Kappa Quill Spring 2022

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Spring 2022 Volume 52, Issue 2

Letter from the Executive Director Dear Sisters of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority, I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take some time to talk to you about the word "community." When you think about community what might first come to mind is the area where you live, but community can be so much more than a geographical area. Community can also be used to describe a like-minded group of individuals. Our organization is a community—we share a set of common values that guide us and our actions. Each of you probably has a slightly different personal definition of what community is and the feelings that the word evokes. For me, our Kappa community has given me a place where I have a feeling of belonging, and a safe place in which I can be my authentic self—something I did not have in school growing up. In elementary school, I was what adults described as an "old soul," struggling to relate to my peers and would rather discuss things like books with my teachers. That coupled with years of leaving class for speech therapy made me a target for other kids to pick on. By the time I reached high school much of the bullying had lessened but I still really didn’t have a community where I belonged. I was not athletic enough to make our ultra-competitive sports teams, not talented enough to make the plays for the drama clubs, and definitely did not relate to the popular kids that were mean for the sake of being mean. I was lucky enough to fly under the radar for the most part in high school—there were others who were not as lucky and the bullying and harassment didn’t stop for them. I ended up with a small group of friends who also didn’t fit neatly into a niche click either, but I never really felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself or that I could truly be myself. That feeling of not belonging changed when I joined Kappa Iota chapter as a junior in college. I found a group of like-minded women whose mission was to spread kindness and improve their local geographic community. Our interests were varied and broad but because of our common core beliefs everyone was made to feel loved and accepted, and explore their aspects of their identity without repercussions they may have otherwise faced. Many years have passed since I initially found my Kappa community. As time continues to pass I admittedly have lost touch with some of those initial community members because life inevitably gets busy, while there are others that I still talk to almost daily (in fact this fall I will be in one of my class sister's wedding!). However, even though my Kappa community has evolved over the years I still feel as loved and supported as I did all those years ago. My closest friends are sisters who also felt the drive to give back to the greater Kappa community and joined the Board of Directors. Those of us on the board are all tied together with a common mission of giving back to our Kappa community and improving it for others, but beyond that they have been there through personal struggles and triumphs too, and I for theirs. Some of these women in my Kappa community know more about me than anyone else in my life because I know it is a safe space for me to share and just be myself. My goal and biggest wish as Executive Director of our sisterhood is for each member to find their own sense of community within Kappa. As a leader of our organization I certainly don’t have all the answers to all the questions that our community may face. But how do we strengthen our community? I firmly believe that starts with what ties our whole organization together—kindness. In Kappa,

Amanda Roberge, Executive Director


Table of Contents

Mission Statement The purpose of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority, Inc. shall be to promote academic achievement, to encourage community involvement through philanthropy, and to cultivate the everlasting bonds of sisterhood. We shall fortify the values of leadership, generosity, charity, and integrity within our sisters through guidance at both the chapter and national level.

Letter from the Executive Director............ 1 Important Dates.......................................... 2 Letter from the President.......................... 3 Congrats to our Graduates...................4–5 NGLA Recap............................................ 6–7 Kappa as a Community.........................8–11 What does "community" mean to you?..........................9 Community in COVID......................................................... 10 Kappa's Small Businesses...........................................10–11 How is sisterhood your community?.............................. 11

Amanda Roberge's 10 Years...............12–13

National Founders Pat Ouellette Angie Parker Kathy Luciano Dee Tzovarras Tricia Crosby Laurie Beckwith Joanne Lobozzo Becky Ritter Joyce Welch Renie Mountain Bridgett Burtchell Bonnie Griener

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion..............14–20 Nancee Brearly Debbie Therriauly Barbie Richard Eileen Coombs Karen Kulikowski Kathi Gleason Jan Spaulding Sharon Soles Sue Caron Leslie Vartabedian Mimi McBride

Media & Materials Committee Designer: Christina Rose Editor: Lauren Porter Social Media: Robyn Sarette Webmaster: Brittany Baldwin

Creating a Diversity Chair...........................................15–17 Recruitment & Disability Inclusion........................... 18–19 LGBTQ+ Book Recommendations................................. 19 Inclusion in Social Media.................................................20

Philanthropy & AFSP.......................... 21–27

Philanthropy Update.................................................. 22-23 AFSP Workshop Recap.................................................... 24 Field Advocate Program.......................................... 24–25 AFSP Resource Materials........................................ 26–27 AFSP Upcoming Events................................................... 27

Blog Posts........................................... 28–29 Suicide Prevention Month............................................... 28 The Importance of Self Care..........................................29

Chapter Reports................................. 30–39 National Alumnae Association.........40–41 Letter from Sue Dyer Taylor............................................ 40 NAA Philanthropy................................................................ 41 Cooking with Jeanette...................................................... 41

Important Dates Application to Join the Associate Board Due May 3 • Apply online at KappaDeltaPhiNAS.org Spring Board of Directors Meeting June 3–5 • Wilmington, Vermont

Follow us on social media! 02

Facebook @kdp.nas Instagram @kdp_nas Twitter @KDP_NAS

Summer Leadership Retreat July 29–31 • University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts Want to contribute content or have any suggestions? Let us know at editor@kappadeltaphinas.org

Letter from the President Hello Sisters, I am thrilled to finally be getting together in-person, and I hope you are too! A quick shout-out to the meetings committee and everyone that’s been involved to make the entire weekend of activities possible! It’s certainly no simple task to coordinate such a vast meeting, especially in the uncertain times we continue to work in and with the small budgets and volunteer staff we have. As we come together again as one Kappa community, please remember that every single one of you is representing our organization this weekend. It is imperative that we continue to uphold and demonstrate our ideals of kindness, devotion, and pride to all. Our Kappa community is so unique. The fact that we can come together as sisters and brothers to celebrate each organization’s accomplishments is a distinction in itself amongst many other Greek organizations. Being affiliated with the fraternity and sharing similar ideals truly makes the Kappa experience like no other. We are able to network with an array of people from all different backgrounds and experiences. We get to bond over shared ideals and learn from one another through our differences. Be sure to take advantage of that, especially this weekend, and continue to make those connections throughout your journey. You never know who you are going to bump into and how they might help you reach your next goal. Beyond networking and personal growth opportunities, a major distinction of our organization is our passion to give back through philanthropy. Finding other communities that we relate to and want to help perpetuate their missions is what we do best. My favorite part of Convention is celebrating your accomplishments and finding out just how much we collectively raised for our National Philanthropy. Getting to meet and talk to the representatives of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) was an amazing experience for me the last time we were at an in-person Convention. Hearing directly from someone that knows the day-to-

day workings of the AFSP and telling us the ways that our donations have made an impact in other communities across the country made me so proud of the work we all put in throughout the year. It’s important to remember that our impact goes beyond Kappa and our local communities. With the help of our other non-profit allies, we can make a difference throughout our country and even our world. Finally, our Kappa community allows us to be ourselves, be accepted, and be supported when we need it the most. From new member education to stepping over the line as an alumnae, we all create bonds and friendships that last a lifetime. Throughout my journey, I have been able to grow throughout my Kappa experiences. While some were fun, light-hearted, and easy, others were challenging, serious, and difficult. Ultimately, I had to push myself out of my comfort zone, have empathy for others, and apologize or be willing to accept someone else’s apology. Each time, discussing the situation at-hand and talking through a resolution allowed me to gain experience in conflict-resolution as well as keep my friendships with my fellow Kappa members. Some of these relationships even developed further after the fact and, now, we are one another’s strongest support systems. These skills and bonds that I have developed over the past decade-plus are now helping me flourish in my personal and professional life. At the end of the day, when we come together as a community of people that can celebrate and respect our differences and perpetuate our ideals, we can truly accomplish anything. Let’s continue to act with kindness, devotion and pride and align ourselves with people and organizations that want to make a positive impact in the world. This experience is truly what we make of it. May the Spirit Never Die,

Amanda (Cronin) Antaki National President


Congratulations GRADUATES! TO OUR

Fall 2021 Cassandra Abel, Kappa Alpha Omicron Kayla Bowen, Kappa Sigma Nicolette Cappuccilli, Kappa Alpha Gamma Rachel Cole, Kappa Alpha Nu Hannah Cusson, Kappa Chi Corissa Decker, Kappa Alpha Omicron Olivia Doner, Kappa Alpha Omicron Jess Giffen, Kappa Lambda Kaitlin Hawes, Kappa Lambda Elaine Karagiannis, Kappa Alpha Xi Lauren Lasker, Kappa Alpha Gamma Geovanna Valdivieso, Kappa Alpha Nu Amy Visser, Kappa Alpha Gamma


*This list was compiled from graduation dates listed on treasurer forms from the 2021-2022 school year. We apologize for any errors, exclusions or misspellings.

Spring 2022 Kathia Beltre, Kappa Alpha Nu Amber Birt, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter Victoria Brown, Kappa Alpha Xi Maddie Carroll, Kappa Chi Gisela Casillas, Kappa Upsilon Molly Closinski, Kappa Alpha Xi

Molly McLeod, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Bethany Costello, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Caroline Meyers, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Beatriz Del Pozo Diez, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Mallory Nelson, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Caroline Evans, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Olivia Novoselesky, Kappa Upsilon

Eliza Fandel, Kappa Chi

Caelinn Oliva, Kappa Alpha Nu

Jacqueline Goldstein, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Gabrielle Palmigiano, Kappa Alpha Nu

Chelsea Gomez, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Hannah Patrignani, Kappa Upsilon

Hailey Goodall, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Sydney Payne, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Kayla Gordineer, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Carly Poulton, Kappa Iota

Serena Govaert, Kappa Sigma

Kristen Ranieri, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Haley Hartnett, Kappa Chi

Alyson Ratcliffe, Kappa Alpha Xi

Rachel Hayes, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Christine Regan, Kappa Alpha Nu

Ivanka Hernandez, Kappa Lambda

Alyssa Renaud, Kappa Omicron

Hannah Hoyt, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Emily Roberts, Kappa Chi

Samantha Justiniano, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Mia Roemer, Kappa Upsilon

Jenna Kalmancy, Kappa Alpha Nu

Samantha Rosenfeld, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Lilah Kelly, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Adrianna Ryan, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Tara Kristensen, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Taylor Sajecki, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Jaelynn Laudenbach, Kappa Chi

Isabella Serafini, Kappa Alpha Omicron

Sam Lescord, Kappa Upsilon

Helen Smith, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Elise Liebow, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Dharshini Suresh, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Jordan Lippincont, Kappa Upsilon

Yalena Terrero Martinez, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Julia Longo, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Jessica Turner, Kappa Sigma

Victoria Mabie, Kappa Chi

Brianna Turner-Douglas, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Victoria Mano, Kappa Alpha Gamma

Caroline Wagner, Kappa Alpha Nu

Lauren Marble, Kappa Alpha Nu

Erin Young, Kappa Upsilon

Courtney Mayer, Kappa Upsilon

Misty Zaczyk, Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter

Madeline McCambridge, Kappa Alpha Nu

Taylor Zdanio, Kappa Alpha Nu 05

2022 Meetings Recap: Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) I am so grateful to have been able to go to Baltimore for NGLA. It was an amazing experience and I feel like not only was I able to develop leadership skills personally, but I learned so much that I look forward to bringing back to UML’s Greek life, Kappa Upsilon, and our national organization. As a leader I am always trying to learn more and grow, but also find ways in which our chapter can grow and then implement and share those ideas with nationals and our Greek Life on campus. I feel like this experience was very fulfilling and educational for me. I attended "What it Means to be Anti Racist in Greek Life," "Be Your Own Hero Becoming an Ambassador for Inclusion," "Numbers Follow," "They Do Not Lead: Prioritizing the 'E' in DEI," "Inclusive Leaders are STILL Biased," "Buy in is Fake, Creating a Culture is Real," "How to Navigate Calling in Your Membership," "Sold on Sisterhood: Creating a Culture of Belonging," and "Ladies, Let’s Drop the F Bomb." I also was able to do a one-on-one meeting with someone who works for the Parallel Agency; I was able to show them and get feedback on our Anti-Discrimination Statement of Commitment, and we were able to have a conversation on how to further develop our DEI chair and how to further implement diversity, equity, and inclusion within our chapter and national organization. One of my goals when attending NGLA was to try to attend panels that I thought were relatable to our chapter and sisterhood and those that would be able to be translated to our needs/growth. I was able to learn a lot about diversity, equity, and inclusion, specifically when it is connected to Greek Life. I learned about different biases we have, specifically in the sorority and fraternity experience, especially as leaders, and how they can impact our chapter. In order to achieve DEI in our chapters, we need to be willing to change and “give” something up. There’s differences in performative action and equity-building action and we discussed how we can create lasting equitable change in our chapters. I learned that to be anti-racist is not the same as not being racist; Anti-Racism is an active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices, and attitudes so that power is redistributed and shared equitably. There is so much we as chapters can do that goes beyond “looking or being diverse;” equity and inclusion are both just as important, as well as necessary in order to have diversity. We need to prioritize learning and unlearning and work to make positive equitable changes that are inclusive of all people. I also attended panels on sisterhood, feminism, buy in, and one on COB recruitment. The "Buy in is Fake" really emphasized the importance of transparency and creating a culture where members want to be present and feeling comfortable and safe is key. It is more important to create cultures of belonging and care within our spaces. We CAN tell our story and be transparent about what it means to be sisters in our space; we do not need to create this buy in. I also learned how important it is for us as sisters to be “really real” with each other. Being a sisterhood before a business is important; we need to really be vulnerable and get to know each other more than just surface level. It may be easier to talk about each other than care about each other, but we need to get rid of that and create a space where we care more about each other and people can be themselves. I also really liked learning about feminism; it was a very powerful conversation to how sexism and misogyny is deep rooted in our systems and how to call for change as a Women. Overall at NGLA I learned so much and I can not wait to share all of this with you all! —Alyssa Heath, Kappa Upsilon


I learned a lot about retention and recruitment in the seminars I attended. I think the most valuable thing that I learned was about appreciating the bond we make as sisters. My chapter was really excited by some of the recruitment strategies suggested at NGLA, and we plan to start implementing them immediately. Going to NGLA has inspired me to step more into my role as leader of my chapter, where before I could lead when I was expected to, I could make decisions when they needed to be made, and could solve problems when they came up. Now I am more confident, and decisive. I find myself since the conference actively leading and making decisions with a future goal of the chapter in mind, not just because I have to. I’m also more active in solving problems before they happen. I believe that what I learned at NGLA has made me more capable and better suited to my own role and also given me the confidence to better excel at it. —Amina Irish, Kappa Iota

NGLA 2022 Scholarship Recipients Hannah Hart, Kappa Omicron Alyssa Heath, Kappa Upsilon Amina Irish, Kappa Iota Alexis Steigerwald, Kappa Alpha Omicron Lily Westerman, Kappa Lambda

To learn more about the Northeast Greek Leadership Association, visit ngla.org 07

community [kuh-myoo-ni-tee] noun.

A group that shares a set of common interests and ideals and finds themselves sharing the same place, geographically or in the world. Kappa is a community. How do we define "community"...


"All for one and one for all" is the first thing I think of when I hear the word community. Community means helping those who need it most, and knowing support will be there when you are down. Kappa has shown me time and again how strong our sisterhood is, and provided me with a loving community during hard times.

Community is a place where you can go for support unconditionally. Even people you are not close with will reach out because you are part of the community that wants the same things. —Nicole Hallahan

—Lilia Gibbons Belonging Community means coming together, despite differences, and being able to make people feel safe and make change.

—Madison Laughman

—Marysa Mitrano

Having each other’s backs


—Chloe Wieleba

—Kathleen Landry

Community is the physical and social home that you find in the world. It is where you give of yourself and receive from others. It's where you are accepted as you are and challenged to grow into the best you possible.

—Lauren Porter

Tight bonds and partnership —Skylah Zayas

Community is a place where everyone belongs. Despite our differences, Kappa unites us all together and gives us a common ground. Regardless of our chapters or backgrounds, we come together as one organization.

When I think of community, I think of a group of people with similar passions and ideals; everyone working towards the same goal. A feeling of dedication to a cause lifestyle that is shared among members. To me, the Kappa community is built on trust. Trusting that your sisters are there for you no matter what, to back you up or catch you when you fall. We share a journey together no matter which chapter we come from.

Community is a group of people that share common goals and support one another in achieving them.

—Robyn Sarette

—Amanda (Cronin) Antaki

—Nicole Ransden

A feeling of belonging —Amber Osborn

To me community means a collective of people who have similar values or interests. Kappa unites us under the same core values.

Community is about togetherness, not only physically but also emotionally. It is about having a group of people who are there to support you. Your community is with you on the hardest days lending an ear or being a shoulder to cry on and they are the people that you want to call with good news to share in your greatest joys.

—Angelica Masser

—Courtney Stevens Community means having good friends around me and there for me when I need them. My Kappa community is always there for me and it gives me a sense of family. A community should feel like a family, even when there is no blood relationship.

Community to me means always lending a hand to the people around you, and accepting help from others as well. When —Haley Sullivan you have a community you're apart of, it should mean inclusion, kindness, and being considerate in the name of acting as one unit together. Lifting others up Family away from home —Chrissy Ryan —Larissa Ryerson

—Corinne Cloutier

People you can count on.

—Jessie Turner

Feeling safe on campus and with my sisters. —Liv Pierog

Community to me is a group of people who support and care for one another.

—Jayley Handley


Support local. Support Kappa. in COVID Community is defined as a group that shares a set of common interests and ideals and finds themselves sharing the same place, geographically or in the world. Communities come in many different shapes and sizes, and oftentimes we are part of multiple different communities that make us who we are. When I think about some of my communities…work, school, church, barre, family, Kappa…it is hard not to see how much they have been impacted in some way, shape or form by COVID. Events big and small went virtual, some never to return in person again. Those events that are once again being held in person are still complicated by social distancing and mask requirements. It is no surprise that there has been a significant increase in mental health issues since the beginning of the pandemic. And while seeking professional treatment is important and necessary, community matters too. Creating a sense of belonging can give us a purpose and help us all to not feel so alone in this age of isolation. It is remarkable to see the lengths to which people will go in order to uplift each other and to preserve their communities. If we think back to the beginning of the pandemic, people were putting on drive-by parades to celebrate birthdays, graduations, and to thank front-line heroes. Video clips of neighbors singing with each other from their balconies went viral. Using Zoom to stay in touch with friends and relatives became the norm. Now, more than two years later, some of these things that were wonderful and reassuring have become endless and frustrating. But what if, instead of asking ourselves when things will be back to normal, we started asking ourselves how we can embrace this new normal and use it to reignite our communities? What little things can we do to help those around us and to strengthen the bonds within our community? Small acts of kindness, like paying for the person’s coffee behind you in the drive thru, can go a long way in putting a smile on someone else’s face. When we care about those around us, we inspire them to do the same. It is these little acts of kindness that foster the community that we need, now more than ever. –Nicole Ransden, Associate Board Member


A Thousand Suns Photography Photography Lindsey Morrissey, Kappa Lambda lindsey.morrissey4@gmail.com Care of Sarah Small Business Tech Consulting Sarah Flagg, Kappa Iota Instagram: @careofsarah Coolidge Family Farm Maine Wedding & Event Venue Misty Lee Coolidge, Kappa Lambda coolidgefamilyfarm.com Creating Action Initiative Social Justice Initiative Consulting Sarah Bujno, Kappa Iota sarah@creatingaction.org CSW Officiant & Consultant Wedding Officiant Christine Schaffer, Kappa Upsilon Instagram: @cswofficiant Dear Jenna Photography Photography Jenna McFarland, Kappa Iota dearjennaphotography@gmail.com Ella Envisions Paintings Ella Suters, KO Instagram & Etsy: @ellaenvisions Geriatric Resources, LLC Geriatric Care Management & Referrals Crystal Littlejohn, Kappa Sigma geriatricresourcesaz.com Granite State Creative Social Media Marketing & Custom Art Becca Morse Colavito, Kappa Sigma granitestatecreative@yahoo.com I Do Personalized Wedding Ceremonies Wedding Officiant Susan Dyer Taylor, Kappa Mu meofficiant.com Kaia Cosmic Co. Spiritual Virtual Assistant & Copywriter Kaia Groneng, Kappa Lambda kaiacosmicco.com

How is

KCs Crystals Crystal Jewelry Kasey Arnold, Kappa Sigma Instagram & Etsy: @kcscrystals Meraki Portrait Alternative Wedding Photography Alicia Rackley, Kappa Iota merakiportrait.com Nashua Sew and Vac NH Sewing Machines & Vacuums Chrissy Ryan, Kappa Chi nashuasewandvac.com Pride Events and Design Co. Wedding Coordination & Rentals Courtney Pride, Kappa Lambda rossc@husson.edu Rou-Mi Candles Candles Prisca Mbiye, Kappa Upsilon Instagram: @roumicandle Spicy Stitch Designs Custom Embroidery Casey Swenson, Kappa Iota Instagram & Etsy: @spicystitchdesigns Stacey Carson Wedding Co. Photography Stacey Carson, Kappa Chi staceycarsonweddingco.mypixieset.com

your community? My sisters have been my community since I joined Kappa in 2018. I am still super close with many of them. I am so fortunate to have been able to find such a like-minded group of young women. My sisters have been there for me through the good times and the bad. No matter what drama was happening at that moment, my sisters never gave up on our sisterhood. By working through every trial and tribulation, we learned how to better ourselves and our organization. Our sisterhood gave me many of my closest friends who I am beyond thankful for. These sisters have helped me tremendously with adjusting to life post-graduation. Sadly, we no longer live across the hall from each other, but they are still very present in my life. Sisterhood isn’t just going to philanthropy events and meetings for four years. It’s celebrating life milestones together, staying up late laughing, and comforting one another in times of need. Meeting friends in college is easy, but meeting your sisters is something special. My sisters have made me into a more decisive, confident, outgoing, and caring person. They taught me how to stand up for myself and not to be afraid of confrontation. I am so lucky to have met them. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without my sisters. –Angelica Masser, Associate Board Member

The Knotted Finds Tropical Plants & Gift Shop Taylor Pelletier, Kappa Sigma theknottedfinds.com Wild Rose Collective Tarot Reading Ashley Rose, Kappa Iota 617-548-9698 Wildwood Studios Wedding & Portrait Photography Stephanie Norwood, Kappa Iota wildwood.me Have a small business or know a sister who does? Let us know at editor@kappadeltaphinas.org


Congratulations on 10 years, Amanda! 've t year on the board. We h Amanda after my firs wit s nd frie re r se mo clo ny ma me I beca dates, and ing on vacations, lunch go er, eth tog e ng tim thi of ery spent a lot and truly listens to ev great person to talk to, . I think art he big activities. Amanda is a a s eryone, and ha ev for st be the nts wa grow in you are saying. She is looking to have us our organization, and ts en res rep g her ly vin tru ha da Aman k forward to her friendship, and loo for ful nk tha am I y. the best wa tor. grow as Executive Direc rano

—Marysa Mit

Amanda, we have literally been to hell and back with everything we have done with this organization. I admire your tenacity and can not wait to see what else you accomplish, just make sure to delete my voicemails when I go. I don't want anyone thinking less of me. Love you. Amanda is one of my very best friends. We met while volunteering on the National Board back in 2012 and have been close ever since. My favorite mem ories are the many road trips to Conventions and the late night chats. I first got to know Amanda at our Boar d weekend at PT in Machias and after that, we decided to always be roommates and road trip buddies. I’m so thankful for our friendship that has extended beyond my time on the Board. You are the best auntie to my children and my sanity when life gets crazy. I’m so incredibly proud of you for all the work and love you have given the Board for these past 10 years. Keep being the amazing sister that you are!

—Andrea McKevitt

—Jennifer Jackson

the Congratulations Amanda on celebrating ten years of service to with working e pleasur a been has It National Board. Time certainly flies! you, developing our friendship throughout the years and making many memories together. From countless Kappa road trips to celebrating sister's personal milestones like Jenn Shipp's wedding, there are too od many memories to count. Thank you again for supporting our sisterho years! ten to Cheers and being a friend that you can always count on.


—Amanda (Cronin) Antaki

My first memory of Amanda is her wa lking into a busin I was an active. W ess meeting when hile I didn't know her, I felt immense when we saw th Kappa Iota pride e announcemen t that she was th director. It's been e ne w co-executive amazing to watc h her flourish into more and more that role and give of her time, ener gy, and expertise am eternally grat to our sorority. I eful for that, and for the friendshi appreciate the lau p I have with her. I ghs, vent sessions , and meme sharin to have you in ou g. We are grateful r sorority and in th is world!

I have made a wonderful friend in Amanda and am so happy to have met her through our time on the board. Here's to many more margaritas!

—Robyn Sarette

—Lauren Porter Amanda is one of the kindest people that I have ever met. During the very first conversation that we had she thanked me for speaking up and told me that I was going to be a great leader. When she found out that I was graduating she reached out and encouraged me to join the board. She welcomed me with open arms and has become one of my closest friends. She is a great listener, jokester, and problem solver. She is fierce in her love for this amazing organization and she bleeds black and gold. She is committed to bettering this organization and making sure that Kappa is something that we can all be proud to be a part of. Thank you for everything that you have done for Kappa during your 10 years on the board Amanda, we are so lucky to have you. There is happiness because of you.

—Courtney Stevens

ys Amanda is the person that I alwa pa Kap a e hav I goe s to whe n n question. She was my mentor whe I first joined the board in 2020 (and e she still is, haha). She's an awesom ws kno ys alwa mentor because she the answer to what I need and gives me great advice. She has always been there for me and I will continue to annoy her with all my crazy questions!

—Haley Sullivan





How to create a


and what they can do by Lauren Porter, Associate Board Member

Has your chapter considered creating a Diversity Chair position but not sure where to start? Over the past few years, more and more chapters in our organization, as well as other Greek Life organizations, have implemented this type of officer position to further the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). When I was an active sister in Kappa Iota, I had the opportunity to propose, develop, and implement a Diversity Chair for our chapter. This article will provide some insight into that process, things to keep in mind, and strategies to consider. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach or a formal recommendation from the National Board. It’s important to ask yourself the “why” behind a new position. What you should avoid is seeking to place a sister in a role where she is responsible for educating the chapter and being responsible for all DEI. Rather, this position should be viewed as a representative in the chapter to build relationships with experts in the field, resources on campus, plan events and training, be an advocate, and review initiatives and recommendations in the DEI field relevant to Greek Life organizations. As we were seeking to define diversity, we found this statement from Queensborough Community College that we used as a lens going forward: The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

This definition helps us move behind the idea of diversity as a requirement, as a way to avoid liability or accusations of discrimination, or as a buzzword, but rather as an active and inclusive practice and process where we embrace the various social identities each person has. When we talk about diversity, we must remember that it encompasses all social identities. Just some of those identities are race, ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, sex assigned at birth, gender identity and expression, sexual and romantic orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, military status, and age. As we work to expand and implement DEI values in our organization, we must be intentional. It is an active process, not a passive one. Questions we may want to ask ourselves are, “whose voice is not at the table?,” “which identities may we be leaving out?,” “where are we now, and where do we want to go?,” “how can we get there and who can help us?.” To truly promote the values of DEI, we must be intentional and active in creating our spaces. Inclusivity is not simply, “it is okay if you are here.” It takes it a step further—“we restructured and designed this space with you in mind.” Now that we have set the foundation for the type of mindset and overall context we are operating in, we can discuss some of the logistics around implementation and potential responsibilities for a Diversity Chair.

Creating a New Position Do your bylaws outline the process for creating a new position? Do you have a historical precedent for how this has been done? In my situation, we did not have a clear protocol. A recommendation we received was to create an ad-hoc committee. This is a type of temporary committee that is put together to address a defined issue or achieve a specific goal. We motioned to create a


committee of 3-5 members to meet during the semester to draft the position description, meet with on-campus offices, and set some preliminary goals.

Relationship-Building An important part of both the development process and an ongoing practice is to be utilizing the expertise around DEI that is available with you and build relationships with them. Some places on campus to consider networking with are diversity offices. Your campus may have one overarching diversity office, or they may be separate. Our university had a Multi-Cultural Center, a Religious Life Department, and a Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity. Other offices to consider partnering with are Student Disability Services, Veterans Affairs, the Collegiate Recovery Center, and TRIO Support Services. These relationships serve multiple purposes. First, you can inquire about obstacles and barriers they may identify around certain students having equal access to your organization. Disability services may provide tips around which campus spaces are ADA-compliant and best to hold rushes in. The gender and sexual diversity center may have insight on how you can better spread messaging that our organization is open to self-identifying women, or how to overcome the cis-heteronormativity that is often present in Greek Life organizations. Building relationships with these offices allows you to get initial feedback from them and sets a foundation for ongoing resources, training opportunities, and evaluation. Another way these relationships can help is to recruit in these spaces. Perhaps some LGBTQ+ students have been interested in joining a sorority but always thought they were spaces limited to cishet people. Making your commitment to DEI known in these spaces can help us be more intentional about opening up our organization to individuals who are often marginalized from our spaces. Undoing marginalization is an active process where we must intentionally go into those spaces and ensure that individuals are aware that they are indeed welcome and celebrated in our community.

Advocating A diversity chair can be available as an advocate for potential new members and active sisters. For example, you can put a statement on your event materials with the chair’s email address if an individual has any accessibility needs. You may have active sisters who are struggling for a variety of reasons. Perhaps there was a microaggression


or an incident of explicit bias that they don’t know how to bring up, or they don’t want to bring up to everyone. Perhaps they are facing obstacles to full participation in the sisterhood related to one of their areas of social identity and need help brainstorming and pushing for solutions. This is a way that a Diversity Chair can be available to both look out for obstacles ahead of time and be a point of contact when issues arise. The chair is not expected to be the expert or have the final say, but rather be an individual invested in furthering DEI values and knowing how and when to call on outside expertise.

Responsibilities When I was envisioning the main categories for what the diversity chair would be responsible for, they fell into three categories: • Be an advocate by looking out for barriers and overcoming them, as well as supporting any sisters who find themselves facing them. • Further the DEI work of the chapter by finding resources, hosting trainings, and bringing in outside expertise. • Build relationships with on- and off-campus resources to gain from their knowledge and perspective and be intentional in spreading messages about the DEI stance of the chapter to underrepresented populations. It can be helpful to identify the big-picture goals of the chair before getting into more specific responsibilities. A sample of the bylaw position description for Kappa Iota is attached to this article as a sample and point of reference for what it could look like. It is key to remember that the Diversity Chair themself is not responsible for or expected to be an expert. The goal should not be to identify a sister with the most varied social identities to step into a role to speak as a representative for them. Rather, she should be an individual committed to and passionate about evaluating the chapter, identifying areas for improvement, bringing resources and opportunities for growth to the chapter, assessing progress on an ongoing basis, supporting the chapter in intentionally restructuring operations with these values in mind, and consulting with outside individuals. The roles and responsibilities of a diversity chair may look very different for each chapter. How it operates and conducts itself can look a lot of ways. It is just one of many strategies that your chapter can take to be active in furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Sample Bylaw Language POSITION: Diversity Chair 1. Defining diversity: a. Definition: [the lens you are using when discussing diversity] b. Diversity includes, but is not limited to: i. race, ethnicity, and country of origin ii. religion and spirituality iii. political affiliation and ideologies iv. sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and gender expression v. sexual and romantic orientation vi. socioeconomic status and class vii. physical, emotional, and developmental ability or disability ix. military status x. culture and family upbringing xi. age 2. They shall be available to any sister who feels they needs accommodations to fully participate in any activities related to sisterhood. 3. They shall provide guidance, resources, and suggestions for how the chapter should proceed when issues arise related to diversity and inclusion. They shall provide resources and educational opportunities regarding different areas of diversity, such as campus-sponsored trainings, conferences, seminars, etc. 4. They shall guide the chapter in becoming leaders of diversity and inclusion in the chapter, on campus, and in the community. 5. They shall cultivate relationships with on-campus resources, such as the Student Diversity Centers, Intercultural Student Engagement, Disability Services Center, Veterans Resource Center, and others. They shall also work with off-campus resources as needed. 6. They shall lead the chapter in creating goals for diversity at the beginning of the semester. These goals should be reviewed mid-semester and at the end of the semester. 7. They is in charge of the Diversity Committee and will submit minutes to the President and Vice President following the meeting.


Recruitment and

DISABILITY INCLUSION by Robyn Sarette, Vice President of Administration

While I’m sure you have the intention of inclusivity while planning your recruitment events, have you intentionally designed those events with inclusivity in mind? Take the extra step of putting those values into all of your recruitment habits. Social media is arguably one of the best places to advertise your recruitment event. But have you thought of what it would be like to have accessibility restrictions or limited or no vision? Have your posts be in a legible font, in contrasting colors, and be clear about the place, time, and theme. For those who use a translating device because they cannot see their screen, their worst nightmare is too many emojis. Did you know that emojis are translated as well? Your message could get lost in translation amongst the “happy face emoji, meet, black heart emoji, us, yellow heart emoji, at, star emoji” etc. If you are inserting links, make sure they are big enough to click and don’t go away too fast for someone with mobility issues to click. And keep your social media accounts public so they can be accessed by everyone. For those who may not follow you on social media or don’t have social media accounts, hanging fliers around your campus (in approved locations of course) is a great way to get noticed. Following the same principles of social media posts regarding font, colors, and clear time and place, include a DEI statement. This will make it obvious that you welcome those of any background. Choose an event space that everyone can get to. The easiest way to do this is to host your event on campus as most spaces are ADA compliant. However if you cannot host on campus, make sure your location is accessible for anyone. Think about having a designated quiet area or room where someone can go if they are feeling too anxious. If your event has a theme where it involves an activity, think about what that activity would be like for someone who is hearing, visually, or mobility-impaired. The recruitment window can be small on some campuses but you still need to consider dates and times that are inclusive. Make sure that your event isn’t being held

Sample recruitment fliers and posts


LGBTQ+ Book Recommendations Selected Board Picks

"Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides This book addresses both gender fluidity and the struggles of a young person fitting in as an intersex individual in a unique perspective. It is about self-discovery through the young main character while they go through their life and trace their family history. on a religious holiday that you might not celebrate, but someone else does. You will find that by introducing DEI into all aspects of your recruitment plan, you are creating more solidarity and kindness between sorority members. Remember that uncomfortableness is a crucial component in learning and unlearning about the systems that exist that create spaces in which our sisters do not feel heard or supported. Here are some tips when creating your event:

Check your posts! Are your posts legible? You’ll want to create posts that are clear for those who are visually-impaired and can be easily translated for those who use a device to read it aloud for them.

Check your bulletin board! Are your fliers making a clear statement? You’ll want to include a DEI statement on your handouts.

Check your space! Is your event space inclusive? You’ll want to ensure physical accessibility to your event.

Check your calendar! Is the date of your rush a religious holiday? You’ll want to avoid events on those key dates.

"With Teeth" by Kristen Arnett This story takes a candid look at LGBTQ+ family dynamics as the main character struggles to create a picture-perfect queer family as her life deteriorates. "God and the Gay Christian" by Matthew Vines The author, a gay Christian, spent years researching the Bible and its verses related to same-sex relationships. He presents an argument that counters the traditional interpretation of the six verses and against the church’s typical approach towards sexuality. This book was transformative for me as I wrestled with reconciling being Christian and bisexual. It’s helped me see that these two identities can exist in harmony and not constantly at odds with each other. "Secret Sisters: Stories of Being Lesbian and Bisexual in a College Sorority" This anthology shares the stories of 25 women who tackle the issue of heteronormativity and heterosexism as a common theme in many Greek Life organizations. It shows the significant impact that embrace and inclusion can make, as well as the great harm that can come from rejection and judgment. "Out on Fraternity Row: Personal Accounts of Being Gay in a College Fraternity" This anthology shares 30 gay men’s accounts of their experiences in fraternities. Some are closeted and wrestling with the homophobic fraternity culture at their universities. Some have come out and were ostracized, while others were welcomed and celebrated. It is edited by the founder of the Lambda 10 Project, an initiative for LGBTQ+ inclusion in Greek Life. "Am I Blue? Coming Out From the Silence" This is a collection of short stories sharing the shared experience of coming out not matter the age, location or type of coming out and the challenges associated with it. "Will Grayson Will Grayson" by John Green This bildungsroman is about a finding out who you are and how the people who are the most important are right next you no matter the sexual orientation. "M or F" by Lisa Papademetriou This was one of the first books where having gay characters was not made out to be special; they were written about like normal teens. It helped me understand that no one who was my friend would treat me any differently. "You Know Me Well" by Nina LaCour and David Levithan This is the first young adult book that I ever read where the main character was a lesbian who was not overally sexualized.


How to make your

SOCIAL MEDIA presence more inclusive by Karlee Paradis, Associate Board Member

Now more than ever we live during an age where so much of our communication, interaction, and perception of the world is consumed digitally through social media. Think about fundraisers, recruitment events, other means of raising awareness—we can make fliers, add events to university calendars, and make mention to our friends, roommates, and classmates, but social media has become such a powerhouse for getting the word out. I vividly remember looking up the socials of my chapter and of the national organization after attending my first recruitment event. I had heard what my future sisters had to say about Kappa, but I wanted to see for myself the image that was being presented to the world. As we use social media as a tool to market our organization and our endeavors, it's important to do so in ways that uphold our values, and one way that we can implement our dedication to kindness is by incorporating practices that make our social media presence more inclusive and accessible. But how do we do that? Here are six practices that you easily implement to make your chapter's socials more inclusive and accessible: • Include image descriptions on your main post Image descriptions make it possible for screenreaders to describe your content for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. • Utilize trigger warnings for sensitive topics Proceeding a post with “TRIGGER WARNING” or the abbreviation of “TW” lets people know that the post they are about to read discusses sensitive topics. We can’t know what everyone is or has gone through, and some content could be distressing. Trigger warnings give folks the chance to decide whether or not they feel up to engaging with said content.


• Use open and closed captioning with video content Using open and closed captioning with video content makes it possible for folks who are deaf or hard of hearing to consume your content. Most social media outlets allow you to add captions manually, have voice recognition software, or utilize both. • Utilize descriptions Like open and closed captioning for videos, utilizing descriptions can help folks who are blind or visually impaired get the most comprehensive experience out of your video content. Video descriptions are used to describe important visuals or sounds in your video content that are not discussed or explained verbally. • Write your hashtags using #CamelCase Hashtags that are typed in all capital or lowercase letters can be difficult to read and are harder for screen-readers to accurately translate. Capitalizing the first letter of each word in the hashtag makes it easier to read visually and with screen-readers. • Use inclusive language Use people-first language; instead of saying something like “mentally-ill people,’ say “people with mental illness.” Avoid using ableist language; for example, avoid using stigmatizing descriptors such as “crazy” or “insane.” These are just a few ways that you can make your digital content more inclusive and accessible, which can strengthen and expand your digital community. By and large, incorporating any of these or similar practices is a small but actionable way to represent our sisterhood’s commitment to kindness and inclusion.

Kappa Delta Phi NAS and


Philanthropy Update By Lauren Porter, National Philanthropy Chair

Year after year, we are amazed at the various ways that our sisters are involved in our communities. Despite the immense challenges that the last few years have presented, our actives still showed up to live out our value of kindness. At the time of this writing, our membership has completed over 4000 hours of service for the 2021-2022 year. Here are just a few highlights: Kappa Iota did walks for the AFSP, Alzheimer’s Association, and American Cancer Society, blood drives, and sorted medical supplies at Partners for World Health. Kappa Lambda sisters volunteered with the Good Shepherd Food Bank, Bangor Humane Society, Children's Backpack Program, RAINN, and the Hampden Food Bank. Kappa Omicron had many sisters volunteer with 7 Cup to provide peer mental health support, Habitat for Humanity, and the ASPCA. Kappa Sigma volunteered for the Angel Tree Project and Project Linus. Kappa Upsilon has continued their partnership with St. Jude Children’s Hospital, volunteered at on-campus events, made cards for local groups homes, and participated in a river clean-up project. Kappa Chi participated in a Greek Day of Service, blood drives, card making, and refugee housing assistance initiatives. Kappa Alpha Gamma volunteered with Color A Smile, the New Paltz Clean Sweep, Make a Difference Day, and the UCSPCA, as well as attending the AFSP walk in their region and writing letters to veterans. Kappa Alpha Iota did a variety of fundraisers, including ribbon, sticker, and food sales. They also volunteered at the Disney Princess Ball, Children’s Fair, Uprise Festival, and local blood drives. Kappa Alpha Nu participated in AFSP, Alzheimer’s Association, and breast cancer awareness walks. They also volunteered around sexual violence prevention and bone marrow matching campaigns. Kappa Alpha Xi volunteered at their campus orientation, a local soup kitchen, and hosted a variety of AFSP fundraising events. Kappa Alpha Omicron participated in events like Yards for Yeardley, 5K for Maddie, and the AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk. Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter participated with Woodlawn Park Cleanup, Mental Health Awareness Week events, PrideFest, blood drives, and donating to food pantries. The National Board held a successful 50/50 raffle during suicide prevention month in September. We will be selling AFSP swag at Convention, as well as hosting another 50/50 raffle and raffle off baskets with a variety of exciting items!



AFS P Workshop Recap This spring, the philanthropy committee was pleased to host two workshops for our active membership alongside our AFSP Area Director. Our first workshop was a fundraising session that focused on virtual options. We shared a variety of ideas and helped the actives in attendance brainstorm fundraisers that could work well for their chapters. Some of the virtual ideas we talked about were direct donor campaigns, donating a birthday or holiday, online merchandise sales, 50/50 raffles, and virtual auctions. Our second workshop was an introduction to AFSP Advocacy, where we talked about the ways that our national philanthropy works on mental health and suicide prevention legislation. We shared ways that sisters can be involved in these initiatives, primarily through the field advocate program, which can be found to the right. —Lauren Porter, National Philanthropy Chair

Field Advocate Program The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s mission is to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide. We fund research to improve interventions, train clinicians in suicide prevention, and advocate for policy that will save lives. We know that suicide prevention stretches far beyond training people to recognize the signs of suicide prevention and connecting people to necessary resources. While this piece is critical, the AFSP doesn’t stop there. Their mission and work also encompasses two other components: funding research and advocating for better suicide prevention and mental health policy. How does AFSP engage in public policy initiatives? In 2020, 27 state bills and 5 federal bills that the AFSP worked on were enacted into law. One of these was the National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act, designating 988 as a national three-digit dialing code to reach a crisis line starting in 2022. Each year, the AFSP designates a list of policy priorities. Their 2021-22 policy priorities are categorized into nine groups: • Crisis lines funding and support • Mental health parity • K-12 school suicide prevention • Military and Veteran suicide prevention • Extreme risk protection orders • Health professional training in suicide assessment, treatment, and management • Conversion therapy bans • University and college campus suicide prevention • Statewide suicide initiatives and plans


What’s the Field Advocate program? The Field Advocate program helps you become a vital part of AFSP’s large grassroots advocacy network and be given the resources and tools to speak out for suicide prevention and mental health at all levels of government. The AFSP has thousands of advocates who are speaking out and fighting for essential suicide prevention and mental health policies to save lives, and anyone can join in these efforts! Many of the strides the AFSP has made are due to the thousands of advocacy volunteers who create a united voice around creating better policy. So, what does it mean to be a Field Advocate? First, you will receive a monthly email update from the policy office updating you on current legislation and policies and optional ways that you can support them. It will let you know about upcoming events, such as State Capitol Days, passed legislation, and links to easily send letters of support to your elected officials on any of the policies that you support. Field Advocates are given tools to utilize on social media, such as informational graphics and petitions, to help raise awareness and get others involved in the cause. They also provide things like templates if you are interested in sending a written letter to an elected official. You’ll also be the first to know information about State Capitol Days and the annual Washington DC Advocacy Forum. These are advocacy events that many volunteers choose to attend. They “bring advocates together with state and local public officials to share information and

urge that suicide prevention be made a priority.” You can find out the date for your state by using the “Find a Local Chapter” feature on the AFSP website. Advocates will have the opportunity to show up, speak with legislators, and share information and personal stories. These events have lead to the passing of state bills such as bans on conversion therapy, required suicide prevention trainings in K-12 schools, insurance reform for mental healthcare parity, and creation of state suicide prevention task forces. What are the minimum requirements? There are no requirements to be a Field Advocate. Signing up simply sends you monthly email updates with steps that you can take if you choose to. Reviewing the legislation, contacting elected officials, posting on social media, or attending events is completely optional. You can do as much or as little as you want. You are also not required to agree on every piece of legislation and priority that the AFSP is working on. You’re free to advocate solely for the ones that you support. How do I join? Sign-up online through their Public Policy Action Center at https://afsp.org/advocate-for-suicide-prevention/ Not quite sure about becoming a Field Advocate? You can still view their directory on state and federal bills on their website to see current legislation being worked on and get an update on priorities and advocacy events at any time.


Suicide Warning Signs From American Foundation for Suicide Prevention



Increased use of alcohol or drugs

Being a burden to others

Withdrawing from activities

Killing themselves Experiencing unbearable pain

Isolating from friends and family

Having no reason to live

Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online for materials or means

Feeling trapped

Visiting or calling people to say goodbye Giving away prized possessions Sleeping too little or too much


Acting recklessly Aggression

Loss of interest Depression Irritability Anxiety



Have an honest conversation... If you think someone is thinking about suicide, assume you are the only one who will reach out. Here’s how to talk to someone who may be struggling with their mental health: • Talk to them in private, and tell them you care • Listen to their story • Avoid debating the value of life, minimizing their problems or giving advice • It’s okay to ask directly about suicide • Encourage them to seek help or to contact their doctor or therapist If a person says they are considering suicide: • Take the person seriously • Stay with them • Help them remove lethal means


Suicide Prevention Resources Visit Your Primary Care Provider Mental Health Professional Walk-in Clinic Emergency Department Urgent Care Center

Find a Mental Health Provider findtreatment.samhsa.gov mentalhealthamerica.net/ finding-help

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Veterans: Press 1

Text TALK to 741741 Text with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24/7

Call 911 for Emergencies

Save the Date April 13

Massachusetts State Advocacy Day: Speak Up to Save Lives!

Join the MA chapter to advocate for suicide prevention in the community and across the state! This year’s state advocacy day will be held virtually on Wednesday, April 13 at 12PM. Find out more at https://tinyurl.com/2022MassachusettsCapitolDay

April 24

Mental Health First Aid

This course gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use challenge and help connect them to the appropriate care. The registration deadline is April 14, and the event will be held virtually on April 24. This course is being offered for free by AFSP Missouri through a Veterans United Foundation donation. For more information, email schristopherson@afsp.org

May 3

Talk Saves Lives: Suicide Prevention in the LGBTQ Community

Participants will learn the common risk factors for suicide in LGBTQ populations, how to spot the warning signs in others, and how to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and those in our community safe. It is being held virtually on May 3 from 7 to 8 PM. Email kolbrich@afsp.org for more information.

June 4

The Overnight: One Night. One Goal. Stop Suicide.

This is AFSP’s flagship fundraiser. It will be held overnight starting on Saturday, June 4, in New York City. Thousands of people join this walk every year and walk 16 miles from dusk to dawn to create community, have a conversation, and raise funds to help stop suicide. Walking comes with a big responsibility: raising $700 by the day of the walk! Perhaps you want to participate and support this event but aren’t able to fundraise that amount or not able to do a walk of that length. Consider becoming a member of the Crew! Crew members help at registration, rest stops, the finish line, and more. For more information, visit theovernight.org

June 16

Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention

Talk Saves Lives is a community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide. Join the Arkansas chapter for a virtual version of this training on June 16. 27 Email jsharp@afsp.org for more information.

Kappa Delta Phi NAS blog posts >

Suicide Prevention Month By Karlee Paradis, Associate Board Member

One night a few years ago, I got a weird text from a good friend in the middle of the night and knew immediately something was wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever called someone quite as quickly as I called her that night. We talked all night until the birds began to wake and the sun began to rise, and by then we were deliriously tired and giggling like little kids, and the pit in my stomach had eased. About a year ago, this night came up in conversation between us and she confided in me that she had had a plan. That is if I hadn’t called her… These memories are ones I find myself mulling over often, but especially this month [September], during National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. Mental health touches the lives of so many, whether it be through the struggles of our friends and family or our struggles. Now more than ever people are having open and honest communication and discussion about mental health, and because of this I’ve seen the taboo of talking about our struggles dwindle throughout my life, and that’s something to be so grateful for, but it’s a constant work in progress. Always and especially during this month I see post after post pleading with people who are struggling or having suicidal ideation to reach out for help and support, whether it be to a counselor, a hotline, or friends and family, and while I’m sure these posts push and help lead people who are struggling towards support and resources, I know I speak for so many, my friend and I included, when I say that it’s often just not that simple to expect people who are suffering to reach out. Talking about these kinds of feelings in general but especially in the midst of our pain, it’s frightening and it’s daunting. We fear that in being vulnerable and honest, we will face judgment and labels. That we will be looked at differently, perhaps even looked down upon, because there is just so much stigma floating around the world regarding mental health. I think it’s especially important to remember not just this month but always, that we should and need to be making the effort to reach out to the people in our lives and to be knowledgeable and vigilant about mental health and suicide awareness and prevention. You never know what someone is going through, or what they’re feeling. Reaching out first can give someone the feeling of acceptance and safety necessary to confide in you and seek support. And maybe they don’t open up to you, but you give them the push they need to reach out to some other form of support such as a counselor or a hotline, or maybe they can’t find the words to confide in you, or anyone else, maybe they can’t bring themselves to, but simply being reminded of your love and care is the reason they keep going.


Recently, someone I care about shared a poem that resonated with me, and because of this month, and this blog post, and the message I want to convey but struggle to find the right words to do so, and so I’d like to share that here now with whoever is reading. I’ve Never Seen A Moose In The Wild by Tanner Olsen There are days when the thought of leaving slips into my mind. It’s a thought that is dark and far from kind. And most of the time I wonder how it worked its way to a place that leaves me feeling burdened, blind, and behind. But I’m fine. At least that’s what I tell myself from time to time. But I can’t leave. I can’t leave because I have yet to see the sunset over and through the redwood trees. And I can’t leave because I have yet to find rest in the mess and I still have a little something

more to give than my best. And I can’t leave because next Saturday I made plans and I don’t want to be late. And I can’t leave because I love the way she cooks and part of me wonders at age 74 how I will look. And as silly as it sounds, I’ve never seen a moose in the wild. And I want to see a moose in the wild. And I can’t leave because for as hard as living can be I can’t help but believe there is beauty beginning to bloom out of the brokenness. I believe there is. And I am going to see it.

There have been many seasons of my life where my soul just aches—I’ve thought about leaving in the past, and in the most stormy of moments, I have struggled to reach out, struggled to find my voice and the words “I’m not okay,” but I am grateful that I’ve always found a reason to stay. There are memories to be made, loved ones to watch grow up and grow old, love to be given and shared, starry skies to see and fresh flowers to smell. In those moments when the anxiety and depression feel all-consuming, I remind myself of my reasons, and as I continue on this wild journey called life, I only find myself adding more and more reasons to that list. So to my friends that struggle, reach out if you can because you are so loved, and there are so many resources out there to help, and if you can’t reach out if you can’t open up, find your reasons and stay. Maybe you stay to see the leaves turn in autumn, or you stay for your best friend, or for that next trip abroad, and maybe just maybe, you stay because you want to see a moose in the wild, but you stay, because this world, this place of wonder, you’re meant to be here. So you find a reason, and you stay, you hear me? You stay because the world is brighter with you in it.

The importance of self care By Robyn Sarette, Vice President of Administration

If you know me, you know I love to talk about my therapist. I love going to therapy. In one of my recent sessions, we talked about self care and why it is important. I wanted to share that with you all. It starts with redefining self care to yourself. For a long time, I thought self care was being indulgent or selfish when in actuality, it's taking care of yourself in a healthy way. And that can be physically or mentally. There are so many ways to practice self care and the best part is that it looks different to everyone. But starting a self care routine can be tricky. I felt like I was being lazy, letting someone down, or procrastinating (something my virgo brain can't handle). I had to retrain myself to think that I wasn't being lazy, I was putting myself first. It required me to check in with myself and ask "how are you today?" or "what do you need?". This could change everyday—my self care plan didn't have to always be the same routine. My first step was a gratitude journal, an easy one. It was the same five questions that I would answer every night before bed. 1. What are you grateful for today? 2. Who or what made you smile today? 3. What do you love most about yourself? 4. What do you love about your life? 5. What are you most excited about for tomorrow? I told myself there were no wrong answers, it's okay to repeat answers, don't lie, and don't skip a question. I dreaded this exercise for the first few weeks but found myself feeling better after a couple months. The questions became easier to answer and I enjoyed it. Plus one for my mental health. Then it was on to my physical health and I blurted out so loud and fast to my therapist that I DON'T EXERCISE. I hate it, I won't do it, don't even bother bringing it up. My therapist said that physical health doesn't always mean exercise, it can be

getting enough sleep, eating a salad once in a while, drinking more water, and personal hygiene. I went for the sleep option. I started giving myself a bedtime routine (which included my gratitude journal) and that had to be done at a specific time no matter the day of the week. This was highly annoying at first and I would roll my eyes when my alarm went off that it was time to start getting ready for bed. Over a few weeks I found that I was ready for bed without setting an alarm and I was more productive during the day because I was getting enough sleep. It was a real game changer. Plus one for physical health. Now this one I was super skeptical about, spiritual self care. I was raised Catholic (yes Catholic high school with the plaid skirt and all) and I no longer practice nor do I find myself wanting to participate in any type of recognized religion. But of course my therapist had an answer for this too. I could meditate, spend time in nature, volunteer, or incorporate random acts of kindness into my day. I went for random acts of kindness. There is no wrong random act of kindness so I started to get little things for my friends to make them smile, made sure I held the door for others when I was out and about, leaving a tip in the jar at the coffee shop, or complimenting the display at the UPS store. This was for sure one of my favorite things to do. Plus one for spiritual health. Engaging in self-care regularly helped me put my best foot forward. I found that after time, I trained myself to know when I needed to practice a stress reducing activity, or hear my body when it was screaming for a vegetable. I started to feel better about myself because I knew what I needed. Putting yourself first helps make you the best version of yourself and it feels good!

Want to read more?

Visit kappadeltaphinas.org/blog and follow us on social media for new post announcements! 29

Chapter Reports 30

Spring 2022

Kappa Lambda Husson University, Bangor, Maine Kappa Lambda has been having a great spring semester so far! We have been working hard on creating more sister bonding opportunities, planning more philanthropy events and fundraisers, and recruiting new members.

A Message from your Chapter Consultant This is my second year working with Kappa Lambda and I still enjoy being their chapter consultant! The sisters are all so hardworking and are invested in the development and well being of the chapter. They are working hard to improve their sister bonding and philanthropy and I'm so proud of all their hard work!

We are so thankful to have brought in six lovely ladies last semester! Since being back to campus, our old sisters and new sisters have enjoyed getting to know each other more! Our sisters were excited to have one of our traditional Kappa dinners earlier —Haley Sullivan this semester at the Dickerman Dining Center here on campus and we’re looking forward to our next one! Around Valentine’s Day, our sisters had a Galentine’s Day Social where we decorated bags and gave out Valentine’s gifts to each other. It was a lot of fun! We just recently had a Girl’s Night Social and we opened it up to Potential New Members to give them another opportunity to get to know us before RUSH. We had a great turn out at RUSH and we can’t wait to bring more amazing people into our sisterhood! As for philanthropy and fundraising, our chapter does not currently have anyone in those positions, so our Executive Board has taken over that role, and they are doing a great job! In regard to philanthropy so far, our President Felisha has organized a Donation Drive for the Bangor Humane Society and a Coin Drive for our national philanthropy, and our Secretary Rylan has organized volunteering for us again at the Good Shepherd Food Bank in Hampden! For fundraising, Felisha has organized a Popcorn Fundraiser for us that ended on February 27th. Both our Donation Drive and our Popcorn Fundraiser were a success, and we are hopeful that we will have a successful Coin Drive as well! Our E-board has plans to organize more philanthropy events and fundraisers in the future. As we are nearing Convention, our sisters are waiting in excitement. All but two of our sisters joined during the pandemic, so the majority of our active chapter has not yet been to Convention! We can’t wait for our sisters who haven’t attended Convention to be able to experience it and we can’t wait to see everyone there!


You all are doing amazing and have come so far since I first started working with you. You should be proud of yourselves and keep at it!

Kappa Iota

—Nicole Hallahan

University of Southern Maine, Portland/Gorham, Maine

Since the last Kappa Quill, we have had various socials and finished the new member education process of the fall 2021 semester, with the two newest members being Charlotte #313 and Katie #314. Charlotte’s big is Shannon #311, and Katie’s big is Carly #300. Last semester, we had an apple-picking social, a baking social and subsequent bake sale for fundraising, and a social at L.L. Bean. We also had a bowling social where alumnae were present. In October we went to a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Cape Elizabeth. Later in the semester, we volunteered at Partners for World Health and also made cards to send to people such as children with cancer. We have also volunteered at Partners for World Health and made cards this semester.

Kappa Omicron Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, Massachusetts This past semester Kappa Omicron has been exploring a variety of different online philanthropy resources such as change.org and zooniverse.org. We also have a contest for volunteer hours every semester where our Vice President keeps track of our volunteer hours and the sister with the most volunteer hours gets a prize. Our first sister bonding event of the semester was Kappa Valentines where every girl got a valentine and made a card for someone; we then had a photoshoot! We have many more events planned for later in the semester such as Saint Patrick's day and a Sister Sleepover! We have been pushing our sisters to reach out to each other when they need help, and constantly reminding each other we are always here, focusing on self care and mental health. We have also been prioritizing school work and physical health. We currently have a contest run by our Sargent, who keeps track of our study hours and workout hours over the semester and the sister with the most gets a prize. Kappa Omicron over the past 3 years has grown into such a strong group of women. They have become independent, trustworthy group that are constantly striving to be better. These girls truly want to achieve the best every day, despite any short comings. I know that after they leave their university, these women will make an impact on the world.

—Marysa Mitrano


Following a successful fall semester, Kappa Omicron is continuing into spring strong. KO has remained a tight-knit group of women who encourage each other to be great. The newly-implemented Diversity Chair has been successful in educating and creating awareness surrounding social issues and creating an environment where everyone is accepted and welcome. They have shown that their close bond continues to foster success.

—Lily Gibbons

Kappa Sigma Plymouth State University, Plymouth, New Hampshire The active sisters of Kappa Sigma Chapter returned to campus this spring after a successful fall semester. In the fall, we welcomed five new members, each of whom brought something special to our sisterhood that helped us enhance our presence on campus. They came in energetic with ideas, creativity, motivation, and spirit. We all participated in The Angel Tree Project which is a drive sponsored by the Salvation Army where gifts are collected for children and families in need for the holidays. We tabled for the event and, as a group, sponsored three children for the holidays. We also volunteered at a Casino Night social put on by another organization on our campus, where students came and played a variety of casino games. This was a great way to connect with our Greek organizations early in the semester. We hosted a bake sale on campus where we sold cupcakes, brownies and cookies for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It was a huge success and allowed us to connect with the student body and raise almost $400 for our philanthropy. We are involved in many areas of student life, including new-student orientation, volunteer trips, study abroad, academic honors societies, and tutoring. Many sisters finished fall semester strong making the Presidents list and the Dean’s list. We have been making efforts to work with other Greek organizations on campus such as Kappa Delta Phi fraternity and Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity. Our spring recruitment and rushing season was eventful and we received a lot of interest. We held some fun themed rushes such as our iconic classy girls wear pearls night. This spring we welcomed our 67th class, which consisted of three new members. We are beyond proud of our four to twelve member increase this academic year. For spring semester, we organized a t-shirt fundraiser. We saw tremendous support and raised a grand total of $590, totalling sixty one t-shirts. The design was created by one of our talented sisters. Coming up, we plan to do a bingo board fundraiser through social media to raise even more money for the AFSP. We also have organized an Out of the Darkness walk in downtown Plymouth, NH. We are collaborating with other clubs and organizations on campus in hopes of

making this event as successful as possible. There will be lawn games, a live band, food vendors, and a lot more. Students, community members, and anyone willing will be able to register and walk for the cause. We all participated in Project Linus; a donation drive where you create no-sew blankets for children. At the end of March we plan to participate in Belle of the Ball which is a project that allows underprivileged girls to pick out prom dresses, jewelry, shoes and anything they will need for their special night. All of us have been making an effort to create as many sisterhood bonding opportunities as we can. Each month, our sisterhood bonding chair randomly pairs sisters to go on a sister date together. This has given us the chance to bond with sisters individually and get to know each other in an individualized setting. Soon, we will be doing a screen-printing sisterhood bonding night where we can learn how to make our own clothing designs. We look forward to executing our upcoming events and are very proud of the progress we have made as an organization this year.

Kappa Sigma Chapter has evolved into a dedicated group of young women that I could not be more proud of. Their efforts towards their community, the AFSP, and their university impress me beyond words. They radiate confidence, are compassionate, and intelligent. They have grown so much over the past year and I can’t wait to start working with the newest sisters.

—Robyn Sarette


Kappa Upsilon University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts

Hi KY! I am so incredibly proud of you all this year, COVID has not made anything easy for you this year, but I think your strongest quality as a chapter is refusing to give up. I’m very proud of you and I hope that you remember the memories made this year for the rest of your life. College is too short to not enjoy every second. It’s been an absolute pleasure being your chapter consultant this year. To all the seniors, good luck!

This past fall semester was our first semester back on campus at UMass Lowell! With this transition our chapter decided to move back to in-person events on campus while following COVID-19 protocols and to adjust our New Member Education process so we were able to take a class while still —Chrissy Ryan being safe and considerate of all sisters. Over the summer sisters Erin Young and Samantha Lescord worked very hard to make a process that was COVID-19 safe as well as fun for the incoming new member class. We ended up adding five new sisters to our chapter, many of which have already taken up new positions and have gotten involved right away participating in the chapter. Our New Member Education process this semester began in mid-February and currently we have four new members that have already shown great dedication and initiative towards Kappa Upsilon Chapter and we are excited to see how they will add to our chapter as sisters in the near future! Our Recruitment Chair this semester Courtney Mayer put on an amazing recruitment process with a very fun theme of Mamma Mia. We had a lot of fun and were able to recruit many amazing individuals to our chapter. For some philanthropic updates, our philanthropy chair Alyssa Heath has been working hard to incorporate different community service opportunities for our chapter. Some that we have planned for the near future are a food drive for a local Lowell food pantry, volunteering for the Chris Sullivan 5K walk, RAINN day, and community clean ups along with the entire Greek community here on campus. For the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention specifically we are planning again to do a "dare me!" challenge where we will be raising funds by doing different dares. We have seen great success with this event in the past so we are very excited for it to begin! Other updates we have are we are all looking forward to attending our Greek Gala hosted annually by UMass Lowell’s Greek Council where they recognized Greek organizations for their exceptional leadership and philanthropic contributions to the community. We are also very excited to be able to have our formal, Kappa Rose, in person this semester on April 23rd. It’s going to be a great opportunity to connect with alumni again which we haven’t been able to do in the past few years.


Kappa Chi Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, New Hampshire The sisters of Kappa Chi have started off the semester strong! Our recruitment theme for this spring semester is Slide Home to Kappa Chi! With Covid-19 underway it’s been difficult subjecting to the changes. Some of our sisters unfortunately caught Covid over winter break, which made things harder for planning recruitment in the spring. Fortunately we had girls who stepped up to bring us an amazing recruitment season! We are taking in 4 amazing new members and they are so excited to join our organization! Philanthropy has been in all of our hearts this semester. We had some of our sisters attend Mary’s Dog Rescue, as well as Brigid's House of Hope. During one of our recruitment events this semester we made over 120 cards for St. Judes Children Hospital and were able to send them over to them! Bonding this semester has been amazing; one new thing that we’ve been doing is 1 on 1 and group sister dates each week! Our sisters are feeling closer than ever and are excited to do more philanthropy opportunities.

This semester we really wanted to create a new and safe tradition. The sisters of Kappa Chi are starting a time capsule! We will be putting in cute notes or objects into it so when we come back for Alumnae Night we can open it up for remembrance. This semester we are looking forward to fundraising more for AFSP, we will be setting up spring baskets to raffle off! We've been in touch with local and Etsy small businesses to gather donations for these baskets. We will have a “Spring has Sprung,” “Spring Cleaning,” and “April Showers bring May Flowers” basket! In April we are finally hosting our Kappa Gala, one we’ve tried to plan for a while now. The sisters are very excited to express their love for AFSP and Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority! The sisters of Kappa Chi are thrilled for an in-person Convention and to meet everyone there! We are looking forward to finishing the semester strong, but will definitely miss our seniors when they leave in May. May the spirit never die!

The last few years have been a roller coaster. It has been an honor to come back around to be your Chapter Consultant. You have such a unique situation on campus and you ladies work so hard to keep the Kindness, Devotion and Pride in everything that you do. I am grateful to watch you continue to grow your chapter.

—Andrea McKevitt 35

Kappa Alpha Gamma State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, New York

This semester has been one of the best thus far for Kappa Alpha Gamma. We were so happy to be all together, in-person again after adjusting last semester. We were able to conduct a successful recruitment this semester with the leadership of our recruitment chair, Amanda Giladi, as well as her committee: Claire Riis, Noelle Forte, Kristen Maniaci and Susan Fernandez. We were able to increase our campus outreach and successfully complete our “Y2Kappa” theme, which blended different aspects of 2000s culture into events like collage-making, bracelet-making and Jeopardy. We can not wait for New Member Education to begin! We have been having the time of our lives this semester,

thanks to fun sisterhood events such as a powerpoint presentation night put on by our Sisterhood Chair and a Black History Month jeopardy put on by our Diversity and Inclusion Co-Chairs. We are so excited to see what is in store, and are counting down the days until Convention. Currently none of our active sisters have attended Convention in person, and we are so excited to experience it for the first time all together! We are so sad to see our seniors go this semester. Tori Mano, Julia Longo, Rachel Hayes, Caroline Meyers, Kirsten Ranieri, Jacqui Goldstein, Kayla Gordineer and Amy Visser, we are so proud of you! Thank you guys for all you have contributed over the years. You will be missed!

Being able to see Kappa Alpha Gamma hard work this year has been such a joy for me. I am so proud of all the work they have put in to reach their goals and ensure everyone in the group feels supported and loved. As they came back from being completely remote last year! I know there was an adjustment period but their determination helped them break through barriers as they readjusted to campus life. I can’t wait to see all the accomplishments they have in the future and I am so happy to have had the privilege to work with them this year.

—Jayley Handley 36

Kappa Alpha Iota Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania During the spring semester, we had two successful flower sales. On Valentine’s Day we sold chocolate, cards, and flowers benefiting our national philanthropy. We also sold carnations and lollipops for our local philanthropy.

I am continually impressed with Kappa Alpha Iota. They are passionate in their pursuit of helping others. They are welcoming, warm, and proud women. It is a pleasure working with them, as always.

—Courtney Stevens

Kappa Alpha Iota Chapter welcomed five potential new members this spring. These girls will make great new sisters! Big/little reveal will take place mid-March. The theme of our recruitment was butterflies, symbolizing hope, which correlated to our national philanthropy. Recruitment was a success! We had an extremely successful popcorn sale to raise money for the chapter. We recently had a game night sisterhood. It was really fun to hang out with sisters and play games! We plan to have more fun sisterhoods in the upcoming weeks.

Kappa Alpha Nu University at Albany, Albany, New York This update was adapted from the Fall 2021 submission: The sisters of Kappa Alpha Nu are continuing to enjoy this school year while working hard to strengthen our presence on the UAlbany campus, excel academically and raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Fall semester was our 5 year anniversary on the University at Albany campus with 33 active sisters on campus after having 9 sisters join last spring. We currently have 3 sisters on our College Panhellenic Executive Board and one of our members is a Greek Ambassador, representing all 28 organizations at the University at Albany. Sadly, this spring, 11 of our active sisters will be graduating. We are sad to see them go but, we know they will do wonderful things after graduation. We also have been working very hard by planning many exciting events on the UAlbany campus to grow our sisterhood and our community presence. We recently held programs for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention as well as fundraising events. We have also collaborated with another organization surrounding the effects of hazing and how to prevent it. In the time to come, we plan on hosting our first ever program surrounding diversity with our newly instated Diversity Chair position as well as we are currently planning our first ever Alumni Association Event to connect our active sisters with the roots of our chapter.

Kappa Alpha Nu has been a bunch of troopers during this semester. They're dedicated to keeping the Kappa spirit alive with sister bonding activities, and have been engaged with educating potential new members!

—Emma Wenig 37

Kappa Alpha Xi Utica College, Utica, New York

KAXi has been a wonderful chapter to work with. These young women are extremely kind and very passionate about philanthropy. They have a strong sisterhood and seem to really care for one another. They consistently go out of their way to treat people with kindness and have undoubtedly left a mark on their campus community.

It has been a great start to the spring semester for the sisters of Kappa Alpha Xi at Utica University! While balancing their academics, we have been involved on campus participating in philanthropic work. Our sisters raised money for Adopt-A-Classroom and used the donations to purchase winter clothing and academic games for the children —Angelica Masser in local Utica elementary schools. Following our most successful event in the fall (Pizza Taste Off), Kappa Alpha Xi is in the process of planning our annual spring Mystery Prize Board where individuals donate money to win a special prize! In addition, Kappa Alpha Xi has been planning bake sales, tabling events, local coffee fundraisers, as well as collecting bottles and cans for our bottle drive to not only raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, but to stay eco-friendly and recycle! Furthermore, Kappa Alpha Xi hosted a flower fundraiser on Valentine’s Day to spread love and kindness to the Utica University community in which students and faculty purchased a variety of flowers and love cards for a special someone. As an act of kindness and appreciation, our sisters gave out roses to faculty and staff at Utica University as well as local elementary school teachers! Even through a global pandemic, our sisters grow closer and our bonds grow stronger with every passing day. Our family continues to grow as we have 5 incoming sisters and we cannot be more ecstatic to share the everlasting bonds of sisterhood!

Kappa Alpha Omicron State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, New York This spring semester has been very eventful so far. We have had a few fundraisers so far where we were able to raise $991 this semester with our Super Bowl Square fundraiser, St. Patrick’s Day Basket, and our karaoke fundraiser at a local bar!

Where do I even start? I am so thankful that I have been able to work with you ladies for the last few years. You have been a joy and a welcomed addition to our organization. I am so proud of the work that you have done both on and off campus. I know that it has been a rough go of it with the last two years being up in the air, but you have all taken it with such grace. I know that you will all continue to thrive and do well!

—Andrea McKevitt


Our biggest event of the semester was spring recruitment, where we had a western theme ‘Roundin’ Up the PHInest’ where we were able to welcome five new members and with continuous open bidding, we gained another six, for a total of 11 new members! We are currently still in the education process but are very excited to eventually welcome them as new sisters. We are currently planning on doing a Supply Drive for the SAF House (Service to Aid Families) in Oswego and a campus-wide Out of Darkness Walk for AFSP here at SUNY Oswego.

Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter Union College, Schenectady, New York The members of Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter have been very busy this winter term! We are working hard on fundraising for our philanthropy, increasing our presence on campus, and excelling through academics. Additionally, we are excited to share that we recently welcomed two new members during the fall term! Our members have been heavily involved on campus this past term. Recently, we participated in Random Acts of Kindness Week for our school. Some of our members handed out hot cocoa during this week to the campus community. Several of our members also attended a leadership training this term, where we learned about how we can grow as a chapter. From this leadership training, we were able to take away important insights, such as how we can increase our presence on campus as well as maintaining close relationships with our alumnae. We plan to take what we have learned from this training and implement some of these ideas to contribute toward the growth of our chapter. We are excited to start planning spring term recruitment, and are looking forward to what we can accomplish for the remainder of this term!

Kappa Alpha Pi Emerging Chapter is a wonderful group of passionate individuals! This semester they have been working on bonding as an organization, conflict resolution, and working hard to build their chapter foundation for the future. KAPi is starting the process to try and earn their charter in the coming years. It has been an honor to watch this group grow and serve as their chapter consultant this semester. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

—Rebecca Fransman and Christina Rose 39

Kappa Delta Phi NAS Alumnae Association, Inc. Dear Sisters of KDPNAS, Inc. Although it is still winter in the northern hemisphere, I am confident that spring is on the way and will make her presence known in no time. I am looking forward to the 2022 Convention in April, and it is a pleasure to be able to share thoughts with you in this issue of the Kappa Quill. I want to talk about the concept of “community” and what that means to me. My first thoughts focus on our sisterhood, ΚΔΦ National Affiliated Sorority, Inc. and the idea of community through the generations, and what it means to be in communion with one another. Each of you has shared a part of building community through preparing to become a member of our beloved sisterhood and then pledging to accept responsibility to carry our ideals, traditions, and history into the future all the while adding to the same. While Kappa has changed over the years adapting to social norms and expectations, our core values have remained with a strong resolve not to forget who we were (past), who we are (present) and who we ascribe to be (future). In 2021, we celebrated our 50th Anniversary. I am quite certain that our first chapter, Κappa Lambda Chapter at Husson College in Bangor, Maine, had no idea where the sisterhood would be in the fifty years that have passed. Having joined in the spring of 1975 at Κappa Μu Chapter forty-seven years ago, I can attest to the amazing ride it has been forging together a national organization from a handful of local chapters and with support from the brothers of ΚΔΦ. For me, community means family, and family is described as 1) nuclear—two adults, and any number of children living together, 2) extended—grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins and 3) reconstituted, also known as family of choice (adopted, step et al.). In my eyes, we are all these shaped and molded into one family that has a beginning, a present, and a future…hopefully without end. We share and embrace history and commonalities. We accept and applaud differences. We nurture and protect what presents as new and different. We respect and honor that which has proved itself repeatedly as strength, courage, and determination over the course of our history. We are Kappa sisters, sisters, daughters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, extended family, friends, colleagues, teachers, roll models, entrepreneurs, businesspeople, professionals, trail blazers, dreamers and so much more. We are not defined by stereotypes or outdated notions of what the role of women should be. We honor and respect each other, and we extend a hand of friendship, arms of strength, and hearts of courage to each other on this amazing journey we have each undertaken. I would like to think that I have been all the aforementioned and even a little more. As I said earlier, it has been an amazing journey. I cannot wait to see where the future takes us, but you can count me in for the trek. We will make the trip together. May the spirit never die! In the spirit and love of Kappa, Susan M. Dyer Taylor, Executive Director Emeritus and President of KDPNAS Alumnae Association, Inc. Kappa Mu, 1975


Florence House and KDPNAS Alumnae Association For more than a decade the alumnae sisters of KDPNAS have been collecting and delivering toiletry and hygiene items to the residents of Florence House. Florence House is a shelter for women run by the Preble Street Resource Center in Portland, Maine. With a variety of beds available in efficiency apartments, short-term transitional units and emergency shelter beds, they are assisting women of all ages on a daily basis. As both our undergraduate and alumnae sisters know, there is power in supporting and uplifting women in our communities. One of the easiest ways we have found to do this is to gather personal hygiene supplies and donate them to Florence House. Homelessness due to any reason comes with a certain amount of hopelessness and lack of dignity. While the staff at Florence House strive to help women become independently housed again, we can help these women feel better about themselves. Who doesn’t like to smell good, have clean hair and know that they are able to themselves in the best light possible? At convention we will happily accept the toiletries provided by the hotel as well as any product or financial donations that can help us deliver these valuable resources. —Larissa Ryerson, National Alumnae Association

Cooking with Jeanette Kappa Candy I chose this recipe because when I was the Executive Director, I would often distribute a quart jar of this candy to all chapter presidents at Convention.

3 cup granulated sugar 1 cup chopped walnuts for topping 1 pound unsalted butter 6 ounces milk or semi-sweet chocolate, melted 1 cup almonds, slivered Candy thermometer, recommended

Melt sugar and butter. Add almonds. Stir constantly. Cook to "brittle" stage or "hard crack" on candy thermometer. Pour onto greased cookie sheet. Cover with melted chocolate and sprinkle with walnuts. Cool until completely hard. Break with hands. Enjoy.


Show off your Kappa Pride Stop by the merchandise table at Convention to pick up your favorites! Unable to attend? Email merchandise@kappadeltaphinas.org

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