MCCC Health Science Division Timeline for 50th 2014

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Student Nurse Association named MCCC’s Outstanding Student Program of the Year.



Associate of applied science degree in nursing (registered nursing) program begins.



Al Thom plays a lead role in the planning and mapping of a 2-mile par course, a fitness course throughout campus that is used by MCCC employees and the community.





Certified respiratory therapy technician program ends, and the curriculum increases to an associate degree in applied science. The name changes to “certified respiratory therapist” program to coincide with the change to the CRT credential.


Health Sciences Division institutes Fitness Fun Day (which later becomes Health Odyssey), an event designed to promote the importance of physical fitness at MCCC and in the community. Activities over the years include a 10-K run, blood pressure screenings, information sessions about health and fitness, and other fitness-related activities. The program ends in the fall of 2009.



Health Sciences Division faculty and staff are instrumental in planning a new Fitness Center for students, faculty, alumni and the community. Respiratory therapy faculty member Jack A. Woltmann Jr. receives MCCC’s Outstanding Faculty of the Year award.


Respiratory therapy student teams compete at the American Association for Respiratory Care’s annual Sputum Bowl (trivia) Contest representing Michigan. Bonnie Boggs, director of respiratory therapy, receives the Michigan Society for Respiratory Care President’s Award in 1996 and honorary lifetime membership for outstanding service to the state society. The associate degree in nursing program receives ongoing accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. Respiratory therapy program receives the Distinguished RRT Credentialing Award from the Commission on Accreditation of Respiratory Care.

2008 Student Nurse Association named MCCC’s Outstanding Student Program of the Year. ‘97












2010 1998


Phlebotomy program begins.

1981 Respiratory therapy program begins as a 1+1 configuration – a certified respiratory therapy technician certificate of completion and a registered respiratory therapist (associate of applied science) program. Led by faculty member Al Thom, the Health Sciences Division begins offering fitness classes to senior citizens and other community groups off campus. This continues until 2010.

1987 Registered nursing program receives initial accreditation from the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (now the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing).

Student Nurse Association named MCCC’s Outstanding Student Program of the Year.

First LPN class graduates.

2005 Michigan Trends in Occupational Studies Educator Team Award is bestowed upon nursing faculty Kathleen Masters, Karen Brooks and Gail Odneal. Certified nursing assistant course begins. Respiratory therapy student teams compete at the American Association for Respiratory Care’s annual Sputum Bowl (trivia) Contest representing Michigan.

2006 New licensed practical nursing program approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing.



Second admission start per year to registered nursing program begins in the winter, expanding the program to 60 students.

Respiratory therapy program faculty Nicholas Prush, Shane Spaulding and Christopher Culter win the Michigan Society for Respiratory Care Sputum Bowl competition. They will represent Michigan in the national Sputum Bowl Contest at the American Association for Respiratory Care annual meeting at Las Vegas in December.

Student Nurse Association named MCCC’s Outstanding Student Program of the Year

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