Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things! Karen Redmond
Algorythmic Measurement
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
My students call me Ms. Karen. As a preschool teacher for the past 10 years, I think that children are absolutely hilarious! This booklet is a creative algorithm, to explore the minds of children, because they are so creative. I am recording what they actually think about the picture that they see. I chose 3 year old children because, not only are they adorable, but they can communicate, unlike a 2 year old. They also don't try to act ike adults, like a 5 year old. I am seeking innocent and honest answers. I have created a specific set of "Algorithmic Rules" to measure and to generate content. There are 24 preschool kiddos in the childcare center that I own. At random, I asked 3 year old boys and girls, about the things they like. I wrote their answers down a list. They came up with love, children's movies, bodily functions, earthly disasters, animals, food, clothing, vehicles, super heroes, and the Bible. Later, I went online and googled 40 random kidfriendly pictures per-taining to each one of these categories, even though I knew I would only use 12 pictures. I printed the 25th picture that I saw. If it wasn't a kid-friendly picture, I proceeded to selected the 25th picture after that. Many pictures were not kid friendly, so I had to repeat this process several times.
Karen Redmond
The next day, when I returned to my classroom, the experiment began. I asked all of the kiddos if they wanted to play a fun game. The vote was unanimous. I mixed up all of the pictures, turned them over, and fanned them out. I asked a 4 year old helper, from another classroom, to help me with this game. My helper then proceeded to pick out a piece of paper, at random. The idea is to ask 1 girl and 1 boy the same question about the same picture. Then another girl and boy would get a different picture. This is to compare the difference in creative thinking between different genders. I drew 1 name from a bowl titled, "Boy", and 1 name from a bowl titled, "Girl". I asked the kiddos to sit with me one at a time. My helper showed him or her the picture. I asked the kiddos what they thought about the picture. They looked puzzled and were silent, so I prompted them with a question about the picture. I wrote down each of their responses about the picture. I repeated this process a total of 12 times, until each child had a chance to play this fun game. All 12 children were able to participate. We had a blast, and the kiddos are excited for me to read the book to them once it is finished. There will be many smiles and laughter!
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Jimmy, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen: Jimmy: Ms. Karen: Jimmy: Ms. Karen: Jimmy:
What is this? Its a, a, a, Extremely BIG Smelly-Gnarly-Fart! Really? Yeah! Did you know that if you don’t fart, you will litterally explode? Wow. I didn’t know that. Yeah, sad. But my Dad told me so, & he is really smart!
Cherish, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen: Cherish: Ms. Karen: Cherish: Ms. Karen: Cherish:
What is this? A fairy poof. Why did the fairy poof. That’s the pixie dust when she goes up. Where is she going? Up to her fairy land.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Joel, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Who is this?
Indiana Jones!
Ms. Karen:
What are they doing?
Ms. Karen:
How do you feel about that?
When is he getting out his whip?
Lily, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Who is this?
Mmmm, I dono.
Ms. Karen:
What are they doing?
Playing kissie-face!
Ms. Karen:
How do you feel about that?
Eeew! Onion Breath!
Ms. Karen:
Why do you think that?
He tasted her & his face is crinkled.
Look! Look! Look!---- The other guy
thinks so, too!
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Terrance, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Who is this?
Ms. Karen:
What does he do?
I don’t know, but people say His
name when they are mad.
Abbie, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Who is this?
Ms. Karen:
What does he do?
Art in Heaven.
Ms. Karen:
Why art?
Duh!---The verse says he does art
with His Father in Heaven, silly!
Ms. Karen:
Oh, you mean the verse about our
Father who art in Heaven?
Yep! See... You know it!
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Carter, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Do you like cats?
Do you know we are not sup-
posed to touch a cat’s butt?
Ms. Karen:
Yes, I know that. Cats don’t like it.
I know, but I still do it when Mom
isn’t looking.
Maddie, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Do you like cats?
Yes, but we can’t have one.
Ms. Karen:
Why not?
Mom is allergenic.
Ms. Karen:
I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m aller-
gic to long-haired cats.
I can ask my Mom if we can get a
purple cat with big fluffy hair.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Toby, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
What is this?
A big red bug.
Ms. Karen:
What do you do with such a big
red bug?
My Mom loves to eat these bugs,
but I think she is crazy.
Ms. Karen:
They taste disgusting!
Grace, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
What is this?
Ms. Karen:
Who is Sebastian?
He is from The Little Mermaid.
Ms. Karen:
What is he doing?
Eating Lemons, with Ariel, of course.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Aaron, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
What advice can you give me
about puppies or dogs?
My dog is great, but never, never,
ever trust him with your food.
Ms. Karen:
Why not?
Because if I go to the bathroom,
he steals food off of my plate.
Kassidy, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
What advice can you give me
about puppies or dogs?
Don’t get your face too close to
his mouth.
Ms. Karen:
Why not?
He will give you slobbery kisses.
Ms. Karen:
Is that a bad thing?
Yes, because they have stinky-
slimy dog breath.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Holden, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
What can you tell me about point-
ing your finger?
Don’t ever pull it if your Dad tells
you to!
Ms. Karen:
Why not?
If you pull his finger he will fart! The
smell is so bad you will want to die!
Jubilee, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
What can you tell me about point-
ing your finger?
My Mom says to NEVER-EVER point
your finger, because it is rude.
Ms. Karen:
Why is it rude?
I think it is because Dad points his
finger in the car & yells at people
when he is mad. Mom hates it!
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Cameron, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Why do you think this dog needs
to use glasses?
Don't you know that he has X-Ray
Ms. Karen:
How can you tell?
Becaaaause..... They make his
eyes look big. Everyone knows
that means it is working.
Danielle, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Why do you think this dog
needs glasses.
Dogs don’t need glasses.
Ms. Karen:
Well... Why is this dog wearing
glasses, then?
I put glasses on my dog when we
play dress-up.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Glenn, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Who is your favorite Superhero?
I’m a mutt.
Ms. Karen:
What do you mean?
I have a little bit of everyone in
me, but Mom says I’m Irish.
Macy, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Who is your favorite Superhero?
Do I have to pick one?
Ms. Karen:
No, but if you have a favorite, I
would really like to know.
She is not in this picture.
Ms. Karen:
So you do have a Superhero?
Ms. Karen:
Who is she?
My Mommy has super powers.
Ms. Karen::
What kind?
She is super fast in the car.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Ray, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Would you wear these
Heck, yeah!
Ms. Karen:
I would be the coolest kid
in the whole world!
Kholie, Girl- Age 3 Ms. Karen:
Would you wear these shoes?
No way!
Ms. Karen:
Why not?
My Mom will kill me!
Ms. Karen:
Oh? Why not?
My Mom will know I was using her
paints, & I would be in soooooo
much trouble!
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Braxon, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
How do you know who to marry?
You flip a quarter.
Ms. Karen:
"Heads" means you get married &
"Tails", means you find someone
Ms. Karen:
How do you make a marriage
You tell her she is pretty even if she
looks like a dump truck.
Gabby, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
How do you know who to marry?
God decides for you. That’s who
you are stuck with.
Ms. Karen:
How do you make a marriage
Wear red & sparkly jewelry.
Karen Redmond
Kiddos Say The Most Hilarious Things!
Darrell, Boy - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
How old do you think this man is?
About a million years old.
Ms. Karen:
Why do you think that?
My Grandpa is that old & his bow-
els are intercontinental.
Selby, Girl - Age 3 Ms. Karen:
How old do you think this man is?
Very, very old.
Ms. Karen:
Why do you think that?
Because you count his winkles. This
man must have been grumpy for
a long-long-long-long time.
Ms. Karen:
How many wrinkles does he have?
He has ike a thousand years.
Ms. Karen:
How do you know he is a thou-
sand years old?
It just takes that long to grow.
Booklet Type Set: Century Gothic & Chalkboard. The Cover Page is printed on a heavy weight, Marbled Ivory paper stock; the End Pages are printed on a heavy weight, Speckled Lavendar paper; and the Body Paper is printed on a light weight, un-textured White Paper . Karen hand-stitched the binding of her booklet using lavendar thread. All photographs were downloaded from many random search engines located online. All images and photographs were processed in PhotoShop, and booklet was produced using Adobe InDesign.