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The Secrets in Fun! by Jackson

Having fun is a basic art of children.I am a master of it. This is an example: having fun at Cape Cod.


Come on, letʼs head over to the playground! As you can see I have mastered the art of “SWINGING AROUND”.


This is Henry, I have taught him to jump off that thing in the picture onto a bench. I始ve also found that fun is fun and its greater than anything else!


As you can see here, I am helping my apprentice in Fun make a sandcastle. I have trained him very well and he has mastered the art of building sandcastles. I guess you could call me his master, funsei (like sensei but more fun)!


My apprentice is a master of boogieboarding and I am proud of him.

Only I know how to have true fun. But be warned, it is dangerous if this book gets in the wrong hands. If it does a person may use its pages for violence. For example they might swing on that thing my apprentice was swinging on. They might jump off and try to land on someone. So be warned! 6

But for now these are the secrets of fun.

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