Monthly Event Overview September 2012
Upcoming events
1. Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) Steering Committee Link: Date: 06/09/2012 - 07/09/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: • The key EU- China CCS forum at policy level. The partnership was founded in 2005. • Charles Soothill will present on ZEP perspectives (TBC)
2. CCS: a key technology for a low-carbon European economy - Workshop and Press Conference Link: Date: 06/09/2012 Event: Public Summary: A major CCS conference in Romania with significant Romanian government representation and wide CCS stakeholder support. Romania’s existing and future energy supply system presents a significant opportunity for the widespread deployment of CCS. Indeed, the large availability of sustainable biomass in Romania provides the country with the potential for CO2 negative electricity, or Bio-CCS. Romania’s ability to play a key and leading role in the deployment of CCS throughout the EU is closely linked to a successful demonstration period, namely through the Getica CCS Project at the Turceni Power Plant in Oltenia. The recent announcement of the inclusion of the Getica project in the overall preliminary ranking list of the European Commission for eventual NER300 funding is significant, as is its place as one of only 3 post-combustion projects under evaluation. In light of the importance of CCS and Bio-CCS for Romania, ZEP and partners are organising, in association with the European Development Platform, a dedicated CCS event on September 6 at the Hilton Hotel, Bucharest.
3. FT Global Energy Leaders’ Summit Link: Date: 18/09/2012 - 19/09/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A prestigious London-based energy conference. • ZEP’s Chairman Dr Graeme Sweeney will be on a panel on day 2 on ‘Carbon Capture and Storage-Fact or Fantasy?’ • ZEP has agreed a sponsorship package, including distribution of ZEP reports, advertisement at the event, web links and coverage in conference materials. 8,500 GBP +VAT (10,600 EUR)
4. CCS Project Network Advisory Forum (CCS PNAF) Link: Date: 21/09/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: • The key network for sharing learning and experience amongst the EU demonstration projects and research. To guarantee that the Network is valuable to the wider energy community in Europe, an annual Advisory Forum has been established to review progress and specify the knowledge that can most usefully be generated by the CCS Project Network. • Dr. Graeme Sweeney is Chairman of the PNAF and ZEP intends to share its findings from the Market Economics report at the conference as well as co-chairing the afternoon session. This event will also be significant as it will launch the network into wider knowledge sharing activities.
5. European Commission CCS Roundtable Date: 21/09/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: Commissioner Oettinger will lead a roundtable on CCS and the current funding/Road map situation in Brussels. ZEP will have attending Graeme Sweeney, Gardiner Hill and Eric Drosin.
6. BioMass Power Generation 2012 Link: Date: 01/10/2012 - 02/10/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A key conference on Biomass by a respected conference/energy organisation. CCS will be explored as part of the potential for the technology. • ZEP has been approached by the organisers see if we are interested in speaking on day 2. Greg Kelsall, Future Technology Execution, Alternative Energy Concepts Group Head, Alstom, is scheduled to present the findings of the recently published report by ZEP/EBTP on Bio-CCS. • ZEP will also seek to leverage its Biomass CCS report and other materials at the event.
7. ETP event Date: 01/10/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: ZEP has been approached by the Innovation Unit at the EC to participate at the annual European Technology Platform event. The European Technology Platforms have been important strategic partners to the European Commission for almost 10 years. In the view of the Innovation Union and the upcoming Horizion 2020, they would like to invite ZEP to a workshop 1 October 2012 in the Berlaymont building from 09.30 to 15.30. The meeting will be opened by Mrs Máire GeogheganQuinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science (tbc) ZEP is exploring its involvement and appropriate level of representation (Robert van der Lande)
8. ZEP Annual General Assembly Link: Date: 02/10/2012 Event: Public Summary: ZEP ‘s Annual General Assembly, brings together the EU’s leading stakeholders on CCS, to address the key issues and challenges facing the technology in Europe. As the EU moves into the final months ahead of its awarding funds to the projects that will make up the first wave of the bloc’s CCS demonstration programme, the need to take stock of the state of play and identify the challenges that lay ahead is both timely and crucial. ZEP’s General Assembly will focus on the critical issues that must be resolved to ensure the successful and timely demonstration and deployment of CCS in the EU. Securing CCS demonstration projects, building the CCS business case and laying the groundwork for widespread CO2 infrastructure/storage and innovation will ensure CCS empowers the EU to achieve a sustainable, low-carbon energy economy. Areas to be covered include: • The decarbonisationofthe EU powersector • The role of the ETS • The objectives and challenges of the CCS Demonstration Programme • Making the business case for CCS • Drivinginnovation,buildinginfrastructureandmaximizingthepotentialofCCS
9. North Sea CO2 storage space: managing competing demands Link: Date: 10/10/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: • Eric Drosin will attend this seminar to be held in the European Parliament. Niels Peter Christensen also to be approached (TBC)
10. Berlin Fossil Fuels Forum - Plenary Link: Date: 11/10/2012 - 12/10/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Key European Commission conference and network on CCS and energy initiatives. • ZEP has been approached to participate in the session on CCS and Dr. Graeme Sweeney is scheduled to speak on “CCS: Creating a secure environment for investment in Europe” on morning of 12 October, 2012.
11. CSLF Annual Meeting Link: Date: 22/10/2012 Event: Public Summary: • CSLF Annual Meeting in Perth. • ZEP has received an outline agenda and is exploring its level of involvement.
12. GHGT-11 Link: Date: 18/11/2012 Event: Public Summary: • GHGT is a premier conference addressing climate change mitigation options, and is a well-established and prestigious bi-annual event where the scientific, industrial, and policy communities gather to exchange new knowledge, information and ideas on greenhouse gas mitigation issues. The main focus of the conference series is assessing developments in greenhouse gas mitigation technology, in particular in the field of CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS). • It is being planned that Peter Radgen will present the ZEP Market Economic Report as part of a CCS panel session led by Phillipe Paelinck, addressing the question : “Making CCS happen: Policy and Financing, Lessons Learned.” (TBC with organisers.) • ZEP will seek to distribute the Market Economic Reeports and USB pens.
13. COP 18 Link: Date: 26/11/2012 - 07/12/2012 Event: Public Summary: • The key UN and international climate change conference. • ZEP will explore participation similar to previous years’ but with a tighter focus on value for money/ fit with current strategy
14. Activites Explored and Not Pursued, 2H 2012 Date: 31/12/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Listing of events in Nature’s Events Directory. • Global Carbon Capture and Utilisation and Storage Summit, August, 2012 (Beijing) • Second Nordic International Conference: Climate Change Adaptation, August 2012 (Helsinki) • One Young World Conference, October, Pittsburgh, October 2012 • Global Green Growth Forum, Copenhagen, October 2012 • Institute of Engineering and Technology, December 5th. London
Past events
1. ETH- University of Zürich Date: 12/01/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Part of Swiss CCS project, the CARMA project led by the ETH Zürich. • Dr. Markus Wolf presented the ZEP Cost report to 40 attendees.
2. Carbon Capture and Storage: demonstration programmes and the 2050 roadmap Link: Date: 07/02/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Major UK conference addressing the UK’s 2050 CCS roadmap, its demonstration programme and next steps to commercial deployment. Delegates at this seminar considered key features of the first £1 billion government-backed CCS demonstration project. • ZEP provided 150 copies each of Knowledge Sharing, CCS Cost report and Hard Facts leaflets. • Eric Drosin and other ZEP colleagues attended.
3. Carbon Capture and Storage Club Link: Date: 15/02/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Event held in Edinburgh for about 50 CCS technical and engineering specialists, organised by a leading technical consultancy and research body. • ZEP was a supporter of the event, providing 50 copies of both the Cost and Knowledge sharing reports and was linked to the event’s website.
4. AAAS Annual Meeting Date: 16/02/2012 Event: Public Summary: • The Annual Meeting in Vancouver of a widely recognized set of global science events. • The European Commission attended and ZEP supported their role. • ZEP sent 250 Hard Facts leaflets to support the Commission’s presence and provided a full suite electronically of all ZEP materials/reports for attendees.
5. Platts 6th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage Conference Link: Date: 27/02/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A key CCS conference, held in London. In its six year history, the event has grown together with the industry and provides an overview of the European CCS industry and its development. The 2012 event saw a stronger focus on storage with an afternoon dedicated to its challenges. About 200 attendees. • ZEP was listed as a supporter of the event. • Eric Drosin moderated a session on public communications on CCS and Lars Stromberg presented on the ZEP Cost Report.
6. Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Date: 28/02/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A significant UK government- sponsored open day and seminars on CCS and climate change. The DECC approached ZEP and the platform was able to provide a full range of support. About 1200 people were attending. • ZEP supplied 180 USB Pens with a full suite of CCS reports and materials on them, 120 Hard Facts leaflets, 20 Cost Reports and had a ZEP DVD animation playing at a stand. • Eric Drosin attended the event and also manned the CCS stand.
7. A Roadmap for CO2 Transportation and Storage Solutions in the Baltic Sea Region Link: Date: 06/03/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A major conference in the Baltic region organised by the Baltic Sea Region on Energy Cooperation (BASREC). The conference brought together major governmental and corporate players from the region, to input to further ministerial summits later in the year. About 70 attendees. • ZEP provided 70 copies each of Cost report, Hard Facts and Knowledge Sharing report. • Eric Drosin presented on public communications issue and Per Arne Nilsson presented on the transport costs of CCS.
8. CGS Europe Spring School on CO2 geological storage Link: Date: 12/03/2012 Event: Public Summary: • The CGS Europe Spring School on CO2 Geological Storage was a key knowledge-sharing event for about 50 professionals targetted upon young researchers and scientists involved in international CCS programmes. It was held over five days in Leszcze, Poland. • ZEP sent key materials to the conference: 30 copies each of the Cost Report and USB Pens with a full suite of CCS reports and documents on them. • Dr.Niels Poulsen from the ZEP network participated throughout the event and distributed ZEP materials to the students.
9. GETICA: Third International workshop “Promoting CCS in Romania”. Link: Date: 22/03/2012 Event: Public Summary: • The Institute for Studies and Power Engineering - ISPE, together with CO2GeoNet, the Romanian “CO2 Club” Association and the National Research Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology hosted the IIIrd edition of the International workshop “Promoting CCS in Romania”. This was a major CCS conference in Romania and part of a series of CCS conferences taking place there in 2012. • ZEP supported the event providing 30 each of USB Pens, Hard Facts leaflets and Cost reports. • Paal Frisvold delivered a key note address on behalf ZEP on ‘CCS’s role in Europe in reducing GHG’.
10. Asia Green Fossil Power Plant Summit 2012 Link: Date: 22/03/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A major energy conference in Shanghai, China. ZEP was happy to support this event as part of its wider mandate to build a global CCS community. • ZEP was listed as a supporter of the event in the conference marketing on the web. • ZEP listed the event on its website.
11. Petroleum Research Centre- Aquistore Link: Date: 11/04/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: • A unique partnership event/public communications event held in Regina, Canada, between Petroleum Research Centre and SaskPower, centring around a major Canadian CCS project. ZEP was contacted to support this event as part of building the wider CCS stakeholder community. • ZEP sent 60 copies of the “Hard Facts” leaflet.
12. European Energy Conference Link: Date: 17/04/2012 Event: Public Summary: • The European Energy Conference took place on 17 -20 April 2012 in Maastricht under the patronage of Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy. Over the course of the gathering, top scientists, expert practitioners and policy makers in the field of energy discussed perspectives for the future of energy supply in Europe. The conference explored the key role energy science and research play in developing and ensuring energy sustainability. About 100 attendees. • ZEP provided 100 CCS Cost reports and 100 USB pens with key CCS documents and ZEP materials on them and a ZEP poster for branding the display table. • Eric Drosin delivered a presentation on ‘”CCS and the Public Acceptance Challenge’ in the ‘Low Carbon Session.’ Other members of the ZEP network were also present at the conference.
13. 7th CO2GeoNet Open Forum and CGS Europe Workshop Link: Date: 17/04/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A major, annual scientific event organised by the CO2Geo Net and CGS in Europe. The conference had more than 130 participants from 30 different countries. The forum provided a picture of the wide landscape of European and national research projects on CO2 Geological Storage. • ZEP supplied 160 each of the Cost reports and USB pens with a full library of CCS reports and collateral upon them. • Niels Peter Christensen, Co-lead of ZEP Technology Task Force, presented on ‘ ZEP’s recent actions related to CO2 Storage’. Link to agenda and summary documents here:
14. Antwerp Port Authority- CCUS Advisory Group Date: 24/04/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: • The Flemish Government sought ZEP’s advice and input to its CCS policy formulation for the port of Antwerp. • Peter Radgen, Co- lead of the TFD&I, participated and gave a general presentation on the ZEP case for CCS.
15. Clean Energy Ministerial- UK Government Date: 25/04/2012 Event: Non-public Summary: • Major interministerial conference organised by the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and Office of Climate Change, requested ZEP support after successful collaboration earlier in the year. • ZEP supplied an additional 50 copies of the CCS leaflet ‘Hard Facts’.
16. The 11th Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization & Sequestration Conference Link: Date: 30/04/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A major US CCS conference. The 2012 Conference program followed in the footsteps of the past 10 events, with an added emphasis this year on potential utilization of anthropogenic carbon emissions. The focus was on systems and technologies that are being or could be deployed in the U.S. and North America. Participants represented more than 250 private companies and 150 academic institutions. US government officials and CEOs from US and international firms were present. The organisers were keen to have a European and EU perspective and ZEP was chosen to provide that. • ZEP supplied over 400 USB pens with CCS reports and materials on them, for inclusion with delegate packs. ZEP had an advert in the conference resource book and ZEP logo was on conference report cover. • Eric Drosin presented for ZEP on the EU CCS strategy and outlook.
17. ETH- University of Zürich Date: 14/05/2012 Event: Public Summary: • As part of a CCS lecture series at the Technical University of Zürich, ZEP was invited to make a presentation on our recent work to an advanced group of about 25 international students and researchers. • Dr. Markus Wolf of Alstom gave a ZEP presentation on the CCS cost study in a three hour discussion session
18. 3rd Annual Brussels Carbon Capture and Storage Summit Link: Date: 15/05/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A major conference in Brussels, bringing together CCS community, policy-makers, media and NGOs. Key notes were delivered from Philip Lowe of the European Commission and Dr. Graeme Sweeney, Chairman of the ZEP platform. About 100 attendees. • ZEP supplied over 100 copies of the CCS Cost report which were placed in delegates’ bags. An additional 50 copies of the CCS Knowledge Sharing report were also supplied. ZEP’s logo was carried at the event’s signs and marquee. • Dr. Graeme Sweeney delivered a key presentation on how to ‘Deliver CCS Demonstration, Enable Deployment’.
19. International Knowledge Sharing Workshop in MVA/MMV in CCS Demonstration Projects Date: 16/05/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A knowledge sharing event held in Mobile, USA, one of the first of its kind organised by the Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB), the Southern States Energy Board, the Global CCS Institute, Natural Resources Canada, the European CCS Demonstration Project Network and the U.S. Department of Energy. The focus was on MVA/MMV. • participated on behalf of ZEP. The event form part of a contribution to global CCS knowledge sharing and put forward by CCS PNAF.
20. 6th National Dutch CCS symposium: From Roadmaps to Reality, CCS in practice Link: Date: 22/05/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A major national CCS conference held in Maarsen, the Netherlands. The Sixth Dutch National Symposium on CCS focused on the transition from drawing board to realisation, at a time when large-scale demonstration in Europe are on difficult ground. About 125 participated at this year’s event. • ZEP was pleased to support the event and sent 75 copies each of the CCS Cost Report and the Knowledge Sharing report for delegates. • Dr. Clas Ekström presented the Cost Report on behalf of the ZEP platform. Further pictures and programme may be found here:
21. Bellona Conference- Europe towards 2050 Date: 24/05/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A key CCS conference hosted in Oslo by one of the ZEP platform, addressing the CCS and energy challenges towards 2050. • Dr. Graeme Sweeney gave a presentation on how to “Deliver CCS Demonstration, Enable Deployment”.
22. 8th Coal Dialogue Date: 30/05/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A key European Commission dialogue with coal and energy players and EUROCOAL • 80 Copies of the CCS Cost Report was handed out to delegates • Dr. Heinz Bergmann participated on the panel session on behalf of ZEP and talked about “Coal and CCS: the key drivers.” Eric Drosin also participated.
23. CGS Europe 2nd CCS awareness-raising workshop Link: Date: 13/06/2012 Event: Public Summary: • CGS Europe, the “Pan-European Coordination Action on the Geological Storage of CO2” is holding its 2nd Regional Awareness-Raising Workshop on CO2 Capture and Storage. The aim of the workshop is to provide a basic overview and status of the CCS concept in Europe, the Middle East and in Turkey. It will bring together experts from leading research institutions and companies to share their knowledge with other stakeholders on various CCS issues. • ZEP supplied 100 Copies each of the Cost Report and the ‘Hard Facts’ leaflets • Vit Hladik presented on behalf of ZEP on how to “Deliver CCS Demonstration, Enable Widespread Deployment.”
24. UK CCS Cost Reduction Task Force Link: Date: 14/06/2012 Event: Public Summary: • UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) convened an expert CCS Taskforce and sought ZEP input. • John Chamberlain presented the ZEP Cost Report on behalf of the platform and the presentation was made available on the DECC site.
25. World Energy Council- FOREN 2012 Link: Date: 17/06/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Key CCS conference in Romania, with the focus on “National and Regional Energy Policies and Strategies. The Security of Supply”. The 11th Edition of the Forum will bring together leading energy innovators, engineers, developers, regulators, investors and other leaders in the all energy industries from Romania, SE Europe and the rest of Europe. • Gloria Popescu from the ZEP platform has been a leading organiser of the event and ZEP supplied additional copies of the Hard Facts leaflet, Knowledge Sharing and Cost Reports (50 in total). • Eric Drosin presented on how to “Deliver Widespread CCS Demonstration, Enable Deployment”, setting out the key ZEP strategy and outlook. Audience about 45 experts and stakeholders.
26. Biomass with CCS - Removing CO2 from the Atmosphere Link: Date: 19/06/2012 Event: Public Summary: • As part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, a specialised session on Biomass and CCS with ZEP’s participation and co-organisation. Bio-CCS has recently entered the European policy debate. The European Commission’s Energy Roadmap 2050 confirmed that “for all fossil fuels, CCS will have to be applied from around 2030 onwards in the power sector in order to reach decarbonisation targets”. In the Roadmap, the Commission moreover recognises that CCS “combined with biomass could deliver carbon-negative values”. • ZEP promoted and supply 105 copies of its latest report joint report on Bio-CCS to the conference and to interested stakeholders. • Phillipe Paelinck spoke on behalf of the platform on Bio-CCS and participated in the panel session. Colleagues from Bellona (Jonas Helseth) also presented and was centrally involved as was the EBTP bio mass platform. Audience about 65 persons.
27. EU- GCC Clean Energy Network Link: Date: 21/06/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A Brussels based event on ‘Clean Energy for the Future: How to Foster Cooperation between the EU and the Gulf Region’. Conference part of the EU sustainable energy week. Sponsors include Cleanergy net and CEPS. • ZEP provided 40 copies of the Bio-CCS report and 40 Copies of the Cost report. • ZEP Investigated sending a speaker but scheduling did not fit.
28. Conference session on ‘Impact of sustainable technologies and CO2 storage’ Link: Date: 14/07/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A significant, biennial conference bringing together scientists, civil society and technology. Inter-disciplinary in flavour and pan-European. • For sessions on CCS, ZEP was asked and pleased to send CCS materials including our CCS Storage animation for video play-out, 100 copies of the Hard Facts leaflet, 15 copies of the Cost Report and 25 of the Bio-CCS report. Estimated audience was 100 persons.
29. 6th IEAGHG International CCS Summer School Link: Date: 12/08/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A week long International Summer School with presentations and discussion led by international experts in the field of CCS. The programme covers the full chain of CCS; providing up-to-date information in each field; including technical information on capture technologies, storage site selection, capacity and modelling, wellbore integrity and transport; as well as other issues such as regulations, health and safety, and public communication. • ZEP is exploring sending relevant reports and our USB pen with comprehensive CCS reports from our stakeholders. • ZEP is a sponsor of the event and Eric Drosin will participate along the lines of last year, as a mentor and will also speak on the CCS communications’ challenge. • Cost is 8,700 EUR (7,000 GBP)
30. Global Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Summit 2012 Link: Date: 22/08/2012 - 23/08/2012 Event: Public Summary: • Major Asian CCUS summit in Beijing. ZEP has in the past been a supporter of the event and has had speakers from the platform attend (in personal or corporate role.) • ZEP is listed as a supporter of the event on their site and is negotiating distribution of materials. An offer to sponsor, carry ZEP logo, distribute reports, be advertised in the conference book has been received for USD 5,000. This is under negotiation. • ZEP is not considering sending a speaker this year. • Cost USD 5,000
31. Second Nordic International Conference: Climate Change Adaptation Link: Date: 29/08/2012 - 31/08/2012 Event: Public Summary: • A Nordic conference examining climate change. The Conference seeks to identify common ground between adaptation research and adaptation decision-making by comparing experiences, reporting new insights and revealing key gaps in knowledge. • ZEP is exploring presenting similar to earlier work at the Dutch CCS conference and distributing relevant materials.
32. Events explored but not Pursued in First Half of 2012 Summary: • EU GCC Clean Energy Network Annual Conference. Abu Dhabi January 17-19 Know-how and research, technology and policy network event. ZEP investigated participation at the event but there was no strategic fit. • ACI: Optimising Enhanced Oil Recovery. Abu Dhabi, March 12-14 High level conferemce for oil and gas executives. ZEP investigated participation at the event but there was no strategic fit • 3rd EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop. Edinburgh, March 26-27 Workshop addressing the Behaviour of CO2 in Geological Storage Reservoirs. ZEP investigated fit, but it was too early to present pilot storage report. • Abu Dhabi Men’s College of the Higher Colleges of Technology of the UAE. Abu Dhabi April 17 CCS conference in the Gulf. ZEP was approached to provide an expert speaker on storage, but event organiser did not seek to follow up ZEP offer. • European Business Summit. Brussels, April 26 Major International conference with high level corporate and policymakers in attendance. ZEP explored full spectrum of support, similar to previous years’ engagement, but fit in terms of theme and economics were not compelling. • TCM - Technology Centre Mongstad. Mongstad, May 7-8 Major opening of CCS facilty and conference. ZEP assisted with Brussels media invitations.
For more information please contact Eric Drosin: 19