The Lava Game by James
“Lets go to the slide!” Myles said as we raced outside. “I’ll get there first,” Matthew said. Myles and I sped after him. We got nearer and nearer when Myles dove and tripped Matthew. “Ha I got you!” Myles said. Then I said, “You forgot about me!”
I got to the top of the slide and slid down head first. That however was a bad idea because...
when I got to the bottom I got a face full of snow, “Ha,” Ben said. But I couldn’t worry about that now because Myles was about to slide down the slide! I jumped out of the way just in time.
Then Gavin said, “Get out of the way Matthew!” I said, “I’m not Matthew.” But he slid down anyway. “That was fun!” he yelled.
Ben slid down the slide on his knees and said, “You should try that. You go really fast.� He went so fast that when he hit the snow it made a giant spray of snow.
Matthew said, “Hey let’s play that the snow is lava. If you touch the snow you lose a life and you have three lives.” Myles said, “If you don’t fall in the snow but you still touch it then you get a burn.” I said, “If you get three burns you lose a life.” “Let’s play,” said Gavin. In awhile, the score was Myles had one life lost, Gavin had two burns, and one life. Matthew had zero lives lost and two burns. I had one life lost. When I got to the top of the slide Myles pushed me down but before I touched the snow I caught the edges and stopped. “Shoot,” said Myles. 7
Then the recess bell blew. As we walked towards the door, Ben said, “That was fun. Let’s finish that tomorrow.”