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Environmental Studies


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Š SAAR Education (I) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or reproduced, adopted, abridged or translated, stored in any retrieval system, computer system, photographic or other system or transmitted in any form by any means without prior written permission of the copyright holders, M/s SAAR Education (I) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. Any breach will entail legal action and prosecution without further notice.

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Preface HANDS ON series from SAAR has been developed for pre primary and primary course structure for all subjects. It is a comprehensive work to make the child conceptualize, act, reflect, apply & establish the knowledge shared during the course of teaching the subject. The HANDS ON series of Environmental Studies for classes 1 and 2 gets its stimulus from the BSCS’s 5E Instructional Model, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Kolb’s Cycle to create a book based completely on Experiential Learning. It is based on the research ‘How People Learn?’ Research has shown that children learn: 10% of what they READ, 20% of what they HEAR, 30% of what they SEE, 50% of what they HEAR & READ, 70% of what they SAY and 90% of what they DO! So, SAAR believes in imparting knowledge that is transferrable to daily life, is fun to learn and helps to acquire values. The core structure focuses on both scholastic and co-scholastic activities. The main objective of the HANDS ON Environmental Studies series is to arouse an educated awareness among students; and develop them as Inquirers, Thinkers, Communicators & Risk takers with tasks based on· Conceptualization (Knowledge & Understanding) · Reflection ( Observation & Review) · Application (Relating to real life) ·

Connection ( Transferring knowledge across subjects)

The course structure assists in sensitizing children to be self aware and develop positive attitude towards life & environment. The students can be evaluated according to the following skills: · ·

Life Skill : Thinking Attitude towards : Schoolmates Values : Discipline ·

Social Teachers Care & Share

Emotional Environment Respect

Open Minded Nature

Interactive CD for Teachers and Students The interactive CD ROM is an easy and effective tool as visual learning is the need of the hour. The CD contains not only the contents of the course book that can be flipped easily, but also has many extended features built efficiently to make learning quick and permanent. · Inter Curriculum Approach - Extended activities and questions across subjects. · Interactive Glossary - The important words with meaning and picture are picked from an inbuilt dictionary that is common to all subjects in the series. · Summary - Explanation of the lesson ends with a summary to have a quick recap. · Tests & Assessments - Handy worksheets for assessments relieves the teacher’s burden. Every lesson has been supported by a lesson plan in the Teacher’s Guide for effective conduction of the same. The book also has a Model Paper for term end examination.

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A Walkthrough of the ‘Hands on’ series HANDS ON is a primary school level academic programme governed by the principles of Experiential Learning. These learnings have been addressed in the following way: Warm Up This is an introductory activity or a question that leads the students’ prior knowledge to build anticipation towards the lesson.

Key Words This section helps students have hands-on meaning of new words which are in support to the chapter content.

Intext Question This section provides questions that take a break from the lesson to help the students apply what they have learnt.

Did you Know


This section offers interesting and relevant facts that will pique the students’ interest.

SUPPORT COMPONENTS Interactive Content Book X

Worksheets PPTs as Teaching Aid Answer Key for Content Book

Hands On These are hands-on activities which expand the student’s understanding of the subject matter. Most of these also help transfer the learning into a real-life context.

Teacher’s Guide Assessments Tips and Ideas Videos

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HOTS The section helps the students’ critical and creative thinking go beyond the text matter and explore the application of concepts.

Explore More These hands-on activities or projects help connect the concept across subjects, adding values and lifeskills that expand the students’ understanding of the subject matter. Most of these also help transfer the learning into a real-life context.

Weblink This section extends the learning by providing relevant bits of additional and interesting information.

Know More This section helps the students know some trivia facts about people and their contribution to the field of new learning.

Summary This section engages the students by listing the important points related to the lesson.

Evaluation This section will help students evaluate their knowledge by engaging them in answering different questions.

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SAAR stresses on the development of visual based learning cycle and therefore you will find real life images to support text throughout the book, making it a pleasure for the learner.

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Contents Part A

1. Myself ....................................................................................8 2. My Body ..............................................................................15 Revision 1 ...........................................................................23 3. Healthy Habits ....................................................................25 4. Living and Non-Living Things ...........................................32 5. Be Safe .................................................................................39 Revision 2 ............................................................................46 6. Plants Around Us ................................................................48 7. Fruits and Vegetables ...........................................................59 Revision 3 ...........................................................................65

Part B 8. Animals Around Us .............................................................70 9. Shelter and Food for Animals..............................................78 10. Our Food .............................................................................85 Revision 4 ...........................................................................92 11. What are Things Made Up of ? ...........................................93 12. Water ...................................................................................99 Revision 5 .........................................................................105 13. Air ....................................................................................107 14. Weather and Seasons ........................................................112 15. Sun, Moon and Stars ........................................................117 Revision 6 .........................................................................121

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Part A

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Myself Let’s Get Started

Name a game that you like to play.


Could you play it when you were two years old? ___________ Were you of the same height when you were born? ___________ Did the same shoe size fit you two years ago?


Key Words tiny toddler teenager adult

: : : :

very small a baby who begins to walk a person aged between 13 and 19 years a fully grown person

Growing up

New born


Senior Citizen (60 Above)

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Baby (0±1)

Middle-aged (35±60)

Toddler (1±3)

Kid (3±12)

Young Adult (19±35)

Teenager (13±19) 9/18/2019 5:02:36 PM

You were tiny and little when you were born. Milk was your main food. Let’s Do Ask your parents how much you weighed when you were born and your weight now. Could you walk at that time or were you carried by someone? Could you chew at that time? As a baby, you crawled and needed support to stand. Every year you grew in weight and height. You are now a young boy/girl, you can now walk on your own, eat food and speak clearly. You also go to school and learn new things. Can you now wear your clothes on your own? Can you hold the spoon or a fork on your own? Let’s Do Paste pictures of yourself when you were a baby and a recent one. What difference/similarity do you observe?

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Let’s Try Fill in the speech boxes and help Rani tell everyone about the tasks that she can do on her own, now that she is six years old! I have teeth, I can eat yummy food.

I can talk to friends.

I am taller now and can pick books from the shelf.

Let’s Do Collect the following pictures, paste them together to make a collage similar to the one given here and frame it! Pictures of your parents and grandparents, your baby picture, your recent picture and pictures of your elder/younger brothers/sisters.

Are we all same? Do you and your friend look the same? What is the colour of your eyes? Is it same for all your friends? Is the colour of your hair same as all your friends? Each one of us is different and therefore each one of us is special.


My name is I am a (boy/girl). I like to eat I like to play My favourite story is I love my friend because

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. . . . .

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My Best Friend The name of my best friend is He/She is a boy/girl. He/She likes to eat He/She likes to play His/Her favourite story is

. . . . .

Let’s Do A chart about myself. Write down your name, age, height and weight on a piece of paper. Clip this note on the board. Observe the similarities and differences in physical features and likes/dislikes between you and your classmates. Examples: Games you like to play and books you like to read.

Let’s Know More Everyone is unique and everyone is special. People have different physical features, speak different languages and wear different kinds of clothes. Prepare a chart pasting pictures showing children from different countries in the world.

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Let’s Recall ·

We all grow in age, height and weight. ·

Babies cannot walk, eat or talk. Milk is the main food at this stage.


There are a lot of new things that we learn to do as we grow.


We all are different and unique. Let’s Answer


State whether the following statements are True [T] or False [F]. 1. You were born as an adult. 2. You started writing when you were a baby. 3. Babies cannot walk. 4. All your friends have eyes of the same colour.


Answer the following. 1. Name three things that you could not do as a baby. 2. Make a list of three features that changed as you grew up. 3. Name any five skills you develop as you grow up.

HOTS Write the names of: 1. A friend who is a year older than you: _______________ 2. A friend who is a year younger to you: _______________ 12 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 12

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Let’s Explore Do you know who are twins? Twins are siblings, born at the same time. They could be a boy and a girl or both girls/both boys. Find and paste pictures of any pair of twins. Write down your observations and share them with the class. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Values and Life Skills If you had a twin brother or sister, would you have liked him or her to be punished for your naughty deeds? Weblink Learn to respect everyone by watching the video. Click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRiCO3sY_WU

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Fun Time 1. Draw aw and colour the pictures of things which you like the most.

The game I like the most.

The fruit I like the most

The book I like the most.

The animal I like the most.


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Write your name with the left hand.

Write your name with the right hand.

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My Body Let’s Get Started Name some parts of your body. Now, let’s recite this poem: My Body Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Eyes, ears, mouth and a nose, Elbow, tummy and a chin, Hands, fingers and legs so thin.

Key Words grip : to join fingers and thumb to hold something bite : use of teeth to cut chew : to bite and grind with teeth Parts of the Body Count and write the number of body parts.

Look at each other, you will see that each one of you has ______ head, ______ neck, ______ hands, ______ legs, ______ fingers and ______ toes.

Now, look at your face in the mirror. Can you see _____ eyes, _____ ears, _____ nose, _____ mouth and many teeth?

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Did You Know


Only humans have a thumb that helps them to make a grip and hold things.

We have other body parts too. Look at the picture given below.



Let’s Do Using a CD, draw a circle on an A4 sheet. Make a face with eyes, ears, nose and mouth on it. Pin this on the bulletin board of your classroom. 16 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 16

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Different Functions of Body Parts Ears We have two ears. We hear with our ears. We can hear different sounds with our ears. We can hear sounds that are pleasant or unpleasant. Music and chirping birds make pleasant sounds. Honking cars and fireworks make unpleasant sounds. Sounds can also be soft or loud. The rustling of leaves makes a soft sound. A loudspeaker makes a loud sound. Let’s Try Name some sounds that you hear at: a. school _____________________________________ b. home _____________________________________ c. playground _____________________________________ Eyes We have two eyes. Close your eyes. What do you see? We see with our eyes. With our eyes, we can see whether an object is near or far. Bobby is standing near the table. Bobby is standing far from the door. Eyes help us to know the colours of objects around us. 17 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 17

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What are the colours of the objects given?

Let’s Try What do you do when you smell something foul? Do you do the same when you are in a garden full of flowers? Nose Our nose is in the middle of our face. We have one nose

and two nostrils. We smell different things with it. Some

things smell good and some things smell bad. A rose has a

good smell. A garbage bin has a bad smell. We also breathe through our nose.

Tongue We have one tongue. The tongue is inside our mouth. We taste things with our tongue. There are different tastes: bitter, sweet, salty, sour and spicy. What are the tastes of these food items?

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Did You Know


The tongue also works as a natural cleaner for teeth after eating.

Skin We can feel different things with our skin. Our body is covered with skin. Our skin helps us to feel whether something is hot or cold. It also helps us to feel whether an object is smooth or rough, soft or hard. Look at the objects given below. Write ‘S’ for Smooth, ‘R’ for rough, ‘H’ for Hot and ‘C’ for cold.

Hands and Legs We have two hands. They help us do a lot of work. Each hand has four fingers and a thumb. We also have two legs. Our feet are at the end of our legs. Feet have toes. We can do many things with our legs. Things we do with our hands:

Hold things Eat Can you write one more?

Things we do with our legs:

Walk Ride a bicycle Can you write one more? 19

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Let’s Try Draw arrows and match the pictures with their actions.





Sense Organs Our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are called sense organs. These help us to make sense of the world around us. Let’s Do Do you know that we all have different patterns on the skin of our fingers? Dip your thumb in water colour and press it on a paper to make different patterns. Use different colours to make beautiful impressions like flowers, etc.

Let’s Recall ·

The human body is made up of several parts. Different body parts have different functions.

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We have eyes to see, ears to listen, tongue to taste, skin to feel, and nose to smell. Hands help us to hold things, write, eat, greet and play. Legs are useful for walking, playing and running. The mouth helps us to talk. The teeth help us to eat. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are called sense organs. · · ·

Let’s Answer A

Circle the parts of our body that can be seen on our face. Legs Eyebrows


Eyes Mouth

Nose Ears

Knees Feet

Are the following statements correct or incorrect? Put a tick (3) for correct sentences and a cross () against the incorrect ones. 1. Our legs are used for eating. 2. We greet with our hands.

3. The nose is used to smell things. 4. We taste with our tongue. C

Answer the following questions. 1. Which four body parts are on our face? 2. Which body part helps you to clap, eat and pick things?

HOTS We all have the same number of sense organs. Still, why do we all look different? Why do people have different coloured eyes? 21 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 21

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Let’s Explore We walk with our legs. Name the organ with which the following move from one place to the other. a.












Values and Life Skills Some people wear spectacles as they cannot see clearly. Find out what problems they face without their spectacles. How should we take care of our eyes? Weblink Let’s sing, exercise and learn about body parts in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4eueDYPTIg

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A. Look at the pictures given below and name them on the basis of their age group as baby, child, teenager and senior citizen. a.




B. Unscramble the words to name the body parts. DNAH YEE ESON



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C. Write the names of the people who are saying the correct sentence and the people who are saying the incorrect sentence. Joy


We should take a bath after playing outdoors.


We all look We should always different and are try to be like special. others.



Each hand has five thumbs.


HOTS ‘Sense organs help us to make sense of the world around us’. Can you think of the most important body part that works with the sense organs & help us do the same?

Values and Life Skills Anu wants to be friends with Rani but Rani does not like her. Rani feels she cannot be friends with a girl who is short and thin. Do you think Rani is right? Why?

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Healthy Habits Let’s Get Started

List four activities that you perform between waking up and coming to school.

Key Words germs : habit : trim : often :

tiny living things that can make us sick style or manner cut to size many times

What is the boy in the picture doing? You must have taken a bath before coming to school. Staying clean keeps our body healthy. It also makes us feel fresh and happy. Can you identify this habit? B ___


T ___

H ___


N ___

G ___

The Importance of Keeping Clean Germs are present everywhere. These germs make us fall ill. Hence, it is important to keep our body and surroundings clean. This helps us get rid of germs. 25 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 25

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Let’s Do Take some glitter in your hand, and shake hands with your friends. Do they get the glitter on their hands too? This is how germs spread.

Staying Clean Here are some habits that will help you stay clean and get rid of harmful germs. 1. 2. We must take We must brush a bath in the our teeth twice morning and after a day and rinse playing outdoor. our mouth after every meal. We must visit a dentist regularly. 3.

We must comb our hair daily.


We must trim our nails regularly.


We must wash and dry our hands before and after a meal. Pets have germs too. After playing with them, we must make sure to wash our hands.


We must keep the places around us clean, to stop the growth of germs.

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Let’s Try How often do you trim your nails? a. Everyday Everyday

b. After After 77 days days

c. After 15 days

Healthy Habits To keep healthy, it is also important to do the following things: Sleeping on Time Have you heard of the saying... ‘Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.’ Proper sleep helps to rest the mind and the body and recharge them for the next day. We need a good sleep of 6 to 8 hours a day.


Breathing Fresh Air There are many cars and buses on the road. They give out smoke and make the air dirty. If we breathe dirty air, we become sick. So, we must help to keep the air clean. We can do this by growing plants. Plants clean the air. This clean air is healthy to breathe. We must grow plants all around us. Keeping Fit Exercise is healthy for our body. We must exercise everyday. It keeps our body fit and our mind fresh. Cycling,

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running and stretching are a few exercises that keep us fit. Playing with our friends keeps us active and happy. Did You Know


There are so many things around us like germs, bacteria and dust mites. However, we may not see them as they are very small. The best way to see them is through a microscope.

Eating Healthy Eating food on time is another healthy habit. We should: · Chew food slowly and properly. · Eat fruits and vegetables everyday. · Drink plenty of water. · Have milk and milk products. Let’s Do

Drink lots of Water

Next to each finger, write the name of an activity that you do everyday. Colour the finger, if the activity helps you to stay healthy.

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Let’s Recall ·

Healthy habits make us feel fresh and happy. We must wash our hands before and after eating. Exercising and playing are very important, they keep us healthy and fit. Eating healthy food helps us to stay healthy. · · ·

Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks. 1. We use soap for _______________. (brushing/bathing) 2. _______________ helps us to become strong. (Milk/Comb) 3. Regular trimming of _______________ is important. (nose/nails) 4. Exercise helps us to remain _______________. (healthy/weak)


Complete the words by choosing the answers from the help box.





1. Br __ __ __ __ n __ keeps our teeth clean. 2. Sl __ __ __ __ ng is necessary to feel fresh. 3. __ r __ i __ s are good to eat. 4. Ex __ r __ __ __ i __ g is important to stay fit. 29 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 29

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Answer the following.


1. How can we stay healthy? Explain any 3 healthy habits. 2. Why should we have a bath everyday?

HOTS Why do people sneeze or cough? Why should we cover our mouth while coughing or sneezing?

Let’s Explore Redo the glitter activity. Now, try to remove it with: 1. a cloth

2. cold water 3. a tissue

4. warm water

Which is the most effective way? Discuss with your parents. Values and Life Skills The food which is cooked at home is healthy and it helps us to keep fit. How is healthy food better than junk food? Weblink Learn more about staying healthy by watching the following video:


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Fun Time



2. Make a Thank You gift for your Best Friend. Write “THANK YOU� on the back of a photograph of your Best Friend. This will be a happy moment for him/her. Make sure you are also there in the photograph. 31 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 31

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Living and Non-Living Things Let’s Get Started

Look outside the window. Make a list of ten things that you can see outside your window. Now, in your notebook, make two columns: things that move and talk and things that do not move and talk. Put the ten things on your list, under the correct columns. Key Words living : anything which breathes and grows non-living : anything which does not breathe and grow Living Things Anything that is alive (grows, breathes and has babies) is called a living thing. There are three types of living things in this world. These are humans, plants and animals. We are humans and so, we are living things. Your pet dog or cat is an animal. Birds also belong to the animal family. Hence, they are living things too.

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All the plants, big or small, belong to the plant family. These are living things as well. Let’s Do • Take a chart paper. • Divide it into three parts. • Name the three parts: ANIMALS, PLANTS and HUMANS. • Now, cut out pictures from newspapers or old books and paste them in the correct sections. • Present this chart in your class.

The difference between Living and Non-living Things Animals, plants and humans are living things. There are also many things in this world that are non-living things. Stones, rocks, mountains, buildings and man-made objects like the telephone, computers and pens are examples of non-living things. Eat and Drink Living things need food and water to live. We have three meals a day and drink a lot of water because we need food and water. We feed pets regularly. We also water plants daily.

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The Air We Breathe Living things cannot live without breathing. We all need air to breathe. Humans use the nose and the mouth to breathe. Plants breathe through pores on their leaves. Animals breathe in many different ways. Did You Know


Fish live underwater and have special body part called gills. These help them to breathe in water. Fish are living things too.

Movement Living things move. Most animals have four limbs, which they use to walk or run from one place to another. We have two legs that help us walk, run, jump and make many other movements. Plants cannot move. They are always rooted in one place.

Let’s Try 1. How does a horse move? ___________

2. Which body parts do birds use for moving? _______________ 3. Which body part does a fish use to move? ____________ 34 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 34

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Let’s Do Ask your parents to show you a picture of yours when you were born. What kind of clothes did you wear then? Do you still look the same? What has changed? Were your toys different from the ones you use now?

Growth We are bigger now, than when we were born. We can walk. We can talk. In short, we have grown up. Similarly, plants and animals grow too. All living things grow.

Young Ones Living things give birth to young ones. All animals have young ones that grow up to become like them. Even plants make seeds. When a seed is put in soil and watered regularly, a new baby plant grows from it. Let’s Try Name five things that living things do. a. _____________________

c. _____________________ e. _____________________




_____________________ 35

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Let’s Recall ·

Any being that is alive is called a living thing. Plants, animals and humans are the three types of living things. Stones, rocks, mountains, buildings and man-made objects are examples of non-living things. Living things eat, drink, breathe, move, grow and give birth to young ones. · · ·

Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks. 1. Anything that is alive is called a ______________________. (living thing/non-living thing) 2. Birds are a part of the _____________ kingdom. (animal/plant) 3. ____________ is a non-living thing. (Fish/Stone)


Name the following. 1. Name the three types of living things. 2. Name five tasks that non-living things cannot do.

3. Name three non-living things. C

Answer the following. 1. How are living things different from non-living things?

2. Why do we need to feed pets regularly?


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What do you need to grow? Do plants need the same things to grow? What is the difference? What will happen if plants do not get what is essential for their growth?

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Let’s Explore Project Work Collect your photographs clicked with your family members at different stages of your life. These photographs may have images of your cousins, your uncles and aunts too. Arrange these photographs according to age (increasing order) and write a few comments below every photograph. Maintain a notebook with these lovely memories. What do you need to write? ·


Your age

· Who you are with

Appearances (hair, height etc.) · Memories attached with the picture.

Story Telling Can you imagine plants growing the same way, as you grow? Write a story on it sharing your point of view. Values and Life Skills All things need love and care. How should we behave towards other living things like the trees and the animals? Weblink Learn more about living and non-living things by watching the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p51FiPO2_kQ 37 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 37

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Fun Time

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Be Safe Let’s Get Started

Look at the traffic signal on the road. What are its three colours? Write them here. 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. _________

Key Words traffic : flow of vehicles and people on roads electrical : anything related to electricity dangerous : anything which may cause harm We get hurt when we fall down. We fall down, because we are not careful. We must always be careful so that we can be safe. Being Safe at Home We feel very safe at home. However, there are some things at home that can be unsafe. So, we must follow some rules to be safe at home too. Tool Safety Never play with objects that have a sharp edge. 39 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 39

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Knives, blades and scissors are such objects. If we are not careful, they can cut our hand.

Scissors Blade

Let’s Try


Write the names of three other objects at home that have sharp edges. 1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ Fire Safety

Do not play with matchsticks or go near a burning stove. We may burn our hand if we are not careful.

Take the help of an adult while lighting a candle. Never light firecrackers on your own. Electrical Safety The electrical sockets in our house are very dangerous. We should never put our fingers inside them. If we do so, we can get a painful shock. Being Safe on the Road We must follow road safety rules to be safe on the road. ¡

Never go alone on the road and to far off places. Always have an adult with you, while moving on a road and going to far off places.

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Always use the zebra crossing to cross the road. A zebra crossing is a patch of black and white stripes, painted on the road. We must always use it to cross the road safely. ¡

Always walk on the footpath. We must not play on the footpath. Always watch the traffic lights. Red means STOP Yellow means WAIT Green means GO

Being Safe in a Bus When your school bus arrives, always wait for your turn to get in. Once you get inside the school bus, sit down. Always remain seated till you have to get down at your stop. Never take out any of your body parts outside the window, even when the bus is not moving. Never get on or off a moving bus. Always wait for the bus to stop completely before getting on or off the bus. Did You Know


It is difficult for a child pedestrian to judge the speed and distance of fast moving vehicles till the age of 10. 41 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 41

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Let’s Try How can you make sure that everyone gets on the bus without getting hurt?


Safety at School The school is a place, where we learn various things. Most of the schools have big buildings with playgrounds. At school, we participate in many activities. We follow a set of safety rules at school, which helps us to enjoy our school time even more. Let us look at the school rules that I follow. · I always carry my ID card. It has my name and phone number on it. · I do not push my friends. · If hurt, I immediately tell my teacher or school staff, so that they can give me first aid. · I do not throw sharp objects like pencils, pens, ruler, etc. at anyone in school. · I do not jump over desks and benches. I play in my school playground. · If I do not like anyone touching me, I complain to my teacher or parents immediately. · I respect the school property. 42 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 42

9/18/2019 5:04:08 PM

Let’s Do Observe your house. Note down five safety arrangements that your parents have made and five areas that need immediate attention. Click and stick pictures wherever possible.

Let’s Know More J P Knight was an inventor and a railway engineer. He invented the traffic signals.

Let’s Recall · ·

Follow the road rules to be safe on the road. Never go alone on the road. ·

Always walk on the footpath. ·

In a traffic signal, red means STOP, yellow means WAIT and green means GO.


Always use the zebra crossing to cross the road.


Always follow the traffic lights.


Always follow rules to be safe at home.


Do not play with objects that have sharp edges. ·

Do not play with matchsticks.


Never light candles on your own. · ·

Never touch the electrical sockets.

Always follow the safety rules at school. 43

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 43

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Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks. 1. Always have an ___________ with you on the road. (adult/child) 2. Do not ___________ your friends when climbing up the school steps. (push/call) 3. Never get on or off a ______________ bus. (moving/standing) 4. Don’t play with objects that have a ____________ edge. (blunt/sharp) 5. The electrical sockets in our house are very _________________. (dangerous/safe)


Tick [3] the correct statement and cross out [] the wrong statement. 1. Cross the road from anywhere if there is no car on the road. 2. Work on the gas stove on your own. 3. Never play with an electrical socket. 4. Always stand in a moving bus. 5. Never throw sharp objects at each other.


Answer the following. 1. What should we always use to cross the road? Why? 2. What does the yellow light in the traffic signal stand for?

44 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 44

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3. What can happen when you play with a) sharp objects b) electrical sockets? 4. List three safety rules that you follow at school.

HOTS Imagine there are no traffic signals around and there is no person to control the traffic. All the vehicles are moving on the road as per their own speeds. What will happen? Do you now understand the importance of traffic signals and traffic policemen? Explain.

Let’s Explore We have school rules, traffic rules and work place rules. Do you think we need to have ‘Rules for home’? Can you list down ten rules to be followed at home? Do you think these rules are different for adults and children? If yes, how? Prepare a chart depicting these ‘Rules for home’. Share it with your class. Values and Life Skills We must take care of every person around us. What will you do if you see one of your classmates pushing another classmate on the stairs as a prank?

Weblink Visit the following link to know more about safety rules: http://www.neok12.com/Safety.htm 45 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 45

9/18/2019 5:04:11 PM




A. These are some of the habits. Put a tick (3) across good habits and a cross (ďƒť) across bad habits.

B. Fill in the blanks with the help of picture clues given below. 1. Living things 2. We feel

. (move/do not move) when we fall down. (happy/hurt)

3. Red traffic light means 4. We must comb our 5. We must

. (wait/stop) daily. (hair/teeth)

the places around us. (dirty/clean)

46 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 46

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C. Discuss with your friends and write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the proper columns. Yes


Clean air is healthy to breathe. We should chew food slowly and properly. Living things do not move. You can play with matchsticks. D. Read the sentences and cross out () that are not true.

A plant is a non-living thing.

We must touch electrical sockets.

We should read loudly in the library.

We must use the zebra crossing while crossing the road. 47

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 47

9/18/2019 5:04:18 PM


Plants Around Us Let’s Get Started

Do you see plants around you? Are they potted plants or do they grow in the soil in the garden? Are all the plants around you of the same size? Key Words oxygen : a gas without which life can’t exist crawl : move slowly, by dragging the body close to the ground layered : having many layers Plants are living things. Plants are seen all around us. Some plants are big and some are small. They give us food and shelter. They also give us oxygen to breathe. Flower Parts of a Plant Can you name some body parts of a plant? A plant too has many body parts such as leaves, flowers, stem, branches and roots. All these parts carry out special functions. These parts are useful to plants in many ways.


Stem Roots

48 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 48

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Let’s Try Do all plants have flowers? Have you seen any plant without a flower? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Some parts of plants are above the ground, while some are below the ground. Roots go deep inside the soil. Stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits are seen above the soil. Leaves Leaves are flat parts of a plant that grow on its stem. They are of different shapes and sizes.

Spinach leaf

Lotus leaf

Gulmohar leaf

Cactus leaf

Let’s Try Usually, leaves are green in colour. Leaves make and store food for the plant. Name some leaves that we use as food. Did You Know


Plants make their own food. However, Venus Flytrap is a plant that eats insects. The leaves of this plant trap any insect that sits on them. 49 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 49

9/18/2019 5:04:25 PM

Flowers Flowers are the colourful parts of a plant that make plants look beautiful.



Some common flowers used for decoration


Let’s Try 1. Can you think of any two uses of flowers? a.


2. Name two flowers used for decoration. a.


Stem Stem is the part of a plant that bears branches. It connects leaves, fruits, flowers and roots. It carries food and water for the plant. Not all stems look the Banana plant Banyan tree same. The stem of a Banyan tree is strong, hard and brown in colour whereas the stem of a banana plant is green, layered and soft. We eat some stems too, can you name a few of them? 50 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 50

9/18/2019 5:04:32 PM

Branches Branches are extensions of stems that bear leaves, fruits and flowers. Roots Roots usually remain below the soil. They help the plant to hold itself firmly in the soil. They absorb water and minerals from the soil for the plant. Radish and carrot are roots that we can eat.


Branches are extensions of a stem

Let’s Try Fill in the blanks to identify some of the roots we eat as vegetables.

c __ rr__t

r__di __ __

b__ __ tr__ __ t

Fruits Most fruits are the sweet and delicious part of a plant. Fruits have seeds in them. We eat some fruits without seeds. Example: Apple

We eat some fruits In some fruits we eat with seeds. only the seeds. Example: Strawberry Example: Pomegranate

51 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 51

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Did You Know


Strawberry has more than 200 seeds in a single fruit. The seeds are seen on the outer surface.

Let’s Do • Draw any three fruits that you like to eat. • Collect seeds of any two plants. Bring them to the class. Tell your classmates the names of those seeds.

Types of Plants Let’s go to our school garden and count a. very big plants b. smaller plants with a woody stem c. small plants with d. plants which grow with support a soft stem Plants are found in all shapes and sizes. The big and tall ones are called trees. Eucalyptus and mango are some examples. Mango tree

Eucalyptus tree

Some plants are small. They look like bushes. Such plants are called shrubs. Rose and lavender are some examples of shrubs. Shrubs have a short and woody stem.

Lavender plant is a shrub

52 EVS_G1_P1_B.indd 52

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Some plants are very small and their stems are very soft and green in colour. These plants are smaller than shrubs. They are called herbs. Mint and coriander are some examples of herbs. Mint herb

Coriander herb

Climbers are plants with weak stems. They need support to grow and stand up straight. Grape plant is a climber. Grape plant is a climber

Pumpkin plant is a creeper

Creepers are also plants with soft and weak stems, which grow by crawling on the ground. The size of their fruits is big and their weak stems cannot take the weight, so they crawl and spread. Pumpkin plant is a creeper.

Plants Growing in Different Places Different plants grow in different conditions. Water plants are plants that grow only in water. Some water plants grow under water, while some water plants float on water. Lotus plant grows on the surface of water. Lotus is a water plant 53 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 53

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Some plants grow in hot weather. These plants are found in hot places like deserts. Cactus is an example of a plant that grows in hot regions. It needs very little water to grow. Cactus grows in hot regions

Strawberries grow in cold regions

Some plants grow in cold weather. These plants are found in cold places. Strawberry plant is an example of a plant that grows in cold regions.

Uses of Plants There are many uses of plants. Here are a few of them: 路

They give us food.

They give us wood, that is used to make furniture.

They give us medicines.

Plants clean the air and give us oxygen.

54 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 54

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Let’s Try Label the tomato plant using the words from the help box. Roots








B___________ F___________

S__________ R__________

Let’s Know More J. C. Bose was a famous Indian scientist who studied plants. He invented the ‘crescograph’. It is a device for measuring growth in plants. 55 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 55

9/18/2019 5:04:54 PM

Let’s Recall ·

Plants give us food, oxygen, medicines and wood.


Leaves, stem, roots, flowers and fruits are the different parts of a plant. We eat some of these as food. ·

Plants are of several types: trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers and creepers. ·

Different plants grow in different places (under water, hot/cold region). Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks. 1. Plants give us ____________. (food/water) 2. ___________ are the strongest and tallest plants. (shrubs/trees) 3. ___________ is an example of a plant that grows in hot regions. (Cactus/Strawberry) 4. Part of the plant that remains below the ground is the _______. (root/stem) 5. ________ make food for the plant. (Leaves/Flowers) 6. Plants can grow in soil and ____________. (air/water) 7. Plants clean the air and give us ____________. (oxygen/water)


Answer the following questions. 1. What do plants give us? 2. Name any two climbers, creepers, herbs and shrubs.

56 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 56

3. What are the different parts of a plant? Draw a plant and label them.

9/18/2019 5:04:54 PM

HOTS We all require food to live. In the same way, do plants also require food? Who prepares this food for them and how? Find out and explain in your own words.

Let’s Explore Well, do you think plants are useful to animals and birds? Find out how planting more trees will help us all. Plant one tree every year and monitor its growth. Values and Life Skills Do you like it more when you are in a park/garden or when you are on a road? Why and why not?

Weblink Read more about the parts of a plant by visiting the following link: http://extension.illinois.edu/gpe/case1/c1facts2a.html

57 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 57

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Fun Time 1. Collect a spinach leaf, a gulmohar leaf, a lotus leaf and a cactus leaf. Dry them under the sun for a week and paste them in your scrapbook. 2. Asha visited Kerala a few days ago. Amit visited Rajasthan. Shweta visited Shimla.

Can you help them to identify the plant names which they can find there?

In Kerala

In Rajasthan

In Shimla







________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

58 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 58

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Fruits and Vegetables Let’s Get Started

Role Play: Pretend to be your favourite fruit or vegetable. Tell your class: ·

Who are you?


Why are you good for them?


How do you taste? ·

Where do you grow Ð o n a tree, shrub, herb, climber or a creeper?

Key Words vitamins : substances which are essential for our growth delicious : very tasty Fruits Fruits are the sweet and delicious part of a plant. For example: apple, mango, banana, grapes and so on. Some fruits are sweet and some are sour. Some are juicy and some are pulpy. 59 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 59

9/18/2019 5:05:00 PM

They are good to taste and give us energy to grow. They are rich in vitamins. They help us to stay healthy. Name three of your favourite fruits and write why do you like them. 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Fruits have Seeds Fruits have different numbers of seeds in them. When we eat fruits, we throw away the seeds. However, we eat the seeds of fruits like pomegranate, strawberry and fig. Some fruits have only one seed. For example: mango and peach

Some fruits have a few seeds. For example: apple and orange.

Some fruits have many seeds.

For example: papaya and watermelon

Let’s Do Solve this riddle to know which fruit it is. I am yellow outside and white inside. I am a fruit and monkeys eat me.

Draw the fruit

60 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 60

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Did You Know


The colour Orange is named after the Orange fruit; initially it was called Geoluread (yellow-red).

Vegetables Like fruits, vegetables also help us grow and stay healthy. They are a very important part of our diet. Vegetables come from different parts of plant. Some vegetables come from the leaves of plants. For example: spinach, cabbage.

Some vegetables come from the roots of plants. For example: carrot and radish.

Some vegetables also come from the stems of plants. For example: asparagus and bamboo.

We cook most of the vegetables that we eat. However, there are some vegetables that we eat raw. Let’s Try Name some vegetables that we eat raw. 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. _________________ Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals. We must eat vegetables everyday. EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 61

61 9/18/2019 5:05:11 PM

We must wash fruits and vegetables before preparing or eating them. Let’s Do Name your favourite dish. Now, with the help of an adult, list down all the vegetables and fruits needed to make that dish. _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Seeds We eat the seeds of many fruits and vegetables. Some of the other seeds that we eat are cereals like maize, wheat, etc. They give us a lot of energy.



Some others are pulses like lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, etc. They help our body grow.


Did You Know



Kidney beans

Some pulses are used in salads and diet foods. They are rich in nutrients and help us grow faster!

Let’s Recall · 62


EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 62

Fruits are the sweet and delicious part of a plant.

Some fruits have one, some have a few and some have many seeds.

9/18/2019 5:05:16 PM


We eat the seeds of some fruits and throw away the seeds of others. ·

Vegetables are a very important part of our diet.


Some vegetables come from the leaves of plants, some come from the roots and a few come from the stems. ·

Some seeds that we eat are cereals and pulses. Let’s Answer


Fill in the blanks. 1. _______________ are the sweet and delicious parts of a plant. (Fruits/Roots) 2. Papaya has _______________ seeds. (one/many) 3. Cereals are examples of _______________ .(seeds/fruits) 4. Like fruits, _______________ also help us grow and stay healthy. (flowers/vegetables)


EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 63

Match the following. 1. Mango


2. Apple


3. Papaya

One seed

4. Spinach

Few seeds

5. Radish


6. Asparagus

Many seeds

63 9/18/2019 5:05:17 PM

Answer the following questions.


1. Name some roots that we eat as vegetables. 2. Why is eating fruits and vegetables important? 3. Name some seeds that we eat as food.

HOTS Can you think of any fruit, which is also used as a culinary vegetable?

Let’s Explore Celebrate a fruit and vegetable week in your school. Everyday, bring either a fruit or a vegetable to school in your tiffin box. Make a list of all the fruits and vegetables that you and three of your friends have brought. Also mention, what do you like and why? Try to learn from your elders about their benefits. Values and Life Skills Why should we eat more of fruits and vegetables and less of pizzas and burgers (though pizza and burger also contain fruits and vegetables)? Discuss. Weblink Watch the following video to learn more about fruits and vegetables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riHZssFdO70

64 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 64

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A. Fill in the missing letters to label the parts of the plant. l __ a ___

f __ o __ e __

s __ e ___ b __ a __ ch

r __ o ___ s B. Select the odd one out.

65 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 65

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C. Write the names of the people who are saying correct and incorrect sentence. Joy




Stem is the only important part of the plant.

Spinach is a leaf.

Root is the part of plant that bears branches.

Plants give us wood.

Correct __________________ Incorrect ________________ D. Tick (3) the correct option. 1. Rose plant is a (herb/shrub).

2. Birds have (beaks/wings) which help them to fly.

3. Cactus grows in (cold/hot) regions.

4. Pumpkin is a (climber/creeper). 66 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 66

9/18/2019 5:05:21 PM

Semester Assessment A. Fill in the blanks to complete the growing stages, with the help of the clue box. 1. We were little

when we were born.

2. We had no


3. We had to



was our main food. crawl, Milk, babies, teeth

B. Match the following.

To taste

To hear

To smell

To see 67 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 67

9/18/2019 5:05:24 PM

C. Put a tick (3) for the correct sentences and a cross (ďƒť) for the incorrect ones.

1. We should take a bath after playing outdoors. 2. We should play on the footpath. 3. Anything that is alive is called a living thing. 4. Each hand has five thumbs. D. Name the following.

1. A person who is elder than you. ____________ 2. A loud speaker makes a ____________ sound. 3. These give out smoke and make the air dirty. ____________ 4. This is an example of a man-made non-living thing. _______ 5. We must cross the road through this patch. ____________ E. Crossword Across 1. I hold pencil with my ___________ 3 2. I can hear with my ___________

2 1 2

1 Down 1. I jump with my ___________ 2. I see flowers with my ___________ 3. I can feel with my ___________

68 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 68

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Part B

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 69

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Animals Around Us Let’s Get Started

Look at the face masks, and identify the animals. Write their names.


_____________ _____________ _____________

Key Words organ : part of the body which carries out a particular function limbs : parts of the body which help in the movement of the body Different Types of Animals Animals are of different types. We see many animals around us. Let us know more about them. Land Animals Animals that live on land are called land animals. They can be domestic, pet or wild.

70 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 70

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Domestic Animals We keep these animals on a farm. We look after them. They are friendly and usually give us something in return. Domestic animals like cows, buffaloes and goats give us milk. Animals like horses, mules, oxen and donkeys carry people or load.

Animals like hens and ducks give us eggs. Animals like sheep and yak give us wool. Pet Animals Some of the common pets kept at home are cats, dogs and birds. People also keep fish in fish bowls as pets. We should give them clean water and food. We should never tease animals. Now, let us learn about them one by one. Can you name the animals shown in the pictures? Where do they live? Let’s Do Look up old magazines and cut individual pictures of different animals. Cut the tail portion from the rest of the body. Ask your friends to identify tails of different animals by looking at their bodies. 71 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 71

9/18/2019 5:05:31 PM

Let’s Try How should we take care of our pets? Tick (3) the correct images.

Wild Animals Wild animals are those which cannot be kept at home.

Wild animals live in the forest. They take care of themselves. Bears, tigers, lions, deer and giraffes are all wild animals. Some wild animals like the lion eat other animals. Deer and giraffes eat plants. Aquatic Animals Some animals live in water. These animals are known as water or aquatic animals. They have special body organs like gills and fins that help them to live under water. Examples of water animals are fish, octopus, crabs and turtles.


Birds (Aerial Animals) Birds are animals that fly in the sky. They have a beak, a tail and wings, which help them to fly. Crows, sparrows and eagles are examples of birds. The feathers on their body keep them warm. Birds eat with their beaks as they have no teeth.

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 72

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Did You Know


Kiwi and penguin are birds that cannot fly. Kiwi


Amphibians Animals that live in water as well as on land are called amphibians. Frogs and toads are amphibians. Frogs have webbed feet to swim in water. Insects Insects are very small animals that can or cannot fly. All insects have 6 legs and usually 4 wings. Bees, flies and mosquitoes, all are insects. Let’s Do Circle a) pet animals with green crayon b) insects with red crayon c) amphibians with blue crayon.

73 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 73

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Let’s Try You know about many animals now. Name two animals that you like the most: 1. ___________________

2. _________________

Why do you like these animals? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Let’s Do Take two bowls. Put cereal in one of them and water in the other. Place these bowls outside your house or in your balcony. You will notice that birds come, eat and drink from these bowls.

Let’s Recall ·

There are different types of animals: land (domestic, pet, wild), water, birds, amphibians and insects. · ·

Domestic and pet animals are kept by humans.

Domestic animals give us milk, eggs, wool and can carry people and heavy loads.

74 EVS_G1_P2_A.indd 74

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Pets are kept at home. They are friendly.


Wild animals live in the jungle and water animals live in water. ·

Amphibians can live both on land and in water. Insects are very small animals with 6 legs.


Birds fly in the sky.


Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 1. _______________ are kept at home. (Pets/Wild animals) 2. _______________ is a wild animal. (Tiger/Cat) 3. A hen gives us _______________. (eggs/milk) 4. _________ have 6 legs and usually 4 wings. (Insects/Pet animals)


Put a circle around animals that give us milk.


Answer the following questions. 1. Name two pet animals.

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 75

75 9/18/2019 5:05:50 PM

2. Name four animals that can carry humans or heavy load. 3. Name four wild animals.

HOTS 1. Rian wants to keep a tiger as a pet. Do you think it is a good idea? Why or Why not? 2. Animals and humans are living things, but what are the differences between both? Discuss with your classmates.

Let’s Explore Do you know that many animals and birds today are on the verge of disappearing? Such animals are called endangered animals. Some of these are: Leopards, Tigers, Rhinos, Gorillas, Blue Whale etc. Explore and find out about any one of them. Paste relevant pictures in your scrapbook and write about: ¹

How many of these endangered animals are left? ________________ ________________ Why are they endangered? _________________________________ Values and Life Skills Like humans, animals are also to be treated with love and care. They too have feelings. Considering this, how should we treat stray dogs? Weblink Watch the following video to find out names of baby animals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJg4YFtvOp8 76 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 76

9/18/2019 5:05:51 PM

Fun Time Making animal habitat in a tray Take three trays.

In the first tray, place some grass and place some puppet animals that can stay in the grassland. Animals can be made with the help of cardboard or thermocol.

Take the second tray, place some sand in the tray and place some puppet animals that can stay in the desert. Animals can be made with the help of cardboard or thermocol.

In the third tray, place some ice and place some puppet animals that can stay in the Iceland. Animals can be made with the help of cardboard or thermocol. With the help of the given images, complete the

¡ Grassland habitat. ¡ Desert habitat.

¡ Iceland habitat.



3 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 77

77 9/18/2019 5:05:51 PM


Shelter and Food for Animals Let’s Get Started

Where do you live? If you have a pet, where will it live? Will your pet’s house be different from yours? Why?

Key Words retrieve : take out for use, fetch survive : to stay alive Animal Shelter Earth is our home. We share our planet Earth with animals and plants. We live in homes made of wood, brick and cement. Animals also live in homes. Their homes protect them from cold, heat and rain. Different animals have different homes. Some animals live in their natural homes e.g. a lion lives in a den, a bird lives in a nest. If we want to keep animals with us, we make homes for them. 78 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 78

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Look at the homes of some of the animals:



We build kennels for dogs.

Domestic animals like horse/cow live in a stable or a shed.



Birds like hen live in a coop.

Most birds live in nests, which they build on trees for their young ones.



Wild animals like lion, bear, etc. live in a den.

Sheep and goats live in a barn. 79

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 79

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Did You Know


Some animals like rabbit, dig out the soil. Their home is called a burrow.


Camels live in deserts. They can live without water for many days. Camels are able to do so as they store water in their bodies. When they travel long distances, they use water from within their body to survive.

Animal Food We know that we eat different kinds of food to remain healthy. Some of us eat only plant food. Some of us eat meat too. Similarly, different animals eat different kinds of food. Depending on what they eat, there are three types of animals: 1. Plant eaters 2. Flesh eaters 3. Both plant and animal eaters

Plant eaters Plant eaters are animals that eat plants, grass and leaves. Such animals are called herbivores. Cows, giraffes and goats are herbivores. 80 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 80

9/18/2019 5:06:05 PM

Animal eaters Animal eaters are meat eating animals. These animals eat other animals. Such animals are called carnivores. Lions and tigers are carnivores. Let’s Do Cut out pictures of birds and animals from animal and bird chart or old newspapers / magazines at home. Bring them to school and ask your friends to separate them according to what they eat.

Both plant and animal eaters These animals eat both plants and meat. Such animals are called omnivores. Dogs and bears are a few examples. Let’s Recall ·

Different animals have different homes. For example, kennels, stables, sheds, nests, coops, dens, barns, burrows, etc. ·

Depending on what they eat, there are three types of animals. ·

Herbivores are animals that eat plants, grass and leaves. ·

Carnivores are meat-eating animals. ·

Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat.

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 81

81 9/18/2019 5:06:09 PM

Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks. 1. Hens live in a _______________ made by people. (coop/nest) 2. A rabbit’s home is called a _____________ . (den/burrow) 3. Lions and tigers are _________________ animals. (flesh eating/ plant eating)


Match the animal to its shelter. 1. Horse

2. Hen

3. Dog

4. Rabbit C

Name the following. 1. Name three plant eating animals. 2. Name three animals that live in a burrow.

82 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 82

3. Name one bird that lives in a nest and one that lives in a coop.

9/18/2019 5:06:17 PM

HOTS Can a lion live in a burrow? Why or why not? Do wild animals also need a home just like us? Where do they live? Find out and discuss with your classmates.

Let’s Explore Use an old plastic bottle to make a birdfeeder. Ask your parents to help you in making it. Hang it in your balcony. Notice the birds that come to it. Make a list of all types of birds that come to your bird-feeder. Do they have anything in common? Share your findings with your class. Values and Life Skills Have you ever fed a street dog? Did you notice the dog coming after you the next day? If yes, why? How did you feel? Weblink Visit the following web page to learn more about animal homes: http://www.first-learn.com/homes-of-animals.html

83 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 83

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Fun Time Write the names of animals in the appropriate space given below.

Plant eating

Meat eating

Both plant and meat eating

84 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 84

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Our Food

Let’s Get Started Did you eat anything before coming to school? How would you feel if you miss eating anything in the morning? Do you eat something when you go back from the school? Key Words mountainous : an area having mountains squeezed : pressed very hard with one’s fingers. The Need to Eat Food Why do we eat food? Food is an important part of our life. We should eat good food to stay healthy. It gives us energy to play and study. Food helps us to grow and be healthy. Let’s Try Fill in the blanks to tell the time of the following meals:

Breakfast in the M __ __ N __ __ __

Lunch at N __ __ N

What is the food eaten in between meals called?

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 85

Dinner at N __ __ __ T 85 9/18/2019 5:06:26 PM

Let’s Do Make a list of what you would like to eat for breakfast everyday.

The Sources of Food Our food comes from two sources ± p lants and animals. Plants Plants give us a lot of food items. Some of them are: Grains ± Ce reals and Pulses What is the main food item of our dinner? Wheat and rice are cereals. They give us energy. They are eaten in different forms like chapati, poori, bread, cake, rice, etc.

Food gives us energy

Pulses or Daal are an important part of our food. We eat different types of pulses. Lentils, peas and grams are pulses. Pulses

Did You Know


Maize or corn, is the most widely eaten food item in the world. It is a cereal.

Vegetables and Fruits Which food items do you eat with chapati or rice in your dinner? We get various fruits and vegetables from plants. They give us strength to fight against diseases. 86 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 86

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Sweet potato and carrot are vegetables

Animals Think of some food items that we get from animals. Animals are also an important source of food. We get milk, eggs and meat from animals. Honey bees give us honey. Did You Know


Apple and grapes are fruits

Milk and eggs are animal products

Milk obtained from goats. Goat milk is high in nutrition and easy to digest. In the mountainous regions, people drink goat milk rather than cow milk.

Let’s Do Some fruits can be squeezed to get juices. Squeeze any number of fruits of your choice to make your special fruit juice. Discuss in class and tell your classmates about the colour and taste of the juice you made.


Give a name to your special fruit juice.

Healthy Diet We eat so many food items daily. Do you know why? Each food item helps our body in its own special way. 87 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 87

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Food items are divided into different groups: 1. Grains: a. CerealsWheat





Kidney Beans


Black eyed peas

b. Pulses-

2. Fruits: Apple

3. Milk and milk products:








4. Vegetables: Turnip






5. Fats: Butter


Gulab Jamun


6. Sweets: 88 EVS_G1_P2_A.indd 88



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7. Meat: Fish




Let’s Try Choose food items from the food groups and fill your plate by writing their names. Make sure that you add something from each group. Colour background spaces for animal products in red and plant products in green. Let’s Recall

Sources of Food


GRAINS (Cereals & Pulses)








89 EVS_G1_P2_A.indd 89

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Let’s Answer A

Tick (3) the correct option. 1. We eat lunch at (night/noon). 2. Food gives us (books/energy). 3. Honey comes from (animals/plants). 4. To stay healthy, we should eat (something/nothing) from each food group.


Rita has got a little confused with the fruits in the basket. Help her identify the fruits by colouring them.


Rearrange the letters to get the names of the food items eaten at meals. Use the help box.





1. urcd __________________ 2. cire __________________ 90 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 90

9/18/2019 5:07:41 PM

3. laad


4. pachati __________________

HOTS Ayan is getting weaker everyday. The doctor asks him about his food habits. Why do you think the doctor asked him about his diet?

Let’s Explore Celebrate a “Green Food Day” in class. Ask your parents to pack food for you, that is green in colour and healthy. Share your food with your classmates. Name three green food items that you like to eat.

1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

Values and Life Skills What would you do if your friend forgot to bring his/her lunch? What would you share with a hungry street kid to help him?

Weblink Click on the following link to know about the honey making insects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7cX2cjFunw 91 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 91

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A. Write the number of seeds each fruit contains as only one seed, a few seeds and many seeds.




Number of seeds:______ Number of seeds:______ Number of seeds: _____

B. Fill the missing letters to name the animal shelters. 1. Dogs live in a k__n__e__. 3. Birds live in a n__s__.

2. 4.

Horses live in a s__a__l__.

Rabbits live in a b__rr__w.

C. Given below are names of some food items. Write their names under the groups they belong to. egg

chicken Meat



Milk products




rice oil


D. Cross (ďƒť) out the wrong sentences. 1. Plants and animals are two sources of food. 2. Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals. 3. Pet animals live in forest. 4. Strawberries grow in cold regions. 92 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 92

9/18/2019 5:07:47 PM


What are things made up of? Let’s Get Started

Open your pencil box. Observe every item in it. What are they made up of ? Are all the things made up of the same material? Key Words mould : give or take a particular shape industry : a place where various things are made Materials Observe the things around you. Touch the table/chair in front of you. How does it feel? The table is hard and smooth. Now touch the shirt that you are wearing. How does it feel? The shirt is soft and smooth. Why do these things feel different? It is because they are made up of different materials. There are many types of things around us. Some are found in nature, while some are man-made. 93 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 93

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Metal Metal is a hard and strong material. Utensils, pins, and most tools are made of metal.

Wood We get wood from trees. Wood is hard too, but it can be cut using metal tools.

Paper Paper is made from wood. It can be torn easily as it is very thin. Our notebooks are made from paper. Rubber We get rubber from trees. Rubber can stretch. Sometimes, rubber is hard and sometimes, it is soft. Rubber bands, balloons and tyres are made of rubber. Plastic Plastic is a man-made material. It is strong and can be in many colours. Water-bottles are made of plastic. 94 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 94

9/18/2019 5:08:01 PM

Let’s Do Look around yourself and make a list of all the objects that you see in your notebook. Now, for each object, write the materials from which it is made.

Cotton and Wool We get cotton from cotton plants. We get wool from animals. This cotton or wool is spun into thread. This thread is used to make cloth. Glass Glass is also a man-made material. It is used to make eye-wear, glasses, windows, television sets, mobile phones, etc. Clay Clay is a type of soil. It is soft and can be moulded into any shape. Clay is used to make vessels, pots, toys, piggy banks etc. Let’s Try A. B.

Name three items at your home that are made of clay.

1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ Name three items at your home that are made of glass.

1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 95

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Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks.

1. Different things are made up of different ______________.


2. We get wood from ____________. (trees/mountains) 3. _______________ can stretch. (Glass/Rubber) 4. Our clothes are made of ______________. (glass/cotton) B

Match the following.

1. Metal



2. Wood



3. Paper

4. Rubber





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Answer the following.


1. What is your bench made up of ? 2. Name two things made from rubber. 3. How are clothes made from cotton plant? 4. Name two things made from plastic.

HOTS Metals are very useful to us. Where do we find metals in nature and in what form? Discuss with your teacher and find out.

Let’s Explore Collect six hard materials and six soft materials. Make sure that none of these materials is sharp. Show them to your teacher, then put them in a shoe box. Ask your friends to take turns putting their hand in the box and guessing the materials in it. The one who gets the maximum correct answers wins the game. Values and Life Skills Why should we not waste paper? Give reasons.

Weblink Visit the following web page to learn more about materials: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/gamesactivities/materialproperties.html

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Fun Time 1. Make a list of different materials, that change shape when they are squashed, pulled, pushed, turned, stretched or twisted in the columns given below.

2. Ask the children to group a range of everyday objects, according to the materials they are made from. Children shall divide the materials in the given columns. They can also write whether it is a natural or man-made material. Metal



Rubber Plastic





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Let’s Get Started Have you ever made a paper boat and put it in water? How does it feel? Tell your friends what you observed. Also, you see many activities at your home and school which are done with the help of water. Write any five activities which need water. Key Words tank : an area constructed for storing water communities : group of people having something in common Water Water has no taste, colour or smell. We use water everyday. Water in our homes comes from the tap. Water in the tap comes from different sources. Sources of Water River River is a large stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake or another river. Most of the water we use comes from rivers.

River 99

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A lake is a small body of water surrounded by land. Lakes can be natural or man-made.

Wells are deep holes dug into the ground to take out the underground water. Well is a man made source of water.



Rain water is liquid water in the form of droplets that falls from the sky. This is the result of the water cycle. This water can be stored in tanks.

Sea is a large body of salt water that has land around a part or all of it. You cannot drink its water because it is salty.

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Let’s Try Name four sources of water. 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ The Uses of Water Drinking Water is used for drinking by all of us. Animals too drink water. Bathing We need water to have a bath, wash hands, and brush our teeth. Watering Plants Even plants need water. Cooking We need water to wash vegetables and fruits. Water is also used to cook food. Cleaning We need water to clean our house, wash our car and wash our clothes. We also need water in the toilet. 101 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 101

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Did You Know


World Water Day is celebrated on the 22nd of March every year. It is celebrated to highlight the importance of saving water.

Life Under Water Several plants and animals live in rivers and seas. It is the natural habitat for fish and marine life.

Water Pollution When harmful things are added to water, it is called water pollution. Industries release dirty water in the rivers. The waste water of houses also goes into rivers. People throw polythene bags in the rivers and sea. These are the examples of water pollution. We must not pollute water. We cannot drink or use polluted water. Let’s Do Take a bucket of pure water. Add to it all the waste collected in the house during the day. Add some water plants too. Observe what happens. Discuss your observations. 102 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 102

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Let’s Answer A



Circle the sources of water. River








Match the following. 1. Fish

Polythene bags

2. River

Salty water

3. Sea

Used for drinking

4. Water pollution

Flowing water

5. Water

Lives in water

Tick (3) the statements that are correct and cross out (ďƒť) the ones that are incorrect. 1. Animals drink water.

2. Flowers cause water pollution. 3. Plants do not need water. 4. Fruits are used for washing and cleaning. 5. We use water for bathing. D

Answer the following. 1. List five uses of water. 2. What is water pollution? How can you prevent it? 103

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HOTS 1. Have you heard of water-borne diseases? How are they caused? Name some of them.

2. Can you suggest some ways to prevent these diseases? Let’s Explore Become a water saviour. Here are the three ways in which you can save water: 1. Close the tap when not in use. 2. Have a bucket bath instead of a shower. 3. Fill the glass with only as much water as you want to drink. Practice these habits everyday. Can you think of two more ways to save water? Write them in your notebook and share with the class. Values and Life Skills Water is a very important source of energy. How do you feel when you see people wasting water? What can you do to conserve water?

Weblink Visit the following link to know more about water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7cX2cjFunw

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A. Fill in the blanks by using the help box. cereals









My name is _______________. People make _____________ out of me.


My name is ________________________. Your ________________ are made of me.


My name is ___________. You will get me from ___________ .


My name is ___________. People consider me under __________ category. 105

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B. Match the following breakfast, lunch and dinner meals with the time of correct clocks given.




C. Circle the odd one out. a.


c. D. Tick (3) the correct sentence and cross (ďƒť) the incorrect sentence. a. The table is soft and smooth.

b. The shirt is hard and smooth. c. All things are man-made. d. Pulses are not an important part of our food. 106 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 106

9/18/2019 5:08:43 PM



Let’s Get Started What do you do when you feel hot? Do you fan yourself with a book? Why do you do so? Tell your class. Key Words diagonal : a line joining the opposite corners of a square or rectangle purify : to remove bad substances from something to make it pure Air Air is always around us. It is colourless. It does not have any smell. We cannot see it but can feel it. When the air starts moving, it is called the wind. Look at the picture. The wind is blowing away the leaves of the trees.

Cloth drying in air

Leaves movement in air

Uses of Air Air is necessary to live. All living creatures breathe air. Air helps to fly kites, dry clothes, blow up balloons and move air balloons in the sky. 107

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Let’s Try Name four things which give you a feel of air in your day-to-day life. 1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Let’s Do Making a Pinwheel Step 1 : Take a 15 cm square white piece of paper. Step 2 : Draw four equal squares on the piece of paper. Step 3 : Colour each of the squares in different colours. Step 4 : Make diagonal lines from the corners of the square towards the centre. Step 5 : Cut along the diagonal lines and bring the edges to the centre. Step 6 : Now use a finger to hold all the edges together. Step 7 : Push a pin in the centre. Step 8 : Now remove the pin and hold the edges again with your fingers. Step 9 : Paste the edges to the centre of the pinwheel. Step 10 : Lastly, pin the centre of the pinwheel on the stick. Step 11 : Go outside with the pinwheel and watch it turn.

Air Pollution Air pollution occurs when the air contains pollutants (harmful substances) such as gases, fumes and dust in harmful amounts. This air is harmful to humans, plants and animals. Cars, buses, aeroplanes 108 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 108

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and trains release harmful gases in the air. We breathe in this air. This results in breathing problems.

Industries also pollute the air. We should help to control this pollution by planting more trees. Trees purify the air.

Harmful gases in the air

Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks. 1. ____________ is colourless. (Air/Smoke) 2. All living creatures ____________ in air. (breathe/smell) 3. Air helps to ____________ kites. (fly/make) 4. When harmful things are added to the air, it is called air _______________. (wastage/pollution)


Tick (3) the statements that are correct and cross out (ďƒť) the ones that are incorrect. 1. Flowers cause air pollution. 2. Air is used to blow balloons. 3. Living things breathe in air. 4. Industries pollute the air. 5. Trees pollute the air. 109

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Match the following. 1. Wind 2. Living creatures 3. Dry clothes 4. Air pollution 5. Purify air


Answer the following. 1. List five uses of air. 2. What is air pollution?

Industries Use of air Plants Breathe Moving air

HOTS What will happen if we are able to see the air around us?

Let’s Explore Can you think of four ways to avoid air pollution? Write them below and share with the class. 1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________ 4. ______________________ Values and Life Skills Do you go for a morning walk? What are the benefits of taking a morning walk? Is the air fresh or polluted at that time? Can you identify the reasons for your observation?



Visit the following link to know more about air pollution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAKyhfxxr7s

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Fun Time 1. Try to make a paper plane by using the steps given below.

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Weather and Seasons

Let’s Get Started What do you like to wear when it is hot outside? What do you like to wear when the weather is cold? Why so? What will happen if you do vice versa? Key Words sunglasses : a special kind of spectacles having dark glasses moist : slightly wet Weather and Seasons On some days, the sun shines brightly, and it becomes hot. On other days, cold winds blow. And then there are other days when it rains. Condition of nature at a particular time is known as weather. When a certain weather lasts for a long period of time, it is known as a season. A season is usually three to four months long. Let’s Try

Different weathers and seasons

Imagine that your family is taking a vacation to a hill station. It is very cold at the hill station. What are the clothes that you will pack? Make a list of four essential items.


1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 112

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Different Seasons There are different seasons in a year. Summer, winter and rainy season are the most common seasons in India. Summer It is hot in the summer season. We wear light, cotton clothes in summers.

We must also protect our head and our eyes by wearing a cap and sunglasses, while going out. We must drink a lot of water in summers. Rainy Season

Summer wear

The rainy season is also known as monsoons in India. It rains during the rainy season. Rainy wear

Did You Know


We must wear a raincoat or carry an umbrella while going out of the house.

Many diseases like flu and cold spread during the rainy season. This is because the air is moist, and germs multiply faster in such conditions. We must always wash our hands and feet after coming home from outside.

Winter It is cold during the winters. We wear woollen clothes because they keep us warm. We must drink hot drinks during winters. We must also avoid cold food during winter as we may catch a cold.

Winter wear 113

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Let’s Try Which is your favourite season? Fill in the elements in the scene given below to create a scene of your favourite season.

My favourite season is _____________________ Let’s Answer A

Fill in the blanks.

1. A ____________ is usually three to four months long. (season/weather)

2. It is ____________ during the summers. (cold/hot)

3. The rainy season is also known as ____________ in India. (monsoons/wind)

4. ___________ clothes are worn in winters. (Cotton/Woollen) B

Match the following. 1. Summer

Raincoat and Umbrella

3. Rainy

Coats and Jackets

2. Winter 114 EVS_G1_P2_B.indd 114


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Answer the following questions.


1. What is a season? 2. What kind of clothes do we wear in summers?

HOTS Name some places which you like to visit during summer and winter seasons. Why do you choose these places?

Let’s Explore Take an A4 paper. Write “Checklist for change of the season” at the top of the paper. Under the heading, add five points about what you will do to prepare for a change of the season. Write your plans of action when the summer begins, when the winter begins and when the rainy season begins. Present this chart in the class. Values and Life Skills There are many people in our surroundings who do not have clothes to wear. Do you donate your old woollen clothes during the winter season? How do you feel about it?

Weblink Visit the following website to learn more about weather and seasons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UckUHeWXD0 115 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 115

9/18/2019 5:09:03 PM

Fun Time 1. Making a model of four beautiful pieces of artwork to hang on the wall. Through this model, show how the leaves on trees change throughout the year. 2. Design a weather calendar for a week, and submit it in your class. Each student can have different ideas to design a weather calendar like below.

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Sun, Moon and Stars Let’s Get Started

What is the difference between day and night? How do you know whether it is day or night? Think about it, and tell your class. Key Words reflect : bouncing back of light mankind : human beings Objects in the Sky Observe the sky on a clear day. There are many things in it. Clouds, birds, aeroplanes, the sun and many more. However, there are some things in the sky that are always there. These are a part of nature. They have been around since the earth was created. These are the sun, moon and stars. The Sun The sun is a big ball of fire. It is the biggest and the brightest thing in the sky. It looks tiny to us because it is very far away from us. The sun gives us light and heat. We are all alive on earth because the sun gives us warmth. Without the sun, the earth would be very cold. We have day and night because of the sun.

The Sun 117

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When the sun rises in the morning, we have day. When the sun sets, we have night. Stars Look out into the sky at night when there are no clouds in the sky. What do we see in the sky? There are many, many stars in the sky at night. We cannot count them because there are too many of them. Stars are balls of fire. The sun is the closest star to the earth. The other stars seem very small to us because they are very far away from us.


Let’s Do Observe the night sky on a clear night. Notice the stars. Do they make a shape? Draw these shapes in your notebook and us. show them in the class the next day.

Moon We can see the moon at night. It looks like a white shiny ball. It is nearer to us than the sun. The moon is smaller than the earth. It does not have any light of its own. When the sunlight falls on it, it gets reflected onto the earth.

Phases of the Moon

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We call this light moonlight. The moon seems to change its shape. Sometimes we see a full moon and at other times we can only see a part of it. Some people have been to the moon and space in a rocket. These people are known as astronauts. They have to wear special clothes to go to the moon and into space. Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon.

An Astronaut

Let’s Answer Fill in the blanks.


1. The _____________ is the biggest and the brightest thing in the sky. (sun/moon) 2. We are all alive on the earth because the sun gives us _____________ . (light/clothes) 3. Stars are balls of _____________ . (ice/fire) 4. The ___________ does not have any light of its own. (moon/sun) Match the following.




No light of its own






Moon reflects sunlight



Big ball of fire



Too many to count



People who travel to moon or space 119

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Answer the following questions. 1. What is the sun? 2. What is moonlight?

HOTS Why is the colour of fire and sun the same? Which colour is it?

Let’s Explore Collect waste cardboard items at home. With the help of an adult, cut them and create a rocket. Colour this rocket in your favourite colours and name it. Present this rocket in the class and say what is so special about your rocket. Values and Life Skills Our body needs a few minutes of morning sunlight. Plan to spend some time outside in the morning sun each day.

Weblink Visit the following website to learn more about the sun, Moon and stars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmAujzz9Wls

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A. Match the following. Watering plants

Drinking water



Cooking B. Tick the things that are found under the sea.

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C. Suman is going for a trip to Shimla. Help her to pack her bag according to the place where she is going to. Circle those items which she needs to pack for her trip.

D. Tick (3) the correct and cross (ďƒť) the incorrect sentences. a. Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon. b. The moon does not change its shape as seen from the Earth. c. Stars can be seen by us in the afternoon. d. There are many stars in the sky. e. Without the sun, the earth would be very cold. f. Moon is the biggest and the brightest thing in the sky.

122 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 122

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Semester Assessment A. Fill in the blanks by choosing correct options from the brackets.

1. Animals that live on land are called ______animals. (water/land) 2. __________ animals live on farm. (Wild/Domestic)

3. Some _______animals eat other animals. (domestic/wild) 4. Frog is an _______. (amphibian/insect)

B. Archana got 100% attendance award 3rd time in a row. This is because she follow a healthy diet routine. Circle the food items that you think she must be consuming.

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C. Paste pictures according to the keywords marked as bold in the bubbles. Also, colour the bubbles with correct statements.

Sun is the biggest and brightest thing in the sky.

Woollen clothes are made of paper.

When it is a sunny day we wear woollen clothes.

Paper comes from trees.

D. Name the given objects in the spaces provided.

E. Tick (ď ?) the correct images which are considered as objects of sky.

F. Shweta wants to make a mango shake for her breakfast. Help her to collect the items she needs. Tick (ď ?) the items below which she needs for making the mango shake.

124 EVS_G1_BOOK.indb 124

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