Reception booklet Shine Bright, AISEC ALMATY, Kazakhstan

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Kazakhstan welcomes YOU

Reception booklet for interns!

AIESEC Almaty, Kazakhstan Activating leadership since 1989

Dear intern, First of all congratulations for being matched with Kazakhstan. We are sure that you are in the right place and you have chosen the best internship for you! This booklet was created for you by the Reception working group of Kazakhstan. We included most of the information about the country and its characteristics. You can find the practical information in the preparation booklet. We suggest you to take part in all of the reception activities and being involved to your host Local Committee. Welcome to Kazakhstan and have a memorable internship. Best regards, Local Committee AIESEC Almaty

1.General information 2.Geography 3.Almaty 5.Sights 6.Demographics 7. Climate 8. National holiday 9.Useful phrases 10.Reception programme 10.Trip to Astana 11.Contacts

Welcome to Kazakhstan - a wonderful country in the centre of Eurasia, where the features of Europe and Asia are harmoniously combined. In the ninth largest territory of the world tourists will find a lot of entertainment and attractions for family holidays and active recreation.


Its territory of square kilometres is larger than

Western Europe. It shares borders with Russia,

China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, and also adjoins a large part of the Caspian

Sea. The terrain of Kazakhstan includes flatlands, steppe, taiga, rock canyons, hills, deltas, snowcapped mountains, and deserts. With 17

million people Kazakhstan has the 62nd

largest population in the world

The word “Almaty” in Kazakh people language means “grown with apple trees”. Apples were no doubt one of the important commodities. Anyway, Alma-Ata city has been famous for them to this day.

Sights An aerial tramway line connects downtown Almaty with a popular recreation area at the top of Kok Tobe (Kazakh: Көктөбе , which means 'Green Hill').

The Medeu, is an outdoor speed skating and bandy rink.


The Park is located in the southern part of Almaty and has a spectacular mountain backdrop. At the southern end of the park there is a viewing and seating area, with small shelters on raised mounds. There are no shops in the park, so you should take drinks etc. with you, particularly on hot days.

Sharyn Canyon is an 80 km canyon in Kazakhstan on the Sharyn River 200 kilometres (120 mi) east of Almaty, close to the Chinese border.

Kolsay Lakes – one of the most beautiful places in Kazakhstan. These lakes are located at heights 1800, 2250 and 2700 metres above sea level. They are distinguished by the unique mountain watershed consisting of three natural zones and amazing variety of rare plants and animals.

If you were in Kazakhstan, but did not see the white Kazakh yurt on the green meadows of jaylyau, you can not feel and enjoy the real life of Kazakhs and their culture. Yurt is one of the oldest and greatest inventions of Eurasian nomads. At all times Yurt was a practical and convenient, portable accommodation.

Kazakh yurt

Kazakh cuisine Kazakh cuisine traditionally is focused on mutton and horse meat, as well as various milk products. The cooking techniques and major ingredients have been strongly influenced by the nation's nomadic way of life. For example, most cooking techniques are aimed at long-term preservation of food. Kazakhstan cuisine includes not only traditional national Kazakhstan dishes but the best dishes of Uzbek, Russian, Tatar, Korean and other cookeries. That’s why Kazakh cuisine saving its national characteristic features has some international features.

Most popular food Besbarmak, a dish consisting of boiled horse or mutton meat, is the most popular Kazakh dish. It is also called "five fingers" because of the way it is eaten. Besbarmak is usually eaten with a boiled pasta sheet, and a meat broth called shorpa, and is traditionally served in Kazakh bowls called kese.

The traditional drinks are fermented mare's milk (kumys), camel's milk (shubat),cow’s milk (airan), and sheep's milkas well as its products, kaymak(sour cream), katyk or ayran (buttermilk),

Baursaks are must-have food in every Kazakh family. Now, baursaks are not only cooked and eaten by the Kazakhs. Baursaks are served to tea, before main course, to mare’s milk (‘kumys’), to snacks, and to strong broth (‘sorpa’).

Demographics Kazakh: 51.06% Russian: 33.02% Uyghur: 5.73% Korean: 1.9% Tatar: 1.82% Ukrainian: 1.24% Others: 5.23%

Our climate is temperate continental, so you can find every kind of weather and temperature, you have to be prepared for every case. There are a lot of differences between the 4 seasons. The coldest month is January, the hottest is July. Average temperature by months(in Celsius)

Nauryz – Kazakh new year Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox. Nauryz means ‘new day’, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times. Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day, since this holiday is common for many nations.

Useful phrases English



Сәлем! (Sälem!) Сәлеметсіз бе? (Sälemetsiz be?)

How are you?

Қалыңыз қалай? (Qalıñız qalay?) Қалың қалай? (Qalıñ qalay?) Қалайсың? (Qalaisıñ?)

Reply (for example:good) What's your name? My name is ... Where are you from? I'm from ... Pleased to meet you

Bon appetit

Қалым жақсы (Qalım jaqsı) Жақсы (Jaqsı) Сіздің атыңыз кім? (Sizdiñ atıñız kim?) Менің атым ... (Meniñ atım ...)

Қай жердікісіз? (Qay jerdikisiz?) Мен ... (Men ...) Танысқанымызға қуаныштымын! (Tanısqanımızğa qwanıştımın!)

Ас болсын! (As bolsın!) Асыңыз дәмді болсын! (Asıñız dämdi bolsın!)

Reception programme First week

Equipment & meal



1.Metro guide

Ticket Water or juice

80(tg) 100-150(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

2.President park


150-200(tg) (per person)

8 p.m-10 p.m

3.Kok Tobe



7 p.m-11 p.m


Time spend Snacks

1200(tg) 500(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m


Session price


8 p.m-10 p.m


Rent for a day


24 hours

7.Ilsky river rafting



7 a.m-5 p.m

Second week

Equipment & meal

price (1$=181tg)



Discount 1 ticket

500(tg) 350(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

2.Panfilov or Gorky park

Taxi Snacks & drinks

150-200(tg) (per person) 200-400(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

3.Esentai Mall


150-200(tg) (per person)

8 p.m-11 p.m

4.Kazakh yurta

Taxi Meal

100-150(tg) 500-800(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

5.Arbat walk



8 p.m-10 p.m

6.Botanical garden


100-150(tg) (per person)

10 a.m-3 p.m

7.Turgensky waterfall

Price per person


8 a.m-3 p.m

Third week

Equipment & meal

price (1$=181tg)



Discount Taxi

600(tg) 100-150(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

2.Underground bazaar “Almaly”


150-200(tg) (per person)

8 p.m-10 p.m

3.Mega entertaining


150-200(tg) (per person)

8 p.m-10 p.m

4.Uzbek cafe

Taxi Meal

100-150(tg) 800-1500(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

5.Karaoke bar

Metro/taxi meal

80/150(tg) 1000(tg)

8 p.m-12 p.m


Taxi meal

100-150(tg) (per person) 700-1000(tg)

24 hours


road meal

300(tg) 700-1000(tg)

8 a.m-3 p.m

Fourth week

Equipment & meal

price (1$=181tg)


1.Next dancing

Discount Taxi

600(tg) 100-150(tg)

8 p.m-11 59 p.m

2.Fantasy park

Taxi Entertainig

150-200(tg) (per person) 3000(tg)

8 p.m-11 59p.m

3.Opere & ballet visit

Taxi session

150-200(tg) (per person) 1000(tg)

8 p.m-11 p.m

4.”Kvartira 148”cafe

Taxi Meal

100-150(tg) 800-1500(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

5.Medeu walk

Taxi meal

100-150(tg) 1000(tg)

8 p.m-11 59p.m


Taxi meal

100-150(tg) (per person) 700-1000(tg)

7 a.m-4 p.m

7.Big Almaty river

road meal

200(tg) 500-1000(tg)

8 a.m-3 p.m

Fifth week

Equipment & meal

price (1$=181tg)


1.Indian cafe

Meal Taxi

(tg) 100-150(tg)

8 p.m-11 59 p.m

2.Family park

Taxi Entertainig

150-200(tg) (per person) 3000(tg)

8 p.m-11 59p.m


Taxi session

150-200(tg) (per person) 1000(tg)

8 p.m-11 p.m


Taxi Meal

100-150(tg) 800-1500(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

5.Cooking experiment “ADK”

Taxi meal

100-150(tg) 1000(tg)

8 p.m-11 59p.m

6.Issyk fishing

Taxi meal

100-150(tg) (per person) 700-1000(tg)

7 a.m-4 p.m

7.Tamgaly visit

road meal

200(tg) 500-1000(tg)

8 a.m-3 p.m

Sixth week

Equipment & meal

price (1$=181tg)


1.Tram cafe

Meal Taxi

700-1000(tg) 100-150(tg)

8 p.m-11 p.m

2.Outside cinema



8 p.m-11 p.m


Taxi session

150-200(tg) (per person) 1000(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

4.Aqua park

Taxi Meal Cost

100-150(tg) 800-1000(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

5.Kasteev museum

Taxi ticket

100-150(tg) 150-300(tg)

8 p.m-10 p.m

6.Program with kids

7.Bye bye party

8 a.m-3 p.m



8 p.m-11 59 p.m

Trip to Astana The 6th of July – The day of our capital - Astana is the national holiday in our country. You will have a possibility to visit Astana that day and take part in big celebration. The train ticket cost 75$

LC VP ICX Altynbek Tleuov


OCP of project Diyara Massygutova diyara.massyguto

Team contacts Exchange coordinator Karina Pak karina.pak@aies

ER coordinator Laura Zholdaskhan


Assima Nurman

OC coordinators

Raushan Serikzhan

Akerke Kungazykyzy

Anara Zhunis

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