Website: Address:KARPAGAM ACADEMY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Salem - Kochi Hwy, Eachanari, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641021
Study on how religions are teaching children • To understand how religion is being taught, we can turn to the 2019 book, Religious Parenting: Transmitting Faith and Values in Contemporary America, authored by Professor Christian Smith and co-authored with Bridget Ritz and Michael Rotolo, who interviewed hundreds of individuals of diverse religious backgrounds, including Hindus and Buddhists. • They found that, amid massive variation, parents share an almost similar approach to the religious socialization of their children. For almost all, faith is important for the framework that it offers to become one’s best self on the path of life, which you will learn more about at Karpagam Architecture, Top architecture colleges in South India. • On a small scale, some research in Asia among Hindu parents and found that many hold a similar perspective: that faith training develops character and helps their children to more confidently and effectively handle life’s challenges. Parents shared that religion is like a kite string that holds individuals to their earth-bound reality and keeps them from drifting into oblivion.
Seeking utmost happiness • Parents are naturally focused on raising their children to be successful. To many, success is defined almost exclusively as material prosperity, which is best achieved by pursuing a high paying, highly demanding professional career. Of course, this strategy includes marrying an equally educated and socially positioned spouse. This definition of success ignores a crucial component—being happy. “Learn to be happy by seeking happiness, not from others but from the depths of the soul itself.” To achieve this: “Put a smile on other people’s faces. Gain your satisfaction by making other people happy and observing your own good states of mind. ” Contentment comes from giving, not from getting.
Getting a grip on anger • Few things ruin the quality of life more than anger. Therefore, learning to minimize expressions of this negative emotion and eventually eliminate them is important. A deep understanding of the law of karma allows us to accept what is happening to us as what should be happening to us and not become angry about it. We accept that it is in our karma to experience what we are undergoing, both positive and negative. Whatever is happening to us is precipitated by our actions in this and past lives. So, at Karpagam Architecture, the first choice of architect colleges in Coimbatore, make sure you stay focused on happiness and work your way to success.
Controlling stress • Hindu children face stress in the form of major exams in school, which start as early as age eight in Asian countries. Under such stress, they can’t do their best work or learn effectively. Hatha yoga asana routines have the power to balance the nervous system and reduce anxiety if performed regularly every week. Another method is the regular practice of diaphragmatic breathing. The basic concept is to train yourself and your children, not from the mouth, and to breathe from the diaphragm. That’s the natural progression.