained staff, your meetings, gala events or weddings are gu-

276 rooms and suites in 8 floors, Wyndham Grand Athens hotel

aranteed to be a complete success. Free super fast Wi-Fi internet

offers a wide variety of brand new accommodations to suit single,

connection in all public areas and rooms accommodate even the

couple or family needs for business or leisure travelers.

most demanding online needs. If you’re seeking rest and relaxa-

In addition to its great locale, Wyndham Grand Athens hotel

tion, and even a bit of pampering, our lovely spa center is at your

boasts exceptional Mediterranean and International cuisine di-

service for facial treatments, full-body massages and much more.

ning options to delight your senses. Wyndham Grand Athens is

Stay fit & healthy in a fully equipped gym and feel rejuvenated

the only one of Athens hotels that offers 360 degree panoramic

with a sauna experience during your stay.

views of the Acropolis, Lycabettus hill and the Saronic Gulf from

We invite you to live the Wyndham Grand experience, indulge in

its impressive rooftop bar restaurant. Enjoy the breathtaking view

our high quality service to the highest standards of Wyndham

with a refreshing cocktail or a delightful meal by our magnificent

Grand Worldwide and become our best “ambassador”.

60  Money & Tourism



Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre The ultimate business hub in the centre of Athens

top-quality sound and lighting equipment, as well as the cable and wireless mobile phone charging stations, are proof of the

Completely renovated with high-tech equipment and an ultra-mo-

available cutting-edge technology, which provides solutions and

dern look, the new Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre Ballroom is an

meets even the most demanding requirements.

895m2 (9633ft2) space, available to host any type of event, from

Using LED technology, especially in the foyer area, we can offer

top conferences and important processional meetings to unique

different combina-tions of intensity and color (through a dimmer)

social gatherings. Whether as a single, open-plan area or parti-

for a variety of lighting scenarios.

tioned in smaller rooms, the Ballroom is a versatile space that

The brand-new equipment, combined with the fresh take on all

can be easily transformed to meet the requirements of any event.

things culinary and the hotel’s highly trained staff, make the Crow-

The video wall, the ceiling projectors in every room, the multi-

ne Plaza Athens City Centre Ballroom the ideal choice for the most

purpose LCD an-nouncement boards, the Matrix system, the

memorable events!

62  Money & Tourism



Grecotel Hotels & Resorts Grecotel Breaks New Ground in 2018 €42 Million in Investments, 630 New Jobs 5 Spectacular Property Remodels Including Corfu Imperial Grecotel Exclusive Resort

and bars, 10 conference centres with 60 meeting rooms totalling

Grecotel Hotels & Resorts, the leading luxury hotel collection in

In response to the modern needs of luxury tourism, the inves-

Greece, delivers sophisticated lifestyle experiences for travellers

tment plan includes the remodelling of 5 hotel complexes in 4

in the country’s most beautiful destinations. After 45 years of dy-

of the country’s top tourist destinations. Upgrades have been

namic presence in the country, Grecotel has grown to support 12

made to 780 guestrooms, 40 dining venues and 155 acres of

tourist destinations in Greece. Each of Grecotel’s 32 luxury hotels

open-air infrastructure.

and resorts is a unique architectural experience and a paradise

In particular, the N. Daskalantonakis Group – Grecotel business

of opulent amenities, gourmet restaurants and elegant details

plan incorporated developments to Corfu Imperial Grecotel

embodying the essence of Greek hospitality.

Exclusive Resort, Daphnila Bay Dassia Grecotel LUX ME Resort,

With 12,500 beds, Grecotel Hotels & Resorts accommodate about

the new Casa Marron Grecotel All-In Resort (formerly Lakopetra

320,000 visitors from more than 150 countries every year. The com-

Beach), Pella Beach Grecotel Family Resort and LUX ME Rhodos

pany’s assets also include 15,000 m of coastline, 200 restaurants

Managing Director Mari Daskalandonakis said: “The remodelling

64  Money & Tourism

11,500 sq m. and 3 thalassotherapy centres totalling 6,500 sq m. Grecotel, Greece’s leading luxury hotel group, has completed a wide investment project exceeding €42 million and creating 630 new jobs. The largest employer of the Greek hotel industry, Grecotel currently has 6,100 employees.



of Grecotel hotels is continuous. It is a legacy and a precursor to

The impressive Elixir Spa, offer specialized treatments with Omo-

the creation of ‘third generation’ units in Greece, which elevates

rovicza, internationally-renowned cosmetics that are exclusive to

the country’s tourism product and shields it from the competi-

Greece. All of the facilities that guests desire are here, including

tion. Corfu Imperial Grecotel Exclusive Resort, for example, our

a sauna, hammam, indoor pool and state-of-the-art gym.

flagship property in Corfu, was already a leading hotel; its pre-


sent day marks the passage into the new era and dominance as

Grecotel boosts the tourist destination of Halkidiki through

an emblematic destination of the highest standards of hospita-

the complete overhaul of Pella Beach Grecotel Family Resort.

lity and service in the Med.”

The resort features 168 new rooms and 14 bungalows this year.

Grecotel expects a 7% increase in overnight stays compared to

Additional upgrades were made to surrounding area, 2 extra

the same period last year, according to Daskalandonakis. The

pools, the main restaurant, lounge bar, beach tavern and be-

company is also investing in the next remodelling cycle of the

ach-pool bar.

group’s complexes for the 2019 season.

Rhodes LUX ME Rhodos in Kallithea, Rhodes, unveils a regal revamp.

Grecotel’s Investment in 5 Hotel Complexes Corfu

The complete upgrade of Kommeno, a private peninsula of unique natural beauty, results in the renaissance of Corfu Imperial Grecotel Exclusive Resort and Daphnila Bay Dassia Grecotel LUX ME Resort. Radical remodelling of 174 rooms, suites and villas blend into 30 landscaped acres. Upgraded units reflect modern architectural trends tailored to the local markets. For spa-goers, the two-storey Elixir Spa now has an indoor swimming pool and a state-of-the-art gym. As an extra touch, Grecotel in Kommeno offers a superb culinary experience in three hotel complexes (including Eva Palace). 26 restaurants and bars in total connect places, people and

Upgrades cover 320 rooms, suites and bungalows as well as new pools totalling 2,000 sq m. Foodies will be spoilt for choice with 8 brand new restaurants and bars comprising 40,000 sq m of outdoor landscape. Peloponnese The reference point for the Peloponnese is Casa Marron Grecotel All-In Resort. This new 5-star resort – born through the expansion of the former Lakopetra Beach (acquired in 1997) – is the largest investment so far in the Achaia region. Along with 200 revamped rooms, the complex offers 10 restaurants and bars across 67 acres of landscaped grounds.

Grecotel by the Numbers

After 45 years of dynamic presence in the country, Grecotel

tastes. Guests are welcome in all Grecotel restaurants across

showcases 32 luxury hotel complexes supporting 12 destina-

the peninsula, and they can easily travel between all hotels in

tions in Greece. With 12,500 beds, Grecotel hotels and resorts

the Corfu mega resort via luxury sea-shuttle pontoon boats.

accommodate about 320,000 visitors from more than 150 coun-

Michelin-starred chef Thanos Feskos’s award-winning menu at

tries every year. The company’s assets also include 15,000 m of

Aristos, transformed from Italian to French cuisine. As well as

coastline, 200 restaurants and bars, 10 conference centres with

having one of the most splendid menus in Greece, the restau-

60 meeting rooms totalling 11,500 sq m. and 3 thalassotherapy

rant’s outstanding service and beautiful setting provide a dre-

centres totalling 6,500 sq m.

amy dining experience.

Edition 2019


Mouzenidis Group is the largest tourism holding in Greece. It was established in 1995 in Thessaloniki and over the past years it has developed into a group of companies with offices in all major resorts in Greece as well as in European and Asian countries.

Mouzenidis Travel Leading Tour Operator in Greece, with branch offices across Europe and Asia.

MBG CS Consulting services for all types of business and individuals.

Ellinair Airline company that carries out 120+ international and domestic flights per week.

Greek Furs Online portal dedicated to Greek furs.

Grekodom Development Sale, Construction and Management of Real Estate in Greece and Cyprus. Bomo Hotels Hotel chain with high standards of hospitality Bomo Residence Chain of elite residential complexes. The new project of Grekodom Development in cooperation with Bomo Hotels. Active MICE Planning and organization of conferences, events, incentives and corporate travel. Enigma Mall A shopping centre with 37 stores, restaurant and kids’ playground in Chalkidiki. Elion Club A department with highly skilled staff and extensive experience in VIP travel. Kriaritsi Project The major residential and commercial project in Northern Greece. CSR Service IATA certified forwarder and cargo agent is specialized in the field of air transportation, cargo handling, shipment processing and warehousing.

Igen Programs created for younger generation (kids and teenagers). Elin Camp Children camp at the premises of Skouras sports and language camp. Greko Leto Animation club for the young guests and adults. Mouzenidis Intour All-encompassing range of travel services throughout Russia, the Baltic States, and the C.I.S. countries. Perseas Security Security services for individuals and businesses. Solun Orthodox Pilgrim Center that specializes in religious tours. Big Fish Seafood restaurants offering a variety of seafood, snacks, coffee, drinks & beers. Parking Airport parking management in Thessaloniki and Kavala.


South Aegean The South Aegean region is one of the thirteen administrative regions of Greece. Administration includes the prefectures of Cyclades and Dodecanese. Cyclades Some dots in the Greek map, other small and other big, but very important for the civilisation and history, but also for the tourist development of the country, Cyclades, are located for many decades in the centre of interest and they are a vacation destination for many Greek and foreign tourists. The Cycladic cultural treasure, one of the most ancient Mediterranean civilisation, the rare geomorphologic site, that consists of rocky hills, the ”naked” mountains, the golden beaches and the amazing seashores of the 56 islands (Cyclades), the gastronomy. The tradition in combination with the developed, in some of the islands, hotel and tourist substructure, have discriminated Cyclades as one of the top Greek tourist destinations. Santorini, Myconos, Syros, Andros, Tinos, Dilos, Paros, Antiparos, Naxos, Iraklia, Sxinousa, Koufonisia, Keros, Antikeros, Daskalio, Donousa, Amorgos, Folegandros, Sikinos, Ios, Anafi, Kea (or Jia), Kithnos, Kimolos, Milos, Serifos, Sifnos and lots of other small islands, in the centre of Aegean Pelagos offer a unique experience of vacations for all tastes. Santorini is one of the most popular islands not only in national level, but also in European one. In 2001, the readers of the magazine: “Travel and Leisure”, which is circulated worldwide, asset of

not only that. There, it is worth visiting the church of Paraportiani

American Express, elected Santorini as the most popular island

and of course, the ”Little Venice”. Famous beaches are Paradise

in Europe. As the ship closes, the visitor is amazed from the whi-

and Super Paradise, where crazy parties take place and they last

te houses and the sheer rocks, as they look like they come out

even for 24 hours. For more quiet places, the beaches of Agios

from the frothy waves. The history of the island is connected with

Stefanos and Agios Giannis of Elia are proposed.

the history of the volcano, whereas its name was given from the

Syros is the capital and the administrative centre of Cyclades. It

church of Agia Irini (Saint Irene), which is located in Thirasia, a

met growth, especially at the end of 18th and ion the beginning

neighbor island.

of the 19th century. The “Lady of Cyclades” as it named with the

Capital of Santorini, built with unique way in the rocks is Thira,

well-preserved mansion-houses, roads paved with slabs, pictu-

where it is worth visiting the archaeological museum, the muse-

resque villages and crystal waters impress the visitors at once.

um of the pre-historic Thira, with plant fossils, the Belonio cultu-

Capital of the island and the first trade port of the country during

ral Centre, with important scripts and historical books. The view

the last century is Hermoupoli. The European essence of the city

of the volcano from Kaldera is cut breathing and the view of the

is spared everywhere, with the neo-classical buildings and the

island from Imerovigli is also spectacular, while seeing the tradi-

renovated mansion- buildings, which however, come to a harm-

tional dorps with the distinguishable houses.

ony with the white houses with the blue doors and windows. In

One of the islands, a symbol of the international jet set is Myco-

Hermoupoli, one should visit the public theatre Apollo, miniature

nos, which attracts hundreds of visitors every year. It is known for

of the opera house in Milan and the church of Agios Nikolaos the

its nightlife and entertainment that provides. However, Myconos is

rich with the two church towers. Hermoupoli provides a lot of

68  Money & Tourism 2019


entertainment and leisure facilities. Apart from the casino and the

The most famous island of the Dodecanese is Rhodes.

nightclubs, during the year theatrical and cinema shows, cultural

One of the most popular islands is Kos, or in other words the is-

events etc. take place

land of Ipokratis. It is the third largest island of the Dodecanese


complex, featuring long beaches, crystal seawaters and luxuriant vegetation.

Quite islands, far away from tourism reality, they still preserve tra-

The capital and the main port is the city of Kos, which was re-

ditions and folkways, while at the same time they are cosmopoli-

build after the catastrophic earthquake of 1933 from the Italian

tan with a European air. The Dodecanese. Rhodes, Kos, Astipalea,


Karpathos, Kalimnos, Kasos, Kastelorizo, Lipsi, Leros, Nisiros, Pat-

The entire archaeological sites, which are spread in the city fill

mos, Simi, Tilos, Halki. They are simply dots in the Greek map. An

with awe every visitor. As the ship moves closer to the port, the

island complex, so same and at the same time so different, which

Venetian castle and the ruins of the market along the port can

looks like it is between two worlds, the world of primeval nature

amaze the visitors. Also, the platan of Ipokratis and the Turkish

and the other one of nightlife.

mosques are some of the sites of the island.

The Dodecanese offer visitors non-stop experiences and it is cer-

The city of Kos is a modern city, with vivid nightlife, which is at

tain that they will not be bored, not even for a moment. The scenery

a peak during summer time. There are a lot of magnificent bea-

is rough and steep in some places, but peaceful in others. Sandy

ches. For example, in Kardamena the bathers will enjoy the sun

beaches follow the rocky beaches with the deserted coves and the

and the sea, as well as in Mastihari, Tigaki, Marmari and some-

steep mountains are the most appropriate places for hiking.

where else. Money & Tourism 2019 




Princess Andriana Resort & Spa The Brand new 5 Star all Inclusive hotel of H Hotels Collecti-

rooms, honeymoon rooms with private pool, family rooms with

on, Princess Andriana Resort & Spa is situated in Kiotari, in

balcony, family rooms with terrace and a sharing pool, junior

the southern part of the island of Rhodes next to the beach.

suites with balcony, junior suites with terrace and a private

With modern facilities and state of the art design, the hotel is

pool, superior suites and executive suites. The majority of the

ideal for both families and couples who seek truly memorable

double rooms, the superior suites and the executive suites are


located in the main building. Some of the double rooms, the

The famous Lindos with its ancient Acropolis is just 15 km away

honeymoon rooms, all the family rooms and the junior suites

and Rhodes town 54 km away. The Hotel has a total of 537

are in the bungalow-style buildings.

rooms which can satisfy every type of guest, plenty of swim-

Double Rooms feature: Bathtubs/shower, mini bar, WC, safe de-

ming pools both public and private and modern Spa facilities.

posit box, hairdryer, international direct dial phone, A/C Indivi-

The rooms are divided into double rooms for single use, double

dual, radio and satellite channels, balcony/terrace, flat screen,

70  Money & Tourism

PA - o

Harmony starts with an Rhodes Island, Greece

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22/10/2018 4:00:18 ΟΟ


king size bed, tea and coffee facilities.Honeymoon Rooms feature all the above facilities plus private pool. Family Rooms feature all the above facilities plus sliding doors that provide optical separation between parents and children, 2 sofa beds, sharing pool (superior family rooms only), double sinks. Junior Suites feature all the above facilities plus king size bed,


Food & Beverage division

All meals are served in buffet style at the main restaurant Medallion. Twice a week a theme Buffet is proposed to the guests at the dinner time: 1. A taste of Italy. 2. Traditional Greek Cuisine.

bathrobe and slippers, private pool (superior junior suites),

A la carte restaurant Moonlight operating only at dinner time and

pen plan living room, 2 flat screen TVs, double sinks, turndown

offering Mediterranean cuisine. A Variety of light meals and snacks


are served at the all day restaurant and bar which is located close

Executive Suites and Superior Suites feature all the above faci-

to the main pool. Full buffet with plenty of gastronomic choices

lities plus bathroom with bubble bath (jacuzzi), king size bed,

can be found in the beach restaurant.

bathrobe and sleepers, private espresso machine, bath ameni-

The hotel offers an amphitheater for up to 500 people, a conferen-

ties, separate living room (executive suites), open plan living

ce room up to 200 pax, a wellness & beauty spa with fully equip-

room (superior suites).

ped gymnasium and fitness center, sauna, hamam and jacuzzi.

72  Money & Tourism

B5 - on

Honeymoon starts with an

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Rhodes Island, Greece

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Boutique 5 Hotel & Spa The all new Boutique 5 Hotel & Spa, member of H Hotels Col-

occupancy, superior deluxe rooms for single or double occu-

lection, is situated in Kiotari, in the southern part of Rhodes.

pancy, junior suites with private pool & superior junior suites,

With modern facilities, offering guests a variety of luxurious

mediterranean suites with private pool and executive suites

services, our hotel is ideal for those who seek truly memorable

with private pool.


All the rooms and suites are designed to satisfy the varied

Blending harmoniously with the beautiful landscape, the hotel

individual needs of every guest that seek a five star boutique

has a total of 44 spacious state of the art rooms many of which

hotel experience in Rhodes. Staying in Boutique 5, you can en-

with Jacuzzis & private pools.

joy room facilities such as high quality king size bed, morning

The State of the Art Spa facilities, the sandy beach, the magni-

espresso from your in-room espresso machine, private terrace,

ficent view & the unique hospitality will guarantee the idyllic

walk-in closet, 24/7 room service, private pool and twice a day

location for quiet and relaxing holidays.

maid service.

The rooms are divided into deluxe rooms for single or double

Indulge in complimentary bath amenities from the French de-

74  Money & Tourism



signer Thierry Mugler, thick bathrobes and slippers.

treat body & soul and provide you with the ultimate relaxation

Each room has its own minibar, plasma-screen TV, DVD player,

experience you can find in a five star hotel.

radio, air conditioning, and high-speed Wi-Fi connection.

From the spa facilities where you can relish a spa treatment, to

Food & Beverage division

the fully equipped fitness center, to the beauty treatment salon,

Boutique 5 Hotel & Spa hosts Impressions A’ La Carte restaurant and Sketch rar, where you will experience exquisite culinary options and inspired cocktails, with exceptional service set in an elegant sea view environment. As in every other aspect, this luxury hotel can promise a high standard cuisine, using excellent quality products of local Rhodian origin. The wine list has been carefully selected in order to represent the very best of the Greek and international vineries.

Bliss Spa

in Boutique 5 Hotel & Spa we will indulge all your senses.

Meetings & Events Boutique 5 welcomes opportunities for hosting conferences and incentives in the island of Rhodes. The multi - purpose conference room Chorus, is designed to meet the high standard criteria of any kind of professional event, such as conferences, conventions, meetings or incentive programs, giving priority to your comfort and requests. Boutique 5 Hotel & Spa, offering five star accommodation and top quality cuisine, is the prefect venue for providing an incentives

In “Bliss” Spa at the Boutique 5 Hotel & Spa you can experience

program to your managing team or your highly appreciated

a complete range of recreational and revitalizing services. We


Edition 2019




Mayia Exclusive Resort & Spa An exclusive premium all-inclusive luxury resort in Rhodes that leaves no wish unfulfilled! Embraced by the Aegean Sea and set on the idyllictranquil area of Kiotari in South Rhodes, the iconic Mayia Exclusive Resort & Spa embodies the spirit of a premium all-inclusive escape exceeding the highest expectations. Created to fulfill the desires of passionate luxury travelers, this newly-built beach hotel offers upscale accommodation, personalised service and an extraordinary range of leisure and recre-

Facilities & services • 24-Hour Reception / Front Desk • Airport / Port Transfer Service • Bar • Bar Restaurant • Beach Sunbeds & Umbrellas • Beach Towels • Bell-Boy Service • Car Rental • Concierge • Daily Maid Service • Doctor (upon request) • Fax & Photocopy Service • Free Transfer from/to Airport (for certain room types) • Gym • Hammam

ational facilities in an inspiring setting, exclusively designed

• Indoor Heated Swimming Pool • Laundry & Ironing Service

for couples and adults.

• Lobby Lounge • Massage • Pool Bar • Pool Snack Bar

Unique gastronomical concepts and supreme drinking options

• Pool Sunbeds & Umbrellas • Pool Towels

are matched with high-end spapampering, and a quenching

• Restaurant • Room Service • Safe Deposit Box

pool and beach setting, enticing guests to live the ultimate

• Satelite TV • Sauna

holiday experience in one of the finest adults only resorts in

• Snack Bar • Spa

Rhodes Island, Greece.

• Swimming Pool (Fresh Water) • Table Tennis

The hotel offers a variety of rooms, ranging from deluxe room

• Tennis Court • Toilets for people with special needs

and bungalows, junior & premier suites with sea view to Mayia

• Turn down service • Water Sports

suite with private pool sea view.

• Wi-Fi Internet Access

76  Money & Tourism


Rhodes Island, Greece

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Heaven starts with an

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Princess Sun Hotel The Princess Sun Hotel is located in Kiotari, South Rhodes, Greece. It is built on a small hill offering excellent sea view and also a splendid pine-tree forest view. The sandy beach of our filial hotel, the Rodos Princess, is located approximately 800 meters from the Princess Sun Hotel. The hotel has in total 214 rooms.

78  Money & Tourism


Happiness starts with an | Rhodes island, Greece

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Lindos Princess Beach Hotel Lindos Princess Beach Hotel, a premier brand new 4-star re-

Bathroom with bathtubs – shower combination • Direct dial

sort hotel in the kingdom of the Sun God, on the island of

Telephone • Refrigerator - Mini Bar • Satellite TV with interna-

Rhodes, opened its doors on June 29, 2002.

tional channels & Radio in-house music channels

The Hotel, which is ideal for leisure and recreation, is set wi-

The Luxury Executive Suites, are especially designed to fulfill

thin 140 acres direct at the beautiful, quite sandy beach of

higher standards of our customers’ needs. Private verandas

Lardos village, 50 km from the city of Rhodes and 5 km from

with sun decks, variable table, living room with couch, fully

cosmopolitan Lindos. It has in total 575 rooms. Lindos Prin-

furnished office room with a separate telephone line, and In-

cess Beach Hotel has an exciting and varied range of dining

ternet access. The bedroom is equipped with a king size bed

experience at the main restaurant and at the other 3 «a la

and the bathroom with Jaccuzzi dubble bath.

carte». With many sports activities, entertainment and much

Conference & Banqueting facilities

more to offer, the Lindos Princess Beach Hotel gives you an

1 Meeting room «EYRIDIKI» is capable of accommodating up

adventure and relaxation you’d rather live.

to 150 people and 1 Conference (multi user) room «CLIO» with

The comfort you’d rather enjoy

natural lighting, full equipment and large terrace for coffee

Lindos Princess Beach Hotel has in total 575 rooms, all with private balconies or verandas with sea, garden and pools views.

breaks, offers comfortable meeting and banqueting facilities for up to 400 people.


The flavours you’d rather try

• Total rooms 575

Restaurants and Bars...

Room Facilities:

Here is an exciting and varied range of dining experience at

• Fully air conditioned with individual control / Heating • Bal-

the Hotel’s Main restaurant and the other 3 «a la carte» res-

cony or Terrace • Rooms with Connecting Doors • Hair Dryer •

taurants. Theme restaurants by the outdoor swimming pools.

80  Money & Tourism



The «Spondi» restaurant serves fabulous breakfast for the

coration and atmosphere.

beginning of the day whilst for Lunch and Dinner a great food

Sports facilities

items selection in a buffet style, with show cookings is on

In the Hotel:

offer. The 3 «ala carte» theme-restaurants, by the pools of-

• Tennis: Tarten tennis courts with floodlight.

fer fusion of glorious Greek and Mediterranean flavours, and

• Watersports: Pedaloes, Canoes, Water ski, Banana and Ring

also vegetarian cuisine for vegetarians. At the Main-bar «Di-

boat. (Canoe and windsurfing are free of diarge, according to

onysos», the breathtaking panoramic view at the bar veranda

availability and anly with a license)

with its overlook to the entire Hotel property is a «must» for

• Swimming Pools: 2 large outdoor pools and one indoor fresh

relaxing moments together with the flavourable exotic cock-

water pool. 2 separate Children paddling pools.

tails. The «Aegean» Pool Bar is the ideal place for a long cool

• Beach: Beach volleyball.

drink, situated at the pool environment. The «Aeolos» Beach

• Health Club: Fully equipped Fitness room with Jacuzzi bubble

Snack Bar, offers a wide range of snacks and refreshing drinks

bath, Massage, Sauna and the Turkish bath «Hamam». (with

during a «hot» day, under the shadow of the recently-constructed pergola.

The adventure and the relaxation you’d rather live

charge) • Others: Mini soccer (5 x 5), basketball. In the area: • Rhodes Golf Course 35 km from the Hotel.


Guest services

A team of professional entertainers organize a variety of ac-

• Children’s Club, baby cots, highchairs, buggies, children’s

tivities including: • Morning and Aqua gym • Aerobics • Table

menu. (with charge) • Money exchange service • Car and motor

tennis • Beach volleyball • Water polo • Children games • Mini


disco for children and evening shows. Live music by the Ho-

• Internet Corner (with charge) • Mini Shopping center within

tel’s band, folklore dancing and professional shows presented

the Hotel housing, a variety of shops selling jewelry, leather

at the Amphitheater. Various theme nights with relevant de-

and opticals. • Super Market • Parking facilities

Edition 2019




Rodos Princess Beach Hotel The Rodos Princess Beach Hotel is located next to the beach in Kiotari, a natural and unspoiled area in the south of Rhodes island, Greece. The hotel is ideal for those who seek quiet and relaxing holidays while it offers the facilities and services of a four-star hotel. It is located 15 km from Lindos with its famous Acropolis, 5 km from the traditional village Asclepio and 54 km from Rhodes town. The hotel is served by taxis and public bus transportation on a regular basis. There is also a rent a car and motorbike office within the hotel. Accommodation The hotel has in total 372 rooms. Room Facilities: • Fully air conditioned from 01 June to 30 September • Heating in the beginning of April according to weather conditions • Balcony or Terrace • Hair Dryer • Bathroom with bathtubs - shower combination • Direct dial Telephone • Mini Bar • Satellite TV with international channels & in-house music channel The Rodos Princess is a modern four-star hotel and operates as an Ultra AllInclusive Hotel. It is ideal for couples and families who seek a very friendly atmosphere and a relaxing holiday. Lindos with its famous Acropolis is located at 15 km, the traditional village of Asklipion at 5 km and Rhodes town at 54 km. Meals MAIN RESTAURANT «DIONYSOS»: All meals are served in a buffet style. Every night, guests have the chance to taste specialties from

82  Money & Tourism

International cuisine. (Such as: Greek Night, Italian Cuisine and Fish specialties) CHILDREN’S RESTAURANT: A separate restaurant for children with a variety of meals such as: 3 appetizers, 3 main courses, salads, dessert, ice cream, etc. During meals a team of our staff especially trained for children’s entertainment supervises the children at the restaurant. POOL TAVERN «VENUS»: All guests have the possibility to have their lunch as well as dinner at the Pool Tavern «VENUS» instead of the Main Restaurant. BEACH SNACK RESTAURANT «DIOGENIS»: All guests have the possibility to have snacks at the Beach Snack Restaurant «DIOGENIS». This includes: sandwiches, club sandwiches, pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, fruit of the season, etc., drinks such as refreshments, juices, beer, red and white wine, water. Minibar Mini bar in every room free of charge with beer, mineral water and soft drinks. The mini bar is re-filled every second day. BeachTowels Beach towels are provided free of charge through the reception. Please use the ‘towel’-card given at the reception desk. For further information please contact the reception. Roomservice 24 hour room service



Amada Colossos Resort Reimagining all-inclusive luxury

From the thrills and spills of the activity-packed family zones and

Amada Colossos Resort welcomes guests to a new philosophy of

adults) to the intimacy of adult-only quarters, every need is being

five-slide waterpark (with sections for toddlers, children, teens and

luxury holidays on the cosmopolitan island of Rhodes. Inspired

taken care of. The beach is beautifully laid out with sunbeds and

by the beautiful sunrise over the bay of Kallithea, the resort offers

private gazebos, ideal for those wanting privacy by the sea, while

unbroken views of the Aegean Sea and an exclusive 430m golden

an unforgettable culinary experience awaits with 16 food and be-


verage outlets dotted throughout the resort. For mealtimes, there’s

Landscaped to blend in with its Mediterranean environment and beachside setting, Amada Colossos provides a dreamy selection of 699 rooms and 17 room types. From the subtle elegance of fully refurbished guestrooms, decorated with natural materials and modern comforts to spacious suites and villas with private pool with jacuzzi available for that extra touch of privacy, a wonderful stay is ensured. Families and couples can look forward to a world of absolute comfort, the finest locally inspired and international tastes, and

a choice of sumptuous buffet, with a Greek breakfast and kid’s section, and three à-la-carte restaurants – Greek, Italian and Asian. And for those seeking absolute relaxation, the Amada Wellness Spa offers unique wellness services through a wide choice of body and facial treatments, as well as a sauna, Hammam and Jacuzzi. Three packages, each offering an exquisite level of Ultra All-Inclusive luxury, have been designed to fulfil holiday dreams. From a carefree experience in every detail, to a premium level of personalised comfort, Amada Colossos invites guests to explore 5-star living

free-flowing fun throughout the day. All enjoyed with the security

and authentic Greek hospitality, all offered with an open heart and

and ease of an all-inclusive.

without limit.

84  Money & Tourism



The Kresten Royal Villas & Spa and Kresten Palace Hotel & Wellness The Kresten Royal Villas & Spa

The luxurious newly builded The Kresten Royal Villas & Spa, stands majestically on the magnificent Kallithea sloping hillside by the sea offering transpire great class, impeccable taste in seductive and stunning sea views of the Aegean, lies an ancient quarry site, (from which stone for the fortification of the City was

Sport facilities, the newest machinery in our Gym and our variety of pools. You can take a look at our in-Hotel store or you can relax at our spa. • 1 external Pool with Sea Water • 2 external Pools with Sweet Water • 1 Children’s Pool • 1 Indoor Pool (Heated) • Tennis Courts • Football Court 5x5 • Basketball / Volleyball Court • Gym • Spa (Not

excavated during the ancient and medieval ages), for unique pri-

Included In the All Inclusive) • Super Market

vacy and relaxation.


Everything composes an unforgettable picture. Aesthetically premises, breathtaking nature, warm and kind hearted people with a tradition of excellence in service, dedicated to your well being. Is situated 5,5 km from the famous UNESCO world heritage monument, medieval old town of Rhodes and within walking distance from the recently restored Kallithea Mineral Springs. Kresten Royal Villas & Spa offers 191 Double rooms, 11 Junior Suites, 7 Suites, 40

The Convention Centre, “Golden Hall” is an autonomous building with its own separate entrance and lobby, seats 500 participants and it is equipped with state of the art simultaneous translation facilities as well as divisible smaller meeting rooms, a business center, VIP lounge, press room and a bistro styled coffee shop, makes it ideal destination, for incentive groups.

Villa Junior Suites with swimming pool and 7 Royal Suites with


swimming pool.

Mediterranean Spa gives you the opportunity to indulge yourself

In every room you can find:

with using its exclusive natural products, and unforgettable ser-

• Satellite TV • Telephone • Fridge • Safety deposit Box • Internet

vice. A wellness center with fully equipped gymnasium and Spa

connection through Ethernet

with steam bath, sauna, different massage - wellness treatment

During your stay you will be surrounded by our state of the art

rooms and an indoor Pool, shall be at your service.

86  Money & Tourism




during the afternoon, from 22:30 and for one hour light snacks will

There is a famous Greek phrase, “I agapi pernaei apo to stomachi”

be present at our lounge bar “Horizon”.

which means that love is getting bigger and stronger from good

While During the day there are many choices of places where you

Food, and we are ready to offer you a wide variety of choices, top

can choose something to drink, during their operation times, our

quality and the spirit of the Greek service. Our Food and beverage program was made with our guest’s satisfaction in mind. Get your day started with our enlarged American buffet breakfast in the main restaurant “Athina”. If you are not feeling for an early wake up start or just want something more take a look at our buffet filled with salads, sandwiches, a variety of ice creams and pastry at “Porta di Mare” pool restaurant. After 12:00 the buffet gets more interesting with the addition of cold and warm appetizers as well as a choice of main courses from Greek & International cuisine. Just half an hour later in the main restaurant “Athina” will open its doors to offer you an enlarged lunch buffet as well as show cooking. From 16:00 in our pool restaurant “Porta di Mare” a buffet with variety of Salads, snacks & sandwiches, as well as fruits, pastries and various flavors of ice cream will remain for your pleasure until half an hour before our dinner in our main restaurant “Athina” from 18:30. Dinner at the Main Restaurant with warm and cold appetizers, salad buffet and a large variety of cold and warm choices of main courses from Greek & International cuisine, as well as Show Cooking. 19.00 - 22.00 hrs: The “Porta di Mare” theme restaurant, offers an a la carte dinner by the sea front, in open air surroundings or

bar outlets “Horizon” & “Bella Vista” Bar are waiting to serve you drinks and cocktails.

Kresten Palace Hotel & Wellness The 4 stars Kresten Palace Hotel built in modern style combined with traditional Rhodian architecture surrounded by 60.000 m2 extensions. Kresten Palace offers 285 rooms in total with last renovation time the winter of 2007-09. All rooms include private facilities, balconies or terraces with magnificent view, a direct dial telephone, Satellite TV with music channels, mini fridge, safety deposit box, hair dryer and air-conditioning (June - September). A variety of facilities, animation, and entertainment are at your disposal during your stay. Kresten Palace as being a part of The Kresten Hotels offers you an excellent Food & Beverage Program based on Half - Board Basis, Bed & Breakfast Basis or Full Board Basis instead of the All - Inclusive experience that our “Sister” Hotel The Kresten Royal Villas & Spa has to offer. During your stay at Kresten Palace Hotel you can taste our gastronomic proposals & cocktails at: • “Olympia” Main Restaurant • “Red” Main Bar • Pool Restaurant & Bar Kresten Palace can combine the leisure of your group, the facilities

19.00 - 22.00 hrs: The “Teatro” theme restaurant, shall take you to

of your meetings, the events for your company’s personnel plea-

a journey to Italy’s traditional grandmother’s recipes.

sure and relations bonding. The conference center has to offer

In case you missed your dinner or enjoyed our beautiful island

everything that you might need for a successful meeting or event. Edition 2019




Sheraton Rhodes Resort Sharing memories of an island escape

experience during the day with snacks and cool, refreshing

Set in beautifully landscaped gardens, Sheraton Rhodes Resort

cocktails. L’Onda our Italian restaurant combines the authentic

is only a few meters from a pristine private beach and just 4

Italian fare with the amazing sunsets of its sixth floor terrace,

kilometers from the Medieval city of Rhodes, a UNESCO World

a trait shared by Thea, our Greek restaurant, with a carefully

Heritage site.

prepared menu, by our Executive Chef, based on local cuisine

All 401 guestrooms combine casual sophistication, comfort and

and ingredients. Our Knights’ Bar, also at the 6th Floor offers

understated elegance with a decidedly modern twist. The Hotel

unlimited views over the Aegean, signature cocktails and deli-

is overlooking the Aegean Sea and has many options for inter-

cious snacks, ideally paired with select wines and local beers.

connecting rooms, allowing families and other larger parties to

Sheraton Rhodes Resort is a wonderful place for families of all

stay together and share the experience. All rooms feature the

ages. Our younger guests are always treated specially, with a

Sheraton Sleep Experience bed: a plush mattress, cozy duvet,

variety of services and venues dedicated to their requirements

and plenty of comfy pillows.

– Kid’s Club, children’s pool, various activities organized daily

With four restaurants and two bars, the Sheraton Rhodes Re-

by the hotel’s entertainment team.

sort will make your culinary experience in Rhodes a worthy

With the year round warm climate, Rhodes is the perfect place

matter. Castellania restaurant, welcomes you every morning

to enjoy all your activities.

with its rich buffet, and treats you every night with its the-

The most famous sights and attractions of the island inclu-

med offerings. Mediterraneo, located by the mail pool amidst

de the Palace of the Grand Masters, Kallithea Sprigs, Seven

the lush gardens, is introducing you to Mediterranean flavors

Springs, Valley of the Butterflies and the Acropolis of Lindos.

for care-free lunches, while the pool bar extends your resort

Don’t miss a daytrip to the picturesque island of Symi!

88  Money & Tourism

Suite Living Between Sea & Sky PaLace, Sea & Sky Suite Living RodoS Between QUITe SIMPLY, coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXe ReSoRT RodoS PaLace, oN THeBetween ISLaNd oF RHodeS. Suite Living Sea & Sky QUITe SIMPLY, coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXe ReSoRT oN a SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3 KM FRoM RHodeS & ToWN Suite Living Between Sea Sky RodoS PaLace, oN THe ISLaNd oF RHodeS. aNd THe MedIeVaL cITY, JUST 50 MeTReS FRoM THe BeacH, Suite Living Between Sky QUITe coNSTITUTeS THe FINeSTSea deLUXe & ReSoRT RodoS oN aSIMPLY, SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3PaLace, KM FRoM RHodeS ToWN RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoU To oN THe RHodeS. QUITe coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXeTHe ReSoRT aNd THe SIMPLY, MedIeVaL cITY,ISLaNd JUSTPaLace, 50oFMeTReS FRoM BeacH, eXPeRIeNce THeRodoS TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe. oN a SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3 KM FRoM RHodeS ToWN oN THe ISLaNd oF RHodeS. RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoU To QUITe SIMPLY, coNSTITUTeS THe FINeST deLUXe ReSoRT aNdoN THe cITY, JUST FRoM THe BeacH, a MedIeVaL SUPeRB LocaTIoN 3 50 KM FRoM ToWN eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF RHodeS ReSoRT LIFe. oN THe ISLaNd oFMeTReS RHodeS. RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoU To aNdoN THea MedIeVaL cITY, JUST3 50 FRoM THe BeacH, SUPeRB LocaTIoN KM MeTReS FRoM RHodeS ToWN eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe. RodoS PaLace INVITeS YoU To aNd THe MedIeVaL cITY, JUST 50 MeTReS FRoM THe BeacH, eXPeRIeNce THePaLace TRUe eSSeNce LIFe. RodoS INVITeS oF YoUReSoRT To eXPeRIeNce THe TRUe eSSeNce oF ReSoRT LIFe.

Rodos Palace Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: Rodos Palace Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace Rodos Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes T: +30 Rodos 22410 97222, +30 22410 25350, E: Palace F: Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: Rodos Palace Resort, Iraklidon Avenue Ixia, Rhodes Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace T: +30 22410 97222, F: +30 22410 25350, E: Facebook/rodospalace, Instagram/rodospalace



Lindos Blu Luxury Hotel & Suites Lindos Mare Hotel A significant number of international awards confirm the reputation that Lindos Blu Hotel & Suites is one of the best boutique hotels in Rhodes and Greece. Perched regally on a hillside, Lindos Blu Hotel & Suites is the first adults-only hotel in the cosmopolitan island of Rhodes, guaranteeing unimpeded relaxation. Stunning views, impeccable service and otherworldly elegance create an ideal setting for complete rejuvenation. 70 guestrooms, suites, villas and two floor maisonettes with impressive views to the Aegean Sea, are deliberately designed to offer a unique holiday experience. Enjoy a romantic getaway in contemporary-design surroundings, with attentive services and high-quality facilities. Allow yourselves to enjoy an unforgettable stay in rooms that are tailor-made to meet your needs. Feel free to oversleep on the king size beds in the modern and spacious Double rooms. If you wish to enjoy the sun in an external Jacuzzi, the Double Deluxe rooms are ideal for you. Sip some Nespresso coffee in the sitting room of a Junior Suite, with beautiful views of the Aegean Sea, or choose a room with a Sharing Pool, for some late evening swimming. 90  Money & Tourism

For a more exclusive stay on any special occasions, a Villa or Maisonette with a private pool and Jacuzzi would be the dream place for your holiday. Spacious areas, chic luxury, and a touch of privacy, provide the perfect scenery for a romantic getaway


Five Senses Inspire your senses at the 5 Senses Gourmet Restaurant, dining in a divine setting under the starlight. Immerse yourself in a gastronomic journey of fusion creative cuisine with a Mediterranean touch. Smeraldo A la carte Restaurant Start your day with a freshly-made orange juice and a choice from the lavish breakfast buffet of Smeraldo Restaurant. Order your eggs, omelets or waffles and have them prepared the way you prefer. At the Smeraldo you can also enjoy light snacks during the day, a fine lunch a la carte or dinner with a fine selection from the creative Greek-Mediterranean buffet. Luna Rossa Lounge Bar The Luna Rossa Lounge Bar is a popular rendezvous point for the guests of the hotel wishing to enjoy a pre- or after-dinner



drink. In a contemporary setting, choose from a fine selection of vintage wines, champagne, and refreshing cocktails, accompanied by smooth tunes and chill out atmosphere. Allegro Pool Bar For guests preferring to linger poolside, the Allegro Pool Bar offers cool and refreshing cocktails while sunbathing. For an energy boost, try a light lunch or a salad by the infinity pool. 24hrs Room Service In case you prefer relaxing in the room all day long, you can have a snack, a few drinks or even a fine dinner any time you wish, thanks to the 24hrs room service of the Lindos Blu. Enjoy the comfort and the splendid views of your room while indulging in the delicacies of our menu.

Body and Mind

Gym Want to stay fit throughout your holiday? The fully equipped gym of Lindos Blu offers the chance of working out, while enjoying panoramic views of the Vlicha Gulf. Sauna, steam bath and an indoors heated swimming pool will be absolutely relaxing you after a hard workout program. The use of the gym, steam bath and sauna is free of charge for all our guests. The Spa & Health Club Try a rejuvenating experience for the body and the soul in our Spa & Health Club. Choose form a refreshing menu of holistic and traditional treatments conducted by highly skilled therapists, using cutting-edge spa technology. Hot stone massage, Reiki, Thai massage, facial treatments and many more offer

spirited experiences to bring about lasting rejuvenation. Services Furthermore, at Lindos Blu Hotel & Suites guests may enjoy a range of services including: One outdoor heated swimming pool, One sun jacuzzi terrace, Sun terrace, Jewelry store, Mini market/Newsstand Laundry/Dry cleaning service, 24 hrs room service, Rent a car, Water sports (privately-run company), Twice daily maid service, 24-Hour Front Desk, 24-Hour Concierge Desk, WI-FI Internet, Multilingual Staff, Laundry/Valet Service, Smoke Detectors, Luggage Storage.

Lindos Mare Hotel

Lindos Mare boutique hotel is built on many different levels on a sun-kissed hillside with panoramic views of beautiful Vliha Bay, only 2,5 kilometers from the picturesque village of Lindos. The hotel located next to Lindos Blu and tour operators mentioned to this as a 4+ stars hotel. Recent renovations to all areas of Hotel Lindos Mare, together with impeccable service and excellent cuisine, create an atmosphere of discrete luxury and tranquility in which to enjoy the perfect leisurely holiday. A variety of rooms and suites totally refurnished with large verandas and amazing views, decorated in warm colors and equipped with all modern facilities are designed to offer a comfortable and memorable stay. New deluxe panoramic guestrooms, some with a semi-private pool, were added to the hotel. Edition 2019 




Rodos Palace Luxury Convention Resort Majestic Rodos Palace, on the historical island of Rhodes, quite simply represents the ultimate in deluxe resort and convention facilities in Greece. Ideally located on a privileged site, extending from a cool green hill down to an idyllic beach. The venue offers a cornucopia of outstanding facilities and services, leisure time activities and comforts. The Rodos Palace Resort and Convention Center, one of the largest of its kind in the Mediterranean, has celebrated a quarter-century of its inception and development into a uniquely combined holiday and business complex. Having within its premises the International Convention, large recognised as one of the most complete in the Mediterranean region, Rodos Palace emerges as a meeting and incentive destination par-excellence.

The VIP World Politicians, actors, singers, artists and top sportsmen have selected the Rodos Palace for their business meetings or holiday escapes. The decisive features guiding their choice have been: the prestige of the location, the high standardsΖΤ of accommodation, the

Politics • Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos II • Constantine Stefanopoulos • Chancellor Kohl • Francois Mitterand • Jacques Santer • Lady Margaret Thatcher • Felipe Gonzalez • Rod Lubbers • Kurt Waldheim • Constantinos Caramanlis • Andreas Papandreou • Rod Lubbers • Anthony Kennedy • Christian Bamard • Theodore Fyodorov • Javier X. Solana • Jose Cutilleiro • Wilfred Martens • Catherine Lalumiere • Prince Sultan El Saoud • lacovos • Dimitris Avramopoulos.

The world of International Entertainment & Business • Roger Moore • Claudia Cardinale • Neil Sedaka • Simple Minds • Omar Sharif • Telly Savalas • Robert Wagner & Stephanie Powers • Albano & Romina Power • Demis Roussos • Liv Ullmann • Adan Kasogi • Anatoly Karpov • Robert Maxwell • Milva

The world of Entertainment (National) • Mikis Theodorakis • Aliki Vougiouklaki • Maria Farantouri • Leonidas Kavakos • Petros Gaitanos • Alkistis Protopsalti • Yiannis Parios • Lakis Lazopoulos • Antonis Vardis • Eleftheria Arvanitaki

personalized service, the effective security, the tranquility and the


discretion - wherever and whenever needed.

From the heart of the complex rises an elegant 20-storey tower

92  Money & Tourism



with luxurious rooms and suites, offering spectacular views of the gardens or the blue Aegean Sea. Adjacent to the Tower stands the 7 storey Executive VIP Wing, fully dedicated to the special needs of business travelers and conference delegates. On the slope of the hill, within well-kept gardens are 14 units with studios, apartments and bungalows. The radical renovation of the 20th Storey Tower and reception areas, completed by the beginning of the year 2001, has been planned and undertaken by renowned Demou & Associates Interior Designers.

Interior Design

Convention Center With over 500 conferences and numerous exhibitions held in its premises and attended by Heads of State, Nobel laureates, innovative businessmen, renowned artists and scientists. With a total combined capacity of 4.000 delegates in 20 ergonomically designed multi-use halls ranging in size from 20-1300 persons the Center can support events of varying size and complexity. Having been selected as the official venue for the European union Summit and Western European Union Council of ministers, the Rodos Palace is identified as a prominent choice for rewarding

Initially decorated by the famous American hotel designer Mau-

conferences and incentives. • Jupiter Ballroom: Area: 850sq.m. -

rice Bailey, who during his career created 50 top hotels and pri-

Capacity: 1,300 • Athena Hall: Area: 350sq.m. - Capacity: 350 • Salon

vate homes of famous personalities such as Conrad Hilton, Kirk

des Roses: Area: 480sq.m. - Capacity: 650 • Delphi Amphitheater:

Douglas and Loretta Young as well as Palaces including that of the

Area: 445sq.m. - Theatre Capacity: 600 • Nafsika Hall: Area: 220sq.m.

Emperor Shah of Iran. His colossal work is greatly appreciated and

- Capacity:320 • Nefeli Hall: Area: 155sq.m. - Capacity:220 • Apollo

much admired around the world.

Room: Area: 250sq.m. - Capacity: 320 • Executive Syndiacate Rooms:


Area: 60sq.m. - Capacity: 60 • Lobbies & Exhibition Areas: Area:

Guest rooms: 785 Luxurious guest rooms including: 20th Storey

1,400sq.m. (total) - Capacity: 3,000 (total)

Tower (last year of renovation: 2001), 357 Standard rooms, 24 Ju-

Support facilities & services

nior suites, 5 Presidential suites. Executive VIP Wing: 172 Execu-

All meeting areas have their own controls for air-conditioning,

tive rooms, 7 Corner Executive suites, 1 Royal suite. Apartments,

lighting and sound, sufficient outlets for 220V/3-phase electricity

Bungalows complex: 16 Studios, 181 Apartments, 20 Bungalows, 2

and standby generator. Advanced technological equipment th-

Presidential villas

roughout the center includes: Three independent infrared simul-

Dining and Entertainment choices on the hotel form an eclectic

taneous interpretation systems (Brahler for 8,7 and 3 languages)

mix of 6 speciality restaurants including the Gourmet Restaurant

with cordless translation receivers, ISDN network for teleconfe-

“La Rotisserie”, cafes, a delightful Piano Lounge Bar and Disco Club

rencing, on line Internet connection with autonomous web server,

with daily shows, which makes our guest often spoiled for choice

in-house conference channel and PA system. Edition 2019





Blue Sea Beach Resort - Pedi Beach Hotel Blue Sea Beach Resort

many facilities as 1 Fitness center fully equipped, 2 Tennis courts

The Blue Sea Beach Resort is located on the sandy beach of Faliraki,

/1 squash court, 1 Basketball court, 1 Football court, Beach Volley, 1

a blue flag winning beach, 3 km from the gorgeous listed Kallithea

Main Restaurant, 1 Snack Bar-Taverna, 1 Beach Bar, 1 Pool Bar, 1 Main

spas, just 2 km from the center of the resort and 12 km from the city

Bar, Playground, Internet corner, etc.

of Rhodes, with its magnificent Medieval City. .

As a guest don’t miss the opportunity to relax on a chaise longue

The Blue Sea Beach Resort will greet all its guests with a welcoming

right on the beach under an umbrella, walk within the lush gardens

smile and pamper them with the unforgettable Greek hospitality.

of the hotel, or simply choose one of the hotel’s bars to enjoy a

Blue Sea is located 10 m away from the sandy Faliraki beach, 2 km

freshly squeezed juice and the amazing view of the Aegean.

from the centre of Faliraki town, 3 km from the gorgeous listed Kallithea spas, and 12 km from the town of Rhodes and its magnificent Medieval City.

Pedi Beach Hotel

The hotel offers a variety of rooms type, beautifully decorated and

On one of the most beautiful and traditional Greek islands, on Symi

equipped with all comforts, different style swimming pools and

(or Simi), at the very end of a bay of amazing natural beauty, the

94  Money & Tourism

Blue Sea Beach Resort Faliraki, Rhodes 85100, Greece T: +30 2241085512 F: +30 2241085811 E:

Pedi Beach Hotel Pedi Hotel, Symi 85600, Greece, T: +30 2246071870 F: +30 2246071982 E:




eternal game of the sea with the sun have created a heavenly sea-

have en suite bathroom and a private balcony with a sea or moun-

side resort, the traditional village of Pedi. Pedi Beach Hotel is a

tain view. They also equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV,

delightful small hotel that is located at the most beautiful corner

radio, fridge, direct telephone landline, hairdryer, beauty products

of Pedi Village.

and swimming towels to use at the sea.

The Built by a wonderful beach, with respect to the natural en-

Pedi Beach Hotel is built in a way that respects the traditional

vironment and by all means true to the local tradition, Pedi Beach

character of Symi and the wonderful Mediterranean nature that

Hotel is the ideal place to be enchanted by the charm of the Greek

surrounds it. It is the only hotel on the island of Symi that has a

summer. The beauty and the tranquility of the landscape and the

fully organised beach with umbrellas and sunbeds. It offers to all

high quality of the offered service have made Pedi Beach Hotel

its guests 24-h reception service, communal verandas, computer

the favorite destination of people wishing to enjoy high standard

room, satellite TV, library, internet access to all communal spaces,

relaxing holidays in a friendly and discreet environment.

parking space and free of charge prearranged shuttle service to and

The hotel has 56 fully functional rooms that are equipped with all

from the port of Symi.

amenities necessary for relaxing and delightful holidays. All rooms

96  Money & Tourism


Präsentation PrEsentation

Atrium Hotels Three luxurious hotel complexes, each possessing its own style,

suites and luxurious villas by the sea. Its exclusive services, the

harmoniously positioned in the natural environment, make up

impressively designed exterior areas, the gardens, the swim-

Atrium Hotels, which is a top choice for hundreds of travelers

ming pools, the luxurious restaurants, bars, conference halls

every year.

as well as the state- of- the- art Spa of this unique resort will

Atrium Palace is an oasis of luxury.  Atrium Platinum is a city

impress visitors from the fist moment they arrive.

hotel with the charm of a resort while Atrium Prestige is the

This luxurious resort, in the traditional village of Kalathos, has

absolute resort to luxury.

double rooms, suites and private villas. They all make up a

Atrium Platinum

beautiful complex together with the swimming pools, the paths

Atrium Platinum Luxury Resort Hotel & Spa possesses the essence of premium accommodation by the sea with its specially equipped interior and exterior spaces, inviting travelers to meet a paradise of recreation, well- being and perfect hospitality. Based on the exceptional location on the beach of Ixia, the spectacular decoration and the plentiful choices for food, entertainment and event planning, Atrium Platinum, in Rhodes, is reasonably considered a world- class hotel, offering a wide range of exclusive, unique experiences to share with one’s family, the beloved ones, friends or mate.

Atrium Palace

and the gardens that connect them, whereas the view to the Mediterranean from everywhere is really imposing.

Atrium Prestige Atrium Prestige is a luxurious five- star hotel of impressive architecture in Rhodes. Its amazing aesthetics, the emerald waters, the luxurious atmosphere and the state-of-the-art AnaNeosis Thalasso Spa will make up the magical “recipe” of summer holidays in Rhodes, the island of the Knights. The wonderful, relaxing atmosphere, the elegant decoration, the spacious sunlit rooms and the exclusive services are only some of the advantages of Atrium Prestige Thalasso Spa Resort & Vil-

Atrium Palace Thalasso Spa Resort & Villas is like a fairy tale

las. In combination with the unexplored beach of Lachania, they

five-star hotel promising an unforgettable stay in the rooms,

will constitute the frame of the most beautiful holidays ever.

98  Money & Tourism


DISCOVER THE JOY OF TRAVEL AT APOLLO HOTELS At APOLLO HOTELS, we live every day with a passion for quality and service to cater to the needs of all our guests. A truly memorable holiday is what we offer.

APOLLO BLUE Faliraki, 85105 Rhodes, Greece Tel: +30 22410 85000 Email:

APOLLO BEACH Faliraki, 85105 Rhodes, Greece Tel: +30 22410 85513, 085535 Email:



Apollo Blue Hotel The 5* Apollo Blue Hotel and 4* Apollo Beach Hotel are located

peaceful garden. TOUCH the smooth as silk golden sand, slip-

on the impressive Faliraki beach on the island of Rhodes.

ping through your fingers on our enchanting beach and experi-

Apollo Blue

ence the soft touch of our unique treatments at our Apivita Spa.

The Apollo Blue is an exclusive beach hotel with stylish design. Reminiscent of ancient Greek architecture, the hotel complex fits naturally into the landscape. Not only the impressive architecture and the breathtaking sea views but also the excellent cuisine and the warm Greek hospitality count in favour of a holiday in the Apollo Blue hotel. Experience Apollo Blue by 5 senses

TASTE a rich palette of flavors with a distinct local character, at the restaurant where our chefs experiment with new approaches to traditional recipes, creating superb dishes, using only but the finest ingredients. LOOK the breathtaking sea views and enjoy the sunset with the magnificent Temple of Apollo at the background, elegantly standing in our courtyard and fitting naturally in the landscape. LISTEN to the sound of the sea and the laughter of children laying the finishing touches to a sandcastle, wake up in the morn-

SMELL the delicate Jasmine blossoms blending with the distinc-

ing with the peaceful sound of the wind gently blowing among

tive fragrant of thyme and other local herbs, in the alleys of our

the tree leaves.

100  Money & Tourism




Apollo Beach Hotel Apollo Beach Hotel is a spacious, modern hotel located in Faliraki on the northeast side of the Rhodes. It is only 14km from the main town of the island and 5km from the Afandou Golf course. Situation on a sandy beach with lush surrounding greenery and flowering plants, this four star accommodation is bound to make your holiday an unforgettable experience.

Edition 2019  101



Rhodes Bay Hotel & Elite Suites On the west coast of Rhodes lies the resort of Ixia the closest

the ideal destination to combine business and pleasure.

resort to Rhodes town. On this beautiful location offering ma-

The Elite Suites is a boutique exclusive hotel offering suites

jestic sea and sunset views lie the Amathus Hotels Rhodes Bay

with private pools. It is voted from its guests one of the top 10

& Elite Suites Hotel complex that consist of the Rhodes Bay

hotels in Greece, offering excellent service, gourmet cuisine,

Hotel & Spa a 5 star resort hotel and Elite Suites an exclusive

world class spa and amazing views. The Hotels’ Spa and Well-

luxurious boutique hotel!

ness centre is an oasis of relaxation, showcasing 14 treatment

Rhodes Bay Hotel & Spa offers brand new renovated rooms

rooms, an authentic Hammam, Sauna and a relaxing Jacuzzi.

and suites with modern design and amazing sea or forest

The indoor pool and the fully equipped gym are there to keep

views, boasts spacious common areas with 3 swimming pools,

you in shape while on holidays. The island’s warm climate, its

delicious cuisine in modern restaurants offering majestic views

site and nature together with the impeccable quality in accom-

and excellent friendly services. The hotel has 14 meeting rooms

modation, dining and service make the Rhodes Bay Hotels the

the largerst of which can accommodate 250 people making it

perfect choice when in Rhodes!

102  Money & Tourism

100 Iraklidon Avenue, Ixia, 85101 Rhodes, Greece ΤEL: +30 22410 89900, FΑΧ: +30 22410 89901 Elite suites: Rhodes Bay:



Lindos Hotels Lindos Hotels is a luxurious Greek hotel chain located on the Island

(500 seats), conference room (max. 200 pers.), 7 water slides, mini

of Rhodes. Five perfectly positioned beachfront hotels, owned and


run by the Minettos family. The hotels combine the exclusivity of 5

Lindos Village Resort & Spa

star facilities with the familiar touch of a local family. Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa, Lindos Royal Resort & Lindos Village Resort & Spa, Gennadi Grand Resort and Lindos Grand Resort & Spa make up the Lindos Hotels Group.

Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa

The beautiful Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa is located a short distance from the old fishing village of Kiotari, next to the beautiful beach of Kiotari and approximately 55 kms from the main airport of Rhodes (Diagoras). Generous outdoor spaces to lounge and relax, epitomize open yet private restfulness, with mesmerizing views of the Aegean Sea. Landscaped gardens and alluring pools alltogether in a resort that emanates elegance and comfort with all the modern first class amenities you could need at your fingertips. The complex offers luxurious facilities and first class accommodation.The resort offers 527 Rooms, family rooms and suites. In rooms

The stunning Lindos Village Resort & Spa, an adults only hotel, is located a short distance from Lindos and approximately 45 kms from the main airport of Rhodes (Diagoras). The Village is built alongside a small cove of shallow waters overlooking the picturesque bay of Vlycha. The Lindos Village Resort & Spa is an extravagant portrait of a traditional Greek village, bright white buildings that harmoniously soak up the glorious Greek sun and radiate a warm Mediterranean glow. From every angle the Village boasts unsurpassed awe inspiring views of the deep blue waters of the Aegean sea and the small picturesque bay of Vlicha. The resort offers plenty of facilities such as 1 outdoor pool, tennis court, souvenir-jewelry shops, 24 hour reception, 1 main restaurant, 2 bars, 1 theme a la carte restaurant, fitness room, 1 indoor pool, yoga sessions, aqua aerobic, aqua pilates, etc.

facilities includes air condition, direct dial phone, safe, mini fridge,

Lindos Royal Resort

radio, hair dryer, balcony or terrace, etc. There are also 4 outdoor

Lindos Royal Resort, a family all inclusive hotel, is a fascinating pic-

and 1 indoor fresh water swimming pools, 2 Children’s pools, 7 res-

ture of classic Rhodes colonial style architecture, a host of columns

taurants, 4 bars, night club/disco, spa-fitness center, sauna, hydro

and spectacular arches make up the extravagant exterior. The pro-

massage, 2 tennis courts, mini football, beach volley, amphitheater

perty is built overlooking the small bay of Vlicha and enjoys casca-

104  Money & Tourism


Lindos Village Hotel

Lindos Village Hotel Lindos Village Hotel

Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa Lindos Imperial Suites

Lindos Imperial Suites Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa Gennadi Grand Lindos Royal Lindos Lindos Village Village Hotel Hotel Lindos Village Hotel Lindos Royal Hotel


Lindos Royal Hotel


Lindos Imperial Suites Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa Lindos Royal Hotel Lindos Imperial Suites Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa Lindos Royal Hotel

Lindos Grand Lindos Village Lindos Imperial Lindos Lindos Imperial Imperial SuitesSuites LindosLindos Imperial Imperial ResortResort & Spa & Spa Lindos Lindos Royal Royal Hotel Hotel Lindos Imperial Suites Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa Lindos Royal Hotel







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ding views stretching as far as the eye can see over the emerald waters. Luxury 5 star accommodation centered around style and indulgence. The inviting rooms at the Lindos Royal Resort accommodate your every need, preference and budget. Each room, from standard and comfort rooms to sumptuous suites are spacious, quiet and superbly appointed. The complex offers luxurious facilities: aqua slides, 1 childrens pool, 3 outdoor pools, tennis court, souvenir-jewelry shop, mini club (6 to 12 years), 24 hour reception, 1 main restaurant, 2 bars, 3 theme a la carte restaurants, ampitheatre, beach volley, beach football, etc.

Gennadi Grand Resort Gennadi Grand Resort is a modern and eco-friendly summer retreat that offers a tranquil holiday experience. Gennadi beach was chosen as the perfect spot for Gennadi Grand Resort, a destination that will change the way you view your summer holidays. A peaceful hideaway by the sea surrounded by beautiful gardens with palm trees in total harmony with its surroundings, Gennadi Grand Resort is as beautiful as it is graceful. This eco-friendly resort combines superb rooms and suites with fine dining proposals, entertainment, sports and wellness facilities in an environment of natural seaside beauty. At the same time, great attention was given to the hotel being eco-friendly, making sure that it conserves energy and water without compromi-


Lindos Grand Resort & Spa Lindos Grand Resort & Spa is a brand new adult-only destination, located in the quiet bay of Vlycha, close to the traditional village of Lindos. The resort‘s premises were designed in harmony with the environs, and its environmentally friendly character, together with a generous array of outstanding personalized services make Lindos Grand Resort & Spa a unique, one-of-a-kind experience that transcends everything you knew so far of luxurious island holidays. Lindos Grand Resort & Spa was designed to offers flawless services and exquisite facilities. The majority of the Lindos Grand Resort & Spa rooms and suites feature private infinity pools, with spectacular views to the Aegean and an idyllic ambiance that truly highlights a one-of-a-kind summer holiday experience. An experience made for bon vivants, the gastronomic proposals of Lindos Grand Resort & Spa promise a journey into the tastes of Greece and the Mediterranean. Powerful recipes, carefully selected ingredients at the top with demanding standards, modern techniques and unmatched inspiration form the basis behind the culinary wonders of Lindos Grand Resort & Spa. Also, in the resort you can maintain your fitness routine. Starting from our fully equipped, air-conditioned gym at the Spa center, to our engaging selection of exercise sessions

sing the guests’ experience. The hotel is located on Gennadi beach,

such as Yoga, Aqua Pilates or Aqua Aerobics, enjoy your holiday

perfect for swimming and water sports, near the homonymous pic-

workout at the most welcoming environment of our exquisite pre-

turesque village, on the southeast coast of Rhodes, halfway between

mises. In addition, during your stay, you can participate in exciting

the famous traditional village of Lindos and the south end of the

watersports that will get your adrenaline pumping, as well as other

island, Prasonisi.

appealing sea-related activities, such as fishing and scuba diving.

106  Money & Tourism



Atlantica Hotels & Resorts Atlantica Hotels & Resorts is a leading company in the hospi-

Atlantica has set itself apart as an innovator in the hospitality

tality industry, offering Hotels within Cyprus, Greece, & Egypt.

industry by providing standard services that others consider

Atlantica Hotels & Resorts is an exceptional group of hotels for

to be added extras. The company’s most important asset, the

today’s business and leisure travelers, combining modern and

staff, continues to remain the focus of the development process.

contemporary design, and serving the needs of every customer through a variety of product hotels.

The Group’s customer focused approach, is based on attracting,

Atlantica Hotels & Resorts was established in 1980 with the

retaining and deepening customer relationships. Customer trust

opening of the first Atlantica Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus. Since

is Atlantica’s most valuable business asset and the foundation

then, the Atlantica Group has grown into a hotel chain current-

for its future growth. Maximizing the value of customer relati-

ly operating 51 hotels across Cyprus, Greece and Egypt. Terms

onship at every Atlantica Hotels & Resort, is essential to the

such as personal service and attention to detail have become

company’s long term success.

synonymous with Atlantica. With a wealth of experience and

Atlantica Hotels & Resorts is the only Cypriot Hospitality com-

an enviable reputation for quality of service, Atlantica Hotels

pany, member of the largest tourist Organisation in the world,

& Resorts, wherever located, are able to guarantee customer

TUI Group, which operates in Cyprus, Greece and Egypt with 51

satisfaction and value for money holidays.


Edition 2019




Lindian Village Hotel in Rhodes presents Escaping South Festival! The first festival in the world that celebrates the special culture of

culinary part of the Festival. The degustation menus were atten-

the South parts of countries around the world was organised in

ded by guests chefs Thanos Feskos (South Rhodes), Allesandra

October 2018 by Lindian Village Hotel in South Rhodes.

Rousso (South Italy), Paul Burgalieres (South France). The artistic

The Escaping South Festival is an initiative and action taken by

events are held under the #Rest@rt Contemporary Art Platform.

Lindian Village and is aimed to highlighting the particularities

Lindian Village is a five-star hotel located in South Rhodes. The

and special traits that unite and connect the South areas of all

high-level services it provides in combination with its Mediter-

countries in the world. Focused on gastronomy and art in all its

ranean architecture rank it among the model facilities on the

expressions, the Festival aspires to become a worldwide ambas-

island. The decoration of the lobby and the rooms follows the

sador for the cultures of the South.

Aegean Sea style. In the suites, deep blue and dazzling white join

Starting in October 2018, when it was held for the first time, the

their forces to create an ideal refuge. All the suites have their own

Escaping South Festival is managed to become an annual one-

garden, private pool and enough space for sunbathing, providing

week (6-day) event. All events under the Festival took place at

isolation and luxury close to nature. The rooms offer similar ae-

the areas of the Lindian Village hotel. It was a discourse between

sthetics, with magnificent terraces facing bright green gardens.

the south parts of three countries, the Souths of Rhodes, Italy

In the Lindian Village you will find everything you need without

and France.

having to leave the resort at all.. Five restaurants and three bars

The structure of the Festival consisted of three celebrated south

are at your disposal for a unique gastronomic experience, such

areas of Rhodes, France & Italy, presented through several events

as the Greek Restaurant Gourmet for authentic tastes, the Fish &

lasting for two days. The events varied and included gastronomy,

Oyster restaurant for totally fresh seafood dishes under the stars

namely food and beverages, arts, namely visual arts and music,

or the Thai restaurant for exotic Asian-Thai delights. Of course,

theatrical plays, shows, happenings, etc., and tradition, namely

a luxurious resort like the Lindian Village could not be without

culture and customs. Guest chefs, artists, musicians from all parts

a spa that will provide moments of total relaxation, water sports

of the globe were invited for six days to present, promote and

and perfect installations for business events. The hotel has been

diffuse the culture of the South of their countries.

operating with great success for four years now the “Experience

Famous chefs working at the best restaurants in the world, decorated with Michelin stars, had been invited to take care of the

108  Money & Tourism

Greece”, a programme of activities aimed to offering authentic experiences of local character to the participants.


tunning views, impeccable service and otherworldly elegance create an ideal setting for complete rejuvenation. 70 guestrooms and villas with impressive views to the Aegean Sea, are deliberately designed to offer a unique holiday experience.

Lindos B lu Luxury Hote

l & S uites

85107 Vlicha Lindos, Rhodes, Greece, Tel.: +30 22440 32110, Fax: +30 22440 32111, Email:



Kenshō Boutique Hotel & Suites On the glamorous island of Mykonos, Kenshō Boutique Hotel

Chronopoulos. A combo of Greek delights, French masterpieces

& Suites debuts a new kind of luxury: Kenshō Psarou is here to

and Far East creations lead you on a journey of multi-layered

fulfill your every desire.


Rising from the white sands of Psarou, the world’s most

As an extra touch, the pool and sea lie mere steps away. If you

exclusive beach, slate and stone meet wood and wicker in a

work up a thirst in the Greek heat, the boho-chic bar pairs

prized piece of Aegean architecture. Inside, 30 luxury suites

signature cocktails with vivid views. And you can always soak

tell their own stories, framed by original artwork and desig-

up the shade of Kenshō Psarou umbrellas and sun loungers on

ner furniture.

the shore of the most cosmopolitan beach in Mykonos.

A Fresh Take on Gastronomy

A New Level of Relaxation

bound to feel like you’re in paradise. And it gets even better

spot famous faces from all over the world. But now is your

at the all-new Kenshō Psarou Lounge, home of luxury dining

chance to embrace the VIP treatment of Kenshō’s well-being

on the water’s edge.

and beauty powerhouse, where therapeutic rituals instantly

The bold menu, signed by Mykonian chef Ippokratis, reinvents

calm and uplift you.

Mediterranean cuisine with a focus on seafood. Greek, Japa-

From shining design to fine dining by the sea to five-star ser-

nese and Peruvian flavours become the artist’s palette, mixed

vice like never before – Kenshō Psarou is everything you’ve

and mingled to make gourmet dishes you never thought pos-

dreamed of and more.


Welcome to your awakening experience.

Tastes then peak in a sweet crescendo by pastry chef Dimitris

As you behold the scenery from your private hot tub, you’re

110  Money & Tourism

While you dig your toes into the sun-kissed powder, you may

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Astir Odysseus Kos Resort & Spa Avra Hotels Collection AVRA Hotels Collection focuses on hands-on execution to cont-

your gaze turned to the Aegean Sea, the pool or the colorful

inually create added value to your hotel business. Our group of

landscape of the gardens.

experienced professionals has a proven track record among all

Enjoy at our restaurants a feast of Mediterranean flavors and in-

segments of the hotel, resort and travel destination industry. We

ternational dishes that satisfy even the most discerning palate.

provide personalized hospitality management services, tailored

Discover the pleasure of relaxation at our Spa facilities. Indulge

to the individual requirements of each property along with a

yourself in our sauna, indoor pool or hammam and enjoy our

brand new, user friendly booking engine that enables the custo-

massage and body and facial treatments.

mer to directly choose & reserve the required services.

Numerous sport activities and special facilities, such as the

Astir Odysseus Kos Resort & Spa

climbing wall, water sports and 5x5 soccer fields, as well as our specially designed space for our little friends offer entertain-

The 5-star Astir Odysseus Kos Resort & Spa is situated on the

ment and fun to the whole family.

island of Hippocrates in a privileged seaside location, just 5 km.

Organise your professional or personal event and our professi-

away from Kos Town.

onal staff with years of experience will be by your side to offer

Experience the generous Greek hospitality in one of the 337

expertise and advice always based on your desires.

rooms and suites. Choose your ideal room with a shared or

Come to discover the unique staying experience at Astir Odys-

private swimming pool or the private Jacuzzi and relax with

seus Kos Resort & Spa!

112  Money & Tourism



Kipriotis Hotels & Kos International Convention Centre Located on the north-east coast of the island of Kos with ma-

magnificent views of the Aegean Sea and are surrounded by

gnificent views of the Aegean Sea and breathtaking surroun-

beautifully tended gardens and a wide range of excellent sport

dings, the 6 jewels of Kipriotis Company, consisting of 5 luxury

and leisure facilities, including entertainment.

hotels and the largest autonomous convention centre in Gre-

In addition to the 5 luxury properties on the island of Kos,

ece, offer a great hospitality experience that can tempt even

Kipriotis Company also owns the Kos International Convention

the most demanding visitors.

Centre, the largest autonomous convention centre in the Me-

Kipriotis Hotels is a family owned company founded in 1984

diterranean. Kipriotis Company focused on providing the best

by George Kipriotis. With business activities including 5 hotel

proposition with regards to both holiday and business acti-

complexes in Kos and 1 in Rhodes as well as Kos Internati-

vities and the Kos International Convention Centre with total

onal Convention Centre, George Kipriotis was pioneer in the

capacity of 5.500 persons was built in 1999.

development of the hospitality and tourism industry of the Dodecanese islands in Greece.

Kos International Convention Centre

Kipriotis’ properties on the island consist of two 5***** hotels

The globally known Kos International Convention Centre is an

and three 4**** hotels with a total capacity of 4.000 beds and

impressive 3 level modern building, situated directly adjacent to

are found in Psalidi - Kos, all in a radius of 300m from each

Kipriotis Village - the biggest hotel of the Kipriotis group - and

other. Build next to the beach front, all hotels offer modern,

only a breath away from the remaining 4 Kipriotis Hotels. KICC is

functional and spacious accommodation, are privileged with

one of the most luxurious Convention Centers offering the latest

114  Money & Tourism



in meeting technology. High standard materials, modern ideas

As one of the most important Convention Centers in Greece

and excellent space design were adopted and applied in order

and abroad, with state of the art infrastructure and more than

to achieve maximum comfort, prestige and splendor that will

a decade of experience in the organization and execution of

make your meeting, conference or convention special!

multiple, highly important Meetings and Conferences, we don’t

With excellent infrastructure, designed and built with the con-

only promise but guarantee the success of any event that really

ference market needs in mind, Kos International Convention

wants to make a difference!

Centre (KICC) offers state of the art conference facilities and is justifiably placed on the top of the list as one of the best

Kipriotis Panorama Conference Facilities

Convention Centers in the Mediterranean.

In addition to KICC and within a radius of 300m, Kipriotis Hotels has one more convention centre located within Kipriotis

More specifically Kos International Convention Centre (KICC):

Panorama Hotel.

• Is the only Convention Centre that can host in the same

This is a luxurious conference venue of 10 meeting rooms/1.500

building and operate at the same time -in parallel- 20 meeting

pax total capacity within a 5 star property. Panorama Conferen-


ce facilities can be used independently or in cooperation with

• Is the only Convention Centre with completely autonomous

Kos International Convention Centre in case of big size events.

catering facilities that can cater for more than 2.000 people.

In total, the capacity of both conference centers adds up to 40

• Is the only Convention Centre supported by accommodation

meeting and breakout rooms that can host 7.000 delegates.

facilities of 1.450 guestrooms next to it.

Furthermore KICC provides 3000 m2 of exhibition space.

116  Money & Tourism



Blue Lagoon Group Blue Lagoon Group is an evolving top of the line Hospitality

junior suites with or without Jacuzzi or private pool and execu-

Group which operates 7 luxury hotels. Five are located on the

tive suites with private pools.

beautiful island of Kos and two are in breathtaking Halkidiki.

Our hotels are as varied as the wishes of our guests. We offer our

Our latest addition is the brand new luxury adults only hotel

hospitality to families, couples, for leisure or business, for wed-

Blue Lagoon Ocean, in Psalidi on Kos island.

dings or renewal of your vows. If you are a couple that dreams of

At the Blue Lagoon Group you can expect high quality Hotels &

hosting your wedding in a venue that stands out from the rest,

Resorts in some of the most exquisite locations in Greece. We

then one of our hotels would be an excellent choice. Elegant

offer luxury accommodation with a broad range of facilities from

restaurants will surprise you with sophisticated mouth-watering

waterparks and outdoor sports to relaxing spa treatments and

creations and speciality restaurants will entice you with inter-

professional children’s and adults entertainment.

national dishes.

We provide different room types of high standard for every taste;

The Blue Lagoon Group follows high quality standards while also

stunning sea view rooms, spacious family rooms with a separate

promoting environmental friendly procedures. We offer first class

bedroom for the children, swim up rooms and adults only rooms,

hospitality and we are here to make your holidays unforgettable.

Edition 2019 






Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows Discover the art of summer enjoy, swim, relax

dedicated to adults only (16+), swap pure & minimal aesthetics with Greek architectural elements. Situated in close proximity to the main building of Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows, the Junior Suites are

Situated on an endless horizon, this stunning hotel is idyllically spread

a cluster of separate townhouses, with a ground floor or first floor

on a Blue Flag awarded beach, set in beautiful green gardens with

option, designed around a shared lagoon style pool that will take you

views of breath-taking sunsets.

from terrace to pool in seconds.

This is the ideal resort for a relaxing holiday filled with sun, to enjoy

The ambient Máina Gastro Bar, is a new Mediterranean ά la carte

and remember with those you love!

restaurant that takes centre stage in the new complex, with a menu

Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows is located in the area of Marmari,

designed both for the guests’ wellness & pleasure, including a wide

that is literally in the centre of the island, 20 minutes away from the

range of dishes designed to cover a wide range of dietary preferenc-

airport and the city port.

es. Discover the true taste of summer with the impressive dishes of

This 4 star hotel is situated in 25 hectares of lush green gardens

Máina Gastro Bar made with care from the best, locally sourced ingre-

and adjacent to a Natura reserve, it offers contemporary classical

dients, for a unique gastronomic journey in Greek modern cuisine.

elegance in beautifully landscaped gardens, coupled with exquisite

In the state of the art relaxing settings of Anassa Spa Wellness Cen-

food and generous hospitality.

ter you can indulge in all kinds of treatments and therapies. Here

Guests can enjoy stylishly decorated rooms, spacious alfresco decks,

you will be pampered in a tranquil and soothing setting where you

inviting swimming pools, all this coupled with personalized service

can choose from a selection of beauty and care treatments for your

and attention to detail. Among amenities provided to our guests, are

skin, hair and body. The wellness area has a traditional sauna, a

free of charge WiFi, sun beds and beach towels.

calming indoor pool area and a fully equipped state of the art gym.

The new additions of the ultra-modern 5 star swim-up Junior Suites,

Our young guests will be able to spend endless hours of fun in the

120  Money & Tourism



Junior Suites ( Adults Only)

new Mini Club area that is complete with a Water Park and new playground. These facilities are dedicated to meet the needs of parents with young children, allowing them the luxury of relaxing, knowing that their children are amused. Even if you have to mix business with pleasure, the fully equipped S. Fanourakis Conference Centre is the ideal venue for small and medium size conferences, and business gatherings. Spend your days sunbathing or swimming on the kilometer long sandy beach or leisurely lounging by the fantastic pools. Here you can choose from numerous indoor and outdoor activities, in the new tennis and basketball courts, which will keep you vigorous and rejuvenated. Restore your well being by strolling in our wonderful gardens and discover a unique palm tree forest situated within the resort. Enjoy the sun, swim in the sea and relax, discovering the art of summer at Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows, Marmari - Kos Edition 2019  121



Kos Aktis Art Hotel - Junior Suites Kos Aktis Art Hotel (former Xenia of Kos) is a luxurious art hotel in the most privileged, historical and commercial location on Kos Island. Including 36 rooms and 6 junior suites, all overlooking the Aegean, Kos Aktis Art Hotel is a city hotel located in the heart of Kos town, offering stunning views in a cozy atmosphere. Minimal decoration, shades of blue in every aspect and details literally filled with wood and glass. All rooms follow the same decorative line, with glass balconies being the highlight of the your stay. In-room facilities include air condition, telephone, mini bar, satellite TV, hairdryer, magnifying mirror, trouser press, safety box, free wireless internet and coffee / tea amenities. Room service is available from 8:00 a.m. to 23.00. The perfect positioning appoints each and every room a breathtaking view of the Aegean. Kos Aktis Art hotel also features a cozy restaurant café bar (H2O), a mini gym, a meeting room with a capacity of 10 persons and a 24-hour reception. H2O restaurant café bar delivers a charming marriage of Greek traditional cuisine with international flavors and offers choices such as gluten free, vegetarian, low calories, low cost, sugar free, suitable for diabetics etc, making Η2Ο a solid option for every guest. The breakfast buffet offered in H2O, is prepared under the specifications of the program «Greek breakfast», of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, which aims to the promotion of Greece’s regional gastronomic wealth. Kos Aktis Art Hotel (and H2O Bar - Restaurant), remains open all year round and has established itself as one of the most popular destinations in the city center. 122  Money & Tourism

Kos Hotel Junior Suites Operating all year round, Kos Hotel Junior Suites has warmly embraced its guests offering pleasant accommodation and genuine Greek hospitality. Being the first privately owned hotel on the island of Kos, Kos Hotel Junior Suites has been a operating since 1967. It is ideally situated in the heart of Kos Island, opposite the Marina of Kos, facing the Aegean Sea and only a few minutes’ walk from Kos town. Kos Hotel Junior Suites features 66 fully equipped rooms / apartments. Kos Hotel Junior Suites includes facilities such as a modern, fully equipped fitness and wellness center (Body ‘n’ Soul Gym & Spa), where guests have the opportunity to rejuvenate their body and mind, from head to toe. Group classes, such as pilates, yoga, tae bo, zumba etc., are also available, almost all year round. The spa therapists are trained to provide complete relaxation, beauty treatments, massage therapies, sauna and Haman services. As for your hands and feet, a nail salon is available to take care of your manicure and pedicure, during your holidays. Being one of the few hotels in the city center with its own pool, Kos Hotel Junior Suites offers both the sea and pool, right at your feet. A kid’s pool is also available for our little guests, while others may swim, sunbathe or enjoy snacks and refreshments by the pool. The conference room is often used by the global business and scientific community for various events and can responsibly host occasions of all kind, successfully hosting 120 people in a theatrical set up. Kos Hotel Junior Suites offers a 24 hour reception, WiFi access in public areas and sea view rooms - apartments.



Patmos Aktis Suites & Spa Hotel Five star facilities, surrounded by the natural environment of Grikos bay, positioned in the blessed Island of Patmos. Patmos Aktis Suites and Spa Hotel is a 5-star hotel in Patmos Island, situated only a few steps from the one of the most fascinating beaches of Patmos Island, Grikos Bay. Patmos Aktis is a luxurious boutique hotel offering deluxe rooms, maisonettes, lavish suites with private pools, exclusive spa facilities, a spectacular award-winning restaurant (Apocalypsis) and a bar in a unique seafront setting (Theion Bar). Considered perhaps the most ideally located hotel in one of the most significant international religious destinations, the sacred island of the Apocalypse, its guests can enjoy a contemporary serene atmosphere, where romance and tranquility prevail. Patmos Aktis Suites and Spa Hotel provides a great bend of contemporary and traditional aspects, inspired by the unspoiled architecture of Patmos Island. Patmos Aktis Suites & Spa is in total alliance with the surrounding physical environment, with each of the 56 rooms and suites positioned only a few steps from the beach. In-room facilities include Wi-Fi, minibar, LCD TV screens both in bedroom and living room, telephone, safety poxes, ironing facilities, amenities, shared or private pool, balconies, sea view. The Anasa Wellness & Spa exclusive facilities complete the tranquil ambiance and promise to revitalize your body and soul, offering treatments inspired from the Middle East. Anasa Wellness & Spa facilities are up to date with the latest trends of body treatments and include facilities such as hair salon, spa manicure & pedicure, bio-sauna, hamam, luxury body treatments,

hot stones massage, couples’ treatments, variety of massage techniques, fitness room, experience shower, rasul, indoor pool, make-up artists. The awarded with a golden chef’s cap award restaurant «Apocalypsis», offers Greek creative cuisine, using fresh regional ingredients, while successfully combining international tastes with Mediterranean flavors. The breakfast buffet is certified by the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels and prepared under the specifications of the program «Greek breakfast», using regional products from Greece, with an aim to promote Greek gastronomy. In Theion sea bar, guests and visitors may enjoy the scenic view of Grikos bay, while enjoying drinks and cocktails in a restful atmosphere, gazing the mysterious rock «Petra» or «Kalikatsou», for locals. In this picturesque scenery, professional event planners provide absolutely tailor-made services, devoting their undivided attention and dedicated assistance to plan any special occasion, in order to ensure that these memorable moments will constitute an unforgettable experience for our guests. Patmos Aktis Suites & Spa conference center is the ideal choice for those who consider organizing or planning business meetings in Patmos. The hotel is appointed with technical equipment, suitable to support all kinds of events, from a corporate incentive of 10 to a high management conference of 200. For any social or cultural event, the qualified personnel will support and assist from the very first step to the farewell of the participants. Our vision is to offer supreme services in an outstanding voyage, adding your vacations the appropriate proportion of quality and tradition. Edition 2019




Atlantica Porto Bello Hotels

A true feeling of warmth and style from the minute you enter Atlantica Porto Bello Hotels are owned by Konstantinos J. Pa-

salon, fully equipped fitness room, tennis and basketball court,

terakis and sit in a hideaway spot on the southeast coast of

beach volley, children’s club, water sports, shops, conference

Kos, 9km away from Kos Hippocrates International Airport. It’s

room, full day time and evening entertainment. Focal point for

a peaceful location and ideal for those wanting to switch off.

this luxurious hotel is the variety of the dining options from

The livelier resort of Kardamena is just 3km away where you

a traditional Greek tavern to Italian and Asian delights and a

will find a full variety of bars, restaurants and shops.

Gelateria, offering a taste of the intercontinental flavors for

Atlantica Porto Bello Royal, is a cosmopolitan 5* All- Inclusive

the sweet tooth.

resort which has been carefully designed to allow every holi-

Atlantica Porto Bello Beach, is a family 4* All- inclusive resort.

daymaker the change to unwind within an elegant environment.

Build in 1989, the hotel is a real treat for all the family inclu-

Built in 2004, the Hotel is made in a modern, Mediterranean

ding Aquatica Water park which has been ranked in the top 25

design with a total of 400 luxury rooms and suites and stylish

waterparks in Europe. With a total of 305 rooms and a private

interiors. Most of the rooms offer spacious living and surround

marina, the large pool takes centre spot at the hotel and there

the twenty- four amazing swimming pools. Double rooms with

are four different restaurants and three bars to enjoy. And if

garden or sea view, swim-up rooms with private pool, royal

that’s not enough then there is a variety of day time and eve-

and junior suites, and maisonettes. All rooms are fully fur-

ning entertainment, children’s club, a tennis and basketball

nished with internet access in all rooms and hotel areas. The

court, beach volley and watersports, a wonderful spa where

hotel offers a magnificent spa with a huge indoor pool, hair

you can spend your holiday.

124  Money & Tourism

Discover the art of summer enjoy | swim | relax

Caravia Beach Hotel & Bungalows Marmari - Kos, 85300 Tel: +30 22420 41291 | email:



Find your own Island at Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa Original, laid-back and private is what describes best this

Aegean Sea and the renown sunset of Oia, making their stay

all-suite and villas hotel that has brought a fresh concept in a

an indulgently exclusive experience.

world-famous destination and a modern flair with easygoing

The perfect holiday rhythm is easy to come at the awarded as

spirit to your summer days and nights.

the best Resort Spa in Europe, Anassa Spa, offering a pletho-

Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites and Spa is a lavish and serene

ra of deeply rejuvenating treatments and health and fitness

retreat, located in the breathtaking island of Santorini. Being

packages as well as a wonderfully equipped gym. Awarded

a destination for those who are bound by a desire and know-

among the best restaurants in Greece by the ‘’Greek Cuisi-

how for high quality and distinctive style, here you can feel

ne Awards’’, Alios Ilios restaurant serves delicacies inspired

right at home and instantly be reassured that all your needs

by a Creative Greek Cuisine concept of philosophy, exquisite

are met in a seamless experience.

food products from around Greece and the freshest, seasonal

Being inspired by the architecture of Santorini, every single de-

produce from the depths of the sea to our very own garden.

tail around the suites and villas holds a story. Separated into

The Akratos Poolside Bar and the Romantic Bar, both serve

three sprawling neighborhoods - named after Greek island

expertly mixed cocktails, while the in-room candlelit dinners

complexes - and inspired by the light and the colors of the is-

easily and artfully set up by us add true sense of tranquility

land, our guests can linger in their spacious personal verandas

and pampering.

with heated jacuzzis and spanning views in every suite. They

For those who do want to tear themselves away for an excursion,

can either stroll around the picturesque alleys surrounded by

our Guest Experience Specialists are on the ready to careful-

greenery and the whitewashed domed suites or splash around

ly design the perfect tailor-made trip or even the whole stay.

the dazzling infinity pools and gaze at the magical vistas to the

Guests are thus able to connect with the local culture, gastro-

126  Money & Tourism



nomy, nature, adventure sports and anything else they desire, or are inspired to explore. This is just one way that we remain above the rest and at the same time we are firmly connected with the island in a meaningful and sustainable way that respects Santorini’s community and nature. SANTO MARIS OIA FACILITIES: • 65 Suites & Villas, all with jacuzzi and/or private pool • One of Santorini’s largest Spa centers with indoor heated pool, awarded as the Best Resort Spa in Europe and Greece for 2017 & 2018 in the World Spa Awards • ALIOS ILIOS Restaurant with a focus on Creative Greek Cuisine concept of philosophy, awarded among the best restaurants in Greece by the ‘’Greek Cuisine Awards’’ • Romantic Bar for cocktails with panoramic view to the sunset of Oia • Akratos Poolside Bar for invigorating snacks and drinks throughout the day and views to the Aegean Sea • Guest Experience Specialists Team for the most personalized experience in the island • 5 outdoor swimming pools • 24h Gym • Parking Area Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa firstly opened its doors in 2016 as the newest addition to the Metaxa Hospitality Group, which has been operating in the tourism sector since 1975. Edition 2019



Crete Crossway of the age-long seaways of Mediterranean, birthplace of Zeus (father of the Gods of Olympus) and of Minoan civilisation, one of the oldest ones in Europe, with palace-cities in Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Zakros. The trip to the island is unforgettable and full of surprises.


ruins of the Minoan Kidonia and surrounded by the Venetian Wall and the sea. As a cultural centre, it attracted important scientists, philosophers, poets and artists, whereas during the Venetian and Turkish occupation, the cohabitation of people of different nationality, culture and religion (Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Jews and Mussulmans) has left deep “scars� and made remarkable creations. It is worth noticing that in the borders of the city with Acrotiri, there are found the graves of Eleftherios and Sofocles Venizelos. In the under populated mainland of Hania, there are villages, such as Vamos, Kastelli, Milia and Keramia that evidence the simplicity and the distinctiveness of Cretan life and nature, by providing an unforgettable stay, while at

tarting from the region of Hania, which is the most

the same time in South the area of Fragokastello, one of the

western part of the island, the visitor is surprised

most astonishing beaches of Mediterranean amazes with

from the following pictures: endless sandy beaches,

the Venetian castle and the legend of the magical shadows

rough canyons, caves, native animals and indigenous


plants, long olive and orange groves, villages forgotten from

Protected areas from hunting, parks and biotopes (the lake

time, dispersed churches and monasteries, towers and castles.

of Agias, Kourna, Gavdos and Gavdopoula islands, Elafonisi),

The old city in Hania attracts the interest of the visitors, which

the most magnificent canyon of Europe, the Canyon of Sama-

is situated over and around the hill of Kastelli, built in the

ria and more than 1.500 sea caves or not attract visitors, who

128  Money & Tourism 2019

[TRAVEL] discover hidden natural beauties, enjoy nature as they have never before and they experience folkways next to real people. The municipality of Rethimno follows. It is the most alp area of Crete. It is an area with contradictions, with great history and legacy, natural beauty and living traditions. In the centre part of the island and between the mountain of Psiloriti and the White Mountains, there were found archaeological finds, specimens of ancient and recent civilizations, in a land where the past changes into present and inspires tomorrow. The tourist can be guided in the nearest places from the capital of Rethymnon (Rethymnon city) with the Fortezza fortress, the Catholic monastery of Agios Fragiskos and the five mosques (Impraim Han mosque, Neratzes, Kara Mousa Pasa, Megali Porta, Veli Pasa mosque). The Arkadios monastery stands out. It is the most revolutionary centre during the Turkish occupation and the Prevelis monastery that apart from the monastery it also has a paradise sea. In Anogia, built in Psiloritis, one can visit the cave, where Olympian Zeus was born, according to the Mythology and everyone can enjoy the cool sea in Bali and Agia Galini. Heraklio is a place where surprises succeed one another and the land has unique beauty and contrasts. It is rough and “naked” in some parts, but filled with forests in other ones, with plenty of villages, monasteries, castles, churches on the mountains, ancient stuff and drywalls. Unadulterated from the modern life, it combines uniquely the Cretan hospitality and confirms that the most original descendants of Xenias Zeus are still residents of this place. Heraklio is the biggest urban unit and the biggest economic

little churches, monasteries and in peaks of the mountains.

centre and the capital of Crete’s region. It is the birthplace

Climbers and ramblers worship it. One can smell the orange

of Dominikos Theotokatos, but also birthplace of an import-

trees, the thyme, the sage and the wild flowers. One can also

ant man of letters concerning literary Cretan tradition, Nikos

visit the cave Dikeon Andron, where Zeus was born, according

Kazantzakis. In the streets, the squares of the city, the market,

to mythology and later he carried beautiful Europe from the

the Venetian port, the museums and in the churches, the visi-

shores of Asia. Small and beautiful towns filled with age-old

tor will discover a city that through the valuable experience

flavors and scents, traditional elements, absolute peace and

of the past is searching for something new, by offering magic

savage unadulterated scenery with lots of interspersions in

and vitality. In Heraklio, the powers and the expressions of

vegetation and a large variety of rare species. However, the-

nature gain human characteristics and change into mythi-

re is a cosmopolitan air and a vivid nightlife.

cal characters. Every spring, in the holy mountain of Idis, the

Lasithi with the endless beaches and the picturesque cities

father of Gods, Zeus, is reborned. Also, the ecosystems that

is situated next to the blue and crystal waters of Cretan

are growing in the alp parts of Heraklio are of great interest,

and Libyan sea. Its seashores vary. Some are sandy, some

because they are rich in flora and fauna.

have white pebbles, some are deserted or filled with pho-

Lasithi, the east side of Crete and the most southwestern part

enixes (Vai) and others are organised or cosmopolitan. One

of Europe, has a 5.000 years tradition. It extends near endless

can live in the cities, such as Agios Nikolaos, the capital,

variform shores and it is situated near desert islands with

with scenic open view to Elounta and Spinaloga, Sitia with

cedars (Chrisi) and historical monuments (Koufonisi). It has

a unique rhythm of life and new experiences and Hierapet-

olive groves and vineyards and is lost in canyons, caves and

ra, the southern city of Crete that preserves the atmosphe-

crests. It provides table-lands (Lasithi, Katharo) and natural

re and the “old-age neighborhood”, combining at the same

creeks (Elounta) for relaxation. One can pray in picturesque

time new challenges for every visitor. Edition 2019




Cyan group of hotels Sitia Beach City Resort & Spa Open all year round, Sitia Beach City Resort & Spa, the only 5-star

ros” and 120 km from Heraklion Airport ‘Nikos Kazantzakis’. Sitia is

hotel in Sitia, is located on a private sandy beach along the bay of

a town situated in the far east of Crete, in the prefecture of Lasithi.

Sitia and just 300 meters from the city centre. During the day you

It is located east of Agios Nikolaos and north east of Ierapetra, in

can enjoy swimming and sunbathing either in the pools or on the

a region unspoiled by mass tourism.

beach. The hotel is waiting to welcome you with Cretan Hospitality.

For the digerati, free fast Internet and ubiquitous wi-fi access is

The hotel has 162 rooms in an authentic building architecture on


four floors, surrounded by flowers and greenery. Our main restaurant offers a big variety of culinary delights, including Greek specialties and cooked-to-order daily specials. In only 5 minutes’ walk you will reach the center of Sitia city, the marina, the shops and taverns. The area surrounding the resort is suitable for beautiful walks, swimming, cycling, trekking and jogging. The main bus station is roughly 300 m away but there is a bus stop directly in front of the hotel with a regular bus service connecting to the Vai Palm Forest, Zakros Palace and other villages and attractions nearby. The hotel is only 1.5 km away from Sitia Airport “Vitsentzos Korna-

130  Money & Tourism



Cyan group of hotels Santa Marina Beach Resort Santa Marina Beach Resort is located directly on the long

you will quickly arrive at Santa Marina Beach Resort . We are

sandy beach of Amoudara, in the center of Crete. While in

located centrally between East and West Crete, so the hotel

our spacious pool area our guests, young and old alike, can

is a convenient and central starting point for many interest-

enjoy all-day sportings activities and entertainment, you will

ing excursions across the spectacular island of Crete, with its

find rest and relaxation in the wide-area gardens or on the

exciting history and Cretan culture.

gently sloping beach.

For the digerati, free fast Internet in all public areas available!

The 208 rooms, bungalows and suites in the three-storey main building and the 4 bungalow complexes offer all the comforts necessary for a memorable vacation. Our restaurant offers a huge variety of culinary delights, including Greek specialties and cooked-to-order daily specials. In front of the hotel you find the lively village of Amoudara, inviting you for an evening stroll with its numerous souvenir shops, bars, restaurants and taverns. The bus stop directly in front of the hotel has a regular service connecting you to the center of Heraklion, the capital of Crete, which is only 5 km away. The transfer time from Heraklion airport is only 20 minutes, so Edition 2019  131



Cyan group of hotels Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa has been awarded the Holi-

local bus stops directly outside the hotel and offers a regu-

dayCheck Award for 2018!

lar service connecting you to the center of Heraklion which

With 336 rooms, bungalows and suites that make up the five-

is only 7 km away.

storey main building and 3 bungalow complexes Apollonia

The transfer time from Heraklion airport is only 30 minutes,

Beach Resort & Spa offers all the comforts necessary for a

so you will quickly arrive at Apollonia Beach Resort & Spa.

memorable vacation.

Located centrally between East and West Crete, the hotel is

The hotel is located directly on the long and sandy beach of

also a convenient launching pad for many interesting excur-

Amoudara. In its lush gardens you will find peace and relax-

sions across the spectacular island of Crete, with its exciting

ation, while in the spacious pools and on the beach, young and

history and culture.

old alike can enjoy all-day sports activities and entertainment. For the digerati, free fast Internet and ubiquitous wi-fi access is included. The hotel’s main restaurant offers a huge variety of culinary delights, including Greek specialties and cooked-to-order daily specials, while at the three a la carte specialty restaurants you can enjoy traditional Cretan, Vegan and Italian cuisines. Furthermore, the area surrounding the resort is integrated into the national park of Almyros and offers the opportunity for beautiful walks, hiking and jogging. The lively village of Amoudara with souvenir shops, bars, restaurants and tavernas is only a 15’ walk away whilst the

132  Money & Tourism



Daios Cove Luxury Resort & Villas Near the town of Agios Nikolaos, yet on the secluded beach of

complex, also, further features luxury villas which offer high-

Vathi, Daios Cove Luxury Resort & Villas enjoy an exclusive ele-

end exclusive services to guests.

gant and serene location. In a private cove amidst blue skies,

Mixing business with pleasure, the complex, offers a range of

a crescent of sand and the calm of the Mediterranean, Daios

conferencing facilities, including two ballrooms, six meeting

Cove Luxury Resort & Villas is regarded as the ultimate 5 star

rooms, an exhibition space and an outdoor events area over-

beach resort in Crete Island.

looking the sea.

Daios Cove Luxury Resort & Villas offers more than lavish sur-

Furthermore, at Daios guests may enjoy a range of facilities

roundings and a 5-star holiday experience. It’s the unique at-

including three restaurants and bars, one sea water swimming

mosphere that has to be experienced and enjoyed. It’s a mood.

pool with amazing views to the private cove, two indoor pools

It’s afeeling.

with fresh sea water, watersports centre, fitness centre, tennis

This charming luxury accommodation in Crete features a variety

courts. Or they can relax in the Spa, enjoying the breathtaking

of luxury rooms and luxury suites with sea view, luxury rooms

sea views into the indoor infinity pool. Of course they can enjoy

and luxury suites with sea view, some with their own sea wa-

the wide array of attractions in this beautiful location, taking

ter pools, designed by the prestigious firm 3SK Stylianidis. The

advantage of the car rental and the limo services of the hotel.

Edition 2019




Hellenic Zeus DMC Established in 1966 by Ioannis Papakaliatis, originally under

specialists will work with you hand in hand from the offering

the name “Zeus of Crete”, it was one of the first Incoming &

stage through the planning and delivery of a successful project.

Handling Agencies in Crete. Since then the company continued

We are passionate on what we do with the focus to create unique

its core incoming business and has grown to one of the Leading

experiences for our partners and clients.

DMC’s in Crete and Greece, known for its quality, reliability and

With extensive know how and long-term business relations

impeccable service.

with suppliers, we provide competitive edge and support. Yet,

From the day of the first charter flight to Crete, we are proud to

our key asset is our team of dedicated professionals that will

have served millions of tourists to the island and worked with

handle all aspects of your business with efficiency, consistency

the best travel brands in the industry.

and personal service.

Hellenic Zeus offers a complete range of services to Tour Operators,

Working with the latest technologies in tourism software, tailored

Luxury T.Os, OTAs, Cruise Lines, Group Operators and Individuals,

made and developed by our own IT company Zeus Tech, we

offering easy access to the destination and a “one stop” shop

assure accuracy and time/cost saving. Real time bookings and

for its international partners.

connectivity with OTAs have never been easier.

We equally cater for the needs of the MICE market with creative

A strong Local Link to international partners

programs to suit any company group size, budget and style. Our

134  Money & Tourism

CRETEBlue Sea Beach Marina Beach Cook’s Club The Village Resort & Waterpark Neptuno Beach | RHODESCosmopolitan




CONFER E N CE CE N TRE MH.T.E. 1040Κ015Α0079800 / 1040Κ015Α0079700


MH.T.E. 1040Κ015Α0079800 / 1040Κ015Α0079700

MH.T.E. 1040Κ015Α0079800 / 1040Κ015Α0079700




Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas Elounda Bay Palace Accommodation

Elounda Beach Hotel & Villas 245 deluxe rooms, bungalows, suites and villas among them: 42 villas with private heated pools 9 yachting villas with private heated pools 3 royal villas with private indoor & outdoor heated pools Elounda Bay Palace 262 rooms, bungalows, suites and villas.

Restaurants & Bars

• Artemis & Aretousa Main Restaurant • Dionysos A-la-carte Restaurant: Gourmet • Argonaut Seaside Restaurant: Grills for lunch & Italian Cuisine for Dinner • Blue Lagoon by Mistura: japanese - peruvian cuisine by the water’s edge • Sushi Bar • Kafenion & Ariadne: Greek traditional specialities • Pool Bars, Lobby Bars with piano • Sail in & Veghera Jetty Bar: All day & night music bar in the middle of the sea.

Recreation & Leisure

• Secluded white sandy beaches, umbrellas & sunbeds • 2 outdoor seawater pools, indoor heated pool • Extensive gardens with walking paths • Five floodlit Tennis Courts, 3 clay courts and 2 artificial grass • Volley Ball court • Basket court • Mini soccer • Table tennis

138  Money & Tourism

• Health & Fitness Center-Sauna, Aerobic, Gym Room, Hairdresser Salon • Watersports Center, SCUBA diving, sailing, waterskiing • Espace Vitalite Chenot Penthouse Spa • Luxury Cars & Yacht Hire, Limo, Helicopter & Learjet Service • Open Air Amphitheater for cultural events • In the hotel’s village: Boutiques, Museum of Cretan Art, Chapel • Children’s playground & supervised animation program • Valet parking • Excursions & Air Travel Desk • 24-Hour Room Service • Secretarial & Business Services

Conference Facilities (Elounda Executive Conference Center) • APOLLO Conference Room for up to 120 persons • OLOUNDION Amphitheater for up to 600 persons • ZEUS Conference Room for up to 450 persons • CRONOS Conference Room for up to 140 persons • Auxiliary rooms of various sizes located adjacent to the conference area • Pre-function spaces

Conference Suites MARS, VENUS & ILIOS, HERMES



PHĀEA Resorts True. Passionate. Innovative. Committed to people. Conscious. Inspired by the integrity of the Cretan soul, PHĀEA Resorts a visionary of Greek Hospitality, aims at creating meaningful travel experiences for like-minded people. With beauty as its guide and Greek heritage as its main source of inspiration, PHĀEA Resorts craft meaningful travel experiences that bring people together and nourish body and soul. Marrying integrity with care, and expertise with passion, PHĀEA Resorts embrace innovation, sustainability and family values to create concepts that respect people, guests and associates alike, and give prominence to a truer, more timeless Greece that is worth celebrating.

Edition 2019




Creta Maris Beach Resort Authentic Holidays’ Experience with Sustainability Sensitivity in a High Quality All inclusive Resort Creta Maris Beach Resort, with a capacity of 680 rooms, has been originally launched in 1975 and is situated next to Hersonissos, just 24km from the Heraklion Airport. A blend of tradition and luxury together on a beautiful beach with crystal clear waters where guests can experience the authentic Cretan hospitality. Creta Maris, a small village with quaint twisting paths, small piazzas filled with the scents and colors of a wide variety of trees and flowers, is a unique combination of Aegean Architecture, Cretan hospitality, green oriented environment, and high quality

• 2 Snack Points & 9 bar • 6 outdoor & 1 indoor heated pool • 6 children pools • Open-Air Cinema «Cine Creta Maris» • Waterpark 4000 sqm. • Fitness Center • Hammam Spa by Aegeo Spas • Baby Room (up to 5 yrs, available in July-August) • Kids Club (4 to 11 yrs) • Teens Club (12 to 15 yrs, available in July-August) • Internet Corner, Free High Speed Wi-Fi (100 Mbps) in all rooms and common areas, • 2 Tennis Courts, Mini Soccer Court (5x5) • Mini-Golf, Basketball 3x3, Boccia, Beach Volley

all-Inclusive services.

• 1 Evening Entertainment Open-Air Theater

Creta Maris Beach Resort is located in front of a beautiful beach

• Entertainment Team and many activities for adults and children!

• Organic Field

awarded by the International Program of Blue Flags and offers: • 680 Rooms, Bungalows, & Suites

Creta Maris Beach Resort is a member of Metaxa Hospitality

• 2 main & 4 thematic restaurants (incl. 2 a la carte)


140  Money & Tourism




S RESORTS SAPOUNAKIS GROUP S resorts is one of the leading hospitality Groups in Crete, one of

Ikaros Beach Luxury Resort & Spa 5* (Malia)

the most popular summer destinations of Europe. The company

Once you wish a holiday escape where you can recharge and reju-

was founded in 1994, it is family owned and has seen rapid growth

venate your soul, indulge in activities and experience fine cuisine

through hotel development and strategic acquisitions in the

or enjoy a romantic getaway, look for no further than Ikaros Beach

tourist industry. Today, the group employs more than 640 people in 4 resorts and a theme park full of water sports, activities & fun games. The group’s resorts, all located by the sea, are designed and constructed to cover the needs of every type of guest and satisfy their holiday expectations. Our portfolio includes hotel resorts, family resorts, a 5 star luxury resort, a theme park, restaurants, bars and shops. In our hotels’ facilities you will find international

Luxury Resort & Spa. Our blissful atmosphere, attentive service, facilities and the combination of tradition, hospitality and the elegance of simplicity is the answer to your dream holiday. Our five-star hotel - steeped in the warmth of Cretan traditions and hospitality - brings luxury, romance and world-class services together to ensure an unforgettable holiday as our rich culture and unique traditions become part of your experience. Whether you want to have a romantic sunset stroll and feel the sand between your toes or indulge in a Mediterranean feast made from the fi-

standards tennis courts, training facilities for professional

nest products at one of our restaurants, sip on a signature cock-

athletes, spas, wedding chapels and conference centres as well

tail, simply relax or get pampered in the Aura Spa, Ikaros Beach

as outdoor gardens for the events of your dreams.

can make your dreams come true.

142  Money & Tourism




With our eclectic mix of true Cretan architecture, outstanding services and amenities we bring you the best of both worlds; a


chance to have an authentic experience with the option of choosing between our Bed & Breakfast, half-board or All- Inclusive packages as you enjoy our high-quality concierge and services. Your tranquil Greek paradise awaits.

Lyttos Beach 5* (Analipsi)

A 5 star hotel that will indulge you in its own private world. Lyttos Beach is a unique mosaic created by sun, sea, sand, unparalleled views, sports, fun and games, relaxation, fine International & Greek cuisine with live show-cooking stations and a cosy but luxurious atmosphere. On one of the most beautiful islands in Greece, Crete - an astonishing resort of 650 rooms, professional tennis courts, countless swimming pools with 3 of them constructed at the Olympic Games dimensions - awaits for you to create your unforgettable holiday memories. In the famous holiday destination of Hersonissos, the hotel can easily be compared to a heavenly scenery. Lose yourself in its world! Tennis Academy For all tennis fans that would like to enjoy a good tennis game, and for those who just wish to test their tennis skills, Lyttos Beach offers luxurious tennis facilities that will satisfy the amateur and even the most demanding player! These same courts host ITF professional tournaments every spring and autumn, bringing together athletes from all over the world for a chance to increase Edition 2019  143




ARINA BEACH & BUNGALOWS their world ranking in ATP and WTA. Lyttos Beach has had the pleasure in organising the Pro Futures Tennis Tournaments since 2013. • 12 courts surface type: hybrid clay • Classified court pace: category 1 slow • 12 courts surface type: acrylic • Classified court pace: category 2 medium - slow


Star Beach Hotel Village & Water Park 4* (Hersonissos) Welcome to a star experience in Star Beach Village. A four star hotel set on the stunning white beaches of Hersonissos, Crete, Star Beach Village immerses guests in the culture of the region, the endless sea and sun escapes and the family fun activities

• 4 courts surface type: carpet

throughout the resort. Spend your holiday in Star Beach Village

• Classified court pace: category 3 medium

and wash the weight of every day life off your shoulders, enjoy

• 4 padel courts

unique family moments and fun activities in an environment whose relaxed decoration and style testify to the natural

Arina Beach & Bungalows 4* (Kokkini Hani)

rhythms of the island life.

Arina Beach is exactly what you are looking for your next beach

Summer means joy, relaxation, gaming and unique entertainment

escape. A spacious hideaway, spread out in 40 acres, steps from

choices that never end! Star Beach is one of the first and most

the Cretan sea‘s crystal-clear waters, it’s a place to relax and have

well known seaside fun parks in Europe.

fun moments, savour fresh island cuisine, and feel instantly at

Located across an area of 4 acres in the most beautiful spot of

ease. The hotel’s location is ideal for daily city visits, exploration

Hersonissos, Star Beach offers the best and most exciting mo-

of the local sights and landmarks as well as trips to both sides

ments of summer to you and your family. Star Beach excels when

of the island. Slip into an island home “away from home” the

it comes to families.

moment you arrive. At Arina Beach, our spacious residential-style

Age-specific kids’ activities and adventure outposts ensure ma-

guest rooms and bungalows feature vibrant minimal furniture and

ximum ‘time-out’. In the vast water park you will have a variety

fresh coloured linens and beddings, creating a breezy island oasis

of choices to spend your day in the water: family activities, water

to call home. They are all located just a short stroll from the beach

sports, bungee jumping, and so many water slides you will wish

and all 295 rooms as well as bungalows boast views of the sea.

to return! Book your stay at Star Beach Village and enjoy the park

at the most of your family’s ability!

144  Money & Tourism

Water Park



Aquila Atlantis Hotel

Aquila Elounda Village

Aquila Rithymna Beach

Aquila Hotels & Resorts A legendary myth of luxury and pleasure

A blissful vacation experience

Aquila Rithymna Beach welcomes you to enjoy a seafront paradi-

A gem in the city of Rethymno, the Aquila Porto Rethymno com-

se, offering an enchanting magical scenery and utmost relaxation.

bines natural beauty and vibrant culture in a superb setting. All

The lavish bungalows, suites and villas present a perfect balance

guestrooms are recently renovated equipped with contemporary

of traditional Cretan style and luxury.

amenities, elegant furniture and state-of-the-art facilities.

Μoments of business & pleasure

Romantic hideaway for two

Aquila Atlantis Hotel is the perfect venue for all kinds of meetings

Surrounded by crystal-clear water of the Mirabello bay, the Aquila

and social events perfectly located in the heart of Heraklion city. It

Elounda Village offers an isolated sanctuary for couples. A recent

is open all year round giving its guests the opportunity to socialize

restyling is also inspired by the classical elegance of exterior Cre-

with a wide range of activities within or beyond the hotel’s premises.

tan architecture, blend in natural tones and stone paving.

Edition 2019




Giannoulis Hotels & Resorts Built on the waves so to speak, on some of Crete’s most beautiful beaches, hidden within quiet and unchanged Cretan villages or on well known cosmopolitan resorts, designed by multi award-winning architectural companies, harmoniously blending modern aesthetic with traditional Cretan architecture, combining local building materials such as wood, stone and marble with simple modern forms and offering the highest levels of services and comforts, GIANNOULIS HOTELS AND RESORTS are the ultimate dream holiday destination.

Grand Bay Beach Resort The family getaway. Located in a traditional fishing village with an unbelievable view to the Gulf of Chania and with dramatic Spatha peninsula sunsets.

Santa Marina Plaza The boutique diamond. At Santa Marina Plaza Luxury Boutique Hotel you are the focus of our care. Cavo Spada Luxury Resort and Spa The luxurious choice. With several massage, beauty and spa treatments in a peaceful and luxurious environment.

Santa Marina Beach

Almyra Hotel and Village

The all-time classic. Set on Chania’s most cosmopolitan beach,

The secret of the Libyan. Next to the southern most city of Eu-

with white sand and clear blue waters.

rope, the bride of the Libyan and on the seafront.

146  Money & Tourism

Welcome to an experience where moments last longer...

Chania, Crete 73100, Greece, T.+30 28240 22640, +30 28240 22620, F.+30 28240 83386, E.



Nana Princess Suites, Villas & Spa The Nana Princess resort brings a truly outstanding new hospi-

delectable à la carte dinner menus.

tality experience to Greece and the magnificent island of Crete

The ultra-modern Spa & Wellness Centre occupies its own spa-

with its plethora of lavish 5* amenities and seamless tailor-ma-

ce next to the beach and is a unique innovation in wellness

de services, in which every guest receives VIP treatment. Guests

hospitality. The Royal Wellness Club and Royal Fitness Club,

can choose from amongst a sumptuous collection of 112 suites

plus the calming indoor pool, invite guests to indulge themsel-

and villas, each one uniquely designed in perfect harmony with

ves in a very discreet environment where holistic therapies go

the natural environment, while meeting the high expectations

hand in hand with ultra-modern technology. Beauty treatments

of today’s modern traveller. Almost all accommodations boast

and hairdressing services by our skilled team ensure that each

an inviting private pool and spacious outdoor sun area where

visitor is left feeling perfectly pampered and genuinely reju-

guests can sit back and take in the breathtaking sea views in


uninterrupted privacy.

Guests can enjoy some sensational shopping therapy in the

Some suites and villas also come with revitalizing saunas, deto-

“Good Life” mini-mall situated in the main building of Nana

xifying steam rooms or restorative spas designed by the award

Princess, where a wide collection of luxury goods and items can

winning Italian company, StarPool. In addition, the latest cut-

be purchased. Whether you are looking for exclusive designer

ting edge equipment in the private gyms of some of the select

brands or simply want to pick up some snacks or a book, the

suites and villas encourages guests to experience the ultimate

shopping arcade provides for all of your needs and fancies.

workout in sheer privacy, with views of the spectacular Cretan

Why not purchase some mementos of your stay or a special

sea to motivate them.

gift for your loved ones?

Elegant design meets contemporary style in the three concept

Guests will also find an art gallery in the main building which

restaurants of the resort located in the main building, the pool

exhibits a stimulating display of original works which change

area and the private beach. Guests can choose from a variety

on a monthly basis. Guests are very welcome to browse the int-

of fine dining options inspired by local influences, Mediterra-

riguing exhibits and are free to simply admire them or purchase

nean flavours and International trends in all three venues, with

what takes their fancy.

148  Money & Tourism



Nana Golden Beach***** All inclusive resort Nana Golden Beach all inclusive resort located 25 kilometers in

restaurants and bars testing traditional and international cuisine,

the east of Heraklion International Airport, in the area of Herso-

as well as national and international alcoholic drinks.

nissos, which is well known for its mild climate throughout the year. It combines uniquely the Cretan architecture with the facilities of a luxury hotel. The resort is a 5 star hotel with 500 rooms (suites and family

It offers numerous facilities to its guests such as four beautifully arranged swimming pools: • One main pool • One relaxing jacuzzi • One swimming-pool jacuzzi • Two children’s pools • One children’s waterpark • A small heated indoor swimming-pool.

rooms) and bungalows.

The hotel also offers: Open-art fitness-club • Teen Club • Sauna •

Each room is spacious and comfortable and it is equipped with: •

Turkish bath • Bridge Room • Childrens playground • Games Room

Private bathroom • Hairdryer • Digital telephone system • TV-music

• Diving center • Giant Chess • A small Church • TV room with SAT

• Air conditioning • Central heating • Refrigerator • Safety deposit box • Balcony or terrace. Most of the rooms have a spectacular view over the endless blue of the Cretan Sea. Moreover, the magnificent gardens surrounding the hotel offer a unique pleasure!!

• Open-air amplitheater • Conference Lounge • Internet Center • Parking. The experienced animation team of Nana Golden Beach all inclusive resort will help you and your children and guide you on

Nana Golden Beach all inclusive resort offers a great variety of

all the activities during the day, so as to make you holidays more

restaurants and bars for your best service and conveniece. The

enjoyable & pleasant.

150  Money & Tourism



Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting Meet one of the leading Hotel Management, Development & Consulting companies in Greece: Chnaris H.M.D.C.! Chnaris H.M.D.C. S.A. has been operating in the sector of Tourism since February 2006. It started in Crete and nowadays has successfully expanded in Greece and abroad, leaving a visible professional trace in the demanding sector of the tourist industry. As a hotel management Company, it aims at offering top quality hotel management services. It is a tourist organization with dozens of collaborating hotel units, skilled personnel, and ventures with local production organizations, international bodies as well as partnerships in almost all of Europe, to say the least. Its founder, who is also the soul of the Company, is Mr. Zacharias Chnaris. He has always been a person who liked to create. He is a person who serves tourism with loyalty, passion, a vision and imagination. He has been involved in the field since a very young age, and had the chance to manage many large, luxurious hotel units after completing his academic studies in the field. All these years, he has had only one thing in mind: how to make visitors have unforgettable holidays! Holidays that they will remember forever, recall and wish to return again and again. He only wanted to create beautiful memories to all visitors! This philosophy has been transferred to his partners! What is distinct about Chnaris H.M.D.C. is the fact that it commits itself to top quality, full satisfaction of the customer, increase in revenue and maximization of profit for hotel owners.

It is the fact that it offers a whole range of integrated services, separate or combined, adjusted to particularities, needs and demands. It is the fact that it is present in all big tourist events around the world. It is the face that it collaborates with the banks, offers financial solutions and makes hotels it operates with sustainable. In conclusion, it is the fact that it is a reliable, dynamic and essential partner!

Main Services • Hotel Management • Hotel Operations & Revenue Management • Hotel Development & Consulting Services • Contracting - Sales & Sales Management • “CHC” Brand Development • Market Research • Executive Chef Consultancy • Yield • Online Reputation management • Quality Management • Mystery Guest • Budgeting • Cost Auditing & Analysis

• HACCP – ISO • Pricing • E-Marketing • Reservations management • Registration, Management and Supervision of the B2C channels (Βοοking, Expedia, etc.) • Εxtranet Management • Channel Manager • Human Resources training • Front Office Operation – Reservations – Invoicing • Food & Beverage Integrated Operation • Health and Safety • Technical audit

Edition 2019




Rethymno Mare Royal Rethymno Mare Royal is a 5 star hotel situated in Scaleta, 11

conference rooms (fully air-conditioned) Ariadne with capacity

km away from rethymno and 65 km from heraklion. And 64 km

of 120 persons & pasiphae for 180 persons, • A big swimming

from Chania.

pool for adults (fresh water), • A swimming pool for children •

Rethymno Mare Royal is certified for following h.A.C.C.P. Proce-

children’s playground, • Children’s animation • children’s buffet

dures & from the foundation for enviromental education(fee)

• mini club (from 4 years old), • Snack pool bar apollo, • Pool

with the green key eco label and we do local label. The hotel consists of 56 superior rooms, junior suites & 1bedroom suites. Occupancy possibilities: superior rooms up to 2 adults and a baby cot, junior suites up to 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children, 1bedroom suites up to 4 adults or 2 adults and 2 children. All units are luxuriously furnished, have bathroom, toilet, balcony, music in bedroom and bathroom, telephone with a direct line in bedroom and bathroom, hairdryer, sat-tv with flat screen, individual air condition, heating, safe, refrigerator, ba-

bar Poseidon, • Beach bar Anemos, • The restaurant Dionyssos (a/c) provides an enriched buffet for breakfast lunch and dinner in buffet with cretan (local) specialities & live cooking, • The restaurant Jasmine prepare delicious dishes from cretan cuisine, • Tennis court free of charge, • Billiard table (on extra charge), • Sun beds & umbrellas at the pool, table-tennis, darts, volleyball, water polo, air-gun shooting, boccia, archery, aerobics, water gym (free of charge), • Daily animation program, including greek evenings & cretan folklore nights (with live music

throbes, slippers, tea & coffee making facilities and upon arri-

and dancers), bbq, pool/beach parties, shows & games, • Sun

val mineral water and fruits (free of charge).

beds and umbrellas are available on the beach free of charge,

Rethymno Mare Royal hotel offers:

• Beach towel service is available with deposit, • Open air thea-

• Bar-cafeteria Artemis (a/c), with nice veranda and panoramic

tre for 600 persons, • Mini spa with massage studio, • Jewellery

view, • Spacious lounge and a tv & video room (with a/c), • Two

shop (with a/c), • Wi-fi free access in public areas of the hotel.

152  Money & Tourism



Mitsis Norida Beach Hotel, Kos

Mitsis Summer Palace Beach Hotel, Kos

Mitsis Laguna Resort & Spa, Crete

Mitsis Hotels: A thriving success story As Greece’s largest privately-owned hotel chain, Mitsis Hotels

guest is the key to their success!

has been a tourism pioneer for over 40 years now, making its

Capitalizing on its refurbishment success story, in season 2020,

own mark on Greece’s tourist industry, driven by a customer -

the Group is moving its renovations from the public to the pri-

centered philosophy and the promise of an unparalleled holiday

vate space and introducing 12 new room types in 7 hotels, once


again empowering guests’ holiday experience.

With 17 hotels in their portfolio in Athens, Crete, Kamena Vourla, Kos and Rhodes, Mitsis group aspires to stand out as the preferred portfolio of hotels & resorts in Greece offering excellent service, great locations, impeccable facilities, sophisticated dining and a broad spectrum of options for its clientele. At Mitsis everything is well thought and made with care. They bring to life enriching experiences for their guests, making the most of their unparalleled family touch and genuine Greek essence, always seeking to be flexible and adaptable to individual

Mitsis hotels has been awarded several prizes by local and international tour operators and travel organizations in recognition of the high quality of the services provided, its contribution to upgrading local communities and its respect for the environment. This season, the Group earned significant recognitions and certifications, such as the eco-labels Green key, Blue Flag and the internationally recognized Travelife for Hotels & Accommodations Gold Certification, the European Business Awards, Trip

customer needs and the mindset of new generations.

Advisor’s Hall of Fame ’19, Fisher award 2019, Apollo awards 2019,

Mitsis Hotels aspires to go beyond to what is established and

TUI family champions 2019, TUI Holly award for Alila, Tourism

expected, capturing the hearts and minds of the customers, de-

awards 2019, International Design Award for Rinela, World Luxury

lighting them with the joys of premium service and attention to

Hotel Award for Laguna, while Mitsis Ramira in Kos was voted as

the smallest of details. Transforming each visitor into a special

the best hotel in the world for the 2nd year in a row! Edition 2019




Domes Miramare, a Luxury Collection Resort, Corfu

Domes of Elounda, Autograph Collection

Domes Resorts in the chic lap of luxury Domes Resorts is one of the fastest growing hotel brands in the

Domes of Elounda, Autograph Collection

high-end luxury segment in Greece. It is a selection of unique resorts offering elevated hospitality in handpicked destinations

Redefining the concept of Greek hospitality and carrying the Mar-

with rich history.

riott seal of approval, Domes of Elounda, a member of the Auto-

Domes Resorts employ a profound food and beverage culture for

graph Collection, has set new standards in luxury and exclusivity.

the knowledgeable food lovers that resist to compromise on their

All-suites and villas Domes of Elounda with its privileged location

dining. Offering curated, meaningful experiences, its guests inter-

just opposite the UNESCO protected islet of Spinalonga, its pri-

act and reflect on the heritage of each destination and are chal-

vate natural sandy beach and azure waters and its deep sense of

lenged to experience the local culture and cuisine with a twist.

tranquility, seamlessly mixes award-winning services and awe-in-

All Domes Resorts combine authentic Greek hospitality with inter-

spiring accommodations with a plethora of incredible amenities,

national luxury services and enjoy ‘Luxury with a heart and soul’.

experiences and culinary palette-pleasing offerings available to

They are individually designed and offer distinctive architecture

all guests.

and style. Every Domes Resort features signature concepts, like

Newly arrived in 2019 is CORE (Conjunction Of Refined Experien-

the Miramaretta and the dedicated Assouline reading lounges, the

ces): A disruptive, open-air area brilliantly fusing modern pop up

Core, the elevated Sea Concept and Domes Haute Living Selection,

shopping with gourmet street food dining and contemporary art

a hotel within the hotel concept that consists of the higher tiered

in a modernist agora style setting.

accommodations of each hotel and comes with executive lounge

Food trucks, pop up shops, interactive exhibits and installations,

access, pre-booked sun loungers, private concierge services and

meadows, natural walkways, eco-playground, amphitheater for

grand luxury food and beverage offering.

events and happenings, like live rock band and drum show per-

At Domes, we stand out because of the way we do things. We don‘t

formances, workshops, bubble shows, picnics and an array of kids

just offer holidays, we create memories for our each and every

themed activities, become the center around which the CORE re-

one of our guests. Because Domes Resorts is all about YOU – all

volves, making it ideal for kids, families and couples alike.

about being YOU-NIQUE…

Highlight of the CORE and a first timer for a resort is the Greek

For more information visit

Monsters Exhibition that after receiving multiple awards globally

154  Money & Tourism



Domes Noruz Chania, Autograph Collection

and traveling from Athens, to Berlin and New York has found its

Domes Miramare, a Luxury Collection Resort, Corfu

home at Domes in Elounda. Elounda is amongst the highest end destinations in Greece and Domes of Elounda is its landmark resort where our guests dive into sheer luxury. Domes Noruz Chania, Autograph Collection On the other side of Crete, awarded for its unique design and playful ambience, beachfront Domes Noruz Chania, Autograph Collection with day and night bars is the epitome of a lifestyle resort and the perfect retreat for couples or friends travelling

The most legendary property in Corfu, Domes Miramare, is part of The Luxury Collection by Marriott. A haven of timeless elegance, Corfu is a priceless Ionian emerald. One of its most iconic destinations just made a breathtaking comeback. A fine example of modernist architecture with a long list of notable guests in the past awaits you to experience it. Once owned by the Onassis family and hosted from Jackie O’ and Maria Callas to the Royal Family and famous personalities from around the world, Domes Miramare offers a breathtaking view from every angle, with accommodation designed to reflect that barefoot luxury and understated glamour jetsetters love.


The stunning waterfront location and verdant nature of the resort

Α world full of indulgence, experiences and style. An adults-only

with its centenarian olive garden that engulfs the whole property,

destination for the world traveler who wants to see, feel and ex-

combined with its adults-only orientation (min age 16) and its intu-

plore more than a mere landscape or some traditional dishes, to

itive hospitality, offers a truly enhanced experience to all its guests.

discover something extraordinary. Exuding a new age vibe, the resort is lively, sleek and its audience is the cosmopolitan traveler. With resident and host DJs, mixology classes, gastronomy happenings and workshops, fitness facilities spanning indoors and outdoors, the multi-awarded Soma Spa, chill out atmosphere and a modern design, Domes Noruz Chania has very soon captured the globetrotters with its urban resort setting, excellent cuisine, wellness culture and proximity to ever evolving, vibrant Chania in Western Crete; a destination with an exceptional Old Town

As for the glorious beach, it’s at the heart of an exclusive concept, the Miramare: Beach Edition, featuring everything from deluxe loungers to glass-bottom canoeing, floating sofas and the sleek signature Miramaretta yacht and the Mas 28 Elegance boat for private exploits or for luxury transfers to the UNESCO protected old town of regal Corfu. Catering to lovers of exquisite flavors, the on-site restaurants and bars are truly world class, offering a range of dishes from the Greek and international traditions created by Tassos Mantis, our Michelin-starred chef, while a myriad of exclusive experiences spanning adventure, pampering, exploration and more contribute

that combines old with new, offering from flea markets and craft

to a getaway that is sure to redefine what you consider possible

shops, to numerous quirky bars and restaurants.

on your summer vacation. Edition 2019



Northern Greece Being a «melting - pot» of disparate cultures as early as the ancient years, appearing as a realy «endowed» land in every way and possessing a really deeprooted history and a unique natural wealth, Northern Greece charms every visitor, as it provides them generously with plenty of opportunities to wonder in the real depths of history and tradition.


he journey to Northern Greece begins in Macedonia and it is completed in the bordering Thrace. From an administrational point of view, Macedonia is divided to three parts, Central, Western and Eastern Macedonia. In Central Macedonia, the first area in every visitor’s itinerary is Imathia Perfecture, in which «Seli» and «Pigadia of Naoussa» Ski Centers can be found. Apart from these two Centers, Aliakmona’s Valley, some bushy green mountains and the well known Vergina Archeological Site lure each visitor. Veria is the capital of Imathia Perfecture, a city spread out in the foot of Vermion mountain. Among other worth visiting cities, one could point out Naoussa, an overwhelmingly green city. One of the most well known Perfectures of Greece is Thessaloniki Perfecture. The city of Thessaloniki, also known as «The bride of Thermaikos Gulf», is Perfecture’s Capital, it is considered as «The Co-Capital» of Greece and, at the same time, it is aknowledged as one of most important ports in Greece. The famous «White Tower» is considered as the city’s «trademark». While in Thessaloniki, one can visit St. Dimitrios church, lots of interesting museums and of course «Rotonda», a monument dated around 300 p.d., as well as Galerios Arch. Really close to Thessaloniki, one could find Chalkidiki, one of the most beautiful places in the whole greek territory, an «endowed» land in any way. Chalkidiki area is formed by three thin, pine-clad peninsulas with 550.000 metres of sea shores. In this area, one can visit ancient cities, prehistoric cages, Byzintine convents, modern seaside towns, elements of the greater «puzzle picture» of Chalkidiki land. The city of Poligyros is the capital of Chalkidiki Perfecture, a city spread out in an amphitheatrical shape, on the foot of Cholomontas mountain. Nearby, one could find Arnaia, an area characterized as «historic land» by Ministry of Culture. Also known tourism resorts in the same area cities such as Kassandra, Kallithea, Nea Moudania, Nea Kallikratia, Ouranoupolis and Ammouliani. Of course, well known at a global basis is

156  Money & Tourism 2019

«Mount Athos» or the «Garden of Virgin Mary» as it is often called in Greece, a well respected monastic state, in which entrance is denied to women. Doirani lake, Axios river and the whole bushy green landscape are some of the advantages of Kilkis Perfecture. Capital of this Perfecture is the city of Kilkis, a beautiful city built on the foot of St George’s hill. As for the neighbouring Perfecture of Pella, the whole area is characterized by its inexhaustible natural and cultural wealth. Edessa is the capital of this Perfecture, a city which overlooks the whole macedonian valley. Passing to Pierias Perfecture, the «scenary» is formed by Kilometres of sandy coastlines, Olympus Mount which is the higher mountain of Grecce and, according to Greek mythology, it was also the formal residence of 12 Gods. The capital of this Perfecture is Katerini, a city built between Olympus Mount and Pieria Mountains. When it comes to Western Macedonia part, the first Perfecture to came across is that of Grevena. The rich flora, the unspoiled forests, the National Preserve of Pindos Mountains with its well known «Valia Kalnta», as well as the water sources and waterfalls create a unique nutural ensemble. The city of Grevena is the capital of the Perfecture, a city situated at tha same spot with the ancient city of Elimaia. The city of Kastoria, a city spread out


along the banks of the homonym lake, is the capital of the homonym Perfecture. Kozani Perfecture is also considered as one of the most «endowed» lands of Macedonia. The whole «picture» is composed by a complex of mountains and lake shore areas. The city of Kozani is the capital of this Perfecture, a city with old styled mansions. In Florina Perfecture, the landscape is often said «magic». Little and Big Prespa, the twin lake area wich is considered one of the most important aquatic habitat in Greece, the traditional village of Nymphaion, as well as the picturesque island St Achillios, create a unique «scenary». The city of Florina is the capital of the Perfecture. Going far east, we reach Drama Perfecture. The high mountains is Perfecture’s main characteristic, with «Falakro» mount being the leading one, considering that it’s the mount where the homonym Ski Center is situated. Kavala Perfecture combines brillianlty mountain with sea related delights. The city of Kavala is the capital of this Perfecture and is a modern city with interesting night life. The cities of Philippoi, a very important city from an archeological point of view and Chrysoupolis, attract hundreds of visitors every year. The Perfecture of Serres is really famous for its aquatic habitat in Kerkini lake, the Lailia forest, the hot springs in Nigrita,

as well as the ancient city of Amphipolis. The city of Serres is the capital of the Perfecture. The mosques in the turkish neighbourhood add a very special characteristic to the city. Worth visiting places are, among others, Alistrati with its famous gorge of Aggitis, Amphipolis, Nigrita with its thermal sources and Sidirokastro, next to the fertile valley of Strymonas river. Thrace have always been considered as a crossing point between East and West, as well as a «bridge» of communication between Europe and the Balkan area. The first Perfecture to meet during one’s course to Thrace is Xanthi. The city of Xanthi is the capital of this Perfecture, a city with a clock tower as a «trademark». Passing on Rodopi Perfecture, every visitor is amazed by this peaceful co-existance of Orthodox Christians, Pomaks and Muslims of turkish origin. Komotini is the capital of Perfecture, a city that is considered as the «heart» of Greek Thrace. The capital of the homonym Perfecture is Alexandroupolis, a city with an astonishing lighthouse as a «trademark». In Soufli, one can learn everything about the different stages of silk processing. In Evros Perfecture we can also find the «proud» island of Samothraki, standing in the northeastern corner of Aegian Sea. Edition 2019




Breathtaking Luxury: Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki is a top choice in Northern Greece, for business or pleasure.

Regency Entertainment SA Regency Entertainment Greece turns 25 and plans new inves-

During its 25 year presence and despite the severe crisis af-

tments of € 200 m.

fecting the Greek economy and the casino industry, through

If time was a value of things done and achieved, then Regency

the operation of Regency Casino Thessaloniki, Regency Casino

Entertainment’s quarter of a century, would worth a fortune

Mont Parnes and the Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki Hotel:

in terms of commitment and contribution to the economy, to

• About 3 billion euros have been paid out to the Greek State

employment and to the State finances. Nowadays, the Greek company stands tall and plans ahead. This year, marks the 25th business anniversary of Regency Entertainment in Greece. By adhering to the principles of good corporate governance that define all of Laskaridis Group’s bu-

through direct and indirect taxation, fees and social security contributions. • 2,000 jobs were fully safeguarded. • € 300 million allocated in realized investment plans.

siness entities, the Company is heading to a new era, bolstering

Furthermore, at the beginning of the year, Regency Entertain-

its leadership in the entertainment and hospitality industry.

ment concluded an exemplary restructuring agreement with its

It all began with Regency Casino Thessaloniki and the luxurious

creditors, entailing no haircuts of any kind and with favorable

Hyatt Regency Hotel in Thessaloniki; in 2003 this course expan-

terms for all stakeholders.

ded with the privatisation of Mont Parnes in Athens and now,

At present, the Regency Casino Mont Parnes and the Regency

the Company is about to write a new chapter with a sizeable

Casino Thessaloniki are the only casino companies in the coun-

investment project of € 200 m. in the northern suburbs of the Greek Capital.

try that are financially sound and up to date with all obligations to the State, their employees and their creditors.

It is no coincidence that, today, Regency Entertainment figures among the Greek business Groups with the most significant contribution to the national economy, employment and state finances.

158  Money & Tourism

New investment in Athens – A €200m gem A new investment project of up to €200m is in the works by



The Regency Casino Thessaloniki

Regency Casino Mont Parnes. The object is to create at the northern suburbs of Athens a unique tourist destination with superior architectural aesthetics, state-of-the-art technology and “green” standards, a hospitality/entertainment center harmonically blending with its surroundings. RCMP’s new masterpiece-“home”, will an upscale Hotel, restaurants, bars, large event venues and underground parking facilities. Half of the 5.5 hectares plot will be allocated to the creation of public green spaces, while traffic interventions, currently under study, will have beneficial results to the local infrastructure. The investment will have a positive impact to the region, by boosting state revenues and creating 1,000 new direct and indirect jobs. Funding will come entirely from the Company’s private shareholders - including the Laskaridis Group, who also has the management of Regency Casino Mont Parnes, three Greek Systemic Banks, international Investment Funds and other private investors - without causing any financial burden on the Treasury, which maintains, undiluted, its equity participation (49%). Regency’s brand is synonymous with a unique entertainment experience of quality, aesthetics, transparency and safety. Features that, especially in the gambling industry, are rewarded with the ongoing trust and growing preference shown by its thousands Greek and foreign customers.

Regency’s presence in Greece started off in Thessaloniki with Regency Casino Thessaloniki and Hyatt Regency Hotel Thessaloniki. In 2003, Regency expanded its business with the Casino Mont Parnes in Athens. Edition 2019




Sani Resort A special place where nature and man exist in harmony. A family-owned ecological reserve stretching across 1,000 acres, with endless golden beaches enchantingly framed by the crystal clear waters of the Aegean and the magnificent pine forests of the Kassandra peninsula. Sani Resort will exceed your expectations in every way. A serene setting where you can enjoy nature and relish luxury and comfort. And where there’s always something new to enjoy.

Sani Resort at a glance

• 5 Hotels (Open: March/April -October/November) SANI BEACH, SANI CLUB, PORTO SANI, SANI ASTERIAS SUITES, SANI DUNES • 1000-acre Private Estate • Ecological Reserve -Pine Forests -Bird Sanctuary • 7 km White Sandy Beaches • Aegean Sea with EU -Blue Flag • Private Yacht Marina with Shopping Piazza • Dine Around 23 Restaurants • Entertainment Team,16 Bars • Sports -Watersports -Diving Centre • 5 Beauty & Wellness Centres • Children ’s Mini -Clubs and Mini -Olympics • Sani Festival and Art Gallery • Suite Class and Repeaters Club • Event Resort • Corporate Events (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Private Events, Weddings, Engagements, Parties) The Sani Resort is situated on the magnificent Kassandra peninsula, the first of the three beach-fringed peninsulas of 160  Money & Tourism

Halkidiki. Sani overlooks Mount Olympus, is close to the glorious but unspoiled beaches of the Sithonia peninsula, as well as to one of the most beautiful cities of the European Community. The second city of Greece and the capital of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, 45 minutes drive away from Sani Resort, is packed with theatres, clubs, an International Film Festival, two contemporary art museums, galleries, designer shops and more coffee places than anywhere else in the EU. The theatres and coffee shops are thronged with students -this being the biggest university town in the Balkans; the walk along the shore of the Thermaikos gulf is maybe the best positive vibration you will ever get and the ambience of the city and its people the most intense you have ever felt. A week mixing the crystal clear beaches of Sani in Kassandra, the nature of Sithonia and a touch of the Thessaloniki City experience gives you the Aegean’s answer to Ibiza. And for those really in the mood for meditation and complete relaxation you could round off your stay in one of the monasteries of nearby Mount Athos.

Dining and Entertainment

A community of 23 restaurants, ranging from gourmet restaurants to traditional tavernas and ouzeris, live with colors, scents, flavors and music from Greece and around the world.


A new world of luxury and Mediterranean hospitality to Spain’s dazzling southern shores & cosmopolitan Marbella






With Infinite Lifestyle everything is arranged for you. Think of refined restaurants with menus composed by Michelin starred chefs, choice of 300 class wines and signature cocktails, 24 hour Room Service, luxury beauty products of Anne Semonin, beach and pool service, exciting activities and so much more. Our innovative Local Discovery. Enjoy a complimentary MINI car, Dine Out in local restaurants, visit the best museums in the region and enjoy free access to exclusive golf courses, all at no extra cost.

Offering miles of golden sand, bathed by cooling waters, this peerless beachfront setting on the tranquil shores of Playa de Guadalmansa offers more than 21 acres of landscaped gardens and leisure facilities. With the signature Ikos Resorts’ Infinite Lifestyle ensuring virtually every element of your vacation is included in the original cost to ensure your stay with us is lavish, relaxed and perfectly unforgettable, Ikos Andalusia is the ideal location to experience the vibrant Marbella lifestyle and the perfect destination to mark the award-winning brand’s stylish debut on the Iberian Peninsula.


• A Dine-Around program allowing half-board guests to enjoy their meals at most restaurants throughout the resort, some at extra charge. • A gastronomic festival, created using imagination, fresh local produce and quality wines. •

The Rafa Nadal Tennis Center

The Rafa Nadal Tennis Centre at Sani Resort welcomes guests, both young and senior players to train with the method that has led Rafa to be the number one. The Rafa Nadal Tennis Centre offers an ideal training environment for tennis enthusiasts; Look forward to a brand new state-of-the-art Tennis Centre, best coaches, upgraded facilities and thrilling tennis tournaments throughout the season. Tennis programs of all levels and age groups will be available for guests, residents and area visitors at the new Rafa Nadal Tennis Centre at Sani Resort. Each tennis training program offered at the Rafa Nadal Tennis Centre is personalized, of high quality and conducted by top, certified by Rafa Nadal Academy coaches. These programs have developed a straightforward training methodology that is tailored to the individual, aiming to enhancing strengths while working to improve weaknesses.

Chelsea FCF Football Coaching

In association with Chelsea FC Foundation- one of the world’s greatest football clubs - we offer to all our younger guests the opportunity to improve their soccer skills with the professional 162  Money & Tourism


coaching of Chelsea FC. The training camp is held five days a week and promises lots of active fun for children of all abilities under the careful eyes of qualified coaches. It really is in a league of its own, offering an outstanding football development programme with a UEFA approved football pitch and a state of the art Club House.

Little Guest

All family rooms are equipped with wooden baby cots, baby bathrobes, baby pillows and duvets or blankets as well as baby slippers and baby cloth hangers. Why not travel light and take advantage of our full range of complimentary baby equipment that can be waiting in your room on prior request.

Baby Consulting with Carol Mae

Holidaying for the first time with a young family can be a daunting experience. At Sani, we like to make things special and stress-free by offering a bespoke baby and toddler advice programme in partnership with renowned baby consultant, Carol Mae Consulting.

Baby menus by Annabel Karmel

Our new world-class baby menu at Sani Resort, specially designed by the renowned Annabel Karmel, introduces a world of flavour and fun. With lots of super-tasty, balanced meals to choose from - including vegetarian and vegan options - even the pickiest eaters will transform into young foodies.



Ikos Resorts From the magnificent Halkidiki peninsula to the verdant Ionian coastline of Corfu and the wonders of Kos island in the Aegean, award-winning Ikos Resorts are reimagining the luxury all-inclusive beach holiday in Greece. A personalised and premium quality of service awaits guests as they are welcomed into a world of style, mouthwatering flavours and luxury living.

Ikos Aria

Basking in the enticing Dodecanese sunshine on the southwest coast of Kos island, Ikos Aria offers a compelling mix of contemporary style and traditional hospitality. In a wonderfully serene setting stretching over 47 acres and fringed by the dazzling Kos coastline, this luxurious property delivers on the promise of the Dodecanese; beguiling beauty, fascinating culture and warm hospitality. Ikos Aria overflows with style and touches of unique brilliance, since it first opened its doors in May 2019.

164  Money & Tourism

Ikos Olivia

Ikos Olivia is an incredible resort. Set in 22 acres of evergreen landscape, this unique property is surrounded by immaculate lawns and olive trees leading to a stunning 450 metre long beach. Ikos Olivia offers spacious guest rooms, suites overlooking the sparkling Aegean Sea, while the luxury one and two-bedroom suites of the low-rise bungalows with their groomed private gardens and exclusive deluxe area are the epitome of style and comfort. Four themed a la carte restaurants complemented by the Flavors buffet restaurant offer a world of culinary delights while the exceptional Dine-Out concept takes guest to the coastal village of Gerakini and a choice of specially selected restaurants, at no extra cost. Guests can also choose from five superb bars some of them indoors or nestled in the lavish gardens. The hotel offers for the accommodation of its customers 142 bedrooms and junior suites together with 149 private bungalow suites. Τhe resort is located 35 minutes from Thessaloniki international airport.



Ikos Oceania

Overlooking the crystal blue Aegean, the luxurious Ikos Oceania is located 30 minutes from Thessaloniki international airport. The highlight of this stunning setting is the 350m long natural sandy beach, fringed by pines, olive groves and cypress trees. Dispersed amongst the 15 acres of well groomed gardens, the spacious, elegant guest rooms and suites offer panoramic sea views with Mount Olympus in the background. The hotel offers four a la carte restaurants and a variety of bars indoors or in the lavish gardens. For the accommodation of its customers the hotel offers a total of 290 beautifully appointed rooms and suites, all fully renovated in 2017. Elegant, luxurious and yet always understated, a stay at the Ikos Oceania is an experience to relish.

Ikos Dassia

In a verdant area of 25 acres, on top of the sea, the luxurious Ikos Dassia, which opened in May 2018, is the ideal offer for unforgettable holidays on the world-famous island of Corfu. Τhe hotel offers 411 luxurious rooms, suites and villas. Spacious balconies, private gardens and individual pools add the touches that make every stay, very special. Embracing the award-winning Infinite Lifestyle concept, an unforgettable experience awaits guests as cuisine, service and style are taken to exceptional new heights.

Edition 2019 




Makryammos Bungalows - Resort Hotel Μakryammos Bungalows Resort Hotel operates each year from

restaurant “Dioskouri” and the bar “Nymphes”.

May until the middle of October for more than four decades.

Having settled on your private beach umbrella, you may have

The 30 acre four star beach resort is built on a pine covered

a swim on the sea, or use our sweet water pool, you may enjoy

hillside fronting the magnificent white sandy beach of Mak-

a cocktail at four different bars. You may also do water sports,

ryammos. The village of Thassos lies just 2km away.

play tennis, beach volley or basketball.

The resort consists of the main building and 206 rooms and

The hotel has parking areas for guests’ cars, so you can park

suites all completely renovated in 2018 and built in a low-rise

your vehicle in one of the designated areas located nearest

bungalow style.

your bungalow.

Makryammos Bungalows offer superb hospitality, fine Greek

Makryammos dining experience continues on Sirens be-

cuisine and the opportunity to relax on a world famous beach

ach-front tavern with traditional Greek and Mediterranean

with emerald waters and fine sand, or walk along beautiful

cuisine, and Pan an a la carte restaurant with international

gardens enjoying the rise of the summer moon over the sea.


The main building houses the reception, lobby area, the main

Excellent free Wi-Fi is available in all rooms and public spaces.

166  Money & Tourism

Thassos 64004 Greece, Tel: (+ 30) 25930 22101, Fax: (+ 30) 25930 22761, E-mail:



The Skiathos Palace Ηotel Welcome to... the five star view!

serves American breakfast and the best of European and Greek

The Skiathos Palace Hotel is built on a hillside, overlooking “Ma-


ratha” beach and one of the most widely known beaches in Europe,

At the roof top grill restaurant “The White View” you can enjoy the

the famous “Koukounaries” beach (both beaches are awarded with

magnificent panoramic view and taste the famous greek “taverna

the “Blue Flag”). Situated only 10kms from Skiathos Town and set

style”, with delicious barbecue, other local dishes and exceptional

in a pine forest at the north-west corner of the island, the hotel‘s

sea food.

pool and restaurant areas are offering views so spectacular that

For relaxation and sunbathing, guests may choose between the lar-

they will take your breath away!

ge outdoor fresh-water pool and the famous “Koukounaries” beach

The hotel has 249 rooms and 9 suites, all equipped with air-con-

or the peaceful “Maratha” beach, which is organized by the hotel.

dition, private bathroom, satellite TV, telephone, internet access,

The hotel‘s conference and banqueting facilities are ideal for those

3-channel music, mini-bar and balcony. The Executive Plus Floor is

who want to combine fun and relaxation of a resort with creative,

a brand new concept for luxury, offering high-end facilities that can

organized conferences. The five conference rooms are located on

satisfy the most discerned traveller.

the premises of the Skiathos Palace Hotel and can be equipped

Skiathos Palace Hotel offers many facilities such as 24-hours recep-

with all technical requirements.

tion, safe deposit boxes, currency exchange, swimming pool, tennis

The hotel is constantly renewing its services and it was awarded

court, indoor-lounge bar, poolside snack-bar, room service, mini

the international certificates ISO 9001 (hotel services), ISO 14001

market, car/motorbike rental office, Wi-Fi access & internet hot

(System of Environmental Management), ISO 22000 (System of Food

spot, children‘s playground, baby sitting, massage & courtesy room,

Safety Management) and the eco-labels “Green Key” and “Travelife”.

laundry service & parking.

You are invited to enjoy the exceptional standards of hospitality

At the beautiful beach of Koukounaries under the hotel, all water

and service for which Skiathos Palace Hotel is noted: Management

sports are available.

and team of highly trained professionals will be delighted to satisfy

The hotel offers indoors and outdoors dining. The main restaurant

your every wish.

168  Money & Tourism


Ionian Islands The unparallel natural beauty, the unique culture, the tradition and of course the special musical culture are the particular characteristics that make Ionian Sea islands to stand out from any other part of Greece.


efalonia is the bigest island of Ionian complex, as far as the strech of land is concerned. The interchange among different types of landscape is really unique, since the alpine scenery of Ainos, where the

only type of black spruce grows and breeds of wild horses live , is harmoniously combined with warm, crystal clear seas. In the broader area of Ainos, one can find the «Drogarati» cage with its stalactites, as well as Melissani lake. Of course, the island of Kefalonia is surrounded by endless bays and «lace alike» shores. Since 1757, the capital of Kefalonia and Ithaka Prefecture is Argostoli, an aphitheatrically built city with a spendit view to Koutavos lake sea. The city is island’s commercial and administrational center, whereas at the same time, it is a modern city with nice old style mansions and a significant

ful city of Corfu, unanimously aknowledged as one of the

historic and cultural tradition. The most pictoresque village

prettiest cities in Greece, a city built on a narrow strip of

of Kefalonia it may be Fiscardo, as it’s a little fishing village

land. In this city one can spot disparate elements, as well

with narrow streets and old, traditionally built and therefore

as the remnants of different cultures that have influen-

preserved houses. On the other hand, Lixouri is among the-

ced the island. There are vast squares, such as the famous

se cities of the island that carry a great significance. In this

«Spianada» square, as well as narrow, cobbled little roads,

city, one can find Iakovatios and Petritsios Libraries, in which

the well known «kantounia», where the italian influence is

worth mentioning collections of vestments and rare books

more than obvious. To the west of Corfu city is Palaikastrit-

are kept, as well as The Philarmonic School. Sami is a beau-

sa, a little «heaven on earth» and Aggelokastro, a Byzintine

tiful town and Poros is one of the island’s main ports. As for

fortress of 13th century, whereas to the north of the city

the beaches of Kefalonia, those are certainly numerous and

there is «Kanoni», one of the most famous spots on the is-

outstanding. To mention just a few among the prettiest and

land. A narrow strip of land leads to Vlaxerna convent, from

globally reputed, we could name the beaches of Mirtos, Mak-

where one can catch a boat and visit Pontikonissi. Opposite

ris and Platis Gialos, Spartia, Lourdas, Skala, Poros, Antisamos,

to that, on the side of Gastourion hill, there is the unique

Xi and Petanoi.

Achillion, which used to be the summer residence of Aust-

The island of Corfu is the administrational basis of the

rian Empress Elisabeth, more known as «Sissy».

whole Ionian Islands Territory. Being also known as «the is-

Being called through the centuries, even from the period

land of Faiaks» according to Homer’s Odyssey, Corfu stands

of the Venetian rule, as «The Levante’s Flower», Zante is

out, mostly because of its cultural identity. The island is

one characteristic case of island where rare natural beauty

situated in the «mouth» of Adriatic Sea, opposite to north

meets the unique ecological significance, along with the

west Greek coasts, from which the island’s northern part

history and the rich cultural and artistic tradition. Obvi-

is separated by a 2,5 Klms width channel. In Corfu’s sho-

ously, the island of Zante presents a landscape full of con-

res one can find pictoresque little bays and beaches with

trasts. While the most part of the island is mountainous,

sand or pebbles. The capital of the island is the beauti-

there are also visual variations with short pine-clad moun-

170  Money & Tourism


tains and fertile valleys. However, Zante is globallly known

Gerakas, Porto Zoro, Vassilikos, Tsilivis, Alikes and Alikanas.

mostly from its emerald and crystal clear seas, as well as

When we talk about Lefkada, we can not help pondering

its unique ecosystem. It is widely known that in the south

about quiet or cosmopolitan beaches with «golden» sand,

coast of Zante there is one of the most important natu-

seashores under the impressive shadow of high and steep

ral habitat of Caretta - Caretta turtle. Furthermore, in the

rocks, serene bays, hospitable ports to every boat, crystal

same island we can also find the habitat of Monachus -

clear waters and other, equally beautiful images. Lefkada is

Monachus turtle, a species which can be found mostly in

surrounded by unique sandy beaches with their characteri-

the southwest coasts of the island. The aristocratic city

stic «dove egg» shaped grains of sand, as Lefkada’s famous

of Zante is the capital of the island, a city built on the

poet Aggelos Sikelianos had put it. The island is connected

southeastern side with really impressive mansions, well re-

to the rest part of the country through a floating bridge

puted churches and pretty squares like the famous «Rou-

of continuous circulation, a fact that ensures the benefit

ga», or the tiled central square of St Mark, which attracts

of an easy access. In the city of Lefkada, there is one of

the lion part of activity.

the larger and most modern sea marinas in Europe, whe-

The Mpoxali area, under the castle, can easily charm ever-

reas the island is also known for its lake sea, which is an

yone with its little, quiet streets and its old houses with the

aquatic habitat for rare breeds of birds. Apart from the city

characteristic «bougarinia». Of course, apart from the city,

of Lefkada, also reputed parts of the island are Ligia, a re-

Zante’s visitors are also attracted by the island’s pictores-

ally busy village, Agios Nikitas, a traditional fishing village,

que villages with their tiled streets and the little tavernas,

Nikiana, an ideal place for surfing fans, Perigiali, a village

where one can taste original Zante cuisine. Of cousrse, one

crowded with tourists with astonishing beaches, as well as

of the most well known touristic attractions of Zante is the

Vassiliki, the center of the southern part of the island, with

famous «shipwreck» in the west part of Zante, abandoned

its sandy beaches. It is also worth mentioning that around

in the middle of the sandy beach and surrounded by steep

Lefkada there are little and big islands developping conti-

rocks. It is also known that on Zante’s sandy beaches there

nuously, whereas the most famous of them is the island of

are many other touristic resorts, such as Laganas, Argasi,

Skorpios, also known as «the island of Onassis». Edition 2019




The Ionian Islands A palette of blue & green

Corfu: The Island Break Destination

From long weekend to week-long getaway • A perfectly preserved old town with a Venetian-era fortress and an artist’s personality • An island landscape of silky-silver olive groves and stunning coastline • Long favoured by poets, writers and musicians • Renowned for its mouthwatering fare: pastitsada, sofrito,bourdato, mandolato, pergamonto • Its spirit lies in museums modern and classical, its cobbled streets, in every glass of traditional kumquat liqueur • With opulent hotels and a film-set stately architecture, you’ll feel like a star in a period film

Paxi & Antipaxi: Love Nests in the Med

Emerald isles with a soft and sophisticated style • Venetian-inspired Corfu is the access point to these two tiny emerald gems • Ionian in miniature: blue-green waters, amazing nature, idyllic coves and personalised romance • A shelter for everyone in love: according to myth, Poseidon created Paxi to live out his romance with Amfitriti • Peacock-blue waters and the whitest of white sand: Orkos on Paxi, Vrika and Voutoumi on Antipaxi 172  Money & Tourism

• Share the sunset atop the white cliffs at Eremitis • Centuries-old olive trees, gnarled and twisted into unusual shapes • Get the full picture by exploring the islands by sea: hidden beaches, the caves of Ahai, and the grotto of Ypapanti

Lefkada: Brimming with Youthful Energy

Where stunning beaches are only the start of your holiday • Row upon row of sail masts sway to the rhythm of the wind at the port of Nydri, ready for cast-off • Set sail for delightful hideaways like Meganisi and Kastos or Skorpios (of Onassis fame) • Plunge into the azure paradise of Kathisma, Egremni, Porto Katsiki: beaches of international acclaim • Windsurfing, kitesurfing, paragliding, scuba diving or leisurely stand up paddle boarding • And when you’re done in the water, there’s horseback riding, mountain biking or trekking around the island • If you’re not already at a beach bar, a cocktail in hande Med

Kefalonia: A Culinary Masterpiece

Let the food experts tell your story of Kefalonia’s unique gastronomy • Spectacular beaches and waters of all shades of blue and green – Myrtos but also Petani, Skala, Poros, Makri Gialo and Xi • Dig deeper and discover rich vegetation, a fertile land that


creates small miracles • Cheeses (creamy feta, Kefalotiri and Kefalograviera) and savoury pies . World-famous olives and olive oil, wine and fruit and vegetables bursting with life • A soup of mixed beans (bourbourelia), rabbit stew, bread slices with oregano (riganada) and aliada, a potato and garlic purée • And the tserepa, a portable oven made of grey clay and goat’s hair, still used in villages • Discover delicious Robola, the flagship grape variety of Kefalonia, and the art of small-scale wine-making • Don’t forget to bring home a box of mandoles, naturally dyed-red sugared almonds

Ithaca: A Spiritual Homecoming

Homeric self-discovery on an isle in perfect balance • Symbolic of the sweet homeland that Odysseus and everyone since has searched for • Beautiful beaches, tiny villages, flavours that give generously • Fjord-like Vathi, greeting all guests with shops, museums and hotels both comely and stylish • But hearts beat strongest for the bay of Kioni, first viewed by sailboat • Stone homes with patios brimming with flowers, little coffee shops and restaurants with tables on the water • Follow hiking trails and discover hidden ruins and stunning sea views • Or hire a boat and discover your own secluded

Zante: Behind The Scenes

The full story of Zakynthos reveals a wealth of natural wonder • The iconic Shipwreck Beach (Navagio) is the star image of


Zakynthos, but the full story extends across 123km of coastline dotted with hidden beaches and coves • Sandy in the south, rugged in the west, and the stunning Blue Caves to the east • Beaches chosen as the nesting site of the protected Caretta Caretta sea turtle • From town, stroll through Bokhali, 2km from the centre, and admire the panoramic view of the harbour and the Bay of Lagana • Walk on to the castle, camouflaged by greenery, where the Venetians reigned over the island capital • Visit a winery and be introduced to the Ionian grape varietals • Explore a handful of the 40+ villages (Louha, Gouri, Kampi, Anafonitria, Volimes) to complete your insight into island life

Meganisi And Beyond: Island Hopping across the Ionian Blues

Tiny, welcoming, beautiful and unexplored • Light winds, calm waters, endless sheltered coves and archipelago made for sailing. The modern marinas of Lefkada • The modern marinas of Lefkada and Corfu are your starting point • From Lefkada: Meganisi, laidback life and a secret of yachtsmen. Kalamos, where hikers enjoy a dramatic landscape of high peaks and steep slopes leading to the sea. And Kastos, where fresh fish are trawled daily • From Corfu: Head to the Diapontia islands, three small exotic islands off the northwest coast of Corfu. Othoni is the where Nymph Kalypso held Odysseus. Nowadays it is known for its beaches and remarkable sea caves • Erikousa is mostly flat, perfect for exploring with children. And Mathraki is the smallest isle: three square kilometres of paradise! Edition 2019




Zante Hospitality Group Zante Hospitality Group, with a long standing reputation if the

The Resorts, renowned for their distinctive luxury and unsurpassed

hospitality industry, owns and man-ages the Zante Park Resort &

Zakynthian Hospitality, provide exceptional personalized services,

Spa and Galaxy Beach Resort, two of the most prestigious hotels

refined gastronomic choices and a wide range of leisure activities.

operating in the Ionian Island of Zakynthos, as well as XT Travel

The Zante Park Resort & Spa and Galaxy Beach Resort, offer

Services, a leading Travel Agen-cy in Athens.

high standards of hospitality and an extensive accommodation

The Zante Park Resort & Spa and Galaxy Beach Resort, both BW

selection, featuring stylish Deluxe Rooms and Suites, some with

Premier Collection Hotels, are located at one of the most attrac-

a private pool option, ambient public areas and lush outdoor

tive beaches of Zakynthos, with captivating views of the infinite

grounds, Conference & Banqueting fa-cilities, Fitness Center, as

blue of the Ionian Sea.

well as Wellness & Spa.

174  Money & Tourism

Hospitality meets 5* experience



XT TRAVEL SERVICES: Omirou St 1, Nea Smirni – Athens, Greece | | email: | tel.: +30 210 9343468 ZANTE PARK RESORT & SPA: Laganas – Zakynthos, Greece | | email: | tel. : +30 26950 52310 GALAXY BEACH RESORT: Laganas – Zakynthos, Greece | | email: | tel. : +30 26950 51171


Peloponnese In the place where nature and the blue of the sea meet, the visitor has come to Peloponnese, the “island of Pelopas” with the unique beauty.


eloponnese is cited in the southeast of the Balkan Peninsula and it is connected with main Greece through a lane of land, Isthmos of Corinth, of 5 km. width. Geographically and administratively Peloponnese is se-

parated to the subregions of Corinth, Argolida, Arkadia, Lakonia, Mesinis, Ilia and Achaia. Especially Corinth, which is next to the Corinthian and the Saronic Gulf, it is differentiated for its archaeological places and its unique combination of nature and sea. Next to the downtown of Corinth, it is situated Loutraki, the city with the international fame and the Casino. Moreover, the visitor has the chance to taste the wines of Nemea, to visit the Loutra of Oraia Eleni, the famous from antiquity Stymfalia Lake, the north Trikala and the nearest snow centre, as well as the National Drimo in Sarantapicho. Continuing its tour to Argolida, the tourist stays speechless from the ancient theatre of Epidaurus, where the known worldwide festival takes place, as well as from the cosmopolitan summer resorts that are extended from Tolo and Drepano to Porto Heli, Costa and Ermioni. Argolida, which is inhabited since the 8th millennium A.D., is known as the centre of Mycenaean civilisation. Mycenae attracts the interest of the visitors with the amazing Pili of Lions and Nauplia, the first Greek capital from 1828 to 1834. In the centre of Peloponnese, it is located Arkadia, the best choice for those who want to visit picturesque sceneries and traditional villages, large landscapes and clean shores. The capital of this region is Tripoli, located in the centre of the fertile land of Arkadia and Parnonas around it, with the rich monasteries, the scenic Di-

fame is beyond the local borders. The same things happen with

mitsana, the industrialized Megalopoli and the historic Astros, lying

Monemvasia and the legendary Mani, with its traditional rock to-

next to the sea. For those who like ancient civilizations, the ancient

wers. The cave of Diros and the mountain of Taigetos are the gifts

areas of Tegea, Mantinia and Orchomenos will attract their interest,

of nature for the land of Lakonia, while polls of attraction are Ne-

as well as Karitaina with the famous Venetician castle, the nautical

apoli and Elafonisos.

city of Leonidio, but also the tourist resorts of Vitina and Stemnitsa.

Continuing to the historic Mesinia, the tourist will meet a region

In the subregion of Lakonia, it is situated Sparti, where Doriis we-

with strong presence through the years, not only from the ancient

re located since 11th century A.D., by creating there their centre

ones, but also from the recent years, especially in the Revoluti-

which was developed in a most powerful centre that dominated in

on of ‘21, where it was the centre of the Greek fighters. Kalamata

Greece after the Peloponnesian war. One can also watch carefully

is the glorious capital, famous for its long shores and luxuriant

the signs from the Byzantine period and the French occupation.

vegetation, while Methoni and Koroni located in the two sides of

The “dead city” of Mistra looks powerful through the years and her

Mesinia are discriminated thanks to their Cycladic characteristics.

176  Money & Tourism


Pilos has also an island figure, and one of the most seaside and

Finally, Achaia with Patras as a capital city is regarded as an im-

tourist cities is Kiparisia.

portant travel connection, as it is connects our country with Italy

Westside of Peloponnese, it is located the subregion of Ilia, with

and Peloponnese with Ionian Islands. The clean and filled with

Olympia the birthplace of the Olympic games. The tourist will be

green seashores of Peloponnese steal tourist’s heart at first sight.

dazzled from the strong archaeological air of the region, as well

The beautiful and traditional village of Akrata, the verdant Dia-

as from the temple of the Epicurus Apollo in the sheer Vasses and

kofto, where the train that begins for Kalavrita, but also Aigio with

from Andritsaina, situated in a green hill.

the great platan that Pausanias reported in his travels, are main

The river Neda stands out with its impressive waterfalls and Za-

features of the region.

charo the seaside city filled with pines and olive trees is found.

Another advantage of the area is Rio, the connection with Pelo-

The spa of Kaiafa, the river Alfios known from antiquity, the me-

ponnese and Sterea Greece and Ipirus, the glorious Kalavrita, the

diaeval Katakolo and the Loutra of Kilini are the most spectacular

Grand Cave and the legendary Agia Lavra, as well as the famous

sights of the region.

snow centre of Helmos.

Edition 2019 




Aldemar Resorts Aldemar Resorts, with 32 years of dynamic presence on the glo-

summer season at the 5* Aldemar Royal Mare (www.aldemar-

bal tourism map, provide excellent hospitality services offering, the ‘Elements All-in’ package and set new stan-

a quality of life, creating added value and constantly investing

dards in indulgent and wholesome holiday experiences!

in innovative products and ideas, with a high sense of respon-

The ‘Elements All-in’ package became so popular that Aldemar

sibility towards people, the environment and society.

Resorts introduced it to their resort, Aldemar Royal Olympian, on Greece’s stunning mainland in the West Peloponnese, near

Aldemar Resorts is recognized as being one of the most dyna-

Ancient Olympia.

mic businesses of the Greek hospitality industry with a total

Awarded by the prestigious Seven Stars Awards, as the most

capacity of 5,500 beds and a portfolio of 6 Deluxe Resorts and

innovative All inclusive package, the ‘Elements All-in’ package

2 Thalassotherapy Centres in 2 strategic destinations: Crete and

is Aldemar’s approach to a dine around lifestyle within All –

the west Peloponnese.

inclusive holidays, focusing on healthy and relaxing vacations.

Leading and innovative, Aldemar Resorts launched on 2017

Travellers looking for a truly luxurious holiday experience,

178  Money & Tourism


which includes spa treatments at the world class Thalasso centres in Crete and the West Peloponnese, fine dining, exciting sporting activities and accommodation at a 5* seaside resort renowned for its high level of service should check-out the Elements all-inclusive package. Spacious and grand, the resorts perfectly blends in with verdant natural habitat and the fresh sea breeze. At a place where luxury meets affluent natural beauty and wellness, Aldemar Royal Mare & Aldemar Royal Olympian reflect an exciting world of premium choices, offering sophisticated pleasures on land and water: from deluxe accommodation and fine customized menus and gastronomic specialties to world class Thalasso & Spa treatments and exciting water sports. Facing the beach front, favored for their relaxed, intimate and tranquil atmosphere, privacy and attention to detail, and distinguished for genuine hospitality and unmatched quality of service.

180  Money & Tourism


Gulf of Corinth



Fraport Greece The Company

Since April 2017, Fraport Greece has been in charge of managing, operating and upgrading 14 airports, with a focus on excellent travel experience, safety and functionality for both passengers, airlines and other users of the airports.

The shareholders of Fraport Greece are Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, the Copelouzos Group and Marguerite the 2020 European Fund.

Investment in the future of Greece

The year 2019 signals the completion of works at nine out of the 14

The company is currently investing approximately â‚Ź415 million de-

airports of Fraport Greece. The works at the airports in the islands of

veloping the 14 Greek regional airports into competitive infrastructu-

Zakynthos and Crete - at the town of Chania - and the northern city

res. These airports operate in accordance with international aviation

of Kavala in mainland Greece have been completed. Passengers now

standards and guidelines, while also offering new services, amenities

enjoy an upgraded travel experience, new services and experience a

and commercial spaces in line with the international airport stan-

hassle free and speedy arrival and departure process.

dards. Furthermore the creation of synergies with the tourist indus-

Works at the airports in the Aegean islands of Samos, Mytilene, Rho-

try, local authorities and all other interested stakeholders aims at

des and Skiathos as well as in the Ionian sea island of Kefalonia and

achieving the gradual extension of the tourist season for all desti-

the city of Aktion in western Greece, will be gradually completed by


the end of this year.

26  Money & Tourism



The upgrading program and the modernization of the infrastructures

be completed, it will be a continuation of the aesthetics and landsca-

will be completed by 2021, with the delivery of five new airports in the

pe architecture inviting its travelers and users to begin their island

islands of Kos, Santorini, Mykonos, Corfu and the city of Thessaloniki.

exploration through the airport.

The new premises will serve the needs of passengers, collabora-

The project at a glance:

tors and airport employees, while providing significant amenities to

• Extension of a total area of 2000m2 to the northern side of the exis-

the increased number of travellers with more check-in points, more passenger control points, state-of-the-art baggage handling and management systems, comfortable waiting rooms, fast wireless internet network and integrated family services.

Highlight: the design of Mykonos airport

ting building which will host the airport’s new arrivals area. • Expansion of the existing building by another 500m2 creating more Gates • Complete remodeling - refurbishment of all airport areas • New retail and F&B areas • Complete refurbishment of the existing sanitary facilities

Inspired by the Aegean pigeon houses, traditional samples of popu-

• Creation of two new VIP lounges

lar Aegean architecture, the design approach combines the tradition

• Installation of a new automated luggage handling system

of Mykonos with its modern side. Thus, in 2021 when the airport will

• Redesigning of the entire curbside area

Edition 2019




Ellinair Mission - Vision


At Ellinair, our mission is to provide high quality aviation experiences.

As a subsidiary of Mouzenidis Group, Ellinair started operating in 2014

Aligned to the international flight safety regulations * and with atten-

to meet the increased needs Mouzenidis Travel had in airline seats.

tion to detail, we care for the discreet interaction with our passengers, in order to meet their needs during the flight. Through investments in technological equipment and people, today - five years after our first flight - we are a team of experienced flight, technical and management personnel. Our vision is to become the leading regional company based in Thessaloniki while aiding Tourism Industry’s as well as local and national

In 2015, scheduled flights were also added to our routes and we now travel from 5 bases to – up to- 42 destinations. Our fleet (Helenic Register): • 2 Airbus 319 of 144 seats • 2 Airbus 320 of 180 seats Our people 320 well-trained and experienced flying, operational and managerial

economy’s further development.

administrators and executives

* Our airplanes are subject to constant, rigorous checks carried out by

• 9 Licenced and Certified Aircraft Engineers

Ellinair approved maintenance organisation (active on a 24/7 basis)

the Civil Aviation Authority and the European Aviation Safety Agency

• 6 Technical Assistants

(EASA) to ensure the quality of the procedures under the laws of the

• 3 Planners

Greek State and the European Union.

• 2 Store Keepers

184  Money & Tourism


tunning views, impeccable service and otherworldly elegance create an ideal setting for complete rejuvenation. 70 guestrooms and villas with impressive views to the Aegean Sea, are deliberately designed to offer a unique holiday experience.

Lindos B lu Luxury Hote

l & S uites

85107 Vlicha Lindos, Rhodes, Greece, Tel.: +30 22440 32110, Fax: +30 22440 32111, Email:



Lefkafa Zante

A palette of blue and green Meganisi



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