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Proper nutrition ensures complete stability within the human body

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Your Turn To Swing

Your Turn To Swing

Emily Rodriguez | Reporter

Nutrition can vary for many different types of people from teens all the way to an adult. Young bodies can absorb nutrients from the foods they eat more quickly than older bodies. Healthy just means a food that stops the human body from getting sick and keeps people living longer. Nutritious means a food that fills the body system with the sufficient amount of nutrients (vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins) the bodies requires to survive.


As health can avoid getting people sick and have a more chance for humans to live, nutrients can keep the human body from working improperly.

“If you don’t have enough nutrition, your body won’t be able to function correctly,” junior Christopher Chapa said.

Along with helping bodies function properly, it can do so much more,

“It helps balance both your health and your wellness and daily activities, your sleep, and your pattern throughout the day focusing on the nutrition that helps your body and your mind,” sophomore Mikaela Ancira said. “They’re important and very necessary to the well being of your body.”

Without nutrients, health can be affected. Eating the wrong types of food gives the body improper instructions, which can lead to ill health and disease.

“If I didn’t have any nutrients, I would be very tired and have no energy to do my work,” junior Kaden Johnson said.

As for some people, it's something to think about on a daily basis. Many bodies require different food and nutrients, “Nutrients are something I think about every day,” senior Rebecca Rees said. “Whether I'm just taking vitamins or eating a meal, I think getting the correct amount of nutrients is essential.”

Nutrients are a requirement that the body must must process through in the human body system, without it, things can go wrong.

“Without nutrients your body can’t function, so your mood is awful, your body’s going to start doing things that it wouldn't normally do, you’re going to be more tired,” sophomore Sophie Griffin said. “You’re not going to do as well in school. So, having good nutrition just helps improve your mood, your energy and making sure you’re living a healthy life.”

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