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Talk to people. Get the conversation started. Plant the seed. All it takes is becoming informed on an issue: child abuse, prison reform, voting rights, etc. Then begin the conversation with as many people as you can, casually over dinner, over coffee. No pressure on them, more of an “I just learned the most interesting things about…” Make them curious, give them some info they’ve never thought about. People have had enough conversations about finding the best restaurants. Give them a new perspective on a serious issue, get the ball rolling. A little conversation can go a long way.

Socially conscious art motivates change around the world by providing to its audience insight that explores in-depth where mainstream media ends. Nothing is hidden. The power of its symbolic imagery speaks in an instant on behalf of a diverse ethnological audience. Whether the art is traditionally of digitally designed, whether it harbors a beautiful or caustic aesthetic or even a non-aesthetic its message in an increasingly visual culture offers a perspective on society independent of political rhetoric and political agendas. James Baldwin said it best, “The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions which have been hidden by the answers.”


Remedios Rapoport

Seeing the extreme abuses of the privileged few and their supporters destroying the health of our natural environment while destroying the fairness of our social and justice systems around the world I wrote the following piece with the goal of empowering people into actions of healthy change. With these words I mean to inspire lifestyle changes and actions that protect our human rights, civil rights, and democratic processes, for the benefit of all people and all life on Earth. I believe we are all one and interconnected, so what happens to one affects the quality of life on Earth for all. I am inspired by the thought that; if each person on Earth, would manifest these ideas at every moment they could, then the world would change for the better quite quickly.


PEOPLE, inspiring PEOPLE, to get involved, with positive change. PEOPLE, protecting our natural earth, and our cultures, from destructive practices.

PEOPLE, thinking about positive ideas, and making positive actions happen.

PEOPLE, supporting a peaceful, non-violent, and gentle revolution of change, an evolution of humans, marked by changed behavior. PEOPLE, working together, and solving problems. PEOPLE, being PEOPLE, as we heal ourselves, and heal the world.

PEOPLE, learning to live with more love and tolerance. PEOPLE, living simply, comfortably, and with less greed. PEOPLE, protecting justice and democracy. PEOPLE, being gentle and respectful to all life.

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