Karl Sarkis _ Portfolio 2023

Page 26



Toronto Metropolitan University (previously Ryerson University), 2013


Toronto Metropolitan University (previously Ryerson University), 2009

Metafora Studio Arts School

Barcelona, Spain, 01/2022 - 06/2022


Mad Arkitekter

Bergen, Norway, 01/2017 - 12/2021

Project leader for: two realized office building projects in Bergen, from schematic design through to completion; schematic design of large-scale mixed-use development (residential, commercial, leisure) in Bergen; schematic design of office building in Bodø; competition proposal for office building in Bergen.

Arkitektgruppen Cubus

Bergen, Norway, 01/2016 - 09/2016

Assisted with completion of construction documents and contract administration for a hotel project in Bergen.

ERA Architects

Toronto, 09/2010 - 09/2011 and 01/2014 - 09/2015

Project leader for new build (coach house) and renovations to existing Rosedale residence. Assisted with schematic design and design development of Drake Devonshire Hotel in Prince Edward County. Assisted with schematic design and design development of a farmhouse in Collingwood and cottage in Pointe au Baril.

Harambee 4 Humanity

Orillia, 06/2009 - 01/2014

Co-designer for the realization of two classroom buildings with connecting breezeway in Ewaso Ngiro, Kenya, from schematic design through to completion.

Robert Kimpinski Architect

St. Catharines, 06/2009 - 08/2010

Project Leader for schematic design of mixed-use development in Ridgeway. Assisted with schematic design of residential development in St. Catharines, and design development for a mosque in Hamilton.

Adamson Associates Architects

Toronto, 05/2008 - 08/2008

Assisted with construction documents for London Bridge Tower (the Shard).

Contents Vaskerelven 39 Liaparken p. 12 p. 18 p. 6 Olav Kyrres gate 22
Drake Devonshire Hotel Primary School p. 26 p. 30 p. 22 Infrastructures

Vaskerelven 39

Bergen, Norway | built 2020 Project Leader with Mad Arkitekter

*Awarded the city of Bergen’s architecture and urban design prize for 2020

Vaskerelven 39 is an urban infill and revitalization project built to house co-working office spaces in the city centre of Bergen. The original site consisted of two existing buildings with poor facade conditions and out-dated interior office spaces, flanking a derelict alleyway. The existing buildings were gutted and retrofitted with more efficient office layouts and connected by a new common space - the infill - characterized by its glowing interior and contrasting facade. The previously neglected void has now become the heart and central meeting point for the building’s daily users. The site’s corner building - dating from the early 1900’s - underwent significant exterior work to return the building’s facades closer to their original expression, including the installment of new oak-framed arched windows at street level, while the other existing building’s exterior was modernized to compliment the new infill piece.

Site prior to intervention, north-east corner Original state of corner building
Completed project, north-east corner

Section through infill 1:200



Eksisterende skråtak Vaskerelven 39 bakomliggende

Ok med trevirke til kuppel dersom det er luftet i toppen (må avklares med leverandør)


Hjørne Vaskerelven 39 bygg bakomliggende

18mm uorganisk vannfast plate på PVC klosser med takbelegg brettet over

Beslag gesims 0,9mm tykk i RAL 8017 fin struktur metallic

Dampsperre og taktekking klemmes 2-lags icopal asfalt tekking

Renne med 1:60 fall mot innvendige nedløp

fall 1:40

Ubrennbar minerallull isolasjon (gjennomsnitt 280mm)

100mm mineralull isolasjon

Vannplate foring kuppel

Stålbjelke brannisolert (se tegning RIB)

13mm perforert gips himling med akustikkfilt og 50mm minerallull isolasjon


Tettfelt i RAL 8017 fin struktur metallic

18mm uorganisk vannfast plate festet til PVC klosser


Glidende innfestning mellom bjelke og vertikal fasadeprofiler (må avklares med fasadeleverandør)

Gipses mot fasade profil

Glassfasade infill

Ok gesims + 19,62m Vaskerelven

Målestokk G nr Tegningsnr Tiltakshaver Prosjekt Tegning B nr Dato Ansvarlig søker / ARK Vaskerelven 39 AS 27 06 2019 164 917 og 1121 1 : 10 Tegn SM KS OK CG Mad Bergen AS Domkirkegaten 3 5017 Bergen Telefon: 970 01 223 E -post : cg @ mad no 100 100 min. 50 250 50 75 455 150 20 150 min. fall 1:5
30 222
New glass facade parapet detail

Olav Kyrres gate 22

Bergen, Norway | built 2022

Project Leader with Mad Arkitekter

Olav Kyrres gate 22 is a revitalization project of an existing post-modern building from the 1980’s, undertaken to renew the building for contemporary office use. All of the building’s exterior windows were replaced to be energy-efficient and glazed openings were enlarged where possible to increase daylighting inside the building. To optimize usable floor area, the building’s ground level envelope was moved further out towards the street and large roof dormers were introduced on the building’s top floor. At grade, new wrought-iron elements were suspended in front of large windows to accentuate and celebrate the building’s post-modern geometry. Inside, a new entrance lobby and eatery contribute to establishing the building’s refreshed identity.

Previous recessed walkway Building prior to intervention, south-east corner
Completed project, south-east corner

Eksisterende konstruksjon beholdes

Eksisterende konstruksjon fjernes

Eksisterende 200mm isolert stendervegg

+10,11 3. Etasje

Eksisterende betong huldekke

Eksisterende stålbjelke

Eksisterende GU Stålbjelke og konsoll, brannisolert (se tegning RIB)

Beslag (klemmes opp mot eksisterende stender og fuges mot eksisterende GU, evt festes med tape med dokumentert varig heft)

200mm stålstender c/c 600mm med 200mm ubrennbar isolasjon (bygges ned fra eksisterende)

9mm GU


Isolert glassfelt profil leveres med utenpåliggende isolasjon og membran klemt profil

Isolasjon med fall og totrinns tetting (20mm tykkelse over profil med varmkonduktivitet 0,02, konf RIBfy, leveres sammen med topprofil)

Eksisterende granittplate

Beslag (føres bak GU)

Smijern element (se A-0-60-05

Skjema smijern innfestning avklares med glassfelt leverandør RIB)

Glassfelt (se A-0-60-01 Skjema vindu og glass, innfestning avklares med leverandør og RIB)

Fylling og fuge med totrinnstetting

150mm ROCKWOOL Drensplate ubrennbar fukt-og vannavvisende isolasjon (tilpasses rundt stålvinkel som kuldebrobryter konf RIBfy)

Knotteplast på utside av ny og eksisterende isolasjon (se tegning RIB)

Uorganisk vertikal lekting

Steni Nature plate med hull i bunn som tilatter lufting (lektes ut i flukt med ytterliv glass over)

Eksisterende fortau med fall (ok varierer, tilpasses ny sokkel)

Himling (type må avklares)

Eksisterende utvendig himling og granittplater fjernes


13mm gipsplate (fores ut i flukt med gips kledd granittsøyler på hver side av glassfelt)

Kloss til infestning glassfelt (konf glassfelt leverandør)

Gips fores ned i flukt med underside glassfelt profil, med 50mm ubrennbar isolasjon

Membran med totrinns tetting med luftespalte mellom mebran og beslag (leveres sammen med topprofil)

Stålsøyle på ringmur som avstivning til glassfelt (se tegning RIB konf glassfeltleverandør for innfesting til glassfelt)

Gips fores opp i flukt med toppside glassfelt profil, med 50mm ubrennbar isolasjon

Gips kledd granittsøyle bakomliggende

180x180x16 stålvinkel opplegg for glassfelt (se tegning RIB)

250mm betong ringmur (se tegning RIB)

Membran (klemmes inntil ny sokkel og gis vanntett og bestanding overlapp mot eksisterende membran føres 200mm opp på ny ringmur og ned på eksiterende membran se tegning RIB, konf RIBfy)

48mm påforing med 50mm ubrennbar isolasjon

13mm gips (tilpasset spikerslag radiator)


Fuge av mineralull (se tegning RIB)

Gulvstøp (erstatter eller summes på eksisterende utvendig gulv, se tegning RIB)


Eksisterende yttervegg og vinduer fjernes

Eksisterende påstøp Eksisterende ferdiggulv

Eksisterende utvendig gulv fjernes

Eksisterende betongdekke Eksisterende isolasjon og membran

Eksisterende betong kjellervegg

1 : 10 Ansvarlig søker / ARK Tegning Tegningsnr Rev A-0-50-01-01 Målestokk Mad Bergen AS Rosenkrantzgaten 12 5003 Bergen Telefon: 40 24 54 98 VD 01 - Sokkelsdetalj i dobbelhøyde rom 28 04 2021 Dato Arkstørrelse Tegningsstatus A3 Arbeidstegning
lufting 150 250 20 20 50 16 15
Beslag på perforertprofil som tillater
A KS CG A00 NB BREEAM Mat 05: 4 solid utvendig
veggkonstruksjon opptil 2m høyde
New envelope detail at grade 1:15 15
New entrance lobby, ground floor
New eatery and meeting area, seventh floor


Bergen, Norway | under construction with Mad Arkitekter

Liaparken is a unique residential project currently under construction in a scenic suburb of Bergen. Inspired by the scale and planning of historical neighbourhoods in the city centre of Bergen, the project is composed of a series of smaller “houses” sitting atop a terracing plinth that climbs the mountainside. The result is a seemingly organic assemblage of dwelling units connected by a myriad of intimate and open outdoor spaces, promoting the atmosphere of a small village neighbourhood. Benefiting from the site’s placement, large windows facing south and west are used to welcome in natural daylight throughout the day and evening, while providing grand views to the nearby lake and surrounding mountains. The project intends to challenge the conventional typology of apartment block housing projects in the city by proposing an alternative that is sensitive to its surroundings and designed at a more human-scale.

Aerial rendering of proposed project Project under construction, view from south-west
Project under construction, from interior looking south Project under construction, view from south-west (December 2022)
Project under construction (December 2022)

Ved akustisk krav: absorbent himling50mm isolasjon, akustikkduk, malmfuru lekt 48x23mm

posisjon av første- og siste sperr tilpasses på stedet til gavl-vegg

u k kutt kledning = typisk 2 400 mm (ref nullnivå etg)

utforming av spilevegg ikke avklart

u k beslag = typisk -60 mm (ref nullnivå etg)

Typical section through dwelling unit

u k kutt kledning = typisk 2 400 mm (ref nullnivå etg)

himling utendørs av trekledning der brannkrav tillater det

skjørt: overflate lik vegg under overdekning

*sjå A 46 03

u k beslag = typisk -60 mm (ref nullnivå etg)

u k kutt kledning = typisk 2 400 mm (ref nullnivå etg)

Tx Utsnitt, pilot 1:50

Snitt gjennom saltak-hus

Prosjekterende Målestokk Arkstørrelse Tegningsnr Tegningsstatus A 21 Dato Tiltak 677 Liaparken nr. Generell - Alle i gang - Kotehøyder - Oppgitte - Kjøkkenleverandør stedet Entreprenør - Brann førende - Byggningsfysikk foran - Dersom dette - At benyttede anbefalinger innfestingsystem - Å påse baderomssjakter lydrapportene - Å være overganger Dette - Se Det 36 A 50 30 Det 23 A 50 50 +93,10 1 Etasje +96,55 2 Etasje +100,00 3 Etasje +103,45 4 Etasje 30 140 3 450 2 400 1 050 2 400 1 050 3 450 260 450 340 100 -10 150 200 150 10 h:80 200 typisk akse: 7 500 200 spennvidde 7 460 (RIB) typisk takstol: 7 900 +87* 3 950 3 950 +87* 73 48 73 22,0° prosjekt-typisk
Kledningskategorier Det 41 A 50 50 10 Etasje 55 Etasje ,00 Etasje ,45 Etasje 6 7
26 A 19 B 09 C 29 D

Drake Devonshire Hotel

Wellington, Ontario | built 2014 with ERA Architects

Looking to expand its presence beyond its original downtown Toronto location, the Drake Hotel acquired a unique lakefront property in scenic Prince Edward Country for the development of a new rural hotel. The Drake Devonshire gains much of its identity from its rural context, as well as the specific conditions of its site. A required setback from the site’s ravine initially posed challenges for achieving the client’s programmatical requirements within a compromised building footprint. This challenge was however made an opportunity when the city accepted ERA’s proposal to cantilever the building’s dining room over the ravine, eventually resulting in one of the hotel’s more iconic and expressive moments.


Oleleshwa Primary School

Ewaso Ngiro, Kenya | built 2013 with Harambee 4 Humanity

*Nominated for Aga Kahn Award for Architecture; Finalist for Best Educational Building by the Architecture Association of Kenya; 2nd Runner Up for Green Building Award by Kenyan Energy Management

When the traditional nomadic lifestyle of the Maasai people of Kenya was challenged in the mid-nineties due to the distribution of land to individual families, the Maasai were forced to settle in growing towns. In response, the not-for-profit organization, Harambee 4 Humanity, was established to work with the community of Ewaso Ngiro in designing and building a more permanent school and community hub for the town’s growing population. Classrooms were designed with a focus on natural ventilation, natural lighting, and maintaining the Maasai’s identity through contemporary re-interpretations of traditional Maasai architecture and culture. To ensure access to education for children of both genders, features such as rainwater collection allow girls to attend school and take water home from the cistern instead of walking all day to obtain the family’s water.

shading strategy
Ventilation strategy

Matured Infrastructures

West Don Lands, Toronto | proposed 2013 MArch Thesis Project

Serving the movement of people and goods, insfrastructures of mobility (roadways, expressways, railways) guide city growth, by framing and connecting sites to accommodate new development. For decades, infrastructures of mobility have inspired architects to explore how forms of growth could be achieved in architecture. This thesis strategizes how architecture can emulate, hybridize with, and liberate from types of infrastructure as a means of serving a more prioritized role in guiding city growth, while reconnecting divided parts of the city. These strategies inform a design proposal that extends recreational activity from Corktown Common southwards into the footprint of the West Don Lands’ GO Train rail yard. The project encourages a method of continuous architectural growth throughout the urban fabric and proposes how architecture can make infrastructure a place of destination.

Site Plan 31

Indoor Program


Fitness Gym

Keating Channel Precinct

Outdoor Program




Ground Rec.

Surface Circulation

Corktown Common West Don Lands GO Train Railyard 33
Longitudinal section
Section through fitness area
Karl Sarkis 2023 (647) 853-3566 ksarkis@gmail.com ig: karl sarkis

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