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Incest is not only perpetrated by the pedophile, but often by the entire family in its complicity. As children, we see our mothers (more likely than not) ignore it. Our extended family members may praise the pedophile while we must live with him, eat with him, and often clean up after him. If we try to speak about it, we encounter hostility. From our other siblings who do not defend us, we face disloyalty every day. Ultimately, we must decide to keep quiet or cut off all contact with the family.
Jocelyn Braxton Armstrong
Westport, Connecticut www.jocelynbraxtonarmstrong.com
Porcelain, graphite, sunflower seeds
27 x 10 x 14 inches
Today, in many parts of the world, modern advances in technology and communication collide with traditional religions, cultures and customs in patriarchal societies. By examining these incongruities, I address issues of love, family, conflict, and gender inequality. Some of my sculptures and installations are confrontational and that is my intent: to inspire curiosity, thought and dialogue, to raise awareness, and incite positive action.
Mapping the Dark, A Museum of Ambient Disorders is an installation of books, sculptures, photographs and paintings, each fabricated as collaboration between a curator and an imaginary character. The works displayed in the museum begin with the private visual vocabulary of ten individuals. Each work is a blueprint of an inner life, an attempt by the maker to right a balance, and is forged under the pressure of a peculiar turn of mind: a worry, craving, loss or fear.
Donna Catanzaro
Windham, New Hampshire www.donnacat.com
Digital collage, 18 x 24 inches, 2011
I am a collector, but instead of objects, I collect images. I see the world as potential parts of a collage. I also collect data: information, historical facts, news and current events. I’m a news junkie, and while some of the news makes me enraged, some news makes me see the absurdity of it all. By juxtaposing images with information I create amusing, yet sobering digital collages with Adobe Photoshop. I entice the viewer into the piece through amusement, and then, subtly, challenge them with an underlying sober comment.
Skin Muscle Sinew portrays body as living, aesthetic sculpture one more firm, more fit, archetypically more vital than the older wiszened one, yet both evoke curiosity and reflection of life’s phases and choices.
Deborah Davis
Lafayette, Colorado www.deborahdavisdesign.com