Copper Scrap helps fuel the need for Copper and its Alloys that are used in a Multiplicity of Industries The number of applications for copper and its alloys in the UAE and worldwide are only increasing. It is only up to us to make the right use for it and utilize it efficiently. Copper has long been known for its special characteristics; in the area of medicine, to a conductor of electricity and as an antimicrobial agent. There was never a shortage of copper even though it had a multiplicity of uses. From being used in medicine, to weapons, to crockery there was always a use for copper since ancient times. Today however with the growing population, and the rise in demand for almost every consumer product, the demand for copper has risen drastically. Copper is used: • In the radiators of cars to enable better cooling leading to better efficiency • In boilers and heating systems again for its excellent thermal conductivity • In cooling systems for its antimicrobial properties • As handles and other surfaces in the form of alloys for it antimicrobial properties • In household wiring and a wide variety of electrical appliances and equipment thanks to its excellent ductility and electrical conductivity The uses for copper are limitless today and although there are huge reserves of copper all over the planet, it makes sense not to exploit the mines and the environment that surrounds them. Copper mining is famous for the environmental degradation and destruction that they have been doing over the centuries since its discovery. Although copper today is used in its purest form for critical applications and in the most sensitive thermal and electrical applications, it is the alloyed forms of copper that have taken up a substantially large portion of copper consumption. When one talks about alloyed copper one can talk about brass (a mixture of zinc and bronze), aluminium bronze, and cupronickel which is used in low denomination coins. The reason for mixing a variety of elements with copper is simply to increase its usability and characteristics while also making products cheaper, long-lasting and decorative. Today the above mentioned applications take quite a bite into the copper’s already present set of established applications. This is why it has become increasingly important to recycle
copper and its other alloyed forms. Although this has been going on for a long time, the need for recycling today arises simply because mining, processing and creating the various alloys of copper for different applications; not only takes up a lot of energy, but also leads to large amounts of residue which also needs to be taken care of; requiring the use of additional resources for the same.
Recycling used copper or segregating the useful copper from unwanted trash has been a great way of getting back tonnes of copper scrap in Dubai and across the globe. Depending on where it has been used, tonnes of copper can be recovered from applications such as building wiring from an old building that is about to pulled down; or from the motors, radiators and wiring of vehicles all of which can be re-melted into usable copper for a variety of applications. Moreover recycled copper in Dubai from copper scrap is cheaper and can be easily utilized by the many copper products or industries that use them in the UAE. The number of applications for copper and its alloys in the UAE and worldwide are only increasing. They are being used either as critical components or as conductors that are used in wiring, antimicrobial surface components, cladding for buildings in architecture and many more on a daily basis. It is only up to us to make the right use for it and utilize it efficiently.