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Education Law and Technology: What Every Education i Professional f i Should Know Karen Haase Harding & Shultz (402) 434-3000 H & S School Law @KarenHaase

Agenda g < < < < <

Social Networkingg Cell Phones Sexting E-mail CyberBullying/Bullying

Social Networkingg < Examples p - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Teacher Use < Causes for Concern - Drug/Alcohol Use - Sexual S l Inappropriateness I i t - Inappropriate pp p Communication with Students - Inappropriate Communication Comm nication about Students - Selling School Property

Nebraska Law < Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-824,, 79-827,, 79-829 < Reasons for Termination and/or Cancellation: - Unprofessional Conduct - Immorality - Other conduct which interferes substantially with the continued performance of duties

Caselaw < Fisher,, 476 F.2d 375 ((8th Cir. 1973): ) Withoutt a connection With ti between b t th the teacher’s misconduct and the school district’s interest, a teacher may be able to argue g that the reasons underlying y g dismissal were arbitrary and capricious.

Free Speech p < Pickering, g, 391 U.S. 563 ((1968)) If a employee l speaks k as a citizen ii on a matter of public concern the district must show it had an adequate justification for treatingg the employee p y differently y from any other member of the public.

Free Speech p < Garcetti,, 547 U.S. 410 ((2006)) When public Wh bli employees l make k statements t t t pursuant to their official duties, the employees are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment p purposes, p , and the Constitution does not insulate their communication from employer discipline.

Dealing with S ff C Staff Cell Phones

Dealing with S ff C Staff Cell Phones  Matter of administrative policy  No “right” right to cell phone communication  Enforcement of student policy can be hi d d b hindered by staff t ff usage  Textingg – byy p phone or computer? p

Student Cell Phones

Dealing with Cell Phones  Is it a search?  Is it unlawful taking of property?  Privacyy concerns ((camera p phones))  Safety benefits  Policy/notice considerations

Sexting? Sexting, v: (a combination of sex and texting) is the act of sending di sexually ll explicit li i messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell ll phones. h


School E-mail < Computer, Computer Server Server, Internet Connection all belong to the district. < Use U iis permissive i i < Assume someone will read it eventually.

School E-mail and Politics  Political Accountability and Disclosure A t Act  In the Matter of Michael Nolan, Case No. 07-03

Bullying? “any y ongoing g gp pattern of p physical, y , verbal,, or electronic abuse on school grounds, in a vehicle owned owned, leased leased, or contracted by a school being used for a school purpose by a school employee emplo ee or his or her designee, designee or at school-sponsored activities or schoolsponsored athletic events.�

Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying, v: the use of technology such as computers and cell phones to engage in i repeated, t d and dh hostile til b behavior h i byy an individual or group, g p that is intended to harm others. The term "cyberbullying" is used when the victim or bully is a child hild or tteen. The Th term t cyber b harassment h t is i usedd when h the th victim is an adult.

Cyberbullying y y g Example of cyberbullying b b ll i on iChat (Apple’s instant messaging) i )

Divagirl: Hey, loser, watch your back. t t323 What tmt323: Wh t r u talking about? Divagirl: Why don't you kill yourself while u r ahead? tmt323: Why can't you just leave me alone? Divagirl: Ugly girls like u need to be put in their place.

Not Myy Students! Tell teacher: 27% of preteens and only 9% of teens Tell friend: 44% of preteens and 72% of teens Told no one: 16% of preteens and teens

Educators’ Responses to Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying y y g of Staff

J.S. v. Blue Mountain Sch. Dist.  Middle School Student made fake MySpace profile for principal • Included photo from school website • Initially public; then limited • Students could only access off campus • St Student d t suspended d d ffor 10 d days; parents t sued

Layshock v. Hermitage Sch. Dist  High School Student made fake MySpace profile for principal • Included photo from school website • Other students created similar and more offensive profiles • Students only accessed off campus • Student suspended for 10 days; placed in alt. sch, banned from extracurriculars, no commencement

J.S. and Layshock Inconsistent  Third Circuit granted en banc rehearing  Oral Argument June 3, 2010  Decision D i i issued i d June J 13, 13 2011  The Bottom Line? Schools lost both cases

J.S. and Layshock  Key legal points • School can’t punish off-campus speech because it is vulgar, vulgar inappropriate or even criminal • School can only punish off-campus speech p that is substantiallyy disruptive p

What About the Staff?  “We recognize that vulgar and offensive speech such as that employed in this case – even made in jjust – could damage g the careers of teachers and administrators and we conclude only that the punitive action taken by the school district violated the First Amendment free speech rights of JS.”  i.e. “We don’t care”

Cyberbullying y y g of Students

Kowalski v. Berkeley Co Schs (4th Cir. Ci 2011) Student created MySpace group harassing another student Creator of the page received • 10 10-day day suspension from school • 90-day “social suspension” Ct speech Ct.: h caused d substantial b t ti l p , therefore discipline p disruption, appropriate

J.C. v. Beverly Hills Unif. Sch. Dist. (Cal.)  8th grade girls talking smack about a peer; uploaded to YouTube  Principal p suspended p student who uploaded  Court: no disruption to school school, no nexus to education, no basis for punishment

Helping Kids Deal; Tell them to:  Stop. St

D ’t respond Don’t d tto th the b bully. ll

 Block.

Block the cyberbully or limit all communications to those you can trust.

 Tell. Tell

Tell a trusted adult adult.

If you discover bullying  Do not close your eyes  Report R t tto administration d i i t ti asap  Document ocu e t everything eve yt g

Does the Victim Need Interventions?  Interventions • Social S i l skill kill training t i i • Hygiene training with, sped teacher, counselor or other staff • Peer mentor  Be ready for a 504 or SpEd request

Education Law and Technology: What Every Education i Professional f i Should Know Karen Haase Harding & Shultz (402) 434-3000 H & S School Law @KarenHaase

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