UnhhService Customer h Portfolio Karla Rodríguez 10th CCLL “C” “C” Key: #22
INDEX -Presentations -Homeworks -Investment Proyect -Pictionary
Listen to your Customer
Summ Summary Hearing and listening is not the same thing. Hearing is purely physical activity by which sound waves are sent to the brain for understanding. And Listening is refers to the psychological processes that allows us to attach meaning to the patterns of energy we “”hear”.
Listening Habits
Summary Most of us did not become poor listeners overnight, we learned how over a period of time—we develop poor listening habits. Customers almost always make buying decisions based on feeling and emotion. The objective of CAA is to reduce the degree to which a listener listens through his or her own biases. CAA forces you to listen objectively until you truly understand rather than to listen only until you think of a response or disagreement.
Use the Telephone Well for GOOD SERVICE
Summary Always
Ironically, people who answer calls from customers are often among the lowest paid in the organization, yet they are the voice and image of the entire company to customers. Many people have never learned the basics of telephone courtesy and effectiveness necessary to convey a good business image.
Web Page and Electronic Communication
Summary Internet
assistance. Email provides delayed answers to customer inquiries. Customer’s emails should be acknowledged and responded within 24 hours. E-services are not only cost-effective, but they can provide additional benefits such as improved customer relationships. Web-self service has a significant cost advantage over traditional customer service channels, such as talking to a live agent on the telephone.
ACTION TIPS Action Tip 15- When calling others, ask: “Is this a Convenient Time to talk?” Is necessary to ask if is a good time to talk because sometimes a person is busy so he can’t concentrate of the call, or you let the caller know and arrange another time to talk that would be more convenient, remember ask in what time you can callback and take care of that.
Action Tip 16- Take Messages Cheerfully and Accurately When you take a message for another person you will have to take list of key words and phrases, read the message back to the caller to be sure if the things you write are correct. To avoid possible communication problems, it is important to:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Get the full name and correct spelling. Ask for the name of the organization if appropriate. Get the full telephone number If the caller doesn’t volunteer any specific message, you have to ask if he/she want to leave a message. 5. Say “Thank you” 6. Note the time and date the message was taken
Action Tip 17- Make Your Greeting Message Efficient When you are not available, let an answering machine or voice mail To work fine, follow this:
• • •
In the message you need to include who you are, the days and hours that you are available and in the end said “Please leave a message”. You can ask for the callers to let you specific information, but don’t ask too much. Assure the caller that you will return the call.
If you are want to leave a message on another person’s machine, following these states:
• • • • •
Your name Time and day of your call A brief explanation of why you are calling Your phone number When you can be reached
Action Tip 18- Learn to use your phone’s Features
In many companies, employees can’t use the phone system, and that cause’s customer dissatisfaction, one example of these is that if you put customer on hold be careful not to be abrupt, and when transferring a call to another person, take a moment and explain why. Customer dissatisfaction with a firm’s phone call handling stems from two general class: 1. Inability of employees to use the features of telephone and voice mail system 2. Shortcomings in treating customers with highest degree of courtesy. If you are uncertain about the use of your telephone system’s features, take time to read the user’s guide or call the service provider.
Action Tip 19- Plan Your Outgoing Calls for Efficiency When placing a business call, plan what you will say, jot down some notes that include:
1. The purpose of your call 2. A list of information you need to get or give Be sure you identify yourself and the reason for your call early in the conversation. Be serious and not playing because some people don’t like that.
Remember that small talks are useful to create a good relationship with callers
Action Tip 20- Don’t Let the Telephone Interrupt Important Live Conversation Telephone skills are important for career success in almost every field. Take the opportunity to attend seminars or view videos that help you to learn new and specialized skills. Remind them of importance of good telephone skills. Be observant; listen carefully to both the spoken and unspoken messages that may be sent to your callers.
Action tip 21- Persistently Work to Improve You Telephone Communications Telephone skills are very important in any company and any career. Take the opportunity to see videos or take classes that teach you how to use and specialized skills. This type of communication is very limited because persons, the callers and you can’t see each others, so you have to be patient and very observant to reach all the information.
What is the difference between hearing and listening?
Hearing is the process of perceiving sound produced by any sound source in the environment while listening is the process of deriving meaning from organized sounds. Many people thing that hearing and listening are the same, but this are very different things.
Mention the three types of factors that complicate the listening process and pose potential barriers
information, or it can be underutilized with too little.
Thousands of messages call for our attention every day.
We chose
which ones to listen to.
conversation. •
What two things can generate communication problems?
attention, make people think that you care about what they said, but you only are ignored them it can cause a problem, other thing is talking more than listening, you can talk but you also have to listen what other people think or feel. •
What does CAA stand for and what does it mean?
Counter-attitudinal advocacy (CAA) Express a point of view that you put yourself in the other persons shoes, forces you to listen until you truly understand.
Mention describe, and explain in your own words the three Action Tips that you consider most important.
Action Tip # 1— Greet Customers like Guests: In customer service, 80 percent of success is treating customers like a guest who just showed up. A friendly greeting is one of those little things that mean a lot, even in more subdued businesses, a welcome is appreciated.
Action Tip # 4—Call People by name: Customers appreciate when people make the effort of calling them by their names, this action can project a company’s personality to its customers and build loyalty. You should be careful not to be so familiar so quickly because sometimes it
customers prefer being called by their first name, they’ll tell you so. -
Action Tip# 10–Smile: Smile will make your customer feel in a friendly place. It’s important to employees to smile to make customers feel good, comfortable, so they will know they are in the right place.
In your own word define the following: Faking attention: When you act like you are paying attention when some one are talking to you, we usually say things like, “yeah”, “I know”, “really”. Listening capacity: Ability to listen, pay attention and not be distracted by any noise around the place. Noise: Refers to sounds that are irrelevant to the conversation,
this can
be a distracter in a conversation.
Gatekeepers: Gatekeepers: All is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication. Wide asleep listener: When you look directly at the person, as if you are paying attention, maybe thinking about other thing, in short words when you ignored people. Habit: Something that people usually do.
Homework: Instructions:Read pg. 74 mentioning points to keep in mind about Instructions: using blogs.
Then, copy each, illustrate it and explain in your own
words. -
Use blogs as a real-time online conversation. If there’s a conversation going on about your issue or organization, you need to be involved in the dialogue.
Conversations in blogs have to as a realreal-time, if there is conversation you will have to involved in the dialogue.
be a be
Remember the 80/20 rule; 20 percent of the people in the world have great influence on how the other 80 percent think. The 20 percent are actively reading blogs.
20 percent of people are actively Reading blogs, and this 20 percent have an influence on how the other 80 percent of the people think.
Understand that almost one-third of all U.S. Internet users read online forums (according to respected source Forrester Research), so the potential for communicating about customer service (for good or ill) is high.
Many percent of internet users of U.S read online forums, so there is a high potential for communication about customer service.
Reach out to bloggers who follow your issues. If possible, have conference calls with them. Engage them.
Have a good relationship with the bloggers who follow your issues, have conference calls with them, is important to engage them.
Submit post/comments from your organization’s leaders on blogs. It establishes that you willing and able to be part of the conversation.
If you want to establish to bloggers bloggers that you are willing and able to be part of any conversation, you will have to submit post/comments from your organization’s leader on blogs.
Case Study •
Read the story of Garth´s call to the car dealership preented on page 56.
Then, describe four telephone use problems that probably led to
Garth´s irritation and his decision not do business with that dealer. Problem 1: The receptionist didn’t identify herself properly, and she just put the call on hold. Problem
information about the cars, like if he didn’t work there! Problem 3: After we waited a long time another salesman answers the call and when he said: “I’m already being helped” the salesman hangs up the call without acknowledging. When the original salesman picked up the telephone and abruptly said: “The owner says it’s not for sale”. Problem 4: The salesperson didn’t wait to Garth to finish the conversation and hang up the phone, because of that he will never want to do business with that company.
Mention six telephone tips in this chapter that could avoid these issues from happening.
Action Tip 11- Check Your Phone Use Altitudes Many people have a love-hate relationship with the telephone; of course we all know
that the telephone can
be a powerful
for sales, information
gathering and relationship building. By receiving and initiating calls, we can accomplish a lot. Yet some people are phone-shy. They are hesitant to call
others and sometimes hesitant about answering incoming calls. They perceive the phone call as an intrusion on their other activities Perhaps this attitude is reinforced by the annoyance of dinnertime telemarketers. It can also help you improve your telephone techniques by showing what you may be doing wrong. Action Tip 33- Avoid Unnecessary Call Screening The amount of call screening reveals certain attitudes toward phone use. Screening means having someone answer for you, acting as your gatekeeper. Ideally, people should be encouraged to answer their telephone unless busy in a face-to-face conversation with a customer. Routine screening of calls by secretary or receptionist often creates resentment in the caller. The constant use of “May I say who is calling?” is recognized as a dodge- an opportunity for the person to decide if he or she wants to talk or not. Customers get annoyed when there are too many gatekeepers. Action Tip 44-Answer with Professionalism Use of “How may I help you” following your name tells callers whom they are speaking to and that you are ready to converse with them. When answering another person’s telephone, be sure to identify both that other person and yourself , get in the habit of doing this and you will set a good example for others who may realize the advantage of such courtesy. Action Tip 66- Thanks People for Calling “Thank you” is the most powerful phrase in human relations. Express appreciation regularly. Some companies use it as a greeting. “Thanks you for calling Avis”, a “thanks for calling” at the end of a conversation is also a strong customer satisfaction booster. If reassures the customer that you interests in serving and that the call was not an intrusion. Action Tip 77- Smile Smile
Picture the person you are talking with and treat that person as though you were face-to-face with a friend. Be pleasant, concerned, and helpful. Physically smiling somehow comes through the telephone via your voice tones. Keep a mirror by the telephone to remind yourself to smile. If your face looks grumpy or stressed, you are probably coming across the way to the caller. Lighten up and your cheerfulness can be contagious. Action Tip 11 Use good telephone techniques Some of the most important details that you should know are: *The caller should know your name *You should have expressions, even do you are not seen your voice transmits your fellings. *Make key questions *Maintained the caller informed *Explain everything that is not clear enough. *Use a friendly vocabulary, and NEVER accuse the customers. Action Tip 1616- Take Messages Cheerfully and Accurately Be willing to take messages for others. Take list of key words and phrases, read the message back to the caller to be sure if the things you write are correct. To avoid possible communication problems, it is important to: 7. Get the full name and correct spelling. 8. Ask for the name of the organization if appropriate. 9. Get the full telephone number, including the area code if it’s long distance. 10. If the caller doesn’t volunteer any specific message, you have to ask if he/she want to leave a message. 11.
Say “Thank you”
12. Note the time and date the message was taken, and add your initials in case there are any questions.
Remember, if you don’t have clearly any information, ask to the caller to repeat you, and remember to return the call to the person that needed talk to you. Action Tip 1717- Make Your Greeting Message Efficient When you are not available, let an answering machine or voice mail. Keep the answering message current and not too long. To work fine, follow this: •
In the message you need to include who you are, the days and hours that you are available and in the end said “Please leave a message”.
You can ask for the callers to let you specific information, but don’t ask too much.
Assure the caller that you will return the call.
If you are want to leave a message on another person’s machine, following these states: •
Your name (spoken clearly and spell if necessary)
Time and day of your call
A brief explanation of why you are calling
Your phone number
When you can be reached
Action Tip 1818- Learn to use your phone’s Features Phones are constantly coming up with new features; unfortunately many businesspeople haven’t learned to use the many tricks available through their phone system. Customer dissatisfaction with a firm’s phone call handling stems from two general class: 3. Inability of employees to use the features of telephone and voice mail system 4. Shortcomings in treating customers with highest degree of courtesy.
A frequently used feature is the call transfer. Ask customers if it’ll be okay if you put them on hold for a specific amount of time. Ideally, you will be back on the phone in the allotted time or sooner. If you transfer the call to another person, take a moment to explain why. One Question caller are likely to have when transferred how much does the new person know about my call. If this don’t happen and people transfer you to a person you don’t know any detail about the caller’s need, be open about that. Be open about the caller’s feelings, be a very nice way to reduce the annoyance of having to retell the story. If you are uncertain about the use of your telephone system’s features, take time to read the user’s guide or call the service provider. Action Tip 88- Be sure Conversation is Finished before You Hang Up If you initiated the call, take the responsibility for ending it. Use conclusion words such as “Thank you for your help or “That is just what I needed” and if you received the call, be sure the caller is finished in our earlier auto dealer story Garth was about to ask the salesperson if the dealership had any other sports cars available, but was cut off before he could, it can be a good practice so simply ask, “Is there anything else I can help you with?” at the end of the call or depending on your company, you might offer additional specific services or products.
Burger Supreme 3. Locate a link that mentions customer loyalty towards Burger Supreme. 4. Analyze the link mentioning important information. 5. I would like to go to Burger Supreme because it looks a very interesting restaurant and is not common, so I would like to try. Burgers Supreme Catering specializes in taking all of the responsibility of the food off of your plate (pun intended) and allowing you to actually enjoy the event you are in charge of. We have extensive experience in catering wedding dinners, wedding receptions, corporate events (lunches, dinners), church activities, family reunions and any other event that you want amazing food at. For 20 years Burgers Supreme has served the residents of Utah County with their award winning charbroiled hamburgers, fantastic French fries and world renowned fry sauce and now you can enjoy this world class food without going to the restaurant! They have 13 items in their menu Quoted Prices Include Heavy paper goods, buffet setup, and one and one-half hours of buffet service. Events requiring longer buffet service will be charged accordingly. Included buffet service begins at the customer’s chosen start time for the event; additional charges may apply when an event’s planned start time is delayed. Entrees:All prices are per person. 21
• • •
Hamburger/Cheeseburger: (Includes bun, lettuce, tomato, fry sauce, and/or ketchup and mustard) - $3.99 Chicken Sandwich: (Includes bun, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise) - $3.79 Chicken&PineappleKabobs: (2 Skewers)-- $5.89 Hot Dog: (Includes bun, ketchup and mustard) - $2.79 Side Orders:
All prices are per person . • • • • • • •
French Fries: (Includes fry sauce) - $2.59 Garden Salad: - $1.99 Caesar Salad: - $1.99 Cole Slaw: - $1.99 AssortedFruit: AssortedFruit: - $2.39 BakedBeans: - $1.99 Beverages: (Bottled Water, Assorted Soda's, Crystal Light) - $.89 Desserts:
All prices are per person. • •
Cookies: (Variety) - $0.99 Brownies: (Frosted) - $0.99 Fine Print:
• •
• •
Special menu items available upon request All prices are subject to change without notice on this website. All final prices will be provided to you in a written bid from Burgers Supreme Catering $500 Minimumfoodorderrequired. 50 % deposit required to reserve the date of the event. Balance due the day of event Sales and restaurant taxes are not included.
Investment Proyect
Business Plan to Generate Investors “SWEET SWEET BOX” BOX Service or Product Description: Description Our company "Sweet Box” will sell many desserts like brownies, pies, cakes, cookies, etc. But our specialty will be the cupcakes; we will have the best cupcakes, with the best flavors and designs. Market Opportunities: Opportunities We believe our business will be successful because the majority of people like cupcakes or at least their like the idea of the cupcakes decoration, we’ll make our product delicious, attractive and unique for calling the customers attention and by the way being a successful business. Other companies like ‘Sweeties’ and ‘Anfora’ have the same product and a variety of them. Unique Traits or Characteristics: -
Good customer service. Our quality of food. Facilities. Our values as a company. Cost of the product accessible. People are satisfied with their product. Give good impression. Get people back. 24
Make people feel comfortable
Market Leader: Leader Our market leader is Sweeties. Target Market: Market Our main customer will be young adults and children. Promotion and Advertising: Advertising We publish in newspapers because it is an accessible and easy for people to be seen, also through billboards that people are attracted to but if decorated with bright colors, give fliers in malls of our company and that is give the opening to try our delicious cupcakes. Physical Location: Location We will like to be pacing in Oakland Mall and Miraflores Mall because many people go there with their family and friends, so then they can see our product and buy some desserts. Slogan: Because the sweetest things, makes life better.
Sweet Box
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Click Path
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often metallic
Represents one
My companies
have e-
application of
utilizing the use of information in different areas.
Frequently Asqued Questions
constant or
habitual .
customers make frequently asqued questions..
Knowledge Base
facts, We can know
or all
experiences known
a in
a their
person or group knowledge
Live Chat
of people.
To converse in
an easy, familiar
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manner; talk
of live chat.
lightly and casually.
Online Forum
a site on the internet where a
Many companies
number of users use online can
forum to
communicate in
real time
Social Network
a website that
Twitter is a
subscribers to
interact, typically by requesting that others add them to their visible list of contacts
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any spam
electronic mail
mails today.
or text messages simultaneously to a number of e email addresses or mobile phones
Web Chat
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in tool
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web interfaces interfaces.