Guidepost ~A Final Salute to Unclaimed Veterans

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Dummy lead-in text Decorative rocks are part of many of the gardens. Susan uses heavy-duty tin foil to create a lining for 126

A Final Salute

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Dummy lead in text In 2012, Susan Minegar Luna crafted a fairy garden by the elm in front of her Santa Ana home, seeking solace at a difficult time. She didn’t know most of the 39 families who lived on her street. Then a voice told her to make a garden for each neighbors. 276


At this Memphis cemetery, veterans who die alone are not forgotten By EVAN MILLER, Editor

Dummy lead-in text The garden of one neighbor, a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan, features America’s team. The gardens were a hit with the neighborhood’s men. more 162 G U I D E P O S T S .O R G



Dummy leadin text Susan’s original garden pays trib­ute to her youth and visits to a relative’s farm. An arborist neighbor made the wire fencing. She personalized each neigh­bor’s garden more 196

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Dummy lead-in text Susan’s neighbors added their own touches, such as this fiesta scene for a Día de los Muertos celebration in honor of the family’s Hispanic heritage. Many of the items were handcrafted. few more words fit here 232

Dummy leadin text Susan’s grandson, Zachary, 7, and greatgranddaughter, Stella, 1, help her with weeding, planting and adding decorations. Inside the black lantern, fairies leave encouraging notes for little ones. Each garden includes a prayer behind a fairy door. 270 For more on this story, see FAMILY ROOM

G U I D E P O S T S .O R G


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