Tehran Low Carbon Residential Tower
Green Family House
falling water tower
Vahdat Hall Extension
Tehran Vertical Garden
Qazvin International Airport
01 Tehran Low Carbon Residential Tower
01 Designed in 2020 Summer
Increasing the population in cities is the most considerable issue of urbanization, which enhanced the demand for residential buildings. This requirement changed the formation of buildings from villas to apartments. Consequently, the world experienced a sudden rise in pollution of air, noise, and visual. A variety of documentation indicates that 40 percent of Carbon Dioxide emission is from construction, which is a caution for warning architects to have an alteration in the designing process. Although the vast majority of countries had been solving this problem, Iran is one of the countries in which lesson the contamination is not prior to the design process. A key event in this project is an endeavor to reduce CO2 with simple and accessible methods. Since I use the garden in the site plan, and also on every floor of the building, these gardens would decrease the pollution, make an awesome sight, and control the solar radiation on hot days. In this project, I use 1370 trees, which can cut down the CO2 by about 1500 kilograms in one year; However, DesinBuilder could not analyze this aspect.
Tehran Low Carbon Residential Tower Designed in 2020 Summer
Energy Analysis Besides, there are flower boxes all over the faรงade of the building, which allows humans to plant organic vegetables on their own. In this project, the simulation was done on two models. The first model is a tower with the same area and formation; however, it does not consider any aspects of energy saving. The second model is a mix-used tower with energy aspects like Ventilation, Orientation, Double-Skin Faรงade, PVT Panels, Intelligent Systems, Mechanized Parking, Green Materials, Natural Daylight, Rainwater Reuse, etc.,
Tehran Low Carbon Residential Tower Designed in 2020 Summer
concept diagram
1. According to the rules, we could design 24 blocks of building in this place to provide human’s requirement of this location in Tehran. However, these blocks were enough to destroy all vegetation of the site.
2. Apparently, if we collect these units into four blocks, there would be more place for planting. But, still, there were some problems like shadows, which could have several wasted energy effects.
3. After a series of observations and analysis, I had recognized the best formation for these blocks would be one tall building that is oriented in its best degree to use the maximum sunlight and wind. Also, in this formation, I have designed gardens per three-floor plan to invited the front garden into the building.
plan Tehran Low Carbon Residential Tower Designed in 2020 Summer
site plan
This tower contains every function that a person would need in a day; therefore, I had to design people’s requirements in the garden too. So, I had schemed some places like parks for children, an area for family recreation in the garden, a bike path, and a zone for the common people. Tehran Low Carbon Residential Tower Designed in 2020 Summer
Green Family House Designed in May 2020
This project aims to investigate the operational performance of a net-zero energy building in Tehran. These are mainly three steps that can alter a positive energy villa to an NZE villa. For its inception, I had analyzed Tehran’s weather, which could be an assistance to find the best strategies. Firstly, the “Reduce Strategy” is about energy saving estimate by isolating the building, decrease electricity usage, and substitute ordinary equipment with energy-saving equipment. The second level of design was “Reuse Energy Planning,” in which I elected the best HVAC for this project. Ultimately, the “produce” level was concerning to design an energy resource system for HVAC.
Energy Analysis
Average annual temrature of 17 C. Large time of year is upper than comfort zone. The highest tempreture is in July which reach to 40 C, so cooling will be necessary.
Average annual wind Highest altitude is in June speed is 2.9 m/s. In the with 78 and lowest is in spring and begining of the December with 30 . The fall is higher than other bearing angle for July is seasons. Prevailing wind in from 120 east to 120 west this city is from west. and for December is form 60 east to 60 west.
Percentage of comfortable hours: 99.6%
Design Principles 1. Sunshading of windows 2. High thermal mass 3. Direct Evaporative cooling 4. Heating, add humidification if needed
The highest dry temrature is in noon in july of 34.96 C.
reduse strategies
reuse energetic programing
Green Family House Designed in May 2020
Green Family House Designed in May 2020
falling water tower Designed in 2019 spring
Mirdamad is a street in Tehran in which constructed buildings in high quantity. The majority of these buildings are administrative companies that caused a heavy traffic jam during the day. As a group of architectures, we designed a multifunctional tower that collects a region of the street in a vertical building. This concept had a remarkable duty to gather all blocks of an area to a tower to have more green space and the wider road to reduce the traffic. Besides, the multifunction building would lessen the human traffic in the city. In this circumstance, we could use the free space as a plaza for people and awesome sight. Additionally, we extended this plaza all over the building as several broad green terraces.
falling water tower Designed in 2019 spring
concept diagram
2. COLLECT the Mirdamad Blvd in the form of a tower + OPEN SPACE
3. MAKE SPACE between different applications
4. USING IRANINAN GARDEN IN VERTICAL DIRECTION AND Create spins on blocks for better visibility
Appropriate visibility in front of the Acacia Park Collection and visual styling Environmental issuesa
Axis of sight
The presence of direct view of the ground floor Lack of visibility to higher classes
The problem of transportation during peak hours of traffic Locking the main routes
Because of the proximity to the main routes & intense traffic at pea traffic hours In the western and southern front, noise pollution is significant
5. Using Water Flow in Iranian Garden
Designed in 2019 spring
falling water tower
Energy Analysis Designed in 2019 spring
falling water tower
Designed in 2019 spring
falling water tower
form analyses
125000 M2
3500 M2
9000 M2
5000 M2
Vahdat Hall Extension Designed in 2018 Winter
This concept represented a remarkable insight because this site has two crucial heritage buildings with long-distance, and we should find a solution to link these buildings to each other. In other words, this project is an extension of Vahdat hall. I decided to design a plaza with several functions. Although the main part of this project was to scheme complementary theater and black box areas for Vahdat Hall, I had determined to design this plaza to connect all these spots to City theater, which could help people to enjoy through this wide site.
The Vahdat Hall and the City Theater : These two buildings are the main spots in this project because they are Important buildings in Tehran. Vahdat Hall was named Tehran Roudaki Hall Opera House before the Revolution in Iran. It Built-in 1957 by order of the king and Shahbanu Farah Pahlavi. It became the most famous performing scene for known international artists and troupes in west Asia around the 1970s.a The City Theater was built with the initiative of Shahbanu Farah Pahlavi. The complex was designed by architect Ali Sardar Afkhami in the 1960s. The City Theater is the biggest in Iran, which is considered the main outlet of Iran's artistic theater.
concept diagram 1. In the first step, I imagined the main axis through all these places to connect them. It would need several functions to encourage people to go around which of them to arrive at their target.
2. To enhance the site’s quality, it should have had a roof to meet the need for comfort; However, this could be a tedious path. So, I had to find a solution to this problem.
3. In this stage, I created some void in this shelter to play with sunlight and also used the natural light throughout all the day. Besides, I have used vegetation to control the heat and had placed complementary buildings between them.
4.Broadly, this place required a rhythm to be more thriller. Consequently, I changed this shelter by Grasshopper to a parametric design, which could have some advantages for sun and rainwater management.
Designed in 2018 Winter
Vahdat Hall Extension
form analyses
Vahdat Hall Extension Designed in 2018 Winter
A key event in this broad roof, which could influence people to join this journey, was various recreations that were designed for all kinds of ages and stratum. It has included solitude places in which an individual can go and read a book, or even spaces for kids to play. One of the significant areas, which designed a lot in this site is the open theater that all people can use for free.
Designed in 2018 Winter
Vahdat Hall Extension
Energy Analysis Thereby of the parametric design of the shelter, we have a great slope for directing rainwater to the columns, where there are some pipes to aggregate these waters to the reservoir under the ground. This water can distribute to this comprehensive project’s functions and help reduce the water usage. Also, we have a purifier to refine the greywater and use it again in the restrooms.
Tehran Vertical Garden Designed in 2018 fall
The consequences of towers in Tehran have made this city an area with abundant pollutants for living, which has multiple contaminant months. Besides, since there is not enough farm for organic planting, people use lower quality sort of foods which can be harmful to human’s health. After series of observations, we can recognize the location of this project is one of the most populous places in Tehran; so, I had decided to design a garden tower rather than a residential tower, which we already have adequately, in this spot. There are some goals that lie behind this idea. For instance, with these green gardens, we could provide one of the people’s needs in their food chain. Also, we had schemed an awesome sight and have made a microclimate to enhance air purification.
concept diagram 1. According to the regulations of Tehran Municipality, the gross area will be 60% of 100% in a site. I have used this area to design three buildings to have better insight and distribution between vegetation.
4. Ultimately, to simulate the project to a journey for people who wants to enjoy this place, I changed the smooth path to a rugged plan by steps and ramps.
Designed in 2018 fall
3. To have a broad and open landscape, I changed the boxes from cube to cylinder. It have made an opportunity to have a revolving route in the site.
Tehran Vertical Garden
2.Since one of the design’s aspect has invited the people into the site, the site plan’s design was the milestone of the scheme. The inverted pyramid was the crucial alteration, which concept was trees in jungles. Indeed it would help have a comprehensive insight from a person’s perspective.
Energy Analysis
Designed in 2018 fall
Tehran Vertical Garden
0. Fruits 1. Nuts 2. Flowers 3. Herbs 4. Fruits 5 & 6. Vegetables 7. Citrus
As you will see in the section, the garden will have separated vegetation per floor to have an obvious path in this broad spectrum of plants. It was the essential purpose of the towers to distribute these plants as people’s need. Additionally, it would need an orderly plan to have systematic irrigation. One of the kinds of irrigation for this vegetation is rainwater, which we aggregate this water by the pipes that are in the structure of the building. As well as these pipes, we need a water storage source to let us store the excess water. There is a pool in the landscape of the project in which all surplus water will collect there for future usage.
site plan
Tehran Vertical Garden Designed in 2018 fall
Qazvin International Airport Designed in 2018 fall
Since Qazvin is a city which is one of the nearest city to Tehran, and don’t have any international airport, in all the research being done on causes, we realized it was a positive fortuity to design an airport to be assistance for Tehran busy airport. In this project, we investigated Qazvin city to find a perfectly situated site to be the best in traffic, wind direction, and access. Besides, it was significant that this site would be nearby Tehran. Some other aspects were that the design should be such that future development can be done easily; therefore, the core designed in polygon form to be outspread in any angle of the formation, and we schemed two wings with a specific orientation that can extend in future as needed.
Designed in 2018 fall
Qazvin International Airport
concept diagram
Qazvin International Airport Designed in 2018 fall