corporis chirsti societas

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800 Bering Drive, Suite 360 Houston, Texas 77057

“I would also like to encourage those associations of the faithful and confraternities specifically devoted to Eucharistic adoration; they serve as a leaven of contemplation for the whole church and a summons to individuals and communities to place Christ at the center of their lives.� Pope Benedict XVI

A Great Awakening Centered Around Christ Leading the Way We Need Your Help

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“Adoration outside Holy Mass prolongs and intensifies what has taken place in the liturgical celebration and makes a true and profound reception of Christ possible. I… warmly recommend, to pastors and to all the faithful, the practice of Eucharistic adoration.”

A Great Awakening CORPORIS




ope John Paul II called for the Church to commit itself to a rededication – a “new evangelization” – by celebrating and sharing the gift of salvation that Christ gives freely to

all mankind. Perpetual Eucharistic adoration is a cornerstone of such evangelism. It gives every Catholic the opportunity to spend time in the presence of Christ – giving thanks for redemption, making reparation for sin, and petitioning God for grace and strength. Perpetual adoration is observed in more than 2,000 congregations worldwide. In practice, the congregation displays a monstrance – the holder of the Holy Eucharist – on or above the main altar, a special altar, or in a small chapel. Often organized by laity under guidance and authority of a parish pastor, parish members can pray and worship Christ, truly present in the Eucharist. A devotion schedule, where volunteer parishioners attend Christ for a specified period, usually in one-hour increments, is set up so the Eucharist is never left alone. Corporis Christi Societas (CCS), a Texas-based non-profit foundation, is devoted – in fidelity to the authoritative teachings and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church – to the advancement of Eucharistic causes and, more specifically, perpetual adoration all around the world. A primary ambition is the establishment of perpetual Eucharistic adoration centers worldwide. In order to deepen the spirituality of Catholics with the opportunity to devote time in the presence of our Most Blessed Sacrament, we need your help.

Pope Benedict XVI 3

“The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time to go to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation full of faith.” Pope John Paul II

Centered Around Christ CORPORIS


The Eucharist is God with us. It is Our Lord present in His body, blood, soul and divinity. Perpetual adoration of His Eucharistic presence has been a heavenly gift to the vocation process of so many of our priests and the religious. It fosters community, renews Catholic family life, and increases Mass attendance. CCS will contribute to the Catholic Church’s new evangelization by taking a lay leadership role in advancing adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be accomplished by:


Providing funding and other necessary resources for the

establishment of Eucharistic centers worldwide, initially in the

United States and Europe.

• The centers will be established to organize, support and fund the advancement of perpetual Eucharistic adoration. •

In concept, an adoration chapel will form the spiritual hub of each center. Centers may also contain facilities for retreats, seminars and conferences coordinated by the centers’ staff. Experienced clergy and lay ministers will train new parish-level ministers to orchestrate the effective commencement and ongoing operation of new adoration chapels. Also, with the consent of the local bishop, the centers’ staff and volunteer workers will support the mission of revitalizing existing chapels of perpetual adoration.

The centers will organize an annual conference for parish-level coordinators of perpetual adoration within their respective continents. CCS board member, Fr. Florian X. Racine, was instrumental in organizing the first two highly successful perpetual adoration conferences in Paray Le Monial, France in 2006 and 2007. CCS members and affiliates have established more than 400 adoration chapels in 14 countries thus far.


“The hidden treasure… is Jesus Himself, the Kingdom in person. In the Sacred Host He is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us. Only by adoring this presence do we learn how to receive Him properly; we learn the reality of communion.”

Leading the Way CORPORIS


CCS’ devotion to the Catholic Church’s new evangelization and to the advancement of Eucharistic causes currently includes:


Establishing and nurturing an association of head coordinators for perpetual Eucharistic adoration in parishes throughout North America.

• P erpetual Eucharistic Adoration Coordinators Exchange (PEACE) will provide adoration program directors with comprehensive resources such as a menu of speakers available for an annual renewal week, updated Church guidelines, prayer and meditation materials, and proven organizational manuals, including a customized database.

w Contributing

to the theme and objectives of the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec, Canada.

• C CS will sponsor a booth to distribute materials, information and contacts to congress participants already involved in Eucharistic adoration and to those who wish to explore the potential for new adoration programs within their parish or diocese. CCS will also host a sanctioned meeting for head coordinators and other adoration volunteers to meet, learn and share information and encouragement for their work.


Offering comprehensive assistance to any parish wishing to initiate perpetual Eucharistic adoration.

• T his typically includes a weekend of evangelization and subsequent organizational meetings with experienced clergy, lay speakers and organizers. CCS will also provide all necessary instructional or organizational materials as well as meditation and prayer booklets.


Funding and printing the Vatican International Exhibit, The Eucharistic Miracles of the World, for the office of Marian devotion in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

Pope Benedict XVI


“Specifically, I hope that the fruit of this congress results in the establishment of perpetual Eucharistic adoration in all parishes and Christian communities throughout the world.” Pope John Paul II

We Need Your Help CORPORIS


The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches the Eucharist is the “sum and summary of our faith.” It instills an enduring Catholic identity among the faithful. Your support of Corporis Christi Societas, these Eucharistic Centers, and the cause of perpetual adoration will allow Catholics everywhere to explore and discover new depths of spirituality in time spent in the presence of our Most Blessed Sacrament. The understanding, faith and sense of responsibility fostered through perpetual adoration fuels evangelism and vocations, and strengthens churches, families and communities. Just as God was not recognized in Christ 2000 years ago, so Christ is not appreciated today in the Blessed Sacrament. Perpetual adoration of Our Lord in the Eucharistic Host is integrally important to the rejuvenation of our Church and the world. Please answer this call for a dynamic awakening and renewal of our Church. For more information on how to donate your time or money to the advancement of our causes, please contact:

Kirk Pfeffer, President 800 Bering Drive, Suite 360 Houston, Texas 77057 713.783.5388 Loretta L. Winn, Director 4323 East Acoma Phoenix, Arizona 85032 602.332.2520




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