Benefits You Enjoy When You Learn to Play Piano

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Benefits You Enjoy When You Learn to Play Piano Either you heap approbation from guests gathered round in a small get-together or rally an auditorium-filled crowd to cheer and applaud you during a show: that is what is most likely to happen after you play the piano with unmistakable dexterity. And the excitement is just so surreal you would want to sit through another aweinspiring performance, hoping to yet again yield praise for this talent of yours. When you learn to play piano, the most obvious advantage is that you become a musical wonder in the eyes of spectators. But then, there are more benefits than just this. Playing the piano can actually increase your brain power and improve your character, more so, your outlook in life.

Too fanciful and farfetched? Not really. Below are some other benefits you can reap when you learn piano. Stimulates your brain

Playing the piano is a good exercise for the brain. Since it involves bodily functions, it helps the brain to stay active as it monitors your body’s actions and reactions when you play. And it goes beyond the movements of your fingers and all other muscles involved. For instance, when you sight-read, the brain functions accordingly to interpret the signs you see on the music sheet. It decodes these musical symbols first before your fingers get to translate them on the keyboard to produce music. Too, the brain begins to work when you start analyzing music theories. Chords, notes, and melodies are things that are not really so simple that basic understanding is just what it takes. Yes, you need some mental calisthenics to fully grasp their meaning and application. Clearly, this is critical and creative thinking at its finest! Develops your self-esteem It has been proven that when you play piano, or any other musical instrument, you increase your confidence. You see, learning music entails hard work and dedication. And so, as you reap the fruits of your labor, you get to build on your self-esteem as you go along. Imagine yourself in a piano recital. When you finish your performance and the crowd starts to clap for you, it is as if you instantly become the king or queen of the world. Very much like winning a championship game of your favorite sport in which you were the hero that scored the winning point. When that happens, you feel the urge of doing it over and over again. You start believing in yourself, in your talent. And there you are, a confident star on the rise. When you learn to play piano, you also develop a positive outlook in life, specifically when you find yourself confronted by difficult tasks. How? Well, mastering your piano-playing is not a walk in the park. As such, as you learn, you get to value what it takes to become bigger than the challenges you face. Improves your coordination and concentration Learn piano and you will also improve the way your hands coordinate with your eyes. In fact, there is more to this. Since the piano requires you to have independence for both hands, your motor skills are also sure to get an upgrade. At the same time, when you attempt to learn a certain piano piece, you get to focus on it before finally playing. Your concentration is then taken up a notch as you figure out how to correctly key in the notes and maintain your rhythm.

Boosts your social participation As playing the piano can develop your confidence, it then becomes easier for you to deal with different people. When you learn to play piano, with a piano teacher, for instance, you get to exchange insights with him/her regarding music, which is a step forward towards you being able to express yourself more. If you know how to play the piano, it is likely for you, too, to perform on social gatherings like parties, reunions, etc. and mingle with people thereafter.

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