The Snow Tunnel by Gavin
I was digging this tunnel. It was a working effort, but it collapsed on my friend Maddie. James said, “Oh no! This is not good. I need to dig Maddie out!� 2
I took a shovel and dug her out. She was buried deep in this hole. We couldn’t see her. I dug and dug until I finally saw her pink coat. James kept digging with me. At last, we finally got her out.This is the tunnel Maddie was in.
Then we kept digging the tunnel. We came out the other side of the snow mound. Other kids started going through the tunnel and messing up the floor and the ceiling and the walls. Kids also crawled on top of it.
See what I mean! There’s Ethan crawling through the snow now. He is digging the floor out.
Maddie is on the other side of the tunnel. She is digging the floor out and so is Ethan. Their plan is to meet in the middle.
James says, “Yeah! We finally finished the snow tunnel!”