Karriem a muhammad | Good Communication skills

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Karriem a Muhammad


INTRODUCTION: The term 'Communication' has been derived from the Latin word 'communis' that means 'common'. Thus 'to communicate' means 'to make common' or 'to make known'. This act of making common and known is carried out through exchange of thoughts, ideas or the like. The exchange of thoughts and ideas can be had by gestures, signs, signals, speech or writing. People are said to be in communication when they discuss some matter, or when they talk on telephone, or when they exchange information through letters. It is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver with the information being understood by the receiver. A proper understanding of information is one very important aspect of communication

Karriem a muhammad


PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION Establish goals. Develop plans for achievement of goals. To effect change, internal functioning & influence actions Organize human and other resources in the most effective and efficient ways. Select, develop and appraise members of the organization. Lead, direct, motivate and create a climate in which people want to contribute. Control performance.

Karriem a muhammad




Karriem a muhammad



History of Written Communication Historians generally agree that causality is central to historical writing. The fact that many school history students have difficulty handling and expressing causal relations is therefore of concern. That is, whereas historians tend to favor impersonal, abstract structures as providing suitable explanations for historical events and states of affairs, students often focus on human “wants and desires.” The author argues that linguistic analysis can offer powerful insights into how successful students use grammar and vocabulary to build different types of causal explanations as they move through secondary schooling. In particular, the author shows how functionally oriented linguistic analysis makes it possible to discriminate between “narrative” and “analytical” explanations, to distinguish between “enabling” and “determining” types of causality, and to reveal the value of assessing degrees of causal impact. Karriem a muhammad


Meaning Of Written Communication Communication is a part and parcel of everyday life. We cannot not communicate. It is one of the most essential and integral part of our existence, and the absence of communication can lead to many problems and misunderstandings. In order to have an effective dialog, it is necessary that effective communication skills be developed. Communication can be divided into verbal and non verbal. Verbal communication means any communication that involves spoken words or sounds. Non verbal communication includes any communication that does not use oratory media for communication. Karriem a muhammad


Importance of Written Communication Written communication involves the use of written words to send a message from one point to another. Written communication is important for any business entity to carry out the daily business activities. It helps in maintaining records of business transactions. Written communication like brochures and catalogs help companies to showcase their products effectively. Print advertisements help to market products. Written documents can serve as evidence in a court of law if and when required. Written words are believed more than spoken words. It's just human psychology to believe something that we see in writing than something someone says Personal written communication like letters, emails, post cards, greeting cards, etc., have their own charm and special meaning to the ones sending and receiving them. Karriem a muhammad


How to Improve Written Communication Skills:

The importance of effective written communication skills cannot be stressed enough. Written communication plays a major role, especially in the corporate world. Hence, it is doubly important to have good written communication skills in the workplace. Business writing or any other form of written communication can be very simple for those who follow the guidelines that are given below. Audience: The audience is mainly what determines the content to be written. Once you have an idea about who is the intended audience, you can judge for yourself what other necessary steps need to be taken to ensure the completion of the communication cycle, which is, after all, the intention of any piece of communication. Information: The basics of communication should be covered in your piece of written communication. This is basically almost the entire information that you wish to give the reader. However you present the data, these points need to covered, only then is it an effective way of communication.

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Tone: Deciding the tone of your communication depends on the audience to a large extent Tones can vary from casual, semi formal to formal, depending on who you're communicating with and what you intend to communicate. Length: Knowing when to stop applies to written communication skills as well. You can't just keep rambling on and on, when not required. The beauty of effective written communication can be seen in its presentation. How well and how concisely you manage to accommodate all the information that you need to give is what shows how proficient your written communication skills are. The key is to be 'clear, concise and correct'. But this does not necessarily mean that you cut short on something that requires to be explained in detail. Karriem a muhammad


Written Communication Advantages


Provide a tangible and verifiable record

Time consuming

Record can be stored for an indefinite period of time

No guarantee how reader will interpret it

Permanent in nature

Costly process

Accurate and assigning of responsibilities

Lack of clarification

Karriem a muhammad

Lack of feedback


History of Oral Communication Speech was developed about 200,000 years ago Symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago Writing was developed about 7,000 years ago Evolution of the brain differentiated humans from animals, as among other things it allowed humans to master a very efficient form of communication - speech. Karriem a muhammad


Meaning Of Oral Communication Developing the oral communication skills, holds great importance in interacting properly with people. The communication process which is carried out by means of spoken words is referred to as oral communication. In today's world, development of different media has led to the communication process to take place by different means such as telephones, teleconferences and video conferences. Face-to-face meetings and speeches were the main forms of communication in earlier times. Effective listening in the workplace is important just like speaking.

Karriem a muhammad


Skills Required for Oral Presentation For a good oral presentation, the quality of text being prepared and the way it is presented are equally important. An organized text presentation allows the orator to proceed smoothly from point-to-point. Presenting relevant data through the presentation is first and foremost point to be kept in the mind. The speech/presentation should be interactive. It is necessary to develop oral communication skills to survive in today's world. Individual and business relations can be developed and maintained with the help of these skills.

Karriem a muhammad


Oral Communication Advantages


• Time - saving device • Interaction

Lack of time

• Ample scope • Economic in nature


• Feedback

Lack of legal validity Effectiveness Retained in record books

Karriem a muhammad


Conclusion of Written Communication and Oral Communication o Written communication is very common in business situations, so it is important for small business owners and managers to develop effective written communication skills. oOral communication describes any type of inter-action that makes use of spoken words, and it is a vital, integral part of the modern business world. For oral communication to be effective, it should be clear, relevant, tactful in phrasology and tone, concise, and informative. A good oral presentation will include transitional phrases to help listeners move through the material, and will not be overly long or technical.

Karriem a muhammad


O Y K N A H T Karriem a muhammad

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