The HR Department Checklist for Startups

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The HR Department Checklist for Start-ups

Start-ups have a lot of work onwards, and in the rush of everyday business, it can be difficult to take time and establish a solid HR consulting. While many small businesses may not see the need for an HR consulting, it’s a necessary and valuable strength to have at your company, especially if you’re looking to grow. Not only can HR Compliance for Startups on help keep your company organized while you grow, but it can handle internal issues that are bound to crop up when you least expect them. Most small businesses and start-ups have small HR consulting that may only have one person on the team (if they have an HR department at all). Even if you have a oneperson team in HR, make sure they have understanding of handling hiring, payroll, benefits, onboarding, and training. Devising HR software for small businesses will help keep you organized and on task as you develops your HR department from scratch. Your HR Department Start-up Checklist: If there is no plan in place, it will be up to your HR consulting to develop an HR Compliance for Startups from the ground up. They can do this by following our steps by HR Compliance for Startups checklist and taking time to implement each aspect in a way that best suits your business’s needs.

1. Create Organizational Design Your company doesn’t need to have a wide-ranging organization plan the day you open, but you do need to have a basic HR department plan for structure and operation. This plan will act as a guideline as your company enlarges and will help you develop your HR consulting. 2. Create On boarding and Recruiting Procedures Even if your startup is small, you need to study how to make hiring decisions. This contains where to post your job ads, how to determine who your target candidates are, and how to construct the on boarding process. This includes the: • Offer Letter • Employee Information for Payroll • I-9 Employment Verification • Equity Paperwork • Any Employment Agreements (non-compete, intellectual property, etc.) In addition to required paperwork, consider your onboarding process for new employees. Check in often with your employees during their first several months and maintain open communication with new hires.

3. Outline Regulations for Compliance, Safety, and Health A vital point is making sure your work environment is safe for employees and meets federal and local regulations. Your work environment must comply with the Work-related Safety and Health Act (OSHAct) as well as outline policies for behaviors to stay in compliance following in parenthesis typically by way of signature or E-Signature. Developing an HR consulting focused on creating a workplace that complies with federal regulations for compliance, safety, and health provides legal protection for your company. Regulations change often, which is where a dedicated HR team can help ensure you’re in agreement with federal and local laws. You can visit the U.S. Department of Labor website for additional information on workplace safety requirements. 4. Conclude Compensation and Benefits Now that HR Compliance for Startups has formed your hiring process, you’ll want to know how to keep employees with your company for the long haul. Ensuring that your company establishes competitive reward and benefits can help you get there. In order to establish these plans, you’ll need to define what your pay structure looks like, as well as policies for vacation and sick time, retirement benefits, and what system you will use to manage payroll.

5. Maintain Employee Relationships Employee complaints can and do happen. HR Consulting’s best approach to any situation is having established policies in place to handle complaints. Get ready to address any employee concerns by outlining your business’s standard of conduct, creating a plan to address issues, and establishing a system for gathering employee feedback. 6. Develop Training Programs and Performance Management Methods When you’re just starting up your new business, training employees and appraising their performance may not be your top priority. An important part of setting up an HR Compliance for Startups is making sure you are allowing employees to grow and develop their skills and providing them with appropriate feedback for improvement. This can be accomplished by keeping personnel files and forming a performance evaluation process. Failure to train employees may result in poor performance and loss of employees and may damage your importance in the industry if left unchecked.

7. Practise a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) There’s technology out there to help HR departments. Human Resource Information Systems can assist you track employee time, recruit new employees, manage paychecks and benefits; automate administrative tasks, track compliance, keep records, and much more. However, you should remember that just because an HRIS has all these features doesn’t mean your company needs to spend the extra cash to purchase everything. Assess company size, payroll needs, industry, and budget to determine what tools you really need and what would be icing on the cake. 8. Arrange Audits An additional key point to consider when detailing your HR policy is keeping in mind that you will be audited at some point. Prior that happens, your HR Compliance for Startups should establish areas to review and check for compliance,

as well as ensure they meet manager and employee needs. Some of these areas may include: Policy Information • Recruitment • Orientation and Training • Company Policies • Benefits • Payroll • Salary Structure • Employee Relations • Documents • Organizational Strategy • Safety Plan • Personnel Files • Posters • Performance Evaluations • Organizational Strategy

9. Build an Action Plan Creating a detailed action plan to implement these key points in the HR Compliance Companies for Startups checklist is crucial for getting management approval and making sure everyone is on the same page with budgets and HR actions. Organization can then categorize projects by priority level and help HR create a project timeline for implementing each action. Part of your action plan should be creating an employee manual that details HR policies such as benefits, commitments, equal opportunity, employment practices, pay, safety issues, consequences for misconduct, and leave of absence. These make sure employees are on the same page and aren’t confused about new policies and procedures. This will also help answer many basic employee questions that would otherwise take up valuable HR consulting time.

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