Technological processes to increase the nutritional value of food ……………………….. 3
Ethylene production of tropical fruits ……...4
Biodegradable active packaging for greasy products from agro products……………...5
Panela , an agro-industrial product of high nutritional value…… 6
Production of refined sugar…….. 7
Betzabeth Briceño
Lucianny Salas.
Karina Mujica
Karla Vasquez. 2
The heat treatment accelerates the carbohydrate -protein interactions arious products , bypro- and other reactions also occur betducts and waste have been evalua- ween the free amino groups of lysited as alternatives that contribute to ne and amide groups of asparagine the partial or total replacement of and glutamine , forming amide linkaimports. These studies have been ges between the epsilon amino developed for the tropical or subtro- group of lysine and the carboxyl pical countries dependent own group of both , for exporters , since many of the acid aspartic or glutamic acid, these alternatives, mean nutritional with elimination of ammonia. and environmental solutions wheneThis reduces the digestibility of prover technological processes to ensutein and amino acid availability . re adequate nutritional value and hygienic quality of the product are used and consequently a better disposal of waste less environmental pollution. The main methods used for extracting oil from seeds are : solvents , hydraulic pressure , screw pressure or combination of this with the use of solvents . These processes involve the production pressure a considerable amount of heat and are potentially harmful to the nutritional value of proteins.
thylene is used primarily to induce maturation consumption climacteric fruits such as bananas and to develop typical of certain non- climacteric fruits such as citrus color. There is no restriction on international markets regarding the use of ethylene in postharvest fruit . Ethylene concentrations required for mature climacteric fruits are organoleptically 0.1 to 1ppm , most cases . 90-95 % relative humidity and 10 to 100 ppm ethylene . The optical conditions for ripening of fruits such as banana , mango and papaya with exogenous ethylene exclude
temperature of 19-25ยบC . , 90 -95 % relative humidity and 10-100 ppm of ethylene
The duration of treatment varies between 24 and 72 hours, depending on the type of fruit and its ripeness . To ensure uniform ethylene and disposal of CO2 generated by the product distribution , good air circulation and proper ventilation in the ripening are necessary.
BIOMAT research group of the University of the Basque Country, has developed a biodegradable container monolayer fatty products, both liquid and solid, from agro-industrial products. This is a particularly active packaging with natural antioxidants for additional fatty, fatty or semi-fat cheese and cheese portions. This package extends the life of the product in good condition, very important not only for product quality but also to reduce the amount of food discarded without using.
rial. Therefore, innovation in the packaging industry has focused on developing new and more sustainable materials with improved properties, economically viable and meet the required functions to contain, protect and conserve, consumer information and facilitate distribution product.
Increasing the presence of plastic in our life is an unstoppable tendency, due to the versatility of this mate-
Panela is a derivative of sugar cane product that is popular in many Latin American countries. The production process of sugar cane is basically the same in the regions where it is made. However, traditional variations in each region are applied with respect to juice extraction, clarification and concentration thereof, and the dot churning operation; as well as the equipment used and chemicals used for clarification. It is also likely that the variety of sugarcane and cultural practices applied are important factors in the production and quality of sugar cane and its chemical composition.
In this article the values of the chemical composition of sugar cane from several countries in Latin America are analyzed, in order to suggest what kind of nutritional value offers and offers the possibility of it being a vehicle for delivering nutrients, in particular minerals, the diet of the population. Nutrient levels are low in practically all nutrients, even though the party offers some possibilities mineral nutrition; Therefore, apart from the panela is a mainly energy food.
The development took place with the evolution of technology but maintaining the classic methods of producing brown sugar, white crystal or refined sugar. The refining process, with redissolution of the crystals for a new purification step allows to obtain higher purity refined sugar; This sugar, as the process may be crystal or amorphous. The process developed in this work is based on sucrose low solubility in organic solvents as compared to water. Mainly because of its availability, practicality and solubilization characteristics of sucrose, ethanol was the solvent chosen. Aiming to find a solution with the highest concentration of sucrose and higher alcohol content, the starting raw material should be the sugar cane syrup, obtained by conventional process, once this covers the requirement to have a high concentration of sucrose . Thus, the process shown in this work, only conventional Differentiat from syrup processing. The dilution of the syrup
with ethanol, results in a sweetened hydro-alcoholic solution that allows land filtration and activated carbon filter and so remove impurities and color, establishing this laboratory procedure as an alternative in other syrups for clarification by the advantages and which presents simplicity. After removing impurities syrup, we proceeded to] a next stage of nucleation / precipitation of sugar present in super-saturation in the water-alcohol solution. The aim of this paper is to present desarro11o bases of a new process route that even yet considered under the aspect of academic innovation can stimulate feasibility of obtaining an amorphous quality sugar for consumption.