Karen Salvador Candidate Statement p. 1 Candidate Statement: Teaching Course Development. In my first two years, I taught seven separate courses. I adapted two based on courses I had previously taught at Michigan State, and significantly redeveloped the other five, which were new to me. During that time, I participated in the course catalyst program, working on MUS 381 in 2011-12 and MUS 382 in 2012-13. The workshops and writing required for the catalyst program helped me improve my college-level teaching, and I spent the associated funds on materials to model elementary music instruction (2012) and to take a class to a conference (2013). In F12, MUS 180 and MUS 185 were considered a single course within my load because both were under enrolled. In the past two years, I have designed and taught three additional classes that were new to me. MUS 380 Principles of Music Education (Winter 2014), is a new requirement for music education majors. I was invited to teach in Michigan State University’s summer master’s program, where I taught MUS 860, History and Philosophy of Music Education, and MUS 891 Exceptional Learners in Music. I had hoped to teach another new course at UM-Flint in Fall 2014, MUS 485/585 Music and the Young Child, but it did not have adequate enrollment. I continue to challenge myself to integrate active musicianship into my teaching, and to use technology effectively. It is easy in my education coursework to fall to lecturing, and much more effective when I use active learning strategies such as modeling or peer teaching. I have used Skype to give guest lectures and to observe classrooms remotely with my students. I have also designed and taught an online course, and to my surprise, enjoyed it tremendously. I am working to design increasingly meaningful, authentic assessments of student progress. I have also committed to integrating fieldwork in the community so that every class I teach carries the “CE” endorsement. My course evaluations are positive, and indicate that, while students view my courses as work intensive, they also see the work as useful and interesting. Students report that I am passionate about my teaching, that my courses are planned well (although not easy), and that I am easy to get in touch with
Karen Salvador Candidate Statement p. 2 and willing to help. I have listened to student feedback, and will be considering ways that I can keep learning hands-on, hold students accountable, and integrate more in-class assessment. Program Development. In addition to the course development mentioned above, I have also been involved in program development, serving on the team that completely redesigned UM-Flint’s secondary education programs. Our new program is grounded in place-based education, and includes a new professional education coursework sequence. I chaired the committee tasked with implementing the redesign, and in that position have continued to develop this new program and design courses within it, as well as revising and creating program-level assessments. Assessment. I teach several general education courses in which I administer general education assessments. As the Music Teacher’s Certificate Program Coordinator, I administer key assessments for the Education Unit, and I also coordinate the collection of data from music courses I do not teach. Each year, I compile and reflect on all Music Department education key assessment data for program improvement. As Interim Coordinator of Secondary Education Programs, I have begun working with our Director of Accreditation on plans to improve Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Subject Area scores in low-performing programs. Advising. I recently completed the College of Arts and Sciences academic advising workshop series. Each semester, I advise 10-15 music education majors. As the Interim Coordinator of Secondary Education Programs, I also collaborate with the UM-Flint Student Success Center, Center for Educator Preparation, and other Teacher Certification Program Advisors to handle fieldwork disciplinary issues, transfer students, readmitted students, and other complicated secondary education student advising. Undergraduate Research. In 2013-14, I employed undergraduate students Jessica Guerra and Steve Simmons through UROP in a research project at the UM-Flint ECDC. Steve served as a videographer, and Jessica coded examples of various behaviors and also edited video. Jessica presented some of our findings at the 2014 Meeting of the Minds here on UM-Flint's Campus. In 2011-12, I co-wrote an article for the UM Flint journal The Scholarship of Teaching with undergraduate student Kristina Gammon.
Karen Salvador Candidate Statement p. 3 Candidate Statement: Scholarship My scholarship focuses on music teaching and learning in pk-12 school settings, music teacher education, music and exceptional populations, and social justice in education. These interests coalesce around the idea of meeting the needs of individual students in school music settings. In September 2015, I led three work group sessions at the national Symposium on Music Teacher Education in my role as the Coordinator of the CDSJ Area for Strategic Planning and Action for the national Society for Music Teacher Education. In April 2015, I presented my study “Music Teacher Educator Perspectives on Social Justice” at the American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Coauthor Jacqueline Kelly-McHale and I plan to submit this paper to Music Education’s highest-impact journal, the Journal of Research in Music Education. With my colleague Varvara Pasiali, I recently presented “Intersections Between Music Education and Music Therapy: Education Reform, Arts Education, Exceptionality, and Policy at the Local Level” at the Desert Skies Symposium on Music Teacher Education in Tucson, AZ. This paper has been accepted for publication in Arts Education Policy Review (AEPR). AEPR is a peer-reviewed, eminent national journal with a broad scope, encompassing instruction across the arts and appealing to an audience of researchers, practitioners, and administrators. My article Access to Music Education with Regard to Race in Two Urban Areas was published in AEPR in 2014. My paper “Music Instruction for Elementary Students with Moderate to Severe Cognitive Impairments: A Case Study” has been accepted for publication in Research Studies in Music Education (RSME). RSME is a peer-reviewed international journal targeted to music education researchers. In 2014, my first book chapter, “Identity and Transformation: Reclaiming an Inner Musician,” appeared in the edited book Music Education: Navigating the Future, published by Routledge. In January 2013, my paper “Inclusion of People with Special Needs in Choral Settings: A Review of Applicable Research and Professional Literature” appeared in the peer-reviewed journal Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. Update is a national journal with an audience of researchers and practicing music educators. I also worked with three Flint-Area music teachers to write an article for our peer-
Karen Salvador Candidate Statement p. 4 reviewed state journal, Michigan Music Educator. During my time here at UM-Flint, I have presented my research at state, national, and international conferences in Florida, Arizona, North Carolina, and Michigan. Research-based presentations and workshops have become an increasingly important part of my scholarly activity, particularly for my research that pertains to inclusion of students with exceptionalities in music settings. This is because many teachers need assistance in applying research to their setting, and as an author of the research and a former music teacher, I am well positioned to provide professional development. These presentations include recent workshops for the Capital Area Music Teachers’ Association, the Flint Area Music Educators, and as a part of the Michigan Music Education Association’s Fall Elementary General Music Workshop. Each year, I present at least one research-based pedagogical workshop at the Michigan Music Conference. I have also begun to involve our students and alumni in my research. My 2015 presentation at the Michigan Music Conference was in collaboration with Keith Corbett, a recent alumnus of our Bachelor in Music Education program. I am currently consulting to provide special education strategies throughout the new edition of Music Play: The Early Childhood Music Curriculum, a book that will be published by GIA Publications in 2016. I am also writing a paper based on one of my research-based pedagogical workshops, “But I never thought I’d teach the little kids!” for Music Educators’ Journal. I am in the design/planning stages of two new projects: one investigating structural access to music instruction, quality of music instruction, and cultural responsiveness of music instruction in Genesee County, and the other surveying music educators in Michigan regarding their perceptions and needs as they strive to effectively teach students with exceptionalities. I have three current projects. One is a survey of pre-K-12 music teachers regarding their professional development needs with regard to teaching exceptional populations. Another is a paper detailing strategies for developmentally appropriate music education with very young music students. Finally, I am investigating access to music instruction building by building in Genesee County.
Karen Salvador Candidate Statement p. 5 Candidate Statement: Service I have worked to be of service to the music education profession, the university, the Flint community, and my department. In 2014, I became President-Elect of the Michigan Music Education Association, which is our state affiliate organization of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). I will spend six years representing Michigan in NAfME’s North Central Division and at national meetings. In this role, I will also meet state and federal lawmakers, provide professional development, and guide the continued development of a strong professional organization for music educators in our state and the nation. As a part of my duties, I currently serve on the planning committee for our annual conference, the Michigan Music Conference, which attracts nearly 9,000 people each January. When I am president (2016-2018), I will move to the Executive Board for this event. At a national level, I am co-facilitator of the Society for Music Teacher Education’s Area for Strategic Planning and Action on Cultural Diversity and Social Justice. In this role, I lead work meetings at the National Music Research and Teacher Education Conference and at the Symposium on Music Teacher Education in alternating years. We have also begun a webinar series, in which eminent researchers present and facilitate discussion on topics related to cultural diversity and social justice in music education, music teacher education, and music education research. I also serve as an editorial board member for New Directions: A Journal of Scholarship, Creativity, and Leadership in Music Education. At the university level, I have a sustained commitment to the work of the Education Unit. In my first year, I helped prepare the Unit for initial accreditation by NCATE, serving on the assessment committee and participating in the initial site visit. Through that work, I became a part of the writing team that redesigned the secondary and k-12 education programs. Since then, I have worked on all three phases of the redesign implementation, chairing the phase three secondary redesign implementation team. I currently serve as the interim Coordinator of Secondary Education Programs. In this role, I serve on the Education Council, form part of the leadership team in the new Center for Educator Preparation, and I am a part of the field experiences committee. I also meet biweekly with the teacher certification program
Karen Salvador Candidate Statement p. 6 advisors. The redesign is now adopted (as of Fall 2015). My leadership of the transition will continue as I chair a teaching circle of all the faculty who teach the professional education coursework sequence in order to articulate a spiraling curriculum and common assessments across courses. I also serve in administrative roles, coordinating scheduling and staffing of the secondary education professional development coursework sequence and serving as one of the team who handle student concerns during student teaching. My service in the Flint community is somewhat interwoven with my service to the Department of Music. In 2012, I formed Flint Area Music Educators (FAME), a professional development group for area elementary music teachers. Each year since then, this organization has offered 4-5 three-hour professional development workshops for area music teachers, which are free for UM-Flint music education students. I have reactivated our collegiate chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which I advise. This organization provides professional development and leadership opportunities for our students. NAfME Collegiate also engages in service projects and outreach in the Flint community. In 2013, they were recognized as a National Chapter of Excellence for their service teaching music at Whaley Center for Children and in Durant Tuuri-Mott Elementary’s after-school program. In 2014-15, NAfME Collegiate partnered with UM-Flint’s Opera Outreach to serve as teaching artists in schools where the opera is performed. I also enjoy other facets of departmental service, because evaluating recitals, auditions, juries, and piano examinations allows me to know my students as performers as well as educators.