Caterpillars are the larval stage of moths and butterflies.
Butterflies are a kind of insect that changes completely as it goes through its life. A butterfly starts as an egg, which hatches into a caterpillar.
Bees are flying insects that collect nectar and pollen from flowers.
Crickets are a type of insect distantly related to grasshoppers. Crickets make a distinctive "chirping" noise.
Dung beetles are insects that feed on dung.
Maggot is the common name for the larvae of flies. The maggots eat the food, grow bigger and then pupate and turn into flies.
Nits is the common name given to the eggs of human head lice. The lice lay their eggs attached to the hair, which you can see in the picture.
Weevils are distinctive looking beetles. Many kinds of weevil are pests in cereal crops.
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