Per magazine issue 1

Page 1


Fantastic Frighteningly Recipes

A weekend in

THE CITY OF LOVE The delights of

Oysters Health

Eye to Eye

Days Out Food & Drink Festivals

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| Perx Autumn Edition 2017


Editor’s Letter

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Perx Magazine Packed with interesting features on travel, health, food and drink, we hope we can inspire you to enjoy life to the full. Our autumn issue brings two fabulous features on the much loved European cities of Bruges and Paris. I feel sure when reading you will be tempted to pack a bag and visit many of the places we have mentioned. October also brings Halloween and there are plenty of ‘Spooktastic’ recipes in our cookery pages as well as some interesting facts on Pumpkins. With ‘fine dining’ in mind, our Oyster feature and highlights of the many food festivals on the ‘Days Out’ pages, will ensure you’ll have the best of the autumn season covered. Until next time, take advantage of the great offers and enjoy living.

Fiona Lowry Editor

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| Perx Autumn Edition 2017 03

Reap the benefits of the best

estivo.1s in the uk

October is the heart of the harvest season and what better time to take advantage of the many food festivals around. So liven your taste buds and awaken your senses, as you grab some culinary Inspiration with a trip to one of autumn's gastro feasts.


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Caldicot Castle. October 14th - 15th, 2017

�/m0ulh (5},,skr <IFes!ioa/ October 12th - 15th, 2017

The festival celebrates the start of the oyster season which runs from October until March, when local boats will trawl the natural oyster beds of the surrounding area using traditional methods of sail and oar, in search of the prized local native oysters renowned for their sweet, delicate flavour. The programme includes live music, Comish food produce, arts and crafts, real ale & wine bars, oyster & seafood bars, boat race and Grand Oyster Parade. Throughout the four-day event, Events Square in the heart of Falmouth is transformed into a Cornish Cornucopia of stalls brimming with oysters, seafood, wine and other delicacies. Falmouth Oyster Festival has seen an increasing number of Cornish food and drink producers promoting their quality produce alongside the longstanding craft fair stalls in the festival marquee.

This autumn, visitors to the Monmouthshire Food Festival at the magnificent Caldicot Castle will be able t o explore some of the best food and drink that Wales has to offer. From the demonstration theatre - where the very best chefs in the country will be showing off their skills, to the pr oducers market, where you'll find plenty of tasty goodies t o take home with you from the local area. You can taste beer which has been brewed locally, as well as the opportunity for budding cooks to get involved with 'hands on' w orkshops including master classes. If your bringing the little ones along, too, head to the children's quarter, where there will be plenty of healthy treats for them to try and a range of activities t o help them learn about food.

Festival visitors can savour the expanding range of mouth watering Cornish food and drink, both on site whilst taking in the festival atmosphere or t o take home and enjoy.


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Whats On Perx Manchester Food &Drink Festival September 28th – October 9th, 2017 Now in its 20th year. The festival hub – Albert Square, will once again be transformed into a pop-up food village with more food transfo and drink experiences than ever before. With celebrity chefs demonstrating, live music in the surrounding restaurants, the Oktober Fest Beer Keller and Bespoke Festival Wine Bar, this festival will prove to be an exciting, busy event. As an urban food and drink festival it will expand across the city centre offering sizzling food adventures throughout Manchester’s streets and squares, teamed with additional highlights hosted in the The Big Festival Hub, Albert Square. Award winning cookery writer & entrepeneur Ella Mills will be at the the festival hub for a Q&A & book signing on the 30th Sept. There The will be lots for the family to enjoy. Festival highlights must be the Manchester Chocolate Festival on October 8th, and a must for all budding Jamie Oliviers – The Kid’s Food Fest on October 9th.

Gwledd Conwy Feast October 27th – 29th, 2017

Gwledd Conwy Feast returns to Conwy with a full programme of events, offering a wide range of food stalls, demonstrations and food related entertainment. The Demonstration Kitchen this year will feature featu chefs from local hotels and restaurants. There will be a Medieval re-enactment, The Coastal Hawks, beer and champagne tents, along with farming, gardening, bee beekeeping and foraging demonstrations. Three stages at key points around the town will host an array of music and entertainment, in addition to a Tea Dance for feast-goers to have the chance to trip the light fantastic! In previous years there has been a street market full of stalls, whilst a Christmas marquee will feature demonstrations of Christmas recipes, also giving the visitors opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping.


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Oysters taste the sea…

06 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017



ating raw oysters is a uniquely invigorating experience; the essence of tasting the sea in edible form. However many of us shy away from oysters, rendering them tasteless and undesirable, yet for much of recorded history, they have been regarded as a simple form of sustenance. Shells found on archaeological sites indicate that people were eating oysters 6,000 years ago. In Britain they moved from everyday food to luxury food with the arrival of the Romans. However by Victorian times, they had lost their status and pickled oysters were used as everyday food for the poor in London. Oysters were an important food source in all coastal areas where they could be found, and oyster fisheries were an important industry where they were plentiful. Overfishing and pressure from diseases and pollution have sharply reduced supplies, yet they remain a popular treat celebrated in oyster festivals in cities and towns and are considered once again a luxury food. Oysters are members of he family ‘Ostredae’ and are bivalve molluscs found near the bottom of the sea in coastal areas. The upper shell (valve) is flattish and is attached by an elastic ligament hinge to the lower, bowl shaped shell. They are harvested by simply gathering them from their beds. In very shallow waters they can be gathered by hand or with small rakes. In deeper water, long-handled ra rakes or oyster tongs are used to reach the beds. In the UK, the native variety (Ostrea edulis) is still held to be the finest, requiring five years to mature and protected by an Act of Parliament during the May – August spawning season. The current market is dominated by the larger Pacific oyster and rock oyster varieties which are farmed year round. Nutritionally, oysters are high in protein and low in fat. They are an excellent source of zinc, iron, calcium, selenium as well as Vitamin A and B12. Oysters are low in food energy and are said to be the healthiest when eaten raw on the half shell, however they can also be boiled, baked, fried, pickled and steamed. Like fine wine, raw


oysters have complex flavours that vary greatly among varieties and regions. They can be sweet, salty, earthy, or even melon tasting. The texture is soft and fleshy, but crisp on the palette. Ca Care should be taken when consuming oysters. It was once assumed that oysters were only safe to eat in months with the letter ‘r’, however this is a myth whose basis in truth is that in the northern hemisphere oysters are much more likely to spoil in May, June, July and August. Unlike most shellfish, oysters can have a fairly good shelf life, however as they age, they lose their fresh taste and ‘briny-fresh’ smell. Unopened (live) oysters can be kept in the fridge, covered in wet kitchen towels, for two to three days. Do not store them in fresh water or an airtight container, as this will cause them to die. Discard any that open. When buying you should look for shells that are clean, bright, tightly closed and unbroken. Oysters can vary considerable in size, shape and flavour, with the ‘Natives’ being the more pricier. It is always easier to ask your fish seller to open your oysters at the point of sale, retaining the shells and liquor, as opening oysters requires skill. The preferred method is to use a special knife (called an oyster knife, a variant of a shucking knife), or a wide short screwdriver. Insert the knife between the two halves of the shell and gradually prise apart, working your way around to the hinge and saving as much liquor as possible.

Did you know? Opening or ‘shucking’ oysters has become a competitive sport. Oyster shucking competitions are staged around the world. Widely acknowledged to be the premiere event, the Guinness World Oyster Opening Championship is held in September at the Galway Oyster Festival, in Galway, Ireland. | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 07



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Oysters Kilpatrick • • • •

¼ tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 15g butter 2 slices of bacon, rind and fat removed, finely diced • Salt & Peppar • Lemon juice • Flat leaf Parsley Method: Combine the butter, Worcestershire sauce and vinegar. Place the pieces of bacon over the oysters and pour over the sauce Grill under a med grill for 5 mins. Sprinkle with parsley and lemon.

08 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017



Dressed Oysters.

Traditionally oysters were considered to be an aphrodisiac, so here are some suggestions on how to dress your oysters to spice up your Valentine’s Day. Simply blend the ingredients in the various recipes for a mouth-watering twist to raw oysters.

Asian Dressing • • • •

2 2 1 2

tbsp light soy sauce tbsp rice wine vinegar tbsp sesame oil green shallots thinly diced

Oyster Cocktail • • • • •

4 tbsp tomato ketchup 3 tbsp mayonnaise 1 tsp Tabasco sauce 1 tsp horseradish sauce Dash of lime juice

Bloody Mary Oysters • • • • •

Cajun Catch • • • • •

4 2 1 1 1

tbsp mayonnaise tsp Dijon mustard tsp paprika tsp cayenne pepper chopped garlic

100ml thick tomato juice 1 tsp fresh horseradish – grated 1 tbsp sherry 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce Dash of Tabasco

Cucumber and Ginger Salsa • 1 tbsp of finely chopped spring onion • 1 tbsp finely chopped red onion • ¼ Red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped • ¼ Cucumber, skin removed, finely diced • 1tsp caster sugar • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar • 1 tsp finely grated ginger • Squeeze of lime juice • Salt & Pepper | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 09

Craft Perx


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DECORATIONS Create a centrepiece for your children's Halloween party by engraving and painting an eyeball candle to make your children laugh and scream!

Step One Draw an eyeball design onto a round candle with a pencil, pressing lightly initially and more firmly when you are happy with the design.

Step Two Engrave your eyeball design onto the candle using the Dremel 300 multi-tool and the engraving cutter 107 accessory.

Step Three Brush the surface of the candle with a soft paintbrush to remove any excess wax.

Step Four Paint over the engraved lines using gouache paint and a fine paintbrush. 10 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017

Materials required : 1. Dremel 300 multi-tool and engraving cutter 107 accessory 2. Big round white candle 3. Pencil 4. Paintbrush and gouache paints

For more info, visit the Dremel website: The Dremel 300 multi-tool is available from Argos, B&Q, Homebase and online at priced from ÂŁ41.99.

Craft Perx

Make your very own

Wind Chimes

Add the music of nature to your garden with a gorgeous set of bamboo windchimes for a delightful sound effect... Bringing the sound of water and wind into your garden can enhance the hours of simple pleasure spent outside during the Summer months. A running water feature where a small fountain trickles over pebbles, or a set of bamboo windchimes gently clinking together in the breeze, adds a soft charm to any outside space. Bring some zen into your life. Just follow our easy step-by-step guide. | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 11



much of Paris has been filmed, sung about and dreamed about, so I am off to experience a weekend in this much talked about ‘city of love’.

On board the high speed Eurostar train, bound for Paris, I sit back and relax as the views roll by outside the window. In just over two hours, I will be arriving in the heart of picturesque Paris with its shops and museums and historical sights. Arriving at Paris is exciting, it is busy, yet in an organised way. The taxi driver speaks very little English, however there is no problem in getting us to our hotel ‘Villa Alessandra’. I can’t help feeling that I wished I had paid more attention in the French classes at school! In a paved stoned square stands this villa-style Paris hotel, located 5 minutes from the Arc de Triomphe. It is a small yet charming boutique hotel and a great base in which to explore the city. So unpacked and refreshed by lunchtime, I am ready to take on Paris. a The best and cheapest way to get around Paris is on foot, and secondly using the metro. (It is a bad idea to rent a car in Paris as the traffic I saw was very dense during the day and it would take the ‘patience of a saint’ to get parking!). Walking in Paris is one of the great pleasures of visiting the city. The city of Paris itself is officially divided into 20 districts, numbered from 1 to 20 in a clockwise spiral from the centre of the city (in front of Notre Dame). It is possible to cross the entire city in only a few hours, but it would take me days, as there are so many shops to look 12 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017

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at and so many café’s to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine. My first stop is the Eiffel Tower. No building better symbolises Paris, with its graceful curving structure, however you need to prepare yourself for the queues if you wish to go up and experience the fantastic views. We queued for ½ hour and I can honestly say it is worth the wait. To see this beautiful city in all its glory is memorable and you can even stop to eat, as there are two restaurants within the tower. Next it was on to The Louvre Museum to catch a glimpse of the famous’Mona Lisa’. As we approached the renaissance-style palace museum we were met by a space age glass front which houses one of the finest museums in the world of art, art-history and culture. You do have to pay to go in (10 euro’s for a full day access), however the museum is discounted after 4pm and free on the first Sunday of every month. The Louvre warrants a visit and is a great way to indulge in some of the most amazing paintings. Wearily we head back to our hotel for a well-earned coffee, before we get ready for dinner. However this is no ordinary dinner plan, we are booked to go on the Bateaux Parisien Dinner Cruise, something I suggest you book before you go to Paris, as it is very popular. As we stepped on to the glass-encased boat under the spectacular illuminated Eiffel Tower it was evident that this was going to be the best way to experience the sights of Paris at night.

Travel Perx It is a great combination of cruising down the Seine River combining Paris sightseeing, French cuisine and evening entertainment. Unobstructed views of Paris illuminated monuments and bridges float pass to the sound of our singer and band. The sight of Notre Dame, lit and standing on an island in the middle of the seine, with its gothic architecture is breathtaking, I can see why Quasimodo, the hunchback, loved it. The cuisine is meticulously presented and with a four course menu so varied, it would be difficult to disappoint. The Bateaux Paris Dinner Cruise is a very unique and memorable experience, and for me one of the highlights of the weekend. It is not cheap to book (Prices range from 98 euro – 160 euro), but in my opinion it is money well spent. The next day, I am up early to brace myself for shopping. First stop has got to be a stroll down the world famous Champs Elysees. At the head of this tree lined avenue of shops is the Arc de Triomphe. This monumental stone arch honors those who fought and died for France in French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. It is fascinating to walk around viewing names and experiencing the magnitude of this famous landmark. As the capital of fashion, the Champs Elysees is home to the world’s finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics and it is wonderful to just see alone their fabulous window displays. But reality beckons and so we catch the excellent unde underground system, the metro, to meander the myriad streets of Montmartre. A very interesting district in the north of Paris, once flooded with artists, a place that is now a mixture of old and new. Montmarte is indeed very busy with lots of tourists on the cobble stone streets and overpriced souvenir shops looming from every corner. Artists still come here and you can purchase original paintings from them in the square. With lots of performers and even an old fashioned carousel, take time to soak in the atmosphere with a stop off in one of the many cafes. In the distance my eyes are suddenly drawn to the Sacre Coeur, a church perched on top of a hill. The stark white domes are powerful and imposing and the need to climb to the top of the dome, whilst tiring, provides an excellent view of Paris. Inside the church there are domes lined with golden mosaics, side chapels lit by votive candles and a hint of incense in the air during services, which all add a touch of mystery to this immense and remarkable church. After much people watching we head back to our hotel to get ready for our second night in Paris. Ironically we return to Montmarte, although by taxi (it can be a little unsett at night) to experience the prestigious cabaret of Paris, | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 13

Travel Perx

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The Moulin Rouge Show. We have booked the dinner/show and are shown to our table at 7pm. The actual show starts at 9pm. Unfortunately the food was very average and as the 60 Doriss girls with their endless costume changes and even their famous Cancan routine performed and performed, I was glad when it was finally finished. This was expensive and whilst I do feel it was great to experience the Moulin Rouge, a glimpse of the cancan and a snack would have sufficed.

foreign cuisines. They may be off the beaten tracks and the key is to order from the prix-fixe menu and not the a la carte. Souvenirs are also easily found and can be fairly inexpensive as long as you don’t buy from the tourist sites.

Feeling a little disappointed with our evening, but not ready for bed, we headed to the popular Brasil Tropical Cabaret Club. The brasil Tropical is literally a tropical haven that is the largest Brazilian Cabaret in Paris. It offers a variety of evening entertainment from a three course meal, cabaret and dancing to entrance into the club to simply enjoy the electric atmosphere. We could drink, watch a show and dance, all in the same evening. Open until 1am, this is a club I would certainly recommend, although I don’t think our heads or feet will thank us for it!


aris is a wonderful city to explore and there are lots more sights and experiences to enjoy. Eating out in Paris can be expensive, however you can find hundred’s of beautiful restaurants with thoughtful interior design and menu’s offering a mixture of French and

Above: The Louvre Museum

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Just like the Mona Lisa,

Paris is unfortgettable

14 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017


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Your heart in your hands 16 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017

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Be physically active, as exercise helps control cholesterol levels and diabetes. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight, as excess weight causes extra strain on the heart, influencing blood pressure, cholesterol and levels of other blood fats. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink only moderate amounts of alcohol. People of all ages who are physically active are less likely to get cardiovascular disease as those that are inactive. And a healthy diet helps to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, or if you already have heart problems it will help to protect your heart, so it is a ‘win win’ situation. | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 17



18 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017


you are one of those people that no matter what colds and viruses are going around you seem to catch them all; then its time you took control and boost your immune system to help you stand up to those tiresome bugs.

Firstly it is worth understanding the immune system and how it works, because it is a complex and highly developed system, who’s mission is simple – to seek and kill invaders. The job of the network of cells, tissues and organs which include the spleen, bone marrow, adenoids, tonsils and lymphatic system, work together to defend the body from attacks by ‘foreign invaders – o tiny organisms such as bacteria and parasites that can cause infections. Viruses also cause infections, but are too primitive to be classified as living organisms. The immune system can recognise and remember millions of different enemies and it can produce secretions (release of fluids) and cells to match up with and wipe out nearly all of them. The secret to its success is an elaborate and dynamic communications network. Millions and o millions of cells organised into sets and subsets, gather like clouds of bees swarming around a hive and pass information back and forth in response to an infection. Once immune cells receive the alarm, they become activated and begin to produce powerful chemicals. These substances allow the cells to regulate their own growth and behaviour, enlist the other immune cells, and direct the new recruits to trouble spots. On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of keeping you well, however the clue is in the word ‘system’ and as we know it is important to look at ways to ‘boost the system’ and help it work effectively. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the best step you can make to keeping you well and keep those nasty bugs at bay.

HEALTH Healthy people simply have one thing in common – a strong immune system. You do not have to avoid germs, because your body will be capable of destroying them before they even make you unwell. In fact, it is worth pointing out that battling germs actually does boost your immune system. Have a look at the number of ways to support your immune system and help your body fight back.

1. Reduce your stress levels Learn to relax, whether it is enjoying yoga, playing with your dog or listening to music. Recent studies from the university of Reading show that stressful thoughts can lower levels of immune antibodies and in contrast, patients who recalled happy, non-stressful thoughts showed higher levels of immune antibodies.

2. Regular exercise Take a 10 minutes walk a few times a day, getting an average a 20 - 30 minutes physical activity which can certainly bolster many defences of the immune system. Choose an exercise programme that will keep you motivated. Build your fitness level up slowly, to avoid putting undue strain on your body.

3. Get enough sleep Sufficient sleep combined with diet and exercise helps prevent infection. Sleep gives our immune organs – tonsils, sinus and lymph glands the chance to rest and


from repair and renewal to energy restoration. It is reported that during sleep we secrete higher levels of cortisol – the hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that protects the immune system, than during the day.

4. Aim for your ‘five a day’ Almost any kind of fruit or vegetables is good for you, however if you are going to pick and choose, then it is important you go for the ones that are high in Vitamin A, C and E. Carrots are high in Vitamin A, Oranges are high in Vitamin C and nuts and seeds are high in Vitamin E. If you eat a variety of greens (and oranges and yellows and reds) as part of a balance diet, this will certainly help you fight off infection. Taking a multivitamin or mineral supplement may also help in some cases

5. Limit your drinks As we approach Christmas this is probably not what you want to hear, however just try and be mindful of your alcohol intake, as excessive consumption is toxic to your immune system cells ‘dendritic cells’, which play a critical role in helping seek and destroy invading microbes. This could lead to serious and even life-threatening infections, not to mention increased vulnerability to the cold and flu virus.

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Recipes Perx

20 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017

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Recipes Perx

Tip: Have all your ingredients prepared and ready, because you will need to continuously stir the rice. | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 21


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Pumpkin Pumpkin is a vegetable in the same class as cucumber, squash and melon. The name originates from the word “Pepon”, which is Greek for “Large Melon”. The French adapted this word to “Pompon”, which the British changed to “pumpion” and later American colonists changed that to the word we use today, “pumpkin” It is native to North America and was one of the plants the Native Indians taught the colonists how to plant and harvest. Pumpkin pie remains the traditional dessert served at Thanksgiving dinner in both Canada and United States. Typically, Pumpkins have a thick, orange or yellow shell, creased from the stem to the bottom, containing the seeds and pulp. They can range in size from less than 1 pound to over 1,000 pounds. The pumpkin varies greatly in shape, ranging from oblate to oblong and is grown all over the world for a variety of reasons ranging from agricultural purposes (such as animal feed) to commercial and ornamental sales. Pumpkins are a warm weather crop, usually planted in early July. Whilst rather hardy, the crops may suffer if there is a lack of water or because of cold temperatures. In the UK the larger pumpkins are good only for making Jack-o-lanterns, as their flesh can generally be watery, bland and soapy. Some of the smaller ‘sugar pumpkins’ have firmer flesh and the pulp has a sweeter taste, making them the better ones to use in cooking. However, Pumpkins do not store well. The small ones may keep until December if they have had a really good summer to harden their skins, but the large ones sometimes struggle to make it to Halloween before collapsing in a smelly mess!

22 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017

Perx | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 23

Recipes Perx

w w w.lifestyleper

A ghost-busting Halloween Spread. Pumpkin Soup

(Serves 4)

You will need:

1 Medium Pumpkin, 1 large onion (chopped), 2 tbsp of oil, 2 garlic cloves, 1 cooking apple (peeled, cored and diced), ½ tsp of cinnamon, 1 litre vegetable stock, 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. 1. Cut the pumpkin in half, then into wedges. Peel and deseed each wedge and cut the pumpkin flesh into 1 inch sizes. 2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the onion and cook gently until softened, add the garlic. 3. Stir in the chopped pumpkin with the chopped apple and cinnamon. Now add the vegetable stock and bring to the boil. 4. Reduce the heat and simmer for approx 25mins or until the pumpkin is tender. 5. Allow to cool slightly, then puree the soup in a blender until smooth. 6. Reheat gently, season to taste and finally stir in some coriande coriander.

Pumpkin Pie

(Serves 6-8)

You will need: 150g plain flour, 35g self-raising flour, 2 tbsp cornflour, 2tbsp icing sugar, 125g butter (diced), 2 tbsp of water (approx). For the filling you’ll need: 2 eggs, 50g firmly packed brown sugar, 2 tbsp of maple syrup, 235g cooked mashed pumpkin, 165ml of evaporated milk, 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp of ground nutmeg. Method: 1. Sift flours and sugars into a bowl, and rub in the butter. Add enough water to make the ingredients cling together. 2. Press dough into a ball, knead gently on a floured surface until smooth. Cover and refrigerate for 30mins. 3. Roll dough on floured surface until large enough to line large pie plate. 4. Place pie plate into oven, at 180 degrees Celsius for 20minutes. 5. Meanwhile beat the eggs, sugar and maple syrup in a small bowl with an electric mixer until thick. Stir in the pumpkin, milk and spices. 6. When the pastry case has cooled, pour the filling mixture in. 7. Bake in a moderate oven for about 50minutes or until filling is set. 8. Cool, and lightly dust with a little sifted icing sugar.

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| Perx Autumn Edition 2017

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Perx | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 27

Health Perx

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‘Does eating carrots help you see in the dark?’ In a way, yes. Carrots are high in Vitamin A and this helps the eyes retina, particularly for night

vision. Eyesight can change with age, diabetes,

as well as underlying medical conditions, as well

‘Is it bad to wear soft contact lenses while swimming?’

Yes…Definitely! Wearing contacts in the pool or Jacuzzi can cause eye infections of potentially

blinding magnitude. This is because water has a

different reactive strength to air, and the human eye is adapted to see in air.

support for your eyes can improve vision, relieve imp

‘Reading in the dim light will damage my eyes?’

that you have and hold back the progression and

give you a headache, new research has shown

as a lack of nutrients in your diet. Nutritional

symptoms and help protect the level of eyesight development of particular conditions and


‘Can using your eyes too much wear them out?’ No…Whilst using your eyes to concentrate on

something for a long while may tire you or give you a headache, these are not permanent

symptoms and the eyes are not weakened. However, if you do spend a lot of time on a

computer, ensure ensu that the room is well lit. Avoid reflections on the screen and low ambient light.

When I use a computer I sometimes forget to blink and my eyes become fatigued. It helps to look

away from the screen every twenty minutes, just for a few moments as this will help reduce the eyestrain.

‘Is it ever ok to look directly at the sun?’

No…Though the occasional glance will not do

you any harm, you should never look directly at

the sun. Squinting is no help, as UV light can still

enter your eyes. So be cool and wear your shades. Sunglasses are a great fashion accessory,

however most importantly they will protect your p eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

No…While it may make ma your eyes tired, sore, or that it cannot permanently damage them.

‘Does smoking also have a negative affect on eyes?’ Yes…It certainly does have an affect. Smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is for your body. The

RNIB has found that smokers are twice as likely as

non-smokers to lose their sight. Smoking causes non-smo

chemicals to damage the blood vessels behind the eyes, which can lead to sight loss. The good news however, is that all of these risks start to drop as soon as you stop smoking, and they decline steadily the longer you don’t smoke.

‘Do glasses deteriorate vision over time?’

No…Before someone starts wearing glasses for No…Befo

the first time, they have always seen the world as blurry. Or, they have gradually become used to

seeing it blurred as their vision has deteriorated. When people put glasses on, vision is instantly

clear. Then when the glasses come off, the world becomes blurred again. The blurriness may not

have been a problem before – but the person has p now become used to seeing clearly. So it is the perception which has changed, not the eye.

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Often referred to as pink eye or red eye, conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva of the eye. Typical symptoms are red or pink coloured eyes and sometimes a pus-like discharge, that may stick your eyelids together. Initial Conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes at the same time. Initially it can begin in one eye and within a few days, spread to the other eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious and can be passed easily with a towel. It is more common in children and by following a strict hygiene regime, this type of conjunctivitis can be prevented from being passed on. Viral Conjunctivitis can usually be recognised by a water-like discharge and red eyes, which can last for some weeks. Eyes may feel uncomfortable and there may be tender lymph nodes around the ear or the neck. Only one eye may be affected and typical cold like viral infection symptoms may be experienced, such as sore throat and runny nose. This type is also highly contagious and can spread rapidly, causing an epidemic of conjunctivitis. A strict hygiene also needs to be adopted. Allergy based conjunctivitis usually produces a discharge which may sting the eye. It is common amongst people with other allergies such as hay fever, asthma and eczema. The actual conjunctivitis may be caused by antigens such as pollen and dust mites. Hay fever is a typical example and symptoms include itchy, inflamed, teary and intermittently red eyes.

Dry Eyes Eyes constantly produce tears leaving them covered in fluid. Tears are made up of water, oil, and the whites of our eyes produce a mucus. The mixture creates a tear film. The tear film is reinforced when you blink and by remaining consistent, prevents eyes from becoming dry. This enables eyes to feel comfortable and for vision to remain clear. a not producing enough Dry eyes tend to develop when you are tears or the tears are not lubricating the eye properly. Your eyes may feel irritated and gritty. The problem is made worse by dry or windy weather, chlorinated swimming pools, and air conditioning or central heating.

By wearing sunglasses you can help to reduce the speed at which the tears evaporate. Applying eye drops will help lubrication and small plugs can be inserted into the tear ducts to slow down tear loss.

Stye A stye is a red bump on or inside the edge of your eyelid that swells up over a few days and becomes painful. The cause is an infection at the base of the eyelash. You may find it difficult to open your eye or feel as if you have something in your eye, especially when you blink. Your eye may also be watery and sensitive to light. A stye usually clears up by itself within a few days. Minimise the pain and reduce the risk of spreading the infection by washing your hands regularly and avoid rubbing or touching the affected eye. Don’t use make-up on the eye and don’t wear contact lenses. Once the stye has burst, bathe your eyelid with warm water, then keep your eye clean and dry.

Floaters and flashes Eye floaters take different forms, some look like small dots, others are transparent strings or cobweb like material that float within your field of vision. These specks and strings move when you move your eyes and when you try to look at them, they appear to dash away. In most cases, the floaters are often painless. a mostly caused by age related changes that Eye floaters are occur within the vitreous of the eye. They occur more in people 40years and above or who are nearsighted. a noticed when light rays enter the eye and hit the Floaters are particles, this creates a shadow on the retina perceived as spots in front of the eye. Most eye floaters do not require treatment, however if they become so numerous and severely interfere with vision, it is better to seek medical attention, as a surgical procedure may be require. ta good care of your eyes, you take good care of When you take yourself | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 29

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| Perx Autumn Edition 2017




ancying a break away – just for two, my husband and I decided to grab the opportunity to grab some 'me-time' and head to Bruges.

A tight little city, bursting with historic character and charm, it is no wonder that Bruges is one of the most popular city breaks destination. Setting off on the fabulously easy Eu Eurostar, we made our way to Brussels, where we changed onto the local Belgian railway service which took just a 40 minute ride to our destination. | Perx Autumn Edition 2017 31



As the taxi whisked us through the picturesque market squares and past the dreamily calm canals with their medieval bridges, we felt as if we had just stepped back in time. Our hotel stay was the luxuriously stylish De Tuilerieen hotel. Overlooking Dijver, one of the prettiest canals in the centre of Bruges, the De Tuilerieen hotel is a converted 15th century mansion house. If you have ever seen the film 'In Bruges' starring Colin Farrell, then I will let you into a little secret- he stayed in this hotel! He and other famous people have graced this sumptuous and characteristic hotel, and many of their signed portraits were now hanging proudly in the charming and comfortable bar. Sitting around the grand fireplace surrounded by artwork and period furniture, the selection of local beers and wines were all that was needed for us to sit back and just unwind.


Eventually we prized ourselves off the sofas and made our way to our room. From the moment we opened the door we were instantly hit with the beauty of the canal beneath our window, and despite my long lists of 'things to do and see', I felt this was a great place to simply 'catch our breath' and enjoy everything in a relaxed and gentle pace.

With an endless list of recommended restaurants and bars to explore, we had to have a few more drinks to decide where to begin, however the ambience of the hotel was so alluring, we found ourselves booking in for dinner at the hotel's restaurant. If ever we were guided to a decision (helped by wine – some may say!), it turned out to be a great one. The restaurant had the continued refined feel and the food was delicious on every course. A great way to spend our first day and a sample of a another fabulous day to come. Next day we were up bright and early and decided to head to the two main squares 32 | Perx Autumn Edition 2017

of Bruges – Markt and Burg. Everything happens from these squares, tour buses, horse and carriages, music concerts and both squares are edged with quaint little restaurants offering the famous 'moules'. Saving the moules idea for lunch or dinner, we set out to see the Basilica of the Holy Blood. Originally built in the 12th century as a chapel, the church houses a venerated relic of the Holy Blood and is an awe-inspiring building and a great place to reflect. The feeling of tranquility lasted as the chimes of the 13th century belfry seep through the cobbled streets and it felt we were suspended in time, centuries ago.



too, and we stayed well into the night. So don't go to Bruges without popping in and meeting the fabulous Ronnie, and make sure you get to sit where Audrey sat!

What makes Bruges so unique is the way it deals with the past today, and for a weekend packed with things to see and many foods and drinks to sample, this compact little city is an enchanting place to yoursel lose yourself. Tip: Wear comfortable shoes!

We continued to 'float around' admiring the medieval architecture, but the smell of waffles in the air brought us onto more pressing issues-food. When in Bruge you have to try these waffles, especially as they can be coated in their famous chocolate. Belgians love their chocolate almost as much as their beer and there is even a chocolate museum in Bruge to celebrate it. Continuing on our way through the higgledy-piggledy cobbled streets with it maze of narrow lanes criss-crossing the larger streets, you can discover all of Bruges easily on foot. Shopping is a delight with locally-made lace, tapestries and of course amazing chocolates. I feel it is fair to say the chocolate shops in Bruges are amongst the best ever. I couldn't help myself popping in to see what different flavours of chocolate each of the shops had – needless to say it's a great way to expand your waistline, but it had to be done! There are many shops with handmade candles and unusual ceramics; their designs of teapots and cups are unique and reasonably priced. Markets are also a tradition in Bruges with a food market in Markt square every

Wednesday morning and a large non-food market on 't Zand square every Saturday morning. We did get to experience the Saturday market, however we were unimp unimpressed and although we did leave the market with waffles and cakes from one stall to bring home, I don't think it is worth making a special trip for. Wandering around the picturesque squares and canals of Bruges is an endless pleasure, however sampling the local specialities is without doubt one of the main attraction for most visitors and we were not going to miss out. Whilst the mussels and chips were calling and we decided although a little more expensive, we would enjoy the treat in one of the many restaurants on Markt square. Eagerly awaiting the dish in the Restaurant La Civiere D’or, un-be-known to us, we were sitting in the same restaurant that Audrey Hepburn had regularly frequented while in Bruges. This exciting news was told to us by one of the funniest and best waiters I have ever come across – Ronnie. Not over-bearing, yet very entertaining, Ronnie gave us the low-down on Bruges and certainly made the evening very memorable. The food and drink was a joy | Perx Autumn Edition 2017


The Last Word...

I love this time of year when autumn paints its wonderful array of browns and greens and the chill of winter is on the horizon. Walking through endless woods, kicking the leaves as I go, reminds me of the sheer joy in finding a heap of leaves in the playground at school. A carefully rounded-up pile that the caretaker had obviously swept up, and knowing it was too good an opportunity to miss, I would vigorously scatter them high into the sky. Now, watching my dogs roll around in the crisp golden carpet of the woods, growling as they suddenly chase a ‘flying leaf’ and realise that it is not edible brings home the many delights that autumn holds dear. I have to admit I am a big fan of trees, through all the seasons. I love the way they stand majestically towering above us and yet knowingly calm, as they hold


| Perx Autumn Edition 2017

so many secrets of a by-gone age. I still ‘chase the gold’ with my children; a long standing tradition of finding the most beautiful golden leaf. And even as they grow older, the first fall of leaves brings excitement, because although the possibilities of summer are gone, to them it marks a new school year and a whole army of plans. Autumn in poetry has often been associated with melancholy and many people turn inward, both physically and mentally. Yet as I am writing this, the leaves may just be starting to fall, however the latest weather forecast has thrown a curveball as we once again have a promise of another ‘Indian Summer’ – we’ll see!!

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