Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

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Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Waste management is being propagated all over the world now. Tons and tons of trash gets generated every year and all this trash goes into the landfills every year. It is important to manage the waste as it is not only beneficial environmentally but also ecologically. Here are a few tips as to how you can go about with waste management:

1. Reduce Usage: There are times when we purchase more things that what we actually use or consume. It is important to not do so as we end up wasting these things and they end up in the trash. You can also limit the usage of non biodegradable things. These are basically those materials which cannot be decomposed in a natural way by the environment and they go on to release hazardous substances which are highly hazardous and dangerous for the environment. You need to buy only what you require. It is the little things that need to be done in order to avoid a lot of wastage.

2. Reuse things: You can reuse a lot of things that you have bought. Think of ways to use packaging materials and ways to reuse items that no longer serve their function. Small packing boxes can be used again to store your accessories or stationery items. Instead of using paper napkins, you can opt for paper ones. This will make sure that you don’t waste a lot of paper and the napkins can be washed and used over and over. Shred or compost untreated wood and leaf wastes into chips and use them as mulch on garden beds to prevent weed growth, retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and add nutrients back to the soil. You can also donate your old clothes, furniture or even books for that matter. You can hold garage sales and earn a considerable amount of money from what you thought was scrap.

3. Recycle things: There are a lot of things which can be successfully recycled. This will save you a lot of money. Make it a habit to separate out all items that are recyclable. Use food scraps, yard trimmings, and other organic waste to create a compost pile that can help increase water retention, decrease erosion, and replace chemical fertilizers. There are a lot of other things that you can recycle like scrap metals. There are a lot of scrap metal dealers or scrap metal recycling companies which promote and propagate recycling on a large scale. There are a lot of metals like iron, lead, steel, aluminium, copper and brass which can be recycled to gain both ecological and economical benefits. Essentially, it is reduce, reuse and recycle mantra that will help you to effectively manage waste materials.

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