Karriem A Muhammad | Interactive Advertising | Business
Interactive Advertising Interactive advertising refers to promoting approach that include an aspect of comment from those to whom the announcement are conducted. This feedback gives the advertiser analytic data that can be used to improve the advertising methods being employed. Collective advertising is usually used to refer to online advertising, but can also be enforced to offline advertising methods such as consumer analysis.
Techopedia explains Interactive Advertising Although interactive advertising in now generally considered common sence, it was a innovative idea when Internet analytic first started being used with any accuracy. By tease ad approaches, colors and content, and approaching feedback from the target segments, precursor have given hidden customers the opportunity to interact with companies and their advertising, rather than simply being pitched to. Of course, this overt feedback is usually given less weight than the analytical data that way how changes in an ad affect its performance. Interactive advertising goes beyond simple banners and click through, using social media, branded polls and games, and many other approaches to engage the target audience. Interactive advertising is a form of media-based marketing that businesses and product manufacturers use to promote products, services and other announcements and information. A businesses targets consumers from the websites they visit as well as on smart phones and other hand-held media devices. Companies use interactive advertising to build brand recognition and connect with consumers where they spend the most time researching products and services.
Social Media An effective interactive advertising method is Internet marketing via social media and networking websites. Social media marketing involves advertising to consumers through channel such as social networking websites, online association and blog operations. Advertising through social media outlets provides a direct marketing approach because it targets an audience based on its interests. For example, a health company may target an online group of fitness admirer by marketing supplement products on websites dedicated to health and well-being.
Videos Video ads are forms of interactive media advertisements that display short advertisement messages to consumers who visit various websites. Videos may appear automatically when a consumer visits a particular site, or consumers may have the option to view videos at their disposal. Many product manufacturers utilize video advertisements to build brand recognition of the products consumers use every day, such as cleaning or food products. Department store and home improvement store chains also utilize video ads to build brand recognition.
Many businesses and product manufacturers utilize pop-ups as a form of interactive advertising. Bloop advertisements are new browser windows that appear on the computer cover with advertisement-rich content. Businesses utilize bloop announcment to make announcements, sell products, offer deduct services or get buyer to visit a new website.
Displays Display ads use visually stimulating graphics to get the debate of website visitors. Display advertisements can appear anywhere on a web page and vary in size, shape and content. These ads have the same concept as classic picture advertisements in the yellow pages. They draw the visitor's attention to the ad with colors, pictures and relevant content. Effective act attract consumers to click on the ad to obtain additional information about the product or service publicized.
Advantages of interactive advertising
Interactive advertising allows consumers to interpret advertisements in unique ways and understandings, and discard light on the increasing significance of the consumer’s role in determining the value of marketing movement in modern society. Interactive advertising encourages consumers to heavily engage in the marketing communications themselves to input feedback, neglect extraneous elements, and consume content that appeals to them. As capitalism becomes more outstanding within the global economy and social interactions become more significant in establishing healthy long-term relationships with consumers, interactive advertising also grows in importance because it cause greater motivation for social interaction between potential consumers and suppliers.
Disadvantages of interactive advertising
Whilst interactive advertising may be highly appealing to a prepared audience, it is difficult, costly and time-consuming to prepare, especially for target markets that have yet to be properly identified and analyzed. Interactive advertising has greater benefits in industries where creativity helps to capture the attention of buyers. In some markets however, there is little room for this, and excessive use of creativity can become a form of noise that disturb the conveying of calculated messages to consumer
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