Business Analysis Workshops Catalogue 2015

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Business Analysis Workshops WORKSHOPS CATALOGUE

Business Analysis Workshops Our business analysis workshops are intense consulting sessions focused on a specific issue to enhance business analysis skills or techniques. They are designed to provide participants an opportunity to work more in-depth with a business analysis expert on their company’s project(s). Use these business analysis workshops to move your projects forward and reinforce concepts and techniques. Workshops can be held for an entire team or multiple teams with a similar focus.

Workshops are structured as either half day or full day working sessions. Participants should bring their project to the workshop. They will work in groups to apply and practice the specific technique and receive coaching by the facilitator. Results and challenges will be discussed as a group to allow all participants the broadest learning opportunities.

Intense Consulting Sessions, focused to Enhance BA Skills & Techniques

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Workshop Index ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS W ORKSHOP ....................................................................................................................... 4 BREAKING REQUIREMENTS DOWN INTO CORE COMPONENTS ..................................................................................... 4 DEFINING PROJECT OBJECTIVES W ORKSHOP ............................................................................................................... 5 THE PM/BA PARTNERSHIP W ORKSHOP......................................................................................................................... 5 SCOPING THE PROJECT WORKSHOP .............................................................................................................................. 6 BACKLOG HEALTH CHECK WORKSHOP .......................................................................................................................... 6 WRITING EXCELLENT REQUIREMENTS W ORKSHOP....................................................................................................... 7 ELICITATION FOR VIRTUAL STAKEHOLDERS W ORKSHOP .............................................................................................. 7 ANALYZING YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS PROCESSES W ORKSHOP ............................................................................... 8 FINDING ESSENTIAL PROCESSES TO UNDERSTAND PROJECT COMPLEXITY ............................................................... 8 IDENTIFYING PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS W ORKSHOP .................................................................................................... 9 FINDING AND ANALYZING DATA W ORKSHOP .................................................................................................................. 9 WRITING BETTER USE CASES W ORKSHOP .................................................................................................................. 10 UNDERSTANDING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS W ORKSHOP ...................................................................................... 10 ESTIMATING BUSINESS ANALYSIS W ORK W ORKSHOP ................................................................................................ 11 BEING AGILE ON YOUR PROJECT W ORKSHOP............................................................................................................. 11 PROJECT RECOVERY, GET BACK ON TRACK W ORKSHOP .......................................................................................... 12 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS DISCOVERY W ORKSHOP ................................................................................................... 12

1. Ask the Right Questions Workshop


This is a structured session to get business analysts to think about the tools and techniques they need to use for their project requirements. The facilitator will assist the participants in selecting the correct templates and/or models to elicit the appropriate requirements for their projects and to identify questions that need to be answered. Participants should bring their current projects and also any standardized requirements templates. Participants may want to bring their B2T Playbooks as a reference.

Workshop Roadmap   

Review of different templates or models to assist participants in moving forward with their existing projects Select techniques for their projects Develop detailed questions for elicitation

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Essential Skills for Business Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

2. Breaking Requirements Down Into Core Components Workshop


Have you ever looked at notes you took during an elicitation session, and then asked yourself: “Now What?” Have you documented paragraphs of information in your requirements documents, but then wondered “Is there a better way to analyze all this?” or “What are they really telling me?” If you have trouble breaking down complex topics into lower-level components, then this is the workshop for you! The process of figuring out what key components are included in or impacted by the requirements you’ve elicited is a critical step in business analysis (after asking “why”, of course). This session will help you to simplify requirements so they are easier to “consume.” You will analyze requirements content, identify and expose their details, and gain a better understanding of the parts that make up the whole. This is important, because breaking it down effectively allows you to analyze and discuss different aspects of a topic with your stakeholders, confirm your understanding, and communicate the needs to others in a more logical and thorough manner.

Workshop Roadmap 

Define the four core components that make up all requirements: Data, Process, External Agent/Actor, Business Rule

Describe what the core components represent

Identify the importance of core components to your requirements audience

Prerequisites: None Recommended Size: up to 12

3. Defining Project Objectives Workshop


This workshop is intended for participants who need more in-depth practice on identifying and defining their project objectives. Clearly defining the project objectives provides context and reference to the team ensuring they are aligned to deliver what is expected. The workshop participants review the components of specific and measureable objectives and supporting questions to identify actionable objectives. Participants should bring their project and work to begin defining their project objectives.

Workshop Roadmap 

Develop project purpose statement

Review the components of a specific and measurable objective

Draft objectives for their projects

Develop detailed questions for elicitation to ensure objectives are clear

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended our Essential Skills for Business Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

4. The PM/BA Partnership Workshop


The line is sometimes fuzzy between a project manager and a business analyst on a project. This workshop is an opportunity for PMs and BAs to share and discuss their roles and responsibilities and how they will best collaborate to bring success to their projects. Participants will pair up to discuss differences and opportunities for improvement. As a group, ideas will be discussed and suggestions will be provided by the BA expert facilitator. Participants should bring enough current project information to discuss individual roles and responsibilities and key tasks within the project plan.

Workshop Roadmap 

Brainstorm differences between PMs and BAs

Discuss project specific role, responsibilities, and tasks

Identify overlaps, gaps, and areas of confusion

Leave with a plan on a preferred method of project interaction

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Essential Skills for Business Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

5. Scoping the Project Workshop


This workshop is intended for participants who need more in-depth practice on defining their project scope from the business analysis perspective. Scoping the business area of analysis is the first step in identifying the level and complexity of the business analysis effort. The workshop participants review the components of a typical project charter and additional components for which a business analyst will need to identify to begin the project. Participants should bring their project and work to begin defining their project scope.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review scoping techniques to assist participants in moving forward with their existing projects

Draft initial scopes for their projects

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended our Essential Skills for Business Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

6. Backlog Health Check Workshop


This workshop is intended for a delivery team that is well underway, and running into difficulty managing their backlog. The workshop helps the team identify whether they have a clear picture what the items of the backlog are intended to provide, whether the backlog is properly prioritized, does the team know when items are ready for delivery to start, and do they know when the work is done, among other things. Participants should their backlog items.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review the backlog with the team and help them improve their maintenance practices.

Techniques and suggestions based entirely on their actual backlog will be provided.

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Agile Requirements and Fundamentals class or have agile experience or training. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

7. Writing Excellent Requirements Workshop


This workshop is for BAs who want to sharpen their communication skills for writing and structuring textual requirements clearly. Participants should bring samples of their requirements to the workshop, and they will work individually and in group exercises to restructure them into concise, written (excellent) requirements. Participants will work with fellow BA participants and a BA expert facilitator to conduct several levels of review resulting in more complete improved deliverables. To gain value from the workshop participants must bring requirements sample documents to share, discuss and improve during the work session. It is recommended that computers are available for students to share, practice writing, and revise their documents.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review purpose and audience of each deliverable (requirements)

Review structure, flow and completeness of requirements

Practice revising non-excellent requirements

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Essential Skills for Business Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (each participant brings their requirements)

8. Elicitation for Virtual Stakeholders Workshop


This workshop is intended for participants who want more in-depth practice on how to plan and execute elicitation techniques when business stakeholders are not available in – person.


communicating and getting approval of requirements without the luxury of any face-to-face meetings present some unique challenges for the business analyst. The groups will brainstorm, discuss and determine the best elicitation techniques and strategies to apply on their current and future projects. The workshop participants will decide which technique or strategy will minimize risk, engage different types of remote stakeholders, and how to prepare for and plan each elicitation session depending on the different project circumstances. Participants should bring their current projects.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review elicitation techniques to assist participants in moving forward with their projects

Learn how to make elicitation technique choices based on project characteristics such as business value, timelines, complexity and number of stakeholders

Draft elicitation plans for their own projects

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended our Essential Skills for Business Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

9. Analyzing Your Current Business Processes Workshop


This workshop is intended for participants who need in-depth practice on defining and analyzing their current business processes. Business analysts must understand the current business process before designing or suggesting process improvements. This workshop focuses on the first step, practicing an approach to analyzing and documenting the AS IS model. Participants should bring their current project information.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review BPMN diagramming notations

Draw your project’s AS IS model

Identify any necessary detailed questions for further elicitation

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Business Process Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

10. Finding Essential Processes to Understand Project Complexity


This workshop will help business analysts quickly make an inventory of their requirements on their projects by finding essential processes. By decomposing and mapping the essential processes participants will identify the critical project dependencies and complexity. This process is a more granular approach to identifying what is in and out of scope for their projects. Participants must bring their project scope and any business requirements identified to date.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review participant’s context diagrams and use events to identify essential processes

Group and decompose processes

Map essential processes to stakeholders, software systems, and databases

Validate in and out of scope processes

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Business Process Analysis class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

11. Identifying Process Improvements Workshop


This workshop will help business analysts improve a process by identifying the underlying causes of process deficiencies. Participants will identify where the bottlenecks are, any dissatisfaction with broken processes, the inefficiencies, hand-offs, and the value-add activities to develop an improved process. Groups, with the guidance of the BA facilitator, will work to conduct value analysis to streamline the processes. Participants must bring their process workflows.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review participant’s workflows

Use the 8 step process to identify essential processes

Identify current process inefficiencies and potential opportunities

Develop a TO BE process

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Business Process Analysis class. Recommended Workshop size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

12. Finding and Analyzing Data Workshop


This workshop will help participants identify, document and analyze data needed on their projects. If you know the processes or use cases you can find the data. Participants will identify what data is needed, what should it look like, and where does it come from. They will practice aggregating and defining the structure and values of data that goes beyond the glossary. Participants will discuss mapping considerations for data conversion. Participants should bring enough current project information to mine the data, such as processes, business rules, use cases, forms, or reports.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review project information to brainstorm data concepts and elements

Determine if a data model is appropriate for your project

Practice data definition and mapping

Define detailed attribute information

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Detailing Business Data Requirements class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

13. Writing Better Use Cases Workshop


This workshop will help business analysts write more concise and clear use cases. Participants will leverage a use case diagram to show solution scope or groupings of important system functionalities. The diagrams will be used as a graphical framework to organize and give a high level view of what will be described in more detail. Participants will practice writing and critiquing use case descriptions. Participants should bring current projects that have an IT solution identified and samples of existing use cases.

Workshop Roadmap 

Create the most appropriate use diagrams for the project

Identify stakeholder actors and their goals

Identify use case short descriptions

Outline the primary use case path

Identify key exception or alternate paths

Identify any reusable use cases (includes) and postponed or future use cases (extends)

Write and critique detailed use cases

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Use Case Modeling and Solution Requirements class. Recommended Workshop size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

14. Understanding Reporting Requirements Workshop


Designing a report is more than just stating a requirement, “Users must be able to report on the data.” What information needs to be reported? What questions is the business trying to ask? What answers are they looking for? What pieces of information do they need to make actionable decisions? Is the information available? What is the volume of information being utilized? How current and accessible does the data need to be? Participants will discuss all of these questions and others related to defining reporting requirements. Participants should bring report samples, prototypes or report requirements.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review report purpose and audience

Discuss what decisions or actions are being performed as a result of the report

Identify gaps in requirements and develop outstanding questions

Revise report detail requirements

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Use Case Modeling and Solution Requirements class. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

15. Estimating Business Analysis Work Workshop


This workshop will help business analysts create more accurate estimates for their business analysis work on their project. Participants will work in groups to identify what work is required for their project and begin assigning tasks for each deliverable. Several estimation techniques will be practiced during this session. Participants should bring project information to begin identifying analysis tasks.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review project information and scope

Determine requirements components required for project

Determine project deliverables and stakeholders

Create the task list

Estimate analysis time

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Developing a Business Analysis Work Plan class or be senior BAs. Recommended Size: up to 12 (3 to 4 internal projects recommended)

16. Being Agile on Your Project Workshop


This workshop is designed for an entire project team to work as a group with an expert agile facilitator to apply agile principles to their project. This is a highly flexible workshop where the team will identify their greatest area of need in order to move the project forward and deliver value. Participants should bring their project information to the session.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review project information

Determine area of focus for workshop ie:

Stocking product backlog with business stakeholders

Discovering and/or estimating user stories

Determine elicitation techniques for their project

Perform agile team activities

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Business Analysis in an Agile Environment class or have agile experience or training. Recommended Size: up to 12

17. Project Recovery, Get Back on Track Workshop


This workshop is designed for an entire project team to identify roadblocks or barriers to moving forward on their project. They will work as a group with an expert business analyst facilitator to guide the process. Participants will analyze their project to determine why the project is stalled. The result could be that a project is either a viable project where road blocks can be overcome or the analysis may result in possibly recommending that the project be terminated. For viable projects, participants will identify options for removing obstacles and getting the project back on track. Participants should bring their project information to the session.

Workshop Roadmap 

Review and assess project information and scope

Develop alternatives for moving forward or ending the project

Develop an action plan for the project

Prerequisites: None. Recommended Size: up to 12

18. Project Requirements Discovery Workshop


This workshop is intended for the delivery team that is just getting started with a new effort or has identified the need to establish a product backlog based on an agreed upon vision and goal(s). The workshop will include the use of a variety of appropriate analysis models such as KPI’s, impact maps, process flows, domain models, and prototypes to create a product backlog. Participants should bring available project information to the session.

Workshop Roadmap 

Come to agreement on what problem the effort is intending to solve

Establishes agreement on possible solutions

Prerequisites: We recommend participants have attended the Agile Requirements and Fundamentals class or have agile experience or training. Recommended Size: up to 12

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