PO R T FO L IO Karoline Jacobsen Sørum
Marin pedagogical center, Malmø Nord Architects Copenhagen 2014 Pavilion DR Artclub Chart art fair, Copenhagen 2014 Tecto- Stereotomic interventions in Istanbul Thesis project, KADK 2014 Café Linnea Envelope A+D, Berkeley California Acoustic installation Envelope A+D, Berkeley California Ceramic screen California College of the Arts, San Francisco Flex side table California College of the Arts, San Francisco Fill In dwellings Semester assignement, KADK Transformation of the Frankfürt Kitchen Workshop, KADK
M A RI N P EDAGO GI CAL CE NTE R - MA L MĂ˜ p ro j e c t le ad e r - compet it ion W IN N I N G P ROP OS AL
Nord Arch ite cts Co pe n ha g en 2014
The Marin Pedagogical Center, located at Ribersborgstranden in Malmø was a competition I was leading during my employment at Nord Architects. The building is a learning facility of various use and the concept has been to develop a flexible space, which can be efficiently utilized by all user groups. The buildingmass consists of fixed cores surrounded by flexible indoor space. The performative roof containing sun panels and wind shafts covers the indoor area with an overhang on each side. A covered outdoor passage cuts through the building, connecting the arrival side to the seafront. The building is surrounded by a learning landscape, consisting of small hills to restrain the wind and various learning stations. The idea has been to make a subtle transition between inside and outside programs, in order to create a diverse learning experience in close relation to the nature. I worked on the project together with various members of the Nord team; for the final boards I participated in the production of drawings and models. (Renders made by Pixeflake).
cores placed in the landscape
creating indoor and outdoor spaces
dunes restrain wind and define space
learning landscape
performativity and cycles
roof rotated to align with seaside
marin pedagogical bioptop
learning landscape
elevation West
elevation East
elevation South
elevation North
section BB
section AA
PAVI L I O N D R A RTCLU B Cha rt Ar t Fair 2014
p rojec t lea der d e si g n e d + con st ru c ted
The assignment was to design and construct a pavilion for DR Artclub, to utilize during Chart art Fair 2014 at Charlottenborg, Copenhagen. The design was developed in close dialog with DR Artclub over the summer, while the pavilion was constructed over a five days period in late august. DR Artclub activates their followers by assignments in digital social media, the concept of the pavilion evolves around the idea of translating social media into the analogue realm. The structure of the pavilion consists of a three-dimensional grid performing as a framework for a site-specific assignment. The outputs of the assignment will each leave a trace in the facade and together create an exhibition, which will gradually modify the expression of the pavilion during the Art Fair. The pavilion is modular and enables a series of settings to provide different spaces and walk-flows, meaning not only the facade but also the actual shape will change over time.
elevation front
elevation side
modular settings
The project aim is to propose and discuss a staged transformation of a micro industrial area in Karakรถy, Istanbul trough the development of a component typology. The typology has been studied in close correlation to the surrounding and subsequently incorporated context. The project elaborates on the already ongoing transformation of the neighborhood, the existing culture and social interaction between the inhabitants. The catalog of elements consists of the key components of the design, based on a set of casted modules and wood elements, performing as fill-inns or bridges connecting the heavy structure. The system is flexible and open for customized solutions. The catalog has potential to expand depending on any requirements or requests from the inhabitants, or specific needs created in meetings with the existing context. The transformation emerges from a historical building located in the heart of the area; the building performs as an epicenter for the transformation by being both a production facility and the formal generator of the elements. Here the debris of existing buildings are grinded and recycled in order to produce the new structure.

The concept of the tectonic and stereotomic expanded from the idea of a generic system emerging from the local historical building, to a specific structure, adapted to the context and its particular needs. The project has evolved from a small set of modules to many, from the idea of a small-scaled production into large, while more layers have been added to the narrative. The historical building generates a new grid and a set of modules, which start to merge into the surrounding context. Over time the system becomes gradually densified, and new semi-public spaces are created between the meeting of new and old, rehousing and improving the existing programs of the area.
The strategy is based on a gradual dissolution, where the part of the site facing the city appears more closed, while the structure opens up and becomes more complex and fragmented toward the waterfront. Here the structure is independent of the existing. A new faรงade towards the water is created as well as a path between the existing houses and the new. There is a simultaneous growth in two directions, the vertical expansion of the element structure, and the horizontal deification towards the water.
CA F Ăˆ LI N N EA E nvelo pe arch ite ctu re + des i g n Sa n Fran cisco 2013
CafĂŠ Linnea is a combined coffee and waffle shop located in the Mission Neighborhood of San Francisco. I participated in the development of the project together with one other architect and a furniture designer, during my employment at envelope A+D. The interior is both designed and fabricated in-house. The food concept, constrained by health standards for kitchens, was kept cool and simple through the use of stainless steel, white ceramic tiles and concrete. The coffee bar, anchored by an oak service platform, was warmed to match its offerings with an oak-plywood wall in a hexagonal pattern covering the back wall. A red steel window frame opens to the side street, creating a ledge for people to stand and lean.
p ar t o f d es ign tea m d e si g n e d + con st ru c ted
ACOUS TI C I N S TALLATI ON E nvelope arch ite ctu re + des i g n Sa n Fran cisco 2013
This installation was the end result of a five month acoustic research project, which I was leading during my time at Envelope A+D. The aim was to investigate materials and geometry combinations, which would improve the acoustic qualities in architecture. The project was seen as a prototype for acoustic implementations for office to apply in future projects. The geometry is developed and designed in Rhino by the use of Grasshopper. I fabricated the installation myself, by the use of strips of woolfelt and metal rivets. It now serves as a permanent part of the envelope A+D main office in Berkeley, California.
Pro jec t lea der d e si g n e d + con st ru c ted
CERAMIC SCREEN From dig ital to an alo g fa br i ca ti on Ca l ifor n ia Co lle g e o f the Ar ts 2 0 1 2
An interdisciplinary advanced architecture studio focused on the transition from digital to analog methods in fabrication. A 3-dimetional module, capable of various forms of aggregation was developed in in Rhino, and further fabricated as ceramic slip casts. The mold for the cast was CNC routed from a block of plaster, and performed as an instrument for the production of a series of modules. The concept was to create an element that would perform in different scales. The screen allows for light to pass through and reflections reveals movements from opposite side. The installation was exhibited and sold at the annual California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art in Davis, California in 2012.
F L E X S I D E TAB LE Furnit ure de sig n stu di o C a l iforn ia Co lle g e o f the Ar ts 2 0 1 2
‘Flex side table’ was designed and built during a furniture studio at California College of the Arts. The design is constructed entirely out of Alder, a local American timber. The idea was to create a flexible furniture, easy to move around, which would inherit a different appearance from every angle.
F IL L I N DW ELLI NGS Three dwe llin g s in te r wea ved KA DK 2011
The assignment investigates the placement of three dwellings in a narrow fill-in site in Copenhagen. Each dwelling performs as a linear sequence of programs, which in various ways relate the others through overlapping and interweaving. The focus has been both the relation between the individual dwellings as well as the interaction with the existing building structure.
The Frankfürt kitchen, designed in 1926 by Austrian architect Margarete SchütteLihotzky, was a milestone in domestic architecture, considered the forerunner of modern fitted kitchens. The kitchen was built after a unified concept, designed to enable efficient work and low cost construction. The aim of this workshop has been to elaborate further on this idea, to develop a new proposal of the kitchen through flexible solutions and modularity.
Copenhagen 2014