The Penycae Scout Woggle

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CATCH UP ON LAST TERM’S NEWS: See the highlights from each section. Can you tie this term’s knotting challenge? How many Sainsbury’s vouchers did we get??

CONTENTS: Gerry’s Gossip Beavers in Liverpool Beaver News Cub News District Cub Camp Awards A Big Thanks Group Camp Chamboree Sainsburys Vouchers Explorers in Ireland GSL Knotting Challenge Forthcoming Events Bonfire Night

GSL News Welcome to the Penycae Woggle I hope that everyone enjoyed reading the Summer edition of the revamped Penycae Woggle – many thanks to all who contributed and to Karen [Akela/AGSL] for editing and producing. The electronic format was fantastic. I haven’t got a lot of gossip but I can tell you that all sections of the Scout Group have had great fun over the summer scouting term taking part in a huge and varied number of activities including some excellent camps – the Group camp at the headquarters, District Cub camp also at the headquarters, Scout camp at the Cheshire Chamboree, and Explorer camp to Ireland. One important matter I want to bring to the attention of everyone, particularly parents, is that the headquarters building is clear need of renovation. We are, thanks to a grant, installing new heating and lighting very soon. However, there still remains outstanding a long list of work that requires attention. I and Mike, the Group Chairman, will soon be circulating this information and asking for help from parents and friends of the Scout Group to hopefully complete some, if not all, of this work. So look out for our email which will be sent around to all very soon. We would both be very grateful for whatever time that you may be able to spare. In addition I hope that you will be able to attend the Scout Group’s Community Bonfire night on Friday 7th November – see details elsewhere in this edition of The Woggle Many thanks for all your support. Gerry Penycae Group Scout Leader

In June our Beavers joined with other colonies in the District to sleepover in Penycae Scout Hut. Activities included making a healthy packed lunch for our trip the next day and also making their own supper: Wraps Beavers selected their own ingredients from ham, cheese, tomato, onions, peppers, sweetcorn then rolled up their wrap and baked them in the oven. Simple but absolutely gorgeous!! We then travelled by coach to Liverpool Underwater Street with an amazing range of activities including climbing, balancing, role play, water play, messy play, scientific experiments etc. A brilliant day thoroughly enjoyed by all.

In May our Beaver Scouts joined other colonies in the district to attend Jamboree on the TrailJOTT. We hiked along the canal from Llangollen Horse Drawn Boats to Trevor Scout Hut. A big well done to all beavers and parents who participated and also to our ‘helpers’ Evan, Max and Tia. At the end of the hike we were able to taste some food from all over the world. Penycae Beavers made some puddings from Australia including Lamingtons and Meringues. A welcome treat at the end of a long hike!!!

Beavers had a go at trying out different sports to try and gain one of the new badges ‘Sports Activity Badge’. The beavers were involved in many sporting activities including:         

Badminton, Sheeptag, Parachute games Team games Sack Races Obstacle Races Egg and spoon races Running Archery

Along with gaining their new sports activity badge the beavers raised money by holding an Arties Olympics in aid of The British Heart Foundation. Thanks to all beavers who participated and those who sponsored the event. We managed to raise an amazing £267 with one beaver raising a whopping £102- Well done Jamie!!

The Cubs were visited by a Gladiator as part of their Fitness Challenge. He put them through their paces with Gladiator agility exercises to help in their battle against common foe. They were taught about nutrition in Gladiator times as well as our era & took part in various Gladiator tasks. A great evening had by all – especially the Cubs against Leaders battle which proved to be surprisingly good stress relief!

Some of the older Cubs took part in the BCU training day run by the District Water Activities Team. They completed various levels in the Paddlepower Passport with Wil gaining his 1* Award so a big well done to him & all of the Cubs that took part.

As well as the Group Camp & District Cub Camp, Cubs & Beavers joined together for a fun evening of activities including Archery, Go Karting and Abseiling. We also took part in the British Heart Foundation – Jump for rope challenge – raising a total £100 – well done to all of the Cubs that took part.

This year Penycae hosted the first Llangollen District Cub Camp for many years. 84 Cubs from 6 different Packs came along to a weekend full of activities. As well as making new friends, the Cubs were able to complete lots of badges and learn new skills.

A big Well Done to Daniel & Dylan who have achieved their Chief Scout Bronze Awards, the highest award that you can earn in Beaver Scouts. A big Well Done to Daniel & Dylan who have achieved their Chief Scout Bronze Awards, the highest award in Beavers

Also, very Well Done to Ben, Zac & Harri who have achieved the equivalent, Chief Scout Silver Award, for Cub Scouts. Both Awards involve completing many different activities and challenges.

We were really pleased to be able to use the money raised from the Group Bonus Ball to buy three brand new Go-Karts. They can be seen here being tested out on Group Camp. Rose has, for many years, been a huge support to Penycae Scout Group and was officially made an honorary member at this year’s AGM.

If anyone hasn’t got a Bonus Ball number & would like to take part, please ask any Section Leader for details.

As well as the Uniformed Leaders, we have huge support from Parents and Friends of Penycae but we can always do with more. There are so many ways of getting involved and we would love you to join our team. As the old expression goes ‘many hands make light work’. This is especially true when it comes to putting up tents, fundraising & maintenance around the HQ. All of these tasks, and many more, are essential when it comes to running a Scout Group. The Leaders are all volunteers who give up their time to undertake training as well as running a fun and exciting programme for the youth members in the group but we couldn’t do it without extra help. Any help is always greatly appreciated – if you’re unsure about how to get involved please don’t hesitate to ask.

This year’s summer camp was on the Chester showground and it was called Chamboree 2014. There were a wide range of activities including laser tag, quad bikes, air rifle shooting and we went to Liverpool for the day. There where Guides, Scouts and Explorers from all over the world. Every evening there was a themed disco. We had competitions and I entered the talent competition. I made lots of new friends from Scotland and England and I’m still in contact with them. We were a joint camp with the Kingsbury guides who we met on the 2013 summer camp and they also joined our group camp. Chamboree 2014 was a brilliant experience and everyone had lots of fun. Written by Karina Fullard

THANKS TO YOU We collected a huge total of 2303 vouchers and gained all of this equipment. Look out in January – it all starts again.

We will start at the beginning as Gerry would say. We began our journey at Ruabon train station on Saturday morning 9 August looking forward to a great adventure –travelling on public transport to and around part of Ireland carrying everything on our backs. Who thought it would take nearly 4 hours to get to Chester from Ruabon! Stuck on the A483 between Wrexham and Chester in the hottest bus ever! Roadworks! We began to wonder if we would ever get to Ireland? One and a half days later, an hours sleep (if you were lucky) on a Scout headquarters floor in Holyhead, followed by a 2am ferry journey across the Irish Sea to Dublin arriving at 5.30 in the morning and after tired bus journeys to Drogheda and then Collon, we finally arrived at our campsite mid Sunday. We stayed awake long enough to put up tents and hammocks. Not a lot was done that day except catch up on sleep. We woke up to traditional Irish weather, we had all four seasons in one day. We continued to set up camp, Penycae Explorer Scout style. That afternoon we set off to go go-karting, which got very competitive, although somebody said that Iwan might as well have walked around the course! David came first just beating Sophie although Sion (Leader) was fastest. Overseen by Gerry, that evening we had a traditional Ulster fry for tea. Tuesday saw us making camp gadgets - a bridge over a small river that separates the site from the adjacent woodland and our very own camp shower (the site didn't have any showers!). We finally prepared our campsite by collecting wood and making wood piles for our alter fires for cooking on. Fantasia was our next stop - water park (proper hot shower), bowling arcade, roller disco, crazy golf and high ropes. Spoilt for choice. We had camp games in the evening. Thursday was our last day on the Collon camp site and knowing that we had to leave early in the morning for Dublin we started to dismantle the camp - even rucksacks were all packed up. The Explorer Scouts spent the rest of the day visiting the nearby town of Drogheda in their groups travelling separately by bus. That night we did our campfire and performed "Scouts in their Eyes" at which each Explorer Scout group had to perform a previously prepared production! The leaders performed their own lyrics to Fairy Tale of New York by the Pogues. Finally, when it was pitch black we played THE Ultimate Wide Game! Friday saw us packed up to go, coach waiting, building locked only to realise that Gerry's bag was locked inside - oops! But, an hour later we were on our way by bus to Drogheda and then to Dublin where we were met by Daf (who had flown back to Dublin after flying home late Wednesday night to get his A level results and choose his university – that’s dedication for you). Great results Daf - congratulations. After decamping in our hostel, each of the three Explorer Scout groups were set challenges as they explored Dublin City centre separately. We finished the evening with a fantastic meal out with traditional Irish music. Before we got the ferry home on Saturday we invested Katy and Beth outside Dublin's Christ Church Cathedral. An awesome time in Ireland, although exhausting and great to get back home to catch up on sleep! Beca AESL

COMMON KNOTS Working knots, as opposed to decorative knots, are usually one of the following types: Stopper knots, which are tied in the end of a line. Loops and nooses, such as a bowline or figure of eight. Bends, used to tie one rope to another. Hitches, used to fasten a rope to another object. Hitches rely on the rope being pulled under tension to hold fast.

Or Reef Knot

This knot is used to tie together two working ends of the same material and size. It is often remembered by the phrase, ‘left over right and under, then right over left and under’.

This knot is used to tie together two ropes of different types or unequal thicknesses.

This hitch is another way to fasten a rope to a post. It is not as secure as the round turn and two half-hitches, but is often used to begin other hitches and lashings.

This stopper knot is unlikely to jam or pull loose. When doubled, it is also used to tie a loop in a rope.

(PRONOUNCED ‘BO-LIN’) This vital knot is used to make a non-slip loop in the end of a rope. It is invaluable in rescue situations – learn it so that you can tie it with your eyes closed, or even with one hand. It is often remembered by the phrase, ‘the rabbit comes out of its hole, round the tree and down the hole again!’

This knot has a long name but is actually a simple hitch. It is a composite knot, meaning it is formed from two simple knots, and is used to attach a rope to a post or an eyelet.

7th 8th – 9th 9th 13th 15th – 17th 28th – 30th

Group Bonfire Night Beaver & Cub Trip to Cosford Air Museum Remembrance Sunday Parade Explorer Scout Forum ESs RAF Valley [Anglesey] Weekend Scout Winter Camp

4th 7th 9th 19th

District Explorer Bowling Competition Area Panto at Glyndwr University Beaver & Cub Carol Singing at Plas Y Delph End of Term

5th 16th

New Term begins District Scout Quiz

7th – 8th 16th – 20th 21st – 22nd

Duke of Edinburgh Training Half Term First Aid REC Course

6th – 8th

Group Kibblestone Activity Camp





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