38 minute read
Middle Tennessee
FALL in Love
FALL CREEK FALLS STATE PARK has so much to love – from hiking and rock climbing to birding and swimming, not to mention one of the highest waterfalls in the eastern United States. The popular Spencer park also features the Canopy Challenge Course with more than 70 aerial obstacles and an 18-hole golf course with its own set of challenges. And now there’s even more to love with the opening of LODGE FALL CREEK FALLS. The lakeside inn feat ures 85 rooms, conference space, a full-ser vice restaurant and a lounge overlooking the water.
tnvacation.com/ middle-tennessee
Fall Creek Falls State Park, Spencer
soMeTHinG’s BrewinG
For t a s te on t ap, Cooke v i l le h a s y ou co v e r e d . I n t he For taste on tap, Cookeville has you covered. In the
H i s tor ic We s t Side C u lt u r a l D i s t r ic t , a w a rd-w i n n i n g Historic WestSide Cultural District, award-winning
R ED SI L O B R E W I NG CO. RED SILO BREWING CO. h a s a dde d a se con d mu s ic stage a nd expa nded seat ing inside a nd out, including in a n stage and expanded seating inside and out, including in an act ua l silo. actual silo. HIX FA RM BRE W ERY’s 15-ba r rel s ystem is showcased at the adjacent taproom. The fa r mhouse feel is showcased at the adjacent taproom. The farmhouse feel is per fect to ha ng w ith a ll your f r iends (including your pup). perfect to hang with all your friends (including your pup). JIG HEA D BRE W ING CO JIG HEAD BREWING CO. is know n for hav ing the coolest beer ga rden on the Cumberla nd Plateau. Food t r ucks a nd beer garden on the Cumberland Plateau. Food trucks and f lights of beer ma ke for a per fect e ven ing. flights of beer make for a perfect evening.
Tennessee Flying Machines, Sparta
a Wing & a Prayer
Av iation enthusiasts w ill be f ly ing sk y h ig h at BEECHCR A F T HER I TA GE M U SE U M i n Tullahoma. Display ing more than 35 distinctive aircra f t f rom 1924 to 1994, the museum also feat ures impor tant histor ical memorabilia. Its LOUISE TH A DEN LIBR A RY pays tr ibute to the pioneer ing av iatr ix who was the f irst woman to w i n t he Bend i x T rophy. A r tifacts include her pilot’s license sig ned by Or v ille Wr ight. You can take to the skies in a v intage plane for a bird’s-eye v iew of Center Hill Lake w ith TENNESSEE FLY ING M ACHINES in Spar ta. For more a v i at ion i n sig ht s, v i sit t he TENNESSEE STATE MUSEUM in Nashv ille w ith ar tifacts rang ing f rom the early days of f light to space exploration.
MUsiC in THe house
Ju st of f t he h istor ic do w nto w n squ a re i n Colu mbia , a ne w venue is br ing ing big-cit y acts to a sma lltow n stage. THE MULEHOUSE i s t he r e s u lt o f cou nt r y r a d io persona lit y Bla ir Ga r ner ’s v ision to showcase g reat music close to home. The music a nd e vent venue feat ures top a r t ists a nd up-a ndcom i ng ac t s. Ex pa n sion pla n s include a broadcast st udio, upsca le ba r a nd restaura nt, a nd 35-room bout ique hotel. For more live music, check out PUCKETT’S GROCERY & RESTAUR A NT on the squa re a nd their other locat ions in Nashv ille, Fra n klin a nd Mur f reesboro.
One of the most popula r dest inat ions in the count r y, Na shv ille of fer s incred ible live per for ma nces, a chef-inspired food scene, histor y and fine arts. But that doesn’t stop at the cit y limits. The surrounding area shares that sense of hospitalit y and creativit y while retaining its ow n distinct personalit y.
Spend a day exploring Cheekwood Estate & Gardens in Nashville. A variet y of exhibits are held on the expansive g rounds and in the beautif ul mansion.
Bledsoe Creek State Park, Gallatin The Alley on Main, Murfreesboro Historic Mansker’s Station, Goodlettsville
Spend a day on OLD HICKORY LAKE or LAKE BARKLEY fishing, paddling, boating and skiing. Multiple marinas rent watercraft. Prefer dry land? Hendersonville’s SANDERS FERRY PARK and Gallatin’s TRIPLE CREEK PARK both feature 18-hole disc golf courses. LOCK 4 PARK, lakeside in Hendersonville, has 9 miles of mountain biking trails. BLEDSOE CREEK STATE PARK in Gallatin offers miles of scenic hiking. Enjoy a day of beautiful scenery at BLEDSOE’ S FORT HISTORICAL PARK in nearby Castalian Springs.
Take advantage of the great weather to dine al fresco. A few favorites include: THE PHARMACY BURGER PARLOR & BEER GARDEN, URBAN GRUB, PINEWOOD SOCIAL and THE OPTIMIST in Nashville; WILD GINGER, BISCUIT LOVE and SOPAPILL A’S in Franklin; and MAYDAY BREWERY, THE PARTHENON GRILLE, SLICK PIG BAR-B - Q and THE ALLEY ON MAIN in Mur freesboro. Ask any local and you’ll likely get a completely dif ferent list of equally wonderful options.
history & heriTAGe
Visit the ROBERTSON COUNT Y HISTORY M U S EU M in a res tored pos t of f ice in downtown Spring f ield for a window into the communit y ’s r ailroad and whiskey pa s t , a s well a s it s continuing tobacco indus tr y. Goodlet t s ville’s H I S TO R I C M A N S K E R ’ S STATION of fers tours of the Bowen Plantation House, said to be the longest-standing brick structure in Middle Tennessee, and a reproduction 1779 log station.
Come for dist iller y tours, a president ia l home, the Bon na roo Music & A r ts Fest iv a l a nd Mule Day, but stay to discover the a rea’s ma ny hidden t rea sures.
Urban Plantation, Shelbyville
Manchester’s COFFEE CAFE has a lot more than a cup of joe. Tr y the BLT, a salad or beer-battered cod. URBAN PL ANTATION in Shelby ville is the place to grab a sandwich or burger. Pop by THE BELL BUCKLE COFFEE SHOP & BOOK SWAP for break fast goodies and a book to read. In Hohenw ald, ROCK HOUSE COFFEE COMPANY & EVENT CENTER features your favorite beverages, salads and sandwiches, live music, tastings and more.
The public square in Columbia – also know n as Muletow n – is lined w ith cute shops, antiques, tast y restaurants and places to hear live music. It has been the heart and soul of the communit y since 1906.
GeT oUTsiDe
For some major flower power, be sure to visit SHORT SPRINGS STATE NATUR AL AREA in Tullahoma. The 420 -acre recreational site is considered one of the state’s best spring wildflower locations with the damp slopes around Machine Falls covered in lilies, Virginia bluebells, larkspur, jack-in-the-pulpit, largeflowered trillium and more. Or grab your friends and spend the day canoeing or kayaking down the scenic BUFFALO RIVER.
Cowan Railroad Museum, Cowan
history & heriTAGe
The small town of Linden has a big ar ts scene led by the BU FFA LO R I V E R A R TI S A N S COOPER ATIVE. Heirloom craf tspeople and area ar tists exhibit and sell their works from the downtown storefront. Across the street, MAIN STREET MARKETPL ACE also features local vendors and makers. For a peek at r ailroad histor y, stop by the COWA N R AILROAD MUSEUM, which has more than 1,000 items related to an earlier era in Cowan.
This a rea is blessed w ith nat ura l beaut y as rolling hills r ise to become mounta ins. The reg ion is a lso r ich in histor y a nd cult ure, ma king each stop a new high point.
Visitors w ill find hiking trails, cabins, a recreation lodge and a 12-acre lake at Pickett CCC Memorial State Park in Jamestow n. The park has been desig nated an International Dark Sky Park.
Center Hill Lake, Silver Point
GeT oUTsiDe
Head outside and take a deep dive down under for a “spelunk-tacular ” adventure in the subterr anean world of CUM B ERL A ND CAVERNS in McMinnville. Enjoy a one-of-akind concer t experience in the legendar y Volcano Room, which has welcomed musicians to its stage 333-feet below the surface for more than five decades. Fish, boat, camp or waterski at CENTER HILL L AKE or DALE HOLLOW L AKE. You can also camp or rent a houseboat while you’re there.
Depot Bottom Country Store, McMinnville Homesteads Tower and Museum, Crossville
Hop of f the inter s t ate in Wo o dbur y for Tommy Bush’s slow-smoked barbecue at THE LUNCH BOX & MORE. You can’t go wrong with a grilled pimento cheese or fried bologna s an d w ich at D E P OT B OT TO M CO U NTRY S TO R E in M cM innv ille. In Co o ke v ille, MAURICIO’S ITALIAN RESTAUR ANT has been ser ving up Italian specialties since 2002. THE FLYING PIG in Crossville is headquar ters for the “ world-f amous big stuf fed baked potato,” along with hickor y-smoked ribs and more.
history & heriTAGe
Monterey was originally the pioneer settlement of Standing Stone, named for a 13-foot rock that legend says stood as the boundar y between Cherokee and Shawnee territories. STA NDING STONE MONUM ENT is the preser ved 8-foot remnant of the historic stone. THE MONTEREY DEPOT MUSEUM covers trains and more. Crossville’s HOMESTEADS TOWER AND MUSEUM preserves the history and ideals of the original Homesteaders with artifacts from the 1930s and ’40s.
Toll Free 888-TN PARKS, tnstateparks.com Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. Nashville, TN 37243 Please contact individual parks for hours.
state PArks
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park Nashville, 615-741-5280 The park pays tribute to the history, architecture and geography of the state of Tennessee.
Bledsoe Creek State Park Gallatin, 615-452-3706 On Bledsoe Creek embayment of Old Hickory Reserve.
Burgess Falls State Park Sparta, 931-432-5312 Nature trail winds beside Falling Water River.
Cedars of Lebanon State Park Lebanon, 800-713-5180 Eight miles of hiking trails meander through the cedar forests and glades.
Cordell Hull Birthplace State Historic Park Byrdstown, 931-864-3247 Restored birthplace cabin and museum.
Cumberland Mountain State Park Crossville, 800-250-8618 America’s largest forested plateau.
Cummins Falls State Park Cookeville, 931-268-7223 Home to Tennessee’s eighth-largest waterfall at 75 feet high.
David Crockett State Park Lawrenceburg, 931-762-9408 Memorial to David Crockett, hero of the Alamo. Dunbar Cave State Park Clarksville, 931-648-5526 Trails, cave tours, pond, picnic area and museum on 144 acres.
Edgar Evins State Park Silver Point, 800-250-8619 On Center Hill Reservoir for water enthusiasts.
Fall Creek Falls State Park Spencer, 800-250-8611 Home to the tallest waterfall east of the Mississippi River, plus hiking trails, boating and new lodge.
Harpeth River State Park Kingston Springs, 615-952-2099 The park offers recreational use areas rich in history and natural beauty. River and hiking activities.
Henr y Horton State Park Chapel Hill, 800-250-8612 Located on the Duck River and the estate of a former Tennessee governor.
Johnsonville State Historic Park New Johnsonville, 931-535-2789 1864 Battle of Johnsonville with Union fortifications.
Long Hunter State Park Hermitage, 615-885-2422 Recreational activities and October Native American Pow Wow and Arts Exhibition.
Montgomer y Bell State Park Burns, 800-250-8613 Features golf course, campground, recently renovated lakeside hotel and more.
Mousetail Landing State Park Linden, 731-847-0841 On the eastern banks of the Tennessee River.
Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park Manchester, 931-461-7676 An ancient enclosure built by Native Americans.
Pickett CCC Memorial State Park Jamestown, 877-260-0010 International Dark Sky Park designation, adjacent to Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area.
Port Royal State Park Adams, 931-645-0622 Old settlement. Last campsite of Trail of Tears.
Radnor Lake State Park Nashville, 615-373-3467 A popular spot for bird-watchers and photographers.
Sergeant Alvin C. York State Historic Park Pall Mall, 931-879-6456 Dedicated to decorated soldier of World War I.
Standing Stone State Park Hilham, 800-713-5157 Outstanding scenery, recreational opportunities.
Tims Ford State Park Winchester, 800-471-5295 Cabins, camping, golf, water recreation and trails.
state reCreATion areAs
LAnD BeTween the LAKes
Boswell Landing Self-Ser vice Campground Dover, 270-924-2000 Basic camping, lake access, boat ramp and dock fishing.
Brandon Spring Group Center Dover, 270-232-7405 Open year round. Environmental education activities, programs and meals. Reservations.
Gatlin Point Self-Ser vice Campground Dover, 270-924-2000 Basic camping, lake access, boat ramp and dock fishing.
Piney Campground Dover, 931-232-5331 Open year round with 384 sites. Walk-ins and reservations. Summer programs, primitive cabins, dock fishing and lake access.
Tennessee vALLey aUTHority
Tims Ford Dam Reser vation Winchester, 800-882-5263 Boat launch.
u.s. arMy CorPs oF enGineers
Anderson Road Campground Nashville, 615-889-1975 Open mid-May to mid-Sept. Day use Apr. 1-Oct. 30.
Bumpus Mills Campground Bumpus Mills, 931-232-8831 Campsites, water, electric, beach and boat ramp.
Cedar Creek Campground Mt. Juliet, 615-822-4846 Fee. Day use, open May-Sept.
Dale Hollow Dam Campground Celina, 931-243-3554 Dale Hollow is a peaceful site, great for trout fishing.
Defeated Creek Campground Car thage, 615-774-3141 Seasonal campground and day-use beach.
Floating Mill Park Campground Silver Point, 931-858-4845 On Center Hill Lake.
Harpeth River Bridge Campgrounds Ashland City, 615-792-4195 Popular with family groups; busy on weekends.
Lillydale Campground Allons, 931-823-4155 Offering 114 sites, 15 are primitive island camping.
Lock A Campground Ashland City, 615-792-3715 Open Apr.-Oct. Camping fee.
Long Branch Campground Lancaster, 615-548-8002 Caney Fork River, dam and lake. Open Apr.-Oct.
Poole Knobs Campground La Vergne, 615-459-6948 Campground open May-Sept.; could var y.
Ragland Bottom Campground Spar ta, 931-761-3616 Center Hill Lake.
Salt Lick Creek Campground Car thage, 931-678-4718 Fee. Open Apr.-Oct.
Seven Points Campground Hermitage, 615-889-1975 Open Apr.-Oct. 60 sites; camping fee.
Willow Grove Campground Allons, 931-823-4285 The campground is surrounded by a dense canopy of trees on Dale Hollow Lake.
Cheatham County Chamber of Commerce 328 Frey St. , Ashland City , 615-792-6722 , cheathamchamber.org
Clarksville Welcome Center Stop in the Clarksville Visitor Center for all of your local and regional travel information. As a bonus, you’ll find friendly and helpful staff, city souvenirs and clean restrooms. We’re open Tue.-Sat., just off I-24, Exit 4. 180 Holiday Dr. , Clarksville , 931-553-8467 , visitclarksvilletn.com
Cross Plains Visitors Bureau 7622 Hwy. 25 E. , Cross Plains , 615-654-2555 , crossplainstnchamber.org
Dickson County Chamber of Commerce 205 S. Main St. , Dickson , 615-446-2349 , dicksoncountychamber.com
Franklin Visitor Center (Williamson County CVB) Visit Franklin is the destination marketing organization of Franklin and Williamson County. Its visitor center is located in historic downtown Franklin and is open seven days a week with a staff eager to help you plan your next adventure. 400 Main St. , Franklin , 615-591-8514 , visitfranklin.com
Hartsville – Trousdale Chamber of Commerce 328 Broadway , Hartsville , 615-374-9243 , hartsvilletrousdale.com Houston County Area Chamber of Commerce 4 Court St. , Erin , 931-289-5100 , houstoncochamber.com
Humphreys County Tourism 124 E. Main St. , Waverly , 931-296-4865 , visithumphreys.com
Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp Nashville’s creative spirit has spread from the music scene into every aspect of the city. From the diverse culture and entertainment options to the culinary and fashion scene, there’s a palpable energy that moves you to get out and explore Music City. 501 Broadway , Nashville , 800-657-6910 , visitmusiccity.com
Robertson County Chamber of Commerce 503 W. Court Sq. , Springfield , 615-384-3800 , robertsonchamber.org
Rutherford County Convention and Visitors Bureau Rutherford County is center stage to an unforgettable experience! Located just outside of Nashville, this vibrant Southern community is full of Civil War history, scenic parks, arts and shopping. We can’t wait to welcome you to Rutherford County. 3050 Medical Center Pkwy. , Murfreesboro , 800-716-7560 , visitrutherfordtn.com Stewart County Chamber of Commerce 117 Visitors Center Ln. , Dover , 931-232-8290 , stewartcountychamber.com
Sumner County Visitor Center Sumner County, just up the road from the Grand Ole Opry, offers affordable lodging rates, as well as great boating and fishing on Old Hickory Lake, authentic American historic sites, delicious local eats, and it is where the Trinity Broadcasting Network show “Huckabee” is filmed! 2310 Nashville Pk. , Gallatin , 888-301-7886 , visitsumnertn.com
Visit Goodlettsville Go o d l e t t s v i l l e i s N a s h v i l l e ’s n e i g h b o r o n I - 6 5 , j u s t 12 m i l e s n o r t h o f M u s i c C i t y. W i t h over 1,5 0 0 b u d g e t- f r ien dl y h o tel r o o ms , G o o dl e t t s v ill e is t h e p er f e c t p l a ce to s t ay a n d e x p er ien ce N a shv ill e. G O O D ea t s , G O O D a n t iqu e s , G O O D sh o p p in g , G O O D p a r k s , G O O D t im e s ... d o n ’ t mis s t h e G O O D in G O O D l e t t s v ill e! 705 C a l d w ell D r. , G o o dl e t t s v ill e , 615 - 859 -3 678 , v isi t g o o dl e t t s v ill e.co m
Wilson County CVB Located 15 miles east of Nashville, WilCo is home to the cities of Mt. Juliet, Lebanon and Water town. Here, you will find boutique shopping , world- class dining , historic places and outdoor adventure that is pure Tennessee! 400 E. Spring St. , Lebanon , 615-547-6438 , visitwilco.com
tnvacation.com/ eXPeriences/eat-Drink
Arrington Vineyards The Southeast ’s premier winer y co - owned by K ix B ro ok s of B ro ok s & D unn. A r r in g ton V iney ards is lo c a ted 25 minutes south of Nashville among the beautiful hills of Williamson Count y. Wine tastings and gif t shop. Picnics welcome. 6211 Pat ton Rd. , Arring ton , 615-395- 0102 , arring tonvineyards.com
Cragfont State Historic Site Completed in 1802 and once the finest home in Middle Tennessee, Cragfont tells the story of Tennessee through Gen. James Winchester, his family and the people he enslaved. Guided tours Apr.-Oct. and special events throughout the year. 200 Cragfont Rd. , Castalian Springs , 615-452-7070 , historiccastaliansprings.org
Wynnewood State Historic Site At 142 feet long, the National Historic Landmark is the state’s largest historic log structure. Guided tours tell the story of the historic landscape of Castalian Springs, the mineral springs resort, the Wynne family and those they enslaved. Open Apr.-Oct. 210 Old Hwy. 25 , Castalian Springs , 615-452-7070 , historiccastaliansprings.org
The Clement Railroad Hotel Museum One of Tennessee’s last remaining railroad hotels, the museum explores Dickson County histor y, the Tennessee r ailroad, the Civil Rights Movement and the accomplishments of Gov. Fr ank G. Clement, who was born in the hotel. The museum is home to the count y visitor center, where maps and information are available. 100 Frank Clement Pl. , Dickson , 615-4 46-0500 , clementrailroadmuseum.org Lucky Ladd Farms All ages love this award-winning, 60-acre farm park for its inventive attractions with acres of play, exciting hands-on animal encounters, pony rides, nature trail, educational exhibits, wagon rides and more to fill your day with good old-fashioned fun. 4374 Rocky Glade Rd. , Eagleville , 615-274-3786 , luckyladdfarms.com
Carnton Carnton was a field hospital following the Battle of Franklin. Tours of the house, extended tours and a slavery tour are available, as well as a fully restored garden, all adjacent to the McGavock Confederate Cemetery. 1345 Eastern Flank Cir. , Franklin , 615-794-0903 , boft.org
Carter House Carter House was ground zero of the Battle of Franklin in 1864. Hear the story of Capt. Tod Carter, who grew up in this home and was mortally wounded in battle. Extended tours and slavery tour available. 1140 Columbia Ave. , Franklin , 615-794-0903 , boft.org
Lotz House In 1855, Johann Lotz built Lotz House as a showroom to sell his carpentry work. In 1864, the house was the epicenter of the Battle of Franklin. Walking battlefield and cellar tours available daily. Tripadvisor’s No. 1 Franklin attraction. 1111 Columbia Ave. , Franklin , 615-790-7190 , lotzhouse.com
Masters & Makers Explore the Masters & Makers Trail that winds through scenic Williamson County. Visit with the masters of making wine, beer and spirits at the county’s wineries, breweries and distilleries that dot the more than 70 miles of the trail. 400 Main St. , Franklin , 615-591-8514 , visitfranklin.com/see-and-do/masters-makers
Natchez Trace Parkway A unique journey from Natchez to Nashville. Natchez Trace Pkwy. , Franklin , scenictrace.com
sUstainABLe TraveL
Douglass-Clark House This early frontier log cabin was built in 1786 and served as a makeshift courthouse. Five people who later lived at the site fought in the Civil War, four for the Confederacy and one for the Union. Free daily tours Tues.–Sat. from 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 2115 Long Hollow Pk. , Gallatin , 615-991-5119 , douglassclarkhouse.com
Historic Trousdale Place This Federal-style home was built in 1813 by John Bowen, Esq., a member of the U.S. Congress. It was purchased in 1836 by Gov. William Trousdale, the “War Horse of Sumner County,” and remained in the family until 1900. 183 W. Main St. , Gallatin , 615-452-5648 , trousdaleplace.com
GooDLe T tsviLLe
Historic Mansker’s Station Visitors experience life at Historic Mansker’s Station through a hands-on tour guided by interpreters in 18th-century attire. The tour includes Mansker’s Fort and the Bowen Plantation House, one of the oldest standing brick structures in Middle Tennessee. 705 Caldwell Dr. , Goodlettsville , 615-859-3678 , manskersstation.org
Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center The MACC is a breathtaking , Civil War- er a mansion now ser ving as an ar t museum that has shown works by Pablo Picasso, Alexandre Renoir and Mar t y Stuar t, among others. Free admission. 1017 Antebellum Cir. , Hendersonville , 615-822- 0789 , monthavenar tsandcultur alcenter.com
Hatch Show Print Since 1879, Hatch Show Print has designed and hand-printed show posters for Hank Williams, Dolly Par ton, Johnny Ca sh and more. Tour and shop one of America’s oldest working let terpress shops. 224 Rep. John Lewis Way S. , Nashville , 615-577-7710 , hatchshowprint.com
Historic RCA Studio B Dolly, Elvis, Waylon, Roy Orbison and Charley Pride – they all recorded enduring hits at Historic RCA Studio B. Tour this Nashville landmark and stand in the room where histor y was made. 222 Rep. John Lewis Way S. , Nashville , 615-416-2001 , studiob.org Lane Motor Museum Discover the largest European car collection in the U.S. with 150-plus unique cars and motorcycles on display. See propeller-driven vehicles, microcars, one-of-a-kind prototypes, amphibious vehicles and more! Near downtown with free parking on-site. 702 Murfreesboro Pk. , Nashville , 615-742-7445 , lanemotormuseum.org
The Military Branch of the Tennessee State Museum A branch of the Tennessee State Museum, the Military Branch Museum is located in the historic War Memorial Building. Exhibitions explore the roles of Tennesseans in overseas conflicts. Free admission. Please visit TNMuseum.org /military-branch for hours. 301 Sixth Ave. N., 1st Fl., War Memorial Building , Nashville , 615-741-2692 , tnmuseum.org
Nashville International Airport Nashville International Airport is a vital asset for Middle Tennessee and ser ves as a gateway to Music City and beyond. In 2019, BNA ser ved 18.3 million passengers, generated more than $8.1 billion in total economic impact and supported more than 76,000 jobs. 140 BNA Park Dr., Ste. 520 , Nashville , 615-275-1675 , flynashville.com
Nashville Zoo The Nashville Zoo is an adventure for everyone. Explore beautiful habitats like Expedition Peru and Tiger Crossroads. Plus, see animals from around the world including rhinos, giraffes, flamingos, clouded leopards, red pandas and more! 3777 Nolensville Pk. , Nashville , 615-833-1534 , nashvillezoo.org
Now Playing Nashville Visit NowPlayingNashville.com, Middle Tennessee’s most comprehensive event guide, for where to go and what to do! Live music, theater, family fun, festivals, sports, discounts and giveaways are just a click or tap away. 3833 Cleghorn Ave. , Nashville , 615-321-4939 , nowplayingnashville.com
Ole Red Nashville Ole Red is Blake Shelton’s place to play in downtown Nashville with the best stage on Broadway for live music, scratch-made dishes, BS-approved drinks and rooftop bar, The Lookout, with the best views of Music City. Just show up. You’re gonna love what happens next. 300 Broadway , Nashville , 615-780-0900 , olered.com
Ryman Auditorium With a 130-year history, Ryman Auditorium is one of the most celebrated venues in modern music. A gathering place for artists, rebels, trailblazers and fans alike, this world-famous concert hall is known for its soul-inspiring acoustics and offers tours daily. 116 Rep. John Lewis Way N. , Nashville , 615-889-3060 , ryman.com
SoundWaves™ at Gaylord Opryland® Compose your perfect Music City getaway at SoundWaves – the nation’s first truly upscale indoor/outdoor resort water attraction. SoundWaves fuses music and water to create an exclusive experience with something for everyone – from incredible thrill rides to relaxing indulgences. 2800 Opryland Dr. , Nashville , 888-677-9872 , soundwavesgo.com 1 2 8 H t n v a c a t i o n . c o m
Tennessee Agricultural Museum Come learn about Tennessee’s rich rural history through exhibits that feature over 2,000 artifacts including a U.S. mail buggy and 1927 Fordson tractor. Spend time outside walking on our nature trails and exploring our historic log cabins. Free admission and fun for all ages. 404 Hogan Rd. , Nashville , 615-837-5197 , tn.gov/agmuseum
Tennessee Scenic Byways Tennessee’s collection of scenic byways statewide includes 10 National Scenic Byways and AllAmerican Roads. These nationally designated routes have unique intrinsic qualities and give Tennessee the most scenic designation east of the Mississippi River. 505 Deaderick St. , Nashville , 615-741-2877 , tn.gov/tdot/environmental-home/ environmental-highway-beautification-office/ beautification-national-scenic-byways.html
Tennessee State Capitol One of the oldest working capitols in the United States, William Strickland’s masterpiece stands today very much as it did when it opened in 1859. Please visit TNMuseum.org /state-capitol for the latest information on public hours and free guided tours. 600 Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Blvd. , Nashville , 615-741-0830 , tnmuseum.org
Tennessee State Museum Designed to bring history to life, the Tennessee State Museum includes permanent and temporary exhibitions pulled from its vast collection, a children’s gallery, learning center and two-story Grand Hall. Free admission. Visit TNMuseum.org. 1000 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. , Nashville , 615-741-2692 , tnmuseum.org
tnvacation.com/ trAveL-tooLs
Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce 4 Railroad Sq. , Bell Buckle , 931-389-9663 , bellbucklechamber.com
City of Columbia Columbia is a classic Southern town with a kick. It’s the real-deal dose of Southern hospitality that comes with every warm welcome here. It’s where the unexpected interrupts history so we’re never stuck in the past. Public Sq. , Columbia , 931-560-1575 , visitcolumbiatn.com
Clifton Area Chamber of Commerce 113 Main St. , Clifton , 931-614-0000 , cityofclifton.com
Fayetteville-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau Fayetteville is an antique lover’s dream. Also enjoy art galleries, history museum, Camp Blount Historical Site, boutiques, fine dining, sandwichcoffee shops and festivals throughout the year. 208 Elk Ave. S. , Fayetteville , 931-433-1234 , visitfayettevilletn.com
Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Come experience all the treasures of our community. Tims Ford State Park, camping, walking trails, fishing, kayaking Tims Ford Lake/Elk River, marinas, cabin rentals, golfing, horseback riding, tours of Falls Mill, Cowan Railroad and unique shopping. 44 Chamber Way , Winchester , 931-967-6788 , franklincountychamber.com
Hickman County Chamber of Commerce 405 W. Public Sq. , Centerville , 931-729-5300 , hickmanco.org
Hohenwald/Lewis County Chamber of Commerce 112 E. Main St. , Hohenwald , 931-796-4084 , hohenwaldlewischamber.com
Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce 25B Public Sq. , Lawrenceburg , 931-762-4911 , lawcotn.com
Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce Manchester is a small town with a big soul. Savor an incredible meal from a local eater y, discover a fashionable find at one of our boutiques or uncover one of the area’s breathtaking views. From music festivals to exhilarating hikes, you can find your adventure in Manchester. 110 E. Main St. , Manchester , 931-728-7635 , manchester tnchamber.org
Marshall County Chamber of Commerce 227 Second Ave. N. , Lewisburg , 931-359-3863 , marshallchamber.org
Maury County Visitors Bureau Located south of Nashville, home to Columbia, Mount Pleasant and Spring Hill. Visit us for our Southern charm, live music, fine dining, boutique shopping, antiques, antebellum homes and outdoor adventure. Stop by our visitors center for info and events. 302 W. Seventh St. , Columbia , 931-381-7176 , experiencemaur y.com
Metro Lynchburg/Moore Chamber of Commerce 182 Lynchburg Hwy. , Lynchburg , 931-759-4111 , lynchburgtn.com
Mount Pleasant Community Development Corp. Mount Pleasant has a quaint downtown district and beautiful historical neighborhoods. Once known as the Phosphate Capital and now newly branded as the Hub of Reinvention. Come and visit and get a taste of our small-town charm. 111 N. Main St. , Mount Pleasant , 931-379-9837 , visitmountpleasanttn.com Shelbyville-Bedford County Chamber of Commerce Come on over to explore and experience Bedford County. Hope to see you soon! 100 N. Cannon Blvd. , Shelbyville , 931-684-3482 , shelbyvilletn.com
South Central Tennessee Tourism Follow the winding backroads to an abundance of natural beauty in South Central Tennessee. Here you’ll find top music festivals and events; Civil War and antebellum homes; wine and spirits; trails, rivers, lakes and waterfalls; Old Order Amish families; and five beautiful Tennessee state parks. P.O. Box 1181 , Manchester , 931-273-6639 , experiencetn.com
Tennessee’s Backroads Heritage, Inc. P.O. Box 52 , Tullahoma , 615-613-5627 , tennesseebackroads.org
Tullahoma Area Chamber of Commerce 135 W. Lincoln St. , Tullahoma , 931-455-5497 , tullahoma.org
Visit Pulaski Located among rolling hills between Nashville and Huntsville, Pulaski invites visitors in the fast lane of I-65 to get off at Hwy. 31. Pulaski hosts an unbeatable combination of history, natural beauty and warm Southern hospitality. Smell the whiskey, taste the grapes and see the beauty of Tennessee’s countryside. 110 N. Second St. , Pulaski , 931-363-3789 , visitpulaski.com
Wartrace Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 543 , Wartrace , 931-240-0300 , wartracechamber.org
Wayne County Chamber of Commerce Visit the Wayne County welcome center at mile marker 355 on the beautiful Natchez Trace. For more travel inspiration about Collinwood, Clifton and Waynesboro, be sure to visit our website to plan your trip. 100 Court Cir. , Waynesboro , 931-722-3575 , waynecountychamber.org
The Athenaeum The Historic Athenaeum in Columbia was built in 1837 and served as the rectory for two girls’ schools and was occupied by the same family for over 130 years. Today, The Athenaeum is a historic site and museum. 808 Athenaeum St. , Columbia , 931-381-4822 , historicathenaeum.com
Elm Springs Built in 1837, Elm Springs was a witness to skirmishes and both Confederate and Union troops marching by during the Civil War. Home and gift shop are open Mon.-Fri. 2357 Park Plus Dr. , Columbia , 931-380-1844 , visitelmsprings.com
James K. Polk Home Tour the home of the 11th president of the United States, James K. Polk. Built by his father in 1816, it has been restored to give visitors a glimpse into the past. Open for tours daily. 301 W. Seventh St. , Columbia , 931-388-2354 , jameskpolk.com
Cowan Railroad Museum Railroad memorabilia, history, models and displays. Open May-Oct., then by appointment. 108 Front St. S. , Cowan , 931-967-3078 , cowanrailroadmuseum.org
FAye T teviLLe
Lincoln County Museum Museum houses artifacts from the community in the Borden Milk Plant from 1927. Free tours. 521 Main Ave. S. , Fayetteville , 931-438-0339 , flcmuseum.com
Jack Daniel Visitor Center Tour the oldest registered distillery in the United States and learn the craft of making our Tennessee whiskey. Tours available daily. Purchase tickets ahead of time at jackdaniels.com. 133 Lynchburg Hwy. , Lynchburg , 931-759-6357 , jackdaniels.com
Miss Mary Bobo’s Restaurant Miss Mar y Bobo’s Restaur ant has ser ved up tr adition and Southern hospit alit y, not to mention good home cooking , since 19 08. Join us for a midday meal. Reser v ations recommended. Call or book online at missmar ybobos.com. 295 Main St. , Lynchburg , 931-759-7394 , missmar ybobos.com
PUL Aski
Milky Way Farm Tours, weddings, meetings and events. 520 Milk y Way Rd. , Pulaski , 931-808-2281 , milk y way farm.org
sHeLBy viLLe
Clearview Horse Farm Horse riding and lessons, RV hookups, lodging, indoor and outdoor arena, pond, trails, shows and more. 2291 Hwy. 231 S. , Shelbyville , 931-619-0773 , clearviewhorsefarm.com
sPring hiLL
Rippavilla The Greek Revival-st yle home was built in the mid-1850s by Nat Cheairs. It played an active role during the Civil War for both Confederate and Union armies. The Bat tle of Spring Hill unfolded across the proper t y on Nov. 29, 186 4. Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 570 0 M ain St. , Spring Hill , 931-486-9037 , bof t.org
TULL aHoma
Beechcraft Heritage Museum Visit our world-class aviation museum, with 37 aircraft, historical artifacts and original pieces of art dating from the 1920s to the present. 570 Old Shelbyville Hwy. , Tullahoma , 931-455-1974 , beechcrafthm.org
Byrdstown/Pickett County Chamber of Commerce 1005 Livingston Hwy. , Byrdstown , 931-864-7195 , dalehollow.com
Cannon County Chamber of Commerce 1424 John Bragg Hwy. , Woodbury , 615-563-2222 , cannontn.com
Clay County Partnership Chamber of Commerce Celina and Clay Count y are the Southern gateways to Dale Hollow Lake. Fishing, house boating and other activities can be enjoyed on one of the most pristine lakes in the South. Visit the antique and gif t shops in Celina, and enjoy the local fare. 424 Brown St. , Celina , 931-243-3338 , visitclaycount y tn.com
Cookeville-Putnam County Visitors Bureau Prepare to be charmed by our state and local parks, historical heritage, art and cultural events, boutiques, culinary scene and world-renowned fitness trainings. Cookeville is “A Natural Fit” for you to create memories to be appreciated for a lifetime. 113 W. Broad St. , Cookeville , 931-526-2211 , visitcookevilletn.com
Crossville-Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce Boasting nine championship golf courses makes Crossville “The Golf Capital of Tennessee.” You’ll find the qualities associated with small-town life complemented by the amenities found in larger cities, along with the outdoors, arts and natural beauty. 34 S. Main St. , Crossville , 877-465-3861 , crossvillechamber.com Crossville-Cumberland County Gateway to the Big South Fork Visitor Center The visitor center offers information on Crossville and Cumberland County, the Upper Cumberland region and Tennessee. The center also has a small gift shop for local items. Located on I-40, Exit 320. 176 River Otter Dr. , Crossville , 931-787-1755 , crossvillechamber.com/visitors-center
Dale Hollow Lake Welcome Center 1005 Livingston Hwy. , Byrdstown , 931-864-7195 , dalehollow.com
Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Explore Jackson County’s stunning natural beauty, historical sites and unique culture. There’s something for everyone – from the avid sportsman and the aspiring foodie to the ultimate bluegrass fan. Get lost in the sights and sounds, and find yourself. 201 W. Hull Ave. , Gainesboro , 931-268- 0971 , explorejctn.com
Jamestown/Fentress County Chamber of Commerce Fentress County is known as the Trail Riding Capital of the Southeast. With hundreds of acres of trails, overlooks, unique rock formations and waterfalls and activities such as hiking, biking, fishing, hunting, camping and canoeing, you’re going to love this place! 114 Central Ave. W. , Jamestown , 888-273-7275 , jamestowntn.org
GOLF stayinG on Course
The Upper Cumberland area (and specifically the fivecourse Fairfield Glade resort) is the perfect playg round for golfers. Tee off at one of these championship courses that offer mag nificent views of the surrounding plateau.