1 minute read
Laura Petrovich-Cheney
from BOUND
Rachel Carson wrote: “I have felt bound by a solemn obligation to do what I could. If I didn’t try I could never be happy again in nature.” Like her, I am bound to care for the earth before it is irretrievably gone. This obligation forces me give value to what is ignored, stepped on or washed up as debris. Things that are in a state of transition are the most intriguing. In this ephemeral state, its interior life is vulnerable. I collect these things to preserve them—to hold on to its former self and prevent it demise.
Jane Pettit
Released. Concrete over fiberglass and polystyrene, steel pipe. 38 x 40 x 120 inches. 2012
Life is full of choices. Forces pressure us and our reactions confine or set us free. It takes courage to push past the prejudicial and anxiety-producing forces that restrict us. Released reaches skyward and depicts FREEDOM!
Hello.... anyone there? Relief Print, pen. 17 x 17 inches. 2012
The theme, Bound, is about control. The most common ways that I find myself being bound is though communication or lack of communication, societal pressures, or lack of opportunities. Hello? anyone there? is about lack of communication and the isolation that comes from it.