'Notes On The Future' Solo Exhibition by Eric Fok Catalogue

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E RIC F OK 2019 1

Cover image Details of 2047, 32 Ink on wood 針筆、木 60 x 100cm, triptych 三屏, 2019 2

NOTE S ON T H E F U T U RE 來者扎記 E RIC FOK 8 November - 7 December 2019




Macau has a small population, and only a small handful of individuals pursue their artistic career locally. Eric Fok is one of them and he does it with flying colours. We started collaborating with Eric only three years ago, but news about his talent had reached us long before.

澳門人口稀少,而當中只有少數人選擇從事藝術行業。霍凱盛是其中一個, 並且做得非常出色。我們雖然在三年前才開始跟他合作,但早已聽聞他的才 華。

Viewers new to Eric’s paintings often think he is a mature artist, in his late thirties or even forties, because the paintings reveal an artist who is immersed in local and global histories. His works look and feel distinctly antique, rooted in the histories of his home region Macau and Hong Kong, fused with the colonial themes of early modern Portugal and Britain. Yet Eric only turns twenty-nine this year. A lot of Eric’s historical knowledge is self taught drawing from a wide range of subjects such as medieval art, Jesuit manuscripts and Renaissance maps. When words start pouring out of his mouth, one cannot help but be amazed at how knowledgeable he is, spontaneously discussing all these themes with great passion.

初次接觸凱盛的畫作,很多時候觀眾會因為畫作流露出對本地以至全球歷史 的深入了解,誤以為是出自一位三十多四十歲的藝術家之手。他的作品有懷 古之意,題材圍繞他的出生地澳門和香港的歷史之餘,也展現出早期葡萄牙 和英國的殖民時期主題。 然而凱盛今年才二十九歲。 許多歷史知識都是凱盛自學得來,無論是中世紀藝術、耶穌會手稿文獻、文 藝復興的地圖,他都瞭如指掌。言談間充滿對歷史的嚮往,人們都不禁對他 的知識淵博感到驚訝。 猶記得首次見面,凱盛給我們的印像總是顯得羞澀。儘管他年紀小小已頗負 盛名,他仍保持謙虛有禮。他每天都在不斷改善自己的繪畫技巧,每次都會 為展覽帶來新的想法。他是一位真正才華橫溢的藝術家,我們很榮幸與他合 作。

In our first meeting, Eric struck us as a shy young man. He still does these days. He is always extremely polite and humble, despite his success at a young age. He keeps improving his technique every day and develops new ideas for his exhibition each time. A truly talented artist who is an honour to work with.

Karin Weber Gallery, November 2019

凱倫偉伯畫廊,2019年11月 4

THE DISAPPEARANCE AND REPOSITIONING OF CITYSCAPE: ERIC FOK’S IMAGERIES OF ‘PARADISE’ AND THEIR HISTORICAL MEMORIES How complicated is the history of a city? How does the cityscape find balance between the tensions of the established and the reconstructed? Who holds the power of shaping its external characteristics and constructing its internal meanings? What are the relationships of the relative power structures constructed between insiders and the outsiders? How do rulers from different time periods pronounce their records of governance and project their political strategies that bought the hearts and minds of their subjects? How do we respect and protect the residents’ awareness and their demand for space? In the continuous progression of time, what kind of streetscape imageries, spatial sceneries and geographical features will be formed? Regardless of their causes and effects, the above questions are all interconnected and have strong impacts on the formation of insiders’ cultural identities, historical memories and their subjectivity. Situated at the southeastern coast of China, Hong Kong and Macau have long been disregarded for their peripheral locations and were not even represented in imperial Chinese mapping practices. With the coming of the Great Voyages of Discovery and the rise of demand for overseas colonies, different political powers flooded into East Asia and forced open the door of China under the pretext of international trade. In a strange twist of events, these two colonized places were baptized by Western Civilization. They became the progressive exemplars of modern state and institutions and acquired a new identity in the political and economic arena of East Asia. However, after the return of sovereignty post 1997, a sharp change of situation gave rise to upheavals that lead to extreme chaos and changes in the society, economics, traffics, culture and social networks of these two cities. With the perennial changes in cityscape and lifestyles following the change of sovereignty, the true faces of Hong Kong and Macau are hard to discern. At the same time, the drastic blurring

of the residents’ self-identity and the lack of association with cities further erode the memory of time and space, already scant, of this generation, having witnessed these political changes. Fast movement of people and the invasive immigration policy create aftermaths everywhere that are at odds with local residents, giving rise to a sense of ‘a home no more’. Today, prompted by his idea of seeking one’s origin, Eric Fok pores through colonial historical texts and with ink and technical pen, recreates the visual experiences of the two cities’ entry into the “world” and a formulation of the historical prototype of a “self” in the form of Western nautical maps. This kind of reconstructed, simultaneously reflective images of ‘paradises,’ juxtaposes traces from different colonial periods, creating a ridiculous and ludicrous outlook. Here, dichotomies like civilized/ barbaric, foreign/ local, core/ periphery were reimagined into the two ends of a scale, supporting every resident’s and passerby’s physical and mental needs, formulating the core of all the politicking behind the scene. On the other hand, themes like traffics, mythical figures, sceneries and landmark architecture from the past and the present are juxtaposed, reincarnating in the logic formulated by disappearance and repositioning. This creates a modern urban parable composed through the expansion of land and the movement of people. Ethnicities, species and objects that travel to and fro are juxtaposed on scrolls, drawing boards on altars or luggage, as representations of the eternal engravings on monuments or the multi-lingual annotations on travelogues. Eerie, magical and cynical.

Pai, Shih-Ming Professor, Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University Ph.D (Art History), Kyoto University, Japan


消失與重置的城市地景—霍凱盛的「樂園」圖像及其歷史記憶 一座城市,究竟擁有何等複雜的歷史?其外部景觀,如何在既存與再造的矛盾中尋求平衡?誰具有形塑其外部特徵並建構內部意涵的能力?內在者(insider)與外 來者(outsider)之間,交錯著何種相對的權力結構關係?不同時代的統馭者,如何彰顯其治理軌跡,同時應許其攏絡民心的政治策略?住民意識及空間需求如何 獲得尊重及保障?在持續不斷的時代推演中,將形塑何種街景意象、空間圖景與地理徵候?上述諸種提問盤根錯節,不論其因由及結果如何,對於內在者文化認 同、歷史記憶及主體性的形塑,卻發揮著極大的作用。 香港及澳門,位居中國大陸東南海隅,由於其地處邊陲之故,長久以來未被正視,甚或未曾出現於帝國輿圖的範疇之中。隨著西方大航海時代的開啟,尋求海 外殖民地的需求日增,不同政治勢力魚貫進入東亞,以通商為手段脅迫中國洞開門戶,二處最終做為殖民地,反而成為西方文明徹底洗禮之地,建立具有近代國 家體制的進步軌範,完成其在東亞地區政經地位上的華麗轉身。然而,九七回歸之後,情勢丕變,來勢洶洶的各種衝擊,已導致社會、經濟、交通、文化或人際 網絡等的極度紊亂與變異。 面對由政權轉移造成城市景觀、生活模式的一再移易,港澳的真實面容已不復辨識,個人身分的模糊或土地認同的匱乏不斷擴增,同時侵蝕著這個政改世代已 然稀薄的時空記憶。尤其,人來人往的快速流動、大舉入侵的移民潮及其造成的後遺症,無所不在且特別突兀,「家園不再」之感油然而生。近年來,基於尋根 意識的誘發,他透過港澳兩地殖民文獻的反覆翻閱,藉由墨水針筆擬仿西方航海輿圖的形式,重構兩地進入「世界」的圖像經歷與形塑「自我」的歷史雛形。 此種被其重構、同時兼具反思性意義的「樂園」圖像,重疊不同時期殖民的痕跡,狀似荒謬而詼諧。在此,文明/原始、外來/在地、中央/邊緣等二元結構,有 如天平兩端支撐著所有住民與過客的身心欲求,成為其背後政治權力的核心。此外,交通工具、神話歷史人物、景觀、地標式建築等不同母題,古今錯置,循環 於消失與重置的邏輯之中,彷若一部由土地擴張、人物往來共同譜寫而成的現代城市寓言。穿梭於此地與彼端的各式人種、物種、物象,被並置在卷軸、祭壇畫 板或旅行箱中,象徵紀念碑上的永恆銘刻或旅行日誌上的多語註記般地,詭異、神奇而充滿諷諭。

白適銘 國立台灣師範大學美術系教授 日本京都大學藝術史博士



2047,29 Ink on paper 針筆、紙本 18 x 150cm, 2019 8

2047,29 Details 9

2047,30 Ink on paper, vintage wooden case, LED light, 針筆、紙本、木箱、LED 燈 55 x 35 x 20cm, 2019 10

2047,31 Ink on paper 針筆、紙本 31 x 31cm, 2019 11

2047,32 Ink on wood 針筆、木 60 x 100cm, triptych 三屏, 2019 12

2047,33 Ink on wood 針筆、木 38 x 57cm, diptych, 雙屏, 2019 13

2047,34 Ink on wood 針筆、木 38 x 57cm, diptych, 雙屏, 2019 14

2047,37 Ink on paper & wood 針筆、紙本、木 27 x 26 x 19cm, 2019 15

2047,36 Ink on paper 針筆、紙本 18 x 150cm, 2019 16

2047,36 details 17

PARADISE 1405 樂園 1405 Ink on paper, vintage wooden case, LED light 針筆、紙本、木箱、LED燈 20 x 40 x 22cm, 2019 18

PARADISE 1999 Ink on paper 針筆、紙本 32 x 32cm, 2019

樂園 1999


PARADISE - FORMOSA 樂園 - 福爾摩沙 Ink on paper 針筆、紙本 56 x 79cm, 2016 20

2047,40 Ink on paper 針筆、紙本 27.5 x 15cm, 2019 21


ERIC FOK Born in 1990, Macau Currently lives and works in Macau EDUCATION 2019 MFA, Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts 2013 Bachelor of Visual Art, Fine Arts/Art Education, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2019 ‘Notes On The Future’, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong 2018 ‘Across Ancient Map’, Helios Gallery, Taiwan 2017 ‘Far East Chronicle’, Karin Weber Gallery, HK 2016 ‘Heung San O Lee Ba’, Macau Literary Festival, Old Court Building, Macau ‘Change of Times – Solo Exhibition by Eric Fok’, Nam Van Anim’ Arte, Macau 2015 ‘Landfall – Works by Eric Fok’, AFA, Macau 2014 ‘Paraíso’, Arte Periférica Gallery, Portugal ‘Paradise: Solo Exhibition by Eric Fok’, Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery, Macau 2013 ‘Paradise: Solo Exhibition by Eric Fok’, 10 Fantasia, Macau ‘Paradise - Fok Hoi Seng Solo Exhibition’, Taipei, Taiwan

2019 ‘20/20’, Karin Weber Gallery Anniversary Exhibition, HK ‘The Glorious Age of Tainan City’, Tainan Art Museum, Taiwan 2018 ‘Food Matters’, Karin Weber Gallery, HK ‘Hong Kong–Macao Visual Art Biennale’, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, China ‘The Sun Teaches Us That History Is Not Everything’, curated by Raphael Fonseca, Osage Art Foundation, HK Art Central, Karin Weber Gallery, HK ‘Contemporary Drawing Fair-Drawing Room Madrid’, CÍRCULO DE BELLAS ARTES, Madrid, Spain Art Tainan, Taiwan 2017 ‘Awaken’ Illustration Exhibition, Shantou University, Cheung Kong School of Art & Design, China ‘Rainbow Road’ Charity Exhibition, The Cultural Palace of Nationalities, Beijing, China ‘Creative Expo’, Taiwan Expo Demo, Taiwan Art Taichung 2017, Millennium Hotel Taichung, Taiwan Taoyuan Illustration Exhibition, Arts Facilities Management Centre, Taiwan Macau Contemporary Artists Exhibition, Sophia.C Art Gallery, Taiwan ‘Trace Element - Macau Contemporary Art Now’, Hsinchu 241 Art Gallery, Taiwan ‘Art of Living’, Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore ‘Asia Illustrations Collections Art Exhibition 2017’, Malaysia ‘Vivid Macau Contemporary Art’, The Macau Roosevelt, Macau 2016 Swab Barcelona Art Fair, Barcelona, Spain ‘Paperscapes’, Karin Weber Gallery, HK ‘Pre-Modern Way – Contemporary Sketch’, Moon Gallery, Taiwan ‘Macau Excellent Artist’s Tour Exhibition’, Vine the art gallery, Hsinchu, Taiwan ‘Lost in the Möbius – Taiwan・Macau’, FreeS Art Space, Taiwan; Ox Warehouse, Macau Young Art Taipei 2016, Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan Art & Creative Expo Taiwan, Dali Art, Taiwan ‘Rainbow Road’ Charity Exhibition, Beijing The Cultural Palace of Nationalities, China Future of Art 2016, Zhongshan, China ‘Macao Annual Visual Arts Exhibition 2016 – Western Media Category’, Old Court Building, Macau ‘The Script Road – Macau Literary Festival’, Old Court Building, Macau Poly Macau Art Fair, Macau Regency Hotel, Macau 2015 ‘Taichung Light Festival’, Taichung Park Pavilion, Taiwan Art Taipei, Taiwan The Macau Architecture Promenade, Albergue SCM, Macau ‘Macau and Portugal Art of Illustration Exhibition’, Dama Aflita Gallery, Porto, Portugal ‘Macau and Portugal Art of Illustration Exhibition’, Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery, Macau 22

Art Osaka, Hotel Granvia, Osaka, Japan ‘Trace Element - Macau Contemporary Art Now’, Galerie Ora-Ora, HK; KCAA, Beijing, China Art Revolution Taipei 2015, Taipei China Yiwu Cultural Products Trade Fair, Yiwu International Expo Center, China ‘The 4th Korea Hong Kong Macau Joint Art Exhibition’, Merto Art Gallery, South Korea ‘Anno Caprum’, The Venetian Macao Lagoon, Macau ‘Homage to Masters Who Inspired Us’, Ox Warehouse, Macau ‘Inside Out Contemporary Art Exhibition’, Flugent ART Gallery, Macau ‘Pop-up art store x exhibition’, HK 2014 Art Mo International Art Fair, The Venetian Macao Cotai Expo, Macau ‘Conforming to Vicinity – A Cross-Strait Four-Region Artistic Exchange Project 2014’, University Museum and Art Gallery, HK ‘Heterotopia–Exhibition of 8 Macau Contemporary Artists’, AFA, Beijing, China ‘Colorful Universe - Collective Exhibition of Macao and Shandong Artists’, Macau Forum, Macau ‘GO SEES Shop + Art Tour’, Gorilla Store, Macau ‘Conforming to Vicinity – A Cross-Strait Four-Region Artistic Exchange Project 2014’, Hexiang Ning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China ‘We Are Friends: Artwork Exchange Exhibition’, Ox Warehouse, Macau ‘2014 Macau Annual Art Exhibition’, Old Court Building, Macau ‘Conforming to Vicinity – A Cross-Strait Four-Region Artistic Exchange Project 2014’, Pingtung Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Art Revolution Taipei 2014, Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan ‘Conforming to Vicinity – A Cross-Strait Four-Region Artistic Exchange Project 2014’, Handover Gifts Museum, Macau ‘Macao Scenario – Animamix Biennale 2013-2014’, The Macau Museum of Art, Macau ‘FEBRE – 15 Artists Contemporãneos De Macau’, Museu Do Oriente, Portugal ‘Hong Kong & Macao Illustrations’, The Macao Museum of Art, Macau ‘Anno Equitum’, The Venetian Lagoon, Macau ‘Celebrating Art For All Society 6 Years’, AFA, Macau 2013 ‘2013 Art Nova’, K11, HK ‘Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013’, Bologna, Italy ‘Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013’, Itabashi Museum, Tokyo, Japan ‘Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013’, Otani Memorial Art Museum, Nishinomiya, Japan ‘Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013’, Kawara Museum, Takahama, Japan ‘Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013’, Ishikawa Nanao Art Museum, Nanao, Japan ‘2013 Art Nove’, Beijing 798 Art Factory, China ‘2013 Art Nove’, Shanghai Meilidao International Art Institution, China The 6th Cross-Straits Cultural Industry Fair, Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, Xiamen, China 2013 China Hangzhou Cultural & Creative Industry Expo, Hangzhou White House Lake Exhibition Center, Hangzhou, China Art Canton, Guangzhou, China Art Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China Art Macao, Macau ‘Forma & Innocence – Contemporary Sculpture Macau Exhibition’, The Macau Museum of Art, Macau

‘Macau Arts Biennial Exhibition’, The Venetian Macao Cotai Expo, Macau ‘Macau Artist Society Young Member Exhibition’, Mount Fortress Corridor, Macau ‘AFA Autumn Salon 2013’, Oriente Foundation, Macau ‘New York New York - The Colorful New York Art Journey’, MGM, Macau ‘XXIX The Artist Collective Exhibition of Macau – 2013 Art Nove’, IACM, Macau ‘Best 50 Painting Exhibition’, Macau. 2012 ‘Free Individual Travel… How Much Free? A Contemporary Art Exhibition’, Ox Warehouse, Macau ‘XXVIII The Artist Collective Exhibition of Macau’, IACM, Macau Hong Kong Contemporary Art Expo, Park Lane Hotel, HK ‘Discovery – A Creative Journey Through The Works of 20 Macau Contemporary Artists at MGM’, MGM, Macau ‘Colorful Universe – Collective Exhibition of Macau and Hebei Artists’, Forum de Macau, Macau ‘WAVES – AFA 5th Anniversary Members’ Exhibition’, AFA, Macau ‘AFA Autumn Salon 2012’, Oriente Foundation, Macau ‘Taiwan Macau International Art Exchange Exhibition’, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau 2008 ‘Yangshuo Landscape Exhibition’, St. Paul Corner, Macau 2007 Macao Fringe Festival ‘Waiting For You Around The Corner’, Tap Seac Square, Macau ‘Visão Multifacetada Exposição Educativo’, Zizhan Gallery, Macau AWARDS 2019 Finalist in the Sovereign Asian Art Prize, Hong Kong 2014 Selected in Taiwan 2014 International Art Competition 2013 Selected in 50th BOLOGNA Illustration Exhibition Selected in CHINA 2013 Art Nove Selected in Western Paintings group, XXXIX The Artist Collective Exhibition of Macau 2012 Plastic Arts Award, Oriente Foundation collection, Oriente Foundation, Macau Selected in Western Paintings group, XXVIII The Artist Collective Exhibition of Macau COLLECTIONS Museum of the Orient, Lisbon, Portugal Macau Government Headquarters Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Macau Museum of Art Oriente Foundation, Macau MGM Cotai, Macau University Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong, HK Private Collections (USA, Italy, Britain, Portugal, Spain, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Macau, HK) 23

霍凱盛 1990 年生於澳門 現生活並工作於澳門


2019 國立臺灣藝術大學美術學院藝術碩士 2013 澳門理工學院視覺藝術學士


2019 「來者扎記」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 2018 「今昔輿。圖」,台灣台北日帝藝術 2017 「遠東誌」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 2016 「香山嶴里巴」第四屆澳門文學節,澳門南灣舊法院大樓 「物換星移」霍凱盛作品展,澳門南灣•雅文湖畔 2015 「踏岸」霍凱盛新作展,澳門全藝社畫廊 2014 「Paraíso」,葡萄牙Arte Periférica 畫廊 「樂園」霍凱盛作品展,澳門官樂怡基金會 2014 「樂園
」霍凱盛作品展澳門瘋堂十號創意園 「Paradise 樂園」霍凱盛繪畫展,台灣北北角薪傳中心


2019 「20/20」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊周年紀念展覽 「府城榮光」,台灣台南市美術館 「Art Central」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊

2018 「在乎吃喝」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 港澳視覺藝術雙年展,中國北京民生現代美術館 「The Sun Teaches Us That History Is Not Everything」,香港奥沙畫廊 「Art Central」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 「Contemporary Drawing Fair-Drawing Room Madrid」,西班牙CÍRCULO DE BELLAS ARTES 「Art Tainan」,台灣 2017 「彩虹路公益書畫展」,中國北京民族文化宮
 「澳門當代藝術家聯展」,台灣 蘇菲亞.c 藝術空間 「微元素–澳門當代藝術進行時」,台灣 新竹 241 藝術空間 「Art of Living博覽會」,新加坡 Marina Bay Sands Expo 「亞洲插畫年度大賞」,馬來西亞吉隆坡成功時代廣場
 「魅動-澳門當代藝術展」,澳門羅斯福酒店 2016 「Swab Barcelona 藝術博覽會」,西班牙巴塞隆拿Fira Barcelona 「風景如紙」,香港凱倫偉伯畫廊 
「未日再生──台灣・澳門」,台灣台北福利社 「Young Art Taipei 2016」,台灣台北喜來登大飯店 「台灣文創藝術博覽會」,台灣台中軟體園區Dail Art廣場
 「保利澳門酒店藝術博覽會」,澳門麗景灣酒店 2015 「葡萄牙澳門當代插畫藝術展」,葡萄牙波爾圖Dama Aflita畫廊
 「藝術大阪 2015」,日本大阪格蘭比亞酒店
「2015年台北國際藝術博覽會 」,台灣台北世界貿易中心

 「MobArt Pop-up art store x exhibition」,香港元創方 Room S310

2007 澳門藝穗節「我在街頭,等你」本地學生路牌創作展,澳門塔石廣場

2014 「因地制宜—第六屆兩岸四地藝術交流計劃」,台灣屏東美術館 
 「FEBRE」澳門當代藝術 15 人展,葡萄牙東方博物館
 「2014 年台北國際藝術博覽會」,台灣台北世界貿易中心
 「青年藝術 100」,香港K11 Art hall
 「2014 杭州文博會」,中國杭州白馬湖國際會展中心
 「Anno Equitum」,澳門威尼斯人人工湖畔


2013 「2013 義大利波隆那插畫展」,意大利波隆那展覽館
 「2013 義大利波隆那插畫展」,日本東京板橋區立美術館
 「2013 義大利波隆那插畫展」,日本西宮市大谷紀念美術館
 「2013 義大利波隆那插畫展」,日本高濱市陶瓷之鄉瓦的美術館
 「2013 義大利波隆那插畫展」,日本石川縣七尾市美術館 「2013青年藝術 100」,中國北京798藝術工廠
 「2013青年藝術 100」,中國上海1927 Art Space 「2013 廈門文博會」,中國廈門國際會展中心
 「2013 杭州文博會」,中國杭州白馬湖國際會展中心
 「NEW YORK NEW YORK」,紐約藝術色彩之旅,澳門美高梅酒店


2019 入選索夫林傑出亞洲藝術獎 2014 入選台灣2014年國際藝術家評選賽 2013 入選意大利博洛尼亞國際插畫展 入選中國2013年青年藝術100 入選「第二十九屆全澳書畫聯展」西畫組 2012 「東方基金會榮譽獎」, 澳門 入選「第二十八屆全澳書畫聯展」西畫組

葡萄牙東方博物館 澳門政府總部 澳門文化局 澳門藝術博物館 澳門東方基金會 澳門美獅美高梅 香港大學美術博物館 私人收藏 (美國、意大利、英國、葡萄牙、西班牙、新加坡、韓國、台灣、澳門、香港)

2012 「自由行不行」當代藝術作品展」,澳門牛房倉庫
 「香港當代(Hong Kong Contemporary)博覽會」,香港柏寧酒店
 「乾坤再造」澳門當代藝術 20 人展」,澳門美高梅 2008 「陽朔采風自由行作品展」,澳門三巴藝門 25

CREDITS 20 Aberdeen Street, Central. Hong Kong 香港中環鴨巴甸街20號地下 +852 2544 5004

karinwebergaller y.com art@karinwebergaller y.com

© 2019 Karin Weber Galler y All rights are reser ved


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