Recess by Matthew
One day at Leverett school the kids where having recess. “Ben do you want to help me make a tunnel?” Gavin said. “No thanks” he said. “I’m making my own” he said.
“Collin do you want to help me make a tunnel?” Gain said. “Okay” Colin replied. So they went to work making a tunnel. They dug and whacked at the ice.
A little ways away Liam, Bobby and some other kids were playing soccer. “Score!” Liam said as he kicked the ball past Max’s foot into the goal. Max through the ball toward his teammate Bobby. “Pass” said Bobby as he kicked it past Myles to Hayden. Hayden dribbled it to the goal where Jameson was waiting for him. Hayden shot “whoosh” Jameson kicked the air where just seconds ago the ball had been. “Yahoo” yelled Max as his team got a goal.
Over near the woods, James and Ben were making a snowman. Wheeze, grunt. It was hard work making a snowman. James said, “I’ll make the middle.” “Okay, I’ll make the head,” said Ben. They got to work pushing and packing the second and third snowballs. “Can I help?” Jay said. “Yes, you can get the sticks for the arms and the rocks for the eyes,” said James.
On the playground, Henry and Jackson were playing on the slides. “Wheee,” Henry said as he went shooting down the slide to the bottom of tire mountain.
“I’m going again,” he told Jackson. “I’m going down the big red slide,” Jackson replied. He went around the play structure and up the stairs. He walked over to the slide, sat down, and pushed. Shoom! He went down the slide at lightning speed and flew out onto the snow.
Near the quiet house, Abdi, Nick and Matthew were playing when...Tweeeeetttt, the recess whistle blew. “Let’s go Logan from the quiet house so he can go in line next to us,” said Nick. “Okay,” said Matthew. They raced over to the quiet house to get Logan. They went to the window, called inside, and circled back to the school. It was a fun recess!