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Detroit Mercy Law partnered with AccessLex Institute, a nonprofit that advocates for access and affordability in legal education, to offer a post-baccalaureate applicant preparation program. The program provides oneyear deferred admission and scholarship money to promising, underrepresented candidates whose initial applications would have otherwise been denied, and increases students’ chances of good outcomes in law school. This year, six students enrolled in the program. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive admission to the incoming class of 2023, a renewable 20% of tuition scholarship, a $3,000 stipend from AccessLex, and a Helix Bar Review course upon graduation.
The program is free of charge to students. Students dedicate about 10 hours per week during the deferred year to program activities and receive exposure to foundational law school concepts and skills, including lessons in firstyear law school subjects, case briefing, course outlining, exam writing, and financial budgeting. Students also complete an online Kaplan LSAT prep course and retake the LSAT.